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Burma Update 18] — 18 September 2007 Page 1 of 2 Burma UppaTE 181 18 SEPTEMBER 2007 PATTANEIKKUZANA (EXCOMMUNICATIVE BOYCOTT) RECITAL BY MONKS. ‘SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHED TODAY Unofficial Translation of Buddhist Recital Performed By the Monks at 12:00 Noon on 18 Sep 2007 Reverend Fathers, may you lend your ears to me! The evil, sadistic and pitiless military rulers who are robbing the nation’s finances and indeed are large-scale thieves have murdered a monk in the City of Pakokku. They also apprehended the reverend monks by lassoing. They beat up and tortured, swore and terrorized the monks. Provided that mouks be bestowed with four deserving attributes, they ought to boycott the evil, sadistic, pitiless and immensely thieving military rulers. The monks ought not to associate with the tyrants, not to accept four material things donated by them and not to preach to them. This imuch is informing, recommending or proposing Reverend Fathers, may you lend your ears to me! The evil. sadistic and pitiless military rulers who are robbing the nation’s finances and indeed are large-scale thieves have murdered a monk in the City of Pakokku. They also apprehended the reverend monks by lassoing. They beat up and tortured, swore and terrorized the monks. Provided that monks be bestowed with four deserving attributes, they ought to boycott the evil, sadistic, pitiless and immensely thieving military rulers. The monks ought not to associate with the tyrants, not to accept four material things donated by them and not to preach to them. If the reverend consent to boycotting the military despots, dissociating from them, rejecting their donations of four material things and abstaining from preaching to them, please keep the silence and if not, please voice objections, Fathers. The clergy has boycotted the evil, sadistic, pitiless and immensely thieving military rulers! Excommunication together with rejection of their donations of four material things and abstaining of preaching to them has come into effect! Burma Update by PDC Just circulated as it was received. May need to double-check, confirm, and/or add more.

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