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n86 W14041 8eacon SLreeL, SulLe u ! Menomonee lalls, Wl 33031 ! 262.293.3713 ! nalanlServlces.


AugusL 13, 2013

1o whom lL may concern,
lL ls my pleasure Lo provlde Lhls leLLer as my personal recommendaLlon of SLephanle LanzaroLLl. l had Lhe
pleasure of welcomlng SLephanle Lo Lhe nalanl Servlces Leam for a Lhree monLh lnLernshlp. uurlng Lhls
Llme, l found SLephanle Lo be a greaL conLrlbuLor Lo Lhe nalanl Leam, consLanLly brlnglng her hlgh-
splrlLed, go-geLLer personallLy and hard-worklng values Lo Lhe offlce.
Whlle SLephanle was a Lrue [oy Lo work wlLh, she was equally engaged ln Lhe successful compleLlon of
numerous cllenL and lnLernal pro[ecLs. She was able Lo Lackle a dlverse range of Lasks wlLh llLLle
dlrecLlon or overslghLs. lurLhermore, she eagerly provlded asslsLance Lo whoever needed lL LhroughouL
Lhe offlce. l belleve SLephanle's ablllLy Lo work well wlLh oLhers as well as lndependenLly, and her ablllLy
Lo have a qulck Lurn around wlLh pro[ecLs are some of Lhe greaLesL asseLs she brlngs Lo Lhe workplace.
Whlle wlLh nalanl, SLephanle was glven a greaL deal of responslblllLy ln her role as she managed mulLlple
soclal medla accounLs, developed publlc relaLlons maLerlals lncludlng press releases and newsleLLers,
performed phone surveys, and conducLed research for creaLlng search englne opLlmlzaLlon plans for
cllenLs. CLher duLles successfully compleLed were Lhe prooflng of copy for cllenL documenLs and Lhe
elecLronlc organlzaLlon of corporaLe flles and archlved pro[ecLs.
l hlghly recommend SLephanle as an exemplary employee. She ls a deLermlned lndlvldual who would
make a greaL asseL Lo any organlzaLlon.

ueeaLra ka[fosz
nalanl Servlces, lnc.

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