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Greg Power Portfolio: Introduction Section HA McGough December 18, 2 1!

! "riting De#elo$ment Hum%n& le%rn new thing& from the d%' the' %re born until the d%' the' die( )i*ewi&e, %& % writer, I need to continue to de#elo$ m' writing &*ill& %& there i& &till much for me to le%rn( +hi& &eme&ter in ,ngli&h 2- H, I h%#e %ttem$ted to grow m' o#er%ll communic%tion &*ill& written, but %l&o or%l, #i&u%l %nd electronic( +here h%#e been m%n' %re%& in which m' com$o&ition &*ill& h%#e im$ro#ed, but I thin* mo&t of the im$ro#ement& h%#e come in cre%ting more &o$hi&tic%ted e&&%'&, gener%ting %nd de#elo$ing intere&ting ide%& for %rgument&, better %$$e%ling to #%r'ing %udience&, %nd u&ing re&ource& %nd editing to better re#i&e origin%l dr%ft& into fini&hed, well.written $roduct&( So$hi&tic%tion i& one %re% where m' writing h%& gre%tl' im$ro#ed from high &chool during m' fir&t &eme&ter %t college( I h%#e long been %ble to write the cl%&&ic fi#e $%r%gr%$h e&&%' with %cce$t%ble content, flow %nd cl%rit'( Howe#er, m' e&&%'& were f%irl' &t%tic &ince I did not ch%llenge m'&elf to u&e % bro%d #oc%bul%r' %nd %d#%nced &tructure( I h%#e %ttem$ted to u&e diction choice& th%t will hel$ me communic%te well with future em$lo'er&, %& well %& current $rofe&&or& %nd $eer&( Addition%ll', I h%#e wor*ed to #%r' m' &'nt%/ in order to *ee$ the intere&t of m' re%der& %nd hel$ e/$re&& m' ide%&( +hi& h%& been %n on.going ch%llenge( Howe#er, e%ch time I #%r' % &entence or u&e more &o$hi&tic%ted l%ngu%ge, I c%n &ee m' writing im$ro#e to % more $rofe&&ion%l le#el( I $l%n to continue with thi& $roce&& to im$ro#e m' writing( A &econd %re% where I h%#e tried to %melior%te m' writing h%& been in coming u$ with %nd %$$ro$ri%tel' de#elo$ing uni0ue to$ic& for m' $%$er&( In high &chool, I &truggled mightil' to come u$ with e&&%' to$ic& th%t &ounded intere&ting to me once I h%d % to$ic, or if I w%& %&&igned one, I would h%#e no trouble in writing % &olid $%$er %bout it( I h%#e enh%nced m' %bilit' to gener%te ide%& b' br%in&torming more ide%& reg%rdle&& of whether I thin* it will be $o&&ible to %ctu%ll' write % $%$er in&te%d of immedi%tel' di&mi&&ing them %& b%d to$ic& for the %&&ignment( +he be&t e/%m$le of thi& i& from m' %rgument of definition, %& I cho&e % #er' uncon#ention%l %rgument th%t 1%t' Perr' i& the onl' true &u$er&t%r of tod%'2& mu&ic indu&tr'( Prior to thi& cl%&&, I would not h%#e cho&en thi& to$ic %& it doe& not &ound #er' &chol%rl', but I w%& willing to tr' %nd de#elo$ the ide% %nd e#entu%ll' found out th%t it w%& % to$ic I w%& $%&&ion%te %bout %nd th%t % #er' good %rgument could be m%de to &u$$ort m' #iew$oint( 1ee$ing %n o$en mind h%& been *e' in im$ro#ing m' cre%ti#e $roce&& %nd I loo* to continue doing thi& %& I grow further %& % writer( A$$e%ling to different %udience& i& &omething I h%d #er' limited e/$erience with coming into ,ngli&h 2- H, %& e#er' $%$er I h%d e#er written w%& &im$l' de&igned for m' te%cher( In thi& cl%&&, I w%& ch%llenged to %d%$t m' $%$er& to be &uit%ble for #er' different %udience&( 3ne e/%m$le of thi& w%& with the funding $ro$o&%l for % memori%l for the S%nd 4ree* m%&&%cre m' te%m m%de( "e $re&ented thi& to our cl%&&, but it w%& % &imul%tion of wh%t we could h%#e done %& % $rofe&&ion%l te%m $itching for mone' to % grou$ of $otenti%l in#e&tor&( "e h%d to m%*e &ure th%t worrie& th%t would %ri&e due to the fin%nci%l n%ture of the %&&ignment would be 0uelled, %& mone' i& &ure to be % *e' i&&ue in#e&tor& %re concerned with( A &econd e/%m$le of %d%$ting to different %udience& i& within m' $riorl' &t%ted %rgument of definition $%$er on 1%t' Perr' being % true &u$er&t%r( +hi& e&&%' w%& not de&igned to be written for m' $rofe&&or, nor for m' cl%&&m%te&, but r%ther for % new&$%$er editori%l( 5eing $rinted in % new&$%$er me%n& % #%&t %rr%' of $eo$le h%#e % ch%nce to re%d the e&&%', &o I needed to be c%reful th%t I did not rel' on $rior *nowledge or n%rrow e/%m$le& in defending m' %rgument( 6eference& th%t %

