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Marriage Supper Of The Lamb And End Time Events

Messages For This Last Generation Dictated To Susan Davis

From The Heart of GOD

Copyright 2012 Susan Davis All rights reserved. ISBN-13 !"#-1$""$"#332 ISBN-10 1$""$"#33" N%&IC' (ou are en)ouraged to distri*ute )opies o+ this do)u,ent through any ,eans- ele)troni) or in printed +or,. (ou ,ay post this ,aterial- in .hole or in part- on your .e*site or else. But .e do re/uest that you in)lude this noti)e so others ,ay 0no. they )an )opy and distri*ute as .ell. &his *oo0 is availa*le as a +ree e*oo0 and ,p3 at the .e*site http 11end-ti,es-prophe)y.)o, 2012 *y Susan Davis


&his *oo0 .as not )reated +or the generation o+ pro+it *ut +or the purpose o+ rea)hing ,ore people through this parti)ular ,ediu,. But )ertainly not to raise ,oney through the use o+ these propheti) 2ords o+ the 3%4D. &he list pri)e o+ this *oo0 .as set to )over only printing )osts and the royalty that goes to the author is near 5ero. 6&here ,ay *e a +e. )ents per *oo0 due to +lu)tuating printing )osts. Any re,ainder over 5ero is used to *uy *oo0s .hi)h are given a.ay +or +ree.7 &hese ,essages are so urgent and i,portant that .e .ant to ensure that the pri)e o+ the *oo0 .ould not *e an o*sta)le to people getting these ,essages.


Susan operates in the gi+t o+ prophe)y. In 1 Corinthians 1$ 1 it states- 89ollo. the .ay o+ love and eagerly desire gi+ts o+ the Spiritespe)ially prophe)y.: No. .e are living and supposed to *e o*eying ;od<s instru)tions in the Ne. &esta,ent. Although so,e *elieve that spiritual gi+ts- su)h as prophe)ies- have *een done a.ay .ith- this is ,an<s thin0ing and not ;od<s. ;od has not )hanged =is )ovenant. 2e are still living in the era o+ the Ne. Covenant > .hi)h is also )alled the Ne. &esta,ent. ?lease understand that your +irst )o,,it,ent should *e to the 3ord @esus Christ and =is 2ord as .ritten in the Bi*le > espe)ially the Ne. &esta,ent. As al.ays- all prophe)y needs to *e tested against the Bi*le. =o.ever- i+ the prophe)y lines up .ith the Bi*le then .e are eApe)ted to o*ey it. Currently ;od does not use prophe)ies to introdu)e ne. do)trines. &hey are used to rein+or)e .hat ;od has already given to us in the Bi*le. ;od also uses the, to give us individual .arnings o+ +uture events that .ill a++e)t us. @ust li0e in the %ld &esta,ent- ;od uses prophets in the Ne. &esta,ent ti,es o+ .hi)h .e are )urrently in. &he *oo0 o+ A)ts.hi)h is in the Ne. &esta,ent- ,entions so,e o+ the prophets su)h as @udas and Silas 6A)ts 1B 327 and Aga*us 6A)ts 21 217 and there .ere others. &he ,inistry o+ prophets is also ,entioned in Ne. &esta,ent ti,es in 1 Corinthians 12 2#- 1$ 1-2!-32-3" as .ell as in 'phesians 2 20-3 B-$ 11. @esus )hooses prophets to .or0 +or =i, on earth. A,ong other things- @esus uses prophe)ies and prophets to )o,,uni)ate =is desires to =is )hildren. &he Bi*le itsel+ .as .ritten propheti)ally through the inspiration o+ the =oly Spirit. So,e people say .ords o+ prophe)y are in danger o+ adding to the Bi*le or ta0ing +ro, it -- .ell the Bi*le spea0s o+ prophe)y as *eing a ;i+t o+ the =%3( S?I4I&. &he .ay the Bi*le is added to or ta0en +ro, is not through additional .ords o+ prophe)y re)eived *y the

people .hi)h the =%3( S?I4I& gives .ords to- *ut *y the )hanging o+ ;%DCs )on)epts to add ne. unBi*li)al )on)epts +ro, other pagan *elie+s +or eAa,ple. But the pri,ary .or0 o+ the prophets in the Bi*le has al.ays *een to +o)us the people *a)0 to ;%DCs 2%4D- the BIB3'. As it says in 1 &hessalonians B 1!-21- DDo not put out the SpiritCs +ireE do not treat prophe)ies .ith )onte,pt. &est everything. =old on to the good.D And the .ay to test the ,essages is to )o,pare itCs )ontent to .hat the Bi*le says. In all the prophe)ies *elo. I personally 6Fi0e ?eralta - Boo0 ?reparer7 have tested these ,essages and they are all in agree,ent to .hat the Bi*le says. But you ,ust also test these ,essages- yoursel+- to the Bi*le. And i+ they are )onsistent .ith the Bi*le- then ;od eApe)ts that you .ill ta0e the, to heart and o*ey =is instru)tions.

!tro"u#tio! b$ The Lor" Te%timo!ia&%
1. Humi&it$ 2. Do Not Tru%t ! 'our%e&f Or Other% 3. Trai!i!g ! Humi&it$ 4. Tru%ti!g ! Go" 5. Forgi(e!e%% 6. Li(e i! The )or&"* But Do Not Be +Of the )or&", 7. Rapture a!" Marriage Supper of the Lamb 8. Prepare For The Rapture 9. About The Lo%t Chur#h 10. Lu%t For The )or&" 11. The )or&" % Hea"i!g For Troub&e 12. M' Soo! Comi!g 13. The Hour Ha%te!% M' Chi&"re! 14. The )or&" Ha% Tur!e" Agai!%t ME 15. Lea"er% Do Not Fo&&o- ME 16. The Hour of M' Retur! Approa#he% 17. About The A!ti#hri%t 18. The Time Approa#he% For M' Soo! De%#e!t

19. Ma.e Preparatio!% 20. 'our Time % A&mo%t Up 21. Apart From M' )i&&* 'ou Are Ru!!i!g Agai!%t ME 22. E(i& % Comi!g To De%tro$ The )or&" 23. The C&o#. % About To Stri.e Mi"!ight 24. Stop Fighti!g )ith Ea#h Other 25.

)i&& Not Ta.e 'ou f 'ou Ha(e U!repe!ta!t Si!

26. Sta$ Fo#u%e" O! ME 27. 'ou Mu%t Be Ma"e Rea"$ f 'ou )a!t To Come Out

)ith ME
28. 'our Eter!it$ % ! The Ba&a!#e 29. 'ou Mu%t Ru!* Not )a&. To ME No30. M' Bri"e % Lo(e&$ ! A&& Her )a$% 31. /er$ Fe- )or%hip ME A!" Repe!t To ME 32. 33.

Am About To Remo(e M' Bri"e To Safet$ )a!t Fir%t P&a#e Or No P&a#e

34. There % Tribu&atio! Comi!g 0 Great Tribu&atio! 35. There % Ab%o&ute&$ No Be!efit ! Cha%i!g After A

D$i!g )or&"
36. Ma!$ )ho Thi!. Them%e&(e% Rea"$ Are Foo&i!g

37. 'ou Ha(e Pre#iou% Litt&e Time Remai!i!g

38. M' True Fo&&o-er% Are )at#hi!g 0 The$ Are O! Guar" 39. M$ Te%timo!$1 Regar"i!g thi% Do#ume!t a!" M$



F( )hildren- this is your 3%4D Spea0ing. I a, )o,ing very soon. F( Co,ing is near- even at the door. I a, )o,ingG (ou need to ,a0e ready. &his Hournal .as )o,pleted during a $0-day +ast *y F( daughter Susan. She did this +ast at F( 4e/uest. I *rought her to a se)luded lo)ation so that she ,ight die to hersel+. During this ti,e- I gave her ,any 2ords that I .anted to go out to F( )hildren. So she .rote F( 2ords as I led her. All these 3etters have i,portant in+or,ation you need to read and )onsider- as F( Co,ing is near. &his is your 3%4D and SAII%4- (A=JS=JA 6@esus Christ7. KAll s)ripture in)luded )o,es +ro, the Ling @a,es Iersion Bi*le &hese 2ords .ere di)tated *y ;%D &he 9A&='4 and =IS S%N(A=JS=JA =A FAS=IAC= M@esus Christ or @esus &he Anointed or @esus &he FessiahN to Susan during a +orty-day +ast re)orded *et.een @anuary 2"- 2012 through Far)h O- 2012.


I than0 you so ,u)h +or your e-,ails and sharing ;%DCs 2ords and it *lessed ,e so ,u)h. I prayed and as0ed the =%3( S?I4I& to guide ,e to ,a0e ,e understand ,any things and to .al0 in =IS 2ay. ?lease pray +or ,e also. %n)e again than0 you so ,u)h and ;%D *less you and your ,inistry. > 4eader 1 KKKKKK Dear- Dear Sister Susan- &han0 (ou (A=JS=JA +or these letters and .hat (%J as0ed (%J4 daughter1*ride to go through so they )ould *e .rittenG I *egan the day a+ter and read a*out ten pages ea)h ti,e. I a, *lessed. > 4eader 2 KKKKKK Susan- than0 you so ,u)h +or the lin0 you shared. It is a*solutely *lessed ,e and I +eel ,y spirit so hungry to the 3%4D (A=JS=JA. > 4eader 3 KKKKKK =ello Fy Dear Sister Susan- I a, al,ost +inished reading ;%D<s Fessages13etters to you during your +ast. &hey are truly =IS 2%4DS... I ,ean I Hust )annot put that 100-page do)u,ent do.n. =IS &ruth- 2isdo,- and pleading .ith us is a,a5ingP=' is Hust so hu,*le and loving to *e a*le to en)ourage- .arn the nations. I than0 =IF +or it- and *less you +or sharing it .ith ,e. > 4eader $ KKKKKK Dear Susan- &han0 you- ,y dear sister- +or sending this to ,eG I posted it- and I a, already hal+.ay through. It *rought ,e to ,y 0nees *e+ore the 3%4D. I pray that ,illions .ill do the sa,e. Fay ;%D *less you +or your o*edien)e and +aith+ulness to =IF. 3ove +orever in our F'SSIA=G > 4eader B KKKKKK

