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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a 20-year-old student at Finance Banks and Accounting from the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian Uni ersity in Braso and I am !riting to en"uire a#out career o$$ortunities !ithin your com$any% I ha e isited you !e#site and I see that it needs u$dating% I am sure I can sol e your $ro#lem !ith the !e#site and more% &his is the reason you need me I am the only one em$loyee !ho can sol e the $ro#lem !ith !e#site%

I am in my second year of study, and i am loking for a part time job. This will help me alot to finish my study, and your company will sey thanks because you employment me. I will be glad if you can send me some information about your free jobs, because i can`t find on your website. Sory on your company website I can`t find something. nd if you will send me some information about how i can apply... it will be great. Thanking in ad!ance. "ours faithfully #itu $ogdan

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