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1) Psychological contract in the workplace are the set of expectations held by employees concerning what they will contribute

to an organization what the organization will in return provide to them. Employers offer less security but more benefit while employees offer less loyalty often willing to work longer hours and assume more responsibility

Psychological contract is individual beliefs, shaped by the organization, regarding terms of an exchange between individuals and their organization .The state of the psychological contract is concerned with whether the promises and obligations have been met, whether they are fair and their implications for trust. Psychological contract is developed by organization scholar Denise Rosseau where it's represents the mutual belief, perception and the informal obligation between employer and employee. The six most important elements for physiological contract are Voluntary choice The linkage between evaluated performance and and rewards Multiple contracts Belief in mutual agreement Managing losses when contracts fail The contract model of employment relationship

Psychological contract is important as it; Is a framework that will examine expectation and factors that affect between employers and employees is a framework for understanding how organizational change may affect employee behavior individualistic view of the employment relationship is also important as it will find new ways of managing employment relations to meet interest and concerns of both employers and the organization

2) Identify and summarize the most important theories of employee motivation. Motivation is forces within the individual, forces that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a persons effort expended at work. (Hitt, 2012). Motivation represents an unsatisfied need which creates a state of tension or uncertainty causing the individual to make a goal oriented pattern towards restoring a state of uncertainty by satisfying the need. Motivation refers to forces that make people to behave in certain ways. It is also an inner feeling which energizes a person to work more. Simple Model Of Motivation

Types of motivation a) Monetary Motivation b) Non-Monetary Motivation Theories that address employee motivation are divided into three categories: Classical theory Behavior theory Contemporary motivational theories.

Classical Theory Classical theory is the oldest formal school of thought which began around 1990 and continued into 1920. This theory is mainly concerned in increasing the efficiency of workers and organization based on management practices, which were an outcome of careful observation. This theory approach mainly looks for the universal principle of operation in striving economic efficiency. This approached includes; Scientific management Focuses on the best way to do the job administrative management Focuses on the manager and basic managerial functions bureaucratic management - focused on the guidelines for structuring with formalization of rules and procedures The major contributors for school of classical theory are; 1. Frederick Winslow Taylor (Father Of Scientific Management) He put forward the idea that workers are motivated by pay. His theory argued the following; a) Workers do not naturally enjoy work and need close supervision and control b) Managers should break down production into a series of small task c) Workers should be given appropriate training and tools so they can work efficiently as possible on the task given d) Workers are then paid according to the items they produce in a set period of timpiece- rate-pay It analyzed management scientifically to find out the most effective way to do a jobOne best way to do the job. Taylors approach has close links with the concept of an autocratic management style Objective of Scientific Management o o o o o o o Scientific utilization of various resources like human power, material etc. To provide trained and efficient work force. To provide standardize methods of work. To provide a scientific base for selecting material, and equipment. To provide extra wages to the worker for higher production. Replace old rule of thumbs to new scientific methods. To develop a good rapport between management and workers.

2. Henri Fayol (Father Of Modern Management) To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control Henri Fayol Henri Fayol was concerned with the principle of organization and the function of management. Fayol placed the foundation of management as a distinct body of knowledge. He always insisted that it is scientific forecasting and the proper methods used in management which contribute towards a companys satisfactory result. Henri Fayols Administrative management is based on six main activities, they are o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Technical Production and manufacture Managerial Planning, controlling, co-ordination Commercial- Purchasing and selling Financial: Use of Capital Accounting : Asset, Liabilities, cost and profit Security :Protection of good and person Division of Work is defined as specialization as each job and work should be divided into small task and should be assigned to specialist of it Authority and responsibility- Authority is defined as tight to give order and command while responsibility means to complete the objective Discipline Is required at every level in every organization. He stated discipline in terms of obedience, application and respect to superior Unity of command- A subordinate should receive order from one boss only Unity of direction- All must work together to accomplish a common objective in under one plan Subordination of individual interest to common interest: Worker follows the common interest of organization rather than individual. Remuneration: It should be fair and acceptable. It includes both types of incentives financial as well as non-financial. Centralization: There should be one central point in organization which exercises overall direction and control of all the parts. Scalar Chain: Line of command from superior to subordinates. Order: Proper order can give an efficient management. Equity: It creates loyalty and devotion among the employees.

