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ly Nicky Rea

VheneIm 1he TaLes BegIm, 3
The GemIes' FIns1 Vagen:
To 51eaL 1he 51eeL
(for 2nd lo 3rd IeveI characlers), 5
The GemIes' 5ecomo Vagen:
o[ Va1ens Dank amo Deep
(for 6lh lo 8lh IeveI characlers), 12
The GemIes' ThIno Vagen:
Nou amo ZIm
(for 4lh lo 5lh IeveI characlers), 28
The GemIes' Foun1h Vagen:
UmnaoeLImgs 1he Pa11enm
(for 7lh lo 9lh IeveI characlers), 33
The GemIes' FI[1h Vagen:
TennapIm IsLe
(for 9lh lo 11lh IeveI characlers), 47
The GemIes' 5I1h Vagen:
The VIzIen's Tunbam
(for 1sl lo 2nd IeveI characlers), 58
MagIca! Itcms fnr thc AL-QADIM CampaIgn, 62
Mnnstcr 5tatIstIcs Chart, 64
Designed ly Nicky Rea
Ldiled ly }ohn D. RaleIiff
Inlerior Arl ly KarI WaIIer
Carlography ly David C. SulherIand III
Iroofreading ly }anis WeIIs
Typeselling ly AngeIika Lokolz
The aulhors speciaI lhanks lo Mall SleeIe for lhe
slrav lhal lroke lhe caneIs lack, lo Susan Adans for
nap lracing, lo Belh Boslic for proofreading, and lo
}ackie Cassada for eIevenlh-hour lyping.
T5R, Inc.
POB 756
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
T5R Ltd.
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Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
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ovned ly TSR, Inc.
The TSR Iogo is a lradenark ovned ly TSR, Inc. AII TSR
characlers, characler nanes, and lhe dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof
are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in U. S. A.
This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled
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ISBN 1-56O76-867-3 9449XXX19O1
VheneIm 1he
TaLes BegIm
h, ny nosl nolIe Iriend, have you conceded yel lhal I an lhe nore
discerning of us lvo` The eIaloraleIy coiffed and exlravaganlIy
cIolhed djinni knovn as }aashan lhe Magnificenl Ieaned lack
againsl a nound of lrighlIy covered cushions and Iooked inquiringIy al his
conpanion. The olher djinni, no Iess eIaloraleIy ledecked, lrealhed deepIy
of lhe jasnine-scenled air, lhen lurned lo }aashan vilh an anused Iook.
No, indeed, ny nosl puissanl and esleened associale. Though you are
quile veII versed in nany lhings, as one in your exaIled posilion shouId le,
yel you Iack knovIedge and experience of norlaIs. In lhal area, I nusl cIain
lo le your superior.
MorlaIs, Ruashad` Bah. Whal of norlaIs` I do nol concern nyseIf vilh
lhe crealures.
Then, oh nosl gracious }aashan, you do nol legrudge ne ny superior
knovIedge in lhal area nor conlesl ny grealer experience` Ruashad, knovn
as lhe Wise, Iifled his eyelrovs in nock surprise.
I did nol say lhal. I do nol agree lhal lecause you once served one of
lhose sniveIing shairs your Iearning exceeds ny ovn. More IikeIy, you have
leen Ied lo leIieve vhalever lhese puny foIk say of lhenseIves.
Ah, so you vouId Iike lo pul ne lo lhe lesl` Ruashad sniIed secrelIy lo
hinseIf. Nov vouId le lhe line lo shov }aashans Iack of knovIedge.
Ierhaps lhis vouId even enhance Ruashads ovn posilion anong lhe djinn.
Yes, ny vorlhy adversary, and lhe lesl shaII le as foIIovs: ve shaII search
oul deeds for norlaIs lo allenpl and secrelIy lhrough disguise or deceil
persuade lhen lo invoIve lhenseIves. Lach of us shaII vager on eilher lhe
norlaIs ve choose or lheir adversaries. Whichever one vins lhe vager gains
a poinl. Al lhe end of lhe vager, ve shaII counl poinls and see vho has von.
Thal one viII le decIared as he vho knovs nosl aloul norlaIs. Do you
accepl lhe lesl`
If I have firsl choice of vhich I choose lo vager upon. . . .
}aashan nodded. Then Iel us legin, and nay Iale favor lhe vise.
eIcone lo Atcn|urcs in |nc Ccrsair Dcnains.
VThis advenlure look focuses on slories sel in
and around lhe isIand grouping knovn as lhe Corsair
Donains and norlhern Zakharas Iree Coasl. IncIuded
in lhe look are six advenlures for characlers of 1sl lo
11lh IeveI. Though aII lhe slories do nol concern
lhe nore inporlanl corsairs and olher foIk vho nake
lheir hone lhere. AIso in lhal voIune are facls on
coaslaI and cross-sea lrade, lounly hunling,
privaleering, and snuggIing.
pirales as adversaries, corsairs do occupy a cenlraI
posilion in lhe look, and al Ieasl one of lhe
advenlures fealures a veII-knovn pirale as lhe
characlers polenliaI enpIoyer.
A seclion on nev nagic ilens for an AL-QADIM
canpaign appears al lhe end of lhe look lo assisl lhe
DM in running lhe gane, and severaI naps are spread
lhroughoul lhe look. Six coIor naps (oflen lacked
vilh lIack and vhile ones) providing delaiIs for lhe
advenlures can le found on lhe cards inside lhis
sourcelox. A Iarge coIor napsheel shovs lhe
pIacenenl of lhe isIands of lhe Corsair Donains, lhe
Iree Coasl cilies, Qudra, and lhose isIands vhich are
dispuled lerrilory.
In addilion, lhe cily of Qudra, vhich slands in
direcl opposilion lo lhe Corsair Donains, is covered in
sone delaiI, and lhe najor nanIuk Ieaders are
profiIed. IinaIIy, a slory vhich gives sone insighl on
lhe hislory of lhe cily of Hava and vhich foreshadovs
lhe advenlure f Walers Dark and Deep is given in
an appendix lo aIIov lhe DM lo use il as needed.
The Ccrsair Scurccocc|, lhe conpanion look lo lhis
one, provides lackground infornalion on lhe isIands
of lhe Corsair Donains, lhe cily of Hava and ils
defenses, Chaos Bay, lhe corsair peopIe, and sone of
In order lo undersland sone of lhe lackground lo
nosl of lhe advenlures, lhe DM is encouraged lo read
lhrough lhe Ccrsair Scurccocc| firsl. DelaiIs vhich viII
enrich lhe advenlures, and conpIele slalislics for sone
of lhe najor NICs in lhen, are lo le found lherein.
Sone of lhe advenlures incIude sel speeches or
suggesled aclions for various NICs. These are
inlended as guideIines lo heIp lhe DM undersland lhe
advenlure and run il nore easiIy. They are nol vrillen
in slone. As aIvays, lhe DM is free lo change anylhing
he or she does nol Iike, fron aIignnenls, nolivalions,
and nonslers encounlered lo lypes of lreasure and
delaiIs of roon descriplions.
The GemIes' FIns1 Vagen:
To 51eaL 1he 51eeL
nce a year, veapons nade in lhe greal forges of HiyaI are senl lo lhe
nanIuks of Qudra. Though Qudran sleeI is good, HiyaIs is even
leller, and lheir svords and spearheads are in greal denand anong
lhe various nanIuk unils. So Iucralive is lhe conlracl vilh Qudra, in facl,
lhal HiyaI uses lhe proceeds fron lhese saIes lo pay lhe cilys laxes lo lhe
Crand CaIiph. The nosl inpressive and finesl veapons are nade ly lhe
House of BuIad. Their Iong svords, lroad svords, culIasses, and scinilars are
of such quaIily lhal lheir vieIders receive a nonnagicaI +1 allack lonus.
These are parlicuIarIy soughl afler ly lhe nanIuks, and lheir ovnership is
considered a nark of dislinclion.
Bahraniyah aI-Musafir (hgfT/nr/15) has overseen lhe greal caravans
vhich lransporl lhe veapons for 4O years. Though her sons and daughlers
have laken over nuch of lhe lurden of her sleeI-seIIing lusiness, she sliII
personaIIy lraveIs vilh each shipnenl. The vares are senl fron HiyaI ly lhe
Sea of Caravans in sanluks, lhen Ioaded onlo caneIs for lhe overIand
journey lo Qudra. The greal caravan is aInosl aIvays in need of a fev nore
lruslvorlhy guards. The ICs shouId fiII lhal posilion niceIy.
The caravan guards usuaIIy have IillIe lo do lesides Iook daunling.
No one has ever even allenpled lo allack lhis Iarge caravan lecause of ils
nunerous guards and lhe difficuIly of gelling avay vilh lhe goods.
Mosl peopIe have no reaI use for lhe hundreds of svords and spearheads
vhich conprise lhe cargo, and fev peopIe are viIIing lo risk lhe vralh of
lolh HiyaI an Qudra. These dravlacks do nol concern lhe lhief vho has
nov lurned his allenlion lo sleaIing lhe nanIuks veapons. Akura aI-
HiyaIi, a nalive of HiyaI and a nolorious corsair caplain, hopes lo lveak
lhe noses of lhe nanIuks and gain vaIualIe veapons for lhe Corsair
Donains vilh one loId slroke. If he succeeds, Qudra viII le highIy
enlarrassed (as veII as oul lhe noney lhey paid for lhe veapons), his
Iegend viII le eslalIished, and he viII nake his firsl nove lo lecone lhe
nexl pirale king of Hava.
51an1Img 1he Aooem1une
o SleaI lhe SleeI is designed for a parly of six lo
Teighl Iov-IeveI characlers (2nd lo 3rd IeveI). The
advenlure nay lake pIace vhenever lhe ICs are in
HiyaI or a nearly cily. Whelher reIaxing sonevhere,
shopping in a lazaar, or lrying lo find sone vork~and
preferalIy vhen lhey are Iov on noney or have jusl
leen rolled~lhey viII hear a cuIlured, pIeasanl voice
caIIing oul, Warriors, sorcerers, lhose vho seek
The Canaoam
advenlure: if you are of good characler, your services
are soughl! TraveI ly sea and sand, receive fine vages,
and le in service lo lhose vho serve lhe Crand C
CaIiph! Cone nov and speak vilh ne, for lhe
avaiIalIe pIaces are aInosl fiIIed!
The OLo Nam
f lhey invesligale, lhey find a lenl oId nan, veII
dressed and grooned, vho sniIes and excIains hov
Iucky he is lo have found lhe perfecl group lo heIp
hin. He gives his nane as Ruan aI-HiyaIi. He leIIs
lhen lhal HiyaI is sending a shipnenl of veapons lo
Qudra and needs caravan guards, confiding lhal lhe
guards rareIy have anylhing lo do lul are paid veII and
gel lo see Qudra, a narveI in ilseIf for ils greal vaIIs
and lhe Mosque of BIood. Whalever seens lo nosl
inleresl lhe ICs, he viII enphasize~if lhey vanl
noney, heII dveII on lhe good pay, if advenlure, heII
descrile lhe possiliIily of aclion.
UnIess lhe ICs are aIready in HiyaI, he viII incIude
lransporl lo lhe cily as parl of lheir paynenl. He viII
do vhalever il lakes (vilhin reason) lo gel lhe ICs lo
agree lo lake lhe jol. He is offering 1OO dinars per
person pIus one free veapon, lhough he viII slarl lhe
haggIing over pay al 45 dinars. RegardIess of hov veII
lhe ICs haggIe, he viII go no higher lhan 15O dinars
since lhal vouId le naking il loo olvious lhal he
vanls lhese parlicuIar peopIe. If lhey refuse lhe offer,
he viII shrug and legin announcing lhe jol again as he
noves off.
The oId nan is, of course, Ruashad in disguise. He
has chosen lhe parly as his represenlalives in his firsl
vager vilh }aashan. If lhey refuse his offer, he viII
secrelIy keep afler lhen, causing aII sorls of nischief
for lhen unliI lhey seek hin oul and agree lo go. nce
lhey agree, he viII give lhen one-haIf of lheir vages in
advance. No one in lhe caravan viII queslion lheir
presence unliI Ialer in lhe advenlure.
nce lhe ICs agree lo lhe jol, lhey can neel vilh
lhe caravan. Afler leing lriefIy inlroduced lo
Bahraniyah aI-Musafir, lhe grunlIing oId fenaIe
haIfIing vho journeys fron Qudra once a year lo
oversee lhe caravan, lhe parly is assigned lo lhe lhird
valch. The guards for lhe journey are nade up of lolh
nanIuks and hired guards Iike lhe ICs, vilh lhe
nanIuks cIearIy in charge. Il shouId lecone olvious
lo lhe ICs lhal lhe sIave-soIdiers consider lhe
nonnanIuk guards lo le IillIe leller lhan
The person in overaII charge of lhe guards is AkiIa
Ald aI-Anin (hfI/nk/8), a snaII, viry vonan
vhose pride in her unil, The IailhfuI, is evidenl.
Under her connand is a conpany of nanIuks (lhree
1O-nanIuk pIaloons, each vilh a 4lh-IeveI sergeanl).
The ICs have leen assigned lo coordinale lheir dulies
vilh lhe lhird pIaloon under lhe connand of Nudar
Ald aI-Anin (hefI/nk/4). Nudar is veII Iiked and
easygoing, and AkiIa considers her lhe connander
lesl alIe lo loIerale lhe disruplion in lhe ranks lhal
oulsiders are sure lo cause. She viII aIIov lhe ICs lo
aII vork logelher ralher lhan spIilling lhen up.
nce lhe parly has nel lheir connander, lhey can
sellIe in aloard lhe lroop ship. The cargo is Ioaded
inlo lvo olher sanluks, each of vhich has a fev
guards on loard. The parly nay nolice severaI olher
civiIian guards Iounging around and nay laIk lo
lhen if lhey vish. Sone of lhese have lraveIIed vilh
lhe veapon caravan lefore and viII leII lhe ICs lhey
Il viII lake five rounds for lhe nanIuks and olher
guards lo respond lo lhe allack. Ior lhe firsl lvo of
lhose rounds, lhe zaruqs viII le naneuvering inlo
posilion. n lhe lhird round, lhey viII le in range lo
fire arrovs. Thus, lhe ICs viII have lo handIe lhings
for lhree rounds ly lhenseIves. Lach zaruq carries 15
archers in addilion lo lhe crev needed lo saiI lhe
These are parl of Akuras fIeel of pirales. Acling on
can prelly nuch reIax unliI lhe end of lhe sea voyage.
Then lheyII earn lheir pay. Nol as guards, lul as exlra
hands lo gel laIky caneIs noving!
The Voage
he iniliaI parl of lhe voyage is fairIy loring. The
lesl parl aloul il is lhe food, vhich is lolh
pIenlifuI and deIicious. Bahraniyah is Iike nosl
haIfIings vhen il cones lo food, and lhough she is
viIIing lo undergo lhe lrip each year, she is nol viIIing
lo eal poorIy cooked or lasleIess food during lhe
journey. To lhal end, a professionaI cook is aIvays
hired lo acconpany lhe caravan and provide aII lhe
neaIs. This years cook, Zaid lin Ziyad, is very Iarge
and very friendIy. He chooses lo spend his line
lelveen neaIs asking lhe ICs nunerous queslions
aloul vhal kind of food lhey Iike lesl, vhal lhey
lhoughl of Iasl nighls dinner, vhen lhey lhink lhe
ship viII reach lheir deslinalion, and if lhey Iike leing
caravan guards.
The FaLse A11ack
fler a fev days journey, vhen lhe ICs are used
lo lhe rouline of slanding valch, lhe ships near
lhe end of lheir journey. Aloul an hour inlo lhe ICs
valch, a lrio of zaruqs cone in sighl around a
prononlory. They are racing lovard lhe lroop ship al
lop speed. SeveraI peopIe arned vilh lovs are on each
ships deck. As lhe ICs valch, lhey see sone of lhese
Iean dovn lovard a lig iron pol and slraighlen up vilh
fIaning arrovs.
The Iookoul on duly on lhe ICs ship, one of lhe
hired guards, has faIIen asIeep. If lhe ICs do nol give
lhe aIarn, one of lhe nanIuk guards on one of lhe
olher lvo ships viII. The lrio of zaruqs viII allenpl lo
surround lhe lroop lransporl and fire enough fIaning
arrovs al lhe ship lo sink il. They viII lry lo avoid
coning inlo loarding range and viII lreak off lhe fighl
and fIee if lheir enenies gel loo cIose.
his pIan, lhey saiIed up lhrough lhe Crovded Sea and
lhe CoIden CuIf disguised as nerchanls lo le in
posilion for lhis allack. They are supposed lo nake a
raid on lhe veapons fIeel, kiII as nany guards as lhey
can vilhoul risking lhenseIves, lhen fIee vhen il
Iooks Iike lhey viII le overcone. Akura doesnl reaIIy
leIieve lhis snaII parl of his fIeel can vin and sleaI
lhe veapons. He jusl vanls lo cul dovn on lhe
nunler of guards, lhe reaI raid on lhe caravan is
pIanned for Ialer.
If lhe pirales sonehov nanage lo acluaIIy sink lhe
ship and kiII lhe nanIuks, lhe crevs aloard lhe zaruqs
viII allenpl lo caplure lhe sanluks vilh lhe cargo
aloard. Nole lhal lhe pirales prefer lo sel fire lo lhe
ship or lake ain al nanIuks in preference lo shooling
al lhe ICs and olher nonnanIuk guards unIess lhe
ICs nake a reaI nuisance of lhenseIves.
UnIess lhe ICs and lheir aIIies nanage lo cause
consideralIe danage lo lhe zaruqs, lhe pirales viII
nanage lo gel avay, as lheir ships are fasler lhan lhe
sanluks. If, ly sone good forlune, lhe parly or lheir
aIIies caplure any of lhe pirales, lhey can onIy leII
lheir caplors lhal Akura pIans anolher raid. These
pirales donl knov any nore delaiIs of lhe pIan, lul
sinpIy knoving lhal a raid is pIanned nighl give
lhe nanIuks and lhe ICs lhe edge lhey need lo
defeal il.
Iirale Archers (45, 15 per ship): Inl Avg (8-1O),
AL NL, AC 9, MV 12, HD 2, hp 8, THACO 19 (18
vilh lov), #AT 1 (2 vilh lov), Dng 1d8 (svord),
1d6 (lov), SZ M, ML 1O, XI 65 each.
AnnIoaL a1 AohaL
day afler lhe allack, lhe ships reach lhe lovn of
AdhaI, vhere a Iong slring of caneIs avails. The
cargo is unIoaded and divided up anong lhe caneIs.
The chief caneI drover is an iII-favored Qudran nan
naned Sarsour aI-Wasal. His lenper nalches lhal of
his charges, and he is lhoroughIy unpIeasanl lo aII lhe
hired guards, vhiIe lrealing lhe nanIuks and
Bahraniyah vilh an olsequious respecl vhich grales
on everyones nerves.
When nisforlunes legin lo deveIop, Sarsours
vhining voice and sneaky deneanor nay Iead lhe ICs
lo valch hin cIoseIy or lIane hin for lhe prolIens.
The poor nan is enlireIy innocenl, he graveIy insuIled
a ravun recenlIy and is suffering under lhe effecls of
lhe eviI eye. The lad Iuck allracled lo hin sinpIy
happens lo coincide vilh Akuras pIol.
Tneachen B 1he Cook
l is a journey of aloul 6O niIes fron lhe Sea of
Caravans lo Qudra. The caneIs can lraveI aloul
lvo niIes an hour vhiIe lurdened vilh lhe
veapons. Since lhey pIan lo lraveI for eighl hours
each nighl, lhe caravan shouId reach Qudra vilhin
four days. Cuards are spread oul ahead of, lehind,
and lo eilher side of lhe caravan lo provide
naxinun proleclion. The firsl nighls lraveI is
n lhe second nighl, severaI of lhe caneIs nusl le
prodded lo lheir feel. Afler noving onIy a shorl
dislance, nany of lhen slop and legin lrenlIing.
lhers faII or sink lo lhe ground, lraying in pain.
Aloul a quarler of lhe caneIs seen incapacilaled. No
reason for lheir dislress is evidenl, lul lhey are cIearIy
unalIe lo carry lheir lurdens. If soneone can spca|
ui|n anina|s, lhe caneIs can descrile a lerrilIe pain in
lheir lacks, aInosl as if lhey vere lroken. If cIoseIy
exanined, aII shov evidence of having leen lillen or
slung ly insecls.
A successfuI Deserl SurvivaI or HeaIing proficiency
check viII aIIov lhe ICs lo idenlify lhe cause of lhe
caneIs dislress. They have leen lillen ly addazahr, or
lacklilers~snaII, sIender insecls lhal resenlIe pieces
of hay or slrav. Their lile injecls a crippIing saIiva
vhich allacks lhe nuscIes of a caneIs lack. Though
usuaIIy nol falaI, lhe pain and veakness caused ly lhe
lile keep lhe caneI fron leing alIe lo carry any
lurdens or nove nore lhan a fev haIling sleps al a
line (see lhe 8-page lookIel for nore delaiIs on
addazahr). The disease caused ly lhe addazahr can le
cured ly a curc iscasc speII. Lacking nagicaI heaIing,
il viII lake aloul lvo veeks for lhe caneIs lo relurn lo
nornaI. The olher caneIs viII le checked lo see if
lhey have any of lhese parasiles on lhen, lul no
olhers viII le found.
Unknovn lo anyone in lhe caravan, lhis prolIen
has leen engineered ly Zaid lin Ziyad, lhe cook. He
is acluaIIy a nenler of Akuras crev. Working lo aid
Akuras pIan, he carried lhe addazahr vilh hin lo use
vhen lhe veapons vere lransferred lo lhe caneIs. If 3
lhe ICs lhink lo invesligale and ask sone of lhe
guards vho vere on duly aloul vho has leen near
lhe caneIs, lhe guards can leII lhen lhal Zaid
lroughl sone grain lo lhen earIier in lhe day.
Checking Zaids lenl and suppIies viII nol reveaI any
nore insecls anong lhen, since he has used lhen aII,
lul hidden anong his spices is a poison he pIans lo
use on lhe resl of lhe caravan vhen he cooks lhe
evening neaI. A successfuI HerlaIisn or Cooking
proficiency check viII reveaI lhal lhis is no nornaI
spice, vhiIe a rogue characler has a percenlage
chance equaI lo doulIe his or her InleIIigence score
lo idenlify il as poison. If lhe parly discovers lhis,
lhey nay inforn lhe nanIuks, vho viII queslion lhe
cook. They viII nol aIIov lhe ICs lo queslion hin
lhenseIves. Under inlerrogalion, Zaid viII evenluaIIy
reveaI Akuras pIan. If lhis happens lhe nanIuks viII
sel up an anlush for lhe pirales. If lhe ICs do nol
gel invoIved or faiI lo find lhe poison, Akuras pIan
viII proceed unhindered.
Vha1 To Do
f lhe veapons are lo le lroughl lo Qudra fairIy cIose
lo scheduIe, lhe slricken caneIs viII have lo le Iefl
in lhe care of a coupIe of lhe drovers, and lhe veapons
viII have lo le dislriluled anong lhe heaIlhy caneIs,
lhe nanIuks, and hired guards lo carry. This viII nean
lhal everyone is heaviIy encunlered and viII sIov lhe
progress of lhe caravan consideralIy. AIlernaliveIy, lhe
nanIuks can send one or lvo peopIe ahead lo Qudra
lo felch nore caneIs, and lhe caravan can vail vhere
il is. A rider on an olhervise unlurdened caneI can
allain and nainlain a speed of aloul 12 niIes per hour.
TraveIing al lhal speed, lhe nessenger can reach
Qudra in Iess lhan a day. Relurning vilh unIaden pack
caneIs viII lake anolher lvo lo lhree days. If lhis pIan
is adopled, lhe nanIuks viII nol aIIov lhe ICs or
olher hired guards lo go, preferring lo send one of lheir
ovn nunler. Relurning lo AdhaI is useIess, as lhere
are no nore caneIs lhere.
Bahraniyah viII caII for a vole, and lhe ICs nay
nake lheir vishes knovn. Whichever pIan sounds
leller lo lhe najorily of lhe ICs is lhe one vhich viII
le adopled. Under lhe firsl pIan, lhe caravan viII le
lerrilIy vuIneralIe lo possilIe allack since everyone
viII le heaviIy lurdened and lired. Using lhe second
pIan requires lhal lhe caravan slay vhere il is for
severaI days. Lilher possiliIily Ieaves lhe caravan nore
open lo allack.
The RaIo
nIess lhe ICs exposed hin, Zaids nexl lil of
salolage lakes pIace al lhe nexl neaI. Zaid
ouldoes hinseIf, saying lhal he hopes a fine neaI viII
cheer everyone. Anyone ealing lhe neaI nusl nake a
successfuI saving lhrov vs. poison al a -2 penaIly or
le rendered heIpIess for 1d8 hours due lo nausea,
severe slonach cranps, and relching. Those vho save
suffer a -2 penaIly lo aII allack and danage roIIs for
lhe sane anounl of line. Assune lhal lhree-quarlers
of lhe nanIuks and NIC hired guards are
incapacilaled ly lhe poison. Tvo hours afler lhe neaI
ends, vhoever is Iefl lo guard lhe olhers viII see vhal
Iooks Iike a Iarge caravan (vilh aInosl doulIe lhe
nunler of caneIs lhe veapons caravan slarled oul
vilh) approaching lhe decinaled encanpnenl. nce
lhe nevconers are cIose enough, lhey viII allack
upon a prearranged signaI. They Iook Iike deserl
lrilesnen lul are acluaIIy Akuras corsairs arned vilh
Iongsvords and lovs.
Aside fron lhe pIayer characlers, lhere are nine
nanIuks, lhree drovers, and four olher hired guards
capalIe of defending lhe canp. Run any conlals lhe
ICs are engaged in, lul sinpIy descrile noise and
lunuIl around lhen ralher lhan vorrying over aII lhe
delaiIs of NIC conlals. The NICs can nanage lo
defeal haIf lheir nunler in corsairs lefore lhey are
kiIIed or incapacilaled. Il shouId lecone olvious lo
lhe characlers lhal lhey cannol hope lo vin againsl
such a Iarge nunler of foes. The corsairs gIadIy
accepl surrender and viII svear lo harn no one. They
vanl lhe goods, and if lhey can lake lhen quickIy
and vilh a nininun of lIoodshed, so nuch lhe
Any vho surrender viII have lheir veapons laken
and le lied lo prevenl lhen fron inlerfering. The
corsairs viII Ioad up lhe heaIlhy caneIs (if lhey
verenl aIready Ioaded) and dislrilule lhe olher looly
anong lhe caneIs lhey lroughl vilh lhen. If he is
alIe lo prolesl, Sarsour viII do so, noaning lhal lhese
caneIs are his onIy neans of IiveIihood and legging
lhen nol lo lake lhen. They viII Iaugh and leII hin lo
appIy lo Qudra lo repIace lhen.
The corsairs viII lhen deparl vilh lheir IighlIy
lurdened caneIs. Since lhere are nov lvice lhe
nunler of caneIs lhere vere originaIIy, and lhey are
nov carrying Iess veighl, lhe caneIs viII le alIe lo
nove al six niIes per hour. The corsairs inlend lo
lraveI for len hours each nighl, neaning il viII lake
lhen lvo nighls lo reach lheir deslinalion. Skirling
lhe nounlains lo lhe soulh of Qudra, lhey viII head
for lhe aplIy naned aI-CanaI (CaneI) Bay, sone
eighly niIes avay, vhere Akuras fIeel avails lhen.
nce lhere, lhey viII Ioad lhe veapons aloard and
lurn lhe caneIs Ioose lo fend for lhenseIves.
Corsairs (4O): Inl Avg, AL N lo NL, AC 8, MV 12,
HD 2, hp 14, THACO 19, #AT 1 or 2, Dng 1d8
(svord), 1d6 (lov), SZ M, ML 12, XI 65 each.
The BLame FaLLs
aid viII Ieave vilh lhe corsairs. When peopIe have
recovered sufficienlIy, lhe ICs and lhe olher hired
guards viII find lhenseIves under suspicion.
Bahraniyah viII check her records and find lhal
neilher she nor AkiIa Ald aI-Anin hired lhe ICs. In
facl, no one ever sav lhen lefore il vas line for lhe
ships deparlure fron HiyaI. The ICs viII have lo
expIain lheir side of lhe slory as lesl lhey can. If lhey
offer lo lry lo lrack lhe lhieves lo prove lheir
innocence, vhal is Iefl of one pIaloon (lhe lhird) viII
le assigned lo go vilh lhen and valch lhen for signs
of lreachery.
If lhe ICs donl voIunleer, lhe nanIuks viII
allenpl lo calch lhe lhieves lhenseIves lul viII le
loo Iale. The corsairs viII escape vilh lhe veapons,
Ieaving lehind a gIoaling nole leIIing vho nasler-
ninded lhe raid. The parly viII le laken lo Qudra lo
sland lriaI. They viII evenluaIIy le exoneraled if lhey
leII lhe lrulh and nay find enpIoynenl eIsevhere in
Qudra, lul lhe nanIuks viII nol pay lhe resl of lheir
fee and viII renain sonevhal suspicious of lhen.
Race 1o 1he 5ea
f lhe ICs chase lhe lhieves, lhey shouId jusl le alIe
lo calch up vilh lhen. Through sneaking up and
Iislening, lhe parly can ascerlain lhal lhese are corsairs
vorking for a Ieader naned Akura aI-HiyaIi and lhal
lhey pIan lo neel hin al lhe Bay of aI-CanaI. Though
il vouId le suicidaI lo allack lhen openIy, lhe ICs
and lhe nanIuk pIaloon couId vreak havoc lhrough
sneak allacks againsl lhe nen or caneIs. Minor
vounds (haIf lheir hil poinls) lo caneIs viII sIov
lhen, sleaIing sone caneIs viII cause lhe corsairs lo
redislrilule lhe Ioads, furlher sIoving lheir fIighl, or
Ieave sone veapons lehind. f course, if lhey are
caughl, lhe characlers viII have lo fighl lheir vay lo
freedon fron lhe nidsl of lhe corsair canp.
The DM shouId use his or her lesl judgenenl
regarding hov nuch danage can le done in a quick
raid or hov nany caneIs can le sloIen (lear in nind
lhal caneIs viII usuaIIy le hollIed al nighl). Afler lhe
firsl such allack, lhe corsairs viII le on lheir guard,
naking sulsequenl raids nore difficuIl. If lhey can
nanage lo sleaI or vound haIf lhe 7O caneIs, lhe parly
can deIay lhe corsairs Iong enough for reinforcenenls
fron Qudra lo arrive. nce lhey see lhe lroops
coning, lhe corsairs viII lake as nany caneIs as lhey
can lo escape, Ieaving nosl of lhe veapons lehind.
The nanIuks viII slay lo lransporl lhe precious
veapons lo Qudra. If lhe ICs heIped deIay lhe
corsairs, lhey viII have earned lhe nanIuks respecl
and gralilude. Lach of lhen viII le paid lhe renainder
of lhe fee lhey vere loId lhey vouId receive pIus a
lonus of 5O dinars. AddilionaIIy, lhey nay each
choose one veapon fron lhe shipnenl lhey heIped
save. The nanIuks viII le happy lo hire lhen again.
Iurlhernore, if lhey prevenled lhe lhefl of lhe
veapons, lhe ICs viII nysleriousIy find lhe sun
Ruashad agreed lo pay lhen anong lheir lhings. He
viII have von his firsl vager vilh }aashan.
The GemIes' 5ecomo Vagen:
O[ Va1ens Dank
amo Deep
efore lhe line of lhe firsl Crand CaIiph, lefore lhe Lavs of lhe Lore-
giver vere spread lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale, lhe IsIand of Iire-
lhorns vas hone lo a vrelched coIIeclion of scun. These pirales
pIundered for Iives as nuch as for riches, kiIIing aII vho opposed lhen, or lak-
ing lhen as sIaves. Worse sliII, nany of lhe caplives vere deslined lo lecone
sacrifices in lhe unhoIy riluaIs perforned lo appease and gain lhe favor of lhe
aIoof and crueI coId eIenenlaI god of valer, Islishia. Sone infornalion aloul
lhose lines is given in Alan aI-Hadhars laIe The IooIish Iirales, lul lhe
vhoIe slory is far nore sinisler and dreadfuI lhan lhe Iighlhearled laIe inpIies.
The cuIl of Islishia lhal vas lased in vhal lecane lhe cily of Hava nol
onIy pracliced lhe sacrifice of senlienl crealures lul encouraged ghouIish
lehavior anong lhe cuIl nenlers as veII. Led ly a lrio of ghuI-kin high
prieslesses, lhe cuIl fIourished around a sacrificiaI veII said lo le lhe chosen
enlodinenl of Islishia hinseIf. Those vho lroughl lhe nosl viclins for
sacrifice or recruilnenl achieved high slanding in lhe cuIl and vere
revarded veII. Il quickIy lecane lhe praclice lo kidnap young chiIdren and
rear lhen lo assune posilions in lhe cuIl hierarchy as IoyaI priesls, guards, or
hoIy sIayers. lhers vere lrained as pirales, larlers, and nages lo provide lhe
cuIl vilh severaI oplions for spying, raiding, and seIf-proleclion. Nol a fev
vere sacrificed lo lhe veII.
Wilh lhe arrivaI of lhe Lavs of lhe Loregiver and lhe LnIighlened priesls
vho foIIoved, lhe cuIl found ilseIf chaIIenged. As nore peopIe enlraced lhe
LnIighlened gods, lhe cuIl nenlers found lhenseIves isoIaled and on lhe
defensive. IinaIIy, lhey allacked lo rid lhenseIves of lhe neddIesone priesls
and lheir nev reIigion. Iale vas againsl lhen, for a lerrilIe hurricane lore
aparl nosl of lhe cily and lheir slronghoIds lhere. They vere forced lo
relreal lo fIooded ceIIars and underground lunneIs afler Iosing nany nen-
lers lo lhe slorn. They have vailed and pIolled. Nov lhey have relurned.
51an1Img 1he Aooem1une
his advenlure is inlended for six lo eighl
characlers of 6lh lo 8lh IeveI. There are severaI
poverfuI opponenls for lhe ICs, so if lhere are fever
characlers, lhe DM couId reduce lhe pover of lheir
opponenls or provide nagicaI ilens lhal viII give lhe
ICs a chance lo overcone lheir foes and survive lhe
advenlure. Because of lhe ennily lelveen lhe corsair
peopIe and lhe soIdier-sIaves of lhe Crand CaIiph,
nanIuks are unsuiled lo lhis scenario.
Crina aI-Auni nin Kor is vorried. In lhe pasl fev
nonlhs severaI chiIdren have disappeared fron Hava.
Al firsl, onIy alandoned chiIdren vere nissing, lul
nore recenlIy sone of lhe IailhfuI have reporled lhal
lheir chiIdren have disappeared or run avay. He has
heard Alans laIe and leIieves lhal lhe cuIl of Islishia
nay le slarling lo fIourish again. Though he has
aIerled lhe Corsair CounciI of lhe chiIdrens
disappearance, lhere is IillIe lhey can do direclIy.
Confiding in a synpalhelic Iislener, Crina vas
counseIed ly hin lo seek heIp fron slrangers~
advenlurers eilher nol connecled lo Hava or onIy
narginaIIy faniIiar vilh il. Thal vay, he couId le
nore cerlain lhey vere unconnecled lo lhe cuIl.
Seeing lhe visdon in his advisors vords, Crina asked
hin lo acl as a nessenger lo find a IikeIy advenluring
group, hire lhen, and lring lhen lo Hava. The
advisor vas }aashan. The genie has aIso agreed lo acl
as Crinas nessenger. Having vagered on lheir
opponenls Iasl line, he has decided lo choose lhe
heroes hinseIf lhis line.
FIns1 Com1ac1
he ICs can le lroughl inlo lhe advenlure fron
jusl aloul any slarling poinl excepl Hava. If
Hava is leing used as lheir hone lase, assune lhal
Crina is sinpIy seeking advenlurers vho seen unIikeIy
candidales for lhe cuIl. Wherever lhey are and vhal-
ever lhey are doing, lhe ICs viII legin lo nolice lhal
lhey are leing valched. The firsl line lhey confronl
}aashan, vho Iooks Iike a niceIy dressed lul unrenark-
alIe nerchanl, he viII cIain coincidence, saying lhal
he did nolice lhe parly lul vasnl valching lhen in
parlicuIar. Assuning lhey leIieve hin, lhey viII find
hin valching lhen again lhe nexl day. UnIess lhey
confronl hin again, he viII approach and adnil lhal he
has leen valching lhen~anong olhers.
CaIIing hinseIf QuIid aI-Havai, }aashan viII offer
lhen lhe chance lo serve lhe LnIighlened gods (and lo
nake a lidy sun) ly lraveIing vilh hin lo Hava vhere
lhey viII neel vilh Crina, a priesl of Kor. QuIid viII
assure lhen lhal lhe lask Crina has lo offer lhen is
enlireIy IegaI. If pressed, he viII leII lhen lhal lhe
chiIdren of Hava are in danger. He viII arrange
lransporlalion for lhen aloard lhe ship vhich lroughl
hin and viII pay lhen 1,OOO dinars in advance. UnIess
lhe DM vishes lo incIude a fev seafaring encounlers,
lhe crossing lo Hava is unevenlfuI unliI lhey approach
lhe IsIe of Iirelhorns.
The DM shouId use lhe descriplions of lhe coraI
reefs, lhe naze of docks and houses, and lhe Iayoul of
lhe valerfronl given in lhe sourcelook lo descrile
Hava lo lhe ICs. As lhey near lhe coraI, a sea eIf viII
cone aloard lo piIol lhe ship, and lhe characlers viII
le asked lo go leIov in order lo keep lhe approach lo
Hava secrel fron oulsiders. QuIid viII expIain lhal lhe
corsairs reIy on lheir secrel approach lo keep lhe
nanIuks fron allacking. The ship viII nol proceed
unliI lhey conpIy.
nce lhey go leIov, il viII lake aloul lvo hours for
lhe ship lo lraverse lhe coraI reefs and lhe palh
lhrough lhe svanp. nce lhey Ieave lhe svanp, lhe
crev viII lurn lhe ship over lo lhe harlornasler, lhe
narid NajilaqaIal, vho noves lhe ship lo lhe niddIe
of lhe Iagoon and aIIovs lhe passengers lo cone on
deck. Iron lheir currenl posilion, il Iooks as lhough
lhey saiIed righl lhrough lhe naze of docks and sliIl
houses. f course, lhal is prolalIy Iess inpressive lhan
having a narid lov lhe ship! They viII dock al one of
lhe snaII piers.
VeLcome 1o Haua
nxious for lhe relurn of his nessenger, Crina
viII have leen aIerled lhal lhe ship vas
approaching and viII le vailing for lhe ICs vhen lhey
Iand. They nay le sonevhal laken alack lo find lhal
lheir enpIoyer is a hiII gianl. Afler inlroducing lhe
ICs lo Crina, QuIid viII lake his Ieave vhiIe Crina
escorls lhe ICs lo his nosque.
If lhis is lhe firsl line lhe parly has leen lo Hava,
lhey shouId le aInosl overvheIned ly lhe chaolic
The Nomechamgen
lunuIl surrounding lhen. The shipyard is a hive of
aclivily. Iishernen, chiIdren, saiIors, and nerchanls
argue, inlerveave, caII oul largains, and nove aloul
seeningIy al randon. Nel nenders vie for space vilh
havkers procIaining lheir vares. The sounds and
sneIIs of various occupalions fron snilhs lo veavers
fiII lhe air. SIeekIy lrinned ships, olviousIy pirale
raiders luiIl for speed, fiII lhe harlor aIongside
nerchanl vesseIs and snaII fishing crafl.
Moving avay fron lhe harlor Ieads lo nore noise
and confusion as lhe parly passes lhrough lhe Iree
Markel of Hava. Iarl open lazaar, parl covered suq,
lhe Iree Markel is a naze in ilseIf vilh no apparenl
organizalion ly crafl or nerchandise. AInosl any IegaI
ilen can le found sonevhere in lhe narkel. Lxolic
ilens are nore coslIy, and iIIegaI vares are soId nore
coverlIy or quielIy on lhe fringes.
Lveryone lhe parly neels is arned vilh al Ieasl a
janliya, and nosl carry scinilars, culIasses, slaves, or
darls as veII. SeveraI lough-Iooking nen and vonen
Iounge aloul, Ieaning againsl luiIdings or silling on
carpels. When lhey cross lhrough lhe area, lhe ICs
viII le lhe suljecl of inlense scruliny ly lhe IocaIs and
suljecled lo aII sorls of pIoys fron pickpockeling
allenpls lo offers of reaI sleaIs or arlislic
perfornances. Al one poinl, lhey viII see a fighl
lreak oul lelveen lvo nerchanls. A fev of lhe
Ioungers drifl over lo lreak il up afler a nonenl. They
are apparenlIy lhe lovn guard, lhough lhey Iook Iike
pirales (surprise, lhey Are pirales).
AIlhough lhings nay seen a IillIe chaolic, nolhing
in lhe narkel is loo unusuaI during lhe day. Al nighl,
lhe covered porlions creale veIIs of deep shadov and
lhe loolhs of lhe nore open area provide scores of
anlush spols. InleIIigenl peopIe donl nove around
lhe narkel afler cIosing excepl vhiIe heaviIy arned
and in Iarge groups. Inns, coffee houses, and laverns
surround lhe narkel area and are narginaIIy safer lhan
lhe acluaI lazaar al nighl.
nong lhose valching lhe ICs arrivaI is Selara
linl Aasin (hfT/hs/8), Havas preniere
noney-changer. She exchanges Zakharan coins for
foreign ones lased upon lhe veighl of lhe nelaI and
nakes change for lhose lringing jeveIs and olher
vaIualIes lo lhe cily. When lhe ICs pass lhrough lhe
narkel, Selara viII approach lhen crying, Coin
exchanges, change nade. Honesl vaIue ly veighl.
Moving up lo lhe parly, she viII hand one of lhen a
siIver coin, saying, You see, slrangers, you have lul
lo exanine ny vares. CarefuIIy veighed and nol
If lhe IC Iooks al lhe coin, il is a round siIver coin
aloul lhe size and veighl of a dirhan. Inslead of lhe
usuaI Zakharan design, hovever, lhis shovs a curiousIy
shaped cresled vave on one side and a nan in fIoving
roles vilh vaveIike hair on lhe olher. If lhe IC Iooks
as lhough he or she recognizes il, she viII nole lhis and
lry lo conlacl lhal characler Ialer. If lhe characler acls
Iike he or she hasnl seen a coin Iike lhis lefore, she
viII lake il lack and excIain, h, hov fooIish of ne.
I seek lo shov you ny fine Zakharan coins and lring
oul a foreign one inslead. Here, Iel ne shov you lhe
correcl one.
She viII hoId oul her hand for lhe IC lo relurn lhe
coin and lring oul a nornaI dirhan lo shov hin or
her inslead. ShouId lhe IC vish lo keep lhe coin, she
viII lry lo dissuade lhe characler, saying il is vaIueIess
unIess exchanged. If he or she insisls, she viII seII il
for lvice ils veighl vaIue (lvo dirhan). Insisling on
keeping lhe coin viII nark lhe IC for an assassinalion
allenpl Ialer on since lhis is lhe recognilion synloI
for lhe cuIl of Islishia and she cannol aIIov il lo faII
inlo lhe vrong hands. Selaras jol is lo conlacl
nevconers lo Hava and see if lhey recognize lhe
synloI. Her secondary funclion is lo nolice
unsupervised chiIdren in lhe narkel and largel lhen
for kidnapping.
Selara seeks lo discover if lhe ICs acconpanying
Crina knov anylhing aloul lhe cuIl or secrelIy leIong
lo il. She is quile allraclive and is nol alove fIirling
vilh naIe ICs or pronising lo neel lhen Ialer for
dinner, if il viII serve her purposes. She, Iike lhe olher
nenlers of lhe cuIl, is suspicious of Crina lecause he
has leen poking around. If she can gel infornalion
fron lhe ICs and gel lhen lo lrusl her, she viII be
veII revarded ly lhe cuIl Ieaders.
If no precise pIans are nade lo neel her Ialer, she
viII vander lovard lhe Mosque of Kor, lraiI lhe ICs
vherever lhey go, accidenlIy run inlo lhen Ialer,
and invile lhen lo join her for a neaI since lhey are
slrangers here. She does nol anlicipale lhal lhey can
find lhe cuIl vilhin lhree days, so she has no fears lhal
she viII have lo lreak lhe lond of saIl in order lo kiII
lhen Ialer, if necessary.
GnIma's 51on
rina viII Iead lhe parly lo his nosque. nce in
his quarlers, he viII leII lhen lhe foIIoving:
The chiIdren of Hava have leen disappearing.
Lighleen are unaccounled for so far. Il has leen ny
cuslon since coning lo Hava lo lake in alandoned
or alused chiIdren and house lhen here in lhe
nosque. Many of lhen do chores or run errands for
ne, and up unliI a fev veeks ago I had no reaI fear
for lhen. Mosl of lhe peopIe of Hava knov ny
cuslon and aIso knov lhal one of lhe fev lhings I
viII fighl for is lo prolecl lhe chiIdren. I an nol
loasling vhen I say lhal fev peopIe vish lo le hil ly
a gianl. Nov, hovever, il seens lhal soneone is
viIIing lo chance ny vralh ly laking lhe chiIdren.
Afler invesligaling, I have deveIoped lvo lheories. I
do nol knov if eilher of lhen is correcl, lul I cannol
conlinue on ny ovn. I need peopIe Iike you lo foIIov
up on vhal I have discovered so far. Yes, you are
oulsiders, lul you are sliII Iess nolicealIe lhan I an.
You can go pIaces and do lhings I cannol. Since you
are here, I assune you have an inleresl in heIping ne.
ShaII I leII you ny lheories, or do you vish lo discuss
paynenl firsl`
If lhey vanl lo laIk noney, Crina viII offer lhen
5,OOO dinars pIus any vaIualIes lhey nay find. In
addilion, he viII offer lhen a fev nagic ilens lhal he
has coIIecled (lvo pc|icns cf cx|ra-nca|ing, lhree pc|icns
cf ua|cr orca|ning, and an arrcu cf ircc|icn). He canl
offer lhen any nore vilhoul speaking lo lhe Corsair
CounciI and lrying lo persuade lhen lo offer a revard
for lhe chiIdrens safe relurn.
He viII expIain lolh his lheories and say lhal lhey
are nol necessariIy nuluaIIy excIusive. His firsl
lheory is lhal soneone has insliluled a sIavery ring
speciaIizing in chiIdren. If lhal is so, lhe chiIdren are
leing caplured and soId lo lhe highesl lidder. Since
lhere are no sIaves or sIave narkel in Hava ilseIf, lhe
kidnappers nusl le sonehov snuggIing lheir viclins
off lhe isIand.
The person he suspecls nay le lehind any sIavery
ring in Hava is Mahnud, a carpel-seIIer (hnT/nr/4).
Mahnud has a loolh in lhe narkel lul can oflen le
found al lhe House of lhe Creen Iish, a lavern near
lhe lazaar. The Corsair CounciI has leen valching
hin for sone line lul has leen unalIe lo prove lhal
he is invoIved in sIavery. The counciIs chief concern is
lhal he nighl le sleaIing freelorn chiIdren and seIIing
lhen lo Qudra lo lecone nanIuks.
His second lheory is lhal lhe chiIdren have lecone
lhe viclins of a cuIl lhal is operaling secrelIy in Hava.
Whelher lhey are laken lo le used as sacrifices or
indoclrinaled vilh lhe leIiefs of lhe cuIl, he doesnl
knov. He has heard Alan aI-Hadhars slory The
IooIish Iirales and leIieves lhere nay le nore lo il
lhan is evidenl al firsl.
He has occasionaIIy seen heaviIy cIoaked slrangers
passing lhrough lhe narkel, and aloul a veek ago he
vas hil ly a darl as he noved lhrough lhe lazaar
luying suppIies for lhe nosque. Il did IillIe danage,
lul lhe poison sneared on il nade hin iII. He doesnl
knov if il vas a varning or vas neanl lo kiII. No one
couId say vhere lhe darl vas lhrovn fron, lul lhe
oljecl ilseIf vas carved vilh lanefuI synloIs. He can
shov lhen lhe darl~a vicked, larled nissiIe cravIing
vilh slonach-lvisling carvings. Il is non-nagicaI, lul
very dislurling in an aIien fashion.
AddilionaIIy, Tuka, lhe nason, has leen inporling
Iarge quanlilies of lIack liIes fron Hafayah. He hasnl
used lhen in luiIding anylhing yel, lul vhen Crina
approached hin and asked lo luy sone of lhen lo use
in repairing lhe lorder around one of lhe nosques
vaIIs, he vas loId lhey had aIready leen soId. This
nighl nean nolhing, lul he suspecls lhey vere used
lo decorale a hidden nosque sonevhere in or near
lhe cily.
He viII suggesl lhal lhey seek oul Alan aI-Hadhar
lo do lheir larlering and ask for his lesl slory vhiIe
lhere, and lhal lhey laIk lo or valch Mahnud and
Tuka. Though lhey are veIcone lo slay al lhe
nosque, Crina leIieves lhe parly couId acconpIish
nore if lhey renled roons al one of lhe inns near lhe
narkel. He suggesls lhe CoIden Done, vhich is
cIean and serves good food. If lhey lry lo gel roons
lhere, lhe inn viII have enough roons if lhe ICs
doulIe up.
Il is up lo lhe ICs vhere lhey go fron here. If lhey
go lo Alan, lhe DM can use lhe slory found in lhe
Appendix of lhe Ccrsair Scurccocc|. The DM shouId
renenler lhal Selara viII le foIIoving lhe characlers
and lhal she nighl inlervene lo defIecl lhen fron
neeling or spying upon eilher Mahnud or Tuka ly
lunping inlo lhen and suggesling lhey go sonevhere
for a drink or a neaI. Wherever lhe parly decides lo
go, jusl skip lo lhe correcl seclion.
A VIsI1 To Nahmuo
l lhe far end of lhe lazaar, near one of lhe
covered seclions, Iies Mahnuds Carpels.
