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Address: Telephone: E ail:


House 39B Close, United Estate, Alagbole, Ojodu, Lagos, Nigeria

+234803 200 6230,+23417733396

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http:''ng$lin(edin$%o 'in'erneston!u"uli(e %ips https:''t!itter$%o 'on!u"ua


Professional Profile
A highl& e)perien%ed and su%%ess*ul +uppl& Chain ,anager, !ith e)tensi-e ba%(ground a%ross logisti%s, pro%ure ent and operations in .,C/, tele%o uni%ations and oil and gas industr&$ 0ossesses e)%eptional leadership s(ills, !ith abilit& to anage %ross1*un%tional tea s to a%hie-e de anding business obje%ti-es$ An e)pert negotiator, able to agree opti al %ost and deli-er& ter s !hile aintaining positi-e supplier relationships$ 2nspires %on*iden%e and trust through e)%ellent ser-i%e and e**i%ient proble sol-ing$

Skills And Exper ise

Negotiation3 +uppl& Chain ,anage ent3 +trategi% 0lanning 4 Control ,anage ent3 5esour%e 0lanning3 Client 5elationship3 ,ar(et 2ntelligen%e3 0ro%ess Enhan%e ent 4 +trea lining3 Tea Leadership3 0er*or an%e 2 pro-e ent3 +tart1up ' Change ,anage ent, E)e%uti-e Ad-isor& 4 6e%ision +upport

Career S!""ar#
$%&' ( )a e C*ief S ra e+# Offi,er -Self(E"plo#ed./Ca,*e Lo+is i,s Ser0i,es Li"i ed 5esponsible *or the %reation, %o uni%ation and e)e%ution o* strategi% initiati-es operational organi"ation anage ent$ Assisting in *or ulation, de-elop ent and i ple entation o* re-enue generating strategies and poli%ies3 Assure the %ontinued gro!th and su%%ess o* %o pan& through strategi% organi"ational design$ 0ro-ide on1going support and e)pertise to all anage ent personnel, assisting in establishing and eeting or e)%eeding all set goals, obje%ti-es, poli%ies and pro%edures *or %o pan& organi% *un%tions$ 0la& leadership *un%tion in %harting %o pan&s %ourse in business de-elop ent and ne! -entures$ Coa%h ,anage ent Tea to understand %o pan&s ission, pro*it and per*or an%e goals$ 2 ple ent anage ent %ontrols and reporting pro%edures to ensure situational a!areness o* %ore issues and operating data pertinent to sound de%ision a(ing$ Ensure that operational poli%ies and pro%edures o* the %o pan& pro-ide *or legal and ethi%al %o plian%e !ith all regulations, la!s and sound operating pra%ti%es$

$%%1( $%&'

Mana+in+ )ire, or/ A,*illes Infor"a ion Li"i ed Holding *ull pro*it and loss responsibilit& *or group operations a%ross Nigeria3 anaging business de-elop ent to ensure ne! business$ Trans*or ing operational e**i%ien%& o* the %o pan& at board le-el, in%luding produ%tion o* business (e& per*or an%e indi%ators and board reports$ 6esigning and i ple enting a %o prehensi-e per*or an%e anage ent progra e to a)i i"e indi-idual produ%ti-it& and %usto er satis*a%tion$ 0ersonall& %oordinating the de-elop ent o* a ne! petroleu industr& supplier anage ent s&ste $ A%hie-ing re7uire ents o* di-erse bu&ing organi"ations through %ontra%tor registration, pre17uali*i%ation and on1site -eri*i%ation te plates$ E)tensi-e net!or(ing, to identi*& and e)%eed %lient obje%ti-es

$%%2 $%%1

Senior Pro,!re"en and Lo+is i,s Mana+er/ In erkel Ne 3orks Ni+eria L d 0ro-iding strong leadership, anage ent and oti-ation to the +uppl& Chain Tea o**ering pro*essional de-elop ent opportunities$ 6eli-ering thorough and %on%ise training and %o uni%ations$ 5e-ie!ing and appro-ing pur%hase orders, %lai s and %hange noti%es *or %orporate pur%hases, ensuring %o plian%e !ith group poli%& and statutor& re7uire ents$ Negotiating opti u pur%hase and deli-er& ter s *or both aterials and e7uip ent$ Assessing present and *uture a-ailabilit& through ar(et anal&sis o* and deli-er& %onditions 0reparing ar(et anal&sis reports3 re-ie!ing pro%ure ent poli%ies and pro%edures$

$%%4 $%%2

Senior Lo+is i,s Opera ions Mana+er/ MTN Ni+eria Co""!ni,a ions Li"i ed Consistentl& a%hie-ing best -alue out%o es *or 7ualit&, on1ti e deli-er&, deli-er& %osts and reliabilit&$ Leading Logisti%s Tea dail& operations3 ensuring that agreed strategies !ere e**e%ti-el& and %onsistentl& e)e%uted$ 5e*ining standard operating pro%edures3 ensured that pro%esses !ere in pla%e to onitor per*or an%e$ 2nitiating and anaging suppl& %ontra%ts !ith *reight %arriers and third part& ser-i%e pro-iders *or !arehousing, transportation and logisti%s$ Establishing (e& per*or an%e etri%s to tra%( tea per*or an%e3, onitoring shipper and *reight %arrier per*or an%e$ 6e-eloping business %ontinuit& and %ontingen%& plans, o-erseeing *ore%asting, aintaining in-entor& le-els, replenish ent strategies and outbound logisti%s$ ,anaging proje%t to restru%ture tele%o uni%ation %onsu er produ%ts, resulting %apital sa-ings in in-entor& %osts and a *our1 onth in-entor& holding edu%ation$ 5edesigning storage plan and in-entor& holding *or tele%o uni%ations %onsu er produ%ts, thereb& deli-ering i pro-ed in-entor& -isibilit& and 89: in-entor& redu%tion$ Condu%ting positi-e *reight negotiations !ith road transporters and shipping lines leading to N;<9 illion per annu sa-ings in distribution %osts$ +u%%ess*ull& in%reasing dail& dispat%hes b& ==:, a%hie-ing 9<: deli-er& per*or an%e rating through i ple entation o* >2T progra e$

