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The process of learning is believed to be an ingredient in the development of the learners. In this

period of time, modern strategies in teaching should be given importance. This research

describes the knowledge and techniques to deliberately select and monitor strategies needed to

achieve desired learning goals from gifted to non-English speaking.

In addition, the study investigated the performance of heterogeneous class using different

strategies in English. The problem of this investigation is to how less achievers in English not be

affected in their performance despite the challenge of joining with the bright learners.

Meeting the needs of the learners is a challenging opportunity. It takes a sophisticated level of

knowledge, skill and training that many teachers often feel they lack, which makes them feel

unprepared to work effectively with diverse learners. Fortunately, the world has many strategies

to offer in order to meet these challenges.

In a classroom setting, there are dissimilar experiences of educators when facing the students

with different level of thinking. This diverse way of thinking can be determined through the

different means of expressing the students’ notion regarding a topic in which the proper usage of

terms can be considered. Non-speaking English learners can hardly express their ideas about a

given scenario or if questions are given to them, in like manner, they cannot finish the written

task to them because their time is consumed in thinking the appropriate words to meet the

required answer for the questions. On the other hand, the gifted learners can easily answer the

questions in few minutes. Expressing their thoughts about the given situation or questions can be

easily replied by these students. As a result, if half of the class are gifted and half can hardly
express their ideas, the possible scenario would be the gifted learners would wait for the their

classmates to finish the given task.

Logically, teachers have not much control over the environment from which our students come

nor do we have much control over some of the adversities they overcome to be successful. What

we do have control over is seven to eight hours of their lives, five days a week, learners are with

us. Thus, teachers have all the chances to let the students realize the importance of education

despite the difficulties in coping with the lessons.

During those five days a week, teachers can give the hope, the dreams and the tools to make their

lives meaningful.

Therefore, this research provides the strategies to meet the needs of the students in coping with

the lessons despite their ability to understand the language. Educators can give the learners a

guide to develop resiliency toward their issues associated with poverty.


According to John Dewey, there should be research done by the teachers in investigating and

learning the different strategies so as to improve their own and the students’ learning.

Diversity refers to differences. Todays’ learners are different in many ways such as culture,

socioeconomic, status, gender, learning modalities, cognitive development, social development

and the rate in which they take in information and retrieve it.
In every study and strategy in teaching the learners, there will always be a guide/target goal to

achieve the desired output of the investigation. Thus, this conceptual framework could be a hint

in hitting the aim, then it is significant for the educators to be mindful of the content in teaching,

its constructions and the context as well to improve the way of teaching.


“The Performance Diverse Learners of Grade 9 Using Different Strategies in Teaching English.”

Students from diverse language backgrounds encounter this difficulty every day in schools.

Because language and culture are so intertwined, language minority students are expected to

learn and use a new language and new cultural dispositions effectively. Often this new language

and culture is different from what they have learned at home. In this chapter, the term
linguistically diverse students will be used to refer to “students whose first language is either a

language other than English or a language other than the middle class. As such, this term refers

to students who are second language learners, limited English proficient, bilingual, and language

minority students.

This study is conducted to address the following problems:

 What will be the strategies that would provide the needs of the students despite their

differences in level of thinking?

 How will be the less achievers still be confident in their performance despite the

challenge of joining with the bright learners?

 Among the provided strategies, what will be the most appreciated technique by the

students in learning English?

There was always problem in the class having mixed ability because some of them used to

understand before I taught, but some of them didn’t understand even if I taught the same thing

five times. Thus, the situation was really challenging for me. I have found most of the teachers

are worried about having mixed ability students in the same classroom. It is because if there is

variety in the classroom, it is very difficult for the teachers to implement their lesson plan

because teachers need to take care of each student equally. It is difficult even for the students

because those who understand easily feel bored with more explanation, but it is necessary for

other students. In such classroom management becomes a formidable obstacle. In large

classroom, it is very difficult for the teacher to take his/her lesson ahead because some of them

have better understanding than others.

These are just few of the scenarios encountered by the educators every day facing the learners

with different capabilities. Therefore, in my observation these kinds of dilemmas should be

addressed to give the quality education to the hope of our motherland. That despite the large

number of the young generation in a classroom, still the best lessons can be executed in the best

possible way.


