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DayZ Standalone Realism / RP


Abbrevations: A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) RP - Roleplaying IC - In Character OOC - Out Of Character SM - Staff Member NLR - New Life Rule KoS - Killing On Sight RDM - Random Death match CL - Combat Log AS - Admin Situation

*E When your character dies, you lose all memories and knowledge you acquired during your lifetime. Therefor it is forbidden to return to the location of your death immediately to pick up any remaining items. The only memories you keep are the identities of the members of your clan or other previous companions. *F Killing another player on sight, without any valid, reasonable or logical reason is forbidden. Killing another player because he had a better weapon, attachment, etc., is not a valid reason. Whenever you use lethal force against another player, you must be able to explain your actions and present the reason for them, to an administrator, if a staff member were to approach you. Below are some examples of what could be considered a valid reasons to assault another player.
- Being hired to kill someone - A player does not comply when being robbed or taken hostage - A player forms a threat (ex , points a weapon at you) - etc.,

*G Killing a player, purely for the sake of ending his or her life. *H Logging off from the server to avoid being killed, losing gear, interacting with another player, etc., *I A conversation between two players who have an OOC conflict due to the breaking of a rule, overlooked and judged by an admin. If a player believes another player broke a rule, this player can be reported. Both the reported and reporting player will then be brought into a conversation with an admin, where the accusing player may bring forth his accusations, after which the reported player may verbally defend his case.

1. Basic Rules Of Conduct All users within the community are expected to adhere and are subject to the following rules of conduct. These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not part of the community. Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times. Any demonstrations of any forms of discrimination will not be accepted. The only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are when in an official admin situation, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff. when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to.

2. Honesty and Reason Members of the community are required to be honest and reasonable at all times, both in and out of gameplay. Lying to a member of staff during an ooc conversation, will not be tolerated. Please remember that when you are in doubt of whether an action you are about to undertake is against the rules or not, we expect you to contact a member of staff and ask. When being accused of breaking rules, saying I didnt know that was against the rules is not a valid argument.

3. Stay In Character Nothing is worse than a player dropping ooc in the middle of a roleplaying session. It ruins the immersion and can really harm the RP. 1) Players are required to remain in character at all times. This means you need a realistic name for your character. Both first and family name are required. 2) Gathering information from outside the server, which your character hasnt personally acquired is strictly forbidden. For example, when kidnapped you are not allowed to tell a friend via chat , Skype or any other medium of communication, where you are or what is happening. Information may only be acquired and passed on In-game and In character. This is also called Metagaming

3) If you decide to make a new character, that character starts off without any knowledge of your previous life.

4. Clan / Group Conflicts 1) Members of a clan or group are not allowed to backstab their team mid-conflict. 2) When declaring hostility towards another clan, it is your responsibility as leader of your team to inform a member of staff of the situation, so that they can enforce the rules accordingly.

5. No Killing On Sight To many, this may be the most important rule of all. Killing other players on sight, without having any sort of contact prior to doing so, is strictly against the rules and will have consequences. 1) Before harming another player, whether lethal or un-lethal, you must inform said player of your intentions. For example, when robbing a player, you could yell this is a robbery! to let that player know you have hostile intentions. It is advised to inform the player of the consequences of non-compliance, to strengthen your point. For example, If you dont comply, well shoot you! Should get the memo across, and gives you the right by rules to harm the player, if he does not comply. You may only proceed with your hostile actions, after the player you are speaking to has responded, or otherwise acknowledged your message. 2) When a victim complies perfectly, and does all you ask, it is not allowed kill the victim. 3) After you have been wronged by another player, you have the right to take revenge until 3 hours after the event. Make sure that your act of vengeance does not come into conflict with other rules.

Note: Always make sure that before you pull the trigger, you are 100% certain that you are aiming at the right person. When in doubt of a players identity, You are expected to hold fire, rather than shooting an innocent player, as this misfire would be considered a violation of the rules.

