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Sydney Burson October 7,2013 B6 Relationships between characters in an effective narrative e press how each individual affects another!

"n order to have a better plot co#prehension, readers need to understand the relationships between characters and the effects of those relationships! $ri% is best represented as the lar&e, red e plosive'loo%in& shape! (e has an unpredictable te#per which )e plodes* at any &iven ti#e! +he color red e presses the dan&er and his an&er issues! ,fter the first football &a#e of the season and )$ri%-s banana'peel bac% flop in the #ud* .131/, the reader &ets a hint to $ri%-s violent behavior throu&h 0aul-s thou&hts! (is thou&hts consisted of a few %ey phrases, consistin& of )$ri% can-t lau&h this off* .131/, )$ri% can-t leave this hu#iliation behind hi#* .131/, )So#eone has to pay for this* .131/! "f the boy #a%es a #ista%e and then suddenly so#eone else has to pay for it, doesn-t that sound li%e the adolescent #i&ht have so#e an&er issues1 $ri%-s an&er issues contribute to his erratic behavior! 2o one is 3uite sure what will set hi# off! , curvy blue shape sy#boli4es 0aul because the blue si&nifies his cal# attitude and the curviness of the shape shows the co#ple irre&ularity of hi#! 0aul has so#e vision proble#s, but he is still a &ood soccer player! (e told his principal at 5a%e 6indsor 7iddle School that he was )a soccer player* .26/ when as%ed if he was a soccer fan! "t was awful for 0aul when 8oach 6als%i told hi# that because he was )visually handicapped* .62/ 0aul could not be allowed to play soccer on the 5a%e 6indsor 7iddle tea#! ,fter he was told that, he )too% off his sports &o&&les, and started to cry* .63/! +hen a sin%hole opened up at the school and 0aul started to attend +an&erine 7iddle! +his is where 0aul starts to chan&e fro# the shy and 3uiet %id he was bac% at 5a%e 6indsor to the confident 6ar $a&le he is at +an&erine! ,fter the soccer &a#e at 0al#etto

Sydney Burson October 7,2013 B6 7iddle School 9 (o#e of the 6hippoorwills 9 and one of those players s#ears #ud on 0aul-s &lasses, :ictor states )5isten, ;isher 7an, here it is! "f you-re &onna play with us, then you-re &onna play with us! <o you understand1 =!"f you-re a 6ar $a&le, then you-re a 6ar $a&le! >ou &ot brothers to bac% you up! 2obody-s &onna #ess with you, not anyplace, not anyti#e! <o you %now what "-# sayin-1* .12?/! +an&erine 7iddle School students and his soccer tea##ates are about the only people that accept 0aul the way he is! $ri% ;isher outshines his youn&er brother, 0aul ;isher@ or at least he does as far as their father is concerned! 0aul pretty #uch su#s it up by sayin&, )as usual when $ri% appears, the attention is switched fro# #e to hi#* .1A/! )<ad, " don-t #ind if you never pay any attention to #e for the rest of #y life, Bust &ive #e this chanceC* .A?/, when 0aul says this to his father in order to try and &et his parents let hi# attend +an&erine 7iddle School@ his father replied with, )6hat-s this about #e never payin& attention to you1 7aybe durin& football season "-# #ore wrapped up with what $ri%-s doin&! +hat-s true! But the rest of the ti#e " pay e3ual attention to you boys* .A?/! Sadly 7r! ;isher for&ot to consider the fact that soccer season and football season happen to occur at the sa#e ti#e! +hou&h, this is understandable because he was able to re#e#ber )his favorite topic, the $ri% ;isher ;ootball <rea#* .11/! 6hen the red shape covers the blue shape, it shows the boys in the sa#e li&ht that their father sees the# in! ,nother way to loo% at the relationship the two brothers have is to loo% at the red shape as if it were attac%in& the blue! $ri% is always )lur%in& behind D0aulE, in the shadows* .16F/ )because DheE is a psycho* .20A/ who uses his friend to )ta%e care of all DhisE li&ht wor%* .212/! $ri% hurts people, but never suffers the conse3uences for it! (e blinded his brotherC (e )&rabbed

Sydney Burson October 7,2013 B6 D0aulE fro# behind Dand pinnedE both of D0aul-sE ar#s with Bust one of his* .263/ and then $ri% used his )fin&ers Dto pry 0aul-sE eyelids open while :incent 8astor sprayed white paint into the#* .263'26?/! "n other words, the siblin&s do not have an even re#otely healthy relationship! Gnderstandin& the relationships between characters and their affects can and will help plot co#prehension throu&hout the rest of the story! By usin& &eo#etric shape desi&ns to represent each character, a reader can better understand the relationships between different characters and how they affect each character!

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