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Tyler Anewalt

Sample Lesson
Intro to Manuel Camera Settings: ISO
Grade/Class: High School Photography I
Time Schedule: 30 minutes
Goal: Students will take pictures of a flower arrangement and study them closely comparing similar
photos taken at ISO 100 1600.
Objective: For students to understand manual settings of a D-SLR, specifically the ISO and how it affects
the exposure and photo grain.
Digital Grain:
Film Grain:
Photos Taken at Every ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600
Arrival (5 min):
Intro (10 min):
Hands On (10 mins)
Data Collection: Ticket out the door: What are the ISO ratings? Describe the difference in photos taken
at ISO 100 and ISO 1600. Bonus: What is ISO an acronym for?

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