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EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010

LLP Application eForms 2010 Applicant's Guide

I. Introduction II. Main steps of the eForm Application III. o! to fill in" su#mit" print and send the application form I%. &'pes of fields and functionalities 2 2 $ (

IV.A. Field Types................................................................................................................................................................... 7 IV.B. Repeaters...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 IV.C. Functions that appear as buttons ...............................................................................................................................9

Pa)e * of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010

,--P Application eForm. allo!s the completion and su#mission of application forms for certain actions of the -ifelon) -earnin) Pro)ramme /hereinafter referred as --P0 in electronic format. It also allo!s1

%alidatin) the form /chec2 !hether the compulsor' data is complete and correct0 Su#mittin) the application form online Printin) the application form to #e si)ned and sent #' post

In 2010 Call, LLP Application eForm is a aila!le "or t#e "ollo$in% & actions1 Preparator' %isits /for Comenius" 3rundt4i)" Erasmus and -eonardo0. Erasmus Mo#ilit' i)her Education Institutions

-eonardo &ransfer of Inno4ation Partnerships /for Comenius 5Multilateral and 6ilateral7" 3rundt4i) and -eonardo0 -eonardo Mo#ilit' Comenius and 3rundt4i) In7Ser4ice &rainin) Comenius Assistants and osts

,--P Application eForm. is a P8F file and can #e filled !ith Ado#e Reader. '#e applicant $ill need to use ersion ()1 or #i%#er o" Ado!e *eader . It is recommended" in all cases" to use the latest 4ersion of Ado#e Reader. Ado#e Reader is free and a4aila#le at !!! &he eForms ha4e to #e do!nloaded from the 9e#site of the National A)enc' of the countr' of the Applicant.

II.Main steps of the eForm Application

&he main steps for the su#mission of a --P Application eForm are1 8o!nload the application form as a P8F file

Pa)e 2 of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010 o From the National A)enc' !e#site throu)h internet: Fill the eForm /offline0 o No need to #e connected to Internet: %alidate the eform /offline01 o &he 4alidation chec2s the completeness of the compulsor' information* and that the data meets some eli)i#ilit' re;uirements: Su#mit eForm1 o &he su#mission has to #e done online /connected to Internet at the moment of clic2in) on the #utton <su#mission online=0. If the su#mission is successful the applicant recei4es immediatel' another P8F file called <Su#mission confirmation=. It !ill contain the <su#mission I8= and instructions for the ne>t steps: o Create Email attachment and send it to the NA email address (backup solution only if the online submission is not possible or available): Print1 o the su#mitted form /to #e si)ned0 and o the su#mission confirmation: Send #' Post to the National A)enc'1 o #oth" the printed7si)ned form and the su#mission confirmation.

III.How to fill in, submit, print and send the application form
&he procedure that the applicant should follo! to complete an application to a specific action is descri#ed step #' step1

&he eForm is a4aila#le at the National A)encies !e#sites.




Applicants should do$nload t#e application form from the !e#site of the National A)enc' of their countr' and sa4e it locall'" in their PC or net!or2. It is a P8F file. A&$HO)'H I$ IS POSSI"&E $O E!I$ $HE EFORMS !IRE($&# O% $HE )SER "RO*SER, *E RE(OMME%! $O !O*%&OA! I$ $O A &O(A&

It is not possi#le to su#mit online the eForm unless the application is 4alid

Pa)e $ of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010 !RI E. $HIS A!

A%$A'E+ $O &OA! $HE $HE S)M"I$$E! *I&& PRE E%$ $HE &OS$ OF $HE FI&&E! EFORM AF$ER (&OS)RE OF $HE "RO*SER.


!O%*&OA!E! EFORM (A% "E SA E! A%! (&OSE! A$ A%# MOME%$ *I$HO)$ &OSSI%' $HE E%(O!E! !A$A.

%O$E+ $HE FO&&O*I%' !ES(RIP$IO% IS MA!E ASS)MI%' $HA$ $HE APP&I(A%$ HAS !O*%&OA!E! A%! SA E! $HE EFORM &O(A&&#.

