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Art. Environment. And Collage.

Instiuctional Resouice foi giaues 6-9

By: Tylei C. Anewalt

Naik Biaufoiu
!"#$%% ''()* +)#,,), 2uu8
Nixeu meuia collage on canvas
1u2 x 144 inches
2S9.1 x S6S.8 cm
Sikkema }enkins & co
The ait classioom is tiuly a unique
place. Stuuents aie not only theie to
cieate, but the ait classioom is a place
foi stuuents to expiess themselves, as
well as ieflect, inteipiet, anu imagine.

Enviionment is ciitical to the
uevelopment of eveiy peison.
Enviionment can affect the peison
positively oi negatively; it can have
uiamatic influence on the way a
peison feels, acts, anu ieacts. It is vital
that euucatois get to know theii
stuuents anu be sensitive to stuuent
expeiiences outsiue of the classioom,
because in many ways what happens
outsiue the classioom is ieflecteu
upon uuiing class (anu vice veisa).
Teacheis neeu to be conscious of what
is going on in theii stuuents' lives
outsiue of class. Thus is the ieason the
teachei shoulu ask the stuuents to
ieflect on theii own enviionments, be
inspiieu anu cieate fiom theii own
enviionment. This instiuctional
iesouice focuses on incoipoiating
founu mateiials fiom peisonal
enviionments to cieate meaning in a
woik of ait.

Biscuss uiffeient enviionment with
youi stuuents, anu how enviionments
affect them. If neeueu, uiscuss what a
goou leaining enviionment shoulu be
like. Collect mateiials fiom uiffeient
enviionments foi a collage anu ieflect
on the mateiials collecteu. Stuuying
one's own enviionment is an
investigation of self anu life. Stuuents
shoulu begin to ieflect on theii
enviionment as they giow anu
unueistanu that theii enviionment
has tiemenuous impact on the peison
they become.
!"##$%& has become a uistinctive
piocess of 2u
centuiy visual ait.
Nost often the teim collage iefeis to
the technique of cutting, gluing, anu
layeiing of mateiials to cieate an
image. Papei is the most commonly
useu mateiial in collage; howevei
othei mateiials such as fabiics, woou,
anu founu objects can also be useu in a
vaiiety of visual ait collage

The teim collage iefeis to the piocess
of combining vaiious elements in
assemblage. The woiu "collage" is
ueiiveu fiom the Fiench woiu "collei"
meaning "glue." ueoiges Biaque anu
Pablo Picasso fiist coineu the teim in
the beginning of the 2u
centuiy as
theii expeiimentation of mateiials leu
to the use of founu papeis cut anu
glueu to theii canvases (Bigby).

'()"##$%& is a teim that can be
unueistoou as the opposite of collage,
wheieas paits of an image aie
systematically iemoveu by cutting,
teaiing, sciaping (Wki. contiibutois,
'&)"*+$%& is the hanuciaft anu
piocess of fixing papei cutouts oi
images onto an object foi uecoiation,
usually coateu with a vainish to seal
anu piotect the image (Wiki.
contiibutois, Becoupage).
,-"."/"0.$%& is collage maue up
photogiaphs oi paits of photogiaphs.
'1%1.$# )"##$%& iefeiees to the use of
computei piogiams, such as Auobe
Photoshop, oi uINP, to cieate a uigital
image fiom the combination of
vaiious existing uigital images.

Naik Biaufoiu
-./0), 2uu7
Nixeu meuia collage on canvas
1u2 x 144 inches
2S9.1 x S6S.8 cm
Sikkema }enkins & co.

3$45 64$78"47

Naik Biaufoiu is a contempoiaiy
Ameiican aitist living anu woiking in
Los Angeles, Califoinia. Bis woik as an
aitist has eaineu him BFA anu NFA
uegiees fiom the Califoinia Institute
of the Aits anu he has ieceiveu
numeious giants anu piestigious
awaius incluuing the 2uu9 NacAithui
Fellowship, the 2uu6 Bucksbaumb
Awaiu, the 2uuS Louis Comfoit
Tiffany Founuation Awaiu, anu the
2uu2 }oan Nitchell Founuation Awaiu
(Knight). Bis aitwoik has been
exhibiteu both nationally anu
inteinationally incluuing the 2uu6 Sao
Paulo Biennial, Whitney Biennial, anu
Liveipool Biennial. A 2uu6 1$% !02,3,%
4.5,% newspapei inseit of 6,%)
magazine featuieu an aiticle on
Biaufoiu, gloiifying his
accomplishments: "a native son anu
iising ait stai immoitalizes South Los
Angeles' 'meichant class'"(Baiuy,
2uu6). Biaufoiu has also been
featuieu on the PBS seiies Ait 21,
which pioviues an insiue look into his
unique piocesses anu motivations as
an aitist.

Nuch of Biaufoiu's mixeu-meuia
aitwoik is ueiiveu fiom his
enviionment. Bis piocess of collage
anu ucollage incluues scavenging
mateiials fiom his enviionment,
alteiing this founu mateiial in any way
available, fiom paint to electiic
sanuei, anu piecing these mateiials
togethei into his monumental
complexities. 0sing flyeis, posteis,
anu auveitisements taken fiom
telephone poles anu abanuoneu lots
he cieates laige abstiactions which
can bee seen to iesemble giius of
maps anu chaos of uiban spiawl.

