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;T FO I'm full or Damn Malaria I shake the whole aay long, The quinines ringing in IlJ:3" ears, I'm anytbing but strong. Mosquito bites all over me, you'd think I la d t.te i teh, lIY' ears are full of GUinea mud, My bunks a muddy ditch.


I'm living in a jungle, It's hat as merry Hell, "C" rations in IlJ:3" menu, No cooking do I emltll, , For this I get two bucks a day, And a chance for a little gDound, That measures four by six by four, And. a covered grassy mQund. .
MY pal. who came down here wi th me,

The kid thats only eighteen, Hets got a bed he'llnever leave, With coverle tte of green. Another one we'll see,n~ more, Another lost an arm, And hundreds more, I do 'not know, ~ Ai-e--now~e4rOl1Lb..arm. BUt when I hear a bunch of guys, Whoare safe and far away, Refuse to work, because they want, TWodQllars more a day. I only wiSh I had th em here, For just a week or two, TO 11 ve in GUinea junclee, And there we'd let ~h stew. we fa. give them the malaria, Let the mosquitoes have a feast, And.let them bury many a lad, From North, South, West, and East.

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