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STEP/TIME Step 1 (5 minutes)

CONTENT Set Induction ( uessin )

TEACHING /LEARNING STRATEGIES 1! Te"c#e$ %e ins &esson %' pu&&in items out o( t#e %" ) one %' one! As e"c# item is pu&&ed) t#e te"c#e$ "s*s " +"$iet' o( ,uestions (E! ) What is this? What do you do with it? Have you ever seen this before? Where have you seen this before? Has anyone tasted/used/tried this before? How many of you enjoy eating this? Where is this made? Where does it come from? What color is this?) -! Students $"ise t#ei$ #"nds to "ns.e$! /! 0#en "&& o( t#e o%1ects #"+e %een discussed "nd "$e &'in in ($ont o( t#e pupi&s) "s* t#e c&"ss .#"t t#e o%1ects "&& #"+e in common! Guide t#em to t#e "ns.e$2 T#e' "&& come ($om t$ees3 4! Te"c#e$ i+es t#em positi+e +i%es (o$ t#ei$ p"$ticip"tion

RATIONALE to c"pti+"te t#e students inte$est (o$ t#e &esson

Aim et students $e"d' (o$ t#e &esson

Step ( 15 minutes)

P$esent"tion (Sto$' te&&in )

1! Te"c#e$ uses Po.e$Point to s#o.s o( t#e Tree Parts Pictionary) e5c&udin &"%e&s! Te"c#e$ points to t#e di((e$ent p"$ts o( t#e t$ee "nd "s*s c#i&d$en: Who can tell me what this part of a tree is called? Why is this part important to a tree? Te"c#e$ m"' use t#e (o&& "n"&o ies to "ssist c#i&d$en in unde$st"ndin 2 a. oots are li!e straws that suc! up the vitamins and nutrients a tree needs to grow. b. Trun!s !eep trees firmly in place" li!e legs !eep people standing up. c. #ranches are li!e arms on a coat rac!" but instead of holding up jac!ets they hold up leaves and fruit. d. $hade is li!e air%conditioning. &t !eeps people cool in the summer and protects them from the sun's harsh rays. -! Te"c#e$ en " es students in $e"din "nd discussin What (omes from Trees? A(te$."$ds) Te"c#e$ "nd Students c$e"te " &ist o( c&"ss$oom items t#"t come ($om t$ees! Te"c#e$ "s*s t#e c#i&d$en to im" ine .#"t t#ei$ &i+es .ou&d %e &i*e .it#out t#ese items! Te"c#e$ $eminds c#i&d$en #o. (o$tun"te .e "$e to #"+e t$ees!

to m"*e connections .it# t#e p$e+ious *no.&ed e to #"+e t#em &e"$n t#e content mo$e e((ecti+e&' Aim Identi(' t#e *e' .o$ds "nd unde$st"nd #o. to "pp&' it .#en const$uctin sentences!

/! Te"c#e$ p&"'s " (o&*t"&e sto$' 6 T#e M" ic O$"n e T$ee7 ($om 8ouTu%e usin compute$! 4! Students &isten "ttenti+e&'! 5! Te"c#e$ s#o. " t"s* o( sto$' in t#e s&ide! 9! Te"c#e$ "s*s #e$ students .#et#e$ t#e' *no. .#' "$e t#ose .o$ds #i #&i #ted in " di((e$ent co&ou$: ;! Te"c#e$ (&"s#es t#e s&ide on #o. to identi(' t#e *e' .o$ds "nd unde$st"nd #o. to "pp&' it .#en const$uctin sentences! O$"n e t$ee) G$o. "nd $o. "nd $o.! O$"n e t$ee) o$"n e t$ee! G$o. "nd $o. "nd $o.) O$"n e t$ee! Stepmot#e$ is not $e"& mot#e$) O$"n e t$ee!