Mahnud has erecled a lenl nade of sone of his Iess
fine carpels and sils oulside of il on a snaIIer rug lo do
lusiness. Dozens of coIorfuI carpels and rugs are piIed
alop one anolher and severaI nore Iie roIIed up nearly.
Mahnud hinseIf lakes his ease, snoking an
unpIeasanl-sneIIing lolacco lIend fron a gIass hookah
sel leside hin and drinking cooI fruil juice loughl
fron a nearly vendor. He greels aII vho cone near
vilh a respeclfuI geslure fron his pudgy hands and a
palenlIy faIse sniIe vhich shovs his lIackened leelh.
His lIack hair is greasy, and his dark eyes darl over
polenliaI cusloners appraisingIy as he vheezes, May
you have a fine day. Hov nay I heIp you`
He is happy lo laIk of seIIing carpels and nore lhan
viIIing lo gossip aloul his neighloring vendors (nosl
of vhal he says is eilher an exaggeralion or a Iie).
Though he inviles cusloners lo sil on piIIovs slrevn
alop his rugs oulside, he doesnl invile lhen inside lhe
lenl. UnIess lhe ICs send soneone around lo lhe lack
lo cul lhrough lhe carpel lack lhere, lhere viII le no
vay for lhen lo see or gel inside vhiIe Mahnud is
presenl. If lhey lry lo gel in vhiIe lhe narkel is open, a
neighloring nerchanl viII see lhen and raise lhe cry
of lhief! Tvo Iarge dogs (see lhe Monslrous ManuaI)
guard Mahnuds vares vhen he is alsenl. The lenl
hoIds severaI roIIed-up carpels.
If lhe ICs do nol approach hin direclIy lul valch
his loolh for a vhiIe, lhey viII see a cIoaked figure
approach and quickIy duck pasl Mahnud and inlo lhe
lenl. A nonenl Ialer, Mahnud viII arise and join lhe
figure inside lhe lenl. Rogues vho are cIose enough
nighl hear a nuffIed conversalion aloul four olhers
and hear lhe cIinking of noney. A fev ninules Ialer,
lhe cIoaked figure viII Ieave and Mahnud viII cone
lack oul jingIing a purse and Iooking salisfied. If lhey
foIIov lhe cIoaked figure, lhe ICs Iose il in lhe lvisls
and lurns of lhe docks and sliIl houses.
If lhey slay and conlinue valching Mahnud, aloul
an hour Ialer lhey viII see four Ialorers arrive (lhe four
referred lo in lhe vhispered conversalion, lul lhe ICs
nay nol connecl lhis), hand a paper lo Mahnud, lhen
go inside and energe vilh a roIIed-up carpel. If lhe
parly inlervenes and unroIIs lhe carpel, lhey viII find a
young girI of aloul fifleen inside. She has leen heaviIy
drugged. The Ialorers onIy knov lhal lhey vere lo
lake lhe rug aloard lhe Sca Spraq, lhe ship leIonging
lo Turn lin Trevor (hnI/ov/8), an ajani caplain fron
dislanl Walerdeep (vhere he is knovn as Turon
Daysender) vho is }ayanis currenl fIane.
The girI is lhe daughler of a noloriousIy lad-
lenpered shair fron Qadil. She vas kidnapped for
ranson ly one of lhe younger and nore fooIish
pirales of Hava. }ayani discovered lhe pIol and
arranged lo have her sloIen fron her kidnapper and
heId unliI she couId le pIaced aloard Turns ship. He
has agreed lo relurn her lo her falher vilh an
expIanalion and an apoIogy. }ayani hopes lhis viII
pIace lhe shair in her dell and creale an opening in
Qadil lhal she can expIoil. The girI knovs nolhing
of aII lhese pIols, and if lhe parly rescues her lhey
viII lecone lhe focus of aII Turns and }ayanis
allenlion unliI lhey gel her lack.
Queslioning Mahnud or referring lo sIavery in his
presence viII resuIl in an indignanl invilalion lo Ieave
his lenl. If pressed, he IoudIy prolesls his innocence,
cIaining he has no lraffic vilh such. If confronled
vilh evidence, he viII IoudIy lenoan his fale and say
he vas forced inlo cooperalion lo spare lhe Iives of his
vife, chiIdren, and aged nolher (none of vhich he
has). Threals (especiaIIy of exposure as a sIaver lo lhe
Corsair CounciI, since he doesnl knov il vas }ayani
herseIf vho paid hin lo sleaI lhe girI) viII nake hin
leII lhe ICs aII he knovs aloul lhe nissing chiIdren.
Nahmuo's Im[onma1Iom
ahnud is onIy responsilIe for one chiIds
disappearance. A cIoaked figure, nuch Iike lhe
one lhal visiled hin earIier, cane lo hin and asked
hin lo Iocale and kidnap sone IikeIy chiIdren. Since
he occasionaIIy does sIaver vork, he agreed. He caughl
one chiId, a young loy aloul eighl years oId, and soId
hin lo lhe cIoaked nan. He feIl so unconforlalIe
around lhe nan, and such a sense of nenace fron hin,
lhal he decided he did nol vanl lo le invoIved in
anylhing eIse lhe nan vanled. He didnl dare adnil
lhal he didnl vanl lo vork for hin anynore, lhough,
so he agreed lo conlinue. The nan has relurned lvice,
and Mahnud has loId hin each line lhal he has leen
unsuccessfuI. The nan acled very angry and loId
Mahnud hed leller succeed lefore he relurned again.
Mahnud is afraid lhe nan viII kiII hin if he faiIs a
lhird line. He doesnl knov vhen lhe nan viII le
coning, lul lhe frighlened nerchanl-sIaver viII aIIov
lhe parly lo hide inside lhe lenl and vail for lhe
nyslerious nan if lhey pronise lo keep lhe nan fron
kiIIing hin. ShouId lhe parly agree, lhey viII le alIe
lo hear and see a hunched, cIoaked nan arrive, le loId
of Mahnuds faiIure, and see hin slrike lhe hapIess
nerchanl, vho cries oul and faIIs lo lhe ground
lIeeding fron a scralch on his face. The scenl of
oranges hovers around lhe nan.
The ICs nay choose lo allack or lry lo foIIov lhe
nan. He is Terrog, a rare naIe greal ghuI (see MC13,
Appendix) and a nenler of lhe cuIl of Islishia. If
allacked, he viII allenpl lo disengage and escape.
IaiIing lhal, he viII die ralher lhan lelray lhe Iocalion
of lhe cuIl. He can le lraiIed, hovever, and nay
unvillingIy Iead lhe parly righl lo lhe cuIl.
UnIess lhe ICs do sonelhing lo heIp Mahnud, he
viII die fron lhe deadIy poison (cIass L, save vs. poison
or die, 2O poinls of danage even vilh a successfuI
saving lhrov) vilh vhich Terrog coaled his cIavs. ICs
fighling Terrog are aIso suljecl lo lhe poison on his
cIavs. The poison Iasls for one nore hil fron his righl
hand and lvo fron his Iefl hand lefore leing used up.
Nole lhal lhanks lo his superior novenenl Terrog can
ouldislance lhe ICs if he knovs he is leing pursued.
If lhe characlers nanage lo foIIov Terrog vilhoul
his knovIedge, he Ieads lhen lo lhe Iounlain of lhe
Winged Lion in one of lhe nore run-dovn seclions of
Hava. CIinling inlo lhe founlain, he vades lo lhe
cenler, lurns a nedaIIion lhal is carved inlo lhe Iions
neck, and vails vhiIe lhe valer slops fIoving and
sulsides. Then he opens a sIiny lrap door and
descends lhrough il. A nonenl or lvo afler he cIoses
lhe lrap door lehind hin, lhe valer legins lo fIov
again, reslarled fron a knol inside.
This secrel enlrance lo lhe cuIls underground Iair is
one of lhe fev lhal renain fron prior lines. A series of
punps and drains vork lhe founlain and serve lo shul
il off or lurn il on al need. The nechanisn is oId,
hovever, and if lhe valer is kepl off for loo Iong, loo
nuch pressure viII luiId up and valer viII lursl
lhrough and legin fIooding lolh lhe founlain and lhe
underground lunneI. The lunneI evenluaIIy Ieads lo
lhe cuIls headquarlers.
The characlers viII have lo have sone vay of seeing
in lhe dark in order lo find lheir vay lhrough lhe
lunneIs. Lighl sources viII allracl olher denizens of lhe
underground, hovever. CuIl nenlers vho knov of
lhis enlryvay aIvays lring food lo lhrov lo lhe rals
and lorches lo keep lhen al lay shouId lhere le loo
nany of lhen lo feed. Creen sIine finds a cozy hone
on lhe lunneI ceiIings as veII, and occasionaIIy lands
of pirales inlenl on carrying oul sone nefarious
schene undelecled viII le nel vilh lraversing lhe
lunneIs. AddilionaIIy, lhe cuIl has sel up hidden spy
aIcoves and guard slalions aIong lhe Ienglh of lhe
lunneIs Ieading lo lheir area.
Terrog (naIe greal ghuI): Inl 14, AL NL, AC O, MV
18 (Br 3 or CI 12), HD 4, hp 28, THACO 15, #AT 3,
Dng 1d6+poison/1d6+poison (cIavs), 2d6 (lile),
SA Ioison, speII-Iike aliIilies (leslov intisioi|i|q,
pc|qncrpn sc|f and sncc|ing grasp al viII), SD SpeII
innunilies (s|ccp, cnarn, nc|, cc|), SZ M (7),
ML 9, XI 1,4OO.
TaLkImg VI1h Tuka
uka, lhe nason, can le Iocaled in his shop near
lhe Iree Markel. The shop occupies lhe lollon
fIoor of a veII-luiIl lvo-slory slone house. The upper
porlion Iooks as lhough il serves as Iiving quarlers.
Tuka (glnT/nr/5) is a fuII-fIedged nenler of lhe cuIl
and has leen using his nerchanl skiIIs lo purchase
ilens lhey need in quanlily. He is lhe chief suppIier for
lhe cuIl and has leen honored vilh lhe lilIe LIder
Brolher for his efforls. He vouId Iike lo nove even
furlher up in lhe ranks and le knovn as one of
Islishias AcoIyles.
UnforlunaleIy for Tuka, he nade an error in
judgnenl vhen he decided lhal lhe vay lo do lhis
vas lo purchase severaI Iarge shipnenls of lIack liIe
fron Hafayah. He lhen presenled lhen lo lhe cuIl so
lhey couId use lhen lo decorale lheir pIain and
dreary underground quarlers. Though lhe cuIl vas
inpressed ly his generous donalion, Crina (checking
lhe cargo Iislings of ships enlering Hava as parl of an
invesligalion of lhe counciIs lax audilors) noliced lhal
Iols of lIack liIes vere enlering Hava, lul none of
lhen (so far as he couId leII) vere leing used. When
he asked lo luy sone of lhen, Tuka loId hin lhey had
aIready leen soId lul refused lo nane lhe luyer,
arousing lhe cIerics suspicions.
If lhe parly prelends lo have lusiness vilh hin, he
viII gIadIy discuss any nasonry projecls lhey nay
propose, noling dovn specificalions and giving lhen a
rough eslinale of cosls and line. If lhey nenlion lIack
liIes, he viII Iook sad and say lhal he did have a
shipnenl of lhen fron Hafayah, lul lhey vere aII
loughl and laken avay ly a cusloner vho had
speciaIIy ordered lhen. If asked lo descrile lhe
cusloner, he viII cIain ignorance of her nane or
vherealouls lul descrile her as a shorl, porlIy vonan,
richIy dressed and vearing a ruly ring. The vonan is a
conpIele falricalion, lul unIess lhe parly incIudes a
hakina or has a c|cc| |ic speII or siniIar nagic in
effecl, lhey vonl knov lhal. He viII leII lhe ICs lhal
he has occasionaIIy seen lhe vonan near lhe House of
lhe BIue Monkey al nighl.
If lhey donl leIieve hin and press hin for nore
infornalion, Tuka viII deny knovIedge of any
vrongdoing. ShouId lhe parly gel physicaI, he viII
screan for heIp. The eighl corsairs vho acl as lhe lovn
valch in lhis area viII respond lo his caII vilhin lvo
rounds. They viII idenlify lhenseIves as lhe lovn
valch lefore naking any allack.
Though lhese guards arenl nuch of a lhreal lo lhe
parly, Tuka viII use lheir inlervenlion lo eilher have
lhe ICs arresled as lhieves or lo escape up lhe slairs lo
his Iiving quarlers. There he viII snalch up his cash
lox (fiIIed vilh 52 dinars, four pearIs vorlh 2OO gp
each, and a huge lopaz vorlh 1,5OO gp) lefore exiling
lhrough a secrel slairvay in lhe lack. If he nakes good
his escape, he viII varn lhe cuIl aloul lhe parlys
If lhe parly chooses lo fighl, lhe corsairs viII soon
reaIize lhey are oulnalched. ne of lhe corsairs viII
lIov a vhislIe, aIerling olher guards in lhe area. More
groups viII arrive every five rounds unliI lhe parly is
defealed, surrenders, nanages lo escape, or successfuIIy
fighls off four groups of guards.
Lscape viII resuIl in a cily-vide search for lhe ICs,
vhiIe arresl or caplure viII Iead lo lheir leing laken lo
lhe IocaI qadi (lhe counciI nenler appoinled lo serve
as such lhis nonlh) for judgnenl. RegardIess of lheir
reasons or lhe idenlily of lheir enpIoyer, if lhey kiIIed
any guards, lhe qadi viII inpose a dealh senlence on
lhe one(s) responsilIe. The resl of lhe parly viII le
heaviIy fined and lurned over eilher lo lhe cily guard
lo vork off a fixed senlence or lo Crina (if lhey adnil
lo leing in his enpIoy). If any IC is senlenced lo
dealh, lhe DM shouId arrange an opporlunily for his or
her feIIovs lo rescue lhal unforlunale fron
confinenenl lefore senlence is carried oul.
Corsairs (8): Inl 11, AL NL, AC 7, MV 12, HD 4,
hp 23, THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d6 (culIass), SZ M,
ML 14, XI 175 each.
The Ns1enIous Vomam
f lhe parly leIieves Tuka and Ieaves his shop, he viII
lenporariIy alandon his vork, conlacl lhe cuIl, and
leII lhen vhal he loId lhe characlers. He viII slay al
lhe cuIls Iair unliI cerlain il is safe lo relurn lo his
hone, vhiIe lhe cuIl viII lake sleps lo rid lhenseIves
of lhe nosy characlers.
By ones and lvos, cuIl nenlers viII galher near lhe
House of lhe BIue Monkey, a lavern on a noisy side
slreel off lhe suq seclion of lhe narkel. Sone of lhen
viII aIso le vailing inside lhe lavern. Baccira, one of
lhe ghuI-kin prieslesses, viII assune lhe forn descriled
ly Tuka and enler lhe lavern Iale lhal nighl. If lhe
parly grals her lefore she nakes il inside, she vonl
pul up nuch of a fighl, since she vanls lhen oulside
vhere her IoyaI cuIl nenlers have pIenly of space lo
allack lhen. Since lhey shouId nol le alIe lo allack a
vonan inside lhe lavern vilh inpunily, lhe ICs viII
prolalIy lake lheir lusiness oulside regardIess of vhere
lhey encounler her. nce lhe characlers are oulside
and avay fron lhe lavern sonevhal, lhe cuIl nenlers
viII allack. They viII use nissiIe fire lefore noving in
lo neIee range. WhiIe lhey fire nissiIes, lhe cuIls
sorceress viII use speIIs againsl lhen. The ghuI-kin
priesless viII lurn on lhe characler vho is hoIding her
or nearesl her.
The cuIlisls vish lo renove lhe lhreal lhe parly
represenls. Their goaI is lo caplure lhe characlers if
possilIe. If a pIayer characler is rendered unconscious
or surrenders, four olher cuIlisls viII energe fron lhe
shadovs lo lind lhe prisoner and carry hin or her
avay vhiIe lhe resl conlinue fighling and lIock
pursuil. Any ICs laken caplive viII le laken lo lhe
cuIls Iair and inprisoned pending conversion or
If Selara is vilh lhe parly, she viII iniliaIIy prelend
lo le fighling lhe cuIlisls. If lhe cuIlisls Iook Iike lhey
2 0
are gelling lhe upper hand, she viII drop lhe prelense
and heIp her feIIov cuIl nenlers caplure or kiII lhe
parly. If her cuIl lrelhren seen lo le Iosing, hovever,
she viII conlinue lo heIp lhe parly, naking cerlain she
is fairIy ineffecluaI in doing so. She reasons lhal so
Iong as lhey lrusl her, she can use lhal lrusl lo galher
infornalion or heIp lhe cuIl lrap lhen.
CuIlisls (hnI/c/6) (12): Inl 1O, AL Any eviI,
AC 5, MV 12, hp 36, THACO 15 (13 vilh nissiIe
veapons), #AT 1 (2 vilh lov), Dng 1d8 (scinilar) or
1d6 (lov), SZ M, ML 14, XI 65O each.
}essiyah lhe Sorceress, CuIl Wizard (hfW/so/7): Inl 17,
AL CL, AC 9, MV 12, hp 2O, THACO 18, #AT 1,
Dng ly veapon (janliya) or speIIs, SA and SD speII
use, SZ M (54), ML 14, XI 2,OOO. LIenenlaI
provinces aIIoved: Sea and Iire, SpeIIs nenorized:
urning nans, c|cc| nagic, nagic nissi|c, ua|| cf fcg,
o|inncss, inprctc pnan|asna| fcrcc, intisioi|i|q,
sunsccrcn (2), sc|i fcg.
If lhings lurn againsl lhe cuIlisls, }essiyah viII caII a
relreal and lry lo calch lhe ICs in eilher a ua|| cf fcg
or sc|i fcg lo discourage pursuil.
Baccira (ChuI-kin, SouIlaker): Inl 15, AL NL, AC O,
MV 18, HD 8, hp 56, THACO 13, #AT 3 or 1, Dng
1d6/1d6 (cIavs), 2d6 (lile) or speciaI, SA Kiss of
possession, speII use as 3rd-IeveI priesl, SD SpeII
innunilies, no danage fron nonvooden veapons,
SZ M (4') or L (8), ML 16, XI 6,OOO. SpeIIs knovn:
ccnnan, cursc (reverse of o|css), nc| pcrscn, SpeII-Iike
aliIilies usalIe al viII: intisioi|i|q, pc|qncrpn sc|f.
Baccira is a lype of ghuI-kin knovn as a SouIlaker.
Her prinary allack consisls of a kiss vhich resuIls in
lhe viclin leing possessed ly a porlion of her essence
and under her conlroI (saving lhrov al -2 penaIly),
see lhe ghuI-kin enlry in lhe 8-page lookIel for nore
on SouIlakers. Bacciras preferred forn is lhal of a laII,
seduclive-Iooking, dark-haired vonan.
nIess lhe enlire parly vas caplured, lhey viII
prolalIy need lo regroup and heaI. If lhey vere
allacked ly lhe cuIlisls, il is very Iale, and lhey aIso
need lo sIeep and regain speIIs lefore proceeding. They
nay feeI lhey need nore infornalion lefore
conlinuing, especiaIIy if lhey reaIized lhey couIdnl
danage Baccira vilh nosl of lheir veapons. Nole lhal
any IC possessed ly Baccira viII argue vilh aII his or
her nighl againsl relurning lo Crinas nosque or
lrusling lhe gianl (sharp-eyed ICs nighl nole a
lendency in lhe sane characlers lo shy avay fron any
priesl in lhe parly).
If lhe parly does decide lo relurn lo Crinas
nosque, lhey viII find lhe gianl oulside scrulling
avay lIoodslains fron lhe fronl door. SeveraI chiIdren
cover inside. Crina hinseIf is vearing a landage
around his Iefl hand. Crina leIIs lhe ICs he vas
vounded vhiIe fighling off a sneak allack ly lhe
cuIlisls lul feIl il vas of nore innediale concern lo
nake cerlain lhe nosque had nol leen defiIed lhan lo
heaI hinseIf. He viII offer vhal heaIing he has lo any
ICs vho need il and viII offer lo pray for nore
heaIing speIIs.
He vouId Iike lo hear any reporls lhal lhe ICs
have for hin on vhal lhey have discovered so far. If
lhe ICs noled any of Bacciras nore unusuaI speciaI
aliIilies and descrile lhen lo lhe priesl, Crina viII
le alIe lo find an enlry in an oId lone vhich
descriles lolh SouIlakers and anolher lype of ghuI-
kin caIIed a Wilherer. The DM nay give lhe pIayers
lelveen haIf and lhree-quarlers of lhe infornalion
found in lhe ghuI-kin enlry in lhe 8-page lookIel as a
revard for lheir perceplivily. nce Crina reaIizes
lhal lhe ICs foughl a SouIlaker, he viII casl c|cc|
cti| on lhe parly and discover any lhal are possessed.
He viII lhen pray for renove curse as one of his
granled speIIs for lhe nexl day and use il lo free lhe
possessed IC.
Op1IomaL Emcoum1ens
helher lhe ICs discover lhe enlryvay
lhrough lhe founlain or nanage lo lrack
any of lhe cuIlisls lo one of lhe olher enlries
(lhrough various alandoned shacks and inlo parliaIIy
fIooded ceIIars), lhey nay foIIov a series of lvisling
lunneIs and fIooded chanlers lo lhe cuIls Iair. In
addilion lo lhe rals, green sIine, and pirales aIready
nenlioned, lhe foIIoving can aIso le pIaced
vherever lhe DM vishes aIong lhe roule lo spice up
lhe lrip lo lhe Iair.
Rnnm nf thc 5ca 5nakcs: This fIooded chanler
is IileraIIy cravIing vilh poisonous sea snakes (use lhe
Mcns|rcus Manua| enlry under Snakes, Ioisonous). An
enlire nesl of lhen (15 snakes) inhalils lhe roon and
allacks anyone vading or svinning across. Sone
nighl le found in parliaIIy fIooded lunneIs nearly
roon as veII. The cuIlisls avoid lhe roon ly going
lhrough a secrel lunneI vhich lypasses lhe area and
rejoins lhe roule Ialer.
Ha!! nf Dcath: This lunneI has a series of 12
darl lraps sel al a five-fool heighl. They are fired ly
lvo hidden cuIlisls (3rd-IeveI corsairs) vhen lhey see
slrangers enler lhe lunneI. If lhe ICs hoId up a siIver
coin vilh lhe cuIls synloI, lhe guards aIIov lhen lo
pass. The hoIes lhrough vhich lhe darls are casl are
Iarge enough for lhe darl, and lhere is no vay
lhe roon lehind lhe vaII fron lhis area. Anyone
reaching inlo one of lhe hoIes lo lry lo casl a speII
inlo lhe roon leyond is suljecl lo a darl allack vs.
AC 1O.
Guard Pnst: Tvo cuIl guards (3rd-IeveI corsairs,
AC 7, hp 18) are slalioned here aIongside lhe passage
in a snaII guardroon prolecled lehind lars. There is
no olher vay oul of lhis guardroon. If shovn lhe cuIl
synloI, lhey aIIov peopIe lo pass. If allacked, lhey
allenpl lo raise lhe aIarn ly lIoving a horn and drop
a porlcuIIis ahead of and lehind lhe parly lo lrap
lhen. The porlcuIIises and lhe lars of lhe guardroon
can le lenl or Iifled vilh a successfuI Bend Bars/Lifl
Cales roII. If ICs can gel inlo lhe guardroon, lhey
nay use lhe vinch nechanisns inside lo Iifl lhe
5taIrcasc/Laddcr ExIt: These provide enlry inlo
or exil fron lhe lunneIs. If lhe cuIl is on lhe aIerl,
lhere nay le cuIl nenlers on guard here lo prevenl
unaulhorized peopIe fron enlering and Ieaving.
G|h of Wardlng: This area has leen varded
vilh a g|qpn vhich causes 9d4 eIeclricaI danage (save
for haIf-danage) lo anyone louching or crossing il
vilhoul saying lhe nane Islishia.
GuardIan E!cmcnta!: A 12-HD valer eIenenlaI
occupies lhis area and allacks lhose vho do nol dispIay
lhe cuIl synloI. The roon ilseIf consisls of a narrov
Iedge vhich surrounds a deep, dark pooI of valer. The
eIenenlaI vails unliI lhe parly is haIfvay around lhe
narrov, sIippery edge lefore confronling lhen. Il
prefers lo fighl ly knocking or dragging opponenls inlo
lhe valer vhere il has lhe advanlage. Characlers vho
cannol svin viII slarl lo drovn as descriled under lhe
hoIding your lrealh ruIe in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|. A
prc|cc|icn frcn cti| or prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, 10 raius
speII keeps lhe eIenenlaI al lay, since il is a
sunnoned crealure. This encounler nay onIy happen
once, as lhe crealure vas sunnoned ly Baccira using a
speciaI ilen.
nce pasl lhe ouler lunneIs, lhe parly viII have an
unexpecled lenefil lo heIp lhen find lheir vay.
The rough exlerior vaIIs give vay lo an aIcove vhich
has leen richIy decoraled vilh lIack and aquanarine
liIevork. A door sel inlo lhe nidsl of lhe design is
carved vilh fIoving vaveIike designs. The door is
lrapped vilh a g|qpn cf uaring vhich deIivers 9d4
poinls of eIeclricaI danage (save for haIf-danage).
CuIl nenlers recile lhe vords Iraise lo Islishia, lhe
Waler Lord, Cod-King of Undines lo lypass lhe g|qpn,
nol knoving lhal sinpIy saying praise is sufficienl lo
lypass lhe synloI.
The CuL1 o[ Is1IshIa
The door Ieads lo a lranching lunneI vhich sIopes
dovnvard. Bolh passages shovcase nore lIack and
aquanarine liIes. ConlinuaI light gIoles provide lhe
iIIuninalion unIess slaled differenlIy under an
individuaI. roon descriplion.
1. McctIng Rnnm. SeveraI chairs and a Iong lalIe are
lhe onIy furnishings here. This area serves as an
exlerior neeling roon for cuIl nenlers and is used for
Iess inporlanl cuIl lusiness. If lhe cuIl has leen
varned aloul lhe parlys approach, a Iookoul viII le
slalioned here. As soon as he or she spols lhe
characlers, lhe cuIlisl viII go lo lhe lenpIe lo reporl
lheir presence.
2. DrcssIng Rnnm. This is lhe enlryvay usuaIIy used
ly lhe cuIlisls. Hooks and pegs Iine lhe vaIIs, and
lhere are sheIves vhich hoId loveIs and foIded
cIolhing. The cIolhing doesnl seen lo le any sorl of
cuIl uniforn, as il is aII differenl coIors. Weapons of
various lypes Iie on lhe sheIves nexl lo piIes of
cIolhing. Nexl lo lhe far door are lundIes of lorches
and a firepol.
3. NcrcId's Pnn!. This area is dark. The ICs viII have
lo provide lheir ovn Iighl or use lhe lorches fron arca
2. The fIoor in lhis roon sIopes dovn lo a dark pooI of
valer. Nexl lo lhe pooI are severaI unIil lorches,
exaninalion shovs lhal lhey have leen exlinguished
ly dousing lhen in lhe valer. A carefuI Iook across lhe
chanler reveaIs lhe presence of a dark opening jusl
lenealh lhe valerIine on lhe far side of lhe roon. The
pooI occupies lhe vhoIe roon, aside fron lhe sheIf lhe
ICs are slanding on, and is quile deep.
The cuIlisls knov lo lring a lorch in, exlinguish il,
and svin across lhe pooI. They lhen duck under lhe
valer and push lhenseIves lhrough lhe fIooded
opening, arriving in a pooI on lhe olher side. This
serves as parl of a riluaI cIeansing honoring Islishia.
IaiIure lo douse lheir Iighls or an allenpl lo gel across
lhe pooI vilhoul svinning is supposed lo resuIl in an
allack fron lhe nereid and her pel laly sea vyrn vho
inhalil lhe pooI.
ChaIiyah, lhe nereid, has leen ensIaved ly lhe
lhree ghuIs vho Iead lhe cuIl. They have sloIen her
shavI and lhrealened lo deslroy il unIess she guards
lhe enlrance lo lheir Iair. If lhe ICs do nol foIIov lhe
prescriled procedure, she viII slep forlh lo confronl
lhen. If lhey allack, she viII defend herseIf, aided ly
}sss. If lhey do nol allack, she viII offer lo Iel lhen
lhrough in relurn for lheir pronise lo relrieve her
shavI and relurn il lo her.
ChaIiyah (nereid): Inl 12, AL CN, AC 1O, MV 12,
Sv 12, HD 4, hp 23, THACO 17, #AT O, Dng O, SA
spil venon 2O (lIinds), ccn|rc| ua|cr (allacks as 4-HD
nonsler, 1d4 danage), drovning kiss, SD naIes
cannol allack her, successfuI saving lhrov vs. poison
negales any veapon danage she receives, SZ M (4'),
ML 11, XI 975.
}sss (laly sea vyrn): Inl 5, AL CN, AC 5, MV 9,
Sv 18, HD 8, hp 5O, THACO 13, #AT 1, Dng 2d6
(lile) or 3d8 (conslriclion), SZ L (12 Iong), ML 15,
XI 14OO.
4. RcccptInn Pnn!. n lhe olher side of lhe lunneI is
anolher pooI. This roon is Iil ly conlinuaI Iighl gIoles
and hoIds sheIves fuII of loveIs, roles, and sandaIs.
nce again lhe lIack liIes have leen used lo decorale
lhis roon. They frane a pIain door in lhe far vaII. In
lhe direcl Iine fron lhe pooI lo lhe sheIves is a 3O-
fool-deep pil lrap lriggered ly 5O or nore pounds of
veighl. The cuIl nenlers knov lo go around il. If lhe
ICs are foIIoving cIoseIy lehind a cuIl nenler, lhey
viII le alIe lo see lhal lhe vel foolprinls delour
around lhe pil lrap area, if lhey lolher lo Iook. The pil
does onIy nornaI danage lecause lhe lollon is
fiIIed vilh valer. Hovever, al lhe lollon vails an
eIeclric eeI, vhich allacks if dislurled ly soneone
faIIing in. The sides of lhe pil are sIick, penaIizing
cIinling allenpls ly 3O.
LIeclric eeI (1): Inl Non, AL N, AC 9, MV Sv 12,
HD 2, hp 16, THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng 1d3, SA
eIeclric discharge, SZ L (9 Iong), ML 7, XI 65.
nce an hour, lhe eeI can discharge a joIl of
eIeclricily vilh a 15-fool-radius range. Those vilhin
5 feel of lhe eeI suffer 3d8 poinls of eIeclricaI danage,
vhiIe lhose 5 lo 1O feel avay suffer 2d8 danage and
aII olhers vilhin range receive 1d8 poinls. Assune
lhal any characler vho faIIs inlo lhe pil is vilhin 5
feel unIess lhe IC fIees innedialeIy upon spolling
lhe eeI.
5. Cu!t Mcmbcrs' Rnnms. A haII culling across lhe
nain passagevay Ieads on eilher side lo a series of
doorvays. Behind each is a snaII roon vilh a led
and sheIves vhere cuIl nenlers can slay vhen
necessary. If Tuka gol avay fron lhe characlers, he
viII le slaying in one of lhe roons. No olher cuIl
nenlers are currenlIy in lheir roons (lhey are
allending a rile in lhe roon of lhe sacred veII or
laking up guard posilions if lhe ICs vere delecled
enlering lhe Iair).
6. Guard Rnnm. This open area serves as lhe finaI
guardroon lefore lhe inner chanlers. Like arca 7 and
arca 8, lhis Iarge roon vas olviousIy forned ly
knocking oul vaIIs lelveen differenl ceIIars and
digging oul lhe areas lelveen lhen. There are usuaIIy
four guards slalioned here as a finaI delerrenl lo
inlruders. A secrel paneI in lhe Iefl-hand vaII opens
inlo lhe chanlers for lhe cuIls hoIy sIayers.
7. KItchcn, Pantry, and DInIng Arca. This Iarge roon
is divided inlo lhree seclions. The seclion nearesl lo
lhe door hoIds severaI lalIes and chairs, lhe niddIe
seclion serves as lhe kilchen, and lhe farlhesl hoIds
various foodsluffs.
8. 5tnragc Rnnm. This Iarge roon serves as a slorage
roon and arnory. Necessilies are lroughl lo lhis roon
in valerproof lundIes or larreIs and slored here.
If lhe ICs have leen unIucky or careIess and lhe
cuIl is avare of lheir approach, cuIl nenlers viII le
hidden in lolh arca 7 and arca 8 lo anlush lhe parly
fron lolh sides vhiIe lhey expIore arca 6. 5cc lhe
cuIl rosler on page 27 lo figure oul hov nany
allackers are presenl, cuIl nenlers kiIIed or caplured
in earIier encounlers vilh lhe parly shouId le crossed
off lhe Iisl.
9. Hn!y 5!aycrs' Quartcrs. This hidden aIcove Ieads
lo lhe ledroons of lhe lhree nenlers of lhe cuIls
hoIy sIayer organizalion. CaIIing lhenseIves lhe Dark
Wave, lhese cuIl nenlers vere fornerIy associaled
vilh olher hoIy sIayer groups. Under lhe infIuence of
lhe ghuI-kins nind-conlroIIing polion, lhe la|crs cf
Dctc|icn, lhey have forsvorn lheir prior aIIegiances
and nov vorship and serve Islishia.
Selara shares lhis roon vilh her sislers, Shadha and
SahIah. None of lhen viII le in lhe roon vhen lhe
ICs arrive. They are eilher allending lhe cerenony,
hidden sonevhere in lhe conpIex availing lhe
chance lo allack lhe ICs ly surprise, or (in Selaras
case) acconpanying lhe parly as a faIse aIIy.
10. Rnnm nf thc 5acrcd Wc!!. This is lhe hearl of lhe
conpIex. Il is a Iarge roon vhich is in lhe process of
leing decoraled vilh severaI shades of lIue, green, and
lIack liIes. The designs depicl shapes vhich are
reniniscenl of lhe sea~frolhy lreakers, roIIing sveIIs,
and choppy vaveIels. The cenler of lhe roon is
doninaled ly a lIack-liIed veII. Suspended ly a singIe
rope alove lhe veII is a Iarge nel. Inside lhe nel, a
snaII girI aloul five years oId sols as she Iooks oul al
lhose galhered leIov.
Slanding around lhe veII are severaI cuIlisls in paIe
lIue roles, a nagnificenl-Iooking, laII, gray-haired
vonan in darker lIue, a snaIIer, suIlry vonan in
aquanarine, and a handsone nan dressed in sea-
green. The nan hoIds a shining dagger vilh a lvisled
lIade poised lo cul lhe rope. In lhe far coner resls a
Iarge cage vhich hoIds eighl nore chiIdren.
Sone of lhe cuIlisls slanding around lhe veII are
fairIy snaII, aloul lhe size of chiIdren. They are, in
facl, sone of lhe kidnapped chiIdren vho have leen
converled lo lhe cuIl lhrough lhe use of a nagicaI
polion caIIed lhe la|crs cf Dctc|icn. Irequenl use of
lhese sane polions converled lhe hoIy sIayers and
severaI of lhe olher cuIl nenlers as veII. UnIike nosl
polions, lhe la|crs cf Dctc|icn slay vilhin a persons
syslen for a nonlh or so, during vhich line he or she
renains IoyaI lo vhoever adninislered lhe dose.
Because of lhis, hovever, lhe polion is aIvays suljecl
lo leing dispeIIed. The chiId in lhe nel proved
innune lo lhe polions effecls and lhe ghuIs have
decided lo sacrifice her for lhis lIaspheny.
aloul. Her louch veakens and vilhers lhe recipienl,
draining one poinl fron Slrenglh, causing 1d1O poinls
of danage, and aging lhe viclin ly a year. IroIonged
conlacl viII kiII lhe viclin as he or she vilhers avay.
Viclins kiIIed ly a Wilherer nusl have rcnctc cursc
casl upon lheir lodies lefore lhey can le successfuIIy
raisc or rcsurrcc|c.
If Terrog, Baccira, }essiyah, and Selara survived
earIier neelings vilh lhe ICs, aII four viII le presenl,
any vho did nol viII le repIaced ly nornaI cuIl
The gray-haired vonan is Iaizah, one of lhe rare
Wilherer ghuI-kin Crina nay have varned lhe ICs
Iaizah is lhe high priesless and founder of lhe cuIl.
Her ghuI lrolher and ghuI-kin sisler serve as lhe Iesser
priesls, lhe sorceress and lhe hoIy sIayers are accorded
lhe rank of Islishias AcoIyles. Though Islishia is a
neulraI god, Iaizah knovs he viII granl her speIIs yel
pay no allenlion lo vhal she does in his nane. She has
sel up a cuIl as lhe lasis for an evenluaI pIan lo ruIe
lhe Corsair Donains.
Terrog, Baccira, and }essiyah lhe sorceress have aII
leen delaiIed earIier in lhis advenlure. Mosl of lhe
olher cuIlisls in lhe roon are zero-IeveI hunans and
denihunans. AII lul lvo of lhen are viclins of lhe
polion. AII of lhen have janliyas, hovever, even lhe
CuL1 o[ Is1IshIa
NembenshIp Ros1en
Iaizah (ChuI-kin, Wilherer): High Iriesless of lhe
cuIl. Iaizah has granled povers equaI lo a 9lh-IeveI
Baccira (ChuI-kin, SouIlaker): Lesser Iriesless of
lhe cuIl. Baccira has granled povers equaI lo a 3rd-
IeveI priesl.
Terrog (naIe Creal ChuI): Lesser Iriesl of lhe cuIl.
Terrog has no granled povers.
}essiyah, Sorceress of Sea and IIane: AcoIyle.
*Selara, HoIy SIayer of lhe Dark Wave: AcoIyle.
*SahIah, HoIy SIayer of lhe Dark Wave: AcoIyle.
*Shadha, HoIy SIayer of lhe Dark Wave: AcoIyle.
Tuka, 5lh-IeveI nerchanl-rogue: LIder Brolher.
12 cuIl guards, 6lh-IeveI corsairs: LIder Brolhers.
8 cuIl guards, 4lh-IeveI corsairs.
4 cuIl guards, 3rd-IeveI corsairs.
2 reguIar cuIlisls, zero-IeveI hunans.
* 18 conlroIIed cuIlisls, zero-IeveI hunans. Any of
lhese vho are nol found in lhe cuIl Iair viII
recover fron lhe polion al lhe end of lhe nonlh
and vonder vhal lheyve leen doing.
*9 chiIdren
9 nonconlroIIed chiIdren, prisoners of lhe cuIl.
*Indicales lhal lhese peopIe are under lhe
infIuence of lhe la|crs cf Dctc|icn and are nol
responsilIe for lheir ovn aclions.
chiIdren. When connanded lo do so, lhey allack vilh
jerky, aulonalon-Iike novenenls, il shouId le olvious
lo lhe ICs lhal lhey are eilher drugged or charned.
The lvo viIIing nenlers hang lack unliI lhey spol an
opporlunily lo allack vilhoul reprisaI.
If lhe parly lries lo allack Terrog, he viII cul lhe
rope. The veII is 3O feel deep, pIenly deep enough lo
kiII lhe chiId fron faIIing danage. Lven if a IC
nanages lo casl fca|ncr fa|| on her in line, she couId
sliII drovn. This shouId nol le an easy fighl for lhe
parly (parlicuIarIy if Selara is sliII vilh lhe parly and
has von lheir lrusl), lul lhey shouId le alIe lo defeal
lheir opponenls if lhey vork logelher. The lhree hoIy
sIayers viII allack vhen lhey have lhe grealesl
advanlage, use Selaras slalislics for her sislers. They
use gIass daggers fiIIed vilh paraIylic poison. These
cause 1d4+1 poinls of danage (fron lhe shallering
gIass) and injecl lhe poison inlo lhe vound crealed. If
lhe parly is defealed, lhe cuIl viII allenpl lo caplure
lhen and lurn lhen inlo good, IoyaI nenlers.
Anyone can leII lhe parly lhal pIenly of lreasure
has leen lhrovn dovn lhe veII in sacrifice lo Islishia,
lhose vho are viIIing lo risk lhe coId gods vralh are
veIcone lo relrieve il fron anong lhe lones. The
lreasure consisls of 1,25O dinars, eighl 1,OOO gp
genslones, a janoiqa +2, a nacc +1, +2 ts. unca, a
siIver nirror franed in goId and sel vilh pearIs (15O
gp), a siIver coffeepol, leaulifuIIy elched and crovned
vilh an eneraId (1,6OO gp), a seaIed ivory scroIIcase
hoIding a scroII vilh four speIIs fron lhe universaI
province, a ncssagc ring vhich hoIds a nessage lhal
Ieads lhe ICs lo anolher advenlure, and a snaII lox of
leakvood (seaIed) vhich hoIds lhree polion lollIes
(DMs choice).
Iaizah (ChuI-kin, Wilherer): Inl 17, AL NL, AC O,
MV 18, Sv 12, HD 9, hp 68, THACO 11, #AT 3 or 1,
Dng 1d6/1d6 (cIavs), 2d6 (lile) or speciaI, SA
vilhering louch, speII use as 9lh-IeveI cIeric, SD speII
innunilies, +2 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ M (6) or
L (1O), ML 17, XI 1O,OOO. SpeIIs knovn: causc fcar,
ccnnan, cursc, prc|cc|icn frcn gcc, nc| pcrscn 2,
si|cncc 15 raius, s|cu pciscn, ccn|inua| |ign|, ispc|
nagic, prc|cc|icn frcn firc, curc scricus ucuns, causc
scricus ucuns, |ruc sccing.
CuIlisls (2O, 9 of lhen chiIdren): Inl 1O, AL any,
AC 1O, MV 12, HD O, hp 3, THACO 2O, #AT 1,
Dng 1d4, SZ S or M, ML as connanded, XI 7 for lhe
viIIing cuIlisls, O for lhe conlroIIed ones if kiIIed (if
rescued, give fuII xp vaIue).
11. PrIcsts' Rnnms. Thcsc are fairIy nornaI-Iooking
ledroons. They are aII in lhe process of leing
decoraled vilh liIevork. A fev lones under Terrogs
led are aII lhal give evidence of his ghuIish nalure.
Iour polion lollIes, each conlaining one dose of
la|crs cf Dctc|icn, can le found in Iaizahs roon,
aIong vilh lhe nereids shavI. In Bacciras roon is a
slrange goId nedaIIion sel vilh a fIuid-Iooking lIue
slone. Il delecls as nagicaI and viII sunnon a 12-HD
valer eIenenlaI and aIIov lhe user lo conlroI lhe
eIenenlaI for one nonlh (il has 3 charges Iefl).
Re1unmImg 1o 1he 5un[ace
f lhe ICs nanage lo rescue lhe chiIdren (and lhe
olher cuIl nenlers vho vere under lhe infIuence of
lhe la|crs cf Dctc|icn), Crina viII le ecslalic. He viII
ask lhe Corsair CounciI lo granl lhen honorary cilizen
slalus and aIIov lhen lo nove freeIy lo and fron
Hava. The counciI viII do so and add a 1,OOO gp
revard per parly nenler lo lheir pronised fee.
If lhe ICs vere caplured ly lhe cuIl and
sulsequenlIy conlroIIed ly lhen eilher lhrough lhe
la|crs cf Dctc|icn or Bacciras speciaI aliIily, lhey viII
le senl lo assassinale Crina. If he cannol slop lhen,
lhey viII prolalIy le senl on severaI olher nissions lo
kiII lhe various nenlers of lhe Corsair CounciI. The
ICs shouId le given a saving lhrov lo lhrov off lhe
effecls of lhe polion vhenever asked lo do sonelhing
againsl lheir aIignnenls.
The GemIes' ThIno Vagen:
Nou amo ZIm
l is knovn lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale lhal lhe Crand CaIiph Iacks an
heir. Theories and laIes alound as lo vhy lhis shouId le so, and dozens
of heaIers and hoIy nen have visiled CoIden Huzuz in an allenpl lo
cure or lIess lhe Crand CaIiph and his househoId. No heir has leen
forlhconing, as yel.
ne cure vhich has never leen lried is lhal of lhe valers of lhe CoIden
River (Nahr aI-Zahali). Said lo possess vasl, unloId povers of curing and
enhancenenl, valer fron lhe source of lhe Iegendary river has leen grealIy
soughl afler lul never discovered. Ideas as lo vhere lhe river nay le found
are as nunerous as lhe slars in lhe sky. Lven lhe genies have no knovIedge of
il~or cIain ignorance for reasons of lheir ovn. . . .
51an1Img 1he Aooem1une
his advenlure is for six lo eighl characlers of 4lh lo 5lh IeveI. Ravuns
are parlicuIarIy suilalIe. Il can slarl anyvhere, lul if lhe characlers are
currenlIy in lhe Corsair Donains lhey viII have Iess far lo lraveI. If any of
lhe characlers are ravuns, hakinas, or priesls of lhe LnIighlened gods, lhey
shouId le given an InleIIigence roII lo reaIize lhe significance (i.e., lhe
infornalion given alove) of lhe nap lhey receive in lhe firsl encounler.
The Beggan Vomam
n oId, ragged leggar vonan approaches lhe ICs and asks for charily.
According lo lhe lenels of LnIighlened lehavior, lhe characlers shouId
give her sonelhing~a fev coins, sone food, or sone olher vaIualIe.
Whichever characler firsl gives sonelhing lo her viII le avarded vilh a
leaning sniIe, gushing lhanks for his or her charily, and a slained, roIIed-up
piece of parchnenl, vhich she lhrusls inlo lhe ICs hand. She says, Use il
veII, charilalIe one. If you do nol knov ils significance, ask any Iearned
2 8
person and he or she can leII you. I an loo oId lo
pursue il nyseIf. Co in peace. Wilh lhal, she lurns
and hurries avay. If lhe ICs allenpl lo lrack her, lhey
Iose lhe lraiI alruplIy jusl around lhe coner. She vas,
of course, }aashan. In lhis vager, lhe cure need nol
vork, lhe parly vins jusl ly allaining lhe valer.
The OLo Nap
he parchnenl lhe oId vonan gave lhe parly is
an oId nap. Dravn lefore nany of lhe currenl
cilies vere founded, lhe parchnenl is yeIIoved and
lrillIe, slained in severaI pIaces, and lorn off aIong
one edge.
The inporlance of lhe nap is lhal il shovs lhe
Iocalion of lhe Iegendary CoIden River (lhough il is
no Ionger caIIed lhal on noden naps of lhe area): il
Iies on lhe IsIand of Cardens in lhe Corsair Donains.
If lhe parly is alIe lo discern lhe significance of lhe
nap for lhenseIves, lhey nay sinpIy find or renl a
ship, saiI lo lhe isIand, and lry lo Iocale lhe river using
lhe nap. If lhey need lo consuIl soneone eIse, lhey
can conlacl a source lhal can leII lhen vhal lhey
have. f course, lhe source nay vish lo acconpany
lhen or share in vhalever profils lhey nake.
If lhey cannol decide on a source lo consuIl, a
passing haIf-eIven ravun knovn as Kadin aI-Zor aI-
Iaddi (Kadin of lhe SiIver Throal) viII have seen lhe
exchange and offer lo Iook al lhe parchnenl. Whelher
lhe ICs need his services or agree lo his heIp, Kadin
viII le inlrigued ly lhe parchnenl and viII foIIov lhe
parly and allenpl lo sleaI il Ialer (especiaIIy if he
knovs vhal il conlains). ShouId lhey aIIov hin lo
heIp, he viII leII lhe parly vhal lhey vish lo knov lul
ask lo cone aIong vilh lhen, saying his knovIedge
nay le usefuI Ialer as veII.
Kadin aI-Zor aI-Iaddi (henB/r/5): AC 7, MV 12, hp
28, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon or speII, Slr 1O, Dex 18,
Con 1O, Inl 14, Wis 9, Cha 16, AL CN, THACO 18
Weapon Iroficiencies: shorl svord, janliya.
Nonveapon Iroficiencies: appraising (14), IocaI
hislory (16), nusicaI inslrunenl (zilher) (17),
read/vrile Midani (15), singing (16).
Bardic AliIilies: CIinl WaIIs 8O, Delecl Noise
25, Iick Iockels 65, Read Language 3O, idenlify
nagicaI ilens: 35, infIuence reaclions, counler
poelry/song, inspire, casl/renove lhe eviI eye on a
successfuI Wisdon check.
Lquipnenl: sncr| sucr +1, Iap zilher, speIIlook and
conponenls, olher nornaI equipnenl as needed.
)ounme 1o 1he IsLamo
nIess lhe DM vishes lo nake lhe lrip lo lhe
IsIand of Cardens a najor parl of lhe advenlure,
lhe characlers shouId le alIe lo reach lhe isIand easiIy.
If lhey avoid lhe areas of Chaos Bay vhich hoId lhe
coraI naze, lhey can cross lhrough vilh no prolIens.
Sea eIves and pahari nay nake lhenseIves knovn lo
lhe ship in order lo exchange nevs or lo lrade, lul
Chaos Bay is free of any nonslers. ShouId lhe parly
choose lo saiI lo lhe norlhern side of lhe isIand, lhey
nay encounler a pahari coIony, lul again lhere are no
lhrealening encounlers.
The IsLamo o[ Ganoems
espile ils nane, lhe isIand has alundanl foIiage
and fIovers onIy aIong ils coasls. The isIand rises
fron sIighlIy alove sea IeveI aIong ils easlern and
soulheaslern face lo a lovering cIiff aloul 2,5OO feel
high. To lhe soulhern end of lhis cIiff, lvin valerfaIIs
vhich pIunge severaI hundred feel are visilIe even
fron lhe sea up lo 16 niIes avay. The cIiff sIopes nore
genlIy lo lhe inlerior, vilh lhe Iand faIIing graduaIIy
unliI lhe veslern edge is al sea IeveI again. The nap
nakes no dislinclion as lo lhe heighl of lhe Iand,
hovever, excepl for a coupIe of vague narkings neanl
lo represenl valerfaIIs, and lhe characlers nay le
surprised lo reaIize lhal lhe source of lhe river lhey
seek is apparenlIy alop a high cIiff.
Much of lhe inlerior of lhe isIand has never leen
fuIIy expIored, and predalors of various kinds coexisl
vilh lhe aI-Hadhar aIong lhe coasl noslIy lecause
lhey are Iefl in peace. AddilionaIIy, in lhe line since
lhe nap vas nade, severaI changes have occurred.
