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how are we doing ..?

We love to know what you think. Please take a minute to fill in our Feed-Back Form
Return it before the end of September and we will put it into our draw to win a cool t-shirt!

very good good fair poor

Ease of Booking    
Content and Fun    
Venue    
Online Booking (if you used it)    
When were you at Day Camp? ........................................................................................................... (Summer 2009)

Would you re-book and what would encourage you to come back? .............................................................


Which things did we do well? ............................................................................................................................................



Which things could we do a bit better at and how? ...............................................................................................



How did you find out about us?..........................................................................................................................................

You don’t have to complete your name and address, but it will help us if you’d like a response or would like
to enter the prize draw at the end of the summer.

Your Name ............................................................................ Child’s Name ............................................................................

Address ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

...................................................................................... Postcode .................................................................................................

If there is anything you would like to discuss in person, please do not hesitate to contact us
Please return your completed form to the address below. Thank You!

The Man In The Moon : : 9 Beacon Hill Road : : HINDHEAD : : GU26 6NR
Telephone / Fax: 01428 608866 : :

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