$%%$ $%%4

Opera ions Plannin+ Mana+er/ 5reislandCa"pina -Wes Afri,a Milk Co"pan#. Ni+eria Pl,6 0rodu%tion s%heduling to aintain bu**er o* *inished sto%( and eet sales *ore%asts3 planning ra! aterials re7uire ents to eet produ%tion de ands$ Coordinating shipping and %learing a%ti-ities to a%hie-e ti el& goods %learan%e and aintain positi-e relationships !ith o-erseas suppliers and Nigerian %usto s ser-i%es$ Eli inating non1 o-ing and slo!1 o-ing ra! aterials, !or( in progress and *inished goods in-entor& using inno-ati-e ethods in%luding re%&%ling s%rap *or *inished goods pa%(aging 6e-eloping s&ste s to *a%ilitate *ast and e**i%ient %learan%e o* i ports, thereb& ini i"ing %&%le ti e and e)penditure and a%hie-ing 89: redu%tion in %learan%e ti e and ?; da& redu%tion in i port %&%les$ ,anaging pro%ess and %apabilit& %hanges *or ,50, in-entor& and pur%hase odules in E50 i ple entation 5edu%ing a-erage inbound ' outbound -ehi%le transit ti e at Nigerian *a%tor& *ro t!o da&s to ;? hours Leading %ontinuous i pro-e ent to support dri-e *or lean produ%tion +uper-ising third part& logisti%s ser-i%e pro-iders in operational %osts and lead ti e anage ent$

Earl# Career S!""ar#

&778 9 $%%$ &77' 9 &778 &77$ &77' 0ur%hasing ,anager, /uinness Nigeria 0l%$ 5a! ,aterials ,anager, /uinness Nigeria 0l%$ +hi*t ,anager, /uinness Nigeria 0l%$

&71: &77& &71:

Assistant Bre!er, /uinness Nigeria 0l%$ Assistant Bre!er, Continental Bre!eries Ltd

Professional )e0elop"en / Ed!,a ion and ;!alifi,a ions

$%%8 $%%8 $%%: $%%: $%%: $%%: $%%$ &777 &771 &772 Professional ,o!rse< Mas ers de+ree< Mas ers de+ree< Pos =rad!a e )iplo"a< Na ional Ser0i,e< >S, de+ree< ,a)i u 2 pa%t +i ul%ast 3@9 The ,easure o* a Leader Negotiation Tools and +(ills +e inar E**e%ti-e +uppl& Contra%t ,anage ent +enior ,anage ent 0rogra e

,anaging 5oad Haulage +e inar The Challenges and 0rospe%ts o* Logisti%s Outsour%ing in the Nigerian E%ono & Logisti%s and +uppl& Chain ,anage ent 0rogra +uppl& Chain ,anage ent Business Negotiations Aor(shop Basi% .inan%e and A%%ounting *or ,anagers +enior ,anage ent 0rogra e, Pan African University, 2005 e

Business Ad inistration, University of Ife, 2002 .ood Te%hnolog&, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1984 .ood Te%hnolog&, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1983 Tea%hing Assign ent, 1982 Biolog&, University of Lagos, Nigeria, 1981

Personal )e ails
Affilia ions< ,e ,e ,e ,e ber o* the Chartered 2nstitute o* 0ur%hasing and +uppl& ,anage ent ber o* the Nigeria 2nstitute o* ,anage ent ber o* the Alu ni Asso%iation o* Lagos Business +%hool ber o* the 2nternational 2nstitute o* Bre!ing

Ke# I6T6 skills<

E)pert user o* ,i%roso*t O**i%e and 2nternet E)plorer Ad-an%ed spreadsheet s(ills$ 0ro*i%ient !ith general %o puter progra s$ E)perien%ed !ith ,50 22 ' E50 s&ste s B+A0,+UN,ECACT,,AC2,O, and 2.+D$ Negotiation E)pert Eisionar& Leadership Corporate Turnaround E)pert 2 agining .utures 4 .or ulating 0aradig ,aster +trategist Organi"ational Ar%hite%ture 6esigner Feeping *it, g& ing and reading



In eres s<

RE5EREES &6 I?ra*i" A6 La"in

,anager 6ata ,anage ent 6ept$ NN0C NA02,+

3@ /erard 5oad 2(o&i Lagos Telephone:G?38H9@8;HH999 E1 ail:2brahi $la in#nnp%group$%o


la in#&ahoo$%o

$6 )r6 I*ean#i O*iaeri3

6ire%tor, 0FA Energ& Li ited3 Telephone:G?38=93@?99@983 E1 ail:iIohiaeri@&ahoo$%o

'6 Colin Ma!nd

Chie* E)e%uti-e O**i%er Helios 2nternational Co pan&, United Fingdo E1 ail: %olin aund#g ail$%o

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