This research would be significant to learners whether they are bright students or less

achievers, to the educators, to the school and of course to the society. As a teacher, our aim is

to reach all of our students. However, it is well known that every student has a different way of
learning, and learns and progresses at different speeds. Thus, investigation to this problem is of

great significant to avoid such consequences.

The essence of effectively teaching a heterogeneous classroom is in the careful differentiation

of the curriculum that would allow all of the students a chance of success. Not only does this

help the low-achieving students, but studies have shown that when teaching is differentiated

for a heterogeneous class, rather than teaching all the students the same, the achievement of

advanced learners is found to improve (Kulick & Kulick, 1992, as cited in Tomlinson,

2006).Therefore, the best approach according to Tomlinson is one in which students are taught

in a heterogeneous class, but where the teachers engage the students with “high-level,

engaging, meaning-making curriculum in a flexible classroom setting” (Tomlinson, 2006, p. 32).

In this setting teachers need to support not only the students that require additional scaffolding

to succeed, but also students who need to work at a more complex level. Ideally, teachers

would work in team settings, some as generalists and some as specialists (Tomlinson, 2006).

Based on the investigation, both advanced learners and less achievers appreciate and enjoy the

strategy in which the lesson was being presented through the use of technology specifically the

power point. This scenario is not an unussual expectation or reaction by the learners since as of

these days, students are highly engaged in different kinds of gadget. Thus, exposure to

technology is also of high demand even inside the four corners of the classroom. In these

simple ways, learners with different level of thinking will be motivated to study for they will not

be facing traditional way of teaching. Given the chance to encounter a modern way of learning,
it would be a great help to the students to go beyond their potentials and a stepping stone to

reach their goals.

A s language teachers we are constantly trying to find ways to inspire our students and get

them involved. It has been challenging experience for the teachers of English language to tackle

the problems in the heterogeneous classrooms. Of course, being language teachers we should

work together to bring out some solutions for the problems which may be take some years and

a lengthy process, but rewards are countless.

Fortunately, this study is sufficiently great and it offers assistance to us, English Teachers in

handling heterogeneous class despite the delay of discussion (sometimes) caused by the

students who did not understand immediately the topic. Based from the given strategies, there

are ways to show that the lessons will be easily comprehend by the students whether advanced

learners or simple students. In this way, educators do need to divide the time to meet the

needed explanation for the less achievers class. Indeed, effective and modern strategies

provide a substantial contribution to execute the lessons, that will result into a comprehensible

discussion between teachers and students.

Moreover, with the great impact mentioned above for the learners, educators, in the long run,

these strategies will be utilized by most teachers to promote effective teaching. This situation

will affect the society in which the out of school youths will be lessened for they will be inspired

to study. A statement to ponder is that a society filled with motivated students will soon be a

successful place to work in.



In this chapter, various of related literature about the performance of diverse students are

mentioned. Applying different kinds of strategies to achieve the desired performance of the

learners are also included in this article in which the notions are from different books that is

connected about the study. There are studies to show specific motivational processes related to

the salience of mastery and performance goals.

Burris and Welner,2011. Students learn more when they are challenged by teachers who have

high expectations for them, encourage them to identify problems, involve them in collaborative

activities, and accelerate their learning. Teachers who express high expectations convey the

belief that their students have the ability to succeed in demanding activities.

 Thus, collaborative learning within the group of advanced students and less achievers

will be a great help to motivate the learners to do their best in learning.

Epstein, 2011.Parents and guardians are a child's first teachers, but they are not always aware of

the ways in which they mold children's language development and communication skills.

Children learn their language at home; the more interaction and communication they have at

home, the more children learn. Teachers can support this crucial role by sharing information

about the link between home communication and children's learning.

Hedges, 2012. "Everyday concepts emerged from children's thinking about their daily

experiences; that is, they occur spontaneously in the context of normal participation in family

and community practices and activities" (Hedges, 2012, P.145), it can be deduced that the

everyday arena is important in the child's formation of

 Therefore, involvement of the parents about academic achievement/performance of the

the learners provide a great impact to encourage the students to study more. Despite the hectic

schedule of the parents in their work, they must still give time talking to their children about the

situation in the school.

