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4 British Take Over India

Technical Assistance
British built roads and impressive railroad system. Improved transportation Introduced machine made textile ruining Indias once booming hand weaving industry. Telegraph & postal system improved communication.

Improvements to Health & Social Welfare

British preserved peace & reduced banditry. Introduced Western education & legal procedure. Ended slavery & caste system. Banned sati. Medical improvement led to population growth, leading to famine. Western-educated Indians created Indian National Congress & looked forward to eventual self rule.

Attitude Toward Native People & Respect for Native Culture

Missionaries tried converting Indians to Christianity. Allowed for overseas travel & widows can remarry. Against their Hindu religion. Sepoy Rebellion A single shelf of a good European library is worth the whole native literature of India & Arabia. - Thomas Macaulay

Economic Fairness
When Mughal Empire collapsed, British East India Company won trading rights in India. East India Company wanted to make a lot of money in India. Taxed Indians to pay for cost of British soldiers living expenses.

Use of Military Force

Required Indian soldiers to serve for Britain anywhere around the world. British soldiers retaliated against Sepoy Rebellion by torching villages & slaughtering thousands of unarmed Indians.

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