Fayols fourteen Principle of management is:

Stability of tenure personnel: Security of job for an employee in an organization is very important and pre-requisite condition. Retaining productive employee should always a higher priority of management.

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Esprit de corps: Management should encourage harmony and proper understandings between workers. Initiative: Manager should encourage the employees Initiative for creative working.

3) Frank and Lillian Gilberth a) Both of them are believers of Scientific Management and a pioneer of Motion Study and work simplification. b) Motion study is a method establishing employee productivity standards where complex tasks are broken into small, simple steps. c) Motion studies analyze work motions by filming workers and emphasize. areas for efficiency improvement by reducing motion.

4. Max Weber Bureaucratic Theory Max Weber was the first management theorist who is concerned about the management structure with the sets of rule and regulations. Bureaucracy management depends on administration as a tool. There are four major characteristic of organizational behavior;
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Hierarchical positions Rules of system Division of labor for specialization Impersonal relationship

Principles of bureaucratic theory 1) Job specialization: - Jobs are divided into simple, routine and fixed category based on competence and functional specialization. 2) Authority hierarchy: - Officers are organized in a hierarchy in which higher officer controls lower position holders 3) Formal selection: - All organizational members are to be selected on the basis of technical qualifications and competence demonstrated by training, education or formal examination. 4) Formal rules and regulations: - To ensure uniformity and to regulate actions of employees, managers must depend heavily upon formal organizational rules and regulations. Thus, rules of law lead to impersonality in interpersonal relations. 5) Impersonality: - Rules and controls are applied uniformly, avoiding involvement with personalities and preferences of employees. Nepotism and favoritism are not preferred. 6) Career orientation: - Career building opportunity is offered highly.

4) Maslows hierarchy of needs Maslows theory of motivation is where human beings are motivated by unsatisfied need and that certain lower needs to be satisfied before the higher needs. There are general needs which need to be fulfilled before a person is able to act unselfishly. Maslow separated the five needs into higher and lower orders. Physiological and safety needs were described as lowerorder and social, esteem and self-actualization as higher order needs. Maslow's theory consisted of two parts: o o The classification of human needs, Consideration of how the classes are related to each other (Robins, 2003)

A business should therefor offer different incentives to works in order to help to them to fulfill each need to progress up the hierarchy. Manager should also recognize workers are not all motivated in the same way and not all will move up the hierarchy at the same time The classes of needs were summarized by Maslow as follows;

Physiological need Physiological need are the biological needs that is required to preserve human life, these includes need of food, clothing and shelter This need has the highest potency for motivation. Man lives by bread alone, when there is no bread by Maslow Safety Needs Once Physiological need has been fulfilled, the safety needs comes. These include

a) Protection form physiological danger example fire, accident and many more b) Economic safety c) Desire for orderly d) Desire to know Social Need When the lower need has been satisfied, the social need and love becomes important motivator of behavior Most people want to belong into a group. These would include the need for love and belonging (for example working with college who support you at work, teamwork and communication) Esteem Needs Includes internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy and achievement and external esteem focuses such as status, recognition and attention. The person must feel important and must also receive recognition from others, as that recognition supports the feelings of personal growth. Self-Actualization Need Self Actualization is desire to become what one is capable of becoming Realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking growth and peak experience. These are those needs for realizing ones own potentialities for continued selfdevelopment for being creative. The person becomes interested in self-fulfillment, self-development and creativity.