Susan- this is an eAtre,ely anointed prophe)y +ro, the 3ord. I have heard prophe)ies +ro, the ti,e I .as a *a*y Christian *a)0 in 1!"!. I have heard and read so,e very anointed prophe)ies over the past 33 years and the ,essages in this *oo0 are o+ the ,ost anointed I have heard and read in all ,y li+e. > Fi0e ?eralta 6Boo0 ?reparer7


=u,ility is hu,*le su*,ission. It is a .illingness to serve others .ithout )o,plaint- to overloo0 har, +ro, others .ith a s,ile and +orgiveness. It is a desire to serve others and to please ;%D. It is a desire to serve ;%D at all ti,es .ith hope+ul eApe)tations- to *e )o,pliant- a .illing spirit al.ays ready to serve ;%D and others. =u,ility is also .illing to ta0e a *a)0 seat - the last )hair- the +urthest position- to *e in the *a)0ground- to *e unnoti)ed. 3u0e 1$ "-12. And he put +orth a para*le to those .hi)h .ere *idden- .hen he ,ar0ed ho. they )hose out the )hie+ roo,sE saying unto the,- 2hen thou art *idden o+ any ,an to a .eddingsit not do.n in the highest roo,E lest a ,ore honora*le ,an than thou *e *idden o+ hi,E And he that *ade thee and hi, )o,e and say to thee- ;ive this ,an pla)eE and thou *egin .ith sha,e to ta0e the lo.est roo,. But .hen thou art *idden- go and sit do.n in the lo.est roo,E that .hen thou art *idden- go and sit do.n in the lo.est roo,E that .hen he that *ade thee )o,eth- he ,ay say unto thee- 9riend- go up higher then shalt thou have .orship in the presen)e o+ the, that sit at ,eat .ith thee. 9or .hosoever eAalteth hi,sel+ shall *e a*asedE and he that hu,*leth hi,sel+ shall *e eAalted. Fatthe. 1! 30. But ,any that are +irst shall *e lastE and the last shall *e +irst. It is the person .ho is +orgotten *e)ause they are so they *lend into the s)enery. &hey do not .ant )enter stage. &hey .ant to *e hidden a.ay- /uiet- unassu,ing- su*,issive to ;%D. &his is hu,ility- daughter and this is F( *ride. She is all these things. Do you see your errors no. daughterQ 3et JS )ontinueP 2hat is *eing hu,*leQ It is .or0ing *ehind the s)enes *ut not desiring the li,e light. It is )o,plete su*,ission to ;%D. It is see0ing to o*ey ;%D in all things.

=u,ility is not .orrying a*out .hat other people thin0 o+ you. It is doing +or others .ithout re)eiving )redit. It is desiring +avor +ro, ;%D and not ,en. It is in +avor .ith ;%D and pleasing ;%D. It is /uiet and unassu,ing. It is in ;%D. It is *eing 8C=4IS&-li0e.: =u,ility is ,ost *eauti+ul to ;%D. A hu,*le- ;%D-+earing person shines in ;%D<s 'yes. =u,ility is .anting to please ;%D and .al0 in =is ?ath. &o *e and not thin0 .ell o+ yoursel+ and to not thin0 yoursel+ *etter than others- to )onsider yoursel+ *elo. others- and to not Hudge those around you. I a, the only %N' to Hudge. It does not ,ean you are to *e a*ased. It ,eans you are to respe)t others< +eelings even i+ they stu,*le and not to *elittle the, in your heart- to have )o,passion +or the, *e)ause you too are not *eyond sinning *e+ore a =oly ;%D. &his is .hat happens .hen so,eone is hu,*le. &hey )reate a .onder+ul testi,ony. &hey shine in F( Lingdo,- in F( 'yes. &hey re)eive the 'ar o+ ;%D. I listen to F( hu,*le servants .hen they )ry out to F'. I .ould go to any eAtre,e to save F( hu,*le servants. I .ill ,ove heaven and earth +or F( hu,*le servants. Do you understand this- F( daughterQ F( hu,*le servants are devoted to F'. &hey understand that they )annot do anything .ithout F'. &hey are al.ays see0ing F' in all .ays li0e a )hild see0s its parent. &his is F( hu,*le servant. &hey have no sel+ .ill. &hey trust only F' in their daily .al0. &hey sear)h F' +or their ans.ers. &hey trust F' .holeheartedly and I the,. I give the, F( Best *e)ause they see0 F' a*ove all others +or ans.ers. &hey are hu,*le and glorious in F( Sight. &hey have a so+t-spo0en *eauty a*out the,. &hey are not li0e the .orld around the,. &hey stand out +ro, the )ro.d. &heir *eauty is ;%D-li0e and heavenly. &his is ho. heaven is - +ull o+ people se)ure in their ;%D *e)ause I ,eet all their needs.

&here is no need to *e *rash or rude- arrogant or pride+ul. All their needs are ,et through F'. &hey are )ontent- .illing to serve- and happy to serve *e)ause I +ul+ill all their needs- all the ti,e. No one vies +or attention in F( heavenlies. 'veryone is )ontent. It is a pla)e o+ purity- pea)e- )al,- lovelaughter- Hoy. Childli0e +aith is i,portant *e)ause a )hild does not get ahead o+ itsel+. A )hild +ollo.s )lose *ehind its parent *e)ause it trusts the parent. It )lings to the parent .ith hope+ul eApe)tation .aiting +or instru)tion- guidan)e- leadership. &he )hild does not assu,e the role o+ parent. It 0no.s *etter. It )annot leadE it trusts only the parent to ,eet all o+ its needs. 2hen the )hild gets out o+ sight o+ the parent- pani) sets in *e)ause it 0no.s all its needs are ,et in the parent it has gro.n to love and trust. &his is the relationship *et.een the truly hu,*le and ;%D. &he hu,*le +ollo. ;%D *lindly out o+ trust and o*edien)e and ;%D delivers the,. &here are not ans.ers else. ;%D is Supre,e and the only &rue =ope- 4elia*le =ope. Children see0 their parents +or all their needs. &hey )ry a+ter the, *e)ause their parents )an deliver the, Hust as ;%D delivers the hu,*le .ho +ollo. =IF +ro, a hu,*le- pure heart. Is this ,a0ing sense to you no. daughterQ Can a person +ull o+ pride )hange their .ays and *e)o,e hu,*leQ Daughter- the is 8yes: *y the guidan)e and su*,ission to F'- your ;%D. So .ith ;%D all things are possi*leQ (es- all things are possi*le .ith F'G ?rover*s 1B 33. &he +ear o+ the 3%4D is the instru)tion o+ .isdo,E and *e+ore honor is hu,ility. 3et JS *egin. =u,ility is a*out love. 3ove )o,es +ro, a heart o+ hu,ility. 3ove does not )o,e +ro, pride. ?ride destroys love. ?ride says 8I a, *etter than youE: 8I 0no. ,ore than youE: 8(ou are .orth

less than F'E: 8(ou are valueless to F'E: 8I a, sel+- su++i)ientE: and 8I do not need you.: &his is .hat pride stands +or- F( )hild. ?ride is ugly in all +or,s. It is sel+-see0ing- sel+-)entered- sel+ish- and its roots are evil. Iain glory rises up against ;%D and says 8I don<t need ;%D.: I a, F( o.n god - I rule ,ysel+. It is ugly and a*o,ina*le. &here is no *eauty in this. &here is nothing redee,ing in this. It puts others o++. It )auses people to +eel in+erior- reHe)tedunloved- o++ended- hurt. &here is nothing re,otely ;%D-li0e in pride and it is the opposite o+ the )hara)teristi) o+ C=4IS&. &here is nothing C=4IS&- li0e in pride. Nothing good )o,es +ro, pride - only evil. Do you understand- F( )hildQ =o. )an .e +lee +ro, the appearan)e o+ pride- 3%4DQ Daughter- you ,ust run +ro, priderun +ar +ro, it. See0 hu,ility at all ti,es. Daughter- there is no need to *uild yoursel+ up to see0 the attention o+ others i+ you have F( 3ove and A++e)tion. See0 F( 3ove and A++e)tion and *e satis+ied in it only and all desires to see0 love +ro, those around you .ill *e e)lipsed *y F( all-)onsu,ing love. &he people around you )annot grati+y your deepest needs - only I )an do this +or you. %nly I )an satis+y the hungry- longing- e,pty heart. I have all the ans.ers +or the longing- e,pty heart. I )an +ill all longings. Fen )annot. &hey are not )apa*le although it appears that .ay. &here is only short- lived and *rie+ grati+i)ation +ro, the approval o+ others. I a, the .ellspring that +ills to )o,pletion. I +ill and satis+y all the longings o+ the hu,an heart. Co,e to F' to satis+y your need +or love and a++e)tion. 3ay do.n pride. It is a destru)tive +or)e and has no love. It operates outside o+ love and only *rings destru)tion to everyone. ?ride is the +irst evil. Still it rules and reigns in ,en<s hearts. ?ride )auses ,en to see0 a+ter all .ays )ontrary to see0ing ;%D. Fen *uild the,selves up *y position in their .or0- talents- .ealthpossessions- and relationships .ith others. &hese are idols and they do not set their sights on ;%D +or their ans.ers- only to *uild

the,selves up through pursuits that I do not ordain- so that they )an appear su))ess+ul to those around the,. %nly the hu,*le-hearted pursue ;%D +or their ans.ers and needs and put aside their desire to pursue the things to i,press those around the,. 2hen you try to a,ass .ealth or ,a0e a na,e +or yoursel+ in the .orld - even through ,inistry .or0- it is you striving to *e a))epted *y others- to see0 approval +ro, those around you. &his is not F( 2ill. It )annot *e. F( hu,*le )hildren see0 F' +or their needs daily and I deliver the,. &his is ho. I tea)h trust +or ;%D. 2hen F( )hildren strive in their o.n and su))eed- they are +ailing *e)ause I .ill not re.ard those .ho are out o+ F( 2ill although things loo0 .ell and good- it is +alse se)urity. And I also allo. F( )hildren to +ail in their strivings so they see they need F'. I need to *e the desire o+ the heart and the to everything. 'verything else is +alse hope- leading F( )hildren out o+ F( 2ill. (es these are pride+ul )hildren see0ing their o.n .ay apart +ro, )onsulting F' and and trusting F'. &his leads to in+erior satis+a)tion. Strive and strive- F( )hildren strive and only )o,e up e,pty longing +or ,ore- never really satiated - al.ays .anting ,ore*ut not .hat. I a, that 82=A&G: I a, the only .ay to true satis+a)tion- to a .hole heart- .hole spirit- .hole soul. I satis+y- I )o,plete- I ,a0e .hole- I +ill the voids o+ the hu,an heart<s longings- nothing or no one else. &his is the *asis o+ pride and the sin that ste,s +ro, it- an ever-see0ing heart loo0ing +or grati+i)ation and approval in everything *ut ;%D. ',pty- lonely- and un+ul+illed is the ulti,ate out)o,e- a sad eAisten)e that I never ,eant +or F( )reation. ?ride- an ugly sin that is )o,pletely devoid o+ love in any +or,- a loveless position holds no love +or anyone. =u,ility *y )ontrast loves. It is not sel+-serving. It does not rule over others. It .aits +or others to *e served +irst. It holds others in higher estee, than itsel+. It does not ta0e advantage. It is not rude or arrogant.

