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AIDA Model & its Examples

AIDA Model Introduction:AIDA is an acronym used in marketing that describes a common list of events that may be undergone when a person is selling a product or service. The term and approach are attributed to American advertising and sales pioneer, E. St. Elmo Lewis. In 1898 Lewis created his AIDA funnel model on customer studies in the US life insurance market to explain the mechanisms of personal selling. Lewis held that the most successful salespeople followed a hierarchical, four layer process using the four cognitive phases that buyers follow when accepting a new idea or purchasing a new product.

A = Attention
The first A equals getting the attention of your readers. This can be in the form of a headline but should also pertain to your introductory paragraph. If you dont get the attention of your customer immediately, youve lost them for good. If your headline and first paragraph dont hook them, the rest of your copy will never be read. But exactly how do you get your customers attention? The answer is simple: You do it by generating an emotion and setting up a situation. Lets play with fear and greed for a moment. If, for example, you are selling an eBook with extremely good information about setting up an online business, these two emotions would be key because almost every would be Internet entrepreneur has a certain amount of greed (wants to make a lot of money doing it his way) and also has fear (questioning what if it doesnt work and my family has no money). You may have heard that your headline should play to the biggest benefit. This is definitely true but not exclusive. You can also play on emotions in your headline and address a fear, pump up their egos or offer the answer to a burning question. If you choose to present a benefit, make sure it is indeed a benefit and not a feature. A feature is an aspect of your product or service. A software company might have a word processing program that offers spell check. This is a feature of the software program. The benefit of spell check is that your documents will look professional and be free of spelling errors. Professionalism and accuracy are the benefits of the spell check feature. Dont tout that your product or service has a particular feature sing the praises of the emotion-filled benefit (or end result) of using your product or service.

I = Interest
OK, weve gotten their attention now we must focus on building their interest and supporting what weve told them thus far. Again think back to your own buying experiences. Remember the car example in last weeks post? You love the body style and the interior is just perfect! You really want this c ar but now you start to have a twinge of reality. Youre not yet to the justification stage, but you wonder if this is truly the car for you. When building interest, you must show your prospective customer that your car IS the car for him/her. The keys here are benefits, emotions, benefits, and emotions! (NOTE: one way of building interest is to include sub headlines throughout your copy.)


AIDA Model & its Examples

Next, the buyer embarks on the ever-challenging task of justifying his/her purchase. Especially if its a large purchas e. Our interest section should also use emotions to address the fact that this purchase is a good bargain, the right step, a sound decision, etc. But in addition to that, we need to let the customer know what will happen if he/she doesnt buy our product or service. Depending on the product, the negative result might be the fact that he misses all those stares from beautiful women, his hair will continue to get thinner and thinner, he will have to struggle to get all the information he needs for launching his online business or any other consequences. The goal here is to create a few statements that will cause the customer to say, Oh! I didnt think of that!

D = Desire
The D in AIDA indicates the desire to buy. Your first section is the set up gettin g their attention and letting them know exactly how you can fulfill their dreams. The second is building up their interest and triggering the emotions that will make them feel good about the purchase (and letting them know what will happen if they DONT pu rchase). But the third (the desire section) really turns on the charm. It is written to tug on the heartstrings in order to create that final desire to buy. Perhaps the biggest benefit of our imaginary eBook is that the reader will be in an excellent position to set up and run his/her own Internet business. Customers will have all the information they need right at their fingertips. Thats great! But deep down inside your customers have two desires. The first is the desire to succeed not just run a business. The second is the desire to obtain more freedom the most common reasons cited for starting a business. Remember how the buyers mind works right now they are open to anything. This is the best time to pump them up and get them excited about your product or service. They have not yet come to the justification stage where price might play a factor. While always, ALWAYS being truthful, the desire aspect of your copy should portray the best and biggest benefits your customers will receive. It should speak to the joys of being able to leave work and run an errand in the middle of the day. It should talk about not having to put up with odd looks from the boss every time you need to leave early because your child is sick and other things that would-be entrepreneurs dream of. Make their mouths water!

A = Action
The final A in AIDA stands for action. During the action phase of copywriting, we must give them enough motivational cause to take action and buy. At the moment we get to this point, the customers should have all the information they need. We as copywriters will have walked them through each step of the buying process and emotional journey to the point of purchase.


AIDA Model & its Examples



AIDA Model & its Examples

A - Attention
The movement we see Gabbar in this print we are bound to have a long to this add.

The print Add succeeds in razing interest with the use of Gabbar Singh & the Punch line as well.

D Desire
The concepts of using Gabbar Singh in this Print add certainly raises desire to have or eat this biscuit.

A - Action
Attention, Interest, Desire all this ascepts combine to lead action to buy the product.

Hence we can say that the AIDA model was successfully used in this print Add.


AIDA Model & its Examples

This is a very successful print add. Of !dea chitchat from the series of adds.

A - Attention
With all the bright colors used in this print add. It succeeds in catching the attention of reader

With the use of sumo fighter & a young model i.e. two extremes the add raises interest of the reader to read it or go through the add.

D Desire
With three snap shots in which ultimately the girl is on the laps of sumo fighter the sequence hits the mind of teen agers & younger generations raising the desire to buy the product.

A - Action
All this may contribute to action for buying this product.


AIDA Model & its Examples

Women who smoke feed more than just milk to their children Research indicates that chemicals from tobacco smoke are transmitted via breast milk so STOP SMOKING (Issued in your childs interest by REGIONAL CANCER CENTER) This is an Anti Smoking Add... all though the add looks very offensive & vulgar for the first look but this is an very emotional print add which came in a very popular American News Paper

A - Attention
The add. Catches the attention of every reader in the first view because of the image used in this adds.


AIDA Model & its Examples

The add raises the interest of reader in it because of its emotional message.

D -Desire
It raises the desire of readers to promote this message to every smoker.

A - Action
The add is so effective that it initiates action in the readers about smoking.


AIDA Model & its Examples

A Very simple add. Where the customer calls PIZZA HUT for home delivery of pizza & before his call is over the order reaches his home & he goes to open the door while he still is on Phone.

A - Attention
The add. Catches the attention of every reader in the first view because its a very simple add where only drawing room & a tell phone is shown

The add raises the interest of reader in it because it conveys the message that there service is so fast.

D -Desire
It raises the desire of readers to eat Pizza at home only if they offer home delivery at same rate in such less time.

A - Action
The add is so effective that it may prompt the readers to call Pizza hut at that time only


AIDA Model & its Examples

A Renolds Permenant Markers Add where twice are used & its practically impossible to differentiate between the tow so they(Parents) use Permenant marker to differentiate by making a dot on one of the girls face

A - Attention
The add. Catches the attention because of successful use of look a like

The add raises the interest of reader in it because they search for differentiation between the two

D -Desire
It conveys the message the Reynolds Permanent marker is so effective that u can use it anywhere , & likewise they raise the interest in the customers mind to have that pen

A - Action

AIDA Model & its Examples

This add may make the readers bye the product when the need to write something for permanent basis

Below are some more very effective Print Adds to study



AIDA Model & its Examples

WWF On Deforestation



AIDA Model & its Examples



AIDA Model & its Examples



AIDA Model & its Examples



AIDA Model & its Examples

Children learn fast dont fight at home



AIDA Model & its Examples

Govt. of INDIA Women and child development



AIDA Model & its Examples



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