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Luisa Maria Calle Teacher: Klinger Laurent Subject: Science HOMEMADE ELECTRIC BULB

Materials: 2 nails 1 jar of glass with a lid 2 cables of copper wire An iron filament A ! batter"# Process 1# Ma$e 2 holes in the lid and introduce the nails in each holes# 2# %n the tip of the nail& lin$ together the nails with the filament and close the lid# '# Connect the copper wires to the batter" and the nails and wait until the filament turns red Explanation The iron filament has atoms of iron# (hen connected& the batter" begins to emit electrons# The" tra!el to the nails through the copper wire# Copper is a good conductor# The electric current is produced when electrons tra!el through a conductor# (hen the electrons reach the filament& the" hit the iron atoms in the filament and ma$e them !ibrate# This !ibration produces hot in the filament and it becomes red and "ou see a light# The chemical energ" of the batter" turns into in $inetic energ" because the electrons tra!el man" times from the batter" to the nail& and !ice !ersa& creating a circuit that produces caloric energ" and luminous energ"#

el departamento depende del comercio, la explotacin minera, las actividades agropecuarias y el turismo. En La Guajira se explota carbn en las minas del Cerrejn, en los municipios de Barrancas y Hato Nuevo, y sal en el de anaure. !e cultiva arro", ma#", $rijol, ca$%, ca&a de a"'car, yuca, algodn, ajonjol#, pl(tano, sorgo y tabaco en los municipios de El olino, )onseca, !an *uan del Cesar, +ribia y ,illanueva. La ganader#a desarrollada es de cr#a y levante de ganado caprino, aun-ue tambi%n existen algunas cabe"as de ganado vacuno en los municipios de +ribia, +rumita y ,illanueva. El comercio se e$ect'a en aicao y .io/ac/a.

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