It is not haughty. It does not put on airs. It does not +launt. It is *eauti+ul- so+t- spo0en- s.eet-natured- loving- )aring- ;%D-li0eC=4IS&-li0e- ;%D-see0ing. It does not rule over others or +or)e its position. It is only )on)erned +or the positions o+ others. &his is hu,ility- al.ays in the *a)0ground- never vying +or +irst )hair. &his is F( 2ay - patient and resilient. =u,ility is a +or, o+ love. It does not i,pose itsel+ on others. It .aits its turn. It loves a*ove all else. It does not see0 to a*ase others to *e li+ted up. It only see0s good +or those around. 2hy is hu,ility a *eauti+ul thing to F'- ;%DQ I a, pleased .hen F( )hildren hu,*le the,selves *e+ore F'. It is a sho. o+ honorrespe)t- and trust in F'- their ;%D. &hey put all their hopes and eApe)tations on F' to +ul+ill all their needs. &hey re,ove their desire to see0 the,selves +or ans.ers through their o.n a))o,plish,ents- their o.n strength- their o.n sel+-see0ing .ill. &hey are not in)lined to +ollo. their o.n heart- a*andon F'- their ;%D- +o)us on their o.n sel+ish pursuits .hi)h leads the, a.ay +ro, the %ne &rue 2ayE F'- their ;%D. I a, the only 2ay- &ruth?ath. Fany are de)eived *y pursuing their o.n .ays apart +ro, )o,ing )lose to F' and see0ing F( 2ill- F( &ruth- and F( Dire)tion +or their li+e. &hey pursue .hat the .orld says is right see0ing ,oney- position+a,e- and satis+a)tion in a ,yriad o+ .ays apart +ro, F'- ;%D. &his is high )lass de)eption. I a, not saying that you should not .or0 or live li+e- *ut I a, saying to see0 F' +irst and I )an dire)t the right path to ta0e as you live in this .orld. I+ you pursue your plans and drea,s apart +ro, F( Intervention then you are running outside o+ F( 2ill and you leave yoursel+ open to F( ene,y and you are living in sin *e)ause you are not in F( 2ill. &his is pride and re*ellion. Fany .al0 in it.

?rover*s 1# 12. Be+ore destru)tion the heart o+ ,an is haughty- and *e+ore honor is hu,ility. ?rover*s 2! 23. A ,an<s pride shall *ring hi, lo. *ut honor shall uphold the hu,*le in spirit. Fatthe. 23 12. And .hosoever shall eAalt hi,sel+ shall *e a*asedE and he that hu,*le hi,sel+ shall *e eAalted. @a,es $ O. But =e giveth ,ore gra)e. 2here+ore he saith- ;%D resisteth the proud- *ut giveth gra)e unto the hu,*le. ?rover*s # 13. &he +ear o+ the 3%4D is to hate evil pride- and arrogan)y- and the evil .ay- and the +or.ard ,outh do I hate. =o. does one stay in your 2ill- 3%4DQ &his is ho. to stay in F( 2ill su*,it yoursel+ to F' - )o,plete surrender. &hen I guide your steps. &his is daily. Co,ing to F' ea)h day and as0ing +or dire)tion- guidan)e- li0e a )hild. &his is )hildli0e +aith. &he .orld has painted a pi)ture that *eing sel+-su++i)ient is the .ay to a su))ess+ul li+e. It is a .ell-plotted plan o+ de)eption +ro, F( ene,y. =e has de)eived the .orld .ith this lie. F( )hildren pursue li+e through their o.n- thought-out planning and s)he,es- never on)e )onsulting F'their FAL'4 and they *elieve all is .ell. I+ it loo0s right- it ,ust *e right. But it is evil ,eant to thro. F( )hildren o++ the narro. path. %nly I have the right )ourse- the right .ay +or F( )hildren to .al0 in and this )ourse I give the, ea)h day. @ohn B 30. I )an o+ FIN' %2N S'39 do nothing as I hear- I Hudge and F( Hudg,ent is HustE *e)ause I see0 not FIN' %2N .ill- *ut the 2ill o+ the 9A&='4 .hi)h hath sent F'. I+ people have to live in this .orld so,eti,e they are +or)ed to plan ahead- .hat a*out thatQ Fy )hild- yes F( )hildren live in the .orld*ut I even )an give dire)tion a*out the )hoi)es ,ade +or the +uture. I+ F( )hildren see0 F'- so,eti,es the is 8Be still and .ait.: %nly F( )hildren- .ho are intentionally )lose to F'- .al0 .ith F' daily- .ill *e given this insight. 2hen F( )hildren are +ar +ro, F' and only )o,e to F' o))asionally- this I .ill not *less. I a, not

a ;%D 2=% you )an )he)0 in .ith every no. and then- as so ,any )hildren *elieve. Fany )o,e to F' during their )risis and then they go *a)0 to +orgetting F'. &hese )hildren do not 0no. F'. I a, a ;%D .ho desires inti,a)y- )loseness .ith F( )hildren. &his is evil to F',- to .hi)h I spit out. 3u0e " 21-23. Not everyone that saith unto F'- 3%4D- 3%4D- have .e not prophesied in &=( Na,eQ And in &=( Na,e have )ast out devilsQ And in &=( Na,e done ,any .onder+ul .or0sQ And then .ill I pro+ess unto the,- I never 0ne. you depart +ro, F'- ye that .or0 ini/uity.


No. daughter- 3et JS *egin. &oday- I .ant to dis)uss .ith you a*out the pro*le, .ith trusting in 8sel+.: Being sel+-su++i)ient- sel+reliant and sel+-)entered is an evil vi)e. It is pro,oted *y the .orld syste, and +ostered *y F( ene,y. Being sel+-reliant is nothing ,ore than putting 8sel+: *e+ore ;%D. It is .al0ing in your o.n .ill apart +ro, F( 2ill. @ust li0e this $0-day +ast is F( 2ill- .hen people do .hat they )hoose .ithout see0ing F' through an inti,ate relationship .ith F'- they run apart +ro, F( 2ill and they are living in sin - it is re*ellion to F'. I .ant F( )hildren to .al0 in F( 2ill. So,eti,es F( 2ill does not loo0 right a))ording to the standards o+ the .orld. &he .orld says )hase ,oney- possessions- se)urity- hu,an love. F( 2ill doesn<t ,at)h .hat the .orld )alls nor,al. It loo0s di++erent. But F( 2ill is )orre)t. I )reated hu,ans and I also )reated the, to trust F' and .al0 in F( 2ill - to 0no. F( 2ill you ,ust lay do.n your li+e *e+ore F' in hu,*le su*,ission and see0 F' daily. &hose .ho truly pursue F' *y devoting ti,e to F'- inti,ate ti,e .ith F' in the se)ret pla)e and reading F( 2ord .ill +ind F' and F( 2ill. &his re/uires )hoi)es. (ou ,ust )hoose *e)ause .orldly distra)tions )an thro. you o++ F( straight and narro. path. %< there are ,any other paths to go on *ut all lead to destru)tion as the road to hell is a *road road that ,any +all into. 9e. +ind this i,portant narro. path to F' and eternal li+e. Fany thin0 they .al0 the narro. path *ut they are de)eived. &hey listen to others .ho are also de)eived. Fany o+ F( leaders are de)eived and de)eiving others *e)ause they *elieve doing ,any .or0s and staying *usy in F( )hur)hes is the .ay to eternal se)urity *ut this is de)eption. It is only *y inti,a)y- truly F'- spending ti,e- devoting ti,e to F'. &his is the 0ey to eternal sa+ety and se)urity. ?sal,s !1 1. =e that d.elleth in the se)ret pla)e o+ the F%S& =I;= shall a*ide under the shado. o+ the A3FI;=&( &he *ody is

+ed in the )hur)hes *ut this *ody )annot truly +un)tion )orre)tly apart +ro, nourish,ent .hi)h I give in the se)ret pla)e and in the ti,e spent getting to 0no. F' in a deep .ay. &his is .here the *ody is truly *uilt up. &his is .here I deliver F( 2ill and 2ords to F( sheep and sustain the, to survive .hat the ene,y tries to do to )ause trou*le. It is *y inti,a)y .ith F' that you )an sustain through the pit+alls and trials o+ li+e. I+ you go it alone you .ill struggle and ulti,ately +ail. Be)ause you do not 0no. .hat I re/uire apart +ro, F' and I a, the ulti,ate Hudge o+ all in the end. =o. )an you prepare to +a)e F' in Hudg,ent i+ you have never )o,e )lose to F' and learned .hat I desire and re/uire o+ youQ 2hen you +a)e F' .ithout this inti,a)y you .ill *e e,pty-handed *e)ause you have relied on your o.n *elie+s- o.n thin0ing- o.n .illand you .ill +all greatly short. (ou .ill ,iss the ,ar0. 4o,ans 1$ 12. So then every one o+ us shall give a))ount o+ hi,sel+ to ;%D. Don<t *e de)eived. Fany o+ F( so-)alled leaders never spend ti,e .ith F'- and they too do not operate in F( 2ill- and they are as i+ the *lind leading the *lind do.n *lind alleys o+ destru)tion. Fany .ill *e surprised ho. ,isled they have *een *e)ause they have trusted in those .ho 0no. F' not and they the,selves are greatly de)eived. (ou )annot trust in .hat loo0s right in the .orld. (ou ,ust su*,it to F'. Surrender your all to F' and see0 F' .hole-heartedly. &his is .hat I re/uire. F( 2ord spea0s this &ruth. 4ead it )orre)tly and see +or yoursel+. F( leaders- too ,any li0e the .orld and its .ays- so they )hange the ,eaning o+ F( 2ords so they )an +eel good a*out ,ingling .ith the .orld. &he .orld is an en,ity to F'. 4ead F( 2ord. &his truth is not hidden. (ou )annot love the .orld and F' *oth. I have *een )lear a*out this. %< yes you are in the .orld- *ut you ,ust +ollo. F' and F( 2ays .hile you are in the .orld.

