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Boat Project Summary Team Hufflepuff

The boat project in physics was an interesting way to learn about Archimedes Principle. His principle states that the buoyant force an object experiences is equal to the weight of the water the object displaces. ur tas!

was to build a boat out of cardboard and tape" capable of holding two people that can be paddled down and bac! in the BHS pool. Before we could start building we used Archimedes Principle to calculate the Buoyancy#

After finding those calculations" we began designing our boat on paper. There had to be room for them to sit and also big enough to distribute the weight somewhat e$enly. %$en though it&d be made out of cardboard" we decided it should be formed li!e normal boats and be pointed in the front. Through the whole project our group was able to obser$e how other teams made their boats" what they did wrong" and what wor!ed well. 'e noticed during building" for example" team (Better than )ou& used a larger box which helped with their stability in the water. ne large" solid piece of

cardboard was less wobbly than two smaller" taped together pieces. Also"

doubling cardboard where$er possible seemed to be effecti$e for e$eryone who did it.

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