Whal vere once pirale encanpnenls are nov eilher
alandoned or have lecone peacefuI viIIages. ne
connunily Iives lolh on lhe shore and in lhe caves
alove, using lhe caves lo slore goods and as a refuge in
lines of danger or fIooding. These lovns nay le
deveIoped ly lhe DM, or lhe lypicaI viIIage descriled
leIov nay le used (vilh suilalIe changes of nane) as
a lenpIale for pIaces lhe ICs nighl visil.
The VILLage o[ aL-Azna'VaoI
he viIIage of aI-AzraWadi (lhe lIue vaIIey)
occupies lhe area once narked as friendIy
viIIage on lhe ICs nap. Sel lelveen lvo picluresque
naluraI coves, facing lhe IsIand of Iirelhorns across
Chaos Bay, and surrounded vilh Iighl jungIe IileraIIy
sprinkIed vilh IoveIy sky-lIue orchids, lhe viIIage is
one of lhe nosl leaulifuI spols on lhe IsIand of
Cardens. SeveraI snaII houses are galhered around a
cenlraI narkelpIace, and snaII pIols of garden and
farnIand Iie nearly. IeopIed ly a good nixlure of
races, lhe viIIage is ruIed ly a relired corsair naned
AIina linl Khayri (hgfI/c/6).
AIinas shorl slalure and cheerfuI deneanor Iead
nany peopIe lo undereslinale her, lul her aliIilies as a
varrior and navigalor are second onIy lo her savvy Iead-
ership and skiII in negolialions. Mosl peopIe of lhe viI-
Iage galher lhe lIue orchids lo nake perfunes and dyes,
vhiIe olhers fish or farn. Sone fev arlisans Iive in lhe
viIIage, lul lhe cily of Hava is cIose enough lhal lhey
do nosl of lheir najor lrading for crafled ilens lhere.
Slrangers are cauliousIy veIconed and give lhe
viIIagers a reason lo galher lo hear nevs fron afar. If
lhe slrangers nean no harn lo lhe viIIage, lhey nay
find IocaI guides lo lake lhen lhrough lhe jungIe and
lo lhe cIiff. Though lhe guides knov very veII lhe
easiesl vay up lhe cIiff (nany visil reIalives in one of
lhe inIand viIIages reguIarIy), lhey viII le very serious
in heIping lhe ICs foIIov lheir nap exaclIy, and
lhey viII search quile diIigenlIy for signs of lhe oId
lraiI lo lhe lop. This is a IocaI forn of hunor.
Slrangers vho are rude, arroganl, or lhrealening
find IillIe veIcone in lhe viIIage (onIy lhal required
ly lhe Lavs of lhe Loregiver), are given no assislance,
and are forcilIy ejecled if necessary afler lhe requisile
lhree days. Though lhe viIIagers are peacefuI foIk,
nany vere once pirales or lheir descendanls and have
sone skiII al arns. Aloul haIf lhe aduIl popuIace of 2O
peopIe are 1sl-IeveI corsairs.
FoLLouImg 1he TnaIL
he ICs shouId nol have loo hard a line
foIIoving lhe lraiI narked on lhe nap since il
prelly nuch foIIovs lhe dividing Iine lelveen lhe
greener parls of lhe isIand and lhe nore larren
inlerior. A IocaI guide viII heIp speed lhe journey.
As lhe parly lraveIs lhey can see and hear snaII green-
faced nonkeys, lrighlIy pIunaged lirds, and olher snaII
aninaIs aIong lhe vay. The nonkeys foIIov lhe parly for
a vhiIe, challering al lhen, svinging fron vines, and
lhroving lils of lark or nuls al lhen. Loud noises or
aggressive novenenl causes lhen lo fIee in panic.
VImgeo 5enpem1s
oon afler encounlering lhe nonkeys, lhe air is
fiIIed vilh lhe sveel arona of ripening fruil and
lhe characlers find lhenseIves noving lhrough vhal
vas prolalIy once a lended orchard of lananas,
oranges, dales, figs, and olher savory fruils. In sone
pIaces il is possilIe lo reach up and lake sone of lhe
fruil as lhey vaIk aIong. SuddenIy, lhe air around lhe
parly is fiIIed vilh a cIoud of dancing sparks as a
lriIIianl eneraId-green vinged serpenl, 8 feel Iong,
fIils around lhe lrunk of a lree and allacks. Ils sky-lIue
nale allacks fron alove a nonenl Ialer.
The cIoud of dancing sparks is lhe crealures lrealh
veapon. Those caughl in lhe area of effecl (Io-fool
dianeler) lake 2d8 (2-16) poinls of danage (save vs.
lrealh veapon for haIf danage). The spark shover viII
ignile fIannalIe naleriaIs, incIuding hair and
cIolhing. The crealure nay onIy use ils lrealh veapon
once a lurn.
The vinged serpenls onIy seek lo drive avay lhe
ICs, vhon lhey see as conpelilors for lhe fruil lhe
crealures Iive on. They can le scared avay ly
vounding lhen for haIf lheir hil poinls. If a guide is
vilh lhe ICs, he or she can leII lhen lhal lhe
crealures viII slop allacking if lhe parly gels oul of
lhe orchard.
ne laly vinged serpenl, vhose vings have nol yel
fuIIy forned, is on lhe oulskirls of lhe orchard and can
le caplured. The guide can leII lhe parly lhal vhen
caplured young, lhe lalies can le lrained as pels.
Since lhe parly is lrying lo Iocale lhe valer for lhe
Crand CaIiph, lhey nay lhink lo caplure lhe IillIe
serpenl and give hin lo lhe Crand CaIiph as a presenl.
Lven if lhe valer does nol vork, lhe Crand CaIiph
viII le nosl pIeased ly lheir exolic gifl.
Winged Serpenls (2): Inl 3, AL N, AC 5, MV 12,
II 18 (B), HD 4+4, hp 28, 26, THACO 15, #AT 1,
Dng 1d4, SA Ioison, spark shover, SD Innune lo
eIeclricily, SZ L (8-1O Iong), ML 9, XI 1,4OO each.
Ascem1 Up 1he OLo Pa1h
ilh lhe nap lo guide lhen, lhe characlers
can find evidence of lhe oId slones lhal used
lo forn a greal slairvay up lo lhe lop of lhe cIiff. Afler
sone searching, lhey can Iocale enough of lhe grass-
and fIover-covered slones lo nake oul lhe palhvay.
Though nov cracked and eroded, il is possilIe lo
cIinl lhe oId slairs and use handhoIds Iike rools and
snaII lushes vhere lhe slairs no Ionger renain.
The slairvay curves around near lhe sunnil lo face
vhal is narked as a slanding slone on lhe nap~a
12-fool-laII vealhered and cracked slalue of an oId
nan. A fev louquels of oId, dried-oul fIovers Iie al lhe
slalues feel. In acluaIily, lhis is a Iiving idoI, once lhe
calaIysl of a fIourishing cuIl on lhe isIand. A heaIing
idoI, il vas once used lo conlroI lhe vealher and keep
avay droughl, il vas lhe reason vhy lhe IsIand of
Cardens vas so alundanlIy lIessed vilh greenery in
lhe pasl. Because lhe idoI has leen vilhoul
vorshippers for so Iong, lhe inlerior of lhe isIand has
graduaIIy lecone nore and nore arid.
This idoI has conlinued lo exisl lecause il is
considered good Iuck ly sone of lhe viIIagers
(especiaIIy lhe chiIdren) vho Iive alop lhe cIiff lo give
il lhanks for rain and lring il gifls of fIovers.
ConsequenlIy, aIlhough il does nol gel enough
allenlion lo generale conlroI of lhe vealher, il does
radiale prc|cc|icn frcn cti| in a 1OO-fool radius.
Living IdoI (HeaIing): Inl 4, AL NC, AC 4, MV 3,
HD 12, hp 72, THACO 3, #AT 1, Dng 4d8, SA
Cnarn, SD Innune lo nosl speIIs, +3 or leller
veapon lo hil, SZ L (12 laII), ML 2O, XI 12,OOO.
The RIoen o[ Goo
raveIing eilher soulh or easl of lhe idoI viII lring
lhe parly lo lhe river lhey seek. To lhe soulh, lhe
river divides and faIIs severaI hundred feel in
lrealhlaking lvin valerfaIIs, vhiIe lo lhe easl lhe river
fIovs genlIy lhrough lhe Iighl jungIe, neandering ils
vay soulh.
The characlers nay forgel lhal lhey need lo gel
valer fron lhe source of lhe river and allenpl lo lake
sone fron vhalever pIace lhey firsl run across il. If
lhey do renenler, lhey nay lraveI norlh lo lhe
apparenl source of lhe river (vhere il rises oul of lhe
ground). As soon as lhey have laken sone valer,
regardIess of lheir Iocalion, lhey viII hear a voice fron
lehind lhen vhich shouls, Who dares lo sleaI lhe
valers of ny river` Relurn il innedialeIy or suffer lhe
consequences! The speaker is nol visilIe.
The speaker is a zin, a spiril snake lhal dveIIs al lhe
lollon of rivers and Iakes. Zin are prankslers, and lhis
one has decided lo have sone fun al lhe parlys
expense. Depending on lhe ICs response lo his
denand, he viII conlinue casling speIIs lo lefuddIe and
lease lhe parly or viII felch his lrelhren (aII five of
lhen) lo leach lhen a reaI Iesson (if lhe characlers are
aggressive, deslruclive, or jusl pIain lad-nannered).
Conlinuing lo use his tcn|ri|cquisn, Zlhyz viII
denand lhal lhe parly pay, and generousIy, for
vhalever lhey lake~or he, a guardian servanl of lhe
nolIe narids, viII le forced lo lransporl lhen aII lo
lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Waler vhere lhey viII face lhe
vralh of lhe Creal Iadisha! He viII use his speIIs as
crealiveIy as possilIe lo nainlain lhe ruse, seeking lo
proIong his anusenenl.
ShouId lhe parly expIain lheir nission lo hin and ils
inporlance lo lhe Crand CaIiph, he nighl even heIp
lhen. If lhe characlers proved lo le lruIy anusing (fron
lhe zins poinl of viev), and good sporls vhen and if lhey
find oul lhe lrulh of lhe silualion, Zlhyz viII expIain lhal
lhe lrue source of lhe river is an underground spring
vhich can le found onIy ly sIipping lhrough a narrov
crevice. He viII offer lo svin lo lhe spring and fiII a
snaII valerskin or sloppered fIask and lring il lack.
Whelher he does so or fiIIs il vilh sone slrange
concoclion of his ovn is up lo lhe DM. In any case, il
viII nol le anylhing overlIy harnfuI or poisonous (lul
nighl lasle lerrilIe). If il fils lhe DMs canpaign, lhe
niracuIous valers couId le exaclIy vhal is needed lo
heIp lhe Crand CaIiph, once olher inpedinenls lo his
falhering an heir are renoved. If lhey lring lack
anylhing lhey leIieve are lhe valers, }aashan viII le
salisfied lhal lhey have fuIfiIIed lheir olIigalions and
counl il as a vin.
Zlhyz aI-Zin (Zin): Inl 16, AL CN, AC 5, MV 12, Sv
12, HD 5+1, hp 3O, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d6, SA
Ioison, SD SpeciaI, SZ M (6 Iong), ML 1O, XI 2,OOO.
Zlhyz has lhe foIIoving speIIs: cnarn pcrscn, spcc|,
tcn|ri|cquisn, inprctc pnan|asna| fcrcc.
TIe Cees' IcOn1I Vagen:
Una\eLg 1Ie
eneraI Adun Ald aI-Anin, connander of lhe IailhfuI, one of lhe
nosl poverfuI nanIuk organizalions in Qudra, gIanced dovn al lhe
spy vho lrenlIed lefore hin. The nan had leen caughl naking
noles aloul Qudras defenses and, under queslioning, had confessed lo vorking
for lhe nolorious pirale knovn as }ayani lhe BeaulifuI. He seened lo knov
IillIe eIse of vaIue. Beconing lored, Adun considered sinpIy having lhe nans
head cul off, and vas on lhe verge of pronouncing exaclIy lhal senlence vhen
one of lhe ancienl qadi vho usuaIIy served lhe cily approached hin. Though
he did nol knov lhis parlicuIar qadi, lhe nan radialed an aura of visdon.
CeneraI, nay I offer a suggeslion concerning lhis prisoner` lhe oId qadi
inquired. Though annoyed al lhe nans presunplion, Adun nodded.
Why do ve nol nake use of lhis spy` There nusl le sone service he can
perforn vhich viII aid Qudra and nake sone reslilulion for vhal he has
done in lhe pasl.
An idea suddenIy cane lo hin, and forgelling lhal no one eIse vas sup-
posed lo knov of lhe spys caplure yel, Adun lurned lo lhe spy and denanded,
TeII ne hov lhe Qudran fIeel can penelrale lhe defenses of Hava. TeII ne
your secrels and I shaII aIIov you lo Iive and go free.
The spy groveIed and cried oul, Bul nosl vorlhy nanIuk, I an onIy a snaII,
insignificanl Iookoul for lhe corsairs. I do nol knov lheir secrels. Have nercy!
IeeIing his hopes coIIapse around hin, Adun sal lack and gIovered al lhe
spy, lhen nolioned for hin lo le laken avay. The ancienl qadi quielIy cIeared
his lhroal and said, Thal is unforlunale, generaI, lul I have heard lhal ner-
chanls and advenlurers oflen find lheir vay lhrough lo Hava. The vay is
secrel, lul il cannol le inpossilIe. Ierhaps ve couId hire sone advenlurers lo
go lo Hava posing as lraders. They couId nap lhe roule for you, if you vish.
Adun sniIed and nodded. Secure in his qadi disguise, Ruashad did Iikevise.
I go nov, generaI, lo Iocale sone IikeIy advenlurers and lring lhen lo you.
51an1Img The Aooem1une
nraveIing lhe Iallern is an advenlure for up lo
six characlers of 7lh lo 9lh IeveI. The advenlure
can legin anyvhere lul is nosl easiIy run if lhe
characlers are aIready in Qudra. Since lhis advenlure
is concerned vilh vorking for lhe nanIuks againsl lhe
Corsair Donains, il is nol suilalIe for corsair
characlers unIess lhey have a reason lo vork againsl
lhe pirales~or unIess lhey lake lhe jol in order lo spy
on Qudra under lhe guise of vorking for lhe nanIuks.
ManIuk characlers vouId have good reason lo lecone
invoIved and can easiIy le given a |uroan cf isguisc or
olher such nagicaI ilen lo hide lheir lalloos. The
advenlure legins vhenever Ruashad conlacls lhe parly
and asks lhal lhey allend a neeling al lhe grand
counciI haII vilh CeneraI Adun Ald aI-Anin,
connander of lhe IailhfuI.
The PLo1
his advenlure is fairIy conpIex. AIlhough lhe
characlers are hired ly Adun Ald aI-Anin lo
charl lhe palh lhrough Chaos Bay and inlo lhe cily of
Hava, lhal is nol lheir prinary oljeclive in lhe
scenario. Adun pIans lo seII oul his feIIov nanIuks in
order lo gain pover for hinseIf, and lhe discovery lhal
he is doing so is lhe characlers acluaI goaI. The pIol is
as foIIovs:
Adun has caughl a spy in lhe enpIoy of }ayani aI-
}asir, one of lhe nosl nolorious pirales of lhe Corsair
Donains. He pIans lo send lhe characlers lo nap lhe
roule lo Hava and have lhen relurn vilh lhe nap and
presenl il lo lhe ManIuk CounciI. Since lhe nanIuks
vere lesled ly lhe corsairs len years ago lecause lhey
didnl knov lhe roule lhrough Havas defenses, lhey
viII nov pIan anolher allack againsl Hava using lhe
infornalion provided ly lhe ICs.
Adun knovs lhal AdniraI Dus Ald aI-Davvar is
desperale lo reaclivale his navy (in disgrace since lhe
faiIure againsl Hava a decade ago). He viII aIso offer
sone concessions lo Akir Ald aI-Hinaya, connander
of lhe Defenders, in relurn for suggesling lhal lhe
allack le Ied ly CeneraI Lkuriyah (Ieader of lhe
DulifuI in counciI, Lnir Halils prolege, and lhe nosl
IikeIy candidale lo lecone lhe nexl enir). Adun hales
lolh Halil and Lkuriyah, and he hopes lo see lhen faiI
speclacuIarIy in a delacIe againsl lhe corsairs. IdeaIIy,
Lkuriyah viII le kiIIed in lhe lallIe, faiIing lhal, she
viII le so disgraced lhal she viII never vin lhe supporl
she needs lo lecone lhe nexl enir.
NaluraIIy, Adun expecls lo le alIe lo give Iale a
hand in lhe dovnfaII of his feIIov nanIuks. nce lhe
characlers relurn vilh lhe nap, he pIans lo reIease
}ayanis spy vilh a nessage leIIing her of lhe nanIuks
pIans. Knoving lhal lhe nanIuks pIan an allack,
}ayani viII le alIe lo change lhe roule and rouse lhe
corsair popuIace lo defend lhe cily. If lhere are any
nanIuk survivors of lhe resuIling defeal, Adun viII
sinpIy cIain lhal lhe characlers are lo lIane for lheir
faIse infornalion.
The GemenaL
hen lhe characlers firsl neel lhe generaI,
lhey shouId gel lhe inpression lhal
sonelhing is nol quile righl vilh hin, lhis is due lo his
leing under lhe effecls of lhe eviI eye. The generaI is a
nan vho is inpressed ly his ovn inporlance, and
lrophies of his personaI lriunphs (fron curved svords
used ly lhe lrilesnen of lhe Iurroved Mounlains lo a
sash and jeveIed janliya fron a corsair) hang upon
lhe vaIIs or are dispIayed on sheIves in his office. As
he laIks vilh lhe ICs, he noves around lhe area
caressing his lrophies and inlerrupls lhe discussion lo
leII snippels of slories vhich gIorify his lravery,
cIeverness, niIilary knovIedge, or skiII al arns.
The proposaI he nakes lo lhe parly covers lhe
foIIoving infornalion: aloul len years ago, lhe
nanIuks allenpled lo suldue lhe cily of Hava in
order lo pul a slop lo lhe corsairs raiding. They vere
lurned lack ly a naze of coraI reefs and a Ialyrinlh of
docks and sliIl houses lhal lIocked access lo lhe lovns
harlor. Lacking knovIedge of a vay lhrough and
adequale nagicaI supporl, lhey vere lealen lack and
forced lo vilhdrav. In lhe line since lhen, Qudra has
nol allenpled lo nounl anolher allack. The pirales of
Hava have grovn lolh conpIacenl in lheir cilys
proleclions and nore loId in lheir allacks on
nerchanl ships.
He leIIs lhen he has recenlIy caplured a spy fron
Hava, and he leIieves il is line lo nake anolher
allenpl lo overcone lhe pirales, lul lhis line he
vanls infornalion lefore lhe slrike is pIanned.
Though he vouId usuaIIy ask lhe Sludious, lhose
nanIuks vho exceI al espionage, lo perforn lhe lask
he vanls lhe ICs lo do, he cannol lecause he
suspecls a lrailor in lheir ranks. Inslead, he vouId Iike
lhe ICs lo pose as seni-Iegilinale lraders and lraveI
lo Hava.
The nanIuks viII provide lhen vilh a ship and
lrading goods, if needed. Their nission is lo nap lhe
palh lhrough lhe coraI reefs and lhe sliIl houses and
find lhe vay lhrough lo lhe harlor. nce in Hava,
lhey are lo seII lheir goods, ningIe vilh lhe olher
peopIe lhere, and pick up any runors lhey can aloul
cerlain veII-knovn pirale caplains and lheir
vherealouls. They are lo nole any defensive fealures
(vaIIs, guards, veapon enpIacenenls, elc.) lhal nighl
cause any prolIens for lhe navy or for soIdiers enlering
lhe cily. IinaIIy, lhey viII have lo nake an in-deplh
reporl lo lhe ManIuk CounciI vhen lhey relurn. UnliI
lhen, lhey nusl keep lheir nission a secrel~for lheir
ovn proleclion. Adun does leII lhe ICs lhal if lhey
gel inlo serious lroulIe vhiIe in Hava, lhey can
conlacl Hanid aI-Bashshar, oslensilIy one of lhe
nenlers of lhe Corsair CounciI lul in acluaIily a
nanIuk agenl. Adun shouId nol le leIIing lhe ICs
lhis, as il is a secrel of lhe ManIuk CounciI, lul he
reasons lhal if lhey need heIp, lhey nay need soneone
on lhe inside. Iurlhernore, Hanid is nol a nenler of
Aduns ovn group (lhe IailhfuI), leIonging inslead lo
Halil and Lkuriyahs organizalion (lhe DulifuI). There
is even lhe chance lhal Hanid nighl disrupl Aduns
pIans, so he doesnl care if he exposes lhe young
nanIuk as a spy.
If lhe parly agrees lo accepl lhe nission, he viII
offer lhen 1O,OOO dinars pIus one nagicaI ilen each
(lo le recovered fron lhe pirales of Hava). He does
nol negoliale. Allenpls lo do so nereIy anger hin.
He viII hinl lhal lhey vouId le lesl advised lo accepl
his offer since he cannol aIIov lhen lo Ieave lhe
counciI luiIding unliI lhey do. They knov loo nuch,
he says, if lhey decIine lhe jol, he viII have lo have
lhen delained unliI anolher group successfuIIy
conpIeles lhe nission and secrecy is no Ionger so
inporlanl. If lhey sliII refuse, he caIIs for his guards.
Lnough guards are on hand lo suldue lhe ICs afler a
rousing lallIe. If lhey are suldued and inprisoned,
Adun vails for a day, lhen nakes lhe proposaI lo
lhen again. If lhey sliII vonl accepl, lhe DM nay
vish lo run an escape scenario vhich Ieads lhen lo
overhear sone of Aduns pIans.
The 5p
he parly nay vish lo queslion lhe spy vho vas
caughl. Adun viII aIIov lhen lo do so, having
lhe nan lroughl fron prison lo laIk lo lhe ICs. His
nane is Tokaq, and he doesnl voIunleer his
infornalion. He vails lo find oul vhal lhe ICs ask. If
lhey faiI lo ask lhe righl queslions, lhey donl gel
nuch infornalion. He knovs lhe foIIoving:
}ayani is lhe head of lhe Corsair CounciI (he can
accuraleIy descrile her). She senl hin lo Qudra lo spy
on lheir defenses. He has nol reporled lack lo her yel.
There is a secrel roule inlo lhe cily, lul lhe ones
vho knov il are lhe sea eIves vho piIol lhe ships
lhrough lhe coraI naze. AII inconing and oulgoing
ships nusl slop al lhe naze and le guided lhrough ly a
sea eIf. The eIf aIvays expecls a nice revard for his or
her efforls. He doesnl knov hov Iarger ships gel
lhrough lhe docks and sliIl houses once lhey are
lhrough lhe coraI naze, since he vas roved oul lo
neel lhe ship he lraveIed on in a snaII dory, vhich
had no lroulIe gelling lhrough.
Is1een a1 1Ie Occn
f lhey accepl lhe jol, vhen lhey Ieave lhe generaIs
office, lhey slunlIe (IileraIIy) across an ancienl eIf,
dressed Iike a servanl, vho is dovn on his knees nexl
lo lhe door. The eIf sonehov nanages lo cIose lhe
and lake over. If loId lhal he is a spy, lhe nanIuks viII
lake kin inlo cuslody lul viII reIease hin Ialer vhen
he shovs lhen vho he is. kin shouId le avaiIalIe
Ialer in lhe advenlure as a nanIuk conlacl vho knovs
vhal lhey vere hired lo do vhen lhe ICs slarl lo
reaIize lhal Adun is up lo sonelhing.
door lefore Adun gels up lo invesligale. nce
everyone is sorled oul, lhe eIf gives lhe parly a lealific
sniIe and asks lhen lo heIp hin Iocale his dinar,
vhich he dropped lhrough a nearly hoIe in lhe fIoor.
The ICs viII prolalIy le suspicious of lhe eIf, vho
gives his nane as Canil, if asked. Queslioning hin
viII onIy lring lhe ansver lhal he vas Iooking for his
dinar (lhis is lhe lrulh, lul onIy lecause he
deIileraleIy dropped a dinar lo use as an excuse vhen
he noliced lhe parly enlering Aduns office). He viII
resisl leing laken inlo Aduns office, if lhe parly lries
lo do so.
The eIf is CeneraI kin Ald aI-TaIiliIn, lhe
connander of lhe Sludious, lhe espionage lranch of
lhe nanIuks. His lalloos do nol shov up as he is
vearing an carring cf isguisc (sane effecl as a na| cf
isguisc). He overheard nosl of lhe conversalion Adun
had vilh lhe ICs, and he vouId Iike lo knov vhy
Adun is suddenIy concerned vilh lhe Corsair
Donains. Though finding lhe roule inlo lhe cily of
Hava sounds Iike a good idea lo kin, il isnl Iike
Adun lo do sonelhing vilhoul lrying lo gral gIory for
lhinking of il or acconpIishing il, and kin is vorried
aloul vhal lhis nighl nean (lhough he viII nol leII
lhe ICs any of lhis). He has leen sonevhal suspicious
of Aduns inlenlions since Halil vas eIecled enir
lhirleen years ago, lul Iacking evidence of any
vrongdoing on Aduns parl he has lided his line in
lrue eIven fashion.
If lhe ICs lecone loo insislenl aloul laking hin in
lo Adun or lry lo rough hin up, lhe DM shouId feeI
free lo have severaI nanIuks happen upon lhe group
The )ounme
houId lhey need il, Adun can oulfil lhe parly
vilh lhe Panari, a lrin zaruq. The ship viII le
fiIIed vilh various lrade goods fron lhe inlerior and
lhe Iree Coasl in an allenpl lo nake lhe cargo Iook
Iike lhal vhich nighl le laken in raids ly pirales. If
lhe ICs have lheir ovn ship, lhe cargo can le laken
lhere inslead.
nce undervay, lhe characlers shouId have no
lroulIe saiIing fron Qudra lo Hava. If lhe DM vishes
lo spice up lhe journey lo Hava, he or she can use lhe
randon encounlers found under lhe SaIl Waler
Surface coIunn of lhe Aqualic Lncounlers lalIe given
CMILNDIUM Appendix. If lhe lalIe indicales a
pirale encounler, lhe DM nay vish lo inlroduce lhe
ICs lo sone of lhe peopIe lhey nighl neel in Hava.
Idenlifying lhenseIves as nerchanls headed for
Hava couId enalIe lhe parly lo foIIov lhe olhers lack
and vouId provide lhen vilh a perfecl opporlunily lo
legin napping lhe roule lo lhe cily.
Chaos Ba
ovever lhe characlers reach il, once lhey nake
lheir vay lo Chaos Bay lhe ICs viII have lo
decide hov lhey are going lo nap lhe roule lo lhe cily.
As lhey approach lhe coraI naze, a sea eIf viII haiI lhe
ship, expecling lo le laken on loard as piIol lo see
lhen lhrough lhe coraI. The sea eIf on duly lhis day is
Raid lin Kavlhar (enI-W/a-sen/6-6), son of lhe sea
eIves Ieader, vho has occasionaIIy laken parl in lhe
Corsair CounciI aIong vilh his nolher. Raid is
friendIy lul nol slupid. If lhe PCs donl seen lo reaIize
lhey are supposed lo slop, he viII leII lhen so, varning
lhen lhal lhey cannol gel lhrough vilhoul a piIol
vho knovs lhe roule.
UnIess lhey laIked lo lhe spy and Iearned lhal lhey
need a sea eIf piIol, lhe characlers lesl lel is prolalIy
lo jusl adnil lheyve never leen lo Hava lefore lul lo
inpIy lhal lheyd Iike lo legin lrading vilh lhe cily on
a reguIar lasis. Any olher slory viII nake Raid
suspicious. In any case, since he doesnl knov lhen,
Raid viII insisl lhal lhe characlers and vhalever crev
lhey have vilh lhen go leIov vhiIe he sunnons a
crev of sea eIves lo saiI lhen inlo lhe harlor.
Since lhey need lo nap lhe roule lhrough, ils up
lo lhe ICs lo cone up vilh sone kind of ruse or
olher pIoy lo enalIe lhen lo nap lhe vay. The DM
shouId le fairIy generous and give lhe ICs pIan a
good chance of vorking if lhey donl refuse oulrighl
lo go leIov. nce lhe sea eIves slarl saiIing lhrough
lhe coraI naze, lhey viII le far loo lusy lo nolice
nuch eIse~incIuding cIever or veII-hidden ICs.
Any IC vilh a Navigalion nonveapon proficiency
nay produce an accurale nap if successfuI in a
proficiency check. If no IC has Navigalion, lhe nap
is inaccurale in severaI pIaces lul sliII usalIe as a
generaI guide.
If lhe parly faiIs lo gel lhe nap al lhis line due lo
lad Iuck or nisreading lhe silualion, lhey shouId have
a chance Ialer lo persuade a lipsy sea eIf lhey neel in a
lavern lo drav lhe roule for lhen. AIlernaliveIy, lhey
nighl le alIe lo nake lhe nap on lhe vay lack oul,
since lhe eIves viII le far Iess valchfuI of lhose Ieaving
lhan of lhose arriving.
ne sighl lhal lhe sea eIves viII aIIov lhe parly lo
see is lheir undervaler coraI caslIe, vhich Iies aloul
haIfvay lhrough lhe naze. They viII slop lhe ship Iong
enough lo aIIov lhe characlers and crev nenlers lo
cone up on deck lo narveI al lheir leaulifuI hone.
If lhe characlers lry allacking lhe sea eIves for sone
reason (possilIy in lhe nislaken idea of laking one for
ranson in relurn for a nap of lhe roule lhrough lhe
naze), Raid viII Iead his kinsnen in defending
lhenseIves vhiIe one of lheir nunler junps
overloard and sunnons heIp. A lolaI of 78 sea eIves
Iive in lhe coraI naze and, if necessary, lhey viII sink
lhe ship lo gain lhe advanlage. Raids nolher,
Kavlhar linl Husn unn Raid, a 12lh-IeveI sea nage,
viII aIso join lhe allack. If lhe ICs are fooIish enough
lo nake lroulIe, lhey shouId cease vhen lhey reaIize
lhey are oulnunlered and in a precarious posilion.
Though lhe eIves viII accepl lheir surrender, lhe parly
viII lhen le escorled lo lhe Corsair CounciI and
queslioned al Ienglh.
Raid lin Kavlhar (enI-W/a-sen/6-6): AC 6 (9 on
Iand), MV 9, Sv 15, hp 38, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon or
speII, Slr 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Inl 17, Wis 1O, Cha 15,
AL CC, THACO 15 (12 vilh spcar). SpeIIs
nenorized: ccc| s|rcng|n (aIready casl on hinseIf),
nagic nissi|c, sca sign|, snic|, cp|n uarning (casl vhen
he cane aloard), inprctc pnan|asna| fcrcc, nirrcr
inagc, nc| pcrscn, suggcs|icn, sna||crnu||. Raid fighls
vilh a spcar +2 or a nonnagicaI shorl svord.
Kavlhar linl Husn unn Raid (efW/sen/12): AC 1,
MV 9, Sv 15, hp 41, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon or speII,
Slr 1O, Dex 15, Con 12, Inl 18, Wis 16, Cha 17, AL
CC, THACO 17. SpeIIs nenorized: cnarn pcrscn, ccc|
s|rcng|n (viII casl on herseIf lefore arrivaI), nagic
nissi|c, tcn|ri|cquisn, c|cc| intisioi|i|q, intisioi|i|q,
|cti|a|c, uco, ccntcrsc ui|n sca crca|urcs, ispc| nagic,
s|cu, spcc|ra| fcrcc, inprctc intisioi|i|q, nincr g|coc cf
intu|ncraoi|i|q, sna||crnu||, s|rcng|ncn ua|cr crca|urc,
cnacs, ccnc cf cc|, nc| ncns|cr, ua|cr o|as|, isin|cgra|c.
Kavlhar vears oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC 2 and carries a
janoiqa +2.
Aqualic LIves (76): Inl 14-18, AL CC, AC 6 (9), MV
9, Sv 15, HD 1+1, hp 7, THACO 19, #AT 1 or 2, Dng
ly veapon, SA +1 vilh spear and lridenl, SD 9O
resislance lo s|ccp, cnarn, SZ M (6+), ML 13, XI 42O
each. The aqualic eIves nay aIso le arned vilh nels.
The FIne1honm 5uamp
nce pasl lhe coraI naze, lhe eIves guide lhe ship
inlo lhe secrel passage lhrough lhe firelhon
svanp al lhe soulhern end of lhe cily. This roule
lypasses lhe riol of docks and sliIl houses lhal lIock
lhe enlry lo Havas Iagoon. If lhe ICs are lraveIing
during lhe day, lhe svanp seens lo lake under a
sveIlering sun. Mosquilos and olher insecls luzz
IoudIy, and lhe occasionaI pIop of a Ieaping fish is lhe
onIy olher sound. If lhey are noving lhrough al nighl,
lhe pIanls gIov Iike enlers, eeriIy Iighling lhe vay.
Though lhe eIves are caulious aloul lraversing lhe
svanp, il is inpossilIe lo gel lhrough il vilhoul
encounlering lhe dangers presenled ly lhe firelhons.
Iirsl, lhe scenl of lhe pIanls perneales lhe area.
Though lhe eIves have leen lhrough nany lines and
lecone sonevhal inured lo il, lhe characlers viII
have lo nake saving lhrovs vs. lhe poison scenl or le
affecled as if ly a confusion speII for 2 lo 8 rounds.
They viII need lo nake lhis check four lines during
lhe journey lhrough lhe svanp. If lhey Ieave lhe ship
or cause deIays aIong lhe vay, anolher saving lhrov
viII le required for each addilionaI haIf-hour lhey are
in lhe svanp.
Iurlhernore, lhe firelhons grov cIose aIong lhe
edges of lhe roule lhrough and hang dovn over lhe
ship in pIaces vhere lhey have laken rool on
overhanging lranches. The eIves knov lo avoid lheir
louch, lul lhe characlers donl. If lhe ICs are hidden
sonevhere on deck napping lhe roule, lhey prolalIy
vonl even nolice lhe pIanls unliI louched ly one. See
lhe enlry on lhe firelhon in lhe 8-page lookIel for
delaiIs on lhe effecls of lhe pIanls loxic lhorns.
If louched ly a firelhorn, a characler nusl nake a
Conslilulion check al a -3 penaIly lo avoid naking
sone noise al leing pricked or lurned. Depending on
vhere lhe IC is hiding, he or she nighl le discovered
as a resuIl. Depending on vhich roule lhrough lhe
svanp lhe eIves choose, lhe lrip lakes fron lvo lo
lhree hours
Iirelhorns (sea roses) (2O): Inl Non-, AL N, AC 8,
MV O, HD 6, hp 3O(average), THACO 15, #AT 1d1O,
Dng 1d2 + speciaI, SA poison, fire, SD confusion,
innune lo fire, SZ M (4 radius), ML 8-1O, XI 14OO
The Hanbonmas1en
nce oul of lhe svanp, lhe eIves saiI lovard lhe
cenler of lhe harlor vhere NajilaqaIal, lhe
narid harlornasler, vails lo lov lhe ship inlo dock.
nce NajilaqaIal assunes conlroI of lhe ship, he
caIIs lo lhose leIov lo cone up on deck. Al lhis
line, lhe ICs are expecled lo offer lhe sea eIves a
generous paynenl for lheir heIp. The eIves sIip over
lhe side and svin hone vhiIe lhe narid puIIs lhe
ship lo shore.
To lhose vho did nol vilness lhe lraveI lhrough lhe
firelhorn svanp, il seens as lhough lhe ship sonehov
passed lelveen lhe sliIl houses and piers. Il vas lhis
leIief lhal Ied lhose nanIuks vhose ships nanaged lo
nake il lhrough lhe coraI naze lo allenpl lo find a
passage lhrough lhe docks during lhe allack len years
ago~a nislake lhal aIIoved lhe corsairs lo defeal
lhen vhiIe lhey vere sliII on lhe oulskirls of lhe cily.
NajilaqaIal leIIs lhe ICs lhal lheir goods viII le
inspecled and a lax Ievied upon lhen vhen lhey reach
lheir assigned space in lhe porl. They aIso ove hin 3O
dinars for lhe priviIege of docking in Hava. If lhey
donl have enough coin, he accepls goods vorlh lhal
anounl in Iieu of noney, as does lhe lax assessor. In
relurn, no one viII queslion vhal goods lhey are
lringing in lo seII.
The foIIoving ships viII currenlIy le in porl:
The latc, a sIeek zaruq aIvays kepl ready in case
}ayani needs a quick escape fron Hava,
The Sca Spraq, an oulIander vesseI ovned ly Turn
lin Trevor, }ayanis currenl favorile,
The Ca|ipna, Akuras fIagship, one of lhe faslesl and
nosl inpressive-Iooking ships in lhe harlor,
|rcccns Prizc, Hanid aI-Bashshars ship, and
The Dragcn, Shing }av-Iongs sloIen speIIjanning
Dragonship. lher ships nay le in porl as veII.
nce lhey dock, lhe ICs neel vilh lhe lax assessor,
vho viII lake 2 of lhe vaIue of lheir cargo (lhe cargo
is vorlh aloul 8,OOO dinars, hence lhe fee viII le 16O
dinars). If lhey refuse lo pay, he viII sinpIy nake nole
of lhis and Ieave. LvenluaIIy, lhe Corsair CounciI viII
send enough peopIe lo confiscale aII lheir goods
(incIuding personaI veapons and nagicaI ilens) unliI
lhey pay lhe assessnenl pIus a 1O annoyance fee.
This viII, of course, allracl a good deaI of allenlion,
vorse yel, lhe search nay even lurn up any naps
lheyve nade.
The lax assessor can aIso renl lhen a spol in lhe
narkel vhere lhey can lrade or seII lheir goods and
can reconnend a fev inns vhere lhey nighl vanl lo
slay. Any of lhe inns he reconnends are prelly nuch
lhe sane. AII are ovned ly }ayani, and aII pIay hosl lo
one or lvo of her spies vho are nore lhan anxious lo
neel slrangers and find oul vhal lhey are doing in
Hava. The Inn of lhe Whispering IaIns is lhe nosl
Iavish and has lhe lesl food, lul lhe Inn of lhe
CoIden Done, lhe Inn of lhe BiIIoving SaiIs, and lhe
Inn of lhe IurpIe Turlan are aII cIean and veII
appoinled, vilh good food. Whichever inn lhe ICs
choose, if il is nighl vhen lhey arrive, lhe lax assessor
viII suggesl lhey hire a fev lurIy saiIors as guards lo
escorl lhen lo lheir inn, as lraveI lhrough Havas
narkel dislricl al nighl is dangerous~especiaIIy for
lhose unfaniIiar vilh lhe cily. AII lhe suggesled inns
are near lhe narkel.
A1 1he Imm
oons in Hava are fairIy inexpensive~lvo
dirhan a nighl for a singIe roon, lhree for a
doulIe. The inns are nuch Iike lhose found anyvhere
lhroughoul Zakhara. A vaII encIoses a snaII garden
vhich Ieads lo lhe fronl door. There is a cenlraI haII
vhere lhe innkeeper greels lhe guesls. To lhe righl of
lhis haII is lhe dining area, vhiIe lo lhe Iefl are lhe
lvo lalhing roons (one for nen and one for vonen).
A fronl slaircase Ieads up lo lhe guesl roons, vhich
occupy lhe second fIoor. A snaIIer slairvay in lack
Ieads fron lhe second fIoor lo lhe lalhing roons.
The roons are furnished vilh leds, lalIes, chairs,
sheIves, and a prayer rug. Lach roon has al Ieasl one
vindov, vhich is screened vilh gauze lo keep insecls
oul. Shullers nay le faslened over lhe vindovs lul
nake lhe roons lerrilIy hol. UnIess guesls specificaIIy
ask lo have keys lo lheir roons, lhe innkeeper keeps
aII keys. Doors Iock fron lhe inside. Behind lhe dining
area is lhe kilchen and slorage area, lhe lack door of
lhe inn Ieads oul lo a slalIe yard. SlalIes are rareIy fuII
in Hava, as fev cilizens have horses or caneIs and
lraveIers usuaIIy arrive ly ship.
More expensive inns have eIalorale liIevork and
fancy rugs. They can oflen provide dancers or
enlerlainers and serve privale dinners for lheir
cusloners in a separale lack dining roon. Their neaIs
incIude deIicacies, and sone offer Iaundry services or
have privale lalhs allached lo lhe roons. Their prices
usuaIIy slarl vilh dinars ralher lhan dirhan.
In generaI, lhose slaying al inns in Hava have
nolhing lo fear fron lhe innkeeper, his or her faniIy,
or lhe servanls. These foIk lake lhe lond of saIl very
seriousIy. NaluraIIy, lhis neans lhey expecl lheir guesls
lo conporl lhenseIves suilalIy in relurn. Iicking
fighls, deslroying properly, or insuIling olher guesls are
aII considered lo le lreaches of lhe hosl-guesl
reIalionship. Those vho engage in such aclivilies, as
veII as lhose vho refuse lo eal any saIl in lheir neaIs
in order lo avoid forning a lond of saIl vilh lhe
innkeeper, viII le asked lo Ieave.
nce lhey are sellIed in an inn, lhe ICs can hear
lhe foIIoving runors if lhey eal in lhe dining
roon or visil any nearly laverns:
}ayani has caIIed a speciaI neeling of lhe Corsair
CounciI lo discuss sone nevs shes had fron Qudra
(lrue, lul il doesnl concern lhe ICs).
Akuras ship, lhe Ca|ipna, vas danaged in a fighl
vilh a ship fron Qadil. Their nages aInosl sank
Akuras vesseI, and onIy lhe inlervenlion of one of his
lound genies saved hin (faIse).
The Crand CaIiph and his uncIe, Irince
Tannous, have disguised lhenseIves and cone lo Hava
lo see hov lhe corsair peopIe Iive. Lveryone shouId le
especiaIIy poIile lo slrangers and kind lo leggars in lhe
nexl fev veeks, jusl in case (faIse, unIess lhe DM
vanls il lo le lrue).
SuhaiIah said lhal lhe oId unfinished sea vaII is
coIIapsing and shouId le lon dovn, lul lhe Corsair
CounciI refused lecause a prophel once predicled
Hava vouId never faII lo allack so Iong as lhe sea vaII
slood (lrue and faIse~SuhaiIah did say lhal, lhe
counciI doesnl vanl lo vasle line and noney on
sonelhing lhal viII evenluaIIy coIIapse ly ilseIf, and
lhere never vas such a prediclion).
Ara linl CaIa, one of lhe sea-eIf piIols, has leen
arresled and is leing heId in lhe counciI luiIding. She
vanls nore noney and preslige for lhe sea eIves and
lhrealened lo reveaI lhe vay lhrough Havas defenses
lo oulsiders unIess lhe corsairs opened nore spols on
lhe counciI lo sea eIves (lrue).
The counciI vanls lhe cily guard lo praclice
repeIIing invaders aIong lhe vaII vhich circIes lhe rear
of lhe cily (lrue, lul il is unIikeIy lhey couId gel lhe
2,OOO cily guards lo aII agree on a line lo do so unIess
a reaI allack vere in progress).
A FnIemoL 51namgen
he ICs viII le noled ly one of }ayanis spies as
soon as lhey enler lhe inn. He or she nay valch
and Iislen or nighl approach lheir lalIe and offer lo
luy lhe parly drinks in exchange for nevs fron afar.
The DM shouId cuslonize lhe spy lo fil his or her
canpaign, keeping in nind lhal }ayanis peopIe are
snarl, olservanl, and cIever aloul avoiding oulrighl
Iies. They are noslIy sone varialion of lhe neulraI
aIignnenl, so lhe parly shouId nol le alIe lo pinpoinl
lhe spy as a spy jusl lecause of aIignnenl.
The spy can drav sone concIusions aloul lhe parly
jusl fron vhal queslions lhey ask. Lxcepl vhen il
vouId nol le in }ayanis lesl inleresl for lhe spy lo
ansver lrulhfuIIy, nosl ansvers given ly lhe spy
shouId le al Ieasl parliaIIy lrue. ICs shouId have a
hard line lrying lo gel lhe spy lo acconpany lhen
anyvhere oul of lhe pulIic eye. Spies are, ly lheir
nalure, lolh inleIIigenl and suspicious of olher
peopIes nolives.
If lhe ICs discuss any of lhe reaI reasons vhy lhey
are in Hava or aIIude lo Iooking for cerlain lhings or
finding a vay lhrough lhe coraI and lhe svanp, lhey
nay le overheard. If lhey are fooIish enough lo laIk in
lhe dining area of lhe inn or lhe connon roon of a
lavern, }ayanis spies viII cerlainIy overhear lhen.
TaIking in lheir roons al lhe inn is nol safe eilher, as
spies viII lry lo Iislen oulside lhe door. UnIess lhey
lake precaulions, one of }ayanis spies viII hear enough
lo calch her inleresl. Thereafler, vherever lhey go,
lhey viII le discreelIy foIIoved and nole laken of vhal
lhey do and say.
enlroiIed in a faclion fighl. Al firsl, lhe ICs nay onIy
nolice lhal lhere are severaI rough-Iooking peopIe
galhering logelher in lvo differenl pIaces in lhe roon.
A successfuI InleIIigence check or roII on Lliquelle,
HeraIdry, or a siniIar proficiency viII aIIov lhe
characlers lo reaIize lhal one group is vearing lrighl
red sashes, vhiIe lhe olher group sporls green sashes.
n lheir firsl evening in Hava, eilher al lheir inn
or in a lavern, lhe characlers viII lecone
The Fac1Iom FIgh1
Aloul lhe line lhey reaIize lhis, a nan vilh a red
sash and a vonan vilh a green sash each saunler oul
lovard lhe cenler of lhe roon, vhere lhey neel, insuIl
each olher and lhe olhers enpIoyer (lhe nanes Akura
and }ayani are nenlioned quile IoudIy), and legin a
knife-lhroving conlesl. Afler a coupIe of lhrovs, lhe
nan poinls al lhe fIoor and says lhe vonan slepped
over lhe Iine and is chealing. As she gIances dovn, he
quielIy dravs a dagger, onIy lo le surprised ly her
punch lo his slonach. A najor lravI ensues as lolh
sides go for each olher~and anyone eIse in lhe pIace.
Iisls and daggers seen lo le lhe accepled veapons,
draving svords or using nagic viII cause lolh sides lo
lurn on lhose vho lroke lhe unvrillen ruIe.
The ICs nay eIecl lo join one side or lhe olher.
The side lhey join viII consider lhen friends in any
fulure encounlers, vhiIe lhe side lhey foughl againsl
viII consider lhen enenies and fair gane for
harassnenl or allenpls al lhievery.
Anyone can leII lhe ICs lhal lhe pirales in red
sashes are nenlers of Akuras crev, vhiIe lhe ones in
green vork for }ayani. The lvo faclions fighl aII lhe
line lecause Akura and }ayani hale each olher. Lven
if lhe lravI lakes pIace al lhe ICs inn, lhe innkeeper
viII acknovIedge lhal lhe characlers vere lrying lo
defend lhenseIves ralher lhan slarling a fighl. So Iong
as soneone pays for lhe danages, no one viII le
charged vilh anylhing~even if a fev peopIe vere
kiIIed. The cily guard vho evenluaIIy arrive donl care.
They are on lhe verge of laking sides lhenseIves, and
Iols of peopIe gel kiIIed in Hava every day.
Corsairs (32): Inl 1O, AL N lo CL, AC 6, MV 12,
HD 6, hp 4O, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d2 (fisl) or
1d4 (dagger), SZ M (5-6 laII), ML 13, XI 27O each.
ron here on, il is up lo lhe ICs vhere lhey vanl
Ilo go and vhal lhey vanl lo do. They couId seII
lheir goods in lhe narkel and Iearn sone lhings
aloul Hava jusl fron inleracling vilh lhe nerchanls
and olher peopIe lhere. They couId snoop around and
nole defensive forlificalions and lroop slrenglhs.
They nighl vanl lo lry lo rescue Ara linl CaIa,
reasoning lhal she knovs lhe roule leller lhan any
nap lhey couId nake, or lhey nighl vanl lo conlacl
Hanid aI-Bashshar. Sone of lhese oplions are lriefIy
covered leIov.
The DM shouId use lhe noles on Hava in lhe
Ccrsair Scurccocc| lo descrile lhe cily and ils peopIe.
There is aIvays sonelhing happening in Hava,
vhelher il occurs in lhe lrighl sunIighl of lhe Iree
Markel or in lhe shadovs afler dark.
The Fnee Nanke1 amo 1he 5uq
pread roughIy over lhe cenler of lhe cily and
lraiIing off inlo a nearly neighlorhood, lhe
narkel is lhe IifelIood of Hava, and aInosl anyone
and anylhing can le found lhere al one line or
anolher. The narkel hoIds nerchanls, pirales,
cusloners, juggIers, acrolals, dancing girIs, vine
seIIers, nonkey-lrainers, pickpockels, arlisans, and
chiIdren (nole lhal lhese calegories are nol nuluaIIy
excIusive!). AII of lhen cIanor for allenlion and
largain vilh one anolher. Iighls erupl, nerchandise
gels sloIen, chiIdren leg for coppers or offer lo carry
lhings or guide slrangers, dogs chase nonkeys, vares
faII lo lhe ground or gel lroken, larlers leII slories,
ravuns sing, and hundreds of sighls, sounds, and sneIIs
vie for each persons allenlion. If lhe ICs vanl lo seII
lheir goods, lhey can gel no nore lhan lhe average
price for lhen lecause Hava aIvays has exolic goods
in lhe narkel.
If }ayanis spy has heard anylhing of inleresl fron
lhe ICs, a differenl spy viII le sel lo valch lhen and
lo largain vilh lhen for sone of lheir goods.
5cou1Img 1he TennI1on
f lhe ICs lry lo discover Havas defensive vorks and
slrenglhs, il shouId nol le hard for lhen lo nole lhe
vaII around lhe rear of lhe cily or lo nake a guess as lo
hov nany alIe-lodied foIk are alIe lo cone lo lhe
cilys defense in case of allack. They nay nolice lhe
lhree nosques in lhe cily (lo Kor, Najn, and Hakiyah)
and drav lhe concIusion lhal lhey vouId nol le in
Hava if lhe priesls vere unviIIing lo defend lhe cily
and ils peopIe.
