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king wearing a skirt with tiered fringe that is alternately colored red, gray, gold, and white.

No evidence of female attire exists except for what was depicted in renditions of goddesses. Goddesses were shown wearing sleeved dresses with fitted bodices, V necks, and straight skirts. The Assyrians, who ruled from !"# to $ % &.'.(. , continued to wear fringed garments. &oth men and women wrapped fringed shawls over their shoulders and around their waists to cover themselves from their shoulders to nearly their ankles. These were held in place by belts. Around ### &.'.(. Assyrian men began wearing belted knee)length tunics with short sleeves. *en of high status, such as kings and military officers, also wore woolen cloaks dyed blue, red, purple, or white. After the Assyrians were con+uered in $ % &.'.(. , the ,ersian (mpire began to prosper and people in *esopotamia adopted ,ersian trousers into their wardrobes. --Hair:The hair or wig falls to the shoulders in thick curls. The beard is in rows ofsmall curls from the level of the cheek)bones, meeting the moustache, withringlets at the lower edge. Headdress:A royal mitre of.purple/, ornamented in gold, has two streamers hanging at theback and a small knob on the top. Garments:The .T/)shaped tunic has a .rosette/ pattern of wool embroidery, of dull greenand buff)yellow. The decorative border is repeated at the hem with two addi tionalborders in dull green and red. The bordered and gold)fringed .purple/ shawl isdraped according to method % in Assyrian 0ress, 'hapter 11, .Garments *en/. Footwear: The king/s leather sandals have an ornamentedheel)piece sloping upward from the arch of the foot to the back of the ankle. There are thongs round the big toe and two on either side tying over theinstep. 2ewellery and Accessories: The gold drop earrings are heavy and ornate. The gold and3ewelled armlets and wrist ) bracelets are rigid. The king carries a hatchet inhis right hand and a short sceptre in his left.

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