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Esl games for your esl lesson in Thailand

How to effectively teach English in the esl classroom!



Why use esl games to teach english?

When we talk about teaching English through the use of esl games and esl activities we are referring
only to small segment of the esl lesson.

Remember there is no one effective way to teach English, we have to make use of a wide variety of
methods and varying angles in order to teach English most effectively.

One of the biggest reasons why we tend to use or should use so many varying techniques and different
approaches in order to teach English in the esl classroom. Is simply if you are teaching English to kids
their attention span is very limited and they become bored!

Once you have a class full of bored kids then your problems will really start. Boredom = noise, no
control, discipline problems and most of all a lack of learning which all translates to you not being
an effective esl teacher!

The one way to make your troubles disappear whilst maintaining order in the esl classroom is to
introduce esl games and esl activities into your lesson. Now for the esl teacher who is teaching English
you are litterly spoiled for choice.

However I must point out to you especially if you are a new esl teacher that your games should be
simple! Why simple games?

1.Easy to explain to the students.

2. Easy for you to organize

3. Quick to get started

4. A lot of fun in a short amount of time

5. Great time fillers! Can easily fill that odd ten minutes at the end of the esl lesson.

How often should I use esl games and activities in my English lessons?

In my humble opinion you should include esl games and activities in every lesson that you

A word of caution about the usage of esl games and activities in your English lessons!

DON'T OVERDUE THINGS! If you do your students will become bored of the same old
games and activities. Make the activities and games like a treat that they earn for working hard
in the lesson! After a while they will begin to associate esl games an activities with working
hard and behaving themselves!

If it helps you can think of it a little like the Pavlov's dogs experiments!

Remember it's alright to use the same games and activities again and again, however if you
decide to do this, then make sure you don't do the same esl games and activities every day!

Games and activities should not be used solely on their own in the esl classroom! They are
only a supplement and should if possible complement what you've already taught from the

Don't fall into the trap of excepting one word answers! Of course any English that the
students utter is beneficial to them and their future development in learning to speak English.

Though I must add, one of the most serous culprits that I've ever come across is that world
famous game HANGMAN! This esl game might be of some use when teaching English to
young kids lets say five years old and upwards though very inappropriate in an adult esl class!

If you want to teach esl games that only require the student give a one word answer then I
suggest that you restructure the activity so the student has to form a short sentence with the
target word in before you award points or except it as a correct answer!

Esl games and activities for teaching English in the esl classroom a few examples...

Play Math with esl

1. Make sure the kids understand these terms first / + * - teach them before you start

2.Create two teams or more in the esl classroom. For example... team A & team B.
3.Give an example.. what is 1 + 1? Somchai shouts... IT'S 2! Teacher replies... that's correct
one point to somchai's team.

This esl activity really gets the students thinking! What you should do is to write out a list of
sums that you're going to use before the lesson.

If you can just say them off the top of your head then all the better for you. However I would
advise you to plan out what you are going to do before you go into your esl lesson.

For more esl lessons esl games and esl activities check out this page... ESL GAMES AND

Remember it's up to you to make your esl lessons interesting for you and your students! The
more interesting your English lessons are, the more your students will love learning and the
more they will learn!

Good Luck.

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