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To Bring Discipline , order and professionalism in a school I will suggest following things:

Development of Vision about school that school is a learning place: I will stress on the factor that schools are a place for learning, not a recreation/social center for students. Once this "learning atmosphere" is established and enforced, schools have a lower percentage of discipline and problems. Framing School Rules -Teaching rules and routines as early as possible to everyone will be my first criteria in the year means more time to teach later. Keeping rules simple and easy to understand: Teacher, Students can be able to know and understand what is expected from them. They should understand what is and what is not acceptable. Further, I will make sure that the consequences for breaking rules are also clear and known beforehand. Creating a Plan for Teachers to Follow: It is important that you let your teachers know what your expectations are as far as classroom management and student discipline. Rating Classroom Disciplinary Processes - I will identify areas for improvement and try continuously to work on them so as to get the desired result. Maintaining Discipline - Promoting the right classroom climate, handle conflicts, and win respect Encouraging good work, good responses and good behavior.

Keep High Expectations from students and Teachers : Expecting that students and teachers will behave, not that they will disrupt. Reinforce this with the way you speak to your students. When you begin the day, tell your students your expectations. Be Consistent : As a Principal it is my duty and responsibility to enforce rules consistently and fairly Starting Fresh Everyday with new vigor and vitality to champion my cause and making my school a better, disciplined and an adorable place in years to come Sudhanshu Shekhar

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