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Adjectives to Describe Tone

Sarcastic, Dull, Dreary, Happy, Sad, Narcissistic, Devoted, Bitter, Angry, Resentful, Remorseful, Guilty, Light, Heavy, Dark humor, Sardonic, Quizzical, Intelligent, Foolish, Sympathetic, Irritated, Annoyed, Disbelieving, Believing, Outraged, Alarmed, Startled, Horrified, Disgruntled, Supportive, Not supportive, Enlightened, Cautious, Clever, Calculated, Purposeful, Intently, Hurtful, Loving, Hating, Mysterious, Obnoxious, Fresh, Secretive, Bold, Religious, Political, Secular, Social, Involved, Democratic, Republican, Liberal, Conservative

Adjectives to Describe Feelings

Happy, Angry Sad, Hungry ColdHot Warm Chilly Thirsty Sick Tired Weak Strong Disgruntled Terrible Dreadful Well OK Very well Clean Dirty Excited Attracted Ugly Beautiful Handsome Gorgeous Attractive Defeated Embarrassed Empowered Intelligent Smart Stupid Dumb Foolish Silly Better Hurt

Nervous Scared Agreeable Brave Calm Delightful Eager Gentle Jolly Joyful Kind Nice Sweet Evil Proud Bashful Relieved Hope Faith Optimistic Pessimistic Sadistic Loving Hating Open Understanding Reliable, Amazed, Great, Lucky, Fortunate, Festive, Cheerful, Moody, Playful, Animated, Wonderful, Thrilled, Supportive, Serene, Free, Taken aback, Engrossed, Involved

Adjectives to Describe Emotions

Happy, Sad, Angry, Mad, Grumpy, Joyful, Tearful, Devastated, Horrified, Disgruntled, Hurt, Annoyed, Aggravated, Loving, Hating, Liking, Lusting, Despise, Sweet, Sour, Depressed, Sick, Fear, Guilt, Pride, Jealousy, Self pity, Anxiety, Frustration, Envy, Longing, Shame, Appreciative, Selfish, Hope, Faith, Thrilled, Overcome, Overjoyed, Respectful, Supportive, Serene, Overwhelmed

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