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Learnlng Centre, 5tudent 5ervlces
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Abvl5lNG | A5555MN15 | CUUN5LLlNG | bl5ABlLl1 | FlNANClAL Alb | FlR51 NA1lUN5 | LARNlNG CN1R | 1U1UR5
222 Cowiohan way, Uunoan | British Columbia, Canada | v9L 6P4
ph (250) 746-3509 | fax (250) 746-3529
Multlple Cholce
Decide on answer before reading choices
Look or answers contained in otber
I questions are based on a passage o text,
read the qve.tiov. irst and search or answers
I unsure
eliminate obiously incorrect choices.
eliminate choices that contain
all, always, neer, must, eery,
eliminate choices where grammar
doesn`t low rom stem to choice.
choose one o two answers that are
use logic to determine best answer.
True and False
Answer questions you /vor irst.
I any part o statement is alse, the evtire
statement is alse.
I the question contains a aefivite qualiier
like att, erer,, verer, or atra,., it is likely alse.
I the question contains an ivaefivite qualiier
like .ove, a fer, occa.iovatt,, or .ovetive., the
answer is likely true.
Types oI Eam Ouestlons
Make sure that your answer its gravvaticatt,
into the sentence
See i the answer is somewhere et.e in the
Short Answer
Begin your answer by re.tativg the key part
o the question.
Plan your answer to fit the allotted space.
lirst, match the obriov. pairs.
Next, use togic to match the remaining pairs.
Cro.. ovt pairs as you match.
Underline /e, words in question and do what
is reqve.tea.
Deine, describe, discuss,compare,
raiv.torv by making a concept map or list.
Orgavie your ideas in a concept map or
inormal outline.
1hink in terms o.`
lae at least 3 main points to discuss.
1hink o question words ,who, what,
when, where, why, how, how do you
know so what,.
Consider sequence: 1ime Order o
importance Lents
M:\Tip sheets for Students\Learning Centre\Types of Exam
Rerora question to orm irst sentence o
Proide covtet and ivtevtiov in intro.
vort each main point with details,
discussion, eidence, etc.
\rite a strong covctv.iov that summarizes and
answers So what`
ait or content and organization o
Did I answer the qve.tiov
Is my answer togicat
Do my ideas ftor
lae I .vortea my main points
Proofreaa or spelling, grammar, punctuation,
Rerrite, using legible handwriting or good

(Continued from page 1)

Do a vevor, avv o ormulae.
.tivate the answer beore calculating it.
Check av.rer against estimation. Is it close
I not, check calculations or
arithmetical error.
\rite out erer, step o solution.
\ou get points or knowing steps een
i the calculation is wrong.
Reisit each qve.tiov to make sure you hae
answered it completely.
Double-check all catcvtatiov..

From On Course by Skip Downing
(Houghton-MiIIlin, 2005)

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