@a,es $ $. (e adulterers and adulteresses 0no. ye not that the +riendship o+ the .orld is en,ity .ith ;%DQ 2hosoever there+ore .ill *e a +riend o+ the .orld is an ene,y o+ ;%D. &here are distra)tions at every turn that .ill lead you a.ay +ro, see0ing inti,a)y .ith F'. (ou ,ust desire to spend ti,e .ith F' ,ore than the .orld<s distra)tions. (ou are settling +or an in+eriore,pty pursuit i+ you settle +or the things o+ the .orld over a relationship .ith the C4'A&%4 o+ all li+e - your FAL'4- FAL'4 o+ the stars- and the heavens. =e*re.s 10 3#-3!. No. the Hust shall live *y +aith *ut i+ any ,an dra.s *a)0- F( soul shall have no pleasure in hi,. But .e are not o+ the, .ho dra. *a)0 unto perditionE *ut o+ the, that *elieve to the saving o+ the soul. Do not trade do.n a glorious eternal .al0 .ith F'- the C4'A&%4 and SJS&AIN'4 o+ all li+e +or the )heap thrills o++ered *y the .orld. 2hat you pursue in the .orld is e,pty satis+a)tion and ulti,ately death. (ou )hoose your o.n destiny- you *elieve you )reate your o.n path- you *elieve I *less your de)isions. (ou have not )o,e to 0no. F' inti,ately. I+ you did- you .ould learn di++erently. (ou are de)eived *y the .ays o+ the .orld and F( )unning ene,y. =e .ould have you do .hat you *elieve *est +or yoursel+ apart +ro, F'. &his I )annot *less. &hen F( )hildren .onder .hy they run into so ,any trou*les. &he .orst de)eption o+ F( ene,y is the *elie+ that all is .ell .hen you run apart +ro, having an inti,ate relationship .ith F'. &his is the greatest de)eption o+ all. All see,s .ell- *ut .hen you +a)e F'- I .ill tell you to depart ye .or0ers o+ ini/uity- I never 0ne. youP Fatthe. " 21. Not everyone that saith unto F'- 3%4D- 3%4D- shall enter into the Lingdo, o+ =eavenE *ut he that doeth the 2ill o+ F( 9A&='4 .hi)h is in =eaven. Fany .ill say to F' in that day- 3%4D- 3%4D- have .e not prophesied in &=( Na,eQ And in &=( Na,e have )ast out devilsQ And in &=( Na,e done ,any .onder+ul .or0sQ And then .ill I

pro+ess unto the,- I never 0ne. you. depart +ro, F'- ye that .or0 ini/uity. (es- this is F( 2ord. I did not )reate you to .al0 apart +ro, F' and +or you to see0 your o.n .ay .ithout ever )onsulting F'. (esyou )an do these things *e)ause you have +ree .ill- *ut you are not in F( 2ill and so you are sinning against F'. I give F( )hildren +ree .ill and they )an )hoose to see0 F' in inti,a)y and trust F( ;uidan)e or they )an run apart +ro, F'. 2hen F( )hildren run apart +ro, F'- out o+ F( 2ill- see0ing their o.n plans- they .or0 against F( Lingdo, plans and this is evil. &hey )ause destru)tion they don<t even 0no. a*out- *e)ause they have sel+ishly *elieved they )an live their li+e outside o+ F( ?er+e)t 2ill and ?lans. &hey *ring trou*le on the,selves and others. &hey leave the,selves open the .hi,s and traps o+ the ene,y. Children apart +ro, F'- you are no ,at)h to the .iles and )unning o+ F( ene,y. Do not thin0 yoursel+ so .ise. (ou are useless apart +ro, F'. 2hy do I tal0 so o+ those .ith )hildli0e +aith as the ones .ho .ill inherit F( Lingdo,Q Be)ause these )hildren re)ogni5e their need +or F' at every turn Hust as a )hild turns to its parent at every ,o,ent. &he )hild 0no.s apart +ro, the parent he is in danger as F( )hildren re)ogni5e apart +ro, F'- they too are in great dangerand trust in F( 'very 2ord. &his is .hy I i,plore F( )hildren to spend ti,e in F( 2ord- .here ,u)h in+or,ation is i,parted. All ans.ers +or living this li+e are given in F( Boo0. I gave this Boo0 as a guide +or ,an0ind. F( S?I4I& reveals truth in the pages. %nly through surrender and re)eiving F( S?I4I& in +ull ,easure .ill you re)eive the enlighten,ent that you need to truly understand F( 2ords. It is not *y the tea)hings o+ ,en- *ut *y F( S?I4I& that the 2ords gro. in your heart. %nly *y F( S?I4I& )an you re)eive the light-giving li+e o+ F( Boo0.

Fatthe. 1# $. 2hosoever there+ore shall hu,*le hi,sel+ as this little )hild- the sa,e is greatest in the 0ingdo, o+ heaven. 1 Corinthians 2 11-1$. 9or .hat ,an 0no.eth the things o+ a ,ansave the spirit o+ ,an .hi)h is in hi,Q 'ven so the things o+ ;%D 0no.eth no ,an- *ut the S?I4I& o+ ;%D. No. .e have re)eivednot the spirit o+ the .orld- *ut the S?I4I& .hi)h is o+ ;%DE that .e ,ight 0no. the things that are +reely given to us o+ ;%D. 2hi)h things also .e spea0- not in the .ords .hi)h ,an<s .isdo, tea)heth- *ut .hi)h the =%3( ;=%S& tea)hethE )o,paring Spiritual things .ith Spiritual. But the natural ,an re)eiveth not the things o+ the S?I4I& o+ ;%D +or they are +oolishness unto hi, neither )an he 0no. the,*e)ause they are Spiritually dis)erned. &he .orld is +ull o+ de)eption no.. Don<t *e +ooled *y the evil propagated *y F( ene,y. =e .ould have you *elieve *y the ,essages you re)eive daily that you )an trust the things o+ the .orld. (ou trust in everything *ut F'- the ;II'4 o+ li+e. (ou trust in ,oney- edu)ation- .orldly se)urity- govern,ents - it is +alse help and se)urity. &his is high )lass de)eption and it leads F( )hildren a.ay +ro, F'. F( )hildren then da**le in trusting F'. &hey turn to F' a little and then rely on everything else. &his is not inti,a)y. (es- you are inti,ate .ith the .orld and your o.n desires- *ut not .ith F'. (ou need to )o,e to F' and lay everything do.n *e+ore F'. (ou )annot truly 0no. F' until you put aside your .orldly se)urity and )o,e to F' see0ing an inti,ate relationship. Anything else apart +ro, this relationship is, and I .ill not honor a, relationship. So ,any .ill *e surprised .hen they +a)e F' and dis)over that dan)ing .ith the .orld and also spending a little ti,e .ith F' .ill 0eep the, out o+ F( Lingdo,. &here .ill *e ,any surprised.

4evelation 3 1O. So then *e)ause thou art,- and neither )old nor hot- I .ill spue thee out o+ F( Fouth. 2hat do I .ant and eApe)t +ro, F( )hildrenQ I .ant their li+e. I .ant it all in )o,plete surrender. A dan)e .ith the .orld and a dan)e .ith F' is evil. 4ead F( 2ord. %< so ,any read F( Boo0 and they ta0e +ro, it .hat they .ant so they )an pla)ate the,selves- so they )an enHoy the .orld and still +eel that they )an enter F( Lingdo, .hen their li+e ends. 2hat a sho)0 to those .ho dis)over that I only re)eive those .ho have given F' their all - sa)ri+i)ed their all. &heir pursuit o+ .ealth- +a,e- possessions .as all in vain and ulti,ately 0eeps the, outside F( Lingdo,. &heir o.n .ill and +uture planning has led the, on a path outside o+ F( 2ill and apart +ro, F( &rue ?lans +or their li+e - a li+e I )reated. &he li+e I gave the, and sustain. %< yes no one lives and *reathes +ro, day to day eA)ept I ordain it. &his is .hy F( )hildren should not *e so sure o+ their o.n sel+ish planning apart +ro, F( 2ill and true intensions +or their li+e. I )an ta0e any li+e I )hoose at 2ill. No one lives outside F( De)isions +or their li+e. I give- I ta0e as I see +it- as I desire. &his is .hy it is pure +oolishness .hen ,en )reate their o.n plans and ,a0e their o.n .ay apart +ro, F( 2ill +or their li+e. It is the height o+ pride and +oolishness and it is evil. It is the .ay o+ F( ene,y to lead F( sheep astray do.n paths o+ destru)tion *y .hat loo0s so nor,al and right. It is the ene,y<s de)eptive plan to de)eive ,any. @o* 12 10. In 2=%S' =and is the soul o+ every living thing- and the *reath o+ all ,an0ind. ?sal,s 10$ 2!. &=%J hidest &=( 9a)e- they are trou*led &=%J ta0est a.ay their *reathE they die- and return to their dust.


