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"#$%&' )*+",
!"# %&"#'()'*+ ,-../ Allen Clnsberg leL ouL a howl LhaL changed Lhe world. lrom park Lo pad Lo
bar Lo 8ellevue Lo museum Lo Lhe 8rooklyn 8rldge," Lhe crles of sllenced young men crushed by
Lhe Lyrannlcal fooL of Amerlcan caplLallsm and maLerlallsm were nally heard.
012 3*&4 5(67+ 89,:/ Walklng down Lhe same sLreeLs as Lhose Columbla unlverslLy boys decades
ago, you can hear LhaL same cry reverberaung aL your feeL. 1he angelheaded hlpsLers" may
have lhones and Clu 8lkes now, buL we are sull burnlng for Lhe anclenL heavenly connecuon
Lo Lhe sLarry dynamo ln Lhe machlnery of nlghL."
Amerlca's culLural, soclal, and pollucal landscape may be dlerenL now, buL our howl ls Lhe
;<1 =#>6?1@ A(#)B1&C D&*E1'6 ls our response: a howl for Lhe 21
CenLury, glvlng volce Lo Lhese
palpable - lf laLenL - crles. uslng an ensemble of young men, Lhls collaborauvely-generaLed
LheaLrlcal evenL unearLhs and physlcallzes Lhe hearL of Clnsberg's mosL famous poem, creaung
an lncendlary plece of vlsceral, audlo-vlsual, and experlenual LheaLre. We musL desLroy Lhe
world LhaL we've lnherlLed - LhaL ls desLroylng us - so we can bulld a new, beuer world for
ourselves. CuL of our counLry's ashes, we wlll rlse agaln.

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