Douglas McGregor Theory x and y

This theory is created by Douglas McGregor. Is used by human resource, organization behavior analysis and organizational behavior. It describe two different attitudes towards workforce motivation, His theory refers to two sets of employees based on the perception of human nature. Theory X and theory Y are two sets of assumptions about the nature of employees and his theory is based on human behavior. Theory X
McGregor's Theory X expresses the notion that "the average man is by nature indolent"

Theory X is based on traditional norms about employee. It suggests the following features of an average human being or employee. He recognized that X-type workers are in bottoms in an organization. (Kaylan-City) Average human being or employee is lazy and he dislikes work. He avoids accepting responsibility and prefer to be led by somebody else He is self-centered and indifferent to organizational needs He has little ambition, dislike responsibility ,prefer to be led by somebody but wants security He resists to change of any type Theory x organization work on a carrot and stick basic.

For this case for such employees, self-motivation is not possible. They will work when there is constant supervision on them. The manager has to persuade, punish or reward works in order to achieve the company goal.

Theory Y Theory Y is based on modern or progressive approach. He More positive view of workers and it can create enthusiasms Employees are ambitious, self-motivated and can accept more responsibilities They exercise self-control, Self-direction and empowerment Motivation occurs at the social, esteem and self-actualization levels and also at physiological and security level

MC Gregor recommends that they be motivated by encouraging participation to get team work. Theory Y assumes participation that people are not lazy but they are not motivated. They can be self-directed and creative at work, if they are given proper motivation to their job. This theory emphasizes on creating opportunities, removing obstacles and encouraging growth.

Discuss the importance of job satisfaction and employee morale and summarize their roles in human relation in workplace

Job satisfaction is defined as collection of positive or negative feelings that an individual hold toward his or her job (Hall). There are four main primary factors that determine job satisfaction. The four factors are; Rewards- refer to pay and promotion which is considered the most important job satisfaction Supportive teamwork Mentally challenging work Supportive colleagues

Different employees have different level of expectation with respect to pay and reward to work situation. Many companies have different approach to find out what is the employee expectations and perception about their job. Morale is defined as emotions, attitude, satisfaction, and overall outlook of employees during their time in a workplace environment. Morale is made up two sets of elements; One set containing those which help to make a person satisfied with his or her job Containing elements where it will make the person dissatisfied with their job

Importance of job satisfaction and employee morale as per below; a) It helps to retain the appropriate employees within the organization. Is about fitting the right person to the job and also the right culture. b) People who experience high level of job satisfaction tend to have higher level of task performance, higher levels of citizenship behavior c) It will also improve problem solving and decision making. d) Satisfied employees will go extra mile to help their coworkers in their organization. The positive feeling will increase their desire to interact with e) It will help to increase levels of innovation and creativity. f) It will help to increase productivity in an organization

Roles in human resource in the workplace 1. Company polices With policies that are clear, fair and applied equally to all employees will decrease dissatisfaction. 2. Salary and benefits Employee salaries and benefits are comparable to other organization as it will help to increase satisfaction and will reduce turnover 3. Interpersonal Employees develop a social aspect to their job that will increase job stasfication and will help create team work within colleagues 4. Recognition When a staff does a good job, acknowledge the staff as this will increase the employee satisfaction 5. Autonomy Company can ensure that the staff can make choices over their objectives and the hours they work 6. Work life balance 7. Job security 8. Felling safe in the work environment

5) Describe some of the strategies used by organizations to improve job satisfaction and employee motivation Strategies for Enhancing Job Satisfaction and Motivation Management by objective Management by objective is a management system in which the objectives of an organization are agreed upon so that management and employees understand a common way forward. Management by objectives aims are; Greater efficiency through systematic procedures Greater employee motivation and commitment through participation in the planning process Planning for results instead of planning of work

Management by objective must meet five criteria; a) They must be arranged in order of their importance b) Expressed quantitatively wherever possible c) Realistic d) Consistent with the organization policies e) Compatible with the organization polices Advantages using Management by objectives are; a) It encourages managers to do detailed planning b) The manager and subordinates know what theyre expected of them and hence there is no role ambiguity or confusion c) Managers are required to establish measurable targets and standards of performance and priorities for these targets. With this the responsibilities and authority of personnel is well established. d) The employees are more aware of the company goal as they will proud of being involved I the organizational goals. This will help to improve their morale and commitment. e) It also highlights the area in which the employees need further training and this will lead to career development. f) It improve communication between employer and employees