6. Player Camps A player constructed base is considered an official Camp when it meets the following requirements. A) The base is home to 5 players or more. B) The camp is at least 500 meters away from the nearest road or any other form of civilization. C) The members of the base have agreed on a player to lead the camp. D) The leader of the base has applied to the Settlement / Camp thread on the forums.

Below are some other important rules regarding Player Camps.

1) Logging in or out within a 100 meter radius of a Camp you are not member of is considered ghosting and is therefor against the rules. 2) When a Camp is attacked, the defenders must allow the innocent bystanders to leave the camp immediately. Forcing them to fight along, or keep them against their will within the Camp is not allowed. The attacking force must allow all innocent bystanders to depart, before discharging any firearms. 3) Before entering a settlement, you are supposed to make yourself familiar of the Camps rules and laws, by speaking to a member of its clan. During your stay within the Camp, you accept all rules enforced by the owner of the Camp. You enter at your own risk. Failure to follow the laws of a camp, or not complying with the security forces of a Camp, gives the members of the camp the right to respond accordingly. Ex. When you raise a weapon and are asked to put it down, but refuse. The members of the camp have the right to open fire in order to neutralise the threat you created. 4) The Camp leader has the right to deny a player access to the Camp. The leader also has the right to order you to disarm yourself or leave the Camp after entry. 5) Trespassers may be shot on sight by the Camp members. We do however advise you to attempt to utilize non-lethal actions, before using lethal force. Ex. Taking the trespasser prisoner. 6) When a camp is attacked, the attacking force must attempt to negotiate terms first by, for example , demanding loot. It is during this conversation that the innocent bystanders are supposed to leave the area.

7. Identification You may only identify another player by using In Character information. 1) You can ask a player what his name is via voice or text chat. 2) Every player is assumed to carry an ID on him. By using the Study Body option, you can legitimately find out what his or her name was.

8. Roadblocks Players are allowed to set up roadblocks to prohibit players and or vehicles to pass a certain road, with the goal of robbing or taxing that player, before letting him or her proceed. Roadblocks may only be stationed on asphalt roads. 1) When halting a player or vehicle. Make sure you verbally inform the player that he or she is supposed to stop. Also inform that player of your intentions, for example that you he or she is being robbed, or required to pay taxes in order to proceed. Just yelling Stop is not enough. 2) A blockade is considered a valid roadblock, when the obstruction would force a vehicle or player to go off-road, in order to pass. 3) A roadblock has to be visible from a reasonable distance, so that the approaching player has the time to slow down and come to a halt. 4) The roadblock must be manned at all times. When the garrison of the blockade leaves, they are required to break down the blockade before departing. 5) At night, the roadblock must be lit up clearly.

9. Robbery & Theft Players have the right to halt and rob a player at their own risk. Please make sure to follow the following rules when mugging someone. 1) Make sure you verbally make the victim aware that he or she is being robbed. 2) Inform the victim of the consequences if he or she does not comply. 3) When demanding items, remain reasonable. You are not allowed to strip a player of all items entirely. When asking for something of great value, for example a weapon. You shouldnt demand anything else. When you ask for more common items such as food or water, you are allowed to request a larger quantity. 4) After a successful robbery, you are not allowed to kill the victim. The only situation, in which you are allowed to execute your victim, is if he or she does not comply, or opposes a threat to you or your bandit team.
Note: Killing a victim because he or she was unable to provide you with your exact demands (ex. He or she only has 2 cans of beans and you are demanding 3) is not a valid reason and thus is considered a violation of the rules.

9. Server Hopping Moving from server to server in order to loot farm a certain location is strictly forbidden. When a member of staff suspects you are server hopping, your inventory and server log will be checked.

10. Reporting Violation Of Rules Reporting a player is done by creating a thread on the forums in the Reports section, or by speaking directly to a member of staff via steam. As a member of the community, we expect you to be mature and honest enough to report any and all violations of the rules you see happening around you. This means that if a friend of yours, a team member or a fellow camp inhabitant breaks a rule, you are expected to report said player. Defending a player, or not reporting a player with the goal of saving a friend from trouble or adequate punishment, will make you an accomplice. This means that if your friend does get caught, you will share the consequences.