Daughter I a, ready to give you 2ords. 3isten )losely as I spea0. No. I .ant to go over ne. in+or,ation. I .ant to tal0 a*out training in the .ay o+ *eing hu,*le. &his is the .ay o+ the hu,*le. A /uiet- still heart are F( hu,*le ones. &hey .al0 /uietly never loo0ing +or position or privilege. &hey see0 F' in all .ays. &hey are ever-see0ing their ;%D. &hey do not .ant to *e )enter-+o)us. &hey do not .ant to see0 attention +or the,selves or re)ognition. &hey only desire to *e loved and )ared +or *y F'- their ;%D. &hey trust F' and I )are +or the,. I ,eet their eApe)tations. I deliver their needs. I *ring the, all the things they re/uire to live *y. I a, their 4o)0. I a, ever +aith+ul to F( hu,*le servants. I *ring the, pea)e and )al, in every stor,. I a, al.ays at their side- ever a*iding- al.ays .illing to serve the,. I 3ove F( hu,*le servants. &hey are a *eauti+ul +ragran)e to F'. I 3ove the, and they love F'. 2' are insepara*le. I a, their AI4. &hey shine *right as stars. &hey do not see0 the .ays o+ the .orld. I 0eep the, )ontent. &he .orld holds no s.ay over the,. &hey see0 F' +or )ontent,ent and I *ring the, .hat they desire. &hey are never disappointed. Iery +e. .al0 this path. Iery +e. +ind it. &he ones- .ho do- +ind the road to F( Lingdo, everlasting. 1 ?eter B O. =u,*le yourselves there+ore under the Fighty =and o+ ;%D- that =' ,ay eAalt you in due ti,e Fy hu,*le servants al.ays listen +or F( Ioi)e. &hey ,ove .hen I as0 the, to and they serve .hen I need the, to .ith a glad heart. &hey love to serve in F( Lingdo,. &hey are )ontent serving their LIN; and I *ring the, Hoy and pea)e. F( 3ove +lo.s over the,. &hey never la)0.

&o *e hu,*le- you ,ust )onsider yoursel+ in last pla)e- never needing +irst pla)e. It is .isdo, to *e last not +irst. &he +ools see0 +irst pla)e. F( hu,*le servants are .ise and 0no. .hat pleases F'- their ;%D. F( )hildren are the hu,*le- the ones the .orld never noti)es or sees- hidden a.ay out o+ the vie. o+ the .orldly. &hey are o+ no a))ount in this .orld- *ut in F( Lingdo,- they are the rulers and reigners. &hey are eAalted in F( =eavenly 4eal,. I honor F( hu,*le ones. &hey sit .ith F' on F( =eavenly &hrone and enHoy F( ?resen)e. &he hu,*le .ho ,a0e the,selves last in this li+e enHoy position in F( Lingdo,. &hey are li+ted up and held in estee, +or their li+e o+ su*,ission on earth. &hese ones *ring F' Hoy and I give the, pea)e- everlasting pea)e. Far0 10 31. But ,any that are +irst shall *e lastE and the last +irst. I .al0 .ith the hu,*le and ,a0e F(S'39 0no.n to the,. &his is F( ;i+t +or their sa)ri+i)e. 2hat a s.eet s,ell their love +or F' is and I .ill honor the,. =u,*le is the .ay o+ the Lingdo, o+ ;%D. 'veryone in F( Lingdo, is +illed .ith hu,ility. ?ride )annot enter in. It has no pla)e in F( Lingdo,- only pea)e+ul su*,ission to F'- ;%D. &his is F( Lingdo,- +ull o+ /uiet hu,ility .here everyone is satis+ied .ith the love and *eauty that over+lo.s. &here is no one .ho is dissatis+ied .ith their li+e in heaven. %nly hope and pea)e a*ounds. &his .orld over+lo.s .ith love. 1 @ohn 2 1O. 9or all that is in the .orld- the lust o+ the +lesh- and lust o+ the eyes- and the pride o+ li+e is not o+ the 9A&='4- *ut is o+ the .orld.


3et JS *egin F( daughter 69e*ruary "- 20127. &oday F( )hild 2' are going to )over ne. ground I .ant to tal0 a*out trusting in ;%D. F( )hildren do not trust F'. &hey say that they trust- *ut their hearts are +ar +ro, F'. &hey trust in the,selves. &his is evil. &hey trust in the .orld and the things o+ the .orld. &hey do not .al0 F( ?ath *e)ause they do not trust it. I+ they trusted F'- they .ould .al0 in F( ?ath- F( 2ill- F( ?er+e)t 2ays. &hey see0 other dire)tions to go in. &hey ,ove in other dire)tions. &hey see0 the .orld +or all their ans.ers through ,oney- +a,epossessions- se)urity- ro,an)e- entertain,entP everything- *ut F'- their ;%DG &hey are living a lie .hen they say they trust F' and they see0 ans.ers +ro, the .orld. 3ies- it is all lies. 8&rust in ;%D-: they say *ut then they never surrender their lives over to F' .holly and they )ontinue to )ling to the .orld +or their ans.ers- they live a lie and they don<t even see it. (es- I *less F( )hildren .ith a*undan)e. I ,a0e it rain and shine on the righteous and the .i)0ed ali0e. But F( )hildren )annot say they trust F' and still )ontinue to )o,,it adultery against F' .ith the .orld. &his is an a*o,ination. I desire )hildren .ho lay do.n their lives *e+ore F' in )o,plete surrender and put all their trust in F' laying aside their +uture plans and trusting in F( ?er+e)t 2ill +or their lives. &hey do not need to strive and struggle and .orry a*out to,orro. i+ they are in F( 2ill. Can I not )are +or the sparro.Q =o. ,u)h ,ore do I )are +or F( )hildren .ho give F' their all and sin)erely trust F'Q Fatthe. B $$-$B. But I say unto you- 3ove your ene,ies- *less the, that )urse you- do good to the, that hate you- and pray +or the, .hi)h despite+ully use you- and perse)ute youE &hat ye ,ay *e the )hildren o+ your 9A&='4 .hi)h is in heaven +or =' ,a0eth

=IS sun to rise on the evil and on the good- and sendeth rain on the Hust and on the unHust. ?sal, $ B. %++er the sa)ri+i)e o+ righteousness- and put your trust in the 3%4D. I a, a ;%D 2=% )an *e trusted. &here is no other 4o)0. All else is sin0ing sand. I a, the ;%D o+ the ages A3?=A and %F';A- B';INNIN; and 'ND. I )an *e trusted. 2hy .aste ti,e and .orry on your o.n plansQ No one even 0no.s .hat the neAt hour .ill hold. (our plans )an *lo. a.ay in a single ,o,ent. 2hy do you )ling to the, so as i+ they .ill save you- as i+ they are relia*leQ It is idol .orship +or sureG Fatthe. " 2O. And every one that heareth these sayings o+ ,ineand doeth the, not- shall *e li0ened unto a +oolish ,an- .hi)h *uilt his house upon the sand. Stop )linging to your i,per+e)t plans. ;ive F' your li+e in +ull surrender. %nly I 0no. the +uture- your +uture. %nly I 0no. .hat you .ill *e doing to,orro.. (our o.n hopes and drea,s outside o+ F( 2ill +or your li+e .ill lead you to destru)tion *e)ause only those in F( 2ill *y +ull surrender are sa+e- truly sa+e. All others are .al0ing apart +ro, F( 2ill in their o.n re*ellious .ill and there+ore )annot ,ove +or.ard in sa+ety or se)urity. &his is serious- F( )hildren. A.a0en and stop trusting in your o.n re*ellious .ays and trust in your ;%D. %nly I 0no. the .ay to the narro. path. Don<t *e ,isled thin0ing you )an +ind this path apart +ro, F'Pthat is +oolishness. 9e. +ind this path *e)ause +e. stop )linging to their o.n .ays. &hey thin0 their .ays are *est *e)ause everyone around the, is this .ay- *ut the road to hell is *road. Don<t trust the ,any around you

.ho are ,isled. Can you not see thisQ 2hat do you not understand a*out this- F( )hildrenQ Fatthe. " 13-1$. 'nter ye in at the strait gate +or .ide is the gateand *road is the .ay- that leadeth to destru)tion- and ,any there *e .hi)h go in thereat Be)ause strait is the gate- and narro. is the .ay- .hi)h leadeth unto li+e- and +e. there that +ind it. So trust F'. I )an *e trusted. F( 2ords never +ail. 4ead F( Boo0. I deliver those .ho truly .ant to *e delivered. I a, a ;%D 2=% delivers those .ho su*,it to F' in hu,ility and *ro0enness. So )o,e and *e delivered and learn to trust your ;%D.


3et JS *egin again 69e*ruary "- 20127. No. I .ant to tal0 a*out 8+orgiveness.: Children- I .ant to spea0 to you a*out this ,atter o+ +orgiveness. F( )hildren are un+orgiving in their hearts storing up grievan)es against ea)h other. I )annot +orgive those .ho don<t +orgive. Is this )learQ =o. )an I +orgive you- i+ you- yoursel+ )annot +orgive those around youQ Does not F( 2ord spea0 o+ thisQ 9orgiveness is love. Jn+orgiveness leads to all 0inds o+ sin *itterness- revenge- .rong+ul Hudging- and on and onP It gives a +oothold to the ene,y to )o,e in and destroy you. &his 0eeps you +ro, )loseness- inti,a)y .ith F'- your ;%D- and 0eeps you +ro, re)eiving F( S?I4I&. &his is serious. Fatthe. O 1$. 9or i+ ye +orgive ,en their trespasses- your heavenly 9A&='4 .ill also +orgive you. But i+ ye +orgive not ,en their trespasses- neither .ill your 9A&='4 +orgive your trespasses. I+ you are un+orgiving- you )annot *e ready +or F( Soon 4eturn. &his .ill hold you *a)0. It separates JS. 3eave this un+orgiveness *ehind. 9orgive ea)h other. 3ay do.n your anger to.ard ea)h other. 2hat do you gain .hen you har*or anger to.ard so,eone elseQ (ou su++er ,ore than the person you are angry .ith- )an you not see thisQ Is your eternal salvation .orth har*oring anger to.ard anotherQ Far0 11 2B. And .hen ye stand praying- +orgive- i+ ye have ought against any that your 9A&='4 also .hi)h is in heaven ,ay +orgive you your trespasses. (ou ,ust sear)h your heart and as0 this /uestion. 2hat is .orth losing your eternal soul overP a petty disputeQ 9orgive and .al0 a.ay and +eel a dar0 )loud li+t. 'ven i+ the other person .on<t +orgive you- pray +or the,- yes pray +or your ene,ies. ?ray +or the, .ith a sin)ere heart and I .ill .ar, your heart to those .ho har, you. I .ill give you a heart o+ +lesh.