Job enrichment and Job Redesign

Job enrichment concept was developed by Fredrick Herzberg in 1950. Job enrichment provides an employee with more responsibility for a job and also challengers the individuals skill at work. Enrichment involves increasing the decision-making authority and encouraging employee with their task. For job enrichment attempt to add motivation factors job activities 1. This will increase the decision making authority. 2. The worker gets achievements, recognition 3. The worker gets a sense of belonging 4. The worker finds jobs meaningful I. Having staff to present report to the senior staff directly, this will increase the accountability of individuals for their own work. II. III. Employer also can reward the staff when the have performed their job well. Employer also provides job variety to the staff where they can be done by job sharing or job rotation. For example: The department has four staff and three staff is doing e-mail and another more staff is handling customer complaint. Employer can rotate the job every month among the four staff. IV. Grouping employees into teams and allowing the team the freedom to plan, make decision and accomplish their goals gives the employees a feeling of importance and responsibility Job redesign is programs attempt to create a better fit between employees and their jobs by restructuring work. Job redesign can usually be carried out through combining tasks, forming natural work groups or establishing client relationships. Combining Tasks. Enlarging jobs and increasing their variety can make employees Feel that their work is more meaningful. Forming Natural Work Groups. People who perform different jobs on the same projects are candidates for natural work groups that help employees see the place and importance of their jobs in the total structure of the firm. Establishing Client Relationships. Allowing employees to interact with customers can increase job variety.

Both of these programs will increase worker satisfaction in the jobs that are lack in motivating factors.

Modified Work Schedules Work-Share Programs. a) These programs allow employees to share a single, full-time job. Employees appreciate the schedule flexibility to accommodate their personal needs and company also can reduce turnover and this will save on the cost of benefits. b) Happy workers who fell theyre able to meet their job and home life demand more productive and they will provide more value for each hour they work. (Truex) c) It also help to reduce tardiness, absenteeism and turnover , which help the company to save money (Truex) Flextime Programs and Alternative Workplace Strategies. a) These programs allow workers to choose their working hours by adjusting a standard work schedule. b) This will also help company to decreased absenteeism and turnover and this will save the company money (JAVITCH, 2006) c) It also will create happier and more satisfying workplace because they are allow for a work- life time adjustment and tend to work harder. (JAVITCH, 2006) Participative Management and Empowerment (Lorne C. Plunkett) a) Employees are given chance to participate in decision making process in the company and this will empower the employee b) Employers are allowed to express their view and given consideration c) It also bring employees and management closer Advantages of modified Schedules (a) more freedom in employees personal lives; (b) Increased employee morale, engagement, and commitment to the organization. (c) an increased sense of freedom for employees; (d) Higher commitment and satisfaction for employees. (e) Reduced absenteeism and tardiness.

1. Discuss different managerial styles of leadership and their impact on human relations in the workplace. Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential. (Bennis).

Managerial Styles of leadership are characteristic ways of making decisions and relating to employees. a) Autocratic Leadership Autocratic Leadership is where the employer makes decision individually and without much regard for subordinate. The result will reflect the opinions and personality of the manager. Autocratic Leadership where the managers expect orders to be obeyed without any question and this will dimish the employee motivation There are two type of autocratic leadership ; A directive autocrat means decision alone and closely supervises subordinates A permissive autocrat makes decision alone but gives subordinates freedom in carrying out their work b) Democratic Style Democratic style is the manager welcome input from the subordinates while making the final decision making it keep staff informed about everything that affects their work and share decision making and problem solving responsibilities c) A Free-rein style

Is a leadership style where subordinates are not directly supervised and instead must function on own and prove their worth through accomplishments. (Business Dictionary )

Employers make decision and set up policies without the manager input ,


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