11. Avoiding a member of staff When a member of staff attempts to contact you via steam, in-game, Skype or any other medium, you are expected to respond as soon as you become available. When a player actively avoids communicating with an admin in order to stay out of trouble, it will result in a ban until the player decides to respond.

12. Admin Situations During an admin situation you are expected to respect the following rules. 1) Do not leave mid-conversation. Leave when the admin declares the case closed. 2) Do not interrupt the admin, or other player when it is his or her turn to speak. 3) Remain mature and respectful in your language. 4) Stick to the point, bringing up old cases or reports you have filed in the past should not be brought into the current conflict. 5) When an admin closes the case, do not attempt to take the argument further.

Consequences of breaking the rules

1. Incorrect Reports When you report a player, it is a serious matter. Please respect the following notes. When you file a report, and discuss the situation with an admin, we expect you to be honest at all times. The following three actions are strictly forbidden during a report, and will have serious consequences. 1) Lying to an admin about the details of an incident. 2) Creating a report simply to get rid of a player you do not like. 3) Skipping any details about the incident in order to alter the outcome of the conflict.
If you are ever unsure of whether a player broke a rule or not, feel free to contact an admin and describe the situation in detail, so that the admin can inform you of whether or not a rule was broken .

2. Consequences & Punishment We put a lot of work and effort into keeping this server up and running, and making sure all rules are respected. Therefor the rules will be enforced strictly. A player breaking any of the previously mentioned rules will be given a warning, and will be asked to read the rules carefully once more. If that player is caught breaking a rule again, it will result in a short-term ban. When a player has several bans on record, and still does not follow the server rules, admins may discuss and consider a permanent ban. Before a player is banned, that player must be approached by a member of staff, and informed of the reason as to why he or she is being banned from the server. If you find out you have been banned, but you have not been informed beforehand, please contact a member of staff on steam or on the forums, as it may be a server bug or a misunderstanding. If you have been banned from the server, either short term or permanently, you have the right to post a Ban appeal thread on the forums. This will allow you a chance to prove to the staff members that you have learnt from your mistake(s), and may shorten the duration your punishment.

Important Side Notes

1. Members of staff The staff team is constructed in the following manner: A) B) C) D) E) Owner Head Administrator Administrators Enforcers Helpers

*A The owner of the server. He has the same rights and duties as the administrators. If you somehow have a problem with the Head Administrator or any other member of staff, you can contact the Owner personally. *B The top ranked administrator. If you have a complaint about an administrator, you can contact the Head Administrator. *C The main body of the staff team. These members have the ability to kick and ban and will direct admin situations. *D Players who have proven their worth and are allowed to act in their direct environment. When they see someone breaking rules around them, they are allowed to step in. Enforcers do not have the ability to kick or ban and are not allowed to start an admin situation. They have to bring in a higher ranked admin if necessary. *E Players who have proven that they are very familiar with the rules and assist by answering players who have questions about the server or the rules. Helpers do not have the right to start an admin situation and are simply there as a source of information. When you need to ask a question about the rules, ask a helper. If no helpers are available, you can always contact a higher ranked member of staff.

2. Admins Word Is Final Never go into a verbal argument with an admin. If you feel a member of staff has made an incorrect decision, contact a member of staff of a higher rank and explain your case.

3. Admins & Complaints Players are allowed to create a forum thread in the Complaints section, when they believe an admin is corrupt, abusing his powers, or making incorrect decisions based on feelings or emotions. All admins are expected to operate and enforce in a professional and mature manner. If you feel an admin is acting out of emotion or personal reasons, please contact a higher ranked member of staff.

4. Use Of Microphone We currently allow players who do not use a mic in-game to play on the server. We do however suggest and humbly request that you use a mic if you have one in your possession, as it makes role-play much more fun, but also much easier and smoother.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that the DayZ standalone, as well as the server admin panel are currently very basic. Many of the rules above can and will only be active when more features and options are made available. The rules are due to change.

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