Gardner, 2010. Nothing makes learning come alive more than engaging students in arts

activities that encourage dialogue on issues that are important to them. Providing opportunities

for students to express themselves through the visual and performing arts enables them to learn

about and develop their talents and multiple intelligences: not only verbal and mathematical

intelligences but also visual, spatial, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences.

 Giving significance to individuals’ differences can boost students’ confidence. In this

strategy, teachers must discover the different talents and intelligences of the learners.

There might be students who are good at expressing their ideas, however, they might be

good in drawing or expressing their emotions through writing activities. Therefore, arts,

for example should be integrated in every subject or topic in discussion in the lesson.

Kheira Altaher Musa Alkash,(2012)article.In English as a foreign language classroom, it is

very difficult to attract and sustain the attention of the learners due to the foreign language status

of English. However, PowerPoint Presentation can contribute a lot in achieving this. Various

graphic, visualand audio-visual features embedded in the use of PowerPoint Presentation help

attractand sustain the much required learners’ attention.

 The use of PowerPoint Presentation in education in general and in foreign

language instruction in particular has dominated for a very long period of time

and has been advocated and recommended due to infinite and practical benefits

embedded in it.
Lucas, Weinert and Kluwe, 2011. Research show that several styles could be employed by the

teachers to encourage students to become self motivated independent learners. As identified,

teachers must give frequent positive feedback that supports students' beliefs that they can do

well; ensure opportunities for students' success by assigning tasks that are either too easy nor too

difficult; help students find personal meaning and value in the material; and help students feel

that they are valued members of a learning.

 Based from the related research about the study, encouragement and positive feedback

about the students’ work or output would give motivated for the learners to study well.


This research is conducted to address the different complicated scenario inside the classroom

while handling the mixed capable students. In these modern days, there are plenty of experiences
encounter by the educators as they discussed to the advanced students and less achievers.

Because of the said dilemma, I was inspired to make this study to think of the effective strategies

to encourage the learners to study well despite their different abilities in the class. The following

are concerns that opt to lessen the worries of teachers about strategies in handling mixed


 What will be the strategy that would provide the needs of the students despite their

differences in level of thinking?

If there are students that can easily comprehend the lesson while others need a double

explanation, then a collaborative learning can be a way to understand the topic well.

 How will be the less achiever still be confident in their performance despite the challenge

of joining with the bright learners?

If parents will be cooperative in providing the motivation/encouragement to their

children, then whatever the capabilities of the students are, as long as they are supported

and encouraged by guardians/parents, then the confidence of the learners will always be


 Among the provided strategies, what will be the most appreciated technique by the

students in learning English?

If students prefer variety of features and illustration, then there will be an immense

possibility of choosing the strategy with the use of technology, that is the power point



The study is focus on a certain school in Calasiao, it was particularly investigated through the

participation of Grade 9 learners in English class. This will hopefully add another dimension to

the pedagogical aspect that can be gained from the students’ perspectives. With this

investigation, it will improve the teaching strategy of the teachers even if they are handling

students with different level of learning abilities

This research attempt to fill the gap between the advanced learners and the less achievers in a

classroom. This kind of condition in school should be avoided by the teachers and students as to

clear off the inferiority complex in the area. School is a place where young generation should

feel their significance as individuals/citizens in the country, therefore teachers should be

mentally and intellectually equipped with full of knowledge on how to feed the minds of the


Moreover, the research data was based on interview of the students based on their experiences

and interaction with each other through the different strategies applied while teaching. It focused

on the techniques as variables in interpreting their perspectives on how to be motivated in

studying the lessons in English whatever the topic it may be. The data that were collected from

this research helped the teachers to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses so as to improve

instruction. The results of this study could benefit both teachers and students.


This study adopted a qualitative method which enabled the researcher to gain an insider’s view

of the field through close association with both participants and activities within the classroom.

The data in this study was collected through two structured interviews and observations of

classroom practices and students. Observations took place in the school, with a particular focus

on the diverse strategies while teaching English in the class. The researcher took notes on the

important information related to students’ diverse learning. Based from the data, there were

progress and how this diversity of individuals’ capabilities had been addressed in the setting.

