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Portfolio Carina Forsell

Carina Forsell 525 S. Center St. Perkins 108 Rexburg, Id 425.697.0202

Table Of Contents
Brochure Montage Event Ad Logos Business Card Letterhead Web Page Flier Imaging

Description: We were asked to create a brochure with at least one fold, four images, a logo, and a cut out image. I designed a brochure promoting Chesbury Golf Resort. Date: December 7th, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided document . Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure.With at least four images, with a text wrap on one and a cut out on another.Write at least 250 words of original copy with at least three paragraphs.

Process: I set up my guides in InDesign for a portrait layout brochure, then I added my four images and text. I had to cut out my castle image in Photoshop using the quick selection tool and filters to add quality. Then I put a text wrap on the image so the text folded around the edges of the image. I put filters on the other images as well. I created the crest logo in Illustrator and imported that into my brochure as well. Then I picked my fronts, colors, themes, and inserted my 250 words into text boxes. Then I saved my project and took screenshots to add onto my post.

Date: October 26th, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson

Description: We were asked to create an artwork on photoshop, using typography, blending at least 2 images and using a filter. I chose to create a holiday flier promoting Christmas. I chose these images off the internet.

Programs Used: Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign Objectives: Learn how to use consistant typography and theme to create a three blended image in Photoshop. Process: I chose a theme, then three images. Once I did this, I uploaded them in Photoshop. I had to create layers, a mask, and blend the images. Then I had to use a filter, I chose Accented Edges Filter. Then I had to use typography. I had to use contrast with the elements by choosing contrasting, but working fonts and chose to keep repetition in the image as well with color. The gifts and text is the same color and the ornaments and the lights on the tree are both gold. Then I had to save and submit the project.

Event Ad
Description: I was asked to create an advertisement for a charity with the Time, Date, and Place, benefactor, beneficiary, and a scanned image. This is an ad for a 5k Mud Run put on by the Chamber of Commerce with the proceeds going to the Seattle Childrens Hospital. Through this project we learned how to scan an image. But we had to keep the image the same without looking distorted. We also used Word for the entire project and learned how to create art through this program. Date: October 11, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Microsoft Word Objective: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word. Process: We started with a image we wanted to use, then we had to scan this image without distorting it. We came up with a charity we wanted to create advertisement for and got to work. We used Word instead of Indesign and had to get to know the program. We had a few requirements for this project including the time, date, place, benefactor, beneficiary, and any other information you would need to participate.

5K Charity Mud Run

Take a day off and bring your friends and family to come support your local hospital by running in the Chamber of Commerces annual charity to help Seattle Childrens Hospital

Where: Starting at the Space Needle and ending at the International District When: Saturday, October 11th Entry Cost: $8

For more information visit

Description: We were asked to create three different logos for a company. We were allowed one trademark logo, but I decided to keep the company name on all of them. I designed three different logos for Stevens Pass Snowboard Shop. Date: November 2, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs used: Illustrator and InDesign Objectives: Create three new, origional logos using your skills on Illustrator. Process: We used Illustrator to design three logos. I used lines, type, different strokes, patterns, shapes, and fonts to create these logos. I kept a masculine and mountain theme to all of them. I even changed the direction of the type on the first one. I saved my images and uploaded them.

SPSS: Stevens Pass Snowboard Shop




Business Card
Description: We were asked to create a business card for a company of choice. We had to design an original logo, but could use the same company as our last logo project. However, I decided to use a different company. We had to have contact information and the company name visible. We had to keep in mind all the design principles as well. Date: November 9, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign Objectives: Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign to create a business card for a company. Use your design principles and typography in your design. Process: I had to start designing in Illustrator and create two 3.5 X 2 in. business cards. I created the logo and the cupcake image and then incorperated them in the letter head as well. I used the cupcake image as a watermark and lowered the transparency. Then I moved to InDesign and finished the projects and final touches. I then saved my projects as JPEGs and files in my project folder.

BiteCupcakes Me
1722831stDr.NW Arlington,Wa 425.687.0202

Bite Me

Description: We were asked to create a letter head or a company of choice. We had to design an original logo, but could use the same company as our last logo project. However, I decided to use a different company. We had to have contact information and the company name visible. We had to keep in mind all the design principles as well. Date: November 9, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign Objectives: Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign to create letterhead for a company with an origional logo. Use your design skills and typography in your design as well. Process: I had to start designing in Illustrator and create two 3.5 X 2 in. business cards. I created the logo and the cupcake image and then incorperated them in the letter head as well. I used the cupcake image as a watermark and lowered the transparency. Then I moved to InDesign and finished the projects and final touches. I then saved my projects as JPEGs and files in my project folder.

Bite Me

17228 31st Dr. Nw Arlington, Wa 425.697.0202

Web Page
Description: This was a two week project where we were asked to create a web page from the logo we previously made. The first week we learned HTML and the second week we learned CSS. We had to originally create the website, then go back and use the design skills to make it more creative. We learned a lot and some of us were like fish out of water. Date: November 23, 2913 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign Objectives: Creat a web page for a company with an origional new logo or a previous one using HTML and CSS skills along with design skills and typography. Process: The first week with HTML, we learned how to use Text Wrangler to create a web page. We had to learn about links, tags, images, and little details we would have never known about. With CSS we learned some of the same skills along with more of a personal level. We were the boss and could change anything. We could change the color to the exact one we wanted using photoshop and the hex code. It was very different for some of us!

Description: I was asked to design a black and white flier promoting a graduation using the information and principles we learned in our visual media class Date: October 4, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: InDesign Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Get the links of the images from the school website and add it to your project folder. Process: I sketched out a few ideas and learned how to use indesign to create a flier with skills we learned in class about proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast and flow. I used 2 fonts and put the website up for readers to visit along with a logo. I used word spacing and uploaded a picture too. We also learned about white space. We had to save it as a JPEG, print a copy and post it here as well.

Do you want to have the competitive edge in businness? Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss Breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.

Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

October 21 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Lincoln Conventioun Center

Description: We were asked to take an original photograph and edit/ format it using photoshop. We used a filter and blurred out the background of the image. Date: October 19, 2013 Course Instructor: Comm 130-Section 6 Julie Peterson Programs Used: Photoshop Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it and add filters and change the other editing tools. Process: Using a digital camera, I took this original photo of a stop sign. Then, using photoshop, I cropped the photo and edited it using Glowing Edges Filter and saturated the background of the image. I changed the resolution and finished the project.

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