=o. )an you eApe)t those .ho do not .al0 in F( 2ay and those .ho do not possess F( =%3( S?I4I& to treat you as i+ they doQ (ou ,ust render patien)e- 0indness- longsu++ering to those .ho do not 0no. F'. It is i,possi*le +or those .ho do not 0no. F'- truly 0no. F'- to *ehave as i+ they do. Can you not see thisQ (ou )annot eApe)t this +ro, those .ho .al0 apart +ro, F'. Fatthe. B $$-$B. But I say unto you- 3ove your ene,ies- *less the, that )urse you- do good to the, that hate you- and pray +or the, .hi)h despite+ully use you- and perse)ute youE &hat ye ,ay *e the )hildren o+ your 9A&='4 .hi)h is in heaven +or =' ,a0eth =IS sun to rise on the evil and on the good- and sendeth rain on the Hust and on the unHust. &he .orld thin0s it )an run apart +ro, its ;%D. It +ools itsel+. %nly I hold everything together. %nly I *ring the right .ay to live- to ,en. &his .orld- that shuns F'- lives under +alse dire)tion and evil de)eption. It all has *e)o,e so evil. &here is no truth- only )o,pro,ise and de)eit. Apart +ro, F( ?er+e)t 2ays- ,an0ind lives under de)eption and )orruption. Nothing or no one )an *e trusted. %nly F( *ride- .ho re,ains in the earth and .al0s in F( ?er+e)t 2ill- is on the straight path. %nly she is sta*le and true. All others .al0 the unrelia*le path o+ evilRunsta*le in all its .ays. Soon the *ride .ill *e re,oved and the .orld .ill lose all its light. Dar0ness .ill *e all )onsu,ing. &his day approa)hes. 9orgiveness the 0ey to ,a0ing your .ay *a)0 to F'. 9orgive everyone. &here is no un+orgiveness .orth losing your very soul +orP 3u0e O 3". @udge not- and ye shall not *e Hudged )onde,n not- and ye shall not *e )onde,ned +orgive- and ye shall *e +orgiven Daughter- this is your 3%4D Spea0ing. 3et JS *egin No. I .ant to o++er instru)tion in living .ith others.

&oo ,any have disregard +or ea)h other - little patien)e- little respe)t. &his is all leading to stri+e. It leads to dis)ontent- hurt +eelings. F( )hildren are sel+ish. &hey .ant to *e +irst in all things. &hey are very insensitive to the needs o+ othersE they +all short in )aring +or others. &his leads to argu,ents- anger. Children I a, saddened *y this- *ut the )ruA o+ the pro*le, ste,s +ro, sel+- )enteredness. &his )o,es +ro, a la)0 o+ hu,ility. ?rover*s 1B 33. &he +ear o+ the 3%4D is the instru)tion o+ .isdo,E and *e+ore honour is hu,ility. %nly +ro, a hu,*le heart .ill you *e a*le to live a,ong ea)h other su))ess+ully. (ou ,ust lay do.n your desires and give so those around you re,ain )ontent. &his re/uires ta0ing a *a)0 seat to all those around you. &his is the .ay o+ the hu,*le. &his produ)es +ruit pea)e- )ontent,entpleasant environ,ent. 9e. learn to live li0e this. 9e. +ind this &ruth. But it is the .ay o+ pea)e- F( 2ay. I give these rules +or li+e so that F( )hildren )an live in pea)e and )ontent,ent- yet they )hoose their o.n .ay and ulti,ately have stri+e and ,u)h dis)ontent. 2hen .ill they learn F( 4oad is the *est 4oad to travelQ I 0no. everything. I 0no. ho. F( )hildren )an *est live together. I give rules and pre)epts to guide F( )hildren into ho,es o+ pea)e+ul d.elling and )ontent,ent. &his- o+ )ourse- re/uires that F( )hildren lay do.n their .ays and desires and +ollo. F( 4ules. ?sal,s 3$ 1$. Depart +ro, evil- and do goodE see0 pea)e- and pursue it. Sel+ish )hoi)es lead to unhappy ho,es. 3et F' 4ule over your ho,eP let F' 4eign in your hearts. F( 2ay is Cal,- ?ea)e- 3ove.

I .ill *ring your ho,e into the happy d.elling I ,eant +or F( )hildren. Su*,it your hearts to F' .illingly and I .ill rain do.n tran/uility. (our household .ill eAude /uiet assuran)e- love- and pea)e+ul living. 2al0 in paths o+ /uiet )ontent,ent- hu,ility- and )aring +or others< +eelings *ring +ruit o+ satis+a)tion. 3et F' rule over your household and I .ill deliver a ho,e o+ gladness and Hoy. ?sal,s 3" 11. But the ,ee0 shall inherit the earthE and shall delight the,selves in the a*undan)e o+ pea)e.


3et JS *egin. &oday- I .ant to tal0 a*out living in the .orld. F( )hildren live in the .orld- *ut do not need to *e 8o+ the .orld.: &he .orld is an en,ity to F'. I a, disgusted .ith its over.hel,ing evil. Children you )an .al0 a,ong those o+ the .orld .ithout parta0ing o+ the things o+ the .orld. &he .orld .ill lead you do.n paths o+ destru)tion and hearta)he. @a,es $ $. (e adulterers and adulteresses 0no. ye not that the +riendship o+ the .orld is en,ity .ith ;%DQ 2hosoever there+ore .ill *e a +riend o+ the .orld is an ene,y o+ ;%D. I a, your only sour)e o+ .holeness- pea)e- and )al,. Do not turn to the .orld +or dire)tion. (ou .ill only *e ,isled. (ou ,ust turn to F' +or dire)tion. Cling to F' in this vital hour. I hold all your ans.ers. I .ant to spare you sadness and grie+- *ut you ,ust turn your li+e over to F' in )o,pletion - only then )an I ta0e it and deliver you. (ou )an .al0 sa+ely in the .orld and not *e a++e)ted *y its lures *ut you need F' to .al0 *y your side. I )an lead you through the endless distra)tions the .orld puts out to lead you astray and pull you a.ay +ro, F'. I .ant you to +o)us on F'. Leep your eyes +iAed on F'- your SAII%4. I a, your door to sa+ety. All other doors lead to destru)tion. Don<t *e de)eived and ta0e your eyes o++ o+ F'. I o++er hope in a .orld that o++ers none. %< it appears to *e hope+ul- *ut .hat loo0s nor,al is de)eiving. ?sal,s 2B 1B. Fine eyes are ever to.ard the 3%4DE +or =' shall plu)0 ,y +eet out o+ the net.

&hese are the last hours. &he .orld is in the end ti,es. &he .orld see,s so )onvin)ingly nor,al- *ut all is not so - it is leading to the path o+ destru)tion. Soon ,any .ill +ind this out too late. %pen your eyes. &he .orld o++ers only +alse hope. 3et F' 3ead you. Surrender your li+e to F'. I .ill open your eyes .ith F( =%3( S?I4I& and you .ill *e rene.ed and see things the .ay they really are and then you .ill see the &ruth. %nly F( =%3( S?I4I& )an open your spiritual eyes that so de)eive you a*out the .ays o+ the .orld. I a, ready to give you the spiritual eye salve to help this trans+or,ation ta0e pla)e. (ou have *ut to as0 F' +or it. Surrender your li+e- heart- soul- spirit- and let F' give you the sight you need to navigate sa+ely through the .orldP 4evelation 3 1#. I )ounsel thee to *uy o+ ,e gold tried in +ire- that thou ,ayest *e ri)hE and .hite rai,ent- that thou ,ayest *e )lothed- and that the sha,e o+ thy na0edness do not appearE and anoint thine eyes .ith eyesalve- that thou ,ayest see.


3et JS *egin. &hese 2ords are +or .hoever .ill re)eive the, &oday I a, going to tal0 a*out the )o,ing rapture- the re,oval o+ the *ride- F( )hur)h. &his ,o,ent arrives /ui)0ly. Fany )hildren are not ready. &hey +ight F' and )ling to the .orld. &hey .ant to .al0 in the .ays o+ the .orld. &hey rush to and +ro and pay no heed to the .arnings I a, givingP Soon the .arnings .ill *e done and I ,ust )o,e and the *ride .ill *e re,oved. She .ill *e ta0en out o+ the pi)ture. Daniel 12 $. But thou- % Daniel- shut up the .ords- and seal the *oo0- even to the ti,e o+ the end ,any shall run to and +ro- and 0no.ledge shall *e in)reased. =er identity is un0no.n to the .orld. She is .ell hidden. I have her )loistered a.ay in sa+e 0eeping. F( 3ight shines through herRthe last re,aining light on earth. &i,e is short and soon this light .ill go out. F( sent ones .ill leave to their heavenly ho,e sa+e +ro, the tyranny on earth. &his rapture event .ill *e a large event- the re,oval o+ F( ready )hildren. No su)h event .ill ever *e li0e it in hu,an history. &here .ill never *e anything li0e it *e+ore or a+ter. It is the greatest 8'Aodus: o+ all ti,e. F( )hildren .ill depart in a ,o,ent and re)eive ne. glori+ied *odies. &hese *odies .ill *e resilient and eternal. &hey .ill +ollo. a+ter the pattern o+ the glori+ied *ody I possess. I a, the 9I4S& 94JI& o+ ,any others. &hese )hildren .ill eAperien)e a li+e they have never 0no.n *e+ore- a glorious li+e- li+e everlasting. 1 Corinthians 1B B1-B$. B1Behold- I she. you a ,ysteryE 2e shall not all sleep- *ut .e shall *e )hanged- B2In a ,o,ent- in the t.in0ling o+ an eye- at the last tru,p +or the tru,pet shall soundand the dead shall *e raised in)orrupti*le- and .e shall *e )hanged.