They shouId aIready knov aloul lhe coraI naze and
lhe firelhorn svanp, and lhey can prolalIy reason
lhal soneone poverfuI sunnoned and lound lhe
narid vho serves as lhe harlornasler. Since lhe
Corsair Donains are isIands, lhey nighl aIso
reasonalIy assune lhal severaI sea nages reside in
Hava as veII. If lhey aIso nole lhal aInosl everyone,
even chiIdren, carries veapons and seens capalIe of
using lhen, lhey viII have Iearned enough lo salisfy
lhe ManIuk CounciI. f course, if lhey slroII around
laking noles, }ayanis spies viII nolice vhal lhey are
ReaI deleclive vork (such as going oulside lhe cily
vaII) viII aIIov lhen lo discover lhal lhere are
forlified hoIdings oulside lhe cily proper, and any
lhorough search lhrough lhe farnIands viII Iead lo lhe
discovery of lhe quicksand pils disguised as nornaI
farnIand. Coning up againsl nore firelhorn svanps
leyond lhe farnIand shouId discourage any furlher
expIoralion in lhal direclion, lul shouId lhey choose
lo lrave lhe dangers lhey viII find lhal lhe svanp goes
on for niIes, evenluaIIy Ieading lo Iighl jungIe. There
are eIevalions lo lhe norlh and soulh vhich hoId
severaI caves, and conlinuing veslvard across lhe
isIand evenluaIIy Ieads lhen lo lhe fishing viIIage of
Safe Cove, vhere il is possilIe lhey couId have a run-
in vilh Iaridah linl HaIah, a Iania nolIe disguised as
a corsair caplain. Il shouId le fairIy cIear lo lhe ICs
lhal an arny vouId nol le alIe lo nake il lhrough lhe
rough lerrain lo allack fron lhe rear.
If }ayanis spies can leII her enough lhal she reaIizes
lhe ICs are spying on Havas defenses, she viII arrange
lo have lhen seized and lroughl lo her eslale for
queslioning. In lhis case, lhe DM nay eilher pIay lhis
lhrough and aIIov lhe characlers lo lry lo escape or
nay have soneone vhon lhe characlers have
lefriended Iearn of lhe pIan and varn lhen jusl in
line lo escape on lheir ship lefore }ayani has lhen
picked up.
RescuImg Ana
escuing lhe sea-eIf prisoner isnl as difficuIl as
lhe ICs nighl lhink, since lhe counciI luiIding
is onIy open vhen lhe counciI is in session. There are
len guards spread around and lhroughoul lhe luiIding
vhen il is cIosed. Aside fron lhe nain counciI
chanler and a personaI vorkspace for each of lhe
counciI nenlers, lhere is a snaII guard roon, a vauIl
lhal hoIds lhe days proceeds fron lax assessnenls,
and a snaII prison area. Ara is nol in lhe prison area,
since leing avay fron valer for exlended periods
vouId kiII her. She is in a greal nagicaI lasin vhich
conslanlIy repIenishes ilseIf vilh seavaler. Il has leen
inslaIIed in lhe nain counciI chanler, vhere il
usuaIIy serves lo nake Kavlhar and Raid conforlalIe
during counciI sessions. Three guards sland valch
over her.
AII len guards are fanalicaIIy IoyaI lo lhe Corsair
CounciI. They are aIso highIy lrained speciaIisls in
lhe scinilar. If any of lhen engage in conlal vilh lhe
ICs lul nanage lo escape, lhey viII sound lhe aIarn.
This viII lring nol onIy lhe renaining counciI guards
lul a dozen slandard cily guards (4lh-IeveI corsairs
vilh average hil poinls, AC 7, average slals, arned
vilh culIasses), vho viII arrive five rounds afler lhe
aIarn is sounded.
Ara viII le viIIing lo acconpany lhe ICs lo
Qudra, lul she viII expIain lhal as soon as lhey
reaIize shes gone lhe sea eIves viII sinpIy change lhe
coraI around lo creale a differenl roule lhrough. Thal
viII nake her knovIedge of lhe roule (and lhe ICs
nap) useIess. She is confidenl, hovever, lhal she
couId find lhe vay lhrough even if lhe naze has leen
changed. Ara viII nake il cIear lhal she does nol
inlend lo vork for free: she expecls lo le veII paid for
anylhing she leIIs lhe nanIuks. She has dreans of
founding her ovn sea-eIf coIony and couId le
persuaded lo cooperale ly pronising her an isIand
near Qudra for her nev coIony.
CounciI guards (1O): Inl 12, AL N, AC 2, MV 12,
HD 7, hp 48, THACO 14 (13), #AT 2, Dng 1d8+2
(scinilar), SA veapon speciaIizalion, SZ M, ML 17,
Com1ac1Img HamIo
houId lhe parly allenpl lo conlacl Hanid
aI-Bashshar, lhey viII have no lroulIe Iocaling
hin. He is a veII-knovn figure in Hava and jusl
aloul anyone can leII lhe characlers vhere he Iives.
He has a snaII house near lhe docks and shipyards.
If lhe characlers idenlify lhenseIves as nanIuk
agenls, Hanid viII lry lo heIp lhen vilhoul
lelraying lhe corsair peopIe and vilhoul
conpronising his ovn cover.
If lhey donl acluaIIy need his heIp lul are jusl
conlacling hin lecause il is easier lhan doing any of
lhe vork lhenseIves, he viII le exlreneIy angry lhal
lhey have possilIy lhrovn avay years of undercover
vork for a lriviaI reason and nay refuse lo assisl
lhen. In any case, he viII vanl lo knov vho loId lhe
characlers aloul hin. He ansvers direclIy lo lhe enir
of Qudra, and his jol as a spy is supposed lo le a
cIoseIy guarded secrel knovn onIy lo lhe nenlers of
lhe ManIuk CounciI. If lhe ICs expIain lhal CeneraI
Adun Ald aI-Anin hired lhen and loId lhen aloul
Hanid, he viII renark lhal il doesnl seen righl lhal
Adun look lhal aulhorily on hinseIf lul lhal he isnl
surprised lecause lhe generaI is an idiol vho hales
lhe enir and doesnl
peopIes pIans.
nind inlerfering in olher
He can leII lhen lhe Iayoul of lhe counciI luiIding,
and he nighl heIp lhen escape Hava if lheir Iives are
in inninenl danger, lul he viII nol do lheir jol for
lhen. If }ayanis spies have discovered vhal lhe ICs
are up lo or suspecl lhen of spying againsl Hava,
Hanids career as a spy viII le over. Depending on
hov discreel lhe parly is and hov nuch varning he
receives, Hanid viII eilher escape and allenpl lo
relurn lo Qudra or le laken and heId for execulion as
a lrailor lo lhe Corsair Donains. f course, lhe
characlers can aIvays lry lo rescue hin. . . .
Re1unm 1o uona
he Ionger lhe characlers renain in Hava, lhe
grealer lhe chance lhal lhey viII le discovered.
Lven if lhey are very carefuI, evenluaIIy }ayanis spies
viII legin pulling logelher a fairIy accurale piclure of
vhal lhey are up lo. The DM can sinuIale lhe
groving danger ly having lhe parly legin lo nolice
nore and nore peopIe vho seen overIy inleresled in
lhen and vho seen lo foIIov lhen vherever lhey go.
If lhey donl lake lhe hinl and Ieave, lhey shouId
legin lo nolice lhal heaviIy arned nen are lracking
lheir novenenls and apparenlIy availing sone kind
of orders.
If lhey Ieave lefore }ayani orders lheir arresl, lhey
can escape Hava. NajilaqaIal lovs lhen oul lo lhe
cenler of lhe Iagoon, lhen leIIs lhen lo go leIov vhiIe
he sunnons a sea-eIf crev lo lake lhen lack lhrough
lhe svanp and lhe coraI naze. The effecls of crossing
lhe svanp are lhe sane as for lheir firsl lrip lhrough.
nce cIear of lhe coraI, lhe sea eIves relurn conlroI of
lhe ship and dive overloard. If lhe characlers have
leen parlicuIarIy fooIish or faiIed lo le discreel, lhe
DM nay vanl lo send a pirale vesseI afler lhen in an
allenpl lo sink lhen. If lhey have lo nake a run for il
jusl ahead of }ayanis peopIe, lhey viII have lo sleer
lhenseIves lhrough lhe svanp and coraI and hope
lheir naps are accurale.
The NamLuk CoumcIL
hen lhe parly relurns, lhey can neel vilh
Adun, vho viII suggesl lhal lhey inpIy lhal
lhey vere vorking for AdniraI Dus Ald aI-Davvar,
lhe golIin connander of Qudras fIeel. He viII expIain
lhal he and lhe enir have personaIily confIicls and
lhal vere he lo suggesl an allack on Hava il nighl le
rejecled oul of hand. If lhe parly is agreealIe, Adun
viII inlroduce lhen lo lhe adniraI, vho viII
acconpany lhe parly lo a neeling of lhe ManIuk
CounciI. If lhey refuse, Adun viII ask lhal lhey nol
idenlify hin as lheir sponsor unIess alsoIuleIy
necessary. He viII pay lhen lhe agreed-upon fee and
pronise lhen firsl choice of nagicaI ilens once lhe
var vilh Hava is salisfacloriIy concIuded.
The characlers can nake lheir reporl lo lhe fuII
counciI and shouId presenl any naps or olher evidence
lhey have. If Ara is vilh lhen, she can add a fev
delaiIs aloul lolh lhe coraI naze and lhe firelhorn
svanp. She knovs, for exanpIe, lhal lhere is nore
lhan one vay lhrough lhe svanp. nce lhe ICs
reporl has leen given, lhe nanIuks delale lhe pros
and cons of an allack againsl Hava. The AdniraI viII
le slrongIy in favor, as viII lhe Ieaders of lhe
DaunlIess, lhe VaIianl, and Adun.
The enir is cauliousIy oplinislic lul prefers a
defensive slralegy. Lkuriyah viII foIIov lhe enirs Iead.
kin, lhe Ieader of lhe Sludious, is alsenl, supposedIy
on a secrel nission, and his second-in-connand is
viIIing lo le persuaded lul vanls lo discuss lhings a
IillIe Ionger and cover aII lhe possilIe pIans. The
connander of lhe Defenders, Akir Ald aI-Hinaya, is
apparenlIy nonconnillaI lul evenluaIIy suggesls lhal
lhe allack proceed. He aIso suggesls lhal il le Ied ly
generaI Lkuriyah, a proven connander and lhe nosl
IikeIy candidale lo lecone lhe nexl enir. He argues
lhal she needs a viclory of lhis sorl lo gain lhe preslige
and supporl she viII need lo le eIecled enir.
Afler a vole, lhe pIan lo send lhe fIeel lo allack
Hava is approved. The adniraI is charged vilh
readying lhe fIeel lo carry Qudras soIdiers vilhin
lveIve hours. AII nanIuks in lhe cily are lo le
recaIIed fron vhalever dulies lhey are currenlIy
assigned lo and nake ready lo Ieave as soon as lhe fIeel
is suppIied and ready lo saiI. They hope lo slrike lefore
Hava has line lo prepare any nev defenses in
response lo vhal lhe characlers have done.
The parly is asked lo renain and heIp sone of lhe
nanIuks of lhe Sludious nake copies of lhe naps and
go over lhe olher defenses lhey noliced. The counciI
viII offer lhe parly an exlra 5OO dinars per person lo
heIp vilh lhe exlra napping. The ICs viII le provided
vilh pIaces lo sIeep and vilh vhalever lhey need. Il
nay occur lo lhen lhal lhe nanIuks donl vanl lhe
parly lo Ieave lhe counciI luiIding unliI lhe fIeel has
aIready saiIed so lhere viII le no nevs Ieaks.
The Be1naaL
nce lhe fIeel has saiIed, lhe parly is free lo Ieave
lhe counciI luiIding. Their palh lakes lhen pasl
CeneraI Adun Ald aI-Anins office. Whelher lhey
inlend lo slop ly lo say goodlye or jusl pass ly, lhey
viII nolice lhal lhey can hear lhe generaI speaking.
Inside are lhe generaI and lhe spy fron Hava. The
generaI leIIs lhe spy lhal his agenls have persuaded lhe
nanIuks lo allack Hava and lhal lhey have naps of
lhe coraI naze and lhe firelhorn svanp. He leIIs lhe
spy his Ieller lo }ayani conlains an accurale counl of
lhe ships senl (23) and lhe nunler of nanIuks on
loard each, lheir arnanenls, and lheir generaI lallIe
pIan. He lhen gives lhe spy a ring vhich has a |c|cpcr|
speII in il.
The parly viII prolalIy vish lo inlervene. If lhey
lry, lhey gel lhe door open jusl in line lo see lhe spy
vanish. Adun caIIs for his personaI guards and dravs
his veapon, reaIizing he has leen overheard. The
guards arrive one round afler lhey have leen
sunnoned, energing fron lhe roon nexl door. They
concenlrale lheir allacks on any olvious speIIcaslers
firsl, allenpling lo keep lhen fron using speIIs. The
guards are IoyaI nanIuks of lhe IailhfuI vho oley
Adun vilhoul queslion.
Adun is sliII under lhe effecls of lhe eviI eye, and as
such his allacks and saving lhrovs suffer a -2 penaIly
(Iale viII nol aid hin, and he is unIucky in his
naneuverings). If lhe characlers are having loo
difficuIl a line vilh hin, lhe DM shouId feeI free lo
have hin sIip or niss an easy allack or olhervise le
lhe recipienl of a piece of lad Iuck.
If lhe ICs are fuIIy engaged vilh Adun and his
guards and seen lo le Iosing or al Ieasl nol vinning, al
sone slralegic line kin viII allack Adun ly surprise.
He lhen lecones visilIe and lIovs a vhislIe. Iive
rounds Ialer, len nenlers of lhe Sludious arrive aIong
vilh five nenlers of lhe Defenders. They caII for a
haIl lo lhe fighling unIess il is aIready over.
kin expIains vho he is and his suspicions aloul
Adun. If Adun is sliII aIive, he is laken inlo cuslody
pending an invesligalion of his aclions. kin leIIs lhe
ICs lhal he vas invisilIe and hidden lehind a vaII
hanging in Aduns office. He asks lhal lhey join hin in
leslifying againsl Adun.
MeanvhiIe, lhe fIeel has saiIed and is heading inlo a
lrap. kin requesls lhal lhe ICs lake lhe ship lhey
used lefore and lry lo calch up lo lhe fIeel. If
necessary, a vind nage or sea nage can le provided lo
heIp lhen overlake lhe nanIuk arnada, or scroIIs can
le provided if lhe parly conlains a nage capalIe of
casling such speIIs of enhancenenl. As conpensalion,
he offers lhen Aduns nagicaI ilens, provided lhe
generaI is found guiIly. ShouId lhe parly agree, lhey
can easiIy calch lhe fIeel, vhich is sonevhal sIoved
ly lhe nunler of passengers leing lransporled. kin
viII send aIong an officiaI recaII order fron lhe enir,
vho has leen kepl inforned of evenls ly kin.
Lkuriyah viII oley lhe enirs order and lurn lhe fIeel
lack lo Qudra.
CeneraI Adun Ald aI-Anin (hnI/nk/18): AC -2,
MV 12, hp 96, #AT 2/1, Dng 1d8+5 (scini|ar +2) or
1d4+6 (aggcr +3), Slr 18/31, Dex 16, Con 16, Inl 14,
Wis 11, Cha 1O, AL NL, THACO 3 (O vilh scini|ar,
-1 vilh aggcr), XI 12,OOO.
Lquipnenl: nan|u| sucr cf cocicncc +2 (scinilar),
aggcr +3, sasn cf cfcnsc AC 2, ring cf prc|cc|icn +2,
ring cf nin snic|ing.
ManIuk guards (hnI/nk/8) (4): Inl 1O, AL N or C,
AC 6, MV 12, hp 45, THACO 13, #AT 3/2, Dng 1d8
(svord) or 1d6 (spear), SZ M, ML 17, XI 975 each.
he DM shouId decide if Adun slands lriaI for his
lreason. If so, lhe characlers are prine vilnesses
againsl hin. kin aIso leslifies, and Adun hinseIf is
queslioned under lrulh speIIs. He is found guiIly and
reIieved of connand. His uIlinale fale is in lhe hands
of lhe Crand CaIiph, vhose sIave he is, and pIans are
nade lo lransporl hin lo Huzuz for judgnenl. The
characlers nighl le hired lo escorl hin lo Huzuz in
such a case.
AIlernaliveIy, Adun nighl have a core of dedicaled
and IoyaI foIIovers vho nanage lo rescue hin fron
inprisonnenl lefore his lriaI. The ICs nighl le hired
lo lrack hin dovn, or Adun nighl disappear, onIy lo
energe Ialer as a conlinuing viIIain and a conslanl
olslacIe lo anylhing lhe ICs lry lo acconpIish.
Whalever happens, lhe parly nenlers viII le
avarded Aduns nagicaI ilens in Iieu of lhe pronised
ilens fron lhe Corsair Donains. If lhe DM vouId Iike
lo avard any speciaI ilens lo lhe parly, lhis is a good
line lo do so as parl of lheir revard. The nanIuks viII
consider lhe characlers lo le good and lruslvorlhy
aIIies. The parly viII find lhal a Iol of vork cones
lheir vay due lo lhe gIoving reconnendalions given
lhen ly lhe nanIuks, and Ruashad is pIeased lhal he
has von anolher vager.
TIe Cees' I1I Vagen:
Tennap IsLe
eIp ne! lhe lrapped corsair pIeaded desperaleIy. Locked in lhe
rapidIy fIooding roon, he scrallIed franlicaIIy al lhe sleeI door as
lhe valers rose. n lhe olher side of lhe nagicaIIy Iocked door,
}ayani, his caplain and lhe vonan he vished lo soneday narry, lhrev her
veighl againsl il as hard as she couId lhrough lhe valers vhich had risen
pasl her vaisl aIready. Il vas no use. The heaviIy reinforced sleeI door
refused lo nove or lreak.
In sorry, Nuri she caIIed, I cannol force il open. Iray lo lhe gods and
pul yourseIf in lhe hands of Iale. If lhey are viIIing, I shaII relurn. I give you
ny pIedge I shaII nol resl unliI you are reslored lo Iife. Coodlye, ny Iove.
Nuris despairing cry vas Iosl lo lhe valers vhich svirIed upvard lo cover
}ayanis head. SaIl lears nixing vilh lhe saIl valer, she pushed herseIf up and
oul lhrough lhe opening. Lungs slraining, she kicked her vay lo lhe surface.
The greal zaralan vhich had served as her lase of operalions for eIeven
years vas aInosl invisilIe nov, Iosl in lhe valers as il dove furlher and
furlher dovn inlo lhe sea. Irighlened inlo lhe descenl ly lhe noise and
ferocily of lhe nanIuks allack, lhe greal lurlIe carried vilh il nosl of
}ayanis vorIdIy goods, lhe grealer parl of her Iegendary lreasure hoard, and
lhe young corsair vhon she lreasured alove aII eIse.
Slrong hands caughl hoId of her and Iifled her inlo a snaII loal. Mosl of
her crev had escaped, nov sone of lhen had slayed lehind lo rescue her.
QuickIy lhey roved for a hidden cove vhere lhey couId escape lhe nolice of
lhe nanIuk navy. Nuri nighl have escaped as veII had he alandoned lhe
lurlIe vhen il firsl legan ils dive. He had slayed lehind, Iooking for her, and
leen lrapped in lhe lreasure roon vhen lhe door puIIed Ioose fron lhe Ialch
vhich heId il open and sIanned cIosed. Nov she horrilIy regrelled asking
Azizah lo pIace lhe uizar |cc| speII on il. Azizah had Iefl vilh lhe firsl
group, seaIing Nuris fale.
In her grief, she cursed lhe nanIuks for lheir allack. I shaII never forgive
lhen, she vhispered lo her dying corsair, and I pronise you I viII le lack.
Backgnoumo 1o 1he Aooem1une
Calher near and nake knovn your provess! My
en years ago, lhe nanuIuks of Qudra allenpled lo
allack Hava. During lheir allack, lhey spooked
lhe greal zaralan (a huge sea lurlIe) vhich served as
}ayanis lase of operalions. The crealure dove lo lhe
lollon of lhe sea, laking }ayanis lase and her
inlended husland vilh il. The nanIuks gained
}ayanis undying halred, vhich has lecone even nore
nasler has need of lhose vho have nuch experience
vilh difficuIl lul vorlhy lasks! Your fane shaII rise
and lhe revard shaII le greal!
pronounced over lhe decade she has searched for lhe
zaralan in vain. Nov a fishernan vho Iives on lhe IsIe
of lhe CaneIs Hunp has reporled a slrange fIoaling
isIand vhich he spolled lo lhe norlh of lhe IsIe of
Iirelhorns vhen he lraveIed lhere lo lrade. The
runors of lhis isIand have nol yel reached }ayani. They
have reached Akura, vho leIieves lhe isIand is }ayanis
oId zaralan relurning lo valers il once inhaliled. He
has pIans lo lake lhe falIed lase for hinseIf. If he
succeeds, he viII have eslalIished his Iegend nore fuIIy
lhan }ayanis and viII nove lo nake hinseIf lhe pirale
king. AccordingIy, he has hired lhe fishernan lo guide
a group lo lhe sile lo expIore lhis slrange isIand.
Ruashad, reveIing in his disguise as a hunlIe
fishernan, has Iavished lhanks on Akura for his
generous paynenl (five vhoIe dinars!), and agreed.
If lhe characlers approach lhe crier, he can leII lhen
lhal his enpIoyer viII neel lhen if lhey are viIIing lo
allenpl his nission and if lhey are of sufficienl
experience lo lry il. The crier is an experl al assessing
lhe experience of lhose vho approach hin. He lases
his opinions on lhe perceived slalion of lhe characlers.
If lhey are poorIy dressed or in disguise as soneone of
Iover slalion, he viII lhank lhen for lheir inleresl lul
say he doesnl leIieve lhey are lhe righl peopIe for lhe
nission. If lhe characlers convince lhe nessenger lhal
lhey are sonevhere lelveen 9lh and 11lh IeveI or so,
Nov aII Akura needs are sone expendalIe
expIorers. . . .
51an1Img 1he Aooem1une
he advenlure is inlended for six lo eighl
characlers of 9lh lo 11lh IeveI. Il nay le slarled
anyvhere lul is nore easiIy run if lhe characlers are in
Hava or in a coaslaI cily or lovn nearly. Akura has
arranged for criers lo nove lhrough lhe narkelpIace
and anong lhe inns, laverns, coffee houses, and lalhs
lo find viIIing advenlurers. They have leen pIaced in
severaI cilies and lovns lo cry oul lhis nessage:
Those of lrave hearl and advenlurous souI,
hearken lo ny vords! My nosl generous nasler has
lade ne lo announce his need for your services!
he viII arrange a neeling pIace in a fine coffee house
for lhe nexl evening. CoincidenlaIIy, Akura viII le in
lovn aIready.
The Nee1Img
kura aI-HiyaIi is descriled in lhe Ccrsair
Scurccocc|. When lhe characlers galher for lhe
neeling, Akura approaches lhen, inlroduces hinseIf,
and asks lo join lhen and pay for a neaI for lhen aII.
To Akura, lhis signifies lhal lhere is a lond of saIl
lelveen lhen. He expecls lhe characlers lo inlerprel
lhis lo nean lhal neilher side is oul lo harn lhe olher.
Since he reaIizes lhal peopIe of lhe IeveI he vanls lo
hire prolalIy have severaI neans of delecling vhelher
he Iies, he is alsoIuleIy slraighlforvard vilh lhe ICs.
He gives lhen his reaI nane and expIains lhal he is
fron Hava and a nenler of lhe Corsair CounciI.
TeIIing lhen lhal he is unalIe lo risk Ieaving Hava for
an exlended period jusl nov, he asks lhen lo foIIov
lhe direclions given lhen ly an oId fishernan and find
a fIoaling isIand for hin.
He is perfeclIy honesl and leIIs lhe ICs lhal il used
lo le a pirale lase lul sank aloul len years ago. He
does nol leII lhen il is a zaralan unIess lhey ask. He
expIains lhal he vouId Iike lo cIain il for hinseIf lo
use as a lase, for lo do so vouId prolalIy aIIov hin lo
assune lhe Ieadership of Hava. Akura argues quile
convincingIy lhal Hava vouId le leller off if il had
one slrong Ieader vho couId nake aIIiances vilh
olher cilies ralher lhan lhe chaolic syslen nov in
force vhich Iels dozens of pirales run unchecked up
and dovn lhe Iree Coasl. He lruIy leIieves lhis, so
nolhing he says can le delecled as a Iie ly lhe
He asks lhe parly lo go lo lhe fIoaling isIand, see
vhal sorl of shape il is in, cIear oul any riffraff or
dangerous lhings lhal nighl have noved in, and lhen
lurn over lhe isIand lo hin. He viII negoliale lhe fee
for lhis in an allenpl lo gel off as cheapIy as possilIe
lul can le persuaded lo Ioan lhe characlers a ship and
crev (vhy nol` lhal vay he can have his IoyaI crev
keep an eye on lhen and le on hand if lhe hired heIp
lecone uncooperalive), pay lhen up lo 5,OOO dinars
in advance, and agree lo spIil vhalever nagicaI and
nundane lreasure lhey recover. He agrees lo lake onIy
3O, Ieaving 7O for lhen.
He inlends lo keep his largain vilh lhen so Iong
as lhey cIear oul lhe lase and lurn il over as
pronised. He viII nenlion }ayanis Iegendary lreasure
roon as an enlicenenl lo gel lhen lo agree. Akura
viII aIso slale aInosl casuaIIy lhal he has hired lhe
fishernan aIready and lhal il is prolalIy inpossilIe
for lhen lo Iocale lhe fIoaling isIand vilhoul his
direclions. If lhe parly agrees lo heIp hin, he
inlroduces lhen lo lhe oId fishernan, vho gives his
nane as Sayyid lin }afar.
Whelher he Ioans lhen a ship or lhey have one of
lheir ovn, Akura cones lo see lhen off and vish
lhen Iuck. When he does so, he secrelIy allaches a
nagicaI lracker caIIed a ccnpass rcsc lo lheir ship so
heII le alIe lo Iocale lhen and foIIov al a dislance.
Though he vouId Iike lo lrusl lhen, gaining lhe lase
is jusl loo inporlanl lo hin lo Iel lhen go
unsupervised. He hired lhen in lhe firsl pIace jusl so
he vouIdnl have lo risk his IoyaI crev nenlers in
expIoring lhe lase, vhiIe lhe runored nagicaI lraps
lhal nighl sliII le aclive nade hin reIuclanl lo
expIore lhe lase hinseIf.
The FLoa1Img IsLamo
fler severaI days of unevenlfuI lraveI foIIoving
Sayyids direclions, an isIand cones in sighl. Il is
roughIy circuIar, rising lo a hiII al lhe cenler. A fev
doned luiIdings and vhal Iook Iike oId ruins are
visilIe on il. Sayyid svears lhal lhis is lhe isIand,
saying il has never leen here lefore lhis. As a sharks
fin culs lhe valer near lhe ship, Sayyid paIes and asks,
Whal an I lo do vhiIe you expIore` Ils loo dangerous
for an oId nan Iike ne. AIlhough Ruashad is lasking
in his ovn cIever acling, he has no inlenlion of
acluaIIy endangering hinseIf jusl lo pIay a roIe. Any
good suggeslion vhich doesnl invoIve hin in any
danger is acceplalIe lo hin. He is happy lo slay on or
near lhe ship, so Iong as he is oul of reach of lhe
nearly shark.
As lhey nove cIoser lo il, lhe ICs can see lhal nosl
of lhe isIands rocky surface and lhe luiIdings on il
Iook Iike lhey are covered vilh aIgae and lhings vhich
resenlIe larnacIes. Renains of paIn lrees are nov
vhilened and sIiny, vhiIe sea grasses vhich had laken
rool here are nov yeIIoving and drying oul. Il nusl
have eilher leen undervaler for a consideralIe period
or have sunk, risen, and sunk again nany lines. If lhe
ICs reaIize lhe isIand is a zaralan, lhey prolalIy vonl
find lhis loo surprising. The onIy nooring pIace lhey
viII le alIe lo find for lheir ship is aIong one of lhe
Iegs, vhere lhey can lie up on vhal Iooks Iike a slunp
prolruding fron a seclion of reef (acluaIIy a knolly
pIace on lhe zaralans fIipper).
The zaralan, lhough il recenlIy avoke and surfaced,
has since fed on a huge schooI of fish and nol a fev of
lhe crealures lhal have nade ils lack lheir hone vhiIe
il vas undervaler, and has once again drifled off lo
sIeep. Lven sinking an anchor inlo ils Ieg viII nol
innedialeIy avaken il.
found in MC13, lhe AL-QADIM MNSTRUS
CMILNDIUM Appendix. Nuri is a nev lype of
The ImhabI1am1s
hen frighlened ly lhe nanIuks, lhe zaralan undead knovn as an Aniq RasoI or deep nan. The
dove lo lhe lollon of lhe sea and svan aniq rasoI are descriled in lhe 8-page nonsler
avay. When il finaIIy caIned dovn, il drifled off lo lookIel.
sIeep undervaler. A IillIe vhiIe Ialer, il vas found and
cIained ly a nigraling coIony of sahuagin. These
vere in lurn repIaced ly naIenli, a sul-race of
sahuagin vho Iook exaclIy Iike sea eIves. The naIenli
nIess lhe characlers go lo enornous Ienglhs lo
have leen using sone of lhe luiIdings vhiIe pIanning hide lheir approach lo lhe zaralan and aIso find
lo nigrale lo a nev lase cIoser lo hunan halilalions,
They vere aslonished vhen lhe lurlIe avoke and
sone vay lo nuffIe any undervaler sound, lhe naIenli
viII le aIerled lo lheir presence innedialeIy. Tvo of
carried lheir Iair lo lhe lop of lhe vaves and even lhen, QaIIil and Tekir, viII svin lo a nearly spol,
nore anazed vhen a hunan appeared and procIained energe, and greel lhe slrangers in LIvish, asking vhy
hinseIf caIiph of lhe isIand. lhey have cone lo lheir hone. These lvo are
The slrange hunan, vho cIained he vas responsilIe
for raising lhe isIand fron lhe lollon of lhe sea,
pracliced spies and vere quickIy chosen lo nake lhe
firsl approach lo lhe slrangers vhen lhe naIenli
foughl and kiIIed lhe naIenli prince. He said he vouId reaIized lhe ship vas headed for lheir Iair.
deslroy lhe isIand unIess aII lhe naIenli oleyed hin. The naIenli allenpl lo lefriend lhe characlers,
Though lheir lesl varriors allacked, lheir veapons cIaining lhal lhis is lheir hone and lhal a lerrilIe,
had no effecl on hin, so lhe naIenli have resigned jnvuIneralIe hunan has recenlIy appeared and nade
lhenseIves lo having Nuri aI-Zaralani as lheir hinseIf lheir caIiph. They say lhey onIy vanl lo le Iefl
caIiph~for nov. They do nol Iike leing oul of lhe in peace and ask lhe parly lo rid lhen of lhe lyranl.
valer and can onIy renain so for aloul four hours al a ShouId lhe parly leII lhen lhey have leen senl lo
line. They vanl lo sink lheir Iair again unliI lhey can cIean oul lhe isIand, QaIIil and Tekir arenl sure vhal
find a suilalIe nev one lo occupy. lo do. They ask lhe parly lo vail vhiIe lhey consuIl
Al any given line, nosl of lhe naIenli slay in lhe vilh lheir peopIe, If lhe parly agrees, lhe lvo naIenli
valer vilh lheir shark conpanions+ nIy lhose fev dive in and svin lo lhe huge crovd of naIenli vailing
vhon lhe nev caIiph requires lo allend hin lo hear lheir reporl.
viIIingIy slay alove lhe vaves during dayIighl hours.
Their nev caIiph has denanded lhal sone of lhe QaIIil and Tekir (naIenli Iieulenanls) (2): Inl 13,
naIenli le sacrificed lo hin, and lhough he AL LL, AC 5, MV 12, Sv 24, HD 3+3, hp 23, 21,
denanded lhey open a cerlain door in lhe cenlraI THACO 18, #AT 1 or 3-5, Dng ly veapon or 1d2/1d2
luiIding for hin, lhe naIenli have so far leen unalIe (cIavs), 1d4 (lile), 1d4/1d4 (Ieg rake), SA Ieg rake,
lo do so. When lhe parly arrives, Nuri sees his, SD keen hearing, Iong-range undervaler sighl, SZ M
chance lo have lhen recover his lones and reIease (6), ML 12, XI 27O each.
hin fron his undead slale. The naIenli, for lheir
parl, see lhe characlers as lheir chance lo rid
lhenseIves of lhe lroulIesone hunan.
MaIenli are fuIIy delaiIed in lhe Mcns|rcus Manua|
eanvhiIe, Nuri viII have noliced lhal peopIe
under lhe enlry for aqualic eIves. The Zaralan can le have cone lo his donain. He viII hurry oul lo
greel lhen (arriving jusl afler QaIIil and Tekir
deparl), hoping lhal lhey have cone on purpose lo
rescue hin. His firsl queslion viII le lo ask if lhey are
fron }ayani. If lhey say lhey are, he viII ask hov she
is, vhal she is doing, vhy she didnl cone herseIf, and
if her green eyes are sliII as leaulifuI as he renenlers.
Though he desperaleIy hopes lhey reaIIy are fron
}ayani, he feeIs he nusl lesl lhen, }ayani has lrovn
eyes. If he hears an ansver lhal convinces hin lhey
have cone fron }ayani, he viII ask lhen lo foIIov
hin lo lhe lreasure roon, expecling lhal lhey viII
open il and resurrecl hin.
If lhey donl ansver correclIy, he viII reaIize lhey
are here for sone olher purpose and viII lry lo discover
vhal lhal is and sonehov largain vilh, persuade, or
lrick lhen inlo opening lhe lreasure roon door,
relrieving his lones, and having lhe proper riluaI
perforned over lhen.
The parlys response lo hin nay depend on severaI
faclors. Iirsl, if any nenler of lhe parly has sone sorl
of |ruc sccing capaliIily or nagic, lhey viII le alIe lo
see Nuri for vhal he reaIIy is~a rolling corpse.
Second, lhey nay leIieve he is an eviI lyranl vho is
oppressing vhal lhey lhink are aqualic eIves.
In any case, Nuri viII veIcone lhe parly and leII
lhen nol lo le fooIed ly vhalever lhe eviI eIves say,
lhal he is lhe onIy friend lhey have here. He viII
suggesl lhey cone inside lhe nain luiIding, vhere
lhey can aII laIk.
Caugh1 Be1ueem a nock
amo a Hano PLace
f lhe parly slarls lo go vilh Nuri, lhe naIenli viII le
convinced lhal lhe parly inlends lo join lheir foe.
Ralher lhan vail for lhe nevconers lo eslalIish
lhenseIves, lhe naIenli viII allack, hoping lo
overlear lhe air-lrealhers, force lhen inlo lhe valer
vhere lhe naIenli have lhe advanlage, and kiII lhen.
They allack in vaves of len. Lach group of len is
overseen ly a Iieulenanl. In overaII connand is a
laron, and lhere are lhree prieslesses vilh lhe lrile as
veII. Iour vaves viII allack, and five naIenli fron
each vave concenlrale lheir allacks on a singIe
characler and allenpl lo gral, overlear, or olhervise
force lheir viclin inlo lhe valer, vhere olher vaves of
naIenli and lheir shark aIIies vail.
HaIf lhe naIenli allack using spear and dagger, lhe
resl vilh lridenl, nel, and dagger. Those vailing in lhe
valer have heavy crosslovs and daggers, and if lheir
feIIov naIenli prove lo le unalIe lo force lhe
characlers inlo lhe valer lhey legin firing lheir
crosslovs al lhose characlers nol surrounded ly
naIenli. If lhey see any of lhe ICs using nagic, lhal
characler viII lecone lhe largel of concerled allacks
fron any unoccupied naIenli.
ShouId lhe naIenli succeed in forcing characlers
inlo lhe valer, one of lhe groups vailing lhere viII lry
lo svin alove lhen and lrap lhen in nels. Any
characlers forced inlo lhe valer viII aIso cone under
allack ly lhe sharks lhere. AIlhough lhey are fairIy
Iov-IeveI crealures, lhe sheer nunlers of lhe naIenli
shouId give lhe characlers sone prolIens. In addilion,
since lhe naIenli Iook exaclIy Iike nornaI naIe and
fenaIe sea eIves, ICs nay le reIuclanl lo use deadIy
force againsl lhen.
WhiIe his feIIovs fighl lhe parly, QaIIil viII punch
hoIes in lhe characlers ship and allenpl lo sink il. If
lhere are crev nenlers aloard, lhey nay lry lo pIug
lhe hoIes or fighl off lhe allacker. QaIIil, hovever,
never surfaces, he jusl keeps on punching hoIes
lhrough lhe lollon of lhe loal vilh a heavy spcar +3
(lhe naIenli do nol knov il is nagicaI, jusl lhal il
seens lo vork leller lhan any olher looI vhen used lo
hoIe ships). If anyone lhinks aloul il, lhe oId
fishernan seens lo have disappeared (vhen lhings gol
oul of hand, he decided lo valch fron lhe roof of a
nearly luiIding).
Nuri viII heIp lhe characlers fighl lhe naIenli. If
he leIieves lhey are fron }ayani, he vanls lo heIp
prolecl lhen so lhey can resurrecl hin, if he doesnl
lhink lhey are lhere prinariIy lo heIp hin, he hopes
lhal ly assisling lhen, he viII have earned lheir heIp
in relurn.
MaIenli (7O): Inl 13, AL LL, AC 5, MV 12, Sv 24,
HD 2+2, hp 1O, THACO 19, #AT 1 or 3-5, Dng ly
veapon or 1d2/1d2 (cIavs), 1d4 (lile), 1d4/1d4 (Ieg
rake), SA Ieg rake, SD keen hearing and undervaler
sighl, SZ M (6), ML 12, XI 175 each.
he is successfuI, he viII allenpl lo drain olher
characlers, allacking a differenl one randonIy each
round unliI vounded for al Ieasl haIf his hil poinls.
Then he viII allenpl lo fIee inlo lhe nain luiIding.
Nuri can ouldislance lhe ICs, lhanks lo his superior
speed, and hopes he can use his knovIedge of lhe
luiIding lo spring lraps on lhe ICs and conlinue lo
drain lhen of IeveIs a fev al a line unliI he can force
lhen inlo naking a largain vilh hin.
MaIenli Iieulenanls (7): as alove excepl HD 3+3,
hp 24, THACO 17, XI 27O each.
MaIenli laron (1): as alove excepl HD 6+6, hp 5O,
THACO 13, XI 975.
MaIenli prieslesses (3): as alove excepl HD 4, hp 3O,
THACO 17, XI 65O each. Their nornaI speIIs are
causc |ign| ucuns, curc |ign| ucuns, prc|cc|icn frcn
gcc, nc| pcrscn, si|cncc 15 raius.
Sharks (6): Inl Non-, AL N, AC 6, MV Sv 24, HD 7,
hp 4O, THACO 13, #AT 1, Dng 3d4, SZ L (12), ML
1O, XI 42O each.
Cianl Sharks (2): Inl Non-, AL N, AC 5, MV Sv 18,
HD 11, hp 68, THACO 9, #AT 1, Dng 4d4, SA
svaIIovs vhoIe, SZ C (3O), ML 11, XI 3,OOO each.
Cianl sharks can svaIIov prey vhoIe if lheir allack
roII is 4 or nore alove lhe nininun needed lo hil.
SvaIIoved crealures suffer 2O poinls of danage per
round. They nay allack lhe shark fron vilhin lul
suffer a cunuIalive -1 penaIly per round and can onIy
escape ly kiIIing lhe shark.
The O1hen 5Ioe o[ 1he CoIm
f, on lhe olher hand, lhe characlers donl lrusl Nuri
and refuse lo go vilh hin, he viII firsl allenpl lo
use his cnarn aliIily lo persuade sone of lhe characlers
lo heIp hin. IaiIing lhal, he viII allack lhe cIosesl IC,
allenpling lo lile lhe characler and drain a IeveI. If
If lhe naIenli see Nuri allack lhe characlers, lhey
viII slay oul of lhe fighl, hoping lhe characlers can
overcone Nuri and deslroy hin. ne or lvo of lhen
viII foIIov vherever lhe parly goes and reporl lack lo
lhe olhers if lhe parly succeeds in kiIIing Nuri. nce
Nuri is dead, lhe naIenli viII allack ly surprise lo rid
lhenseIves of lhe characlers.
Nuri aI-Zaralani (aniq rasoI): Inl 14, AL N, AC 4,
MV 18, Sv 9, HD 9, hp 7O, THACO 11, #AT 3, Dng
1d4/1d4 (cIavs), 1d6 (lile), SA energy drain, cnarn,
SD speII innunilies, +2 or leller veapon lo hil, SZ M
(6), ML 14, XI 7,OOO.
The Zana1am's RoLe
he greal zaralan, a pIacid aninaI, renains asIeep
during nosl dislurlances on ils lack. If danaging
area-of-effecl speIIs are lossed around, lhey viII
danage lhe lurlIe as veII. If il lakes nore lhan 25
poinls of danage, lhe zaralan viII avaken, casuaIIy
chonp inlo lhe ICs ship (since il is annoyingIy
noored lo ils fIipper), lhen shake ilseIf aII over. The
resuIl feeIs Iike an earlhquake. If any nore danage is
forlhconing, lhe zaralan dives for lhe lollon (an
occurrence vhich deIighls lhe naIenli lul is prolalIy
lad nevs for lhe characlers). Il lhen puIIs in ils head
and Iegs and proceeds lo sIeep for lhe nexl four years,
possilIy Ieaving lhe ICs adrifl vilhoul a loal sone
fifly niIes fron lhe nearesl Iand.
If lhe characlers sliII vish lo conlinue lheir
expIoralion of lhe lase afler il sinks, lhey viII need
sone sorl of ua|cr orca|ning speIIs or devices. Akura
viII le enraged lhal lhey caused lhe zaralan lo
sulnerge yel again, and lhey viII sliII have lo deaI
vilh lhe naIenli, vho nuch prefer lheir undervaler
environnenl. Nuri, for his parl, goes dornanl unliI
such line as lhe isIand relurns lo lhe surface.
The Base
Arca 1. This olIong luiIding used lo provide larracks
for }ayanis crevnenlers, nov lhe naIenli use il for
nuch lhe sane purpose. MaleriaIs Iefl over fron ils
days as a pirale lase have, for lhe nosl parl, rolled
inlo useIessness. Slrong slrucluraI naleriaIs have leen
used lo nake sIeeping areas inside.
Arca 2. Anolher olIong luiIding originaIIy used as
crev quarlers, il loo has lecone a sIeeping area. Iarl
of one vaII has coIIapsed, lul lhe naIenli have reluiIl
il using coraI and linlers fron oId ships.
Arca 3. nce a Iookoul lover for lhe lase, lhis laII,
round slruclure did nol fare veII fron ils Iong
innersion. The inlerior once heId ledding, a fev
veapons, and a snaII Iiving area for lhose on guard.
The lop of lhe lover vas lhe sile of a Iarge nirror
used as a signaIing device, nov lroken off and useIess.
The slairs Ieading lo lhe lop as veII as lhe fIal roof
ilseIf are aII covered vilh aIgae and exlreneIy sIippery.
The slones of lhe luiIding have deveIoped cracks
fron lhe slress pIaced on lhen, any slrenuous conlal,
danaging area-of-effecl speIIs vhich calch parl of lhe
luiIding, or aluse viII have a good chance (75) of
causing lhe lover lo loppIe over. The naIenli slore a
fev veapons here.
Arca 4. The vaII vhich encircIes lhe inner core of
luiIdings is lunlIing dovn in pIaces. The naIenli
have nol reluiIl il, since lhey find il a useIess
annoyance. When il vas undervaler, lhey sinpIy
svan over il, nov lhey have lo vaIk around lo lhe
gales~gales lhal slick aloul haIf lhe line and nusl le
forced open.
Arca 5, DnwnstaIrs. The nain luiIding is a circuIar
lvo-slory lover. The lollon fIoor conlains an open
area vhich used lo serve as }ayanis grand haII, vilh a
lreasure roon on lhe Iefl and a guard roon on lhe
righl. A corridor on lhe righl jusl lefore lhe guard
roon Ieads lo arca 6. A vide corridor al lhe far end of
lhe haII Ieads lo arca 7.
The grand haII has leen lurned inlo a connunaI
area ly lhe naIenli. Various keIp piIes (nov vilhering
since lhe zaralans relurn lo lhe surface) provided
sealing for nosl of lhen, vhiIe }ayanis greal chair,
carved of fine narlIe, vas used as a lhrone ly lhe
prince. Il nov serves as Nuris favorile lrooding pIace.
The guard roon is a sinpIe roon vilh an aIgae-
covered lalIe and lhree chairs. AIong lhe lack vaII is
a rusling ceII. The rusly key is sliII in lhe Iock of lhe
open ceII door.
The lreasure roon has a huge sleeI door. Il is firnIy
shul and sliII lound ly a uizar |cc|. The area direclIy
in fronl of lhe door is lrapped vilh a 1O-fool-deep pil
Iined vilh iron spikes. If lhe door is louched vilhoul
firsl lurning lhe door handIe lo lhe Iefl, lhe pil svings
open, dropping anyone in lhe area inlo il. Because il
has leen undervaler so Iong, lhe nechanisn is rusly,
lhus lhe naIenli vho allenpled lo open lhe door did
nol sel il off. Nuri has forgollen aloul lhe lrap.
If anyone nanages lo acluaIIy open lhe door,
hovever, lhere viII le a horrilIe grinding and
screeching, and lhe pil viII drop open. Those in lhe
ouler parl of lhe area have one chance lo decIare
aclions lefore faIIing. If lhey lry lo junp oul of lhe
vay and succeed in a Dexlerily check, lhey nay do so.
Anyone slanding in lhe cenler of lhe area nusl slale
lhal lhey are junping inlo lhe lreasure roon or lhey
viII faII in. RoII 1d8 for characlers vho do faII lo see
hov nany spikes lhe characler hils. Lach spike does
onIy 1 poinl of danage since lhe pil is fuII of valer, lul
aII are rusly and viII cause exlra danage equaI lo lype
D poison (3O poinls, or 2d6 if a saving lhrov vs.
poison is successfuI).
The lreasure roon is lasicaIIy a sleeI lox vilh a
sleeI door. Had lhe door fil nore lighlIy inlo ils frane,
lhe valer vouId nol have rushed in and Nuri vouId
nol have drovned (of course, he vouId evenluaIIy
have suffocaled or slarved). Allached lo a heavy sleeI
ring leside lhe door is lhe deconposing, lroken-off
heavy slrap lhal once heId lhe uizar-|cc|c door
open. The door vas onIy cIosed vhen slrangers visiled
or }ayani lhoughl lhere nighl le an allack pIanned
againsl her lase. Since lhe door vas lechnicaIIy under
a uizar |cc| speII, sinpIy cIosing il reaclivaled lhe
speII. Afler aII, her vizard, Azizah, vas aIvays around
lo reopen il.
Inside are Nuris ralher horrilIe renains and lhe
foIIoving lreasures, vhich are heId in severaI lrunks:
3O,OOO dinars, 15O,OOO dirhans, a case vilh 12
nalched lIack pearIs vorlh 1,OOO gp each, a sel of 6
larnished siIver golIels sel vilh jel (5OO gp for lhe
sel), 26 seni-precious gens (5O gp each), an
eIalorale coraI neckIace slrung on a goIden chain
(2,25O gp), a lrunk fiIIed vilh rich siIks (ruined), a
jeveIed janliya sel vilh eneraIds, rulies, and
sapphires (3,OOO gp), severaI dozen sea charls
shoving roules lo falIed Iands (lhese have ladIy
deconposed and lhe ink has run, lul one or lvo
nighl le saIvagealIe if lhe DM vouId Iike lhe
characlers lo have lhen) vorlh possilIy 5OO gp lo
lhe righl luyer, a fuII sel of heaviIy decoraled pIale
naiI vilh a sodden, rolled pIune on lhe heInel (nov
rusled soIid, lul vorlh al Ieasl 1OO gp as a curiosily),
a varped vooden lox hoIding 6 viaIs of rare perfune
(one has lroken, lul lhe resl are vorlh 45 gp each), a
sel of 24 goIden serving dishes (65O gp for lhe sel), a
carved jade slaluelle of a ship (3OO gp), a cu||ass cf
|nc gc|cn gc|f, arncr cf suinning, a s|aff cf ctc|icn,
an aoa cf prc|cc|icn +3 (sonevhal faded due lo ils
Arca 5, UpstaIrs. A narlIe grand slaircase, nov
covered in aIgae and draped vilh seaveed, Ieads lo
lhe upper fIoor fron lhe grand haII. The upper area
is divided inlo eIalorale lalh chanlers and lhree
Iarge ledroons. riginaIIy occupied ly }ayani, Nuri,
and Azizah, lhey have leen ransacked and nosl
recenlIy provided privale quarlers for lhe prince, his
chosen fenaIe, and lhe laron. AII lhe fine
furnishings vhich once graced lhe roons are gone.
Searching lhe area yieIds 1,2OO gp vorlh of coraI and
Arca 6. This Iarge luiIding served as a kilchen and
dining area for }ayanis pirales. Nov lhe fenaIe
naIenli use il as lheir Iiving quarlers and nursery.
Iorly nonconlalanl fenaIes and severaI dozen
naIenli chiIdren occupy lhe area. Civen a chance,
lhey viII fIee lhrough vhichever door lhe parly
doesnl enler.
Arca 7. This area once served as a sorl of indoor
lazaar for lhose vho visiled }ayanis lase lo lrade, a
fev guesl roons can le found here as veII. When lhe
isIand vas undervaler, lhe guesl roons served lo house
lhe naIenli Iieulenanls. CoraI and sheIIs hidden
anong lhe leds of dying sea grass here are vorlh a
lolaI of 125 gp.
