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HIS CONNECTIONS WITH NAZI WAR CRIMINALS The Simon Wiesenthal Center applauded Argentinas government for the capture and deportation of former Nazi Paul Schaefer, the founder of the infamous Colonia Dignidad in Southern Chile. Schaefer was at large for allegations of child abuse. In a letter to Argentine Minister of Interior, Anibal Fernndez, Shimon Samuels, SWC Director for International Liaison and Sergio Widder, SWC Latin American Representative stated, "We commend Argentina for capturing Paul Schaefer and for immediately deporting him to Chile." In letters to Chilean Ministers of Interior and Justice, Jos Miguel Insulza and Luis Bates Hidalgo, respectively, Samuels and Widder stated, "Now that Schaefer is under arrest and his case will be sent to a court, it is the time to interrogate him about his connections with Nazi criminals and fugitives, such as the relation that the Colonia Dignidad had with Walter Rauff, the Nazi war criminal who escaped to Chile and was protected by Augusto Pinochets dictatorship. Since we cannot discount that there might be Nazi war criminals still alive in Latin America and other regions, we urge you to exhaustively question him about this issue, and we would like to ask that you provide the Wiesenthal Center access to any documentation related to this matter." The Center also requested that Schaefer be interrogated about the fate of Boris Weisfeiler, an American Jewish mathematician who disappeared without a trace in 1984, while he was on vacation in Southern Chile, near Colonia Dignidad. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, and the Council of Europe. For further information, please contact Sergio Widder at (5411) 4313-4743 or (54911) 4425-1306.

EL CENTRO SIMON WIESENTHAL FELICITA A ARGENTINA POR LA CAPTURA DEL NAZI PAUL SCHAEFER; SOLICITA A CHILE QUE SE INVESTIGUEN SUS VNCULOS CON CRIMINALES NAZIS El Centro Simon Wiesenthal felicit al gobierno argentino por la captura y expulsin del nazi Paul Schaefer, fundador de la siniestra Colonia Dignidad, quien se encontraba prfugo de la justicia. En una carta al Ministro del Interior, Anbal Fernndez, Shimon Samuels (Director de Relaciones Internacionales del Centro Wiesenthal) y Sergio Widder (Representante para Amrica Latina), transmitieron "la satisfaccin de nuestro Centro por la captura del prfugo nazi Paul Schaefer, responsable de la Colonia Dignidad. Elogiamos tambin la decisin argentina de expulsarlo inmediatamente y ponerlo a disposicin de las autoridades de Chile". En sendas cartas a los ministros de Interior y de Justicia de Chile, Jos Miguel Insulza y Luis Bates Hidalgo, respectivamente, Samuels y Widder sealaron que "ahora que Schaefer est a disposicin de la justicia chilena, resulta fundamental indagar acerca de las relaciones que podra haber establecido, a travs de la Colonia Dignidad, con criminales y fugitivos nazis, tal como ocurriera con Walter Rauff, el criminal que invent las cmaras de gas mviles y que fuera albergado en Chile y protegido hasta su muerte por el rgimen dictatorial de Augusto Pinochet. Dado que no se puede descartar que en Amrica Latina o en otras regiones pueda encontrarse an a criminales nazis vivos y en condiciones de ser llevados a juicio, urgimos a Ud. a que se interrogue de modo exhaustivo a Schaefer sobre

este particular, y solicitamos que se permita al Centro Wiesenthal acceder a toda la documentacin vinculada a este asunto". El Centro solicit tambin que se indague a Schaefer acerca de la suerte corrida por Boris Weisfeiler, un matemtico judo estadounidense, quien desapareci en el ao 1984 en inmediaciones de la Colonia Dignidad y de quien nunca ms se tuvo noticia alguna. El Centro Simon Wiesenthal es una organizacin juda internacional de derechos humanos con ms de 400.000 miembros en todo el mundo. Tiene status de ONG ante la ONU, la UNESCO, la OSCE y el Consejo de Europa. Para mayor informacin, comunicarse con Sergio Widder al 4313-4743 o bien (15) 4425-1306. Lea Mas...

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