Step / ( -< minutes)

P$"ctice =0#"t>s in t#e %o5:> ( P&"')

1! Ne5t te"c#e$ p$o+ides e"c# $oup .it# " %o5 cont"inin " m"s*! -! ?ou$ mem%e$ .i&& t"*e tu$n to pu&& out somet#in ($om t#e %o5! /! E"c# mem%e$ .i&& $ecei+e one m"s* o( sto$' c#"$"cte$! 4! Ne5t t#e' .i&& %e i+en 5 minit to "ct out t#e sto$ies! 5! Te"c#e$ ("ci&it"tes "nd e+"&u"tes!

to en"%&e t#em to .o$* "s " te"m "nd en " e into t#e "cti+it' Aim To use t#e "$tic&es &e"$n "nd "pp&' t#em to t#e co$$ect .o$ds! To en#"nce t#ei$ c$e"ti+eness Aim to %oost up t#ei$ con(idence &e+e&

Step 4 (15 minutes)


1! Students .i&& .o$* in p"i$! -! T#e' .i&& %e p$o+ided .it# )y )agic Tree pu%&is#in s#eets! /! T#e' .i&& const$uct sentences! 4! L"te$ t#e' p$esent it to t#e c&"ss t#ei$ (in"& p$oduct!

Step 5 (5 minutes)


1! Te"c#e$ .$"ps up #e$ &esson .it# " son ! -! Te"c#e$ sin "nd students (o&&o.! /! Students .i&& sin in .#o&e "nd in $oups !


2 At# Septem%e$ -<1/

@"' Time

2Mond"' 2 B!<< C A!<< "!m 2 4</4< 2 4< students

Su%1ect 2 En &is# C&"ss 25 Di$u Le+e& 2 Mi5ed A%i&ities T#eme 2 0o$&d o( Sto$ies Topic 2 P&"nts S*i&&s 2 1!5!1 Listen "nd unde$st"nd simp&e sto$ies!

Attend"nce En$o&ment

2-!4 As* ,uestions po&ite&' to o%t"in in(o$m"tion "nd c&"$i(ic"tion 2/!A Re"d "nd en1o' simp&e sto$ies "nd poems "nd $espond to t#em 2 Content2 0$itin sentences P$e+ious Eno.&ed e 2 Pupi&s "$e "%&e to use co$$ect p"$" $"p# (o$m "nd .$ite sentences! Imp&icit O%1ecti+es E5p&icit O%1ecti+es 2 to en"%&e pupi&s to .$ite co$$ect sentences! 2 D' t#e end o( t#e &esson pupi&s "$e "%&e to i! ii! Mo$"& +"&ues CCTS Te"c#in m"te$i"&s2 0$ite co$$ect sentences Act out t#e sto$ies

2 &o+e (o$ n"tu$e "nd coFope$"tion 2 c"te o$iGin ) m"*in "ssoci"tion "nd connections LC@ p$o1ecto$s) &"ptop) Po.e$Point p$esent"tion) sto$' 6 T#e M" ic

O$"n e T$ee7) m"s* o( t#e c#"$"cte$ "nd ,uiG!

O$"n e t$ee) G$o. "nd $o. "nd $o.! O$"n e t$ee) o$"n e t$ee! G$o. "nd $o. "nd $o.) O$"n e t$ee! Stepmot#e$ is not $e"& mot#e$) O$"n e t$ee!

O$"n e t$ee) D$"nc# "nd %$"nc# "nd %$"nc#! O$"n e t$ee) o$"n e t$ee! D$"nc# "nd %$"nc# "nd %$"nc#) O$"n e t$ee! Stepmot#e$ is not $e"& mot#e$) O$"n e t$ee! O$"n e t$ee) ?&o.e$ "nd (&o.e$ "nd (&o.e$ O$"n e t$ee) o$"n e t$ee! ?&o.e$ "nd (&o.e$ "nd (&o.e$) O$"n e t$ee! Stepmot#e$ is not $e"& mot#e$) O$"n e t$ee!

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