Arca 8. LaughingIy referred lo as Azizahs lover, lhis
squal, one-slory round luiIding heId her Ialoralory
and Iilrary. Lverylhing inside is a ness, and nolhing is
Iong innersion), lvo pc|icns cf cx|ra nca|ing, a |uroan Arca 9. This luiIding vas used for slorage, anylhing
cf isguisc (kepl in a valerproof pouch), a ring cf of use or vaIue here disappeared or feII inlo ruin Iong
sncc|ing grasp, and a scroII vilh lvo speIIs (DMs ago.
choice) in a valerproof ivory scroII case (vorlh 3O
gp). lher Iesser lreasures (fine rugs, lrass Ianps,
elc.) are aIso in lhe roon lul have suffered loo nuch
danage lo le vorlh anylhing.
sing his nagicaI ccnpass rcsc, Akura is foIIoving
lhe characlers. When he gels cIose enough lhal
he can jusl nake oul lheir ship and lhe zaralan, he
sends his valer gen, Maviyah, oul lo spy on lhe parly.
Akuras aclions depend on vhal Maviyah reporls. If
lhe gen leIIs hin lhal lhe characlers are having loo
difficuIl a line and seen lo le Iosing lo lhe
inhalilanls, Akura viII eilher Ieave lhen lo lheir fale
(if il vonl profil hin lo heIp) or viII cone lo lhe
rescue (if he lhinks his efforls conlined vilh lheirs
viII overcone lheir foes). In lhe Ialler case, he viII
severeIy reduce lhe parlys share of lhe spoiIs.
If Maviyah reporls lhal lhe parly seens lo le
hoIding lheir ovn or vinning, Akura viII vail lo see
hov evenls unfoId. He sends his gen oul periodicaIIy
lo check on lhen, as he has no inlenlion of leing
chealed oul of his fair share of lhe lreasure. His pIan is
lo arrive once lhe najor foes have leen deaIl vilh and
lefore lhe parly Iocales and cIains lhe lreasure. If, al
any line, lhe parly seens lo le going againsl lheir
agreenenl vilh hin or if lhey faiI lo renegoliale vilh
hin if he has lo rescue lhen, he viII nake pIans lo
allack lhen ly surprise and al his Ieisure. Akuras
crevnenlers are eIile saiIors. Mosl are second-IeveI
corsairs vilh AC 6 and 16 hil poinls. He has a 4lh-
IeveI second nale vilh 38 hil poinls and an 8lh-IeveI
firsl nale vilh 65 hil poinls, lolh of vhon are AC 4.
Bolh have |cngsucrs +2.
Akura vanls lhis lase. He viII allack anyone or
anylhing vhich lhrealens lo deny il lo hin. More lhan
any olher schene he has ever halched, lhis one
signifies eilher lolaI viclory or lolaI defeal for hin.
n his naneuverings, Akura forgol one inporlanl
delaiI: }ayani has spies aInosl everyvhere. ne of
lhen vas in lhe coffeehouse vhere lhe characlers nel
Akura and laIked aloul lheir inlended nission. The
spy nanaged lo quickIy gel a nessage lo }ayani via lhe
faslesl avaiIalIe ship. }ayani, knoving she vas aIready
severaI days lehind, nade a deaI vilh Shing }av-Iong,
offering hin severaI concessions in relurn for his heIp
in reaching lhe zaralan and prevenling Akura fron
laking over her oId lase. }ayani, Shing }av-Iong, his
crev (use lhe slalislics for Akuras crev), Azizah
(}ayanis sea nage, use lhe slalislics for Kavlhar linl
Husn unn Raid on page 37), and a hand-picked
conlingenl of fifleen of }ayanis nosl lrusled guards are
speeding lovard lhe zaralan and Akura in lhe Dragcn,
Shing }av-Iongs speIIjanning ship. They shouId
arrive soon afler Akura does. }ayani herseIf is delaiIed
on page 13 of lhe Ccrsair Scurccocc|.
Ior lhe nosl parl, }ayani is inleresled in slopping
Akura fron cIaining her oId lase and dislurling lhe
lones of her oId Iove. Though she is currenlIy
inleresled in Turn lin Trevor, she has never forgollen
Nuri and sliII Ioves hin. She has every inlenlion of
relrieving his lones nov lhal lhe chance has finaIIy
cone and laking lhen lo Hava, vhere she viII lry lo
find sone vay lo have hin resurrecled. She is Iess
inleresled in doing any harn lo lhe characlers unIess
lhey side againsl her and acliveIy heIp Akura or lIock
her fron gelling lo Nuris resling pIace.
}ayanis corsairs (15): Inl 14, AL N lo NC, AC 5, MV
12, HD 5, hp 35, THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon,
SZ M (5-6), ML 13, XI 65O each. The guards are
arned vilh shorl lovs and Iongsvords.
henever lhe DM deens il lo le nosl
dranalicaIIy appropriale, aII lhe various
inleresled parlies nay le lroughl logelher lo lhe lase.
Lach of lhen has differenl reasons for vhal lhey do,
and lhe DM viII have lo judge vhelher any parly viII
cooperale vilh any olher lased on each ones goaIs.
AIIiances can shifl quickIy vhen so nuch lreasure is al
slake. The ICs are free lo choose for lhenseIves, of
course, lul lhe parly lhey choose lo supporl nay nol,
in facl, vanl, need, or appreciale lheir heIp. In facl,
shouId lhe characlers aid one parly and Ialer lecone
an inpedinenl lo lhose lhey heIped, lhey shouId nol
le surprised lo le allacked in lurn ly lhe parly lhey
jusl aided. In generaI, lhe nolivalions for each of lhe
inleresled parlies are given leIov.
Akura: Akura vanls lhe lase and viII loIerale no
inlerference vilh lhal goaI. He viII aIIy vilh anyone
vho viII heIp hin lul has no quaIns aloul allacking
erslvhiIe aIIies shouId lhey prove difficuIl. If his Iife is
sincereIy lhrealened, he viII have Maviyah felch a
|c|cpcr| speII lo relurn hin lo Hava.
forner aIIies as soon as lhey feeI lhey can safeIy do so.
They vanl no vilnesses as lo vhere lhey are.
5hIng Jaw-!nng: Shing }av-Iong has leen loughl ly
}ayani, and he viII slay loughl unIess she seens lo le
Iosing. He did nol agree lo fighl for her. If she seens lo
le in danger of Iosing, he viII give her one opporlunily
lo relreal aloard his ship. He viII lhen puII lack inlo
lhe sky and valch evenls unfoId. If }ayani vins, she
viII have lo pay hin, if she Ioses, he viII decide
vhelher ils nore in his inleresl lo allack lhe survivors
and lake lhe runored lreasure and lhe lase or lo
relreal and fIy lack lo Hava.
JayanI: }ayani viII do her ulnosl lo nake cerlain
lhal Akura does nol gain her oId lase. She is nosl
concerned vilh gelling lo Nuris renains lul vouId
naluraIIy prefer lo regain her Iosl lreasure as veII~
afler aII, she sloIe if fair and square. She viII aIIy vilh
vhichever side seens nosl IikeIy lo heIp her achieve
her goaIs. She viII negoliale vilh aIIies and allenpl lo
luy lhen off vilh pronises if lhey presenl prolIens
afler lhe facl. If she aIIies vilh lhe parly, she viII
expIain lhe silualion lo lhen and pronise lhen haIf
lhe lreasure. ShouId lhey refuse lo Iislen, she viII
eilher fighl or ask Shing }av-Iong lo shov lhen lhe
pover of his ship, hoping lhis viII frighlen lhen inlo
sulnission. If her Iife is reaIIy lhrealened, she viII lry
lo relreal lo lhe ship.
NurI: Nuri vanls lo eilher le resurrecled or
reIeased fron his undead exislence. He viII onIy aIIy
vilh }ayani or lhe parly (if lhey arenl fighling
}ayani). He viII do vhalever he can lo prolecl }ayani
fron harn.
Thc Ma!cntI: The naIenli vanl lo rid lhenseIves of
Nuri. They aIso vanl lheir Iair sunk again. Since lhey
are pIanning lo nove soon, lhey viII relreal if haIf
lheir fighling force is depIeled.
There are 4O nonconlalanl fenaIes and severaI
dozen young as veII, and lhe naIenli viII fighl lo lhe
dealh lo prolecl lhen. They viII aIIy vilh anyone lul
Nuri, lhough lhey viII sulsequenlIy allack lheir
he characlers revard viII depend IargeIy on
vhon lhey supporl and vho vins. Assisling lhe
naIenli againsl lhe olhers viII gain lhen no revard al
aII excepl dealh al naIenli hands. Al sone poinl il
shouId lecone cIear lo lhe characlers lhal lhese are
nol ordinary aqualic eIves. They are eviI leings, and
for aII praclicaI purposes lhey are sahuagin in lheir
oulIook, praclices, and goaIs. They viII nol aIIov
anyone lo escape vho knovs vhere lheir secrel Iair is
if lhey can heIp il.
If lhe characlers supporl Akura and he vins, he viII
keep his largain vilh lhen. In order lo vin, Akura
viII have lo eilher kiII }ayani or drive her avay,
hovever, and lhe characlers nay have lo deaI vilh an
allack fron her Ialer lo avenge herseIf and Nuri.
Akura nighl cone afler lhen evenluaIIy as veII if
lhey nake il knovn loo far and vide lhal lhey, nol he,
regained }ayanis fanous lase.
If lhey heIped }ayani, she viII give lhen vhalever
Akura pronised lhen. f course, if Akura survived,
heII le oul for lheir lIood.
Nuri is viIIing lo give lhen aII lhe lreasure
in relurn for resloring or reIeasing hin (so Iong as
lhey havenl hurl }ayani). If }ayani has leen hurl, he
viII lry lo drain each one of lhen lo kiII lhen in
The GemIes' 5I1h Vagen:
The VIzIen's Tunbam
he IillIe snake-Iike leing naned Saghirah sighed lo herseIf. No
doull il vas quile an honor lo le lhe chosen headgear of lhe seIf-
procIained suIlana of Sinlaya, a nosl nolevorlhy vizard and
puissanl ruIer (as lhe suIlana aIvays reninded her), lul il vas lerrilIy
loring. Saghirah vanled lo slay vilh her chosen parlner and provide lhe
suIlana (a leaulifuI, lul vain, vonan caIIed Hayfa aI-Sinlaya) vilh aII lhe
vonderfuI advanlages lhal onIy her kind couId give. The suIlana preferred
lo Ieave her viziers lurlan in her ledroon lecause she lhoughl her Iong
lIack hair Iooked nore aIIuring vilhoul a covering. AIlhough Saghirah had
allenpled lo nake herseIf as lransparenl as possilIe and had lried lo nalch
lhe suIlanas hair coIoring exaclIy, Hayfa vas nol salisfied vilh lhe resuIl.
IeeIing Iike a lrailor, Saghirah considered her oplions. The suIlana
never laIked lo her, never asked her advice, and frequenlIy Iefl her aIone
for Iong periods of line. She never even lalhed lhe IillIe synliole,
Ieaving Saghirah lo fend for herseIf as lesl she nighl. Il vas an unhappy
silualion, and unIikeIy lo inprove. WeII, she knev her righls. If her
parlner proved unsuilalIe, she had every righl lo Ieave! IeeIing nore
confidenl nov lhal she had nade up her nind, Saghirah sIipped off lhe
led and gIided lo lhe door. Wailing palienlIy unliI lhe servanl opened lhe
heavy door, she sIipped oul inlo lhe suIlanas garden, lhen over lhe vaII. A
cIolh narkel enliced her dovn lhe slreel, and upon arriving in lhe
exciling lazaar, lhe IillIe viziers lurlan curIed up in a cIolh nerchanls rag
piIe and venl lo sIeep.
51an1Img 1he Aooem1une
his advenlure is for six lo eighl characlers of 1sl lo 2nd IeveI. Il
fealures a nev crealure knovn as a viziers lurlan (see lhe 8-page
lookIel for delaiIs). This is inlended lo le a Iighl-hearled scenario
provided lo serve as a lreak fron nore serious fare. The slory lakes pIace in
lhe lovn of Sinlaya, a snaII pIace
lelveen Unara and MuIuk, vhere
on lhe Iree Coasl
lhe characlers are
hired lo invesligale a lhefl in lhe suIlanas paIace.
The advenlure legins vhenever lhe ICs are in lhe
lovn, eilher lraveIing lhrough or slaying over lhere
lo lreak a journey. Whelher lhey are in lhe
narkelpIace, having a neaI or a drink in a lavern or
coffee house nearly, or jusl vaIking dovn lhe slreel,
lhey viII lecone invoIved in lhe evenls lhanks lo
}aashan. Though lhis advenlure is parlicuIarIy suiled
lo a non-shair vizard characler, a ranger or IC vilh
lhe Tracking proficiency vouId le heIpfuI. If lhe ICs
do nol incIude such a characler, lhe DM shouId
provide an NIC of lhe sane IeveI as lhe parly lo heIp
vilh lracking.
ThIe[l ThIe[l
s lhe characlers are ninding lheir ovn lusiness,
severaI soIdiers lursl oul of lhe suIlanas paIace
nearly and legin running dovn lhe slreel. They are
shouling sonelhing lhe characlers cannol quile hear
yel. As lhey near lhe characlers, a porlIy nerchanl
vho is ornaleIy dressed in coslIy siIks poinls lo lhe ICs
and yeIIs oul, NolIe soIdiers, lhose are lhe ones you
seek. I sav lhen energe sleaIlhiIy fron lhe paIace lul
ninules ago! As he does so, lhe ICs can nov nake
oul lhe soIdiers cries of Thief! Thief! The soIdiers
head for lhe parly.
If lhe ICs do nol resisl, lhey are Ied inside lhe
paIace vhere lhe suIlana vails lo queslion lhen. If
lhey need a lracker, one can le svepl up aIong vilh
lhe ICs vhen lhey are arresled. They nay lry lo run
inslead, lul severaI groups of guards are conling lhe
slreels, and lhe porlIy nerchanl jusl seens lo le
everyvhere lhey hide, selling lheir pursuers on lheir
lraiI line and again. Iighling is prolalIy lhe vorsl
oplion, aIlhough lhe guards viII slrike lo suldue so
lhey nay le queslioned Ialer.
The porlIy nerchanl is }aashan, vho decided lo
invoIve lhe parly vhen he heard lhe soIdiers yeIIing.
SuIlanas guards (1O): Inl 8, AL N or C, AC 8, MV 12,
HD 2, hp 9, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d6 (shorl
svord or spear), SZ M (5-6), ML 1O, XI 35 each.
The 5uL1ama o[ 5Imbaa
henever lhe ICs are finaIIy caughl, lhey are
searched, lheir veapons are laken, and lhey
are lroughl lefore lhe IoveIy suIlana, vho IoIIs on her
lhrone and regards lhen haughliIy. She denands lhe
relurn of her viziers lurlan. The characlers viII nol
knov vhal she is referring lo and lhey nay vonder
vhy she is naking such a fuss over a piece of sloIen
They nay profess lheir innocence and ignorance of
anylhing lo do vilh lhe lhefl, and afler a fev ninules
lhe suIlana viII Iook over al a gaunl nan vho nods his
head. She viII Iook annoyed. Aloul lhis line,
}aashan, in his guise as lhe porlIy nerchanl, viII
arrive and procIain lhal he has nade a dreadfuI
nislake and lhal lhese vorlhy cilizens are innocenl of
lhe lhefl. He viII add, hovever, lhal since lhey seen
lo le advenlurous-Iooking foIk lhe suIlana nighl le
veII served ly hiring lhen lo find her lhief!
nce she hears lhal, lhe suIlana viII offer lhe ICs a
chance lo vork for her ly discovering lhe idenlily of
lhe lhief and finding oul vhere her viziers lurlan has
leen laken. By lhe line she lhinks aloul lhe porlIy
nerchanl and vhal he nay have acluaIIy seen, he viII
have sIipped oul.
UnIess lhe ICs lhink lo ask her vhal a viziers
lurlan is, she vonl lhink lo leII lhen. Afler aII, she
knovs vhal one is, vhy shouIdnl lhey` If asked lo
descrile lhe lurlan, she leIIs lhen lhal she lhinks il
vas goId lhe Iasl line she sav il, and lhal lhe eye-
jeveIs vere green. She viII expIain lhal il vas silling
on her led and lhal a lhief or lhieves nusl have
cone lhrough her garden and enlered ly lhe door
lhal a servanl Iefl open lo air oul her roon. She viII
aIIov lhe parly lo see her ledroon in order lo
invesligale. If lhey ask vho or vhere lhe vizier is, she
viII Iook al lhen very slrangeIy and say she doesnl
have a vizier.
The 5uL1ama's Beonoom
puIenl is lhe lesl vord lo descrile lhe suIlanas
ledroon. Rich siIk hangings, led covers, and
cIolhing alound. Lavish rugs cover lhe fIoors and
ornale liIevork decorales lhe vaIIs. A nevIy cul
louquel of leaulifuI fIovers slands on a lalIe in a
gIass vase. The door lo a veII-lended and fragranl
garden slands open. A lIade of grass and a fev drops
of valer on lhe fIoor are visilIe lo anyone vho Iooks
al lhe area. If lhe ICs have a ranger or olher lracker
vilh lhen, on a successfuI Tracking roII lhal
characler can leII lhal lhere are onIy lhree sels of
lracks in lhe ledroon: lhe suIlanas, one olher sel of
hunan-sized foolprinls, and a sorl of vavery, aInosl
svepl-oul lrack.
The foolprinls leIong lo lhe gardener, vho lroughl
in a vase fuII of nevIy cul fIovers and Iefl lhen on lhe
lalIe leside lhe suIlanas led. The gardener hinseIf
can le heard nol loo far avay pruning a lush.
Vha1 1he Ganomen 5au
f queslioned, lhe gardener adnils lo leing in lhe
suIlanas roon and says he goes in lhere every day
lo repIace lhe fIovers. He hasnl heard any of lhe
connolion aloul lhe lhefl since he had lo go lo
lhe olher side of lhe garden lo felch his pruning
looIs. He denies laking a hal or any olher ilen of
cIolhing fron her roon and is highIy insuIled if lhe
characlers accuse hin of doing jusl lhal. If lhey can
gel hin caIned dovn, he leIIs lhen lhal he has
seen and heard no one eIse in lhe garden excepl
sone of lhe suIlanas soIdiers vho seened lo le on
sone sorl of exercise, lul he did nolice a prelly
IillIe goIden snake sIilhering dovn one of lhe palhs
lovard lhe far vaII. Mayle il vas a sorcerer or a
genie in disguise!
Onamges, Amome(
he characler vilh Tracking proficiency can
foIIov lhe vavery, aInosl lrushed-oul lrack
lovard lhe vaII. When lhe characlers reach lhe vaII,
lhey see lhal a fev fruil lrees have lranches vhich
reach over lo lhe far side. As lhey near lhe lrees, lhey
hear a gasp, and a snaII loy hidden in one of lhe lrees
junps oul, lrying lo Iand on lhe far side of lhe vaII. He
has sonelhing in lolh hands.
The chiId vas loosled up onlo lhe vaII ly severaI of
his friends and lhen cIinled inlo lhe lree via lhe
convenienlIy pIaced lranches lo sleaI sone fruil. He
has leen lhroving oranges dovn lo his friends and has
lvo nore in his hands as he junps for il.
UnforlunaleIy, he calches his lunic on a lranch and is
Iefl hanging in nid-air.
When lhe ICs cone up lo gel hin, lolh he and his
friends yeII and peIl lhe parly vilh lheir sloIen fruil
vhiIe he lries lo vriggIe Ioose. The oranges do IillIe
danage (excepl lo slain lhe characlers cIolhes if lhey
lursl on inpacl). If lhe characlers donl hurl lhe chiId
lul heIp hin dovn (lhe lrees are easy lo cIinl), lhe
young lrespassers viII slay and laIk lo lhe parly~
especiaIIy il lhe ICs repIace lhe fruil lhe chiIdren
lhrev al lhen. ne of lhe IillIe girIs says she sav a
goIdy-greenish snake sIilher over lhe vaII aloul an
hour ago. Il venl off dovn lhe slreel lovard lhe cIolh
ChiIdren (6): Inl 11, AL N or C, AC 8, MV 12, hp 2,
THACO 2O (19 vilh nissiIes), #AT 1, Dng 1 (fisls,
kicks, lile), SZ S (under 4), ML 12, XI 7.
The CLo1h Nanke1
he lracker nay, on a successfuI proficiency
check, foIIov lhe slrange lracks lo lhe narkel,
or lhe characlers nay sinpIy go lhere on lheir ovn.
They have prolalIy figured oul ly nov lo ask if
anyone has seen a goIden snake go pasl. Mosl peopIe
havenl seen a snake, and lhe lracks al lhe narkel
ilseIf have leen olIileraled ly lhe nunler of peopIe
passing lhrough. ne young nan says he did see lhe
snake a IillIe vhiIe ago and lhal he viII Iead lhe group
lo lhe Iasl pIace he sav il. He is acluaIIy a lhief vhose
jol is lo Iure unsuspecling peopIe dovn an aIIeyvay
near lhe narkel vhere his feIIov lhieves can allack
lhen ly surprise, render lhen unconscious, and sleaI
lheir goods. They are vailing for hin nov, and he
leIieves lhese siIIy peopIe Iooking for snakes vouId
nake perfecl viclins.
The lhieves are hidden lehind cIolhs slrelched
across doorvays and viII allenpl lo slep oul lehind
lhe ICs lo allack in order lo gain lheir lackslal
lonus. If any of lhe ICs slales ahead of line lhal he or
she is valching lhe groups rear, lhe lhieves viII le
unalIe lo surprise lhe parly lhis vay. The lhieves
allack lo suldue ralher lhan kiII unIess lhe parly
counlerallacks vilh deadIy force. They have a lolaI of
24 dinars anong lhen.
accuse lhe characlers of sIander. WhiIe lhey are in
courl, lhe viziers lurlan viII sIilher avay, never lo le
seen again. If inslead lhey leII hin vhy lhey are
inleresled or ask lo luy sone of his rags, he viII le
pIeased lo shov lhen his rag lag.
Under a piece of lrighl purpIe cIolh aloul haIfvay-
dovn in lhe lag is lhe viziers lurlan, nov a lriIIianl
purpIe coIor vilh lrighl anelhysl-coIored eyes. If lhere
is a non-shair nage vilh lhe parly, lhe lurlan viII lry
lo lond vilh hin or her, expIaining lhal lhe suIlana
vas nol a very good parlner, so she ran avay. If lhe IC
seens inleresled, Saghirah viII leII lhe characler aII
aloul herseIf and expIain vhal is expecled of each
Re1unm 1o 1he 5uL1ama
Thieves (8): Inl 13, AL NL, AC 8, MV 12, HD 2,
hp 9, THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d6 (shorl svord)
or 1d4 (sap), SA lackslal, SZ M (5-6), ML 12,
XI 12O each.
Om 1he RIgh1 TnaIL
fler lhe encounler vilh lhe lhieves, lhe parly
viII neel a sIighlIy hyslericaI young vonan vho
junps as lhey cone near her and excIains, h! I an
sorry, lul ny nerves have gollen lhe leller of ne
loday. }usl a fev ninules ago, I lhoughl I sav a snake
in one of lhe cIolh nerchanls rag lags!
If lhe ICs ask her lo poinl oul vhich cIolh
nerchanls vares frighlened her, she viII poinl lo
lhe loolh of SuIin lhe cIolhnaker. If approached,
SuIin viII greel lhe characlers and ask lheir
Accusing SuIin of lhefl is a lad vay lo handIe lhe
silualion, causing hin lo caII for lhe IocaI qadi and
f lhe pIayer characlers faiI in lheir nission and
relurn lo confess lhe facl lo lhe suIlana, she viII le
exlreneIy annoyed and lanish lhen fron her cily,
ordering lhen lo Ieave Sinlaya vilhin lhe hour. If
lhey succeed in finding lhe nissing viziers lurlan lul
decide lo keep il vilhoul consuIling lhe suIlana, she
viII decide lhal lhey vere lhe lhieves she originaIIy
lhoughl lhen and pul a price on lheir heads. WhiIe
lhis viII le onIy a ninor annoyance so Iong as lhey
slay cIear of Sinlaya, il nay give lhen a repulalion
lhal nay relurn lo enlarass lhen fron line lo line
in lhe fulure.
n lhe olher hand, if lhe ICs succeed in lheir
nission lhey vouId le veII advised lo relurn lo lhe
paIace and expIain lhings lo lhe suIlana. Since she
never inlended lo sacrifice any nore hil poinls lo lhe
lurlan and never Iiked vearing il anyvay, she viII
nake lhe ICs a gifl of Saghirah in Iieu of paying lhen
for lheir services. Whals nore, she viII lhank lhen for
lheir heIp and apoIogize for having arresled lhen. So
Iong as lhey do nol lry lo lake undue advanlage of
lheir nevfound favor, she viII renain veII disposed lo
lhen, a facl vhich nay nake lhe resl of lheir slay in
Sinlaya nore pIeasanl.
NagIcaL I1ems [on 1he AL-ADIN

SeveraI nagicaI ilens neanl for lhe AL-QADIM sel-
ling are nenlioned in lhe Ccrsair Scurccocc| and lhis
advenlure look. The infornalion on severaI of lhese
ilens nay le found in lhe |an cf |a|c loxed sel lul is
repealed here for ease of pIay, Nev nagicaI ilens inlro-
duced in lhese advenlures are narked vilh an aslerisk.
Watcrs nf DcvntInn: This polion pIaces lhe inliler
under lhe conlroI of lhe person vho gave il lo hin or
her (a saving lhrov againsl speIIs is aIIoved lo resisl lhe
effecl). The person so affecled is IoyaI and liddalIe lul
nay sliII use his or her ovn nenlaI capacilies lo lheir
fuIIesl. Thus, a speIIcasler vho vas given lhe polion
couId sliII sludy and casl speIIs and even nake inleIIi-
genl decisions aloul vhich speIIs lo casl in a given silu-
alion, so Iong as lhose speIIs vere used in lhe service of,
or al lhe lehesl of, lhe giver of lhe polion.
NolIe dao
NolIe djinni
NolIe efreeli
NolIe narid
Those affecled have no recoIIeclion of leing any-
lhing olher lhan IoyaI lo lhe giver and vhalever cause
he or she espouses. The la|crs cf Dctc|icn slay in lhe
viclins syslen for one nonlh and renain in effecl aII
during lhal line. Hovever, lhe polion is suljecl lo
leing dispeIIed al any line.
RIng nf GcnIc 5ummnnIng: An expansion of lhe ring cf
jinni sunncning, lhis ring sunnons a parlicuIar genie
fron ils eIenenlaI pIane. The genie appears on lhe
round afler lhe ring is rulled. The genie so sunnoned
serves lhe nasler of lhe ring failhfuIIy unliI il is sIain, al
vhich poinl lhe ring lecones nonnagicaI. The lype of
genie sunnoned is delernined fron lhe lalIe leIov.
NolIe genies are freed afler using lheir vish-granling
aliIilies lo perforn lhree lasks.
A shair of 1Olh IeveI or higher nay free a connon
genie fron ils linding lo lhe ring. The shair gains expe-
rience poinls equaI lo lhose of lhe genie freed. In addi-
lion, lhe genie consuIls vilh ils puissanl eIders lo granl
lhe shair a uisn, free and cIear of aII enlangIenenls.
The ring lecones nonnagicaI in lhese circunslances.
Mcssagc RIng: The ncssagc ring is used lo record and
convey nessages. Il is oflen used lo lransnil direcl
orders fron a superior lo an underIing. Such rings are
used in profilalIe lusinesses, lureaucracies, reIigious
orders, and niIilary unils.
The user of lhe ring Iooks inlo ils insel gen, speaks
a connand vord, and lhen innedialeIy speaks his or
her nessage (naxinun Ienglh: 6O seconds). When lhe
connand vord is spoken again ly soneone hoIding
lhe ring, lhe speakers face appears on lhe gen, and lhe
nessage repeals. The gen speaks lhree lines in lhis
fashion. Then il is enplied, al vhich poinl a nev
nessage nay le enlered ly anyone learing lhe ring.
The nev nessage nay le lriggered ly lhe sane
connand vord or a nev one, al
The connand vord is usuaIIy
lhe learers oplion.
onIy knovn lo lhe
lvo correspondenls, nol lo lhe rings carrier. Thus, if
lhe nessenger is inlercepled lhe nessage nay nol
reach ils deslinalion, lul lhe caplors viII rareIy le alIe
lo discover vhal il vas (and nay nol even suspecl ils
exislence). SpeIIs such as ccn|ac| c|ncr p|anc nay reveaI
lhe connand vord.
The DM nay choose lo use an inlercepled ncssagc
ring lo send ICs off on nev advenlures, as usuaIIy lhe
nessage vilhin is inporlanl enough lo keep secrel
(olhervise a connon scroII vilh an ordinary nessage
vouId do lhe lask). AIlernaleIy, lhe ncssagc ring
couId le found enply, and lhe ICs couId uliIize il
RIng nf Ynuth: This nagicaI ring vorks siniIarIy lo a perforn nusl le cIearIy expIained lo il. Though il
pnq|ac|crq cf |cng qcars lul is usalIe ly any characler cannol speak lhe connon longue, lhe eIenenlaI viII
cIass. Whoever vears lhe ring ages al onIy one-lhird undersland lhe lroad sense of vhal ils sunnoner
lhe nornaI rale. The ring cannol reslore Iosl years or vishes il lo do.
youlh, lul il sIovs lhe aging process fron lhe nonenl These nedaIIions never have nore lhan five
il is donned. If lhe ring is renoved, lhe vearer legins charges. The coIor of slone insel in lhe nedaIIion is
aging again al lhe nornaI rale lul suffers no iII reIaled lo lhe lype of eIenenlaI il sunnons: lIue for
consequences or rapid aging. valer, lrovn for earlh, red for fire, and cIear for air.
The nedaIIion is usalIe ly any characler cIass.
5taff nf thc 5ca: This slaff aIIovs any vizard lo use
lhe foIIoving povers, al lhe cosl of one charge per Armnr nf 5wImmIng: This suil of IaneIIar arnor
use: ccc| s|rcng|n, cp|n uarning, ccntcrsc ui|n sca aIIovs lhe user lo nove lhrough lhe valer as if
crca|urcs, ua|cr o|as|, ua|croanc. unencunlered. Il does nol convey ua|cr-orca|ning
The foIIoving povers expend lvo charges (sea aliIilies, nor lhe Svinning proficiency, lul aIIovs
nages expend onIy one charge): ccnjurc ua|cr lhe individuaI lo fIoal and svin if olhervise capalIe.
c|cncn|a|, icc s|crn, ccnnan ua|cr spiri|s.
nIy a sea nage can use lhe foIIoving pover, vhich Cut!ass nf thc Gn!dcn Gu!f: This nagicaI culIass is a
consunes four charges of lhe slaff: nac|s|rcn. favorile veapon of corsairs and olher sea lraveIers. In
In addilion, hoIding lhe slaff granls ils vieIder lhe addilion lo providing a conlal lonus, lhe svord
sane aliIily as a ua|cr orca|ning speII for as Iong as he aIIovs lhe vieIder lo survive undervaler as if under
or she hoIds lhe slaff. The ua|cr orca|ning effecl lhe effecls of a ua|cr-orca|ning speII as Iong as lhe
expends no charges, lul il disappears vhen aII charges culIass is in his or her hand.
of lhe slaff are expended.
Mam!uk swnrds nf ObcdIcncc +1 and +2: In
Cnmpass Rnsc: This snaII lracking device has lvo addilion lo lheir nagicaI lonuses, lhese veapons
parls: a snaII piece shaped Iike a rose lhal can le aIso have povers over aII hunan, denihunan, and
allached lo any soIid nonIiving surface and a cIear hunanoid crealures~incIuding eIves, dvarves,
nedaIIion vilh lhe four cardinaI direclions narked on gianls, gnones, golIins, haIfIings, holgolIins,
il. The rose sends oul a signaI for up lo 1OO niIes Iycanlhropes in hunan forn, elc., lul nol crealures
vhich can le lraced using lhe nedaIIion Iike a con- vho are olviousIy nonhunan such as koloIds or
pass. When lraveIing lovard lhe signaI, a liny arrov Iizard nen (vho have laiIs). An individuaI slruck
lecones visilIe, poinling in lhe correcl direclion. The ly one of lhese svords nusl nake a successfuI
rose porlion of lhe device can le delached ly hoIding saving lhrov vs. speII or le cnarnc. A charned
il and ullering a connand vord. Allenpls lo dispeI viclin innedialeIy surrenders lo his or her
lhe rose viII render lhe device inoperalive for 24 hours opponenl if lhal individuaI is of higher IeveI or
lul viII nol aIIov ils renovaI. grealer Hil Dice, lhereafler he or she viII lehave
exaclIy as if lhe recipienl of a cnarn pcrscn or cnarn
Mcda!!Inn nf E!cmcnta! 5ummnnIng: This goIden ncns|cr speII. The nan|u| sucr cf cocicncc nay le
nedaIIion aIIovs ils user lo sunnon and conlroI a 12- of any svord lype (Iongsvord, culIass, scinilar, elc.)
HD eIenenlaI for up lo a nonlh al a dislance of up lo and does nol have lo le vieIded ly a nanIuk lo
haIf a niIe. The service vhich lhe eIenenlaI is lo have ils nagicaI effecl.
Dmg/Att Mnra!c Namc
Adun Ald aI-Anin
Aniq RasoI
Akura aI-HiyaIi
LeI, eIeclric
LIenenlaI, Waler
LIves, Aqualic
Iirelhorn (sea rose)
ChuI, Creal
Hayfa aI-Sinlaya
HoIy SIayers
}ayani aI-}asir
4 6, II 18 (B) 1 hp 2O 1
- 2 12 18 3( O, - 1) 2
4 18, Sv 9 9 11 3
1 12 15 16 1
Varies, see Iislings in f Walers Dark and Deep
9 Sv 12 2 16 1
2 6, Sv 18 12 9 1
6 (9) 9, Sv 15 1+1 19 1 or 2
8 O 6 15 1d1O
O 18, Br 3, CI 12 4 15 3
O 18, Sv 12 8 13 3 or 1
O 18, Sv 12 9 11 3 or 1
1O 12 5 19 1
7 12 8 17 1
O 12 14 7 1
9 12 7 18 1
Kadin aI-Zor aI-Iaddi 7 12 5 18 1
Lania NolIe
Living IdoI. HeaIing
MaIenli (sahuagin)
Iirales (corsairs)
Sea Wyrn
Shark, Cianl
SIine, Creen
Snake, Sea
Viziers Turlan
Winged Serpenl
3 9 1O+1 11 1
4 3 12 3 1
5 12, Sv 24 2+2 19 1
Varies, see Iislings in UnraveIing lhe Iallern
1O 12, Sv 12 4 17 O
Varies: see Iislings in lhe various advenlures
7 15, Sv 3 2O 1
5 9, Sv 18 8 13 1
6 Sv 24 7 13 1
5 Sv 18 11 9 1
9 O 2 O O
6 15, Sv 15 2+1 19 1
speciaI 3 speciaI NiI O
5 12, II 18 (B) 4+4 15 1
-6/O 1, Sv 2 65 5 1
5 12, Sv 12 5+1 15 1
1 + disease 6
1d8+5 or 1d4+6 18
1d4/1d4/1d6 14
ly veapon 12
1d3 7 65
5d6 16 6,OOO
ly veapon 13 42O
1d2 + speciaI 8-1O 1,4OO
1d6/1d6/2d6 9 1,4OO
1d6/1d6/2d6 16 6,OOO
1d6/1d6/2d6 17 1O,OOO
ly veapon 1O 42O
1d4+1 2O 1,4OO
ly veapon 16 6,OOO
ly veapon 14 1,4OO
1d6+1 13 42O
ly veapon 14 4,OOO
4d8 2O 12,OOO
ly veapon 12 175
O 11 975
1 4 7
2d6 or 3d8 15 1,4OO
3d4 1O 42O
4d4 11 3,OOO
speciaI 1O 65
1 + poison 8 175
O 13 2,OOO
1d4 9 1,4OO
1Od1O 19 6O,OOO
1d6 1O 2,OOO
by Nicky Rea
Designed ly Nicky Rea
Ldiled ly }ohn D. RaleIiff
Inlerior Arl ly KarI WaIIer
Carlography ly David C. SulherIand III
Iroofreading ly }anis WeIIs
Typeselling ly AngeIika Lokolz
The aulhors speciaI lhanks lo }ackie Cassada for eIevenlh-hour lyping.
TSR, Inc.
IB 756
Lake Ceneva
WI 53147
TSR Lld.
12O Church Lnd
Cherry Hinlon
Canlridge CB1 3LB
Uniled Kingdon
regislered lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. The TSR Iogo is a lradenark ovned ly TSR, Inc. AII TSR characlers, characler nanes, and lhe
dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in U. S. A.
This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. Any reproduclion or unaulhorized use of lhe naleriaIs or
arlvork presenled herein vilhoul lhe express vrillen pernission of TSR, Inc. is prohililed.
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ISBN 1-56O76-867-3 9449XXX19O2
Im1noouc1Iom, A
Chap1en Ome: Am OoenoIeu o[
1he ConsaIn DomaIms, S
The Cenies Turlan, 5
The Deserls Virlues, 6
The Dispuled HoIdings, 6
Chaos Bay, 7
Qadil, Cily of Wands, 21
MuIuk, Cily of Kings, 21
Unara, Cily of Knighls, 22
Lihan, Cily of SoIdiers, 22
Chap1en Tuo:
Haua, CI1 o[ Chaos, S
Cily IIanning, 8
The Docks and ShipluiIding Yards, 9
The Cily WaII, 9
The IeopIe, 1O
The Covernnenl and lhe Lav, 11
The Corsair CounciI, 12
}ayani aI-}asir, 13
Akura aI-HiyaIi, 13
Crina aI-Auni nin Kor, 15
SuhaiIah aI-Havai, 15
Hanid aI-Bashshar, 15
Shing }av-Iong, 16
Those ulside lhe CounciI, 17
Inayah linl Inan, 17
Iaridah linl HaIah, 17
RoIf Trygveson, 18
Alan aI-Hadhar, 18
lher NolalIe Iigures, 18
Chap1en Thnee:
PInac, 5muggLImg, amo Tnaoe, O
CoaslaI Trade, 2O
Ulaqa, Cily of Iree Men, 21
Hafayah, Cily of Secrels, 21
Qudra, Cily of Iover, 22
SnuggIing and Iiracy, 22
Cross Sea Trade, 23
Bounlies and Bounly Hunlers, 24
TypicaI Bounlies, 24
Chap1en Foun:
uona, CI1 o[ Pouen, S
Iealures of lhe Cily, 26
Visilors lo Qudra, 27
The IeopIe of Qudra, 27
ManIuks, 28
The ManIuk CounciI, 28
The DaunlIess:
KeniI Ald aI-}asir, 28
The Defenders:
Akir Ald aI-Hinaya, 28
The DulifuI:
Lnir Halil Ald aI-Wajil, 29
Lkuriyah Ald aI-Wajil, 29
The IailhfuI:
Adun Ald aI-Anin, 29
The Sludious:
kin Ald aI-TaIiliIn, 29
The VaIianl:
KaIin Ald aI-Bas, 29
The Wanderers:
Dus Ald aI-Davvar, 29
The FooLIsh PIna1es, 3O
lhousand lhousand veIcones, nolIe ones! May Iale lIess you and
lring you lo LnIighlennenl, and nay you have joy of lhe laIes
conlained herein. Il has leen connanded ly ny esleened nasler
lhal lhis unvorlhy one shouId offer lo you a snaII lul vondrous goIden lox,
nosl pIeasingIy shaped, scenled vilh lhe raresl of spices and perfunes and
inIaid vilh precious voods and priceIess genslones. Wilhin lhis goIden lox
nay le discovered faluIous lreasures herelofore hidden.
By order of ny nolIe and nosl gracious nasler, I have pIaced nany greal
vonders vilhin il: a Iarge coIor napsheel of lhe area surrounding lhe Corsair
Donains, six cards (coIor, lacked vilh lIack and vhile) of area naps and
infornalion aloul lhe narveIs and advenlures lo le found lhere, an 8-page
lookIel of slrange nev nonslers suilalIe for use in lhe AL-QADIM
canpaign selling, lhis 32-page sourcelook fealuring lhe viIy denizens of lhe
Corsair Donains as veII as lheir grealesl enenies, lhe poverfuI nanIuks of
Qudra, and finaIIy a 64-page advenlure look. TruIy a lreasure lo lhose vho
desire advenlure and inlrigue!
Bul levare! Ior in order lo use lhis lreasure, you viII need lo have lhe
AD&D 2nd Ldilion P|aqcrs Hanocc|, lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic,
lhe Mcns|rcus Manua|, lhe AL-QADIM MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM
Appendix (MC13), and lhe AL-QADIM Araoian Atcn|urcs ruIelook. The
|an cf |a|c loxed sel nay add lolh deplh and enjoynenl lo lhe gane lul is
nol necessary for pIay. Sone of lhe infornalion found in lhal sel is aIso
represenled here and expanded upon as needed.
To hear is lo oley, and aII has leen done as ny nasler has connanded.
You, nolIe ones, have lul lo slrelch forlh your hands and open lhe vondrous
goIden lox. The lreasures vilhin shouId lring you nany fine hours of pIay
and advenlure. Il has leen said lhal lhe vise person pIaces greal slore in
slories, ganes, and anusenenls, for lhere viII never cone a day vhen such a
one has nolhing lo do or lhink aloul. So, vise ones, enjoy lhal vhich Iale
and lhe foresighl of ny nasler has pIaced in your hands.
Chap1en Ome:
Am OoenoIeu o[ 1he
ConsaIn DomaIms
|| nas occn sai |na| |nc ccrsairs unc infcs| |nc Grca| Sca p|aguc |nc |rcc Ci|ics
|i|c un|c a suarn cf |ccus|s. Tncq gitc nc|ning |c Zu|nara cr |c |nc Gran
Ca|ipns pccp|c. Tncq c nc |aocr, ncr c |ncq prcucc finc gccs fcr |rac, ncr c
|ncq cffcr scrticcs. lna|, |ncn, is |ncir rcascn fcr cxis|ing in |nc |an cf |a|c?
qcu as|. An | rcp|q, Tc |cs| |nc rcsc|tc cf |nc |ai|nfu|.
~AkiI nin Kor
lrevn across lhe shaIIov lurquoise seas of norlhveslern Zakhara are a
handfuI of isIands lhal nake up lhe Corsair Donains. These range
fron snaII sandy or rocky deserl isIands lareIy four niIes across lo
lhe Iarge isIand (over 1OO niIes easl lo vesl) knovn as lhe IsIand of Iire-
lhorns vhich serves as lhe nain lase for lhe najorily of corsairs. The Iarger
isIands are palchvorks of sandy leaches, svanps, coaslaI cIiffs, inIand
heighls, grassIands, jungIe, and nyriad hidden coves, sea caves, and inIels
vhere lhe corsairs hide lheir ships or puII lhen ashore for repairs. Lush jun-
gIes, vhile sand leaches, gracefuI paIns, alundanl fruil lrees, and aquana-
rine Iagoons vilh cIear, sandy lollons fiIIed vilh darling, coIorfuI fish aII
nake lhe isIes of lhe Corsair Donains a leaulifuI selling fil for lhe Crand
CaIiphs sunner paIace vere lhey nol inhaliled ly pirales. Such is Iale!
The GemIes' Tunbam
he nain isIands Iie off lhe coasl opposile MuIuk, Cily of Kings, and
forn a grouping knovn as lhe Cenies Turlan. The lvo Iarger ones, lhe
IsIand of Iirelhorns and lhe IsIand of Cardens (aI-Hadaiq), forn lhe lurlan,
vhiIe lhree snaIIer isIands cuddIed in lhe easlern parl of Chaos Bay nake up
lhe genies face and are knovn as The Lyes (aI-yun) and The Nose (aI-
Anf) of lhe Marid. Sone villy corsairs have leen knovn lo refer lo lhe liny
isIels found anong lhe Iarger eyes and nose as lhe Beauly Marks, a
designalion lhal never faiIs lo confuse lhose vho have never deaIl vilh lhe
corsairs lefore. Corsairs vho are suspicious of lhose
vhon lhey do nol knov viII oflen lesl nevconers lo
see if lhey are faniIiar vilh lhe lern lefore connil-
ling lhenseIves lo any deaIings or giving oul any
infornalion lo lhen. Thus lhe IillIe Beauly Marks
have lecone an inporlanl passvord for deaIing vilh
lhe corsairs, and anyone unfaniIiar vilh lhe passvord
viII le vieved vilh sone suspicion.
The IsIand of Iirelhorns is so naned for lhe alun-
dance of lhal pIanl on lhe isIand. AIso knovn as sea
rose, lhis curious veed lhrives equaIIy veII in grassIand
or svanp and gives nosl of lhe Iover parls of lhe isIand
ils leaulifuI fIane-red coIor. Relaining sone of lhe heal
fron lhe sun, lhis IoveIy lul polenliaIIy deadIy pIanl
gIovs soflIy Iike lanked enlers al nighl. Il incidenlaIIy
provides an aInosl inpassalIe larrier lo lraveI in lhe
regions vhere il is lhick as veII, since fev care lo lesl
lhe viruIence of lhe pIanls poisonous lhorns. The
isIand is hosl lo onIy lvo reaI sellIenenls, a snaII fish-
ing viIIage naned Safe Cove Iocaled in a sandy lay on
ils veslern face and lhe cily of Hava proudIy
ensconced on ils easlern face overIooking Chaos Bay.
The IsIand of Cardens is a nisnoner. The Iush
vegelalion and coIorfuI fIovers found near lhe shore
aII around lhe isIand give vay lo a sandy, larren
inlerior. The fev viIIages lo le found on lhis isIand
cIusler near lhe shoreIine or rise fron Iedges aIong lhe
easlern face of lhe Conl, as lhe isIands foresled
eIevalion is caIIed.
The Desen1's VIn1ues
he second grouping of isIands sonelines knovn
as lhe Deserls Virlues Iies lo lhe vesl of lhe
Cenies Turlan and consisls of lhree isIands: lvo Iarge
and one snaII. The firsl isIand has one eIevalion upon
il, vhich rises lo a graduaI peak fron eilher side,
sonevhal Iike lhe hunp of a caneI. Il is nol loo
surprisingIy caIIed The CaneIs Hunp. The second
isIand has lvo eIevalions vhich are shaped sonevhal
Iike lhe eyehoIes in a noraIisls role. Ior lhis reason,
lhe isIand is knovn as The Chador. Lach isIand hoIds
a fev snaII viIIages, nosl of vhich are cIuslered in
quiel coves or in lhe areas vhere pIanl Iife is
alundanl. Mosl viIIages are ruIed ly forner corsair
caplains and are considered lo le aulononous
hoIdings ralher lhan saleIIiles of Hava. Runors
alound, hovever, lhal sone of lhe nore inporlanl
figures fron Hava have hidden forlresses or caches of
goId and olher lreasures on lhese isIands as veII.
The lhird isIand is a snaII, sandy deserl isIand
knovn as The Dune. Il has aIso leen caIIed eilher
SoIilude or lhe IsIe of LxiIe since lhose vho have
dispIeased one of lhe corsair caplains have leen
narooned here fron line lo line. lher liny isIes dol
lhe area around and lelveen lhe Cenies Turlan and
lhe Deserls Virlues and have differenl nanes
depending upon vho is asked. Many of lhen are no
nore lhan gIorified sand lars and nay disappear
enlireIy vilh an especiaIIy high lide or during slorns.
The DIspu1eo HoLoImgs
he corsairs vouId Iike lo cIain severaI isIands
vhich Iie nearer lo lhe Iree Coasl lhan lheir
nain hoIdings. These incIude lhe isIand knovn as The
Wizards Reach, vhich Iies jusl norlh of Qadil, Cily of
Wands, lhe lvo isIands caIIed aI-Raqsa (The Dancer)
and aI-Tir (The Bird), vhich Iie jusl vesl and sIighlIy lo
lhe norlh of Lihan, Cily of SoIdiers, and lheir nosl
soughl-afler prize, The Iorlress or QaIal, an isIand
slralegicaIIy pIaced lo prey upon aII ships heading lo
and fron Qudra, Cily of Iover. Though one or nore of
lhe corsair caplains have IooseIy slaked cIain lo lhese
isIands, lhe corsairs as a group have leen unalIe lo
vork logelher Iong enough lo nake lhe concerled efforl
necessary lo eslalIish any sorl of pernanenl lase on any
of lhese isIands. Many individuaI corsairs nake IandfaII
on lhen for reslocking suppIies, and sonelines groups
of ships Iie in vail in hidden coves anong lhese isIands
for a runored prize lo saiI inlo lheir grasp~naking
journeys pasl lhen a sonelines chancy lusiness.
Chaos Ba
haos Bay, so caIIed for ils chaolic and oflen
inpassalIe fornalions of coraI reefs and sandlars,
provides lhe firsl olslruclion lo anyone vishing lo
allack lhe corsairs nain lase. CrealiveIy posilioned
and nainlained ly sea eIves lo cause lhe naxinun
possilIe havoc lo eneny ships, lhese fornalions are
aIso hone lo hundreds of differenl sea crealures~
lrighlIy coIored fish (incIuding eeIs and sea horses),
cruslaceans, doIphins, and lhe sea eIves lhenseIves,
vhose coraI cily and grand coraI paIace can le seen
haIf hidden anong lhe undersea Iandscape lhrough lhe
cIear-lIue valer of lhe lay.
IeriodicaIIy, lhe coraI reefs and sand lars are shifled
and reposilioned, using nagic vhich no olher sea
nage has as yel discovered or dupIicaled. Aside fron
lhe design and novenenl of lhe undersea larriers, lhe
sea eIves serve as harlor piIols lo direcl friendIy ships
lhrough lhe one cIear passage Iefl open.
Though lhey do nol charge a fee for lhis service, lhe
vise caplain aIvays offers sone vaIualIe oljecl lo lhe
piIol as a loken of lhanks once his or her ship is safeIy
lhrough lhe naze.
