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The R.M.S.

Titanic Process Paper

Destiny Hodges & Lexi Furtys Junior Division Group Website

#1 We chose this topic because we have learned a lot about the Titanic before. So when we had to pick the topic, the first thing that came into our heads were the Titanic. Also why we choose this topic was because we have always been interested in the Titanic. So if we ever had to do a project on history later, we would choose the Titanic most likely. Another reason why we chose this topic was because we have always wondered is it really the captains fault that the Titanic sink? Or why did the captain avoid the seven iceberg warnings and make the ships speed increase day by day? We chose this topic because there are so many questions to be answered. #2 A long time ago, I saw pictures of the Titanic, and heard that it hit an iceberg, which caused it to sink. I became very interested so when it came time to find a History Fair topic, it wasnt hard for me to choose. When we started creating our research paper for History Fair, I found a few websites giving true information on the R.M.S. Titanic. I found a few things I didnt know before such as who the captain of the ship was. When I found enough research, I jotted down ideas and started writing for the official paper. I put the information into my own words and labeled each paragraph to show what the paragraph would tell. I put the paragraphs in the order of the events of the things related to the Titanic. Lexi Furtys in my 5th period had done the same research topic as me. So Mrs. Inglett had an idea for us to partner-up and work on the History Fair project together. #3 The way we selected our presentation category and the way we created it was first, because my teacher Mrs. Inglett thinks technology is the future and we must learn to use it. Another reason why we chose a website was because we should be able to know how to make a website. Maybe later in life we may need to know how to make a website. The last reason why we chose this presentation category was because our teacher (Mrs. Inglett) thinks its lame to do a board because its boring. #4 The way that our topic (The R.M.S. Titanic) relates to the theme Rights and Responsibilities, Is that that our topic relates to responsibilities. The way that it relates to responsibilities is that our main question is who is to blame for the sinking? In our project we try to explain who would be more guilty for the sinking of the Titanic.

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