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Wistan was the grandson of King Wiglaf of Mercia (827-840) and son of King Wigmund who died in 8!". #n 840 on the death of his grandfather he ascended the throne. $owe%er &eing still too 'oung to rule he as(ed his mother )thelfleda to act as regent. *n am&itious cousin of Wistan+s ,erhtric &' name wished to marr' )thelfleda. Wistan howe%er refused to gi%e his consent considering the marriage to &e incestuous and against the canons of the -hurch. So ,erhtric .lotted to (ill him. $e arranged to meet the (ing at a .lace called since that time Wistanstowe .ro&a&l' Wistow in /eicestershire. 0n meeting the hol' (ing ,erhtric greeted him with the (iss of .eace. ,ut then he drew a sword from under his cloa( and struc( off the to. of the (ing+s head in the sha.e of a crown. 1hree of Wistan+s followers fell with him. 1his too( .lace in a&out the 'ear 820. * column of light was seen o%er the .lace of the mart'rdom3 and on the first of 4une e%er' 'ear thereafter 5hairs+ could &e .ic(ed off the grass touched and (iss for the s.ace of one hour. St. Wistan+s &od' was &uried ne6t to those of his father and grandfather in the monaster' of 7e.ton the original cr'.t of which can still &e seen. #n 808" *&&ot *lfwerd of )%esham as(ed King -anute to gi%e him the relics of St. Wistan. 9rom then on )%esham &ecame the centre of his %eneration. *fter the :orman -on;uest in 80<< the new :orman a&&ot of )%esham Walter de -eris' had dou&ts whether Wistan was reall' a saint. So he decided to su&=ect his relics to ordeal &' fire. $owe%er as he was carr'ing the s(ull of the saint it suddenl' fell from his hands and &egan gushing ri%ers of sweat. 0%er a centur' later the miracle of the 5hair+ was %erified &' a commission sent &' ,aldwin arch&isho. of -anter&ur'. #n 0rthodo6 times St. Wistan+s feast was on 4anuar' 83 &ut in more modern times it has &een transferred to 4une 8. (Sources> W.?. Macra' (ed.) -hronicon *&&atiae de )%esham 7olls Series 88<! ... 2!2-!43 -. $orstman (ed.). :o%a /egenda *ngliae 06ford 8"08 .. 4<73 ?a%id 9armer 1he 06ford ?ictionar' of Saints 06ford3 -larendon 8"78 .. 480)

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