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ESL ENGLISH LESSON (60-120 mins) 10th July 2011

Birth of a new country South Sudan

South Sudan has been celebrating its creation as a new independent East African nation. The new country celebrated in Juba, its new capital, on Saturday 9th July 2 !!, raising its flag before tens of thousands of its cheering citi"ens. The country has finally #anaged to brea$ free fro# Sudan following a bitter % &year struggle in'ol'ing ci'il war. (The eyes of the world are now on us,) said South Sudanese *resident Sal'a +iir, who was inaugurated during a scorching #idday cere#ony. +iir stressed that the people of South Sudan #ust ad'ance their country together, and unite as country#en first, casting aside allegiances to the do"ens of tribes that reside there. ,ith the creation of the new territory, South Sudan will for the first ti#e be lin$ed with sub&Saharan Africa. -ganda and +enya are already laying strong econo#ic ties with their northern neighbour, an oil rich country that #ay one day ship its oil to a +enyan port, instead of through the pipelines controlled by +hartou#, capital of Sudan. (.ro# today our identity is southern and African, not Arabic and /usli#,) read a hand painted sign that one #an carried through the crowds. The new country celebrated at the stro$e of #idnight with raucous street parties. At #idday, the spea$er of parlia#ent read a procla#ation of independence as the flag of Sudan was lowered and the flag of South Sudan was raised, spar$ing wild cheers fro# the crowds. The *resident of Sudan 0#ar al& Bashir, a deeply unpopular #an in Juba, arri'ed to a #i1ture of boos and #ur#urs. 2e stood beside +iir and s#iled throughout the cere#ony, and said in a speech that he respected the south3s choice to secede. The -.S. has pro#ised aid to Sudan if it allowed South Sudan to secede peacefully. 2owe'er, #ilitary standoffs in the contested border region of Abyei and new fighting in South +ordofan & a state in Sudan with #any south&supporting residents ris$ a new north&south conflict. 4n +hartou#, the for#er capital of the South one newspaper headline read5 (Ti#e to let go.)
/any blac$ African tribes of South Sudan battled two ci'il wars with the #ainly Arab north between !967 and 2 % when a peace deal was negotiated resulting in Saturday3s independence declaration. South Sudan is e1pected to beco#e the !97rd country recognised by the -nited 8ations and will beco#e the %9th -.8. /e#ber State in Africa.

Categ !y" E# n mi# $ Ge g!a%hy $ S uth Su&an Le'el" Inte!me&iate $ (%%e! inte!me&iate This ESL lesson is the copyright of

Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

!. Sudan5 Briefly, what three things do you $now about Sudan> ?o round the roo# swapping details. 2. South Sudan5 Briefly, what three things do you $now about South Sudan> ?o round the roo# swapping details. 7. @ictation5 The teacher will read four to si1 lines of the article slowly and clearly. Students will write down what they hear. The teacher will repeat the passage slowly again. Self&correct your wor$ fro# page one & filling in spaces and correcting #ista$es. Be honest with yourself on the nu#ber of errors. Ad'ise the teacher of your total nu#ber of errors. Aess than fi'e is 'ery good. Ten is acceptable. Any #ore is roo# for i#pro'e#entB /ore than twenty & you need to do so#e wor$B 9. <eading5
e'ery paragraph. The students should now read the article aloud, swapping readers

%. Cocabulary5

Students should now loo$ through the article and underline any 'ocabulary they do not $now. Aoo$ in dictionaries. @iscuss and help each other out. The teacher will go through and e1plain any un$nown words or phrases. Students should loo$ through the article with the teacher. ,hat is the article about> ,hat do you thin$ about the article>

D. The article5
aE bE

,here is South Sudan> ,hat is its capital> ,hat countries surround it> @raw a #ap on the board then l ) n G gle ma%s to help you.

F. ?eography5 South Sudan5

6. Aet3s thin$B

Thin$ of fi'e things about South Sudan. Then add fi'e possible econo#ic issues. ,rite the# below. E1plain to your partner why you chose these. .i'e things about South Sudan ! 2 7 9 % .i'e possible econo#ic issues ! 2 7 9 %

*he tea#he! will choose so#e pairs to discuss their findings in front of the class.