9or this )orrupti*le ,ust put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal ,ust put on i,,orality. So .hen this )orrupti*le shall have put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal shall have put on i,,orality- then shall *e *rought to pass the saying that is .ritten- Death is s.allo.ed up in vi)tory. &here .ill *e ,any .onder+ul things ahead +or F( raptured )hildren. 3et F' give you a pee0 2hen F( )hildren arrive- they .ill *e greeted *y their loved ones +a,ily and +riends already in the heavenlies. I .ill *e loo0ing on. &his is a ,o,ent o+ great glory. 2hat a gi+t to *e reunited .ith +a,ily long ,issedP &hen F( )hildren .ill *e ushered to the great Farriage Supper o+ the 3AFB. I .ill preside over this event. 4evelation 1! !. And he saith unto ,e- 2rite- Blessed are they .hi)h are )alled unto the Farriage Supper o+ the 3AFB. And he saith unto ,e- &hese are the true sayings o+ ;%D. &he ta*le .ill *e lavishly prepared every a))outre,ent .ill *e provided. &he details o+ this event .ill *e astounding. F( )hildren .ill *e seated in +ront o+ a pla)e setting .ith their na,e lettered in pure gold. 'a)h pla)e setting .ill have golden utensils e,*edded .ith He.els. &here .ill *e solid gold plates also studded .ith He.els. &he ta*le)loth .ill *e o+ pure sil0 spun .ith golden threads. 3ight .ill shine through the .eave. &he )ups .ill *e gold .ith He.els around the ri,. 'a)h pla)e setting .ill have a gi+t espe)ially +or ea)h )hild. &he gi+t .ill *e a pre)ious re,inder o+ F( 4elationship .ith this )hild. It .ill *e uni/ue +or ea)h )hild. 'a)h gi+t .ill have spe)ial ,eaning to ea)h )hild o+ %J4 long lasting relationship. &here .ill *e ,any surprises at this 'vent - F( Farriage Supper. Fatthe. 22 2. &he Lingdo, o+ =eaven is li0e unto a )ertain 0ing.hi)h ,ade a ,arriage +or his son- 'a)h )hild .ill have an angel .ho .aits on hi,. &he +ood is prepared in F( =eavenly Lit)hens. Nothing .ill *e a,iss. All +ood ite,s .ill *e o+ heavenly proportions-

+ood +ro, earth that is re)ogni5ed and +ood +ro, heaven never seen *e+ore. Beauty unspea0a*le .ill *e this ta*le setting. F( &a*le .ill *e +ull o+ light )andles o+ light- *eauti+ul Fenorahs. F( )hildren .ill .ear ro*es o+ light. &hey .ill eAude light as there .ill *e no shado.s. @a,es 1 1". 'very good gi+t and every per+e)t gi+t is +ro, a*oveand )o,eth do.n +ro, the 9A&='4 o+ lights- .ith .ho, is no varia*leness- neither shado. o+ turning. I .ill lead a toast to F( *ride. I .ill sing her praises as she is ,ost *eauti+ul to F'. &here .ill *e dan)ing and ,usi) all around and ,a0ing ,erry. &he *ride .ill see F' in all F( ;lory as I .ill *e da55ling to the sight. F( *eauty .ill shine through and F( 3ove .ill +lo. out and over.hel, all attending. F( 9A&='4 .ill *e loo0ing on in great delight as there .ill *e ,u)h dan)ing and ,a0ing ,erry. I .ill dan)e .ith F( *ride and 2' .ill *e as %N'. F( )hildren .ill dan)e and ,a0e ,erry. All hearts .ill *e glad. No one .ill *e sad. &his .ill *e a great hour o+ glory and love. Doves .ill +ill the air. &hey .ill +ly in *eauti+ul patterns and +or,ations spelling out *eauti+ul ,essages +or F( *ride. She .ill *e in a.e. I .ill present F( *ride .ith a ring. %J4 Na,es .ill *e .ritten on this ring. 9lo.ers .ill *e o+ all )olors ne. )olors and old )olors. 9ragran)e .ill +ill the air- *eauti+ul +ragran)es. F( )hildren .ill *e lost in the e)stasy o+ it all. 3u0e 1B 22. But the +ather said to his servants- Bring +orth the *est ro*e- and put it on hi,E and put a ring on his hand- and shoes on his +eet F( angels .ill +ill the s0ies .ith dan)ing- singing- and ,usi),a0ing. =eavenly instru,ents .ill play *eauti+ul ,usi). &he stars .ill )ry out )ele*rating the 3AFB and =IS *ride.

@o* 3# O-". O2hereupon are the +oundations thereo+ +astenedQ %r .ho laid the )orner stone thereo+E "2hen the ,orning stars sang together- and all the sons o+ ;%D shouted +or HoyQ All the heavenly hosts .ill gather and sing praises over the 3AFB<s ;reat Nuptials. 'veryone .ill sing praise to the LIN;- =IS *ride )o,eth. She has ,ade hersel+ ready. 3et the Hoy *eginG 4evelation 1! ". 3et us *e glad and reHoi)e- and give honour to =IF+or the Farriage o+ the 3AFB is )o,e- and =IS .i+e hath ,ade hersel+ ready. &he 3AFB 2=% ta0eth a.ay the sin o+ the .orld unites .ith =IS *eloved in =oly Fatri,ony. ;reat is =IS Na,eG ?raise =is =oly Na,e a,ong all the heavenlies +or =' is *etrothed to =IS *eloved and =' has .on her heartG @ohn 1 2!. &he neAt day @ohn seeth @'SJS )o,ing unto hi,- and saith- Behold the 3AFB o+ ;%D- .hi)h ta0eth a.ay the sin o+ the .orld. F( )hildren .ill also *e sho.n their ,ansions %< daughter the *eauty- the splendor. 'ye has not seen or ear has not heard .hat .aits F( glorious *ride .ho loves F'. 1 Corinthians 2 !. But as it is .ritten- 'ye hath not seen- nor ear heard- neither have entered into the heart o+ ,an- the things .hi)h ;%D hath prepared +or the, that love =IF. Daughter- these ,ansions .ill *e ,ore delight+ul than anything earth has to o++er. Nothing )an )o,pare to the ,agni+i)en)e o+ .hat F( *ride has in store +or her. &hese ho,es .ill suit the taste and interests o+ ea)h )hild. No t.o ,ansions are ali0e. 'a)h one is di++erent +ro, the other. @ohn 1$ 2-3. In F( 9A&='4<s =ouse are ,any ,ansions i+ it .ere not so- I .ould have told you. I go to prepare a pla)e +or you. And i+

I go and prepare a pla)e +or you- I .ill )o,e again- and re)eive you unto F(S'39E that .here I a,- there ye ,ay *e also. F( )hildren .ill *e +la**ergasted at .hat they .ill dis)over in ea)h ,ansion. All have details that .ill delight and enthrall its o.ner. &here is nothing on earth to des)ri*e the orna,entation and *eauty o+ ea)h o+ these in)redi*le ho,es. All the interiors have uni/ue surprises. &hese ,ansions are living. &hey ta0e F( )hildren to and +ro, .onder+ul pla)es +or F( )hildren to enHoy and eAperien)e. 2' .ill share in these adventures together. 2' .ill laugh and eAplore. &he eA)ite,ent .ill never end. &here .ill *e gardens and pleasures all throughout. Fusi) .ill +ill the air and lovely +ragran)es. 'a)h ho,e .ill *e +illed .ith love and laughter. 3oneliness .ill never *e a pro*le, in heaven. I a, al.ays .ith F( )hildren ,a0ing ,erry and enHoying ea)h other<s )o,pany. ?sal,s 3O #. &hey shall *e a*undantly satis+ied .ith the +atness o+ &=( =ouseE and &=%J shalt ,a0e the, drin0 o+ the river o+ &=( ?leasures. F( 3ove .ill surround their every ,ove. 3aughter- love- and Hoy are the re.ards o+ these eternal ho,es- Hoy unspea0a*le- everlasting delight. &his is only a taste o+ the things to )o,e. F( )hildren do not have any )o,prehension o+ .hat a.aits the,. &here is no .ay to a))urately paint a pi)ture o+ .hat a.aits .ith .hat eAists on earth. %nly .itnessing it in person .ill give its true des)ription. So F( )hildren )o,e and enHoy heavenly delights in the everlasting Lingdo, .ith ho,es espe)ially prepared .ith loving )are +or F( *ride.

?sal,s 1O 11. &=%J .ilt she. ,e the path o+ li+e in &=( ?resen)e is +ullness o+ HoyE at &=( 4ight =and there are pleasures +or ever,ore.


3et JS *egin. No. daughter- the )o,ing days *e+ore the rapture there is ,u)h to prepare. F( )hildren need to spend ti,e .ith F' in the se)ret pla)e- /uiet ti,e- ti,e to get to 0no. F'. I need their attention and )o,pany. I .ant to share F( =eart .ith the,. I need a )o,plete- +ull surrender o+ their hearts- lives- and atta)h,ents o+ the .orld. ?sal,s !1 1. =e that d.elleth in the se)ret pla)e o+ the Fost =I;= shall a*ide under the shado. o+ the A3FI;=&(. F( )hildren are atta)hed to the .orld. &hey *elieve this .orld holds everything +or the,. &his .orld is e,pty and )old-hearted. 'a)h ,an +or hi,sel+- no one really )ares +or anyone else. It has *e)o,e a dog eat dog .orld. 'veryone is a+ter .hat they )an get +ro, so,eone else +or their o.n sel+ish purposes. It is a .orld o+ hopelessness and ,isery. And F( )hildren still yet )ling to it *elieving that it still holds a *right +uture +or the,. &hey are ,es,eri5ed *y the lost .ho pro,ote their lost .ays. F( )hildren need to pull a.ay +ro, this nonsense and )o,e *a)0 to the 3iving ;%D- their FAL'4- 2=% holds all the ans.ers to this li+e and the neAt. I a, the ;reat ;%D o+ all living and *reathing spirits. I possess the 0eys to li+e everlasting. Surrender to F' your all *e+ore I ,a0e F( ;reat 'ntry to the earth- )olle)t F( *ride- step aside- and allo. the earth to re)eive its Hust due. @o* 12 10. In .hose hand is the soul o+ every living thing- and the *reath o+ all ,an0ind. &his is a*out to ta0e pla)e. Surrender is re/uired to *e a,ong F( *ride- F( res)ued )hildren. &here is no eA)eption. Surrender in +ull allo.s F( S?I4I& to )o,e into your spirit and to rene. it and )lean your heart .ith the )overing o+ F( Blood 4anso, and the

