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Amius and the Monster

Oh no, cried a little boy , My Dad has just been viciously terrorised by a monster in the deadly forest!The littleboy continued as he rushed to his house in the cottage.Then a post man came by and gave the letter to avillager who slowly he opened the letter. He read it and told everyone in the cottage. We are going to have to do something,cried a villager,frantically waving his arms in they air. Suddenly a young tall lady came, Illsort this out, she said. To kill the Monster and find the cave she had to saila rough sea, climb a mountain and go in the forest to find the cave. Before she set off a beautiful goddess appeared she was Athena and gave Amiusone gift it was a sack of bombs which never ended. Then Amius chose a boat and immediatetly set off to sea. Not before long Amius arrived at the mountain side. How an eath am I going to get up there? she said to herself, then she spotted a vine going down the mountain I could climb up it, she said so she did and once again on the next part of the part of the journey, now the only thing she had to do was go and find the scarry cave in the forest. She soon set of to her next destination were the dragon lived. After Amius was in front of the dark cave, Amius gradually walked towards the dragon. Then she remembered.Oh the bombs,she

rimed herself and then through the bombs at the dragon the dragon collapsed to the ground. After along 2 days Amius returned back to the cottage and had a long party to celebrate.


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