re%der doe& not under&t%nd 0uic*l' fru&tr%te& the re%der %nd c%n either c%u&e them to ignore 'our %rgument or e#en t%*e the other &ide of the %rgument( I h%#e wor*ed % lot %t being %ble to write for different %udience&, but I c%n &till wor* on being %ble to gr%b %nd hold the %ttention of wh%te#er %udience I %m writing for( "riting i& &eldom % 7ob done b' %n i&ol%ted indi#idu%l8 e#en the mo&t $o$ul%r %uthor& h%#e %n editor the' rel' on he%#il' to $roduce 0u%lit' wor*( A& %n undergr%du%te &tudent, I do not h%#e %cce&& to highl' $%id editor&, howe#er I do h%#e %cce&& to 0u%lit' $eer& th%t %re willing to offer &ugge&tion& for $otenti%l re#i&ion& to me( I t'$ic%ll' begin m' writing $roce&& b' 0uic*l' writing down %& much %& I c%n on % to$ic in loo&el' &tructured %nd de#elo$ed $%r%gr%$h&( +hen, I will 0uic*l' go b%c* o#er wh%t I h%#e written %nd reorg%ni9ed the ide%& into $%r%gr%$h& th%t m%*e &en&e, flow well, %nd %ccur%tel' con#e' the ide%& I ho$e re%der& will g%ther( +hi& i& where the $eer editing come& in h%nd'( I will h%#e % $%$er th%t flow& well in m' he%d %nd I re%d in % w%' to gi#e off the ide%& I w%nt gi#en off, but &ometime& thi& i& lo&t when &omeone el&e re%d& it( Howe#er, the $eer editor 0uic*l' fl%g& the&e 0ue&tion%ble %re%& of m' $%$er( :nfortun%tel', I would $re#iou&l' ignore m%n' of the&e comment& &im$l' due to the unreli%bilit' of the $eer edit& within m' high &chool cl%&&e&( 5eing in % cl%&& of twent' other bright &tudent& h%& &hown me th%t other& %re %ble to contribute $o&iti#e ide%& to m' $%$er& %nd th%t it i& often nece&&%r' for me to utili9e the&e &ugge&tion&( Ad7u&ting m' $%$er& b%&ed on the ide%& of m' $eer& h%& led me to h%#e more flowing e&&%'& th%t more effecti#el' meet m' $ur$o&e( A grou$ of indi#idu%l& %lmo&t %lw%'& $erform& better th%n % &ingle indi#idu%l, &o coll%bor%tion i& definitel' &omething I h%#e %ttem$ted to utili9e within thi& cour&e( A big di&co#er' for me in ,ngli&h 2- H h%& been m' %bilit' to gi#e or%l %nd #i&u%l $re&ent%tion& in front of % cl%&&( In high &chool, I &eldom $re&ented in front of the entire cl%&& &im$l' due to % l%c* of time, %nd %fterw%rd I w%& left with %n une%&' feeling %bout the &ucce&& %nd im$%ct of m' $re&ent%tion( "ithin ,ngli&h 2- H, I w%& forced to &t%nd in front of the cl%&& twice %nd $re&ent #%&tl' different to$ic& th%n I w%& %ccu&tomed to &$e%*ing %bout( Howe#er, %& I $re&ented to the cl%&&, I re%li9ed I w%& not ner#ou& %t %ll %nd th%t the &tudent& were li&tening to me( ;ollowing the $re&ent%tion, I *new I h%d done % good 7ob( I %lw%'& thought I h%d the $otenti%l to be % good $ublic &$e%*er, but thi& cl%&& h%& $ro#ed to me th%t I %lre%d' %m % good $ublic &$e%*er( I c%n utili9e both #i&u%l %id& %nd m' or%tor' &*ill& to &timul%te % crowd( 3ne %re% I wi&h I h%d been %ble to do more with i& m%/imi9ing m' electronic re&ource&( All of m' com$o&ition& were either %& tr%dition%l te/t document& or &im$le $ower$oint $re&ent%tion&( +here %re m%n' other t'$e& of medi% out there to be u&ed, &uch %& #ideo&, th%t could h%#e been #er' intere&ting to wor* with %nd could h%#e $otenti%ll' been more effecti#e in communic%ting with m' %udience( 3ur &ociet' i& growing $%&t &im$l' t'$ed e&&%'&, %nd while incor$or%ting % #i&u%l %id i& hel$ful to % re%der, &ometime& %n entirel' different t'$e of $re&ent%tion might be mo&t effecti#e( 3ne &$ecific e/%m$le i& m' 1%t' Perr' e&&%' might h%#e been enh%nced if it could h%#e included her %ctu%ll' &inging to hel$ re%der& who %re not f%mili%r with her wor* under&t%nd wh%t &he &ound& li*e %nd wh' &he i& $o$ul%r( 4ontinu%l growth i& nece&&%r' for % $er&on to li#e li#e to it& fulle&t( +hi& i& true within writing %l&o %& we need to continue to de#elo$ our &*ill& to become % more com$lete %nd %ble writer( I h%#e grown % lot %& % writer thi& &eme&ter( +he &o$hi&tic%tion of m' writing, m' cre%ti#it' for choo&ing to$ic&, m' %bilit' to %d7u&t m' wor* for #%r'ing %udience&, %nd m' u&%ge of m' $eer& h%#e %ll incre%&ed( +hi& h%& hel$ed me de#elo$ m' &*ill& %nd cre%te more eleg%nt writing&( I cert%inl' need to continue to $r%ctice %nd le%rn, but I thin* I %m % better writer %nd communic%tor tod%' then I w%& &i/ month& %go( A& long %& I li#e, I ho$e to continue le%rning %nd growing, %nd thi& i& no different for m' writing(

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