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INTRODUCTION It is completely web based system It works on both Internet and intranet It plays a typical role and acts like a link between Units of Organization (Corporate ). ABSTRACT This project deals with the conference management system. As a user are required to view the detail of conference is going to conduct in various colleges or institutions. The user can login to the conference management website. Then the user giving request for the subject they need to know about the conference details to be held. After getting request from the user the administrator of the website can accept the users request and send mail for the related details according to the user. PROBLEM STATEMENT In the project of conference management system.As a students or staff members are required to view the details of conference is going to conduct in various colleges or institutions and to attend the conference to gain knowledge from the conferences.Administrator will add the details about the various conferences available to attend for various department students and staff members. User will enter into the system by giving the username and password and selection form will be displayed for the user from that department should be selected and depending up on the department the conference management

system will show the details of the conferences in various place using Ms Access and Visual basic 6.0. FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Information sharing among employees in organization Document viewing and sharing. Managing Branches, Departments and Students/Staffs. EXISTING SYSTEM 1.Time Delay: It is inefficient to deal with voluminous data manually in the existing system, record stored in different files. It takes lot of time to search different files. 2.Redundancy: As the branches are located in different locations, same files have to be stored at all branches which involve lot of complications and duplication works thus causes redundancy. 3.Accuracy: Since same data is compiled at different branches the possibility of tabulating data wrong increases also data is more, validation becomes difficult. It may result in loss of accuracy of data. PROPOSED SYSTEM 1.Advantages: Computerizing of an organization whose branches are situated at different locations and connecting them through Intranet. This provides easy

accessing of shared data and provides communication channel between employees. 2.Reliability: The project performs intended function with required precision; hence this project is very reliable. 3.Feasibility: The project maintenance is very easy and modifications can be made in the existing system in future. The project can interconnect to other groups within the organization and also to all other branches under integrated network. OVERALL DESCRIPTION 1. Login Form: Authenticate the user and administrator. 2. Department Selection Form: This form will give the options for selecting the department to get knowledge about the conference. 3.Conference view Form: This form contains the details about the conferences is conducting by variousinstitutions and we can see the date and time for the conference. 4. Database Form: The details about the conferences going to conduct by various institutions. Administrator can add the details about the conference for the students and also for the staff members.

SOFTWARE REQURIEMENTS 1) Microsoft Visual Basic 2) Rational Rose 3) Microsoft Access. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 1) 128 MB RAM 2) Pentium III Processor MODULES 1) Administrator 2) User Administrator: The activities that are carried out in this module are related to the maintenance of master records such as Branch, Department for the entire organization. This module provides for performing addition, deletion, updating and viewing the records in the master tables. This module also provides viewing profiles of branches, departments to the User. The master entries can only be accessed by the administrator of the organization. The master entries provides facilities like view, add, delete, edit, update, cancel, clear functionalities to the administrator to work on the master records which are fetched from database. The respected changes will be reflected to the database after saving.

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