9 . Aet3s thin$B 4n pairs. 0n the board write as #any words as you can to do with South Sudan. One-two minutes. =o#pare with other tea#s. -sing your words co#pile a short dialogue together.
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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

! . Aet3s roleplay !5 BB= Africa5 In pairs. Gou are in the BB= Africa studio. 0ne of you is the presenterH the other student is the guest. Today3s inter'iew is5 South Sudan. The guest has Iust returned fro# a holiday in South Sudan. @escribe what you saw. J4#agineBE 5 minutes. !!. Aet3s roleplay 25 BB= Africa5 4n pairs:groups. 0ne of you is the inter'iewer. The others are one of the following people. Gou are in the BBC Afri a radio studio in Aondon. Today3s inter'iew is about5 South Sudan.
! 2 A Sudanese go'ern#ent spo$esperson A 'illager fro# South Sudan 7 9 An econo#ic Iournalist A soldier fro# South Sudan

*he tea#he! will choose so#e pairs to roleplay their inter'iew in front of the class.

!2. Aet3s thin$B

Thin$ of fi'e East African countries. Then add fi'e other African countries. ,rite the# below. E1plain to your partner why you chose these. .i'e East African countries ! 2 7 9 % .i'e other African countries ! 2 7 9 %

*he tea#he! will choose so#e pairs to discuss their findings in front of the class.

!7. Aet3s do KThe Article Lui"35

2a'e the students Mui" each other in pairs. They score a point for each correct answer and half a point each ti#e they ha'e to loo$ at the article for help. See who can get the highest scoreB Stu&ent + !E 8a#e the new country. 2E 8a#e the new *resident of the new country. 7E 8a#e the capital of Sudan. 9E 8a#e the *resident of Sudan. %E 8a#e two of the new country3s neighbouring countries. Stu&ent , !E ,hat happened at #idnight> 2E ,hat happened at #idday> 7E ,hat has been happening for % years> 9E ,hat is at sta$e> %E ,hat is being contested>

!9. Aet3s write an e&#ail5

,rite and send a 2 word e&#ail to your teacher about5 S uth Su&an. Gour e&#ail can be read out in class.

!%. Sentence starters5 .inish these sentence starters. =orrect your #ista$es. =o#pare what other people ha'e written.

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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

!E 2E 7E 9E %E DE FE 6E 9E ! E Stu&ent + -uesti ns @id the headline #a$e you want to read the article> ,ill the -SA honour its co##it#ent to offer aid to Sudan> ,hat will happen about the @arfur situation in Sudan> ,hat is the geographical difference between the north and west of Sudan and South Sudan> ,hat other country is Knew3> ,as it regionised by the -nited 8ations> ,ill Sudan continue to fight the new country> E1plain. ,hy is oil so i#portant to both countries> ,hat do the residents of +hartou# possibly thin$> 4s Africa on your top ten tra'el destinations> E1plain. ,hat three suggestions would you gi'e the new South Sudanese *resident> Stu&ent , -uesti ns ,hat do you thin$ about what you read> ,ould you li$e to 'isit South Sudan> ,hy> ,hy not> ?i'e three possible ad'antages of splitting the country of Sudan. ,hat three challenges #ight the new country e1perience> 2ow do you thin$ South Sudan3s neighbours feel about the new country> @o you thin$ the ci'il war will restart with Sudan> ,hat is the best solution to sol'ing the border dispute with Sudan> 2ow do the people of South Sudan feel about the creation of their new country> E1plain. ,ill +enya beco#e the new oil pipeline route for South Sudan> E1plain. @id you li$e this discussion>

!E 2E 7E 9E %E DE FE 6E 9E ! E

Aet3s discussB South Sudan
Allow 10-15 minutes ! As a lass " small #roups " pairs " 1 to 1
=onsider the following points to discuss5 20 things a. ut Su&an an& S uth Su&an/
The teacher can #oderate the session.

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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

?A* .4AA5 <EA@48?5

$ut the words into the #aps in the te%t.