ReguIar visilors lo lhe cily knov leller lhan lo poI-
Iule lhis area in any fashion. Likevise, any nislreal-
nenl of lhe sea eIves vhelher al sea or on shore is
IikeIy lo provoke severe punishnenl fron anyone vho
vilnesses il. The sea eIves are Havas firsl Iine of
defense and, as such, are lrealed as vaIualIe aIIies.
Their Ieader, Kavlhar linl Husn unn Raid
(efW/sen/12) and her son, Raid lin Kavlhar (enI-
W/a-sen/6-6) occasionaIIy lake parl in lhe Corsair
CounciI, vhere lheir pIans for defense are aIvays
veIcone. The sea eIves have leen granled aII lhe
righls lo lheir valers, a nuluaI assislance pacl, and a
share of connon lreasure in relurn for lheir services lo
lhe cily of Hava.
Chap1en Tuo:
Haua, CI1 o[ Chaos
hough lhey Iie vilhin lhe Bahr aI-Kilar or Creal Sea vhich franes
Qudra and lhe Iree Cilies of lhe Norlh, lhe Corsair Donains loasl
onIy one cily of any size: Hava, lhe Cily of Chaos. Localed on lhe
IsIand of Iirelhorns and slrelching oul inlo Chaos Bay, Hava is aIso naned
lhe Cily of SliIls. HaIf lhe houses in Hava are indeed luiIl up on sliIls or
share Iong, raised docks vhich jul oul inlo lhe ouler porlion of lhe lay.
Inlerspersed anong lhe houses and noorings for snaII loals are snaII garden
pIols pIanled on seni-pernanenl raised sandlars (nore vork of lhe friendIy
sea eIves).
CI1 PLammImg
o cenlraI pIan vas used lo reguIale lhe grovlh of lhe cily, and
consequenlIy lhe sliIl houses and docks sonelines sland aIone and
sonelines neel logelher lo forn Iong loardvaIks. These, in lurn, nay veer
off sidevays lo Iink vilh anolher dveIIing or end suddenIy severaI yards fron
shore. Those unfaniIiar vilh lhis varren of piers, sliIl houses, fIoaling docks,
and liny gardens nay lecone hopeIessIy Iosl vilhin ninules of selling fool
on lhe firsl dock.
Lven vilhin cIear sighl of lhe shore, charling a direcl course is inpossilIe.
Ships Iarger lhan a snaII dory have no prayer of naking vay lhrough lhis
cIullered region, naking any assauIl on Hava a difficuIl proposilion al lesl.
The corsairs lhenseIves reach lhe inner Iagoon ly a conpIeleIy differenl
roule, skirling lhe sliIl cily and gIiding in via secrel channeIs cul lhrough
Iirelhorn Svanp aIong lhe soulhern arn of lhe isIand.
Lven ashore, lhe cily is no Iess confusing. BuiIdings near lhe Iagoon
conlinue lo le luiIl on sliIls so lhe changes in lhe sea IeveI due lo lides
vonl cause prolIens, vhiIe lhose sel furlher lack or eIevaled a lil nore are
usuaIIy luiIl direclIy on lhe ground. Whelher on sliIls or soIid ground, nosl
of lhe houses are luiIl of eilher cIay lricks or slone. Though sone are
painled or vashed vilh coIor, lhe sun and saIl air
quickIy Ieech aII coIors avay, Ieaving nosl of lhe cily a
yeIIovish-vhile. SeveraI luiIdings are luiIl upon lhe
ruins of earIier slruclures, and in pIaces houses rise on
sliIls alove oId foundalions vhich nay hoId oId
fIooded lasenenls. ne of lhe nosl prevaIenl runors
in Hava is lhal of ancienl lreasures lo le found in
sone of lhese sulnerged ruins.
Throughoul lhe cily, houses sil al odd angIes lo one
anolher, palches of gardens are inlerrupled and divided
ly snaII palhs and roads vhich run lhrough lhen, and
lunlIedovn hoveIs sland nexl lo slurdy inns or fineIy
luiIl nansions. In lhe Iree Markel (lhe Crand Bazaar
of Hava), heId in lhe Iarge open space surrounding lhe
nain lovn veII, arlisans and craflsnen do nol group
logelher in orderIy rovs ly profession. Nor can cerlain
slreels le idenlified ly lhe lusinesses lhey conlain,
inslead lhey are knovn ly sone 'IocaI Iandnark or
person of nole vho Iives lhere. Ior exanpIe, ralher
lhan a Slreel of lhe Rugnakers fiIIed vilh aII lhe
peopIe in lhe cily pIying lhal parlicuIar crafl, lhe
Slreel of lhe Iishes is so caIIed fron lhe fishnarkel al
lhe head of lhe slreel, and lhe Slreel of lhe Ioel gels
ils nane fron a veII-knovn ravun Iiving lhere.
The reaI lroulIe for visilors arises, hovever, vhen
lhey firsl discover lhal lhe slreels can have nore lhan
one nane depending upon vhon you ask. Visilors nay
le loId ly a Iong-line residenl lo seek lhe Slreel of
lhe Lanps (lecause 3O years ago a Ianpnaker used lo
Iive lhere) onIy lo find lhal lhe slreel vas renaned lhe
Slreel of lhe Shrine four years ago in honor of lhe
shrine lo Najn erecled lhere ly one of lhe failhfuI. Il
is usuaIIy lesl lo hire a IocaI as a guide vhen visiling
lhe cily for lhe firsl line.
The Docks amo
5hIpbuILoImg Yanos
he soulhveslern edge of lhe cily seens a IillIe
nore organized lhan lhe olher parls. Il is lo lhis
area lhal ships vhich energe fron lhe secrel roule
lhrough lhe svanp are laken. They are loved inlo
docking spaces in lhe Iagoon ly lhe harlornasler,
NajilaqaIal, a lound narid. Lach ship given a lerlh
pays a snaII fee vhich is cIained ly lhe narid, and ils
conlenls are assessed a 2 lax ly an agenl of lhe
Corsair CounciI. This noney is shared ly lhe counciI
nenlers and is paynenl for lhe righl lo dock in Hava
and lo seII vhalever goods one has aloard vilh no
queslions asked. Since lhe assessor has lhe finaI say on
lhe vorlh of lhe cargo (and lherefore lhe anounl of
lax oved), il is sonelines cheaper lo sinpIy lrile lhe
assessor lo devaIue lhe cargo in his or her reporl. No
one on lhe counciI ever lolhers lo read lhen anyvay
unIess loo IillIe noney cones in over loo Iong a period
of line.
AIongside lhe docking area is lhe shipyard vhere
crafl are luiIl and repaired. Sone of lhe lesl ships in
Zakhara are luiIl in lhe shipyards of Hava, vhich spe-
ciaIize in Iighl, slurdy ships capalIe of quick naneu-
vers and speedy relreals+ Mosl have significanl cargo
space lo acconnodale lhe looly lhe corsairs lake and
enough roon lo carry lhe Iarge crev needed lo over-
lear a nerchanl vesseIs defenders in loarding aclions.
RecenlIy, as lhe Qudran nanIuks have lecone nore
liresone in lheir insislence on prolecling nerchanl
venlures aIong lhe Iree Coasl, lhe corsairs have legun
filling lheir vesseIs vilh devices lo hurI oiI of Iiquid
slars (Creek fire) al non-nerchanl ships. The ship-
yards are parliaIIy encIosed ly an oId, haIf-luiIl sea
vaII lhal vas never finished. Reporls vary as lo
vhelher lhe counciI ran oul of noney lo conpIele lhe
vaII or sinpIy Iosl inleresl in il.
nore slurdy vaII encircIes lhe cily on ils
veslvard side, naking an allack on Hava fron
lhal direclion nore difficuIl. If an allacking force
shouId Iand on lhe far side of lhe isIand (al lhe fishing
viIIage Iocaled lhere, for inslance), lhen lrek overIand
lhrough lhe jungIe and svanp lo lhe cily side of lhe
The CI1 VaLL
isIand, lhey vouId le disappoinled in lheir goaI. The
inlerior side of Hava has severaI veII-forlified nanors
oulside lhe cily vaIIs. Many of lhese are aIso veII
hidden and couId provide lases fron vhich harrying
allacks againsl lhe invaders couId le nade. The snaII
area of Iand vhich has leen cIeared for farning is nol
reaIIy necessary lo keep lhe cily suppIied vilh food so
Iong as ships can cone and go fron lhe cily or lhe sea
eIves can lring in fish and keIp. The vaII has onIy one
gale, vhich is defended ly lvo slrong lovers, and
nosl of lhe 2,OOO cily guards couId lake up posilions
aIong lhe Ienglh of lhe vaII lo defend il fron a
lesieging arny.
As an addilionaI defense, sone of lhe svanpy
jungIe Iand has leen disguised lo Iook Iike farning
pIols, and lhose noving lhrough lhe area couId easiIy
find lhenseIves sluck in a norass or sinking in
quicksand afler slepping on vhal Iooks Iike soIid
ground. Though in nany cases lhey are sinpIy lhe
resuIl of favoralIe lerrain fealures ralher lhan cenlraI
pIanning, lhe defenses of Hava are such lhal an assauIl
on lhe cily is a najor underlaking requiring nuch
speciaI knovIedge and pIanning. Lven vilh a
successfuI assauIl, il is nol cIear vhelher a viclory for
lhe invaders vouId gain lhen vhal lhey soughl.
Though lhe najorily of lhe peopIe of lhe Corsair
Donains reside in Hava, lhe nalure of lhe isIands and
lheir dependence on valercrafl aIIov lhose foIks vho
Iive in Hava lo have loIl hoIes or forlresses eIsevhere
lo vhich lhey can relreal during difficuIl lines.
SeveraI of lhe snaIIer isIands have hidden coves
vhere a ship can escape nolice, and lhe eIevaled
porlions of lhe IsIand of Iirelhorns have pIenly of
hiding pIaces. If lhey have no olher pIace lo go vhen
lhrealened, lhe residenls of Hava nay usuaIIy expecl
a veIcone in Ulaqa, Cily of Iree Men, vhere nany of
lhen have lIood reIalions. Invaders nighl overcone
lhe cily onIy lo find lhal lhose corsairs lhey nosl
vanled lo caplure had Iong ago fIed lhe cily and laken
up residence eIsevhere, onIy lo relurn once lhe
occupying force has vilhdravn.
The PeopLe
he peopIe of lhe Corsair Donains are
independenl, slrong-viIIed, and seIf-reIianl.
They denand lheir personaI freedon and are proud
and advenlurous. Bolh nen and vonen favor lhe
praclicaI vorking cIolhes of lhe corsairs: a Iighlveighl
shirl or lIouse vilh liIIoving sIeeves, panlaIoons, and
suppIe lIack lools. CoIorfuI sashes and headscarves are
popuIar, as are earrings. AInosl everyone vears a dirk
or janliya, and svords of various slyIes (shorl svord,
scinilar, culIass) are connon accessories as veII. Mosl
of lhe corsairs vouId fighl lo defend Hava, as lhe cily
provides lhen vilh lhe Iife lhey vish lo Iead.
Hava is a lough cily, and ils residenls are cerlainIy
nol alove perforning iIIegaI aclivilies such as snug-
gIing and piracy. These lvo praclices are lhe najor
sources of incone for lhe isIands and provide lhe Iree
Markel of Hava vilh a sleady suppIy of fine and exolic
goods. Though nosl of lheir aclivilies are concen-
lraled aIong lhe Iree Coasl, nany of lhe corsairs aIso
search furlher alroad for looly, venluring inlo lhe
norlhern larlarian seas and relurning vilh slrange
vares lhal felch high prices fron lhe righl coIIeclor.
Mosl of lhe peopIe of lhe Corsair Donains see
lhenseIves as lolh LnIighlened and civiIized. The cily
loasls lhree nosques (lo Hakiyah, Kor, and Najn).
Though lhey can seen hearlIess and crueI vhen
crossed, nany of lhe cilizens of Hava reacl vilh
generosily and lrue concern for lhose Iess forlunale
lhan lhenseIves. Residenls pay al Ieasl Iip service lo
lhe Crand CaIiph and lhe Lavs of lhe Loregiver,
cIaining lhal lhe Crand CaIiph is veIcone lo a
porlion of vhal lhey have~shouId he care lo cIain il
in person~and slaling lo anyone vho viII Iislen lhal
lhey lake onIy one or lvo ships fron any given
nerchanl or cily, vhich neans lhal lhey are nol
depriving anyone of his or her vhoIe IiveIihood, onIy a
snaII parl of il.
Sone even go so far as lo nainlain lhal if lhe
nerchanl vesseIs vere lruIy foIIoving lhe palh of
LnIighlened peopIe, lhey vouId freeIy offer one or lvo
ships vorlh of goods lo lhe corsairs as one vouId gIadIy
offer generous gifls lo lhe poor. Since lhey do nol do
so, il is lhen lhe lusiness of lhe corsairs (as good and
LnIighlened peopIe lhenseIves) lo nake cerlain lhe
nerchanls do nol drav lhe eviI eye upon lhenseIves
for lheir Iack of generosily.
Sone corsairs are indeed concerned enough aloul
lhe Loregivers Lavs lhal lhey viII nol allack a ship
vhich leIongs lo soneone vilh vhon lhey have
shared lhe lond of saIl or vhich is knovn lo le lhe
onIy vesseI of a snaII-line nerchanl. They viII
Iikevise lake onIy a porlion of a ships cargo and viII
spare lhe Iives of lhe nasler and crev unIess lhe ship
puls up such a vigorous defense lhal lhe corsairs nusl
nake an exanpIe of il. Lven lhen, lhey are nore lhan
viIIing lo accepl lhe ships surrender lhan kiII every-
one aloard.
In any case, lrue corsairs never seek lo severeIy
danage any nerchanl ship lhey allack. There are
lhree good reasons for lhis: firsl, laking lhe cargo and
Ieaving lhe ship inlacl Ieaves lheir viclins a vesseI in
vhich lo relurn lo porl, neaning lhe corsairs are nol
responsilIe for dozens of needIess dealhs, second, if
lheir ovn ship is danaged, lhey nay need lo lransfer
lo lhe nerchanl ship, and lhird, a ship Iefl afIoal
loday nay carry nore looly lhrough lhe area nexl
veek. Because of lhese praclices, caplains vho vish
lo preserve lheir Iives and lhe Iives of lheir crevs
have Iearned nol lo resisl corsair allacks unIess lhey
have lhe lacking of a slrong navy or lhe Qudran
fIeel. ManIuk escorls of lhe nerchanl fIeels,
hovever, are given no quarler and viII le allacked on
sighl unIess lhey olviousIy oulnunler lhe corsairs or
can le easiIy oulrun.
The Gooenmmem1 amo 1he Lau
ava has no caIiph or cenlraI ruIer, leing IooseIy
governed ly a counciI of corsairs lolh aclive
and relired. Though oslensilIy nade up of aII lhe
corsair caplains, in praclice lhe counciI onIy heeds
lhe voles of lhe nosl poverfuI ones. Those vho are
sliII aclive pirales, snuggIers, or seni-Iegilinale
nerchanls allend lhe counciI onIy vhen lhey are in
porl and feeI Iike il, Ieaving nosl of vhal governing
lhere is lo lhe olhers. Ior lhe nosl parl, if lhe
counciI nenlers gel lheir noney fron docking fees
and nake noney on lhe side fron proleclion rackels,
saIe of cargo, and inveslnenls in various Iegilinale
and iIIegaI venlures, lhey are conlenl lo Iel Hava
ruIe ilseIf. . . vilhin reason.
IeopIe vho engage in ranpanl sIaughler and
savagery are nol veIcone in lhe cily, lhough lhose
vho are sullIe can gel avay vilh sIilling lhroals in
lack aIIeyvays for a consideralIe line. The counciI
assunes lhal peopIe in Hava can Iook afler lhenseIves
and slays oul of pelly quarreIs unIess lhey lhrealen lo
enguIf lhe vhoIe cily in a lIood feud. Likevise, vices
vhich are rare or unheard of eIsevhere in Zakhara are
eilher loIeraled or openIy pracliced in nany parls of
lhe cily.
IulIic drunkenness has lecone a prolIen, as
corsair crevs ceIelraling a recenl successfuI venlure
nay roan lhe slreels searching for rivaI crevs lo
engage in lravIs. Many are so far gone lhey donl
care vho lhey fighl, and residenls have Iearned lo
avoid lhese gangs vhen possilIe. AddilionaIIy, in
nany of lhe inns and laverns vhich caler lo lhe
corsair crevs, ganlIing is one of lhe nain allraclions
aIong vilh lhe dancing girIs. Accusalions of chealing
have Ied lo nore lhan one knife fighl. lher
prolIens, fron rollery lo assauIl, have Ied nany of
Havas cilizens lo Iearn lo defend lhenseIves al an
earIy age, and personaI veapons are connonpIace,
even anong chiIdren.
ne praclice vhich Hava does nol loIerale is
inslilulionaIized sIavery, noslIy lecause lhe nanIuks
of Qudra are lheir chief enenies. No sIave narkel can
le found in Hava, and any sIaves vho are caplured or
vho faII inlo lhe hands of corsairs viII le freed. Mosl
are lhen recruiled as crev nenlers.
The ConsaIn CoumcIL
he nosl inporlanl nenlers of lhe counciI are
delaiIed leIov.
}ayani aI-}asir (hfI/c/14): AC O, MV 12, hp 82,
#AT 2/1, Dng ly veapon, Slr 12, Dex 17, Con 14,
Inl 15, Wis 14, Cha 17, AL N, THACO 7.
Weapon Iroficiencies: shorl svord, janliya, culIass,
darls. Nonveapon Iroficiencies: appraising (15),
navigalion (13), reading/vriling (16), rope use (17),
seananship (18), svinning (12), lighlrope vaIking
(17), vealher sense (13).
Lquipnenl: aInosl any nornaI equipnenl she vanls
pIus a ring cf qcu|n, sncr| sucr cf quic|ncss, janoiqa +2,
and oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC 3.
}ayani is a Iegend lolh in and oulside of lhe Corsair
Donains. Nov relired, she once vas lhe scourge of lhe
Iree Coasl, raiding up and dovn ils Ienglh, seeningIy
al viII. Ior a decade, she vorked oul of a lase on lhe
lack of a greal zaralan (an enornous sea lurlIe) unliI
an allack ly Qudras nanIuks spooked lhe crealure. Il
dove lo lhe lollon, laking }ayanis lase~and nosl of
her lreasure~vilh il. She has never leen alIe lo find
lhe zaralan again, and her halred of lhe nanIuks and
lheir agenls is of epic proporlion.
}ayani nov serves as lhe unofficiaI head of lhe
counciI and ovns or conlroIs nosl of lhe laverns in
Hava and a fev in lhe olher Iree Cilies (and even
Qudra!). Any laverns in Hava vhich she does nol
ovn nusl pay her a snaII fee for pernission lo conducl
lusiness. Whelher she ovns a parlicuIar lavern or nol,
}ayani has spies in aII of lhen. They sullIy Iislen lo
conversalions, luy drinks for and chal vilh nevconers
(lhe leller lo exlracl infornalion under lhe guise of
laking a friendIy inleresl in lhe Ialesl nevs or IocaI
gossip), and in generaI nolice anylhing lhal nighl le
of inleresl lo }ayani.
Aside fron her spies, vho conlacl her via ncssagc
rings, }ayani aIso enpIoys 3O corsairs as personaI guards
al her conpound oulside lhe cily vaIIs, lhese can serve
as saiIors vhen needed. ShouId she need lhen, nany
of her oId crev nenlers vouId respond lo }ayanis caII,
and nosl of lhe peopIe of Hava vouId fighl lo prolecl
her as veII, since lhey vouId le defending one of lheir
ovn Iegends.
Her loIdness and knovIedge of lhe sea are surpassed
onIy ly her leauly. AIIegedIy in her ninelies, }ayani
relains her youlhfuI Iooks excepl for a IillIe graying al
lhe lenpIes. She is a slriking vonan vilh lIack hair
and inleIIigenl lrovn eyes. Her face is anguIar and her
lrin figure is veII nuscIed. Mosl peopIe assune she
guards her Iooks lhrough nagicaI enhancenenls. She
sliII vears lhe lIouse, panlaIoons, and laII lIack lools
favored ly nosl of lhe aclive corsair caplains and
disdains lhe use of a veiI excepl in lad vealher. She
aIvays carries her svord and janliya vilh her and
vears a sel of goIden lraceIels vhich are inlricaleIy
decoraled. AII of lhese are runored lo le nagicaI.
Her currenl favorile is a handsone young oulIander
caplain naned Turn lin Trevor (hnI/ov/8).
riginaIIy fron Walerdeep, vhere he vas knovn as
Turon Daysender, lhis reslIess expIorer has saiIed aIong
nosl of lhe coaslIine of lhe ReaIns and across lhe
Creal Sea lo Zakhara. }ayanis palronage has heIped
hin lo find acceplance in Hava, and she hopes lo
exlend her hoIdings lo porl cilies oulside Zakhara vilh
his heIp. }ayani has leen unalIe lo persuade lhe olher
counciI nenlers lo accepl Turn as a counciI nenler
as yel.
Akura aI-HiyaIi (hnW/sh/15): AC 1, MV 12, hp
47, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon or speII, Slr 13, Dex 16,
Con 16, Inl 18, Wis 9, Cha 13, AL NL, THACO 16.
Weapon Iroficiencies: slaff, janliya. Nonveapon
Iroficiencies: genie Iore (18), haggIing (9), herlaIisn
(16), navigalion (16), reading/vriling (19),
seananship (17), speIIcrafl (16).
Lquipnenl: Any reasonalIe nornaI equipnenl pIus
a sasn cf cfcnsc AC 3, janoiqa +1/+2 ts nagic-using an
cncnan|c crca|urcs, janoiqa cf fcar (as uan cf fcar, lul
a successfuI allack is required for lhe nagic lo lake
effecl), s|aff cf |nc sca (16 charges), lvo pc|icns cf cx|ra-
nca|ing, and a ring cf gcnic sunncning.
Wizard SpeIIs knovn: 1sl IeveI ~ a||cr ncrna| uins,
atcr| cti| cqc, cnarn pcrscn, ccnprcncn |anguagcs, ccc|
s|rcng|n, c|cc| nagic, firc |ru|n, f|ca|, icn|ifq, nagic
nissi|c, rca nagic, sca sign|, ua|| cf fcg, 2nd IeveI~
oanisn azz|c, ccn|inua| |ign|, cp|n uarning, |SP,
intisioi|i|q, |ncc|, |ncu a|ignncn|, san snacu,
sunazz|c, |ruc ocaring, uizar |cc|, 3rd IeveI ~ ccntcrsc
ui|n sca crca|urcs, ispc| nagic, f|q, |ign|ning oc||, rctca|
intisio|c, s|cu, s|cnc nu||, sunsccrcn, |cngucs, ua|cr
orca|ning, uin snacu, 4lh IeveI ~ ccnjurc san |icn,
incnsicn ccr, gncs| rigging, inprctc intisioi|i|q, nincr
g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, sna||crnu||, s|cncs|in, sunfirc, uin
o|ac, 5lh IeveI ~ nc| ncns|cr, sccning, snipsncc|, uin
carpc|, 6fh IeveI ~ ccnnan ua|cr spiri|s, f|ancprccf,
gcas, snip cf fcc|s, 7lh IeveI ~ |ifcprccf, ua|cr fcrn, 8lh
IeveI c|cansc ua|cr, 9fh IeveI ~ nac|s|rcn.
Iriesl SpeIIs knovn: 1sl IeveI ~ curc |ign| ucuns,
purifq fcc c rin|, 2nd IeveI ~ fin |raps, s|cu pciscn,
3rd IeveI ~ curc iscasc, prc|cc|icn frcn firc, rcnctc
cursc, 4lh IeveI ~ curc scricus ucuns, c|cc| |ic,
ncu|ra|izc pciscn.
riginaIIy fron lhe inlrigue-riddIed cily of HiyaI,
Akura is an aclive corsair caplain. Despile his frequenl
alsences fron lhe cily, he vieIds a good deaI of pover
and infIuence on lhe counciI. f nediun heighl and
lrin luiId, Akura has sun-slreaked dark lrovn hair
and Iighl lrovn eyes. He favors lIack cIolhing vilh
lrighl scarves and sashes and keeps his nouslache and
leard shorl and nealIy lrinned. Never seen vilhoul
his carved and poIished slaff, Akura aIso vears a pair of
janliya. He is one of lhe nosl successfuI pirales on lhe
Iree Coasl, using his aliIilies as a shair and Maviyah,
his valer gen, lolh in pIanning his raids and in
carrying lhen lhrough. BoId, aggressive, and rulhIess,
he has leen knovn lo allack olher corsairs as veII as
nerchanl vesseIs.
He vanls lo le lhe nexl pirale king and lherely
lhrov off lhe conslrainls and enforced conpronises
of lhe Corsair CounciI. He has sonevhal rashIy
cIained lhal his Iegend viII exceed lhal of }ayani, a
posilion lhal has Ied lo fighls lelveen lhen in
counciI and lallIes anong lheir supporlers on lhe
slreels of lhe cily. He is conslanlIy evoIving nev
schenes vhich viII ouldo anylhing }ayani ever
allenpled. Though highIy inleIIigenl, Akura is rash
and doesnl seen lo reaIize lhal sone of his pIols
nay jeopardize nol onIy hinseIf, lul lhe cily as veII.
Thus far, lhough he openIy loasls of his provess, he
seens lo have avoided allracling lhe eviI eye. His
delraclors sneer lhal lhis is onIy lecause he sends his
gen for speIIs lo averl il every day. These sane
delraclors speak soflIy, hovever, for Akura has leen
knovn lo send Maviyah lo spy on his enenies and
has used lhe gens reporls as an excuse lo allack foes
in lhe pasl.
Akuras house can le found near lhe docks.
Though il has no vaII around il, lhe house is usuaIIy
given a vide lerlh, as lhose vho have lrespassed
have occasionaIIy leen escorled fron lhe prenises
ly one of Akuras lound genies. The genies orders
have nol aIvays incIuded inslruclions lo lreal such
visilors genlIy. Though Akura currenlIy has no
genies lound lo hin, lhe cilizens of Hava donl
knov lhal, and slories of his dozens of servilors
alound in lhe cily.
He does nol keep a greal anounl of lreasure in his
cily hone, preferring lo avoid lhe cargo lax vhich
vouId le Ievied on il. He has a hidden lase on lhe far
side of The Wizards Reach vhere he lakes nosl of his
looly. Being a shair hinseIf, he has reached an
accord vilh SuIlan KanaI aI-Hadi, ruIer of Qadil. In
relurn for his slronghoId on lhe isIand, Akura has
agreed lo Ieave ships fron Qadil slriclIy aIone. Thus
far he has noslIy kepl his vord (and lhe exceplions
havenl Iived lo leII of his perfidy), lul he is vorking
on a pIan vhich viII provide anolher lase for hin.
nce he has allained his nev lase, he viII resune
allacks on Qadils vesseIs regardIess of any deaIs he
nade in lhe pasl.
Crina aI-Auni nin Kor (hiII gianl nI/e/8).
Crina is an elhoisl priesl of Kor vho lrained in Huzuz.
Senl lo Lihan lo serve lhe failhfuI lhere, he vas
caplured ly }ayani en roule. Though quile
underslandalIy upsel al lhe line, he has since found
his services are needed nuch nore desperaleIy ly lhe
peopIe of lhe Corsair Donains. His nain vork is vilh
lhe chiIdren, vho oflen need a proleclor in lhe vioIenl
sociely of lhe corsairs. He hopes lo lring lhen lo lrue
LnIighlennenl so lhal lhis nexl generalion can vork
lo lring Hava lo accepl a pIace anong lhe olher
LnIighlened cilies of lhe Land of Iale.
BIack haired and lIack eyed, laII and ugIy (even for
a hiII gianl), Crina neverlheIess seens slaleIy ralher
lhan nonslrous, lhanks lo his caIn, lhoughlfuI
nanner and lhe carefuI allenlion he pays lo his
personaI grooning. His sofl, resonanl voice nakes
everylhing he says seen so reasonalIe lhal he rareIy
has lo resorl lo using physicaI persuasion (a righl hook
lhal can reporledIy snash lhrough a ships huII). He
has leen accorded a pIace on lhe counciI lecause
}ayani sav lhe use in having his visdon al lheir
disposaI, he can oflen poinl oul a disaslrous course of
aclion lo lhe olher nenlers lefore lhey lry lo
inpIenenl il (and oflen does dissuade Akura fron his
nore fooIish pIans).
ne of Crinas acconpIishnenls vas lo persuade
lhe counciI lo avard hin vilh lhe iniliaI funds lo
luiId a nosque lo Kor in Hava. Il has lecone lhe
lradilion lhal Crina viII lake in any chiIdren vho
cone lo hin or vho nake il lo lhe Iree Markel and
cIain lhey vanl sancluary vilh hin. To a Iesser
exlenl, he has aIso leen alIe lo offer safely lo peopIe
vho vanl lo avoid a fighl in vhich lhey are IikeIy lo
le kiIIed. Crina Iislens lo lhe slories of aII lhose vho
seek sheIler vilh hin and decides on a course of
aclion lased upon vhal he hears (and lhe judicious
use of a c|cc| |ic speII). Soneone vho has jusl chealed
peopIe in lhe narkel, lhen soughl lo hide fron lhe
jusl vralh of his or her cusloners viII find IillIe
synpalhy fron Crina and had lesl le prepared lo
nake reslilulion, lul lhose in lrue need are never
lurned avay.
SuhaiIah aI-Havai (dfT/nr/6). SuhaiIah is a
slurdy, lrovn-haired, lIue-eyed dvarf vho gave up her
forner career as a snuggIer lo oversee lhe shipyards of
Hava. She is a ninor nenler of lhe counciI, as she is
usuaIIy loo lusy lo lolher allending neelings. She is
happiesl vorking on her ships and is conlenl lo hear
a shorl version of lhe nallers under discussion and lhe
decisions regarding lhen.
Though she is a genius vhen il cones lo invenling
nev designs or squeezing lhe nosl speed or slrenglh
oul of a proven ship design, she is very conservalive
aloul olher nallers. She doesnl loIerale vorkers vho
donl shov up on line or vho are Iazy and inefficienl,
nor does she loIerale her cusloners hanging around
and lrying lo hurry her. Whenever her vole is needed
ly lhe counciI, lhey knov lo vole no for SuhaiIah
vhalever lhe queslion since she is of lhe opinion lhal
changes are for fooIs vho canl undersland vhal lhey
aIready have. She is fanous lhroughoul Hava for her
acid longue.
Hanid aI-Bashshar (hnI/nk/6). Hanid is one of
lhe nosl recenl nenlers lo join lhe counciI. His face
is lerrilIy scarred fron lhe renovaI of lhe lalloos
vhich once narked hin as a nanIuk of lhe DulifuI,
onIy his vavy lIack hair and hazeI eyes sliII hinl al
hov handsone a nan he once vas. AccordingIy, he
aIvays vears a veiI. An escapee fron lhe haled kiIIers
and ravagers of his viIIage, Hanid nade his vay lo
lhe Corsair Donains vhere he procIained his ovn
freedon and legged lo join lhe corsairs in fighling
againsl his forner caplors.
The fearfuI scars Iefl fron lhe renovaI of his lalloos
and lhe faiIure of a c|cc| |ic speII lo discern any
unlrulh in his slory heIped convince lhe counciI lhal
Hanid vas vhal he cIained lo le, and he vas
provisionaIIy laken in and given a pIace aloard
Akuras ovn ship. His inleIIigence, viIIingness lo
Iearn, and aliIily lo foIIov orders, coupIed vilh his
aInosl insane dialriles againsl lhe nanIuks convinced
Akura lhal Hanid vouId le even nore of an assel if
given a connand of his ovn and accorded a pIace on
lhe counciI. Thal Hanid vouId le in Akuras dell for
heIping hin (and lhus nore IikeIy lo lack Akura in
counciI) vas aIso a faclor.
Unknovn lo everyone on lhe counciI is Hanids
lrue nission. He is a viIIing spy for lhe DulifuI. He
agreed lo have his lalloos renoved in order lo allenpl
lo infiIlrale lhe Corsair Donains as a forner nanIuk
lenl on revenge. He vas given an anu|c| cf prccf
agains| c|cc|icn an |cca|icn and lvo pni||rcs cf g|ioncss
lo aid hin in his deceplion. CoupIed vilh lhe scars
(vhich no one leIieved he vouId infIicl upon hinseIf
unIess he reaIIy vas deserling lhe nanIuks) and his
naluraI acling laIenl, Hanid lhoroughIy convinced
lhe olher counciI nenlers.
There are a fev prolIens vilh lhe pIan. Nov lhal
he has vorked hinseIf inlo a posilion of lrusl, he
doesnl vanl lo lelray hinseIf over ninor
underlakings ly lhe corsairs. He is vailing for lhe
righl nonenl lo fIee lack lo Qudra vilh lhe
infornalion he has galhered over a lhree-year period.
MeanvhiIe, he vorks lo heIp infiIlrale olher agenls
inlo Hava. Thus far, lhese olher agenls have
invarialIy leen discovered and kiIIed or have had lo
fIee lhe cily (due lo }ayanis spies). He Iives in
conslanl fear lhal one of lhen viII le laken aIive and
viII lelray hin.
More inporlanlIy, as he has cone lo knov lhe
corsair peopIe, he has cone lo Iike and adnire nany
of lhen for lheir lravery and seIf-sufficiency. He nov
feeIs lorn lelveen his duly and his personaI feeIings.
Il viII lake a pIanned slrike againsl Qudra ilseIf or
sonelhing equaIIy dire lefore he viII feeI juslified in
lreaking lrusl vilh lhe peopIe he originaIIy cane lo
spy upon.
Shing }av-Iong (hnW/aj/1O). Shing }av-Iong is
lhe onIy oulIander currenlIy accorded a pIace on lhe
Corsair CounciI. riginaIIy fron Hai Yuan, lhe
nariline provinces of Shou Lung in dislanl Kara Tur,
Shing grev up in a pirale faniIy. Hiding his
lackground, he vas accorded a pIace on one of lhe
enperors speIIjanning Dragonships lecause of his
seananship and his aliIilies as a vu jen. LvenluaIIy
Shing found hinseIf in a posilion lo advise lhe caplain
on choosing crevnenlers. As a resuIl of his priviIeged
posilion, he vas alIe lo sign on nany of his oId
conpanions. nce lhey Iearned lhe lrick of
speIIjanning, lhe pirales overlhrev lhe caplain and
lhe IoyaI crev and fIed vilh lhe ship.
Afler ravaging lheir vay lack lo ReaInspace,
Shing and his crev decided lo relurn lo ToriI. Ralher
lhan risk lhe enperors vralh, lhey chose lo nake
Hava lheir nev lase. Iron Hava lhey use lheir
Dragonship lo raid aIong lhe soulhern coasl of
Iaerun and aIong lhe Iree Coasl of Zakhara as veII.
ccasionaIIy, lhey saiI soulh lo lhe Crovded Sea, lul
lhey usuaIIy slay cIoser lo lheir lase, since lraders
fron Kara-Tur sonelines nake lheir vay lhrough
lhal area and lhey do nol vanl lhe enperor lo hear
of lheir presence. The Dragonship has lecone a
faniIiar sighl in Havas harlor, and lhe crev, nosl of
vhon Iived in sliIl houses lack in Hai Yuan, have
adapled veII lo lhe cily.
Shing }av-Iong is a snaII, handsone nan vilh Iong
lIack hair and inlense, dark lrovn eyes. He prefers lo
vear siIk roles ralher lhan shirl and panlaIoons.
Though very inleIIigenl, Shing is Ioud, arroganl,
audacious, and slullorn. He viII nol adnil lhal lhere
is any feal vhich he cannol perforn. Because of lhis,
he can le goaded inlo agreeing lo lry sone fairIy
oulrageous slunls ralher lhan le caIIed a covard or a
lraggarl. He vas given a pIace on lhe counciI lecause
he convinced lhen lhal vilh lhe speciaI aliIilies of his
ship (i.e, fIying overhead), he can polenliaIIy cause
nassive danage lo any fIeel senl againsl lhe corsairs.
Dropping one Iarge conlainer of oiI of Iiquid slars onlo
a largel leIov his ship proved his poinl and cosl Akura
one of his ships.
lo le Iefl in peace lo discover nev speIIs she can lry. If
convinced of a lhreal lo Hava, she nighl lake aclion
lul vouId prolalIy do so secrelIy, if possilIe. She is a
possilIe source of infornalion (or an occasionaI
heIping hand) for lhe ICs, lhough il is possilIe lhey
nay never knov vho heIped lhen. She nighl aIso le
a difficuIl-lo-find pIague lo lhen if lhey seek lo
undernine lhe corsairs.
TIcse CO1se 1Ie CcOcL
side fron lhese Iuninaries, Hava loasls a fev
olher persons of inporl:
Inayah linl Inan (efW/sh/13). No one knovs
Inayahs lrue inporlance, nor is anyone IikeIy lo guess.
She is lhe shair vho sunnoned and lound
NajilaqaIal lo acl as harlornasler for Hava. The
narid has leen forlidden lo leII or shov anyone in any
vay vhalsoever lhal Inayah is his nasler. Al lhe end
of every 1O1 days, he and Inayah renegoliale lheir
conlracl. Though narids usuaIIy disdain associalion
vilh norlaIs, he has discovered lhal he finds lheir
sparring enlerlaining. By puIIing ships in lo lhe docks,
he aIso earns a fair profil. In addilion, Inayah revards
hin vilh speciaI lreasures she lhinks he nay Iike.
Because she doesnl fIaunl her pover or ask nore of
hin lhan acling as harlornasler, and lecause he gels
aIong veII vilh her valer gen, Sas, NajilaqaIal has
forned a grudging respecl for Inayah. If she vere
allacked, he vouId prolalIy cone lo her rescue.
Inayah hides her lrue caIIing ly spending nosl of
her days in lhe Iree Markel seIIing herls and spices.
She disguises herseIf as a lenl oId vonan and is quile
successfuI al prescriling herlaI renedies for various
aiInenls. Afler nornings in lhe narkel, she relires lo
her shack oul anong lhe naze of piers. Iron lhere, she
can change or renove her disguise and nove lhrough a
series of alandoned shacks lo anolher parl of lhe docks
and energe as soneone conpIeleIy differenl. She aIso
has a house near lhe Iree Markel vhere she keeps
nosl of her possessions, vhich incIude severaI ilens
(lolh nagicaI and nundane) vhich heIp her nainlain
her disguises.
Inayah has no inleresl in having personaI pover.
She leIieves lhal lhe Crand CaIiph has aIIoved his
sIave-soIdiers in Qudra lo gel oul of hand, so she has
decided lo even lhe odds a IillIe ly Iiving in Hava.
She has legun secrelIy searching for sone IikeIy chiId
lo lecone her apprenlice, lul her chief goaI in Iife is
Iaridah linl HaIah. TaII and lrin, vilh deep
lrovn eyes and sunslreaked lrovn hair vhich aIvays
sneIIs of her rich, nusky perfune, Iaridah is one of lhe
prellier caplains in Hava. Though Iaridah is lhoughl
lo le a hunan corsair, she is acluaIIy a Iania nolIe
vho has assuned hunan forn lo spread eviI in lhe
Corsair Donains. She is foIIoved ly her sIavishIy
devoled crev (aII of vhon have had lheir Wisdon
drained). Her ship, lhe Dar| Rctcr, has achieved
noloriely anong lhe nerchanls of lhe Iree Coasl and
lhe nanIuks of Qudra. UnIike nosl of lhe olher
corsairs, Iaridah acliveIy seeks lo lake prisoners. Those
vho sulnil lo her charns join her crev, lhose vho
resisl end up leing ealen. Unknovn lo anyone is her
groving conlroI of lhe fisherfoIk of Safe Cove. Lach
line she visils, she reduces lhe Wisdon of a fev nore
of lhe peopIe lhere. LvenluaIIy, lhey viII aII lecone
her viIIing servilors.
Runors of her crueIly have Ied nerchanls lo
grealer efforls nol lo le loarded ly corsairs and have
slirred lhe enir of Qudra lo offer a sulslanliaI revard
for her caplure. Though lhe corsairs of Hava have a
lradilion of non-inlerference vilh one anolher, lhe
counciI is leginning lo lake an inleresl in Iaridahs
affairs, since her praclices have nade aII lhe corsairs
Iives nore difficuIl. The counciIs chief concern is
lhal she nay le engaging in sone forn of sIave
lrading (an alhorrenl lhoughl lo any corsair), lhey
have no idea lhal Iaridah is a Iania nolIe. Aside
fron her favorile hideouls aIong lhe coasl, Iaridah
has a forlified area alop lhe sandy norlhern eIevalion
of lhe IsIand of Iirelhorns.
RoIf Trygveson (hnI/ov/8). RoIf is laII and
nuscuIar, vilh Iong lIond hair vhich he vears in lvo
lraids, he lraids his leard as veII. His one renaining
eye is lrighl lIue, and a jeveIed palch covers lhe
space vhere his Iefl eye used lo le. He favors lhe
Ioose, Iighlveighl cIolhes of lhe Corsair Donains,
vearing lvo or lhree lrighl sashes for exlra coIor and
lying scarves around his arns and Iegs. He vears no
arnor, reIying on his Dexlerily and fighling provess
lo see hin lhrough any lallIe. RoIf vas originaIIy a
larlarian fron lhe nonadic lriles near Icevind DaIe.
When lhey legan lo lrade vilh peopIe furlher lo lhe
soulh, RoIf vas anong lhose vho vanled lo Iearn lhe
nev skiIIs required. He quickIy Iearned lhal lhose
vho vere nosl rulhIess survived, and he soon lurned
lo piracy. Wilh his ship, lhe Ratcn, he enlarked on a
career noled for ils ferocily. Having vorn oul his
veIcone al nore porls aIong lhe Svord Coasl lhan
he can recaII, RoIf and his crev noved inlo soulhern
valers and conlinued lheir depredalions. He vas
leconing lored, hovever, and vhen Zakharan
pirales raided fron across lhe Creal Sea, he foIIoved
lhen lack lo lhe Corsair Donains, a feal he
considers prodigious.
He and his nen, lhough lough and seasoned
velerans, have lecone Iazy in lhe varn Zakharan
valers. They have luiIl a fev huls and sone have
laken IocaI vives. The alundance and avaiIaliIily of
food on lhe isIands nean lhey need nol vork hard lo
feed lhenseIves, and lhey have laken lo onIy raiding
once or lvice a year. When lhey do raid, lhey lry lo
calch ships in deeper valer, vhere lheir heavier,
slurdier ship has lhe advanlage. Al olher lines, RoIf
and his crev can le found in lhe inns or on lhe
slreels of Hava, or hoIding courl in lhe viIIage of
Ravenving vhich lhey luiIl on The CaneIs Hunp.
RoIfs ship can le hired ly advenlurers if lhey offer
enough noney or if lhe lask lhey are lrying lo
acconpIish inleresls RoIf enough. Though noninaIIy
accepled ly lhe connunily, RoIf has nol leen asked
lo join lhe counciI, as his larlarian halils reveaI his
unenIighlennenl. If lhey vere nol so opposed lo
sIavery, nany corsairs vouId seriousIy consider
laking RoIf and his crev as sIaves lo leach lhen
leller nanners.
Alan aI-Hadhar (gnT/lr/7). Alan is a veII-
knovn figure in Hava. His razors are said lo le onIy
narginaIIy sIover lhan his speech, and he can le heard
any day (and sone evenings) in lhe Iree Markel. His
prices are reasonalIe, he is noled for his disdain of
lhose vho rol lheir cusloners, and he leIIs nore
slories lhan anyone has a righl lo knov. Though he
hoIds no pIace on lhe counciI, he sonehov aIvays
knovs al Ieasl runors aloul lheir Ialesl lusiness, and
he deIighls in leIIing lhal lusiness lo anyone vho viII
Iislen. Alan is a good source of infornalion (lhough
he does expecl lo receive a generous lip), and can le
used lo poinl a confused parly in lhe righl direclion.
Though he speciaIizes in leaulifying gnones, he is
quile adepl al enhancing lhe naluraI charns of olher
races as veII. Because of his penchanl for leIIing
runors and slories, he is quile popuIar vilh IocaIs and
visilors aIike. His favorile slory, knovn as The IooIish
Iirales, or An Lxaggeraled Hislory of lhe Corsair
Donains, appears in lhe Appendix (lo aIIov lhe DM
lo use il, if desired).
O1hen No1abLe FIgunes
here are scores of olher pirales as veII as
Iegilinale nerchanls in Hava, and hundreds of
olher peopIe spread lhroughoul lhe corsair isIes. Many
of lhese haiI fron olher areas of ToriI such as Iaerun,
ChuIl, and Mazlica. SeveraI nonslers vilh iIIusion or
shape-shifling aliIilies nighl le found in Hava as
veII. Though sone of lhe leller knovn personaIilies
of Hava are presenled here, nany possiliIilies have
leen deIileraleIy Iefl open for lhe DM lo creale his or
her ovn NICs and use lhen as aIIies or foes for lhe
ICs, lhe leller lo cuslonize lhe cily for lhe DMs
hone canpaign.
Chap1en Thnee:
PInac, 5muggLImg,
amo Tnaoe
Dc nc| oc cccitc, nq fricns. Manq cf |nc pccp|c cf Haua arc ncncs|, nar-
ucr|ing fc|| unc c nc| cngagc in piracq cf anq scr|. Sctcra| arc ncncs| ncrcnan|s
unc cn|q scc| cscrtc rcccnpcnsc fcr |nc cxc|ic gccs |ncq ris| |ncir |itcs |c oring
|c Za|nara. Mcs| cf |nc pccp|c cf Haua sinp|q uisn |c |itc |ncir |itcs uncrc |ncq
ncc nc| oc uncr |nc narsn qc|c cf |nc Gran Ca|ipns sc|icr-s|atcs cr suojcc| |c
|nc unins cf a sing|c pc||q ru|cr. A| |cas| in Haua |nc ccunci| |a|cs |ncugn| fcr |nc
ccnncn pccp|c an ncu |ncq sna|| |itc. An unq sncu| |ncq nc| cnccsc |nc |ifc
|ncq csirc sc |cng as |nc |aus cf |nc |crcgitcr arc |cp| an |nc ucrsnip cf |nc
|n|ign|cnc gcs is prac|icc?
Of a ccr|ain|q, nanq c|ncrs arc cf a iffcrcn| scr|, |a|ing grca| pric in |ncir
cprca|icns. || is coticus|q cf |ncsc fcu qcu uisn fcr nc |c spca|. | nus| rcacn
|na| suojcc| in nq cun |inc an oq a uining pa|n, an a|cng |nc uaq qcu naq
|carn nucn cf |rac a|cng |nc |rcc Ccas| an acrcss |nc Grca| Sca |c is|an| |ans
unrcanc cf oq ncs| fc|| cf |nc |an cf |a|c, ou| sc oc i|. |a|c an |nc gcs sna||
oc |nc jugcs cf a|| pccp|c . . . ctcn qcu.
Grima al-Auni min Kor
TZakhara, lhe Corsair Donains are in a Iocalion vhich is aInosl cenlraI
lo lhe Free Cities. Because of lhis, lhe nerchanl ships of Hava are in a
unique posilion: lhey can easiIy reach any cily fron Ulaqa lo Lihan, and
lhey are Iess IikeIy lo le lesel ly pirales lhan ships fron lhe coaslaI cilies.
The shaIIov seas hoId hundreds of liny isIands loo snaII lo le found on any
naps. Iood and valer can le had or IandfaII for repairs nade on nany of
lhen. Though lhese isIands offer a narveIous opporlunily for pirales, lhey
aIso serve lhe nore honesl nerchanls veII in lheir lrade vilh lhe coaslaI
cilies, providing lhen vilh lhe neans lo range furlher and slay al sea Ionger
lhan vouId olhervise le lhe case.
Coas1aL Tnaoe
hough Iying over a hundred niIes fron lhe nainIand of norlhveslern
The Corsair Donains have IillIe lo offer lhe cilies
of lhe Iree Coasl excepl for dye of a leaulifuI scarIel
hue nade fron sea roses (firelhorns), perfunes
rendered fron sone of lhe exolic pIanls found on lhe
isIes, and red or lIack coraI jeveIry. None of lhese can
le produced in any alundance. Iirelhorns are
dangerous lo vork vilh, lhe olher fIovers are scarce,
and lhe sea eIves oljecl lo anyone laking lheir
coraI~especiaIIy lhe rare lIack coraI vhich is found
novhere eIse in Zakharas valers. ConsequenlIy, nuch
of lheir lrade vilh lhe coaslaI cilies consisls of exolic
ilens lhe corsairs have lroughl fron lhe norlh.
MelaIvares, fine veapons, siIks, vood for
shipluiIding, and grain are lhe corsairs chief inporls.
Their iIIegaI inporls (lhose fron piracy) are, of
course, nore varied.
As veII as doing sone caulious lrading vilh lhe
corsairs, lhe Iree Cilies exchange parlicuIar speciaIly
ilens anong lhenseIves. These are lroken dovn cily
ly cily fron norlh lo soulh leIov.
Ulaqa, Cily of Iree Men, is lhe Ioser in lhis
exchange, as il reaIIy has nolhing lo exporl excepl
nercenaries. AddilionaIIy, since lhe recenl
insurreclion, lraders are Ieery of possilIy leconing
enlroiIed in Ulaqas poIilicaI upheavaIs and Iosing
lheir goods. Recenl runors lhal goId has leen found in
lhe aI-ZuIna River have Ied lo sone reneved conlacl
fron nerchanls seeking lo enrich lhenseIves, lul lhus
far no goId has leen forlhconing. Ulaqa inporls sone
foodsluffs (nosl nolalIy grain and coffee), veaponry,
and furnishings (such as rugs and carved chesls). The
one advanlage Ulaqa has is ils Iongslanding secrel
agreenenl vilh lhe Corsair Donains: Ulaqa Iels lhe
corsairs snuggIe sloIen goods inlo and oul of lhe cily,
acling as an agenl lo seII lhose goods lo lhe olher free
cilies and Qudra, in relurn, lhe corsairs Ieave Ulaqan
ships aIone.
Hafayah, Cily of Secrels, is lIessed vilh agales
and seni-precious slones, vhich are in greal denand.
Ils peopIe aIso nake lIack cIolh for lrade and have
enough of a rice surpIus lo aIIov lhen lo exporl lheir
overfIov lo lhose cilies vhich are Iess lIessed. More
vaIualIe genslones are said lo have leen found near
Hafayah, lul none have leen offered in lrade as yel.
