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Definition of Constructivism
Fundamentally, constructivism says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

In constructivism theory, learning is based on prior knowledge. Teacher must take note of that knowledge and provide learning environment that meets the current understanding and the new experience of the students. Teacher need to know that all children understand something in different way especially the low proficiency students where they need different experience to advance to different level of understanding.

Students need too apply their current understanding in new situation in order to build new knowledge. Teacher can encourage group interaction where the interplay among participants helps individual students become explicit about their own understanding by comparing it to their peers.

Learning involve languages ; Language we speak, language we often hear made a big influence towards learning. Those students need to involve themselves in English activities and speak more regarding this language. It will boost their english proficiency and knowledge.

Motivation: Key to success. Without guidance/someone to push students tends to be demotivated and lost their interest in learning. Peers, family, and teachers are the agent of good motivators in pushing them to their limits of success.

Its effect toward low profiency pupils in learning of Eng. Lang.

Like said before, in order for student to acquire new knowledge, Students need too apply their current understanding in new situation in order to build new knowledge. These particular group need to incorporate their current understanding of their L1 into learning English, then they can understand English easily.

Thank you!

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