Observations of the classroom practices and students allowed the collection of broad information

on students’ diversity. Observations were the first step of the data collection and helped to

conceptualise the interview questions for a more in-depth investigation. There were conversation

done daily as to notice the feedback of the learners as they experienced the different strategies in

teaching English and their development as well despite their differeneces. The researcher then

made notes after the conversation. Interviews collected supplementary and explanatory

information which permitted a deep understanding on how the techniques reached to enhanced

the potentials of the students’ diverse learning progress.

Data analysis is “the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts,

field notes, and other materials that you accumulate to increase your understanding of


Effectively meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse population of students presents

challenges for educators in every school. Data analysis can provide a snapshot of what students

know, what they should know, and what can be done to meet their academic needs. With

appropriate analysis and interpretation of data, educators can make informed decisions that

positively affect student outcomes. No single assessment can tell educators all they need to know

to make well-informed instructional decisions, thus the study stresses the use of data sources.

Generally, the researcher collected some of the significant data on students’ information such as

their behavior, as well as the perceptual data from surveys and focus groups. But when it comes

to improving instruction and learning, it’s not the quantity of the data that counts, but how the

information is used.

The researcher used questionnaires, observations, interviews, students' participation for this

study. The questionnaires were administered after strategies were applied. Observation refers to

what the learners see taking place in the classroom based on their daily participation. Student

interviews were done informally before, during, and after classes.

Letter of Permission to the Respondents

Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region I
University Of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
Graduate School
Dagupan City

Dear Fellow Teachers,

This study had been permitted by the Schools Division Superintendent to wholeheartedly

cooperate to respond to the given questionnaires associated with my research entitled,

“ Performance of Diverse Learners of Grade 9 Using Different Strategies in Teaching English.”

Kindly answer the enclosed questionnaire without reservations as all response will be noted



Nina D. Castillo


Data collection methods in educational research are used to gather information that is then

analyzed and interpreted. As such, data collection is a very important step in conducting research

and can influence results significantly. Once the research question and sources of data are

identified, appropriate methods of data collection are determined. Data collection includes a

broad range of more specific techniques.

In this article, there are objectives why this study was done carefully. Thus, different methods

were done to achieve the goals. One of the methods done the questionnaire as to discover the

effective strategies in teaching linguistically diverse students. Through questionnaire, learners

will express their ideas or opinions as to what strategy that they what to use by the teacher for

them to comprehend the lesson properly. Uniformity, each respondent receives the identical set

of questions. With closed-form questions, responses are standardised, which can assist in

interpreting from large numbers of respondents,. In addition questionnaires are designed so that

answers to questions are scored and scores summed to obtain an overall measure of the attitudes

and opinions of the respondent.

Observation was also applied to understand how learning techniques influence the learning

process for learners. During observation learning one will watch a model and mentally store

what they did. This symbol can be used as a guide for their behavior even if they never actually

imitated what they observed. Another credit of observation is that during the class discussion,

educator can observe how well the students are in participating in the class interaction. While

applying the different strategies, through observation, teacher can observe/ discover of the

preferred technique by the students through participation

Face-to-face interviews have long been the dominant interview technique in the field of

qualitative research. In the last two decades, telephone interviewing became more and more

common. Due to the explosive growth of new communication forms, such as computer mediated

communication (for example e-mail and chat boxes), other interview techniques can be

introduced and used within the field of qualitative research.

However, for this investigation, I used actual face-to-face communication to interview

informants. Face-to-face interviews help with more accurate screening. The individual being

interviewed is unable to provide false information during screening questions such as gender,

age. The interviewer is the one that has control over the interview and can keep the interviewee

focused and on track to completion or race.

Furtheremore, when students answer or try to explain, teachers can see the extent of their

understanding. They can correct (or help the students correct) what the students haven’t got right

or don’t see quite clearly.

In the vast majority of cases, it is the teacher who selects the participant. If teachers will wait

patiently and not always select the same student, if they look expectantly to others and confirm

verbally and nonverbally the value of hearing from different people, they can influence who

speaks and how much. Participation even helps teachers control how much they talk.

Another great contribution of students’ participation that can be useful to the study is people

need to be able to speak up in a group. They may need to offer information, ask questions, or

argue for a different solution. People don’t learn to speak up in a group by reading about how to

do it—it’s one of those skills best developed with practice. And it’s one of those skills that

develop better with feedback. If participation is being used to teach students this public
communication skill, they will enhance their ability to think quickly and express themselves in

formal way. There are so many benefits of classroom participation for students in the classroom.

