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I hear my parents call my name, i hear them scold me, i see them walking towards me to tell me how bad am i, i see them running towards me to tell how nice i am, i see them living their dreams while i conquer my desires, i feel them become younger as i pave new ways to my destiny, i see them talk happily about me while i smile to myself about my achievements. I walk, they smile. I stumble, they cry. I achieve, they conquer. I fail, they lose. The only two people who stood by me, who wished good for me, who wanted me to move to their footsteps and cross them one day, who fought, loved, cared, earned, cried, prayed, all just for me. They are the ones i love. If we realize their worth, we'd never face issues that make us go weak and indecisive and finally we want to end our lives. We call them old fashioned, conservative, boring. When they are the ones who brought us to this level where we know these terms. Love them, pray for them and foremost. Never let them down. Their one tear can take you from heaven to hell. Ily mom & dad. :')

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