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The Rights and Responsibilities of a Pharaoh.

Kaylynn Sellars/ Junior Division/ Website

When my class started looking for history fair topics I knew what I wanted to do was about ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. But my teacher said that our topics had to be connect to the history fair theme Rights And Responsibilities. So the next day I told my teacher that I wanted to do my topic on ancient Egyptian Pharaohs but I didnt know how to connect it to rights and responsibilities. My teacher said that I could do The Responsibilities of a Pharaoh. The day that our teacher gave us our topics I was really surprised that I got the topic I choose The Rights and Responsibilities of a Pharaoh. After I got my topic I started researching by searching the responsibilities of a pharaoh and I found a few websites that were related to my search topic but my favorite source was Egypts Golden Empire, New Kingdom, Art and Architecture | PBS because it had a lot of information such as facts about the pharaohs and the responsibilities of the pharaohs that ruled during the time of the New Kingdom. The New Kingdom was the golden age of Art and Architecture. I created a website for the presentation because my teacher said we were making a website for what we were presenting our history fair projects. History fair topic relates to the history fair theme because its gives information about the responsibilities of the ancient Egyptian rulers.

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