Birth of a new country South Sudan

South Sudan has been celebrating its creation as a new independent East African J!ENNNNN. The new J2ENNNNN celebrated in Juba, its new capital, on Saturday 9th July 2 !!, raising its flag before tens of thousands of its J7ENNNNN citi"ens. The country has finally #anaged to brea$ free fro# Sudan following a bitter % & year struggle in'ol'ing ci'il war. (The eyes of the world are now on us,) said South Sudanese *resident Sal'a +iir, who was inaugurated during a scorching #idday J9ENNNNN. +iir stressed that the people of South Sudan #ust ad'ance their country together, and J%ENNNNN as country#en first, casting aside allegiances to the do"ens of JDENNNNN that reside there. ,ith the creation of the new territory, South Sudan will for the first ti#e be lin$ed with sub&Saharan Africa. -ganda and +enya are already laying strong econo#ic ties with their northern JFENNNNN, an oil rich country that #ay one day ship its J6ENNNNN to a +enyan port, instead of through the pipelines controlled by +hartou#, capital of Sudan. (.ro# today our identity is southern and African, not Arabic and /usli#,) read a hand painted sign that one #an carried through the crowds. The new country celebrated at the stro$e of #idnight with J!ENNNNN street parties. At #idday, the spea$er of parlia#ent read a procla#ation of independence as the J2ENNNNN of Sudan was lowered and the flag of South Sudan was raised, spar$ing wild cheers fro# the crowds. The *resident of Sudan 0#ar al&Bashir, a J7ENNNNN unpopular #an in Juba, arri'ed to a #i1ture of boos and J9ENNNNN. 2e stood beside +iir and s#iled throughout the cere#ony, and said in a speech that he respected the south3s choice to J%ENNNNN. The -.S. has pro#ised aid to Sudan if it allowed South Sudan to secede peacefully. 2owe'er, #ilitary JDENNNNN in the contested border region of Abyei and new fighting in South +ordofan & a state in Sudan with #any south& supporting JFENNNNN ris$ a new north&south J6ENNNNN. 4n +hartou#, the for#er capital of the South one newspaper headline read5 (Ti#e to let go.)

oil ountry heerin# nei#h&our eremony unite tri&es nation

onfli t se ede murmurs standoffs deeply residents fla# rau ous

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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

?A* .4AA5 A4STE848?

'isten and fill in the spa es.

Birth of a new country South Sudan

South Sudan has been celebrating its creation NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN East African nation. The new






July 2 !!, raising its flag before tens of

thousands of its cheering citi"ens. The country has finally #anaged to brea$ free fro# Sudan following a bitter % &year struggle NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. (The eyes of the world are now on us,) said South Sudanese *resident Sal'a +iir, who was inaugurated during a scorching #idday cere#ony. +iir stressed that the people of South Sudan #ust ad'ance their country together, and unite as country#en first, casting aside allegiances to the do"ens of tribes Africa. that -ganda reside and there. +enya ,ith are the already creation laying NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, South Sudan will for the first ti#e be lin$ed with sub&Saharan NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with their northern neighbour, an oil rich country that #ay one day ship its oil to a +enyan port, instead of through the pipelines controlled by +hartou#, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. (.ro# today our NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and African, not Arabic and /usli#,) read a hand painted sign that one #an carried through the crowds. The new country celebrated at the stro$e of #idnight with raucous street parties. At #idday, the spea$er of parlia#ent read a NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN as the flag of Sudan was lowered and the flag of South Sudan was raised, spar$ing wild cheers fro# the crowds. The *resident of Sudan 0#ar al&Bashir, a deeply unpopular #an in Juba, arri'ed to a #i1ture NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2e stood beside +iir and s#iled throughout the cere#ony, and said in a speech that he respected the south3s choice to secede. The -.S. has pro#ised NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN allowed South Sudan to secede peacefully. 2owe'er, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN in the contested border region of Abyei and new fighting in South +ordofan & a state in Sudan with #any south&supporting residents ris$ a new north& south conflict. 4n +hartou#, the for#er capital of the South one newspaper headline read5 (NNNNNNNNNNNNNN.)

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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

*ut the words into the gaps in the te1t.

Birth of a new country South Sudan

South Sudan has been celebrating its creation as a new independent East African nation. The new country celebrated in Juba, its new capital, on Saturday 9

there that who from their must for with

July 2 !!, raising its flag

before tens of thousands of its cheering citi"ens. The country has finally #anaged to brea$ free J!ENN Sudan following a bitter % & year struggle in'ol'ing ci'il war. (The eyes of the world are now on us,) said South Sudanese *resident Sal'a +iir, J2ENN was inaugurated during a scorching #idday cere#ony. +iir stressed J7ENN the people of South Sudan J9ENN ad'ance their country together, and unite as country#en first, casting aside allegiances to the do"ens of tribes that reside J%ENN. JDENN the creation of the new territory, South Sudan will JFENN the first ti#e be lin$ed with sub&Saharan Africa. -ganda and +enya are already laying strong econo#ic ties with J6ENN northern neighbour, an oil rich country that #ay one day ship its oil to a +enyan port, instead of through the pipelines controlled by +hartou#, capital of Sudan.