Classroom participation can help students to perform better in school.In fact , based from my

research, I’ve read that according to Scepansky , higher levels of classroom participation also

tended to score slightly higher on personality traits of openness and consciousness. Classsroom

participation can send postive signals to students about the kind of learning and thinking such as

growth in critical thinking, active learning, development of listening, and speaking skills needed

for career success, and the ability to join a disiplined conversation. Cooper, identified that when

students see that their participation is being graded regularly and consistently, they adjust their

study habits accordingly to be prepared for active participation. Students’ enthusiasm,

involvement, and willingness to participate affect the quality of class discussion as an

opportunity for learning.


Further advantages of using documents in research include the fact that such research is

relatively low cost, particularly when the documents are easily accessible and already located in

your workplace. Documents vary a great deal in quality, often related to the perceived

importance of recording certain information, but some types of document can be extremely

detailed and yield much more information than you could hope to gain from questionnaire,

interview, observation and students’ participation. Today, as in the past, teachers are being

challenged to broaden their repertoire of teaching strategies to meet the needs and strengths of

students from a tremendous diversity of backgrounds. The ways in which we teach these young

people exert a powerful influence on their linguistic, social, cognitive, and general educational


The main results will draw on the descriptive of the independent and dependent variables of the

study. Since the sample given was to 80 respondents, the researcher will mainly use raw

frequencies to describe the performance of the advance intellectual students and the less

achievers( bases for the performances are the grades, expression of ideas and class participation).

Since one of the objectives of this research is to provide a description of the sample in terms of

various variables, the analysis is sufficient.

Based from the study specifically from the results of the questionnaire and interview,70%

respectively of the respondents concluded that they performed well during the power point

presentation of the lesson, thus 30% thought that integrating art in the subject could be a useful

tool to motivate the students to study more.

Furthermore, with regard to the response of the learners gathered from the observation and

during the class participation, the researcher could actually conclude that power point had a great

impact to get the attention of the learners whether they advanced or less achievers as they call

Therefore if that is the scenario, the researcher conclude that the use of technology inside the

class is a way to hone the interest of the students in education.

However, we should not also disregard the involvement of the parents to encourage their

children to study more. As from the data gathered, it had 10% impact on the feelings of the

learners to at least motivate themselves to read their books and study.

Different Questions Regarding the Strategies in Teaching English to the Diverse Students in

Grade 9


1. Did you comprehend the lesson using

the power point presentation?

2. Was the group activity the most exciting

way to interact with your classmates?

3. Were you comfortable with your classmates

during the discussion?

4. Do you believe that involvement of your

parents in your studies contribute in your
study habits?

5. Is it an advantage to be in a heterogeneous

6. Do you agree that high expectation from

teachers can motivate you to push more
on studies?

7. Do you believe that explaining your output

in front would help to build your confidence?

8. Was it easy for you to express your ideas

straightly in English?

9. Did you enjoy your art activity about the


10. Do you agree that art is important to

understand further the lesson?

11. Did answer all the questions correctly

during the power point presentation?

12. Were you satisfied with the discussion

using the art in the class?
13. Did you enjoy the group activity?

Language is always changing. It responds to social, economic, and political events and is

therefore an important barometer and descriptor of a society at any given time changes.

Moreover, there are terms in which it is being used in this study; thus, the following

words are provided with a meaning to clarify the thoughts of the sentences.

Diverse students-- learners with different abilities that is some learners are achievers

while others are less achievers

Intellectually equipped students- - these are students with different talents and achievers (

basis would be the grades of the students, for they are on the top ten rank list)

Context—the setting for an statement or idea and in terms of which it can be fully

understood and assessed.

Positive signals—action and gestures used by the students that show full understanding

about the presentation of the lesson.

Strategy-- a plan of action or lesson presentation to achieve a major aim


Sharma H.M. (2011),” Ways of Effective Language Teaching in Heterogeneous


Harmer, J.(2010),” The Practice of English Language Teaching.”

Buris and Welner,(2011),”Closing The Gap By Detracting.”

Epstein,2011,”Going to Pieces without Falling.”

Beatrice Avalos,2011,” Teacher professional Development in teaching and Teacher


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