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How would you feel if you had to make a decision tomorrow that impacted the rest of your life?

Would you be able to leave your family behind? Would you be able to not talk to/see friends anymore? Would you be able to start over with a new group of people?

Complete the Faction Quiz. Once you are finished, wait for further instructions

Beatrice Prior was born into the Abnegation faction, and though her familymom, dad, slightly older brother Calebtotally rock the Abnegation lifestyle, Beatrice isn't so great at it. As a 16-year old, Beatrice will take a test to show what faction she belongs in and then be able to choose her faction. Forever. So, no pressure. Beatrice and Caleb take the bus to school, while brave and crazy Dauntless kids take the trains that never stop. Before the faction aptitude tests, we get to see some kids ignore Beatriceshe doesn't have any friendsor bully her because she belongs to Abnegation.

The aptitude test tells you which faction you fit in best, but the choice is still yours. The tests are private, so no one gets to see how you do; and also secret, in that you don't start sharing your results right after. Beatrice nervously waits for her turn. Though she was born into an Abnegation family, she doesn't feel that she totally belongs. Beatrice meets Tori from Dauntless, who will run the aptitude test on her. We pick up just at the test begins

What character traits could you use to describe Beatrice throughout this chapter?

Always start with Always start with Turn the question For example, This shows into a statement and use because/by Always start with Always start with In addition, This means

Complete the chart with character traits for Beatrice from Chapter 1-3.
Character Trait Integrated Quote Explanation

List them out- 1 per box.

For example, ____ says quote (Roth, #).

This shows

Does the suggested faction (from the faction quiz) match your personality?
Explain why in at least 4 sentences.

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