(.ro# today J!ENN identity is southern and African, not Arabic and /usli#,) read a hand painted sign that one #an carried through the crowds. The new country celebrated at the stro$e of #idnight with raucous street parties. J2ENN #idday, the spea$er of parlia#ent read a procla#ation of independence J7ENN the flag of Sudan was lowered and the flag of South Sudan was raised, spar$ing wild cheers fro# the crowds. The *resident of Sudan 0#ar al&Bashir, J9ENN deeply unpopular #an in Juba, arri'ed to a #i1ture of boos and #ur#urs. J%ENN stood beside +iir and s#iled throughout the cere#ony, and said in a speech that he respected the south3s choice to secede. The -.S. has pro#ised aid to Sudan JDENN it allowed South Sudan to secede peacefully. 2owe'er, #ilitary standoffs JFENN the contested border region of Abyei and new fighting in South +ordofan & a state in Sudan with #any south&supporting residents ris$ a new north&south conflict. 4n +hartou#, the for#er capital J6ENN the South one newspaper headline read5 (Ti#e to let go.)

a our as at in of he if

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Birth of a new country South Sudan 10th July 2011

The teacher will as$ the class indi'idually to spell the following words that are in the article. Afterwards, chec$ your answers with your teacher, using the following ratings5 0ass 1 122 G & 1 132 4e!y g & 1 152 E6#ellent 1 20 ! 2 7 9 % D F 6 9 ! independent citi"ens cere#ony struggle neighbour through peacefully unpopular procla#ation allegiances !! !2 !7 !9 !% !D !F !6 !9 2 raucous inaugurated #idday #ur#urs secede declaration standoffs recognised sub&Saharan parlia#ent

htt%"$$en/8i)i%e&ia/ !g$8i)i$S uthe!n9Su&an htt%"$$ne8s/yah /# m$s uth-su&an-laun#h-#u!!en#y- ne-8ee)-1:3;:1:;2/html htt%"$$a!ti#les/#nn/# m$2011-0<-05$ %ini n$s uth/su&an/=utu!e919a.yei-s uthsu&an-ague!>9s10?"O0INION htt%"$$888/8ashingt n% st/# m$8 !l&$timeline-an&-ma%-the-8 !l&s-ne8estnati n$2011$0<$05$gI@+A',s:H9g!a%hi#/html htt%"$$888/8ashingt n% st/# m$8 !l&$a=!i#a$s uth-su&an-se#e&es-ami&tensi ns$2011$0<$0<$gI@+@5B*2H9st !y/html htt%"$$888/..#/# /u)$ne8s$8 !l&-a=!i#a-1C0;3651

?A* .4AA5 Birth of a new country South Sudan5 South Sudan has been celebrating its
creation as a new independent East African nati n. The new # unt!y celebrated in Juba, its new capital, on Saturday 9th July 2 !!, raising its flag before tens of thousands of its #hee!ing citi"ens. The country has finally #anaged to brea$ free fro# Sudan following a bitter % &year struggle in'ol'ing ci'il war. (The eyes of the world are now on us,) said South Sudanese *resident Sal'a +iir, who was inaugurated during a scorching #idday #e!em ny. +iir stressed that the people of South Sudan #ust ad'ance their country together, and unite as country#en first, casting aside allegiances to the do"ens of t! that reside there. ,ith the creation of the new territory, South Sudan will for the first ti#e be lin$ed with sub&Saharan Africa. -ganda and +enya are already laying strong econo#ic ties with their northern neigh. u!, an oil rich country that #ay one day ship its il to a +enyan port, instead of through the pipelines controlled by +hartou#, capital of Sudan. (.ro# today our identity is southern and African, not Arabic and /usli#,) read a hand painted sign that one #an carried through the crowds. The new country celebrated at the stro$e of #idnight with !au# us street parties. At #idday, the spea$er of parlia#ent read a procla#ation of independence as the =lag of Sudan was lowered and the flag of South Sudan was raised, spar$ing wild cheers fro# the crowds. The *resident of Sudan 0#ar al&Bashir, a &ee%ly unpopular #an in Juba, arri'ed to a #i1ture of boos and mu!mu!s. 2e stood beside +iir and s#iled throughout the cere#ony, and said in a speech that he respected the south3s choice to se#e&e. The -.S. has pro#ised aid to Sudan if it allowed South Sudan to secede peacefully. 2owe'er, #ilitary stan& ==s in the contested border region of Abyei and new fighting in South +ordofan & a state in Sudan with #any south&supporting !esi&ents ris$ a new north&south # n=li#t. 4n +hartou#, the for#er capital of the South one newspaper headline read5 (Ti#e to let go.) (42)

Created by David Robinson. This ESL lesson is the copyright of

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