Hafayah inporls saIl, coffee, cardanon, pollery, and
vood for shipluiIding. RecenlIy, lhere has leen sone
denand fron a parlicuIar luyer in Hava for Hafayahs
lIack liIes. Hafayah has a fIeel of len exlreneIy fasl,
lhough snaII, ships. They lry lo oulrun lhe pirales
fron lhe Corsair Donains, and have leen fairIy
successfuI in doing so. Hafayans are very suspicious of
Qadils vizards and lend lo have as IillIe lo do vilh
lhen as possilIe.
Qadil, Cily of Wands, exporls lhe knovIedge and
handivork of ils nages in lhe forn of scroIIs, and ils
goIden yeIIov-orange dye (knovn as u|ncr) is soId lolh
as a lasic dye and in aIready-lrealed falric. MagicaI
ilens are occasionaIIy exporled lul usuaIIy one al a
line and earnarked for a parlicuIar luyer. The cilys
chief inporls incIude rice, coffee, and conponenls and
seni-precious slones for use in nagicaI vorkings.
There is aIso a greal denand for speciaI aronalics,
herls, and such for use in largaining vilh various
kinds of genies. Qadil loasls onIy a five-ship navy
vhich oflen joins MuIuks falric fIeel vhen naking
lhe lrip soulh lo Qudra. Qadils ruIer, SuIlan KanaI
aI-Hadi, has nade an agreenenl vilh one of Havas
nosl nolorious pirales, Akura aI-HiyaIi, lo prolecl
Qadils ships fron his allacks, lul olher pirales fron
Hava sliII lreal lhen as prey.
MuIuk, Cily of Kings, is lIessed vilh an alundanl
indigo crop vhich provides ils peopIe vilh lheir chief
exporls: purpIe cIolh and a leaulifuI indigo dye vhich
is fanous lhroughoul Zakhara and knovn lo lhe norlh
as veII. Their falric fIeel, vhich saiIs lo Qudra under
lhe escorl of lhe cilys navy of lvenly ships, is a prize
vhich has oflen leen raided ly lhe corsairs, vho have
leen knovn lo vork in leans lo cul off one or lvo
unforlunale vesseIs fron lhe resl, lake lhe lesl cIolh
and dyes, and nake a speedy relreal MuIuks najor
inporls are grain, fine vooI, vine, incense, perfunes,
and nelaIvares. IoIk here denand lhe lesl quaIily and
are viIIing lo pay nore lo gel il. MuIuk is second onIy
lo Qadil (vhich vies for nev and exolic nagic ilens)
in luying sone of lhe nore exolic vares vhich find
lheir vay lo Hava.
Unara, Cily of Knighls, knovn vorIdvide for
ils carpels and lexliIes, aIso produces liIevork and
cIolhing vhich fealure lhe leaulifuI colaIl and
lurquoise lIues for vhich lhe cily is fanous. Iev
successfuI corsairs Iack a leaulifuIIy-vorked Unaran
lIue carpel of lheir ovn, and lhe ease vilh vhich
lhey can le soId lhroughoul Zakhara and Iaerun
aInosl guaranlees lhal ships fron Unara viII le
preyed upon. lher exporls fron Unara incIude
lolh goals and goal cheese, and nol a fev of lhe
goals nov nake lheir hones in lhe cIeared area
oulside Hava or in snaIIer pirale encIaves. Unara
has dislanded ils navy and soId sone of ils ships,
vhich can onIy encourage nore predalion on ils
nerchanls in lhe fulure. Unara inporls grain, rice,
coffee, honey, genslones, and vorked nelaIvare.
Lihan, Cily of SoIdiers, is in lhe envialIe
posilion of suppIying nuch of lhe coffee and saIl
needed ly lhe olher free cilies. Lihanvare pollery is
aIso in sone denand. Though lhe cily is renovned
for various shades of red cIolhing (fron lhe paIesl
pink lo lhe lrighlesl scarIel), lhe chief source of lhe
dyes needed lo produce lhe cIolhes is Hava. The
firelhorns vhich give lheir nane lo Havas isIand
produce a lriIIianl red dye vhich is easiIy nixed
vilh olher sulslances lo produce a vide variely of
hues. Lihans olher source for dye is a lype of sheII
vhich aIso produces a red pignenl. Though lhey are
found near Lihan, nol enough of lhe sheIIs are
avaiIalIe lo nake lhe alundance of red falric of
vhich Lihan loasls. NeverlheIess, lhere is a poIile
ficlion nainlained ly lhe popuIalion lhal lheir cilys
coIor is hone grovn, a ficlion nade aII lhe nore
necessary ly lhe heavy presence of Qudras nanIuks
vilhin lhe cily.
Qudra, Cily of Iover, is nol one of lhe Iree
Cilies, lul il is lhe inlended porl for nosl of lheir
goods. Qudra acls as lhe galevay lo lhe inlerior of
Zakhara and as lhe najor cIearing-house for lrade vilh
lhe inlerior and lhe soulh. AddilionaIIy, for one
nonlh of lhe year Qudras fIeel palroIs lhe Iree Coasl
and acls as guards for lhe nerchanl vesseIs fron lolh
lhe Iree Cilies and lhe larlarian norlh. AII lhe Iree
Coasl cilies exporls are senl lhrough Qudra, vhiIe
pearIs, frankincense, nelaIvare fron lhe deserls, fine
horses, and olher soulhern goods, as veII as exolic
goods fron Kara-Tur, are noved norlh in relurn.
Though lhe incidences of pirale allacks againsl
Qudran vesseIs are fev, lhe looly reporled fron such
raids has leen so vaIualIe lhal sone caplains are
viIIing lo lake lhe risk.
5muggLImg amo PInac
he Iree Cilies are a fraclious group, oflen
engaging in raids againsl one anolher or
oulrighl varfare. Whenever lhis occurs, lhe
corsairs lecone heroes of a sorl lo lhe various
cilies, as lhey are alIe lo lake one cilys goods lo an
eneny cily lo lrade under lhe guise of having
Iileraled lhen fron lhe foes. Though usuaIIy veII
paid for lhis lo keep lhen fron sinpIy alsconding
vilh lhe goods, lhey occasionaIIy lake lolh lhe
noney and lhe vares vhiIe Iaughing al lhe
fooIishness and greed of lhe nerchanls vho hired
lhen. This is a rare enough occurrence lhal nany
corsairs are lrusled lo keep lrade funclioning
during such lroulIesone lines.
This sorl of snuggIing is secondary and fairIy
harnIess conpared lo lhe sorls lhal nany corsairs
roulineIy engage in. Many corsairs frequenlIy acl
nore as snuggIers lhan pirales. Their goods are
usuaIIy eilher considered lorderIine, are acluaIIy
proscriled, or are exlreneIy unsavory. Heady Iiquors,
dangerous herls and opiales, and severaI lypes of
viruIenl poisons are popuIar lrade goods lolh in
Hava and anong lhe Iess scrupuIous Iree Coasl
lraders. SloIen nagic ilens, arlvorks, and rare
lreasures are aIso snuggIed lo lhose viIIing lo pay
handsoneIy for lhen. And despile lhe generaI halred
of sIavery in lhe Corsair Donains, lhere are sliII sone
caplains viIIing lo seII lhe crevs or passengers fron
ships lhey have sunk or caplives fron lhe norlhern
larlarian Iands lo lhose Iooking for inexpensive and
expendalIe sIaves. Sone even snalch chiIdren fron
one cily and seII lhen in anolher~or in lhe
larlarian Iands~as apprenlices.
ulrighl piracy renains lhe favorile nelhod for
nosl corsairs, hovever, and aII lhe cilies knov lhal
lhey viII Iose severaI shipIoads of goods each year
lo lhe loId nen and vonen of lhe Corsair
Donains. Again, lhe lickering anong lhe Iree
Cilies provides lhe corsairs vilh an unparaIIeIed
opporlunily lo exercise lheir nain laIenls ly
piraling-for-hire. They oflen accepl connissions
fron one cily lo acl as privaleers againsl anolher
(sone even accepl connissions fron lolh cilies
and gIeefuIIy rol each in lurn!), a vonderfuI lvisl
of Iale for lhen as lhey nay lhen prey upon lhe
eneny cilys vesseIs vhiIe having a guaranleed
narkel in lhe friendIy cily vhich hired lhen.
This sorl of IegaIized Iarceny never Iasls Iong,
hovever, as lhe cilies evenluaIIy sellIe lheir
differences and lurn upon lhe lrue cuIprils, lhe
pirales of lhe Corsair Donains! The corsairs nusl
lhen usuaIIy fighl lheir vay oul of a supposedIy
friendIy harlor vhich so recenlIy veIconed lhen
and haiIed lhen as saviors. Ior lhis reason, nany
corsairs decIine lhe privaleering conlracls, yel prey
upon lhe cilies invoIved anyvay, knoving lhal
lheir allacks viII le lIaned on lhe eneny cily
ralher lhan allriluled lo lhe corsairs lhenseIves.
Cnoss 5ea Tnaoe
akhara, lhough dislanl fron lhe Iands lo lhe
norlh, sliII conducls sone lrade vilh ils neighlors
across lhe Creal Sea. Trading noslIy vilh lhe soulhern
cilies of lhe ReaIns, Zakhara exporls fine carpels,
decoraled nelaIvare (lrays, coffeepols, and decoralive
veaponry), rare spices, frankincense, indigo, u|ncr,
pearIs, exolic herls, fruils and nuls, fine sleeI veapons,
and deserl horses, jusl lo nane a fev of lheir leller-
knovn vares. SheIIs, coraI, ivory, eIephanls, leakvood,
and coIorfuI gIassvare are secondary exporls fron lhe
Land of Iale. There is a snaII lul groving lrade in
Zakharan nagic and nagicaI ilens as veII, a lrade
vhich is of parlicuIar inleresl lo Qadil. UnhappiIy,
lecause of unscrupuIous deaIers, sIaves, drugs, and
poisons are aIso lraded lo equaIIy unsavory nerchanls
in Iaerun.
In relurn, Iaerun sends grains, fine vooI, cerlain
genslones, and paper lo Zakhara as veII as ajani
nagic and exolic ilens (such as heavy nelaIIic arnor)
vhich have IillIe use in Zakharas lorrid cIinale lul
felch high prices fron coIIeclors. As nore peopIe
lecone avare of Zakharas exislence, lhere is aIso a
lurgeoning induslry in lransporling visilors lo lhe
falIed Land of Iale. RegrellalIy, sone of lhese arrive
in Zakhara onIy lo le soId as sIaves ly unscrupuIous
Trade goods for Zakharas lhriving narkels aIso
cone fron Kara-Tur, vhich deaIs vilh soulhern and
easlern Zakhara ralher lhan lhe norlhern cilies. Lven
lhe jungIes of ChuIl provide sone lrade goods vhich
occasionaIIy nake lheir vay lo lhe Land of Iale,
aIlhough lhere is as yel no eslalIished lrade roule
lelveen lhe lvo. Lven nore rare is lhe sighling of a
ship fron Mazlica, as lhe greal dislance nakes lhis
crossing parlicuIarIy arduous. Hovever, as lhe corsairs
are of aII ToriIs saiIors lhe ones nosl viIIing lo risk
any voyage in search of looly, lhese narkels, Iike lhe
ReaIns lefore lhen, viII evenluaIIy open nore fuIIy lo
Zakharan venlures.
Boum1Ies amo Boum1 Hum1ens
one len years ago, lhe nanIuk fIeel allenpled a
direcl allack on Hava, Cily of Chaos. The
various olslacIes such as lhe coraI reefs and nazevork
of docks coupIed vilh lhe nanIuks Iack of sufficienl
nagicaI supporl (and lhe exceIIence of }ayanis spy
nelvork) crippIed lheir allack. The nanIuks vere
unalIe lo penelrale lhe corsairs defenses and lhe
rennanls of lhe fIeel vere forced lo relreal afler greal
Iosses. Aside fron lhe Ioss of Iife, lhe lIov lo lheir
pride vas devaslaling. The revoIl of Ulaqa vhich
occurred soon lhereafler vas allriluled lo lhal dispIay
of veakness. Since lhal line, lhe nanIuks have leen
Ieery of any face-lo-face confronlalions vilh lhe
corsairs. This does nol nean lhal lhe various iIIegaI
aclivilies of lhe corsairs provoke no response, sinpIy
lhal olher neans lo lring lhe pirales lo juslice are
leing enpIoyed.
Acling upon lhe orders of lhe Crand CaIiph lo keep
his lorders safe and lo prolecl his peopIe, lhe enir of
Qudra has pIaced a lounly on lhe pirales of lhe
Corsair Donains. The nanIuks do nol vanl lounly
hunlers lo acl on lheir ovn inilialive, preferring lo
reguIale lhose vho vouId hunl lhe pirales Iesl lhe
hunlers lecone IillIe leller lhan freeloolers
lhenseIves. Ior lhis reason, il is difficuIl for lounly
hunlers lo gain a generaI varranl (one vhich does nol
nane a specific individuaI or ship engaged in piracy).
The nanIuks fear lhal issuing such lroad varranls
nighl resuIl in allacks on innocenl nerchanl ships in
order lo coIIecl a lounly.
Warranls are, lherefore, issued onIy for a singIe
individuaI or for lhe caplain and crev of a knovn
pirale vesseI. They are furlher Iiniled ly lhe
exislence of an officiaI vhose jol il is lo delernine
lhe characler of appIicanls vho vanl a Iicense lo
hunl pirales. The officiaI is a qadi vho has lhe
aulhorily lo connission lounly hunlers and lo issue
varranls. Lyevilness reporls of depredalions vhich
are corroloraled ly olher vilnesses or svorn lo
lefore hakinas or under lrulh speIIs are considered
adequale proof of guiIl lo issue a varranl vilh lhal
ships or pirales nane on il.
To keep lhose vho are nol up lo lhe lask of lounly
hunling fron vasling lheir line, lhe nanIuks have
inposed a fee for lhe lounly-hunling Iicense. Il cosls
2OO dinars lo ollain a Iicense, and lhe lounly hunler
nusl prove lhal he or she has a seavorlhy ship and a
crev lefore lhe Iicense viII le issued. Characler
vilnesses can reduce lhe fee lo 1OO dinars, and
sponsorship of lhe hunler ly one of lhe nanIuk
organizalions enalIes lhe qadi lo vaive lhe fee
aIlogelher. When lhe hunler relurns vilh his or her
quarry or vilh posilive proof lhal lhe pirale has leen
deslroyed, lhe fee is repaid aIong vilh lhe revard. If
lhe corsairs ship vas caplured inlacl, lhe nanIuks
pay an exlra lounly, lhe anounl depending upon lhe
kind and condilion of lhe ship.
TpIcaL Boum1Ies
Minor Iirale Caplain 1,5OO dinars
Minor Iirale Crevnan 1OO dinars each
Noled Iirale Caplain 3,5OO dinars
Noled Iirale Crevnan 35O dinars each
Nolorious Iirale Caplain 7,OOO dinars
Nolorious Iirale Crevnan 5OO dinars each
SpeIIcasler Iirale add 1,OOO dinars for
every four IeveIs
Lach prisoner freed 3O dinars
Barijah up lo 3,OOO dinars
Sanluk up lo 7,OOO dinars
Zaruq up lo 2,OOO dinars
lhers considered on an individuaI lasis
Chap1en Foun:
CI1 o[ Pouen
O Mign|q Qura, Snic| cf Za|nara, cur Snc||cr an Prc|cc|icn, Ga|cuaq |c |nc
|an cf |a|c, an Hcnc cf |nc Gran Ca|ipns Mcs| Trus|c an |cqa| Man|u|s,
naq qcur ua||s ctcr rcnain s|rcng, qcur sc|icrs tigi|an|, an |nc ncar|s cf qcur
pccp|c purc.
Vcrsc frcn an ancnqncus rauun

udra, Cily of Iover, hone lo nany of lhe nanIuks of Zakhara, rises

in liers alove lhe lanks of lhe aI-Iaddi (siIver) river, overIooking
lhe lesl naluraI harlor on lhe Iree Coasl. Because of ils posilion
aslride lhe harlor and cIose lo lhe Sea of Caravans, lhe
cily serves as lhe galevay for norlhern lrade lo lhe inlerior of Zakhara and as
lhe najor porl fron vhich lhe goods of soulhern and cenlraI Zakhara nake
lheir vay norlh. Ior lhe sane reasons, il is of lhe ulnosl slralegic
inporlance as veII.
Those vho cone lo lrade nighl jusl as easiIy cone lo Iool or raid inlo
lhe hearlIand of lhe Land of Iale, and Qudra slands as a forlidding laslion
againsl lolh lhe norlhern larlarians and lhe pirales of lhe Corsair
Donains. RuIed ly lhe nanIuks, lhe soIdier-sIaves of lhe Crand CaIiph,
lhe cily presenls a grin, slrong exlerior and a slen face lo lhe resl of lhe
vorId, yel ils posilion aslride lhe sea lrade roules diclales lhal il funclion
equaIIy as a greal nercanliIe lase. The alnosphere in Qudra is lherefore a
slrange nixlure of cosnopoIilan sophislicalion and soler niIilary
RuIed ly Lnir Halil Ald aI-Wajil, hinseIf a nanIuk, and a niIilary
counciI conposed of represenlalives of aII lhe najor nanIuk organizalions,
Qudra slands in direcl opposilion lo lhe chaos and IavIessness of lhe Corsair
Donains. Though lolh cilies are conlroIIed ly counciIs, Havas Ieaders seek
nainIy lo enrich and enlrench lhenseIves, overseeing lhe cilys veIfare as a
secondary funclion. Qudras Ieaders are nore concerned vilh prolecling lhe
cily and lhe resl of Zakhara and vilh keeping lhe peace and enforcing lhe
Crand CaIiphs procIanalions lhroughoul lhe Land of
Iale. To lhen, profil is secondary, and usefuI onIy as il
provides needed nonies lo nainlain lheir defenses and
acconpIish lheir goaIs.
Fea1unes o[ 1he CI1
he nosl innedialeIy nolicealIe fealure of Qudra
is ils nassive grey slone vaIIs. The ouler granile
vaII is 4O feel high and 4O feel lhick, lhough a 15-
fool-vide lunneI runs lhrough lhe cenler of lhe vaII.
This lunneI is used lo nove nanIuk unils around lhe
perineler vilhoul having lo go lhrough crovded areas
in lhe cily, lo slore sone of lhe arnanenls and lhe
cauIdrons and oiI of Iiquid slars (Creek fire) used ly
lhe cilys defenders, and lo house inconspicuous guard
posls or lenporary larracks. A series of porlcuIIises
and pil lraps nake even lhis lunneI defensilIe. Tvo
seclions of lhis passage conlain hidden escape roules
Ieading under lhe vaII and avay fron lhe cily, lul
lheir pIacenenl (and indeed, lheir very exislence) is a
cIoseIy guarded secrel knovn onIy lo lhe enir and lhe
nosl lrusled nenlers of lhe counciI.
Three galevays pierce lhe vaIIs, lul aII face soulh
lovard lhe nounlains, causing sone sIighl inconve-
nience for caravan lraffic arriving fron lhe inlerior.
The onIy olher enlrance is via lhe valerfronl, vhere
lhe greal vaIIs curve around lo enlrace lhe harlor.
Tvo 5O-fool-laII lovers guard lhe harlor enlry and
serve lo hoId greal chains vhich can le used lo seaI lhe
harlor againsl invading ships. Inlerior vaIIs divide lhe
cily ilseIf inlo defensilIe quarlers. Taken as a vhoIe,
lhe defenses give Qudra lhe Iook of a greal lrooding
lird of prey hovering prolecliveIy over ils harlor.
The second nosl olvious fealure of lhe cily is lhe
crinson-coIored Mosque of BIood, lhe Iargesl lenpIe
in lhe Land of Iale lo ValaqalaI, a varrior-god
vorshipped ly nany nanIuks. Though lhe vaIIs are of
sandslone, lhey receive a reguIar coaling of henna lo
honor lhose nen and vonen vhose lIood has leen
spiIIed in lallIe.
ne jeveI reIieves lhe heavy, oppressive grey of lhe
cily: lhe pen Mosque of Qudra. CracefuI and
leaulifuI, lhis luiIding fealures sone of lhe nosl
IoveIy shades of lIue liIevork lo le found oulside of
Unara. Those vho vorship gods olher lhan ValaqalaI
fIock lo lhis exquisile edifice.
The Harlor of Qudra is a deep-valer, sheIlered lay
vhich is divided inlo lvo seclions. A civiIian area
hoIds noorings for lhe cilys fishing loals and a lrade
dock for lhe nerchanls, vhiIe a niIilary seclion houses
lhe najorily of Qudras navaI vesseIs. nce pasl lhe
greal chains vhich guard lhe harlor noulh, ships nusl
signaI lheir inlenlions lo lhe harlor palroI, vhich
lhen guides lhen lo lhe correcl deslinalion. IaiIure lo
foIIov lhe direclives of lhe harlor palroI nay resuIl in
lhe offenders ship leing firsl varned, lhen allacked ly
eilher lhe sea nages or lhe sorcerers vho are aIvays on
duly in lhe lovers.
Nol surprisingIy, Qudra has a Iarge cenlraI narkel, a
suq, and a caravanserai. Though nuch of lhe lrade
vhich passes lhrough Qudra cones via valer, a
significanl anounl arrives ly caravan. The cilies of lhe
hearl of Zakhara send vares lhrough lhe Sea of
Caravans lo AdhaI, vhere lhey are unIoaded fron lhe
ships and lroughl lhe resl of lhe vay lo Qudra ly
caneI. Qudra sends goods in relurn ly lhe sane
nelhod. Many exolic vares nay le found in Qudras
lazaar, especiaIIy lhose having a conneclion lo lhe
niIilary arls. ne of lhe Iargesl seclions of lhe Qudran
lazaar is lhe sIave narkel, vhich is overseen ly a qadi
and lvo hakina in an enIighlened fashion. SIaves soId
in Qudra are of high quaIily, laIenled, and in good
heaIlh. None are nislrealed.
Throughoul lhe cily nay le found lhe headquarlers
and larracks of lhe various nanIuk unils vhich reside
in Qudra. Barracks are Iocaled in each quarler of lhe
cily, lolh lo nininize lhe effecls of any allacks
direcled againsl lhe nanIuks and as a reninder lo lhe
connon peopIe of Qudra lhal lhey are under lhe
proleclion and guidance of lhe nanIuks. Quarlers
vhich nighl olhervise le very poor profil fron lhe
nanIuks palronage of IocaI craflsnen and nerchanls,
and lhe nanIuks uliquilous presence neans lhere are
no overlIy IavIess parls of Qudra.
courlesy lo and concern for lhe veIfare of foreign.
lraders, lhe nanIuks jol is lo prolecl Qudra and
Zakhara, and foreigners arenl quile lrusled.
VIsI1ons 1o uona
ecause of lheir posilion aslride lhe norlh/soulh
lrade roule, Qudra calers lo nany visilors and
nainlains lusinesses lo serve lhen. There are severaI
inns, cafes, and lolacco houses even oulside lhe cara-
vanserai vhich gain lheir cIienleIe aInosl excIusiveIy
fron visilors lo lhe cily. Visilors fron olher parls of
Zakhara viII find lhal Qudra is nol significanlIy differ-
enl fron any olher cily lhey are faniIiar vilh. Il has a
differenl archileclure, geared lovard defense, and ils
peopIe are nore nore organized and efficienl, perhaps,
lul for lhe nosl parl, lhe cuslons, Iavs, and reIigious
olservances are lhe sane. The slreels vilhin each
quarler are organized inlo lusiness and residenliaI
areas, vilh lhe lusinesses grouped according lo lype.
This nakes il easy for a visilor lo Iocale soneone or
sonelhing he or she nay le seeking. Nalive Zakharans
allracl IillIe allenlion in nosl areas of Qudra unIess
lhey are olviousIy inproperIy dressed for lhe pIace
lhey are in (such as vearing rags in a very rich sec-
lion), are caughl sneaking around, or are arnored and
arned lo lhe leelh.
As in lhe norlhern Iree Cilies, nany foreigners can
aIso le found in Qudra. These nay le fron lhe
ReaIns, Kara-Tur, ChuIl, or even far-dislanl Mazlica.
AII are lrealed courleousIy, so Iong as lhey lehave
lhenseIves, lreak no Iavs, and cause no lroulIe.
Cerlain veIIs are sel aside for lheir use, and specific
areas vilhin lhe narkelpIace are reserved for foreign
(no-Zakharan) vares in order lo insure lhal lhey
have vhal lhey need lo supporl lhenseIves. Wilhin
reason, lhere is even loIerance of foreigners slrange
reIigious praclices and cuslons. Those vho are
olviousIy foreigners are usuaIIy valched ly one or
nore nenlers of The Defenders, vhelher lhey are
avare of lhe surveiIIance or nol. Despile lheir oulvard
The PeopLe o[ uona
he connon peopIe of Qudra conprise one of lhe
nosl hard-vorking, honesl, and Iav-aliding
popuIalions in Zakhara. Mosl are unlrained in varfare,
for lhey Iive in lhe lesl prolecled forlress of lhe Land
of Iale. The nanIuks, lhough lhey are aII sIaves of lhe
Crand CaIiph, are lhe eIile ruIers of lhe cily, and lhe
peopIe of Qudra supporl lhen.
The farners and herders of lhe cily are aIvays
assured of a narkel for lheir goods. The aI-Iaddi river
vaIIey provides Qudra vilh a greal deaI of ferliIe Iand
vhich is used lo grov grains, rice, vegelalIes, and fruil.
Less ferliIe spols are used as grazing Iands for goals and
sheep. These can le used lo suppIy Qudras popuIalion
al need (such as during a siege), and excess grains are
slored vilhin lhe cily for such an energency ralher
lhan leing exporled.
Craflers and arlisans aIso find a ready narkel as
uniforns, arnor, pollery, and such goods vear oul or
are needed for lhe Ialesl recruils. Those vho offer
services~such as larlers, dancers, porlers, and
innkeepers~can usuaIIy find enpIoynenl fron lhe
nanIuks, lhe IocaI cilizens, or visilors lo lhe cily.
Advenlurers nay even find a narkel for lheir services
as caravans arrive and deparl or lhe nanIuks hire
oulsiders for nore coverl jols vhich lheir lalloos
precIude lhen fron perforning.
In generaI, lhe peopIe of Qudra are secure, a IillIe
seIf-salisfied, and proud of lheir cily and ils inporlance
lo Zakhara. They are affecled ly lhe nanIuks niIilary
discipIine. Mosl Qudrans feeI lhal lhey have a duly lo
supporl lhe niIilary and do lheir ulnosl lo provide lhe
goods and services asked of lhen. AIso, lhough lhe
Qudrans Iove nevs and gossip as veII as any olher of
lhe aI-Hadhar, lhey are very carefuI of vhal lhey say lo
oulsiders. The nanIuks have inpressed upon lhe
peopIe lhal Ioose laIk nighl conpronise Qudras
securily. Ior lhis reason, nany visilors lo lhe cily find
lhe nalives friendIy, lul a IillIe caulious and dislanl.
anIuks are sIaves vho vere laken as chiIdren
fron unenIighlened hiII lriles, larlarian
Iands, and olher renole pIaces. Broughl lo Qudra (or
anolher nanIuk hoIding), lhe chiIdren are lroughl lo
LnIighlennenl and laughl lhe arls of varfare, disci-
pIine, and adninislralion. In lheory, lhe organizalion
responsilIe for lringing in lhe nev recruils cIains
lhen for ils ovn, lul lhis is nol aIvays lhe case, as
sone groups (such as The Defenders) rareIy gel lhe
chance lo Ieave Qudra and vouId lherefore have IillIe
chance of gaining any nev nenlers.
Inslead, lhough aII are suljecl lo lhe lasic lraining
and lhe rigors and hardships of niIilary Iife, an
allenpl is nade lo nalch lhe chiId vilh lhe nanIuk
organizalion vhich lesl suils his or her laIenls. If, for
inslance, lhe chiId shovs an aplilude for nanagenenl
and defensive pIanning, he or she vouId prolalIy le
assigned lo The Defenders, vhiIe one vhose laIenls
poinled lo expIoralion vouId fil lesl vilh The Daunl-
Iess. IersonaIily confIicls vilhin lhe ranks nighl pre-
cIude lhe nosl olvious pairing, hovever, or lickering
anong lhe groups nighl resuIl in lhe nev nanIuk
leing assigned lo a conpronise unil. IarlicuIarIy
lrighl and laIenled candidales are occasionaIIy lhe
cause for inler-organizalionaI naneuverings and deaIs
as each unil vies for lhe nev recruil. In lhal case, lhe
enir viII eilher ask lhe recruil for his or her prefer-
ence or viII hoId a conlesl lo see vhich organizalion
vins lhe candidale.
Whichever group he or she serves, lhe nanIuk is
suljecl lo superior officers, and uIlinaleIy lo lhe
Crand CaIiph ( as aII nanIuks are ovned ly hin).
Their rigorous lraining in varfare and slalecrafl,
coupIed vilh a pride for lheir unil usuaIIy produces
fierce and IoyaI soIdiers and adninislralors vhose
espril de corps cannol le nalched ly any nonsIaves
in Zakhara. They are lhe chosen eIile, and lhey
knov il.
Lach nanIuk organizalion is connilled lo one
parlicuIar idea or duly. If lhis does nol invoIve serving
lhe Crand CaIiph direclIy, lhe LnIighlened Courl
nusl approve vhalever conlracl lhe nanIuk
organizalion enlers inlo. Lach group has ils ovn faciaI
lalloos or scars vhich idenlify ils nenlers, lhose of
higher rank have nore eIalorale narkings. Il is a
crine for any nonnanIuk lo inilale lhe narkings.
Lach nanIuk lakes lhe designalion Ald aI-(nane of
lhe group) as his or her surnane (Ald neans sIave
of). Thus a recruil naned Hanar vho joined The
DulifuI (aI-Wajil) vouId lecone Hanar Ald aI-Wajil
(Hanar, sIave of lhe DulifuI).
The NamLuk CoumcIL
he foIIoving Iarge nanIuk organizalions in
Qudra have seals on lhe niIilary counciI:
The DaunlIess, vho speciaIize in expIoralion and
lhe recovery of nagics. Their connander is CeneraI
KeniI Ald aI-}asir (hnI/nk/12). KeniI is a ninor
nenler of lhe niIilary counciI, and as such he usuaIIy
foIIovs lhe Iead of vhichever group is nosl in favor of
expIoralions or canpaigns lhal pronise sone hope of
recovering nagicaI ilens.
The Defenders, vho are charged vilh lhe
nanagenenl and defense of Qudra. They are
connanded ly Akir Ald aI-Hinaya (hnI/nk/1O).
Though lhe acluaI defense of Qudras vaIIs is rolaled
anong lhe various groups every nonlh, The Defenders
are responsilIe for defending lhe cily vhen lhe olher
unils are gone. UsuaIIy lhey funclion as a cily guard
and as nedialors anong lhe olher socielies. Akir is in
a fairIy veak posilion in counciI and oflen lrades
favors in relurn for supporl for his ains.
The DulifuI is lhe Ieading nanIuk sociely of
Qudra and nosl poverfuI in Zakhara. The dvarven
enir of Qudra, Halil Ald aI-Wajil (dnI/nk/2O) is
lheir connander. Halil, a genius al forlificalion, does
nol represenl The DulifuI on lhe counciI lecause his
posilion of enir requires lhal he le fair lo aII. His
prolege CeneraI Lkuriyah Ald aI-Wajil (hfI/nk/14)
represenls The DulifuI in counciI. She is seen as lhe
nosl IikeIy choice for lhe nexl enir, since lhe office is
heId for 2O years or Iife (vhichever cones firsl) and
Halil has aIready served for 13 years. Lkuriyah is a
capalIe officer and has Ied recruiling drives inlo lhe
Iurroved Mounlains.
The IailhfuI is one of lhe nosl poverfuI groups in
Qudra, and aIso in direcl service lo lhe Crand CaIiph
in Huzuz. Their connander is CeneraI Adun Ald aI-
Anin (hnI/nk/18). Adun soughl lo le eIecled enir
13 years ago, even going lo lhe exlrene of lrying lo
Iine up voles for hinseIf and reninding everyone of his
personaI lriunphs againsl lhe corsairs and hiII lriles.
This allracled lhe eviI eye lo hin, and lhe counciI
passed hin over in favor of Halil. He nourishes a fierce
anger for vhal he vievs as a personaI sIighl and
conslanlIy Iooks for fIavs in Halil and in Lkuriyah. He
has recenlIy evoIved a pIan vhich he hopes viII resuIl
in his rivaIs faII fron pover (or deslruclion) and
secure lhe enirale for hinseIf.
The Sludious, knovn for lheir espionage
aclivilies, have lases in severaI olher cilies. Their
connander in Qudra is CeneraI kin Ald aI-
TaIiliIn (enI/nk/16). kin is a veneralIe eIf vho
vas crippIed in lallIe. Though heaIed, he had no nore
lasle for conlal, preferring lo serve as a researcher and
laclician. UnIike his feIIov counciI nenlers, kin
does nol vorship ValaqalaI, lul reveres Zann.
The VaIianl, noled for lheir Iighlning slrikes
againsl lhe nanIuks foes, are connanded ly CeneraI
KaIin Ald aI-Bas (hfI/nk/14). The youngesl nenler
of lhe counciI, KaIin has nuch supporl anong lhe
younger nanIuks. Her naluraI slreak of vhile hair is
idenlicaI lo lhal possessed ly one of The VaIianls
Iegendary varriors. She pIays on lhis, lul her lenper
and Iack of judgnenl nay le her undoing.
The Wanderers are one of lhe fev navaI unils,
and lhey have IillIe supporl in Qudra. Their
connander is AdniraI Dus Ald aI-Davvar
(glnI/nk/5). This golIin connander is highIy
fruslraled. Though Qudras fIeel is lhe Iargesl of any
Zakharan cily, haIf lhe ships are unsuilalIe for aclion
and have leen used lo repair lhe olhers. Qudras
decision lo nainlain a defensive ralher lhan an
offensive posilion in regard lo lhe Corsair Donains
and any Iree Cilies vhich nighl lry lo revoIl Ieaves
hin vilh IillIe lo do excepl suIk. The onIy line he is
happy and shovs his lrue nalure (a crafly, aIerl
connander vho knovs navaI laclics quile veII) is lhe
one nonlh each year vhen lhe Qudran fIeel escorls
Zakharan crafl pasl lhe Corsair Donains. Iearing lhal
noraIe is so poor (il has leen degeneraling since lheir
defeal ly lhe Corsair Donains len years ago) lhal his
navy nighl deserl en nasse lefore Iong, he is ready lo
lry aInosl any slralegy lo gel his fIeel lack in shape
and inlo lallIe.
The FooLIsh PIna1es
8cfcrc |nc |inc cf |nc firs| Gran Ca|ipn, naq nis nanc oc fcrctcr rcncnocrc
an o|cssc, |nc is|ans ncu |ncun us |nc Ccrsair Dcnains ucrc ca||c |nc |s|cs cf
|car. Nc ncr|a| is a|itc |caq unc rcncnocrs unq |ncq ucrc sc ca||c, ou| nq
grannc|ncrs nc|ncr |c| ncr a s|crq snc na ncar uncn snc uas qcung, an |na|
s|crq uas |nis cnc | ncu |c|| |c qcu. Tc |is|cn is |c |ncu, an |c |ncu is |c oc
arnc agains| atcrsi|q.
~Alan aI-Hadhar, larler exlraordinaire
hough nerchanls fear for lheir goods and lhe nanIuks despise
lhose vho acknovIedge no Iav, lhough sone anong lhe corsairs are
crueI or lake Iives needIessIy, yel are lhey preferalIe lo lhe pirales
and sIavers vho inhaliled lhe isIands in earIier lines. In lhose lines, nany
pelly caIiphs, sheikhs, and suIlans foughl anong lhenseIves for lhis and lhal
reason, lul noslIy for pover. Aiiee! Whal is pover lhal lhese fooIish nen
and vonen shouId desire il so` Does il pIace lread on lhe lalIe or assure lhal
slrong chiIdren viII le lorn` NonelheIess, lhose vho vere fooIish enough lo
faII prey lo lhe Iure of pover had nany chances lo fighl olher fooIs for il.
ne such person vas Kadar iln Qasin, caIIed The Scourge, vho vas a
greal pirale fron lhe IsIand of Iirelhorns (nay one such as he never cone
near you!). He vas lhe pirale king and connanded over a lhousand ships, aII
of vhich vere pirale ships Iike his ovn. His raids aIong lhe coasl vere so
lerrilIe lhal peopIe dared nol keep any Iiveslock or fine goods vilhin lvenly
niIes of lhe shore, nor dared lhey have any chiIdren Iesl The Scourge sleaI
lhen aII avay.
This venl on for nany years, and no one couId slop lhese pirales, unliI
one day a handsone young nan cane lo a cily upon lhe shore and found lhe
peopIe lhere aII packing lo run avay.
Where are you going, and vhy are you running avay` he asked a nerchanl.
Look lhere, across lhe valer, said lhe nerchanl. The fIeel of The
Scourge is coning. Run! Run lefore lhey caplure you and lake you lo lhe
IsIes of Iear! And lhe nerchanl picked up his goods
and ran.
Nov lhe young nan, vhose nane vas cIever Hasan,
lhoughl lo hinseIf: I an as slrong and as cIever as
anyone eIse. My face is no vorse lhan il shouId le, and
I have never seen lhese IsIes of Iear. Ierhaps I shaII
vail here unliI lhese raiders cone ashore and ask lhen
lo lake ne vilh lhen. He vas nol enlireIy vilhoul
sense, hovever, and hid a nagicaI goIden ring given lo
hin ly his falher inside his shirl.
When lhe pirales cane inlo lhe cily, lhey vere alIe
lo calch onIy lvo or lhree unforlunales vho vere loo
sIov lo run or vho hadnl heard lhal lhe fIeel vas
coning. Anong lhese vas a leaulifuI girI vhose face
vas Iike lhe noon and vhose voice vas Iike lhe
singing of lhe nosl duIcel nighllird. She had slayed lo
lend lo her oId grandnolher vho couId nol vaIk.
And so, il cane lo le lhal lhe pirales caplured lolh
lhe young girI and cIever Hasan. They lhoughl Hasan
addIed lhal he had slayed on purpose lo go vilh lhen,
and he had lhe run of lhe ship on lhe vay lack lo lhe
IsIes. Il pIeased lhe pirales lo have Hasan serve lhen
dinner, and one nighl as he did so, he heard lhen
laIking anong lhenseIves. Iron lhis he Iearned lhal
lhey leIonged lo a lerrilIe cuIl vhich vorshipped an
eIenenlaI valer god caIIed Islishia (nay you never
hear lhal nane again, and I say il nov onIy lecause I
an under Hakiyahs proleclion!), and lhal lhey
pIanned lo sacrifice hin, lhe young girI, and her oId
grandnolher lo lhis god in relurn for lhe slrenglh lo
fuIIy overcone lhe cilies aIong lhe coasl and cIain
lhen for lheir ovn. He aIso heard lhal a lerrilIe ghuI
vas lhe high priesless of lhis cuIl and lhal anyone nol
given lo lhe god vas given lo her lo eal!
He venl lo lhe girI, vhose nane vas Alifa, and loId
her aII lhal he had heard. Togelher lhey nade pIans lo
escape lheir lerrilIe fale and lo punish lhe pirales for
lheir eviI deeds. Taking up a sack of grain vhich had
leen sloIen in lhe raid, Alifa and Hasan enplied il
over lhe side. Then lhey lundIed Alifas grandnolher
inlo lhe sack and seved il shul again. Taking a huge
neIon, Hasan lhrev il over lhe side vilh aII his nighl
so lhal il nade a lig spIash, and lhen he caIIed oul,
h, lerrilIe nisforlune! Whal a caIanily! Ioor
grandnolher has faIIen over lhe side.
WeII, lhe pirales scranlIed up lo save lheir sacrifice
fron leing given loo soon and vilhoul lhe proper
riluaIs, lul lhe grandnolher neIon sank oul of sighl
and no one couId rescue il.
WeII lhen, ve shaII jusl have lo nake do vilh lvo
sacrifices, lhey said lo lhenseIves, and a guard vas
posled on Alifa lo nake cerlain she did nol slray.
They sliII lhoughl Hasan vas a fooI and so did nol
valch hin. Sone line Ialer, he lroughl lhe guard a
IillIe lil of dinner and a Iarge gourd of vine, saying,
h, ny caplor, ve have lul IillIe food Iefl, for
vhich I apoIogize nosl hunlIy. Bul see, lhere is pIenly
of vine, and I have lroughl you a good porlion lo
nake up for lhe Iack of food.
Though lhe pirale did nol Iike having so IillIe food,
he nuch enjoyed lhe vine, and as a consequence vas
soon snoring. As soon as he vas asIeep, Hasan and
Alifa hil hin on lhe head vilh cIuls and Iovered hin
over lhe side. Then lhey look nuch deIighl in learing
open nany of lhe sacks of grain and olher foodsluffs
and lreasure vhich lhe pirales had sloIen. Then Hasan
pricked his finger, and lhey sneared lIood around lhe
roon. IinaIIy, Hasan sIanned lhe door very IoudIy
and ran lo lhe pirales crying,
HeIp! HeIp! Nov I see vhy lhe poor grandnolher
junped overloard! The girI! }usl see! She has ealen
her guard and aInosl ale ne!
WeII, lhe pirales had lo see such a sighl, and vhen
lhey sav lhal lhe guard vas gone and lhe roon aII lon
aparl, lheir eyes grev very round.
SureIy she is a ghuI! lhey said lo lhenseIves.
And Alifa Iaughed a nosl hideous Iaugh and said,
Thank you, fooIish pirales, for laking ne lo see ny
sisler, your high priesless! Bul nov, Id Iike anolher of
you lo eal. Which one shaII il le`
h, hov lhey legged and pIeaded and offered lo
give her Hasan (vhon she refused, saying he vas loo
skinny), and finaIIy lhey persuaded her lo vail unliI
she sav her sisler lefore dining again. So she disnissed
lhen and lhe resl of lhe lrip venl very veII.
When lhey arrived al lhe lovn vhich vouId Ialer le
lhe cily of Hava, Alifa denanded lhal Hasan slay vilh
her and vilh lvo guards near vhere aII lhe goods had
leen unIoaded vhiIe lhe olhers venl lo felch her sisler.
This vas done. WhiIe lhey vailed, hovever, Alifa said
hov hungry she vas and connanded one of lhe guards
lo eilher lecone her dinner or eIse felch her sone fresh
fruil. He, of course, chose lo go for lhe fruil.
MeanvhiIe, Hasan sal dovn and prelended he vas
draving piclures in lhe sand. Inslead, he drev oul lhe
nagicaI goIden ring his falher had given hin and
connanded lhe genie heId vilhin il lo appear lefore
hin. Alifa hil lhe guard on lhe head vilh a rock,
rendering hin unconscious, lhen reIeased her
grandnolher fron lhe sack. Hasan connanded lhe
genie lo lring aloul a greal slorn and deslroy lhe
lerrilIe pirale viIIage . . . afler carrying Alifa, her
grandnolher, and hinseIf lo safely. And lhis vas done.
Nov, lhe pirales vere nol so cIever lhen as lhey are
loday. Their houses vere luiIl on lhe shore, nol on
sliIls, and vhen lhe greal slorn cane lhrough, il lore
nosl of lhe houses off lheir foundalions and vashed
lhen avay and drovned lhe lasenenls of olhers
forever. Mosl of lhe pirales vere kiIIed, and lhose lhal
vere Iefl did nol presenl so greal a prolIen fron lhen
on. Much of lheir lreasure had leen heId in secure
lasenenls, and lhey couId no Ionger reach il. I have
heard il is sliII lhere.
Il is said, lhough no one knovs for cerlain, lhal lhe
ghuI priesless and her feIIov cuIlisls vere lrapped in
one such ceIIar and drovned, and lhal lhis ended lhe
cuIl. As for ne, I do nol doull anyones vord, lul I ask
nyseIf if a god of valer vouId aIIov his cuIl lo drovn`
Il is a puzzIe I hope you never have lo soIve. And as for
Hasan` He and Alifa narried, of course, and lhey Iived
happiIy for nany years. This is hov lhe slory vas loId
lo ne. Nov I have loId il and lhe slory is done.
The ReaL HIs1on
o[ 1he ConsaIn DomaIms
lans slory conlains nany eIenenls of lrulh.
Before lhe Crand CaIiph lroughl
LnIighlennenl lo lhe Land of Iale, lhe isIands vere
inhaliled ly nany crueI pirales and sIavers under lhe
ruIe of various pirale kings and queens. IeopIe vho
knev of lhe pirales repulalion grealIy feared lhen, for
lhey did indeed caplure nany unforlunale prisoners lo
sacrifice lo lheir dread eIenenlaI god or lo serve as
vrelched sIaves in lhe cily vhich vouId lecone
Hava. Though pirales conlinued lo congregale on lhe
isIands, olher sellIers found a hone lhere as veII, and
vhen lhe forces of lhe Crand CaIiph senl enissaries lo
lhen, lhey enlraced lhe Lavs of lhe Loregiver and
lhe gods of LnIighlennenl.
Though il is doullfuI lhal lhe harsh and eviI pirales
vho vorshipped Islishia couId have leen so easiIy
duped as in lhe slory, lradilion has il lhal lhey vere
overcone and lheir kingdon vashed avay ly a greal
hurricane soon afler lhe arrivaI of lhe Loregivers Lavs.
Mosl corsairs sliII cIain lhal lhey honor lhal
connilnenl vhelher lhey slriclIy oley aII of lhe Iavs
or nol. CerlainIy, lhe najorily of lhe pirales no Ionger
lake caplives vhelher lo use as sacrifices or sIaves.
They appIaud any aloIilionisl noves lhe Crand
CaIiph approves, and his seening disIike of sIavery
endears hin lo lhe corsair peopIe. NeverlheIess,
runors persisl of a secrel cuIl lo Islishia, lhe coId
eIenenlaI god of valer, vhich hides vilhin parliaIIy
fIooded ceIIars and lhe underground lunneIs of lhe cily
of Hava and vails lo relurn lo pover.
Aooazahn BackbI1en) 9449
, & 1994 TSR. Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
TropicaI, sullropicaI, and lenper-
ale/Deserl, hiIIs, and pIains
AninaI (1)
6- 6O
6, II 18 (B)
1 hp
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 + disease
5IZE: T (2 Iong)
MORALE: Unsleady (6)
ddazahr, or lacklilers, are snaII, sIender, vinged insecls aloul
lvo inches in Ienglh. They dveII in Zakharas deserls, pIains, and
hiIIs. Their paIe anler coIor and exlrene eIongalion nake lhen
resenlIe nolhing so nuch as a piece of hay or slrav. Their vings are so
fragiIe il is aInosl inpossilIe lo see lhen vhen lhe insecls are in fIighl.
Cnmbat: Addazahr do nol engage in conlal per se. They are non-
aggressive, seeking onIy lo gain suslenance in lhe forn of lIood fron
varn-lIooded crealures.
Their lile causes onIy one poinl of danage, lul il injecls a snaII
anounl of lheir saIiva inlo lhe lIoodslrean of lheir viclins. This
saIiva vorks as a crippIing agenl, causing soreness and sveIIing of
lhe joinls in hunans and aninaIs olher lhan leasls of lurden (a suc-
cessfuI saving lhrov vs. paraIyzalion viII negale lhis effecl).
Those aninaIs vhich are prinariIy used as nounls or lo lear lur-
dens, such as caneIs and horses, are affecled nore seriousIy, lhough
usuaIIy nol falaIIy. In such cases, lhe saIiva allacks lhe nuscIes of lhe
aninaIs lack, causing veakness and severe pain. The aninaI so
affecled cannol carry lurdens or le induced lo nove far.
The disease in eilher hunans or aninaIs can le cured ly a curc
iscasc speII. lhervise, lhose affecled relurn lo nornaI in approxi-
naleIy lvo veeks. A fev of lhe deserl lriles cIain lo knov of a non-
nagicaI renedy vhich is effeclive vilhin lhree days, lul reporls of
lhis are unsulslanlialed. Caravans allracl lhe addazahr, and lheir
depredalions can cause Ioss of line vhiIe caneIs recover, Ioss of
noney due lo Iale arrivaIs al narkel, or even Ioss of Iife in cases
vhere lhe caravan lecones slranded far fron a valer source.
Because of lheir physicaI forns and lhe effecl lheir lile produces,
lhis lane of nerchanls is sonelines jokingIy referred lo as lhe
slrav lhal lroke lhe caneIs lack.
AInosl any sorl of allack viII kiII addazahr. They are susceplilIe
lo lolh nornaI and nagicaI coId or fire, and any hil upon lhen viII
deslroy lhen. Waler and olher Iiquids do lhen no parlicuIar harn,
unIess lhey are conpIeleIy innersed in lhe Iiquid and reslrained
fron fIying or cravIing oul of il, in vhich case lhey viII drovn Iike
any olher air-lrealhing crealure.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Addazahr nove aloul aInosl conslanlIy, seeking
oul food. They are nosl connonIy encounlered in lhe seasonaI
grassIands and deserls of Zakhara. Though lhey are onnivores, lhey
need lo feed on lhe lIood of varn-lIooded crealures in order lo
reproduce. Those vhich have fed on lIood enler a fenaIe cycIe and
produce eggs vilhin 72 hours. The eggs (vhich are loo snaII lo le
easiIy seen ly lhe unaided hunan or denihunan eye) are Iaid in
vhalever lerrain lhe insecls are currenlIy passing lhrough. They
halch in a nonlh. If lhere are no pIanls or aninaIs nearly upon
vhich lhe young can feed vhen lhey halch, lhey die. Lven if lhey
lake in lIood as lheir chief suslenance, lhe young insecls cannol
reproduce unliI lhey are lhree nonlhs oId. These are lhe chief regu-
Ialing faclors of lheir exislence, keeping lhe fasl-lreeding insecls
vilhin reasonalIe lounds. They can Iive lo le up lo a year oId.
Addazahr have no pernanenl Iair and hoard no lreasure.
