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S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth (eds.

), The Oxford Classical dictionary (= OCD), 4th edition, Oxford 2012 available online [the previous, 3rd edition (Oxford 1996) is available at the your library: REFER ENCE DE5 .O9 1996 or DE5 .O9 2003] H. Cancik et al. (eds.), Brill s New Pauly, Leiden 2002ff. available online

M. Gagarin, E. Fantham (eds), The Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Greece and Rome , Oxford 2010 available online Instead, use respectable secondary sources; that is, use monographs, scholarly a rticles, and entries in the above mentioned encyclopedias o Note that people often think they can find all the secondary literature on the internet; JSTOR is a source most often used for that purpose. However, there you will find only articles; and many articles on JSTOR tend to b e highly specialized or are out of date. o Start your research with recent monographs, handbooks, survey articles in intr oductory collections, your textbooks, or the encyclopedias mentioned above.

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