&he applicant opens t#e eForm usin) the ,Open. function of Ado#e Reader or #' dou#le7clic2in) on the P8F file. &he <Open Form= !indo! allo!s searchin) for the file in the a4aila#le dri4es and folders of the computer. &he applicant "ills in t#e re+uired "ields on t#e "orm " usin) the mouse or ta# 2e's to na4i)ate. Please note that1 a. Mandator' fields are mar2ed #' special color as descri#ed in @Field &'pes I%.A.2. #. Fields appearin) in %rey are <Prefilled or calculated Fields= as descri#ed in @I%.A 7 Field &'pes) &he' cannot #e modified #' the applicant and !ill displa' either default 4alues" calculation results or data alread' inputted in other fields or ta#les. c. If there are ta#les and fields in the form !here multiple entries are possi#le or #loc2sAsections that can #e repeated" the applicant can add or delete ro!s or sections #' clic2in) on the #uttons or . d. &he results of numeric calculations and the num#erin) or ro!s in some ta#les and repeaters appear automaticall' in other cases" !hen a #utton appears" the applicant ha4e to clic2 on this #utton to o#tain the result of the calculations. 9hile fillin) the form the applicant can al!a's sa e t#e data already "illed, it is /still0 possi#le to sa4e the form #efore it has #een 4alidated, usin) ,Sa4e.. In order to a4oid losin) data #ecause of a technical failure or a !ron) manipulation of the tool , it is %ood practice to sa e t#e "orm re%ularly !hile completin) the eForm.

Pa)e B of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010 ?




After fillin) the form" the applicant presses the C alidate, !utton to 4erif' that the form is filled correctl' and that there is no missin) compulsor' data . 9hen the applicant1 *.*. has finished completin) the eForm" *.2. has ensured that all compulsor' fields had #een filled and the eForm is 4alid and *.$. is satisfied !ith the data it contains 5 i.e. the applicant has proof read it on the printout of its last 4ersion"


&he applicant presses the -Submit Online, button to su#mit the form. If there are no errors in the su#mission process" the ser4er sent immediatel' to the applicant another P8F file" the <Su#mission confirmation=" containin) the Submission I! and the description of the follo!in) steps to complete the procedure. &his file opens automaticall' /the application !ill remain also open in Ado#e Reader0 and it has also to #e sa4ed. In case of failure of the su#mission procedure /e.). if the <Su#mission confirmation= doesnEt appear after * minute or there is an error displa'ed0" the applicant should follo! the alternati4e procedure descri#ed in @ III.F.



A&I! . A IF $HE



G. &he applicant then prints out1 a. the completed application form submitted /P8F eForm as do!nloaded and su#mitted online0. &o print the form" use the ,Print Form. #utton /or the CprintC function in the File menu0. #. the P!F file -Submission confirmation, containin/ the Submission I! #' usin) the CprintC function in the File menu: c. On the printed su#mitted application form and in particular in the 8eclaration of honor /last pa)e0" the applicant1

Pa)e D of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010 i. Fill in manuscript the compulsor' fields1 place , names and date ii. Fill in an' other field if rele4ant and re;uired iii. Add the stamp of the appl'in) or)aniHation /if re;uired0 i4. Si)n the application (. In the case of a <Partnership= form a. &he coordinator sends to the partners the completed and su#mitted application form /the P8F file0 and also the CSu#mission confirmationC /P8F0" !ell #efore the deadline to allo! them to respect it. #. &he partners and the coordinator must insert the follo!in) into the )rant application form /section M. SI3NA&URE01 i. Fill in manuscript the compulsor' fields1 date" names" position" etc. ii. Add the stamp of the appl'in) or)aniHation if re;uired #' 'our National A)enc' iii. Si)n the application ? PAR$%ERS
M)S$ %O$ MO!IF# A%# !A$A I% $HE FORM O%(E $HE FORM HAS "EE% S)"MI$$E! "# $HE (OOR!I%A$OR. $HE I%FORMA$IO% $O "E E%$ERE! "# $HE PAR$%ERS IS E0(&)SI E&# I% MA%)S(RIP$ MO!E.