Naik Biaufoiu
Kiyptonite, 2uu6
Nixeu meuia collage on papei

Naik Biaufoiu
White Painting, 2uu9
Nixeu meuia collage on canvas

Naik Biaufoiu's peisonal expeiiences
anu enviionments inspiie his abstiact
expiessionist mixeu meuia collages
anu paintings, as well as pioviue him
with his mateiials. Biaufoiu exploies
the use of mateiials fiom his
suiiounuings, incoipoiating founu
mateiial fiom his enviionment into
his woik. Eailiei woik, inspiieu fiom
woiking at his mothei's beauty salon,
is compiiseu of haii uyes anu collageu
enu papeis useu in haii styling. 0thei
woiks aie compiiseu of
auveitisements anu posteis taken
fiom the stieets. Taking anu using
mateiials fiom his suiiounuings as
meuiums foi his ait, Biaufoiu cieates
a uiffeient kinu of meaning in his
woik. Be has fuithei been known foi
his unique piocess such as painting
with biooms anu using electiic
sanueis on his laige-scale woiks.
(Baiuy, PBS)

9.-&4: ;4.1:.: ." <.*7= who use theii
own enviionment as a souice of
inspiiation anu mateiials:

>:$1$- ?$%$4 - Philauelphian mosaic
,$@#" ,1)$::"
A"@&4. A$*)-&0@&4%
B"/ C&::&#/$00 - Ameiican Pop

D::&0.1$# E*&:.1"0:F
What is an enviionment. Is it
natuial of constiucteu.
What kinus of enviionments
aie noimally expeiienceu.
Bow is enviionment cieateu.
What factois play a iole an
enviionment. What images,
objects, anu puiposes aie paits
of enviionment.
Bow uoes an enviionment
effectaffect the people in it.
Bow can mateiials fiom
peisonal enviionment be useu
to cieate meaning in a woik of

9@G&).1H&:F I$H& <.*7&0.:F
Assess theii enviionments;
connect theii actions anu
abilities to theii enviionments.
Cieate with mateiials fiom
theii enviionment
Be inspiieu fiom an
Expeiience an enviionment
anu connect with an emotion
Wiite a shoit ieflection on the

<.*71" ;).1H1.=J !"##$%& C1.- K"*07
Ask stuuents to collect mateiials in a
box fiom theii enviionment that can
be useu in a collage. Suggest
uisposable oi uiscaiueu mateiials
fiom uaily life: ieceipts, canuy
wiappeis, ticket stubs, posteis,
fabiics, bottle caps, newspapeis,
magazines, catalogs, fabiics,
photogiaphs, tissue papei, lace, etc. Be
cieative; mateiials uo not have to be
flat oi maue of papei, but must be able
to be glueu to a flat suiface.

0nce mateiials aie collecteu, ask
stuuents to ieflect on the mateiials
insiue theii box. Belp them to finu
meaningemotion fiom the collecteu
mateiials. The things insiue the box
aie to be useu to expiess an emotion
oi feeling associateu with the
mateiials oi the enviionment fiom
which they came. Stuuents may uo
sketches to woik out theii iueas. Belp
stuuents use elements of uesign (line,
coloi, textuie) to expiess emotion.

Inuiviuual stuuents may have
uiffeient intentions, so be flexible in
theii choice of mateiials anu
piocesses. Pioviue backing foi the
collages, constiuction papei, paint,
glue, anu scissois. Encouiage stuuents
to think about a backgiounu
layeicoloi(s), textuies (cut oi iippeu
papei), shapes, anu placements befoie

6$)510%: 0se woou, masonite, oi foam
boaiu foi the backing of the collages;
these backings may neeu to be piimeu
with gesso uepenuing on the mateiials
anu stuuents intentions.

!*..10%: 0se quality scissois oi an x-
acto knife to cut mateiials; teaiing oi
buining euges may achieve othei
textuies. }ust be caieful that cutting
techniques useu aie appiopiiate,
contiolleu, anu safe.

L#*&: An aciylic matt meuium is
appiopiiate foi auheiing collage
papeis, oi a mixtuie of Elmei's ulue
anu a few uiops of watei woiks fine.
Beaviei objects may neeu stiongei
glue; ciaft glue can be useu foi fabiics.
Bot glue is not iecommenueu.

0se Popsicle sticks, a iolling pin, oi a
biayei to caiefully ioll out wiinkles
foi a smooth suiface. A sponge may
also be helpful to iemove excess glue.

Peisonal wiitten ieelections
Rubiic: paiticipation, intention, use of
Poitfolio: piocess, content, impact


7.$2#/8*9 . (2uu7). Retiieveu Apiil 19, 2u1u, fiom

Biaufoiu, N. (Aitist). (2uu8). !"#$%% ''()* +)#,,). |Image of paintingj. New Yoik,
New Yoik; Sikkema }enkins & co. Retiieveu fiom

Biaufoiu, N. (Aitist). (2uu7). -./0). |Image of paintingj. New Yoik, New Yoik;
Sikkema }enkins & co. Retiieveu fiom

Bigby, }., & Bigby, }. (198S). 4*, :$33/2, ;/0<=$$>. New Yoik: Thames anu
Buuson Inc.

Baiuy, E. (2uu6, }une 11). The Eye 0f L.a. Naik Biaufoiu. 1$% !02,3,% 4.5,%.
Retiieveu Apiil 19, 2u1u, fiom

Knight, C (2uu9, Septembei 21). L.A. aitist Naik Biaufoiu wins NcAithui
Fellowship. 1$% !02,3,% 4.5,%. Retiieveu Apiil 19, 2u1u, fiom

PBS, Initial s. (Piouucei). ?/#/<$@. |Webj. Retiieveu fiom
http: viueo. pbs. oigviueo12S97989S1

Wikipeuia contiibutois. (2u1u, Apiil 17). A/#> 7#/<B$#<. Retiieveu Apiil 19, 2u1u

Wikipeuia contiibutois. (2u1u, Apiil 17). CD"$33/2,.

Wikipeuia contiibutois. (2u1u, Apiil 17). C,"$E8/2,.

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