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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I do did am doing was doing have done have been doing had done had been doing will do will be doing will have done would do would be doing would have done am able to do was able to do will be able to do would be able to do must be able to do have to be able to do can do can be doing can have done may do may be doing may have done must do must be doing must have done could do could have done might do might have done should do should have done ought to do ought to have done need to do needed to do need have done dare to do dared to do have to do had to do will have to do would have to do would have had to do may have to do may have had to do have got to do Yaparm Yaptm Yapyorum Yapyordum Yaptm ( henz ) yapmaktaym ( den beri) Yapyorum ( -den beri ) Yaptm, yapmtm ( o ana kadar ) Yapyordum ( -den beri ) Yapacam Yapyor olacam Yapm olacam Yapacaktm, yapardm Yapyor olacaktm, yapyor olurdum Yapm olacaktm, yapm olurdum Yapabilirim, yapabiliyorum Yapabildim, yapabiliyordum Yapabileceim Yapabilecektim, yapabilirdim Yapabilmeliyim Yapabilmek zorundaym Yapabilirim ( yetenek ) Yapyor olabilirim Yapm olabilirim Yapabilirim ( ihtimal ) Yapyor olabilirim Yapm olabilirim Yapmalym Yapyor olmalym Yapm olmalym Yapabilirim, yapabildim, yapabileceim Yapm olabilirdim Yapabilirim Yapm olabilirdim Yapmam gerekir Yapm olmam gerekirdi, yapmalydm Yapmam gerekir, yapmalym Yapm olmam gerekirdi, yapmalydm Yapmam gerekir Yapmam gerekdi Yapm olmam gerekirdi, yapmalydm Yapmaya cesaretim ederim Yapmaya cesaret ettim Yapmak zorundaym Yapmak zorunda kaldm Yapmak zorunda kalacam Yapmak zorunda kalrdm Yapmak zorunda kalm olurdum Yapmak zorunda kalabilirim Yapmak zorunda kalm olabilirim Yapmak zorundaym

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I used to do didnt use to do am used to doing am accustomed to doing was used to doing was accustomed to doing get used to doing become used to doing get accustomed to doing become accustomed to doing got used to doing became used to doing got accustomed to doing became accustomed to doing will get used to doing will become used to doing will get accustomed to doing will become accustomed to doing must get used to doing can get used to doing would rather do would sooner do would just as soon do would rather have done would sooner have done would just as soon have done had better do might as well do would like to do would love to do would like to have done would love to have done am forced to do am compelled to do am obliged to do was forced to do was compelled to do was obliged to do am required to do was required to do will be required to do managed to do didnt manage to do failed to do happened to do am yet to do am to do was to do was to have done am about to do Yapardm Yapmazdm Yapmaya alm Yapmaya alm Yapmaya alktm Yapmaya alktm Yapmaya alrm Yapmaya alrm Yapmaya alrm Yapmaya alrm Yapmaya altm Yapmaya altm Yapmaya altm Yapmaya altm Yapmaya alacam Yapmaya alacam Yapmaya alacam Yapmaya alacam Yapmaya almalym Yapmaya alabilirim Yapsam iyi olur Yapsam iyi olur Yapsam iyi olur Yapm olsam iyi olurdu Yapm olsam iyi olurdu Yapm olsam iyi olurdu Yapsam iyi olur Yapsam iyi olur, yapmam gerekir Yapmak istiyorum Yapmak istiyorum Yapm olmay isterdim Yapm olmay isterdim Mecburen yapyorum Mecburen yapyorum Mecburen yapyorum Mecburen yaptm Mecburen yaptm Mecburen yaptm Yapmam gerekir, art Yapmam gerekti, artt Yapmam gerekecek Yapabildim Yapamadm Yapamadm Tesadfen yaptm Henz yapmadm Yapacam, yapmak zorundaym Yapacaktm, yapmak zorundaydm Yapm olacaktm, yapm olurdum Yapmak zereyim

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
I am on the verge of doing I am on the point of doing I cant help doing I cant stop doing I couldnt help doing I couldnt stop doing I cant bear doing I cant stand doing I couldnt bear doing I couldnt stand doing It is no good doing It is no use doing It doesnt pay doing There is no point in doing It is waste of time doing It is waste of money doing It is senseless to do It is pointless to do It is useless to do There is no need to do I am able to do I was able to do I have been able to do I will be able to do I must be able to do Yapmak zereyim Yapmak zereyim Yapmaktan kendimi alamyorum Yapmaktan kendimi alamyorum Yapmaktan kendimi alamadm Yapmaktan kendimi alamadm Yapmaya tahamml edemiyorum Yapmaya tahamml edemiyorum Yapmaya tahamml edemedim Yapmaya tahamml edemedim Yapmaya demez, gerekmez Yapmaya demez, gerekmez Yapmaya demez, gerekmez Yapmaya demez, gerekmez Yaparak bouna zaman harcama Yaparak bouna zaman harcama Yapmak anlamsz, gerekmez Yapmak anlamsz, gerekmez Yapmak anlamsz, gerekmez Yapmaya gerek yok Yapabilirim Yapabildim, baardm Yapabilmekteyim ( den beri ) Yapabileceim Yapabilmekteyim


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It is done It is being done It was done It was being done It has been done It had been done It will be done It will have been done It would be done It would have been done It is going to be done It was going to be done It can be done It can have been done It may be done It may have been done It must be done It must have been done It could be done It could have been done It might be done It might have been done It should be done It should have been done It ought to be done It ought to have been done It needs to be done Itneeded to be done It need have been done It needs doing It has to be done It had to be done It will have to be done It used to be done It is about to be done It is on the verge of being done It is on the point of being done It is no good being done It is no use being done It doesnt pay being done There is no point in being done It is useless to be done It is pointless to be done It is required to be done It seems to be done It seems to have been done It seemed to be done It seemed to have been done

Yaplr Yaplyor Yapld Yaplyordu Yapld ( henz ) Yaplmaktadr ( den beri ) Yaplmt Yaplacak Yaplm olacak Yaplacakt, yaplrd Yaplm olacakt, yaplm olurdu Yaplacak Yaplacakt Yaplabilir Yaplm olabilir Yaplabilir Yaplm olabilir Yaplmal Yaplm olmal Yaplabilir Yaplm olabilirdi Yaplabilir Yaplm olabilirdi Yaplmas gerekir Yaplm olmas gerekirdi Yaplmas gerekir Yaplm olmas gerekirdi Yaplmas gerekir Yaplmas gerekti Yaplm olmas gerekirdi Yaplmas gerekir Yaplmak zorunda Yaplmak zorundayd Yaplmak zorunda kalacak Yaplrd Yaplmak zere Yaplmak zere Yaplmak zere Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekmez, demez Yaplmas gerekir Yaplacak gibi grnyor Yaplm gibi grnyor Yaplacak gibi grnyordu Yaplm gibi grnyordu

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