() '#e applicant ,coordinator and partners in t#e case o" partners#ips- sends !y post to t#e address o" t#e .ational A%ency, t#at can !e "ound in section /)0) .A'I1.AL AG2.CI2S o" t#e "orm, !e"ore t#e dead3line4 a) t#e si%ned application "orm to%et#er $it#, !) t#e 5Su!mission con"irmation6) F. In case of failure of the online su#mission procedure1 ? I%

(HE(1 AS1 IF

$HA$ $HE (OMP)$ER IS (O%%E($E! $O $HE I%$ER%E$2

#O)R %A$IO%A& A'E%(# A"O)$ 1%O*% PRO"&EMS I% $HE S)"MISSIO% PRO(E!)RES2 %O$ SO&)$IO% IS FO)%!, FO&&O* $HE A&$ER%A$I E PRO(E!)RE !ES(RI"E! "E&O*

Pa)e G of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010 A. &he applicant clic2s on the #utton CCreate Email AttachmentC1 a. A ne! small file !ith e>tension IM- is created: it contains the data of the application form. &he applicant sa4es this file 2: #. &he applicant sends this file as an attachment to the email address of the National A)enc' that can #e found in section 6.$. NA&IONAA3ENCIES of the form1 6. &he applicant prints out1 . the application form 4alidated #ut not su#mitted: a. In the 8eclaration of onour /last pa)e of the application form0 the applicant 1 i. Fills in place and date ii. Fills in an' other field if rele4ant and re;uired iii. Puts the stamp of the appl'in) or)aniHation if rele4ant i4. Si)ns C. &he applicant sends #' post to the National A)enc' #efore the deadline the si)ned application form.

I .$3pes of fields and functionalities

I7)A)Field 'ypes In eForms there are $ t'pes of fields1 *. Prefilled or calculated Fields1 &he' appear !ith a )re' #ac2)round. &he' are not a4aila#le for data entr'. 2. (ompulsor3 Fields1 &he' appear !ith an oran)e #ac2)round or !ith a red #order. All ha4e to #e filled to #e a#le to 4alidate the form. $. Optional Fields1 &he' appear !ith a 'ello! #ac2)round or !ithout red #order. &he' ha4e to #e filled if rele4ant #ut the' are not compulsor'.

If there is an' difficult' !ith the )eneration of the messa)e containin) as an attachment the >ml file" it is also possi#le to produce the same file usin) the top menu and selectin) 8ocument 9 Forms 9 2:port 8ata . &he file created has to #e attached to a messa)e and sent to the NA address. Attention! 8o not send this file if 'ou ha4e succeeded a su#mission online or if the form is not 4alid.

Pa)e ( of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010

Fi%) 1) eForms Application "ield types)

&o hi)hli)ht the compulsor' fields" clic2 on the information pane.

i)hli)ht Fields #utton in the

Fi%) 2) ;i%#li%#t Fields "unction)

Compulsor' fields appear hi)hli)hted !ith a red #order.

Fi%) 0) eForms Application "ield types4 compulsory "ields #i%#li%#ted)

I7)/)*epeaters &!o standard functionalities are a4aila#le to add and delete one or more items to a list.

Pa)e J of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010

Fi%) <) *epeater 3 8e"ault layout)

If ne! ro!s are needed the' can #e added #' pressin) the <K= #utton. It is possi#le to remo4e an' ro! from the list #' pressin) the <7< #utton. I7)C)Functions t#at appear as 5!uttons6 - alidate, button1 Chec2s that all the compulsor' fields ha4e #een filled in. If some of them are not filled" a messa)e !ith the name of the first incomplete field encountered is displa'ed and the focus is set to the rele4ant field in the form. &his #utton appears in all pa)es. It !ill chec2 all the fields of the form" not onl' those on the same pa)e of the #utton clic2ed. -Submit Online, button1 Performs the same 4alidation as that of the <%alidate= #utton and" if the form is 4alid" sends the data to a central ser4er. If the su#mission is successful the ser4er sends #ac2 to the applicant another P8F file" the <Su#mission confirmation=" containin) the Submission I! and the description of the follo!in) steps to complete the procedure. -Print Form, button1 -aunches the printin) of the application form. For a correct print7out of the form it is recommended to select the option <Shrin2 to Printa#le Area= in the <Print= !indo! as sho!n in fi)ure B #elo!.

Pa)e F of *+

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Lifelong Learning Programme

Call 2010

Fi%) =) Printin% options)

-(reate Email Attachment, button1 Allo!s the applicant to e>tract the data of the application in a small <IM-= file that can #e sent as an attachment to the National A)enc' in case of failure of the online su#mission.

I7)8)P8F Standard "unctions Standard P8F functions that can #e found in the top menu andAor as icons in the na4i)ation pane 4ar' dependin) on the 4ersion of Acro#at Reader used #' the applicant. &he' are e>plained in the elp s'stem of Acro#at Reader.

Pa)e *+ of *+

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