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How to add a custom column to the main grid

Step 1:
In AX, go to Retail/Setup/POS/Profiles and select Custom fields. Add a new field with the following values: Name: name of the field as it appears in the Column Chooser in POS Type: Select Product receipt grid indicating this column goes into the main transactions window Caption: Name of the column set according to the localization using a Text ID

Step 2:
Synch down the changes to POS using either one of the methods. A. A Job: In AX, 1. Go to Retail/Periodic/Data distribution and select Create Actions. 2. Click on OK. This will convert the pre-actions generated for adding a new field into Actions that can be sent to POS. 3. Select Distribution Schedule from Data distribution. 4. Select the job A-1090. (The Sub-job that transfers the information is BDDP-RTCF) 5. Click on Run directly from the menu bar and select OK N job: In AX, 1. Go to Retail/Periodic/Data distribution and select Distribution Schedule. 2. Select the job N-1090. (The Sub-job that transfers the information is ADDP-RTCF) 3. Click on Run directly from the menu bar and select OK


Step 3:
In POS 1. 2. Log in using an account with the required permissions. Right click on the Products grid header row and select Column Chooser.


You will be presented with a list of columns from which you can select the column by double clicking it. The column instantly appears on the products grid.

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