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Kode etik kedokteraan( Hub. Dokter dg pasien (

Way of communicating good that is 1. Talk with is clear 2. Listen what said your talking opponent and give good respon. Look into your talking opponent 3. Look after eye contact [at] both of the same level [among/between] continuing to stare at with [is] avoiding each other gaze. Prey upon guide about how which (be) free to to your talking opponent 4. Cope can to comprehend what your talking opponent intention, if there [is] something that you [do] not comprehend, ask 5. Sensitive to body language and your you guides and also your talking opponent. Come up enthusiastic and sensitive. Perceive marking if your talking opponent [is] lose interest, wish to alter its topic or require to terminate its conversation. 6. Give good bait if asked. Ask also feed back 7. Give example [of]s to support what your intention 8. Pass an opinion you if asked 9. Bergantianlah converse. 10. Accomodate your talking opponent Ianguage and storey;level. For example, you of course will talk with the way of different to a child than to a adult ( use simple sentence and words, non baby verbal). 11. Listen request of your talking opponent ( dont always come in the form of direct statement or question). 12. Using your intuition. Sometimes words needn't and you can communicate with feeling, expression, gesture.

efficacy of Communications between patient and doctor 1. bearing satisfaction and freshment to both parties 2. creating one adverb to patient that is empathy

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