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Child: Ebado Ahmed Date: October 2013 Written by: Teacher Ursula

Ebado, today you came to An-Nur wearing a beautiful dress. You walked up to me with a happy smile pointing to the flowers. I commented on the pattern and colours. Then you pointed at the hearts on your socks, and finally to the white dots on your red shoes. A little later you showed me the artificial flowers you had found. We looked at their shape and also on the shapes on your dress. To extend this discovery I scanned the environment for real flowers and noticed a sweet scent. We found honeysuckle blossoms on the fence. This attracted your friends, and everyone wanted a turn to smell the blossoms. Ebado, by observing and recognizing patterns you develop strategies for thinking, exploration and making sense of the world. You used your sense of sight, touch and smell to explore flowers and patterns. You learn to communicate your interests, discovery and share the joy with your friends, and demonstrate curiosity, thinking and making connections by pointing and sharing your interest. It is a pleasure to share your joy and learn with you. We will further explore the needs of living plants and flowers, by planting and watering them. I will provide coloured tiles and bottle tops to play with and to create patterns. Perhaps we can also make patterns with crayons on paper. I am sure you will continue to show and communicate what you enjoy.

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