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Digital Unit Plan Assessments

By Thomas Tran

Exam Pop Quiz (expressions)

1) 20=4x6x{2}
2) 6=12n+5 {0}
3) 8x2=9+7x {7}
4) a+5=5a+5 {0}
5) 4m4=4m No solution.
6) p1=5p+3p8 {1}
7) 5p14=8p+4 {6}
8) 8=(x+4) {4}
9) 14=(p8) {6}
10) 186k=6(1+3k) {1}
11) 2(4x3)8=4+2x {3}
12) (1+7x)6(7x)=36 {5}
13) 24a22=4(16a) No solution.
14) p4=9+ p No solution.
15) 12=4(6x3) {0}
16) (74x)=9 {4}
17) 5n+34=2(17n) {4}
18) 3n5=8(6+5n) {1}
19) 3(4x+3)+4(6x+1)=43 {4}
20) 5(15x)+5(8x2)=4x8x {5}

Progress Monitoring

The rubric on the overall progress of students will be taken through these
measurements. After a full assessment of all of the activities from the Assessment
Map, each student will fall under one of the four categories:

Student completes all
Webercise assignments on time.
Student participates on all
guided notes and in class
activities. Student completes all
homework on time. Student
shows proficiency on quizzes
and exams.
Student completes most
Wevercise assignments on
time. Student sometimes
participates on all guided
notes and in class activities.
Student completes most
homework on time. Student
shows proficiency on most
quizzes and exams
Student completes some
Webercise assignments on time.
Student participates on a few
guided notes and in class
activities. Student completes
some homework on time.
Student shows little proficiency
on quizzes and exams.
Student completes few to
none of the Webercise
assignments on time. Student
never participates on all
guided notes and in class
activities. Student completes
few to none of the homework
on time. Student shows little
to no proficiency on most
quizzes and exams.

Assessment Map

1. Webercise #1 - Flashcards This will help them be prepared for the
keywords used in the lesson plan.
2. Prior Lesson Review This is to help them have a solid
foundation on prior knowledge in order
to move forward efficiently.

3. Lesson Plan Presentation and Guided

Visual instruction and class participation
is utilized in order for critical thinking
and engaged learning to be
implemented. Concepts will also be
present in this portion of the lesson

4. Webercise #2
Independent/Dependent variables
Word problems are given to students in
order for them to learn how to use Math
in real life situations. They will also learn
what are independent and dependent

5. Continued practice problems for
lesson plan
Practice makes perfect. Various activities
will be provided so that the lessons do
no become too repetitive and boring.
Procedures will be drilled in this portion
of the lesson.

6. Pop Quiz The students will engage in a short quiz
that focuses on the procedures of the
lesson plan. Since they have just
participated on the continued practice
problems, the information is still fresh
and should perform exceptionally well if
the students fully participated
7. Wevercise #3 Khan Academy Students will have to complete the khan
academy supplementary videos in order
for students to get a better grasp of the
concepts to be prepared for the exam.

8. Accumulative Exam The exam will cover all of the lesson plan
contents, including quantities,
expressions, equations, and functions.
The test will also incorporate word
problems, independent and dependent
variables and the students will have to
utilize their knowledge of the keywords
from the lesson plan.

Assessment Summary

The student learning and achievement will be assessed according to each category
of assignments given to them. If I feel that too many students are performing too
poorly on a certain category, changes will be implemented in order to better educate
the students more efficiently. Although these assessments are to monitor the
students progress, as the instructor, it will also be utilized as a tool to help tweak
and alter the lesson plan for the students betterment.

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