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Renna Chellman Junior Division Individual Website

I chose this topic because I had never heard of this outbreak before and it interested me. I started off my history fair project with another topic, but the event was so long ago that there werent many truthful sources, mostly peoples inferences. One of my teachers suggested I change my topic and gave me some examples, one of which was cholera. I really liked the idea, but it didnt relate to this years NHD theme. I researched cholera, and it gave me the London Cholera Outbreak, which fit the theme. In the early stages of my research, I came across many sources that repeated the same things, again and again. In my research paper, I started off by educating my viewers on the symptoms, cures, and causes of cholera. Most websites, books, and educational videos mentioned at least one thing different than the other, which was good. My research took a lot of time and patience. My topic took place in the early 1800s, so I could not find many interviews. But I did find very good information from John Snow the main scientist to find the source of the outbreak. I think that a website is the best way to present my data because in my opinion it is the better way to organize my information. Since most people get their information from electronic technology, a website is a good way to present information and get across information. The internet allows viewers to interact with information. Websites can be entertaining as well as informative, which is what I was going for. My topic connects to this years NHD theme because people have the responsibility of public safety and keeping the city healthy. This cholera outbreak began because London citizens were not disposing of waste properly. It is the responsibility of the community to provide ways for people to dispose of trash and waste. It is also the responsibility of citizens to use these rights properly. Humans also have a right to have healthy and safe food, as well as pure water, to keep the city healthy. This outbreak shows the effect of people not being responsible about public safety and community health. This

outbreak caused cities and governments to establish rules for waste disposal that are keeping millions of people safe from disease. The London cholera outbreak taught a very valuable lesson in public and personal responsibility.

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