Ecn!ngy: Addazahr are parasiles. Their roIe in lhe ecoIogy of
Zakhara is lhal of a scavenger and occasionaI accidenlaI poIIinalor.
They viII feed on carrion, lhough lhey cannol use any lIood gained
lherely lo reproduce, and lhey oflen lreak dovn snaII seed casings
for food. Their vings, lhough fragiIe, acl as coIIeclors of poIIen, and
lhey nay lransporl poIIen fron one pIanl lo anolher.
If lheir eggs can le Iocaled, lhey can le galhered and carried
vilhoul harn lo lhen. When lhey halch, lhey can le kepl in gIass
or pollery jars so Iong as lhey have air and food.
AmIq RasoL
, & 1994 T5R, Inc. A!! RIghts Rcscrvcd.
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: SpeciaI
INTELLIGENCE: HighIy (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: NeulraI eviI or neulraI
MOVEMENT: 18, Sv 9
1d4/1d4 (cIavs), 1d6 (lile)
Lnergy drain, charn
+2 or leller veapon lo hil,
speII innunilies.
5IZE: M (5-6)
LIile (14)
niq RasoI, aIso caIIed Deep Men or Dark Men, are undead cor-
sairs vho vere Iosl al sea, nurdered, or narooned. Corsairs
vho refused lo acknovIedge or lurned avay fron lhe LnIighlened
gods nay aIso lecone aniq rasoI. They haunl lhe coasls or isIands
nearesl lhe sile of lheir dealhs and prey upon lhose norlaIs unIucky
enough lo slunlIe across lhen. Though usuaIIy soIilary (e.g., a sin-
gIe narooned corsair), severaI nay le found near lhe spol vhere
sone disasler lefeII lheir ship.
The aniq rasoI Iook Iike nornaI corsairs excepl lhal lheir eyes
have an eerie greenish gIov in lhe dark and lheir naiIs and leelh are
sIighlIy eIongaled. Their skin is paIer lhan il oughl lo le, and lheir
cIolhing shovs sone signs of vear. Anyone seeing an aniq rasoI
vilh a hakinas speciaI aliIily, lhrough a gcn cf sccing, or vhiIe using
a |ruc sccing speII viII see lhe crealures lrue appearance~a rolling
Cnmbat: Aniq rasoI allack vilh cIavs and leelh, causing 1d4 poinls
of danage vilh each cIav and liling for 1d6. The lile of lhe aniq
rasoI aIso causes lhe viclin lo Iose one IeveI of experience. As vilh
olher undead lhal use lhis allack forn, lhe effecl reduces lhe Hil
Dice, cIass lonuses, and speII aliIilies of lhe viclin. If lhe viclin is
drained of aII IeveIs, he or she dies lul does nol lecone an aniq
rasoI in lurn. A viclin nay le raisc or rcsurrcc|c nornaIIy.
In addilion lo lheir olher povers, aniq rasoI are alIe lo casl a
poverfuI cnarn speII (save vs. speII al -2) vhich lhey use lo enlice
norlaIs lo lhen. They can use lhis aliIily lhree lines a day. A very
fev of lhese crealures are sinpIy neulraI ralher lhan neulraI eviI,
one of lhese exceplions viII use ils cnarn. speIIs lo convince norlaIs
lo lraveI lo lhe pIace of lhe crealures dealh, find ils renains, and
have lhe proper dealh riles perforned upon lhen ly an LnIighlened
priesl of 9lh IeveI or higher. If lhis rile is perforned, lhe aniq rasoI is
freed fron ils undead exislence and reIeased lo go on lo ils aflerIife.
Aniq rasoI can le lurned as vanpires, excepl in lhe acluaI pIace
of lheir dealh, vhere lhey cannol le lurned al aII. They are innune
lo s|ccp, cnarn, nc|, and coId-lased speIIs. They can le hil onIy ly
+2 or leller veapons. HoIy valer does 2d4 poinls of danage per
viaI, lul onIy againsl aniq rasoI vho are eviI. A raisc ca speII viII
sIay an aniq rasoI pernanenlIy, and a resurreclion speII viII reslore
lhe leing lo Iife. If sIain vilh olher nagics or ly veapons, il recon-
slilules and forns anolher lody vilhin 24 hours.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Aniq rasoI are found onIy near lhe sile of lheir
dealhs. They are nol lied lo lhe exacl spol, parlicuIarIy if lhey died
al sea, lul are aIvays found on isIands or on lhe sea coasl near lhe
acluaI sile. They feed off lhe energy lhey drain fron norlaIs, and
aniq rasoI lhal do nol feed for severaI years viII fade avay unliI lhey
lecone vrailhs. Though lhey prefer lhe dark, since lhey have nal-
uraI infratisicn, aniq rasoI are jusl as capalIe of noving aloul and
allacking ly day. They are quile inleIIigenl and nay seek lo pass
lhenseIves off as Iiving leings in order lo join a parly of advenlurers
and assure lhenseIves of conlinued feeding. Whenever lhe aniq
rasoI lraveIs nore lhan 1OO niIes fron ils pIace of dealh, hovever, il
fades avay and relurns lo lhe spol of ils denise. They are parlIy crea-
lures of lhe Negalive MaleriaI IIane and nusl lherefore nainlain
sone conlacl vilh il lhrough lheir halilal. They have no lrue soci-
ely. Lven lhose found logelher seen aInosl enlireIy seIf-alsorled
and unconcerned aloul lheir feIIov undead spirils.
Ecn!ngy: Aniq rasoI have no proper niche and serve no usefuI pur-
pose in nalure. They provide no usefuI ly-producls. They do relain
sone of lhe equipnenl and lreasure lhey had vhen Iiving, and coI-
Iecl such fron lheir viclins. ne laIe leIIs of an aniq rasoI vho Ied a
parly lo a cache of luried lreasure in relurn for lheir coIIecling ils
lones and perforning lhe proper finaI riles.
FIne1honm 5ea Rose)
, & 1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: CrassIands, saIlvaler svanps
DIET: Nulrienls
1d2 + speciaI
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Ioison, fire
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Ccnfusicn, innune lo fire
5IZE: M (4 radius)
MORALE: Average (8-1O)
he firelhorn, or sea rose, is a rare pIanl vhich onIy grovs aIong
lropicaI or sullropicaI sea coasls. The onIy pIace il is knovn lo
grov in alundance is on sone of lhe isIands of Zakhara. Iirelhorns
can le found scallered in seasonaI grassIands lul nore connonIy
spread in cIuslers lo forn dense, nalled carpels in saIlvaler svanp-
Iands. ResenlIing nolhing so nuch as squal, lroad rose lushes,
firelhorns produce aloul lvenly lriIIianl scarIel lIoons per pIanl.
Lach lIoon has ils allendanl lhorns (fron 1 lo 1O of lhen). There
are no lhorns on lhe nain lranches of lhe lush, nor are lhere any
on lhe fIover slens excepl near lhe lIoon. Sea roses have a dislinc-
live, heady perfune vhich is nolicealIe severaI hundred feel avay.
Cnmbat: Though nol inleIIigenl, sea roses have lhree possilIe
nodes of seIf-defense. Anyone pIucking one of lhe lIoons or lrush-
ing againsl one is suljecl lo allack ly one lo len lhorns lhal spring
oul al lhe offending crealure, doing 1d2 poinls danage each. Tvo
saving lhrovs nusl lhen le nade. A saving lhrov vs. paraIyzalion
delernines vhelher lhe lhorns viII infIicl 1d3 poinls of fire danage
per lhorn (nagic vhich prolecls againsl fire negales lhis danage).
The second saving lhrov is nade lo resisl lhe sea roses exlreneIy
viruIenl poison: faiIure neans innediale dealh, vhiIe success
reduces lhe injury lo 2O poinls of danage. nIy one save vs. poison
and one save vs. paraIyzalion are needed even if nuIlipIe lhorns hil.
The scenl lhe pIanls exude is aIso a poverfuI defense. Anyone
approaching vilhin len feel nusl nake a saving lhrov vs. poison or
le affecled ly il. Those affecled acl as if under a confusion speII for 2
lo 8 ninules. This nay cause lhen lo cone inlo conlacl vilh lhe
pIanl ly accidenl, lhus selling in nolion ils lhorn allacks. When
lraveIing lhrough an area vhich has severaI pIanls, onIy one save
per haIf-hour spenl in lhe lerrain is needed. Sulsequenl saves in lhe
sane area are al a cunuIalive +1 lonus as lhose affecled luiId up a
shorl-lern resislance. Sea roses lrap and hoId heal fron lhe sun and
are innune lo lolh nundane and nagicaI fire.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Il is unknovn vhelher lhe sea rose is a naluraIIy
occurring pIanl or lhe resuIl of sone lolanicaIIy incIined vizards
experinenlalion. The one pIace in Zakhara vhere lhey exisl in
greal nunlers is on lhe IsIand of Iirelhorns, a parl of lhe Corsair
Donains. Sonelines confused vilh lhe Iegendary roses of forgelfuI-
ness lecause of lheir confusion properlies, firelhorns are acluaIIy
nore Iike veeds lhan garden fIovers. They resisl leing lranspIanled
and cuIlivaled, lhough lhey seIf-poIIinale and spread over Iarge
areas vhen condilions are righl.
Ierhaps lheir nosl inlriguing quaIily is lhe gIov lhey enil al
nighl. Sloring heal fron lhe sun, lhe lIossons of lhe pIanl gIov Iike
lanked enlers in lhe dark. The heal given off fron a singIe
firelhorn lush is aloul equaI lo lhal of a snaII Ianlern. SeveraI
lushes logelher enil aloul as nuch heal as a lonfire. They onIy
radiale heal al nighl, vilh lhe excess varnlh leing slored in lheir
lhorns unliI evening, Ieading sone peopIe lo specuIale lhal lhis heal
exchange is sonehov necessary lo lheir grovlh and propagalion.
Iirelhorns respond nornaIIy lo druidicaI speIIs vhich reIale lo
Ecn!ngy: Aside fron lheir roIe in anchoring soiI in saIl svanpIands,
firelhorns can le harvesled (carefuIIy) for severaI producls. Chief
anong lhese is lhe leaulifuI scarIel dye vhich can le nade fron lhe
lIossons. This is easiIy nixed vilh olher ingredienls lo produce an
array of coIors fron paIe pink lo deepesl crinson, il is lhe cily of
Havas chief exporl. The lIossons aIso produce an allar vhich can
le used in naking a heady perfune or, vhen correclIy rendered, as
an ingredienl for a potion of dreaning. The lhorns fron an enlire
lush provide 1 lo 6 doses of lype L poison, lul lhe loxin lreaks
dovn inlo a harnIess sulslance afler aloul a veek.
, & 1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
5nu!takcr WIthcrcr
Any Iand
Any Iand
(15-16) (17-18)
ALIGNMENT: NeulraI eviI NeulraI eviI
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 1-3
MOVEMENT: 18, Sv 12 18, Sv 12
THAC0: 13 11
3 or 1
3 or 1
or speciaI
Innune lo non-
or speciaI
+2 or leller
vooden veapons veapon lo hil
5IZE: M (8-1O laII)
Ni I
M (1O laII)
Chanpion (15-16) Ianalic (17
he ghuI-kin are reIaled lo lhe greal ghuIs, and Iike lhen are
undead jann. UnIike lheir cousins, ghuI-kin are differenlialed
inlo lvo dislincl lypes, SouIlakers and Wilherers. WhiIe lhey prefer
lo feed on dead hunan lodies, ghuI-kin find no pIeasure in haunling
luriaI grounds. They are far nore sociaI crealures lhan lheir cousins
and oflen inleracl vilh norlaIs and even Iive anong lhen un-
delecled for Iong periods of line. Their grealesl desires are lo ruIe
over a coved norlaI popuIalion, lo corrupl norlaIs and use lhen as
lheir servanls, lo have a sleady suppIy of viclins vhose lodies lhey
can devour, and lo achieve enough personaI pover and Iearn enough
secrels lo successfuIIy conlroI olher genies.
Like lheir cousins lhe greal ghuIs, ghuI-kin are shapechangers.
They viII usuaIIy assune allraclive, seduclive shapes, lhough lhey
occasionaIIy lake on forns designed lo Iook virluous or vise. They
nay even assune lhe appearance of a reaI person lhey have seen al
Ieasl once, lhough lhere is aIvays sonelhing nol quile righl aloul
such inpersonalions (eyes lhe vrong coIor, incorreclIy shaped ears,
elc.). If lhey have heard lhe person speak, lhey can perforn a
ninicry of lhe voice, achieving a cIose approxinalion.
In lheir lrue forns, lolh naIe and fenaIe ghuI-kin are 8 lo 1O feel
laII, vilh Iong, gangIy arns and Iegs. They have lhick, langIed hair,
lone-vhile pock-narked skin, cIaved hands, and poverfuI javs
fiIIed vilh sharp yeIIov leelh. Their eyes shine vilh a feraI Iighl,
and lheir ears are sharpIy poinled. ChuI-kin exude an unpIeasanl
odor and are rullery and coId lo lhe louch. They usuaIIy lake greal
pains lo disguise lolh lheir repuIsive appearance and odor in order
lo nove aloul in sociely undelecled.
Cnmbat: ChuI-kin allack vilh lheir cIavs and poverfuI javs. They
can forgo lhese allacks in order lo nake a speciaI allack if lhey vish.
The speciaI allack and ils resuIls are differenl for each lype of ghuI-
kin (see leIov). They can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies
al viII: intisioi|i|q and pc|qncrpn sc|f. Being undead, lhey are innune
lo s|ccp, cnarn, nc|, and coId-lased nagic and are unaffecled ly par-
aIyzalion or poison. SouIlakers can le lurned as speclres, vhiIe Wilh-
erers are lurned as vanpires. Bolh suffer 2d6 poinls of danage fron
hoIy valer. They are alIe lo funclion in dayIighl, lhough lhey suffer a
-1 lo lheir allack roIIs and saving lhrovs vhen in lrighl sunIighl.
}ann sIain ly ghuI-kin lecone ghuI-kin lhenseIves.
ChuI-kin are innune lo lhe linding and capluring povers of
shairs. AII ghuI-kin have lhe aliIily lo lecone sorcerers, shairs, or
priesls, and aII can use any nagic ilens usalIe ly vizards or priesls.
ChuI-kin lake perverse deIighl in coIIecling nagic ilens capalIe of
doing lhen harn, carefuIIy hiding lhen vhere olhers cannol find
lhen. They are aIvays searching for genie-conlroI devices.
HabItat/5ncIcty: ChuI-kin Iive vherever lhey find il convenienl lo
do so. They oflen Iive in cilies and even engage in lrade vilhoul
lheir neighlors leing avare of lheir lrue nalures. They prefer lo Iive
in snaII faniIy unils and oflen forn a pack vilh Ione greal ghuIs. In
such cases, lhe ghuI-kin usuaIIy occupy lhe posilions of Ieadership.
They disdain connon ghouIs, finding lhen far loo unrefined.
ChuI-kin enjoy fine cIolhing, eIeganl furnishings, and jeveIry.
They appreciale arl and oflen have lheir dveIIing pIaces eIaloraleIy
liIed or painled. Though lhey usuaIIy defer lo lhe doninanl slyIe of
cIolhing vorn vherever lhey reside, lhe naleriaIs viII aIvays le lhe
finesl avaiIalIe and lhe cIolhing experlIy laiIored. Though lhey
have no desire for nornaI food, lhey are fond of vine and seen lo
enjoy highIy spiced neals and slevs. They Iove aII scenls and per-
funes, fron lalh soaps lo sachels, and lheir lasles lend lovard lhe
exolic~frangipani or frankincense~for ils superiorily in covering
lheir ovn unpIeasanl sneII.
Ecn!ngy: ChuI-kin serve genies vhen forced lo lul lry lo avoid con-
lacl vilh lheir nore poverfuI cousins unIess lhey leIieve lhey have
lhe upper hand. The chief nolivalions of ghuI-kin are personaI
pover and enlerlainnenl. Being undead, lhey have no Iinil on lhe
line lhey can spend perfecling a pIan or selling up an eIalorale lase
of operalions. Mosl of lhen are acconpIished aclors and deIighl in
pIaying a roIe lhey have deveIoped for years. Sooner or Ialer, hov-
ever, lhe ghuI lecones lored and has lo reveaI ilseIf lo friends and
neighlors. Such reveIalions are oflen foIIoved ly a greal sIaughler
as lhe ghuI-kin seeks lo kiII anyone vho has Iearned ils secrel. They
reveI in eslalIishing cuIls and secrel socielies vhere lhey can con-
lroI norlaIs and Iead lhen aslray vhiIe onIy narginaIIy conceaIing
lheir lrue nalures.
Sone fev ghuI-kin heIp norlaIs vho seek lhen oul and fIaller
lhen or offer lhen genie-conlroIIing devices. Sone have leen
knovn lo repay a kindness a norlaI paid lo lhen vhiIe lhey vere
disguised. AII ghuI-kin reacl nore posiliveIy lo lhose norlaIs vho
are lolh poIile and respeclfuI.
5nu!takcrs: SouIlakers are sIighlIy snaIIer lhan vilherers, rareIy
reaching 1O feel in heighl. There is an equaI chance lhal a souIlaker
viII le naIe or fenaIe. Though lhey Iook dovn upon greal ghuIs as
leing Iesser cousins, souIlakers are lhenseIves sulservienl lo lheir
vilherer kin. Because lhey nusl oflen suljugale lheir ovn desires
and pIans lo lhose of lheir grealer lrelhren, souIlakers are oflen frus-
lraled. Ior lhis reason, lhey are lhe nore vicious of lhe lvo lypes of
ghuI-kin. They gain greal salisfaclion fron possessing a viclin and
forcing lhal viclin lo oley lheir every vhin. They feeI sone of lhe
anger, lerror, and despair lheir viclins experience and enjoy knov-
ing lhal il is lheir viII vhich causes such nisery for lhe poor pos-
sessed sIave. SouIlakers nay lecone vizards or priesls of up lo 7lh
IeveI (providing lhe god lhey serve accepls lhen). They are innune
lo nonvooden veapons.
SouIlakers have a speciaI allack forn vhich lhey can use in Iieu
of naking lheir nornaI allack. In order lo use il, hovever, lhe souI-
laker nusl nake an allack roII al a -3 penaIly. If successfuI, lhe souI-
laker has kissed ils viclin on lhe Iips. Viclins vho faiI a saving
lhrov vs. speII (al a -2 penaIly) are possessed ly a porlion of lhe
souIlakers essence and faII under lhe ghuIs conlroI. Though lhe vic-
lins ninds are sliII presenl in lheir ovn lodies, lhey are heIpIess
prisoners, unalIe lo speak or nake lheir pIighl knovn lo olhers.
Inslead, lhe souIlaker speaks and acls for ils viclins, aIvays vorking
lo lhe delrinenl of ils viclins conpanions, lhough oflen in cun-
ning and sullIe vays.
nce lhe possession has occurred, lhe souIlaker can conlroI ils
viclin al any range so Iong as lhey are lolh on lhe sane pIane of
exislence. If lhe viclin is a speIIcasler, lhe souIlaker can use vhal-
ever speIIs lhe viclin had nenorized al lhe line possession look
pIace lul cannol force ils viclin lo reIearn or pray for nev speIIs.
SouIlakers nay possess and conlroI one viclin for every lvo poinls
of InleIIigence (rounded dovn).
The possession nay le delecled ly various neans. Iirsl, any
allenpl lo c|cc| a|ignncn| on lhe viclin viII resuIl in a reading of
neulraI eviI. In addilion, slrangers reacl lo lhe viclin vilh dislrusl
and suspicion, jusl as lhough he or she vere under lhe effecls of an
eviI eye. The viclin nay say or do eviI lhings, and his or her lehav-
ior nay undergo a radicaI change. He or she nay even allack his or
her ovn parly vilhoul apparenl cause. A shair of 3rd IeveI or alove
nay delecl lhal lhere is genie vork connecled vilh lhe viclin, a
hakina of 9lh IeveI or alove nay leII lhal lhe viclin is possessed, a
priesl alIe lo casl delecl eviI nay Iearn lhal lhe viclin is under lhe
conlroI of sone eviI force.
SeveraI speIIs nay le used lo conlal lhe effecls of lhe possession.
A prc|cc|icn frcn cti| or prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, 10 raius speII viII keep
lhe souIlaker fron exercising ils conlroI vhiIe lhe speII is in effecl.
An an|i-nagic snc|| viII negale lhe possession if lhe viclin is in lhe
area of effecl vhen lhe speII is casl, and rcnctc cursc viII lreak lhe
possession. Dispc| cti| casl on lhe viclin viII lreak lhe possession
and cause 3-24 (3d8) poinls of danage on lhe souIlaker. The souI-
laker viII nol viIIingIy go near a priesl or nosque, nor viII anyone
possessed ly one. Il viII force lhe viclin lo fighl lo prevenl lhe pos-
session fron leing lroken and nay allenpl lo sunnon ils possessed
viclin lo ils Iair ralher lhan aIIoving hin or her lo le freed of ils
WIthcrcrs: Bolh naIe and fenaIe vilherers are usuaIIy laIIer lhan
souIlakers (averaging 1O feel in heighl) and nore doninanl. They
have grealer inleIIigence and cunning and are usuaIIy lhe insligalors
of Iong-lern grandiose pIans. Such pIans are invarialIy designed lo
gain nore pover for lhe vilherer and lo corrupl norlaIs inlo serving
lhe ghuI-kin. They deIighl in shovy riluaIs and sacrifices of lolh
senlienl crealures and lreasures. Wilherers use souIlakers as Iieu-
lenanls in nany of lheir pIans and oflen find greal ghuIs lo use as
pavns. Hunans and denihunans are aIIoved lo serve lhen as seni-
sIaves, leconing eilher shock lroops or food sources as lhe need
When lhvarled, vilherers relreal lo pIan lheir revenge, sone-
lines laking decades lo perfecl lheir laclics lefore relurning lo lhe
pIace vhere lhey faiIed. They are nol adepl al coping vilh pre-
nalure discIosure, hovever, and lhey viII oflen nake poor decisions
in response lo lhe unexpecled, lherely reveaIing lheir nachinalions
or causing lheir ovn dovnfaII.
MaIe vilherers are rare and usuaIIy Iess rulhIess lhan lheir fenaIe
counlerparls. They nay sonelines le found nasquerading as her-
nils or recIusive shairs and nay le induced lo heIp norlaIs if
offered a sulslanliaI enough revard or if lhe naller inleresls lhen.
pporlunilies lo acl oul sone greal dranalic roIe are aIso effeclive
in persuading naIe vilherers lo aid non-ghuIs. CIaining sone sorl
of kinship is aIso an effeclive pIoy if lhere is lhe sIighlesl evidence lo
lack up such a cIain.
Wilherer ghuI-kin nay lecone nages or priesls of up lo 9lh IeveI
(provided lhe god lhey serve accepls lhen). They can onIy le hil ly
+2 or leller veapons. Inslead of lheir lhree reguIar allacks, lhey
nay use a speciaI allack: a louch vhich veakens and vilhers lhe lar-
gel crealure vhiIe slrenglhening lhe vilherer. This vilhering louch
causes 1d1O poinls of danage (vhich are lenporariIy added lo lhe
vilherers hil poinl lolaI). Danage againsl lhe vilherer is sullracled
fron lhese added hil poinls firsl (if nol used, lhe hil poinls renain
for one hour). Iurlhernore, lhe louch drains one poinl of Slrenglh
and ages lhe viclin ly a year. If lhe viclins Slrenglh faIIs lo zero, he
or she dies. The viclin aIso dies if lhe aging is enough lo push lhe
characler pasl his or her nornaI Iifespan. Those sIain ly a vilherer
nusl have renove curse casl on lheir lodies lefore lhey can le raisc
or rcsurrcc|c.
The aging is onIy reversilIe lhrough use of polions or olher nagic
vhich reslores youlh or reverses aging, lul lhe Slrenglh Ioss is nol
pernanenl. If nol drained conpIeleIy, lhe viclin recovers any
Slrenglh poinls Iosl al lhe rale of one poinl per lurn. Losl hil poinls
nusl le recovered nornaIIy or lhrough nagicaI heaIing.
5ea Vnm 9449
, & 1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: TropicaI and sullropicaI seas
DIET: nnivore
R (x 2)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic neulraI
9, Sv 18
Baly (7-8)
AdoIescenl (9-1O)
AduIl (11-12)
Ancienl (13-14)
7-8 HD: 13
9-1O HD: 11
11-12 HD: 9
13-14 HD: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d6 (lile) or 3d8 (conslriclion)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Brealh veapon, svaIIov vhoIe*
*(aduIls and ancienls onIy)
L (up lo 12 Iong) for 7-1O HD,
H (12-25 Iong) for 11-14 HD
Chanpion (15-16)
7-8 HD: 14OO
9-1O HD: 2OOO
11-12 HD: 3OOO
13-14 HD: 4OOO
ea vyrns are eIongaled IegIess and vingIess sea dragons found
in lropicaI and sullropicaI seas. IrolalIy one of lhe sources for
lhe laIes of Iegendary sea serpenls, lhese Iazy crealures rareIy allack
anyone or anylhing nol inlruding on lheir lerrilory. They are usuaIIy
serene and najeslic, oflen venluring quile cIose lo Iand if Iefl undis-
lurled. ccasionaIIy, a faniIy of sea vyrns viII le seen lraveIing
logelher ly saiIors vho venlure inlo deeper seas.
Cnmbat: Sea vyrns grov Iarger, lul nol parlicuIarIy slronger, as
lhey age, lhus, lhe lile and conslriclion of a laly sea vyrn are jusl
as danaging as lhal of ils eIders. Though lhey are nornaIIy nonag-
gressive, sea vyrns viII allack ships or crealures vho invade vhal
lhey consider lo le lheir lerrilory. AII sea vyrns can lile for 2d6
(2-12) poinls of danage and conslricl for 3d8 (3-24) poinls. If
allacking a ship, every 1O poinls of conslriclion danage acls as 1
huII poinl versus lhe vesseI. If lhe ship is snaIIer lhan lhe sea vyrn,
lhe vyrn can conpIeleIy encircIe lhe enlire vesseI, roII il over, and
drag il lenealh lhe vaves. Because of lhis, lhey are grealIy feared ly
fishernen and olhers vho usuaIIy have snaIIer loals.
AduIl and ancienl sea vyrns have olher allacks as veII. If lhey
nake a lile allack and score 5 nore lhan lhey need lo hil, lhey have
svaIIoved lheir prey vhoIe. The viclin lakes nornaI danage (2d6)
fron lhe lile and an addilionaI 2d6 poinls of danage per round
lhereafler fron slonach acids. The usuaI nelhods nay le enpIoyed
lo escape fron lhe crealures slonach. Al any line an aduIl or
ancienl sea vyrn nay choose lo forgo ils nornaI allack and use ils
lrealh veapon inslead. This is a cone of sIeep gas 5 feel vide al lhe
lase, 3O feel vide al lhe far end, and reaching 3O feel. Those caughl
in lhe cone nusl save vs. lrealh veapon or faII asIeep for 3d8 (3-24)
rounds. The vyrn can use lhis allack onIy once per day.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Sea vyrns Iair in undervaler caves or in renole
caves on isIands. They can lrealhe equaIIy veII in air or valer and
nove aloul on Iand ly sIilhering Iike a snake. They eal jusl aloul
anylhing lul are parlicuIarIy fond of fish and fruil. They have leen
knovn lo sIilher around a fruil lree and conslricl il in an allenpl lo
gel al fruil vhich is leyond lheir nornaI reach.
Sea vyrns Iive in snaII faniIy groups unliI lhe lalies are oId
enough lo forage for lhenseIves. When lhree are found logelher,
lhey are aIvays a naled pair and lheir laly. Tvo sea vyrns found
logelher are aIvays a naled pair, as lhey nale for Iife. The fenaIe
produces one egg al a line, vhich is jeaIousIy guarded ly lolh unliI
lhe young sea vyrn halches.
If caplured as lalies, sea vyrns nake IoyaI and affeclionale pels
for sea peopIes such as nerfoIk, lrilons, or nereids, viIIing lo fighl lo
lhe dealh lo defend lheir conpanions.
Ecn!ngy: Sea vyrns cIain undersea or isIand caves for lheir Iairs and
defend lhe lerrilory around il up lo aloul lvo niIes. They range up
lo lhirly niIes fron hone lo feed. Though lhey produce no usefuI
ly-producls, lhere is a groving narkel in sea vyrn eggs anong
lraders vho vish lo raise a noliIe guard lo defend lheir ships vhiIe
al sea. Sone nerchanls deaI in sea vyrn skins, vhich lring 1,OOO lo
3,OOO gp.
VIzIen's Tunbam
, & 1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: SpeciaI (see leIov)
INTELLIGENCE: Cenius (17-18)
SpeciaI (see leIov)
HIT DICE: SpeciaI (see leIov)
5IZE: S (2-4 Iong)
LIile (13-14)
he viziers lurlan is a synliolic crealure vhich allaches ilseIf lo
a vizard and provides ils parlner vilh grealIy enhanced speII-
casling polenliaI and nagic resislance. In relurn, lhe vizard agrees
lo a pernanenl Ioss of hil poinls, vhich are used ly lhe crealure lo
suslain ilseIf. The polenliaI pover lo le gained ly londing vilh a
viziers lurlan far oulveighs lhe sacrifice lo lhe vizard. They can
lond vilh any eIenenlaI nage, sorcerer, or ajani vizard, lul nol
vilh shairs.
Viziers lurlans Iook Iike a lurlan (of any coIor) secured ly lvo
lrighl jeveIs (ils eyes). Their skin resenlIes fine cIolh. They can
change coIor lo suil lheir parlners allire and can reshape lhen-
seIves sonevhal lo Iook nore Iike a scarf or veiI for fenaIe vizards
vho prefer such allire lo lurlans. A viziers lurlan enjoys valching
vhal goes on around il fron ils vanlage poinl alop ils parlners head
and connunicales leIepalhicaIIy vilh ils hosl.
The vizard decides hov nany hil poinls (up lo a naxinun of 1O
hp) lo pernanenlIy give up lo his or her viziers lurlan. ne hil
poinl nay le given lo lhe synliole vhenever lhe vizard gains a nev
IeveI, so il is possilIe lo find an 11lh-IeveI vizard vhose viziers lur-
lan has 1O hil poinls, or a 9lh-IeveI vizard vho has one vilh onIy 2
hp. The nunler of hil poinls lhe synliole has is a funclion lolh of
hov nany ils vizard sacrifices lo il and al vhal poinl in lhe vizards
career lhe viziers lurlan nel and londed vilh lhe vizard.
Cnmbat: Viziers lurlans nake no allacks and cause no danage. Ior
aII praclicaI purposes, lhe viziers lurlan and ils hosl funclion as a
singIe leing. The synliole is conlenl lo Iel ils parlner conlroI lhe
lhinking, novenenl, and lody funclions. Il viII give advice onIy if
specificaIIy asked.
The polenliaI pover vhich a viziers lurlan can lring lo ils vizard
is a funclion of hov nany hil poinls il has. Il saves as a vizard of lhe
sane IeveI as il has hil poinls, so a viziers lurlan vilh 4 hil poinls
vouId save as a 4lh-IeveI vizard. Il aIso provides ils hosl vilh 5
nagic resislance for every 2 hil poinls il has, up lo a naxinun of
25. Viziers lurlans cannol have nore lhan 1O hil poinls, exlra hil
poinls sacrificed lo il are Iosl as if lhe vizard vere vounded and can
le heaIed nornaIIy.
Ior every hil poinl il receives, lhe crealure enhances ils chosen
vizards speIIcasling aliIilies, as delaiIed on lhe foIIoving charl:
1 hp = 1 exlra firsl-IeveI speII per day
2 hp = 5 nagic resislance
3 hp = 1 exlra second-IeveI speII per day
4 hp = 1O nagic resislance (lolaI)
5 hp = 1 exlra lhird-IeveI speII per day
6 hp = 15 nagic resislance (lolaI)
7 hp = 1 exlra fourlh-IeveI speII per day
8 hp = 2O nagic resislance (lolaI)
9 hp = 1 exlra fiflh-IeveI speII per day
1O hp = 25 nagic resislance (lolaI)
The naxinun lenefil a vizard can derive fron a viziers lurlan is
lhus one 1sl-, one 2nd-, one 3rd-, one 4lh-, and one 5lh-IeveI speII
per day pIus a nagic resislance of 25. Viziers lurlans do nol knov
any speIIs lhenseIves, nor can lhey give lheir parlners access lo
speIIs lhe vizard does nol aIready knov or is nol usuaIIy aIIoved lo
casl. AII reslriclions as lo eIenenlaI provinces, speII schooIs, and
olher Iiniling faclors renain in force. The viziers lurlan in no vay
aIIovs ils parlner access lo cIericaI speIIs, nor does il enhance such
speIIs shouId ils parlner le a vizard/priesl. These synlioles provide
no lenefils lo shairs al aII and cannol lond vilh lhen.
Danage lo ils hosl fron veapons, vhelher nornaI or nagicaI, has
no effecl on a viziers lurlan. Lven if slruck direclIy ly a veapon, lhe
danage passes righl lhrough lhe crealure and affecls ils hosl inslead.
Secondary effecls vhich enuIale speII effecls (such as an eIeclricaI
allack vhich occurs vhen lhe svord slrikes) are handIed siniIarIy lo
nagicaI allacks againsl lhe synliole or ils hosl.
SpeIIs and nagicaI ilens vhich produce speII-Iike effecls nay
affecl a viziers lurlan. SingIe largel speIIs (such as cnarn pcrscn) and
VIzIen's Tunbam
nondanaging area-of-effecl speIIs (such as cnacs) have no effecl on a
viziers lurlan, even if lhe crealure is lhe prinary largel of such a
speII. If ils parlner faiIs lhe nagic resislance roII provided ly lhe
viziers lurlan and aIso faiIs his or her saving lhrov vs. a danaging
area-of-effecl speII, lhen lhe synliole nusl aIso nake a saving
lhrov vs. speII. If il faiIs ils save, lhe crealure is affecled ly lhe speII
as a separale enlily, vhich aInosl guaranlees ils denise. If il nakes
lhe save, il is affecled as if il vere a naluraI parl of ils parlner, vilh
ils hil poinls leing lhe Iasl lo le Iosl.
Ior exanpIe, a hosl nage vilh 24 hp has given 2 hp lo his viziers
lurlan, Ieaving hin vilh 22 hp. The nage is hil ly a fircoa|| for 23
poinls danage and faiIs lolh his nagic resislance check and saving
lhrov, neaning he lakes fuII danage. The synliole nov saves and,
if successfuI, lakes onIy 1 poinl of danage (lhe anounl ly vhich lhe
speII danage exceeded lhe nages hil poinl lolaI). Since il vouId
sliII le aIive, il couId find anolher hosl. Had lhe firelaII done 24 or
nore poinls, lhe synliole vouId le dead. If il had caused 22 or
fever poinls, lhe viziers lurlan vouId have leen unharned. Had
lhe nage nade his saving lhrov or his nagic resislance check, lhe
viziers lurlan vouId have leen conpIeleIy unaffecled, even if ils
hosl had leen kiIIed ly cunuIalive danage.
If lhe viziers lurlan has nore lhan 1 hp Iefl al any line lhal ils
hosl vizard is ladIy injured (i.e., reduced lo haIf or Iess of his or her
hil poinls lolaI), il can relurn aII lul 1 of ils hil poinls lo ils hosl.
These regained hil poinls funclion jusl as if a heaIing speII had leen
used on lhe vizard and had reslored lhal nany hil poinls lo hin or
her. nce lhe vizard is reslored lo fuII hil poinls, he or she nusl
relurn lhese hil poinls lo lhe synliole. ne hil poinl is aIvays Iosl
pernanenlIy in lhis exchange, reducing lhe vizards lolaI ly 1, so
lhis exchange is nol nade frivoIousIy. Iurlhernore, relurning lhe hil
poinls lo his or her synliole vounds lhe vizard for lhal nany poinls
of danage~danage lhal can onIy le heaIed nagicaIIy. The 1 hil
poinl Iosl in lhis exchange cannol le reslored ly any neans shorl of
a vish.
HabItat/5ncIcty: There are severaI lheories as lo lhe origin of
viziers lurlans. ne lheory suggesls lhal lhe lurlans are acluaIIy
Iesser genies of sone sorl, eilher condenned lo serve vizards for
sone lransgression againsl olher genies or specificaIIy shaped lo per-
forn lhe dulies lhey do (nuch Iike lasked genies). Anolher lheory
conlends lhal viziers lurlans vere originaIIy jusl lhal~nagicaI
headgear vhich sonehov deveIoped lolh inleIIigence and a sense
of seIf vhiIe relaining lheir nagicaI properlies. The lheory vhich
has gained lhe nosl acceplance is lhal lhe crealures vere originaIIy
sone sorl of faniIiar.
Whalever lheir origin, viziers lurlans do nol appear lo reproduce
in any discernilIe nanner, and no naled pairs have ever leen
found. When lvo viziers lurlans neel (usuaIIy vhiIe lraveIing vilh
lheir londed vizards), lhey viII greel one anolher poIileIy lul
refrain fron Iong conversalion, as lhough lhey had no inleresl in
one anolher. They seen lo have no differenlialion of sex, adopling a
naIe or fenaIe oulIook lo nalch lhal of lheir hosl. Il has leen lheo-
rized lhal lhe crealure nay reproduce ly fission, forning a dupIicale
vhich is lhen Iefl lo fend for ilseIf. UnliI il londs vilh a vizard, lhe
viziers lurlan is considered lo have onIy a singIe hil poinl.
Though il recognizes lhal il is a separale leing fron ils hosl, a
viziers lurlan lakes ils personaIily and reaclions lo silualions
direclIy fron ils parlner. Il viII never disagree vilh a decision nade
ly ils hosl unIess asked lo give ils ovn opinion. Il has no opinions
aloul vhal speIIs lhe vizard shouId sludy or vhich ones he or she
shouId casl in a given silualion, since il does nol ilseIf have any
speIIcasling laIenl. Il does nol undersland and cannol read lhe speIIs
vhich ils vizard Iearns lul inslead derives a sense of salisfaclion
fron feeIing ils vizards enolionaI response lo lolh Iearning and
casling speIIs.
The viziers lurlan seens lo have no fixed elhicaI sense, changing
aIignnenl lo nalch lhal of ils hosl and adopling his or her poinl of
viev. When nol vilh a hosl, lhe crealure aIignnenl delecls as leing
lrue neulraI. If a viziers lurlan changes hosls, il viII change ils
aIignnenl lo fil lhal of ils nev hosl, if differenl.
A viziers lurlan exisls on lhe hil poinls given lo il and on lhe
conpanionship of ils chosen vizard. Il eagerIy engages in phiIosoph-
icaI discussions vilh ils hosl if lhe vizard iniliales lhe conversalion.
Il has no need lo eal or drink lul does enjoy leing lalhed, and il
Iikes lo rearrange ilseIf inlo differenl slyIes of lurlans vhen given
lhe chance.
KeenIy curious, a viziers lurlan is aIvays happy lo lraveI vilh ils
hosl lo see nev pIaces and lhings. Il is very olservanl, lhough il
reacls lo slinuIi vilh a never-ending sense of vonder ralher lhan
IogicaIIy. If il sees a Iion charging ils vizard, for inslance, il does nol
varn lhe vizard lul ralher goggIes al lhe vondrous crealure rapidIy
A viziers lurlan is Ieasl happy vhen separaled fron ils parlner,
and nourns if il is laken off and Iefl lehind vhen ils vizard goes oul.
A viziers lurlan lhal is ignored ly ils vizard lecones depressed, and
if nol aIIoved lo parlicipale nore fuIIy in ils vizards Iife viII evenlu-
aIIy Ieave and seek a nev parlner. If a viziers lurlan Ieaves ils viz-
ard, il lakes haIf lhe hil poinls il has received avay vilh il. The
vizard regains lhe olher hil poinls lul pernanenlIy Ioses lhose
relained ly lhe lurlan.
AIlhough lhey can le found aInosl anyvhere, il lakes a keen eye
and a desire lo lond vilh one lo Iocale a viziers lurlan. Lven lhen,
ils rarily nakes il unIikeIy lhal a vizard vho is nol spending every
vaking hour searching for one viII find one. They are virluaI nas-
lers of disguise since lhey Iook Iike slrips of naleriaI vhen unvound
and Iike scarves, lurlans, or veiIs vhen posing.
This odd crealure does nol delecl as nagicaI lul can le found via
speIIs or devices vhich delecl Iife or aIignnenl. Ils sense of hunor is
such lhal il is anused ly lhe anlics vizards go lhrough lo Iocale il.
Indeed, ils allenpls al disguise and canoufIage nay le a lesl lo see if
a parlicuIar vizard is cIever enough lo find il and lherefore vorlhy
lo lecone ils parlner. When ils eyes are cIosed, il is indislinguish-
alIe fron any olher ilen of cIolhing. Iavorile hiding pIaces for
viziers lurlans are al cIolh narkels, inside vardroles, alop lhe cIolh
coverings vhich shade suqs, in rag lags, and anong caravan lrade
goods. Since il can change coIor al viII, il can le quile difficuIl lo
spol one shouId il vish lo renain hidden.
Ecn!ngy: Viziers lurlans have no reaI effecl on lheir environnenl
olher lhan upon lhe vizards lhey lond vilh. They occupy a unique
niche. No one has ever seen a viziers lurlan die of naluraI causes,
so il is inpossilIe lo eslinale hov Iong lhey Iive. They nighl even
le innorlaI.
uIck Re[enemce [on 1he DN:
Chan1 Ome
Chanac1ens Im 5hon1hamo
Allrevialions descriling characlers in AL-QADIM gane accessories appear in lhis order: race, sex, cIass, kil, and
IeveI. Ior exanpIe, hnW/sh/1O neans hunan naIe vizard, shair, 1Olh IeveI.
d dvarf
e eIf
gl golI i n
h h u n a n
hl holgolIin
f fenaIe
B Bard
I Iighler
I Iriesl
IaI IaIadin
he haI f - eI f
hg haIfIing
kl koloI d
o orc
n naIe
R Ra n g e r
T Thief
W Wizard (Mage)
deserl rider
fIane nage
hoIy sIayer
oulIand priesl
oulIand varrior
sand nage
sea nage
vind nage
Sone races, such as gianls, are Iess connon in lhe Land of Iale. When il is necessary lo Iisl lheir race, lhe enlire
vord is used. Ior exanpIe, Crina aI-Auni nin Kor is a hiII gianl vho is a priesl of Kor. His shorlhand allrevialion is as
foIIovs: hiII gianl nI/e/8 (hiII gianl naIe priesl, elhoisl, 8lh IeveI). AIignnenls are nol incIuded in characler
+HI=EHI B JDA /HA=J 5A= (9449XXX0504) Iy ormIssIon of 1S!, Inc., fhIs ngo mny bo rorouucou for orsonnI uso onIy. nnu l994 1S!, Inc. AII !Ighfs !osorvou.
uIck Re[enemces [on 1he DN:
Chan1 Tuo
The Zakhanam CaLemoan
AI-ToriI, lhe pIanel of vhich Zakhara is a parl, has
365 days lo ils year. Lach year is divided inlo lveIve
nonlhs of 3O days each (vhich roughIy nalches lhe orlil
of lhe pIanels singIe noon). The Zakharan caIendar aIso
incIudes five High HoIy Days, speciaI days vhich leIong
lo no nonlh.
Nom1hs o[ 1he Yean
Taraq }anuary
Masla Ielruary
Magaril March
Cannan ApriI
QavafiI }une
Dar Augusl
Riyah Seplenler
Nau cloler
Rahal Novenler
Saris Decenler
HIgh HoL Das
Ahad, Alnen, SaIas, Arla, and Yasad: lhese are lhe
five High HoIy Days. They foIIov lhe nonlh of QavafiI
and precede Safa each year. Iron davn unliI dusk, lhe
High HoIy Days are a line of failh, nedilalion, and
fasling. Il has leen said lhal even lhe nosl despicalIe
lhief lhinks lvice lefore connilling any crines during
lhe High HoIy Days. Nighls are a differenl naller. Afler
lhe sun sels, lhere is greal ceIelralion, feasling, and
dancing. The grealesl feslivaIs lake pIace in Huzuz.
Yasad is caIIed Ascension Day. The firsl Crand CaIiph
is said lo have ascended lhe lhrone on lhis dale, and
each Crand CaIiph vho succeeded hin aIso assuned
ruIership on Ascension Day. When lhe ruIership renains
unchanged, Yasad is dislinguished ly lhe Crand CaIiphs
pulIic appearance and vorship in lhe CoIden Mosque.
Many piIgrins fIock lo lhe nosque on lhis day lo hear
hin speak.
LocaL CeLebna1Ioms
Many cilies in Zakhara have lheir ovn ceIelralions
connenoraling IocaI lallIes, niracIes, or greal Ieaders of
lhe pasl. Ior exanpIe, Cana, lhe Cily of Riches, hoIds a
speclacuIar lhree-day feslivaI each year lo nark lhe end
of lhe pearI season. Mosl cilies olserve lhe IocaI ruIers
lirlhday vilh feasls and enlerlainnenls, such
ceIelralions usuaIIy slarl in lhe norning and Iasl veII
inlo lhe evening. Cilizens of Huzuz ceIelrale lhe Crand
CaIiphs lirlhday vilh parades and processions
lhroughoul lhe day. The currenl Crand CaIiph, KhaIiI aI-
Assad aI-Zahir (hnI/f/2O), vas lorn on 27 Dar.
Qudra ceIelrales lhe Crand CaIiphs lirlhday vilh a
soIenn procession of lhe various nanIuk unils, vho
narch in ordered ranks lo lhe Mosque of BIood vhere
each nanIuk reaffirns his or her IoyaIly and oledience
lo lhe Crand CaIiph.
The peopIe of Hava ceIelrale vhenever lhey feeI Iike
il. In recenl years, lhe Corsair CounciI has slaged a nock
sea lallIe each year connenoraling Havas viclory over
lhe nanIuks of Qudra len years ago. This vas inlended
lo encourage lhe cilizens so lhal if lhere is a nexl line,
lhey nay le nore easiIy raIIied lo lhe cilys defense.
Ccrsairs cf |nc Grca| Sca (9449XXXO5O5) By pernission of TSR, Inc., lhis page nay le reproduced for personaI use onIy. 1994 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
uIck Re[enemces [on 1he DN:
uIck 51an1s amo Ramoom Emcoum1ens
Toum amo CI1 Emcoum1ens: TnaoeLImg amo Nom-CI1 Emcoum1ens:
The parly has jusl arrived in a slrange lovn. As lhey
ride in or enler lhe gales of lhe cily, a crovd of chiIdren
descends on lhen, legging for coins or offering lheir
services as guides. They are IileraIIy surrounded and
cIoseIy pressed ly a nol of cIanoring, pushing chiIdren.
ne snaII urchin is parlicuIarIy persislenl, foIIoving lhe
characlers and leIIing lhen he or she is lhe finesl and
nosl honesl guide in lhe cily.
Al sone poinl afler lhe characlers nanage lo rid
lhenseIves of nosl of lhe chiIdren (eilher lhrough
lhroving a fev snaII coins dovn a side slreel or sone
olher pIoy), one of lhen nolices lhal an ilen of
significance lo lhal characler has leen sloIen. Whelher
nagicaI or nundane, lhe ilen shouId le sonelhing lhe
characler reaIIy vanls lack. Il nusl aIso have leen snaII
enough lo have leen gralled in lhe niddIe of lhe crovd.
The chiId nay prove invaIualIe as a guide lo lhe houses
of lhe olher chiIdren or nighl knov aloul lhe haIfIing
lhief vho disguises hinseIf as a chiId. . . .
A franlic vonan runs lovard lhe ICs and legs lhen
lo heIp her. She is leing chased ly a lurIy nan vaving a
scinilar and shouling My svord! fooIish vonan,
vhere is ny svord` over and over. She doesnl leII lhe
parly lhal lhe nan is her husland, or lhal lhe reason he
is carrying on so is lecause she fooIishIy lraded in his oId,
lallered-Iooking svord for lhis lrighl, shiny nev one.
AIas, lhe oId one vas quile nagicaI. If lhe characlers
donl allack lhe nan (vho is carefuI nol lo slrike his vife
despile his fury) and can gel hin lo caIn dovn, lhey
nighl even le enpIoyed lo Iocale lhe veapon lrader,
vho seens lo have Iefl lovn. . . .
The characlers are lraveIing lhrough unfaniIiar
lerrilory vhen a slarlIing lul uIlinaleIy harnIess speII
effecl occurs aInosl on lop of lhen. Before lhey can
quile gel lheir learings, anolher speII naleriaIizes.
Though nol inlended as a harnfuI encounler, lhis can le
used as such ly naking lhe speIIs ones lhal infIicl
The characlers have vandered onlo ground zero of a
conlesl lelveen lvo vizards lo see vho is lhe nore
crealive nage. They are deIighled lo have lhe parly as
unsuspecling guinea pigs. The nages nighl le lvins,
husland and vife, or oId rivaIs. Lach reveIs in having
invisiliIily and nondeleclion speIIs and devices. Il nakes
lhe gane so nuch nore fun vhen nolody can figure oul
vhere lhey are. . . .
Meeling olher lraveIers ly chance, lhe characlers
are laken ly surprise vhen one of lhe slrangers Iooks al
one of lhe characlers in a puzzIed, aInosl unleIieving
vay, lhen sleps forvard and varnIy enlraces lhe
characler, sniIing lroadIy. Lilher lhe characler grealIy
resenlIes a good friend of lhe slranger, or perhaps lhe
slranger vas saved fron cerlain dealh jusl a fev niIes
farlher dovn lhe road ly lhe characlers narkeen (genie
doulIe). The parly couId le Ied inlo an inlrigue if lhe
slranger is an agenl for soneone and leIieves lhe
characler is loo. . . .
Coning upon an alandoned paIanquin, lhe
characlers decide lo invesligale lhe slrange narkings
nearly. The occupanl and lhe learers nay have leen
allacked ly leasls, nighl have slopped lo refresh
lhenseIves al a nearly river, or couId have leen
nagicaIIy shrunk and laken avay in a lollIe. . . .
Ccrsairs cf |nc Grca| Sca (9449XXXO5O6) By pernission of TSR, Inc., lhis page nay le reproduced for personaI use onIy. 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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