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Kick CFs History and Chapter Information

Kick CF, a sub organization of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, was founded in 1955 by a group of parents with the goal of understanding the disease, creating treatments, and finding a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF). Through the hard work and dedication the Foundation has been able to raise awareness and fund critical medical research that has improved the quality and longevity of thousands of people affected by cystic fibrosis. In 1989 the CF gene was discovered as a result of an international research collaboration. It is the single most important discovery in cystic fibrosis research. Continuous progress has been made toward these goals thanks to the Foundations efforts to harness the best minds in science, to recruit the finest research talent and to train dedicated cystic fibrosis care teams. In 1993, the first gene therapy treatment was created and tested on CF patients and CF gene therapy research was truly launched. Over the years the Foundation, with support from charitable individuals and organizations, has been able to reveal groundbreaking new treatments, medications and therapies in managing cystic fibrosis. Kick CF is a nationwide program that challenges college students to help raise vital funds and awareness for cystic fibrosis. You can get involved through events on your campus or at Contact Info. Stephen Almond, PR representative (605) 370-8126 (605) 624-8126 - Kick CF is a philanthropic organization dedicated to helping those affected by cystic fibrosis. The organization has many chapters throughout the United States that hosts fundraisers and fun activities to raise awareness about cystic fibrosis. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is known for being a generous voluntary organization by donating raised funds for research and medical programs to find a cure and Kick CF.

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