enlighten,ent provided through F( 2ord. &his is all ne)essary to deliver your soul- to *e )leansed spotless- .rin0le +ree- ,ade .hiteand ready +or your re,oval to sa+e 0eeping. I+ you dou*t this- read F( 2ordG 'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the .ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. ?ray +or this =%3( S?I4I& +illing. 3ay do.n your li+e- repent o+ your sin. Begin +asting in sho. o+ your re,orse +or sin )arried on *e+ore F'- your =%3( ;%DG I .ill replenish youE I .ill lead you to everlasting &ruth in F( 2ays and F( 2ill. (our .ill .ill lead you to destru)tion. It is the *road road F( 2ord spea0s o+ - )o,e into F( 2ill. It is the narro. path- the sa+e path. I .ill ta0e you to it. Fatthe. " 13-1$. 13'nter ye in at the strait gate +or .ide is the gate- and *road is the .ay- that leadeth to destru)tion- and ,any there *e .hi)h go in thereat 1$Be)ause strait is the gate- and narro. is the .ay- .hi)h leadeth unto li+e- and +e. there *e that +ind it. F( 2ord .ill guide you to the path o+ 3ight. All other paths lead to everlasting destru)tion. Co,e into F( 3ight- F( 2ill. ;ive F' your li+e. 3et F' relieve you o+ past sin and sho. you the road that leads you to +reedo, +ro, the *ondage o+ sin. ?sal,s 11! 10B. &=( 2ord is a la,p unto ,y +eet- and a light unto ,y path. No ,atter .hat- sin 0eeps you in *ondage to it. I )an +ree you- *ut you ,ust +irst surrender- repent- and ad,it you have sin you .ant to *e +reed +ro, and do it +ro, a repentant- sin)ere heart. I .ill delight

in +reeing you o+ this sin *ondage that ties and *inds you. No ,atter .hat holds you prisoner- I )an +ree you. Nothing is i,possi*le +or F' - nothingG I )a,e to set the )aptives +reeG (ou have *ut to as0G 3u0e 1 3". 9or .ith ;%D nothing shall *e i,possi*le. 3et F' +ree you o+ this .eight. 3et ,e li+t your sorro. and grie+. 3et F' ease your ,ind and ta0e your *urden. 3et F' prepare you +or F( Co,ing ;loryG All this is yoursRsurrenderE put a.ay all your earthly desires and )o,e to F' in +ull surrender. I .ill give you pea)e that passes all understanding and you )an *e ,ade right *e+ore F( 9a)e. I )an *ring you into right standing .ith F'- the 9A&='4- and the =%3( S?I4I&. ?hilippians $ ". And the pea)e o+ ;%D- .hi)h passeth all understanding- shall 0eep your hearts and ,inds through. &his love )annot *e *ought or pur)hased. It is +ree - +ree +or the ta0ing - +ree +or the as0ing. =urry though as it has a li,ited ti,e o++er as ti,e is )loser +or F( 4eturn. Don<t delay. &he hour is no. to .ash in F( Blood and prepare. 1 @ohn 1 ". But i+ .e .al0 in the light- as =' is in the light- .e have +ello.ship .ith one another- and the Blood o+ @'SJS C=4IS& =IS S%N )leanseth us +ro, all sin. 3et JS *egin- daughter. &oday I .ant to dis)uss the hour +or those le+t *ehind. &he hour a+ter the rapture- the .orld .ill not *e the sa,e. &here .ill great upheavals &he .orld .ill not loo0 the sa,e. &error .ill stri0e the land. F(, )hildren .ill 0no. .hat has happened and +earE great +ear .ill stri0e their hearts. &he .orld .ill not +un)tion nor,ally. &he lands)ape .ill not even loo0 the sa,e.

&here .ill *e +ires and )ala,ity &he people .ill *e de+enseless as ,o*s o+ people .ill *e loo0ing around +or people to prey on and ro* +ro,. &here .ill *e no +or)es out to help the people as everything .ill *e in )haos. Fany .ill lose their lives as sudden destru)tion )o,es to earth. 2hole parts o+ the .orld .ill not loo0 the sa,e again as ,any people .ill perish at on)e. 1 &hessalonians B 3. 9or .hen they shall say- ?ea)e and sa+etyE then sudden destru)tion )o,eth upon the,- as travail upon a .o,an .ith )hildE and they shall not es)ape. ?ani) .ill set in +ro, all )orners o+ the earth. &here .ill *e to turn +or relie+. &he +ood .ill di,inish to nothing. &here .ill *e desperation &his .ill go on +or a period o+ ti,e until the anti)hrist steps in and *rings the .orld under his )ontrol. At +irst- it .ill see, as relie+ to the people .ho are +ranti) to see a +or, o+ nor,al again- *ut the relie+ he is *ringing .ill *ring death to ,any. &hose .ho re+use to +old into his syste, .ill *e eAe)uted and ,any even tortured and tor,ented. 4e+using to *e part o+ his syste, .ill not *e pleasant as he .ill have no toleran)e +or anyone. =e is evil to the )ore. =e .ill *ring the .hole earth under his tyranny. All lands .ill *end to his )ontrol out o+ desperation to +ind relie+ +ro, the )haos le+t +ro, the rapture. &his .ill *e the dar0est day 0no.n to ,an0ind. Fany .ill 0ill the,selves loo0ing +or relie+. &his is not F( Solution so it is not to *e )onsidered as one. &he anti)hrist .ill instill the ,ar0 o+ the *east on the people as a ,eans o+ )ontrol. 4e+using the ,ar0 .ill *ring a senten)e o+ death. &here .ill *e no eA)eptions.

4evelation 13 1O-1". And he )auseth all- *oth s,all and great- ri)h and poor- +ree and *ond- to re)eive a ,ar0 in their right hand- or in their +oreheads And that no ,an ,ight *uy or sell- save he that had the ,ar0- or the na,e o+ the *east- or the nu,*er o+ his na,e. 4evelation 1$ 11. And the s,o0e o+ their tor,ent as)endeth up +or ever and everE and they have no rest day or night- .ho .orship the *east and his i,age- and .hosoever re)eiveth the ,ar0 o+ his na,e. Fany o+ F(, +ollo.ers .ill then understand the pri)e they ,ust pay to )o,e into F( Lingdo,. So ,any .ill not surrender to the anti)hrist and so ,any .ill die +or their +aith. It .ill *e a large nu,*er. It .ill not ,atter ho. ,any die to the anti)hrist. =is lust +or and )ontrol .ill rule over his heart. =e .ill have no )on)ern over the ,any .ho lose their lives. It .ill *e a dar0 day +or those .ho pro+ess F( Na,e. Fy Na,e .ill *ring a death .arrant to ,any. F( Na,e .ill *e opposed and represent re*ellion to the anti)hrist syste, and they .ill .ant to eradi)ate all .ho pro,ote F' and F( 2ays. 2hat a dar0 hour approa)hes )hildren. &hese have *een dar0 hours on earth in the past *ut never as dar0 as .hat lies ahead. &his .ill not *e a pleasant pla)e +or anyone )arrying )hildren. Dar0ness .ill reign. &his is .hat F(, )hur)h .ill +a)e., )hur)hes .ill )o,e *a)0 to F' in large nu,*ers. ?eople .ill see0 F' li0e never *e+ore. I .ill o+ )ourse *e there *ut they .ill still have to go through hard ti,es. 9a,ilies .ill *e separated and sadness .ill ensue. All this *e)ause F( )hildren have hardened their hearts and re,ained sti++ ne)0ed to F( ,any .arnings. All this )ould *e avoided- i+ F( )hildren .ould )o,e to F'- )ry out in hu,*le-hearted repentan)e- see0 F( 9a)e- learn to 0no. F' in inti,a)y. 4un into F( 2aiting Ar,s. I .ill sho. the, the &ruth a*out the hour o+ F( Soon 4eturn and ho. to *e prepared as the *ride.

Co,e )hildren. 4un- I a, .aiting to save you +ro, all o+ this. I a, the ;reat 4'SCJ'4. F( Desire is to save you. No one needs to *e le+t *ehind. &here is roo, +or all .ho )o,e and lay their li+e do.n *e+ore F'. I re/uire surrender o+ your total *eing and repentan)e +or your sins. Don<t *e +ooled as there is no other .ay. 3et F' *ring you relie+ +ro, this )o,ing hourG 3et JS *egin again. F( )hildren *elieve that they have ,any years into the +uture. &hey do not understand that I have lost F( &oleran)e .ith this .orld. F( )hildren are too )aught up in the .orld to see ho. +ar re,oved the .orld is +ro, F( &ruth and .hat I- ;%D represent. 'ven their )hur)hes are +ar +ro, F( 2ords- F( &ruth- F( Boo0. &he leaders o+ F( +lo)0s are )aught up in .orldly a)tivities and they do F( 2or0 to please the,selves. &hey no longer have or pursue a pure love +or F'. &hey pursue .ealth- +a,e- )redi*ility +ro, those around the, and *elieve I .ill *less the,. &hey *elieve large nu,*ers in their )hur)hes e/uate su))ess and that I a, pleased. I a, only pleased i+ F( leaders point their )hildren to see0ing F' +irst in all their .ays and to .al0 .ith F' in /uiet inti,a)y. Iery +e. are tea)hing this *e)ause it does not ti)0le the ears o+ the ,any they .ant to dra. into their *uildings. Fany *ring ,oney and ,oney ,a0es everyone happy- *ut F( Lingdo, is not a*out ri)hes in this li+e. 3u0e 1O 13. No servant )an serve t.o ,asters +or either he .ill hate the one- and love the otherE or else he .ill hold to the one- and despise the other. (e )annot serve ;%D and ,a,,on. F( leaders are +ar +ro, F' and .hy notQ I+ they appease large nu,*ers then .hen is their ti,e +or F'Q I a, the reason they eAistG I a, the %N' 2=% *rings the sun and the rain. &his is a dar0 hour and it gro.s dar0er ea)h day- yet F( leaders )loa0 this &ruth +ro, F( +lo)0s. &hey hide it and only *ring 2ords o+ happiness and Hoy. F( +lo)0s are de)eived and are not *eing prepared. &hey thin0 all is .ell and they )ontinue on as al.ays.

2hat .ords o+ .arning .ould revive the,Q 2hat ,ust they hear to *elieve F( Boo0 has laid out all the &ruth *e+ore the,- yet no one hears- no one *elieves. 2hat ,ust *e said +or the )hur)h to ta0e hold o+ the .arnings and put aside their o*sessions .ith the things o+ the .orld and .at)h and prepareQ =osea $ O. Fy people are destroyed +or la)0 o+ 0no.ledge *e)ause thou has reHe)ted 0no.ledge- I .ill also reHe)t thee- that thou shall *e no priest to F' seeing thou hast +orgotten the la. o+ thy ;%D- I .ill also +orget thy )hildren. &hey are so+t and *eing ,isled. &i,e is getting a.ay and the )hur)h re,ains grossly )o,pla)ent as i+ everything is alright. =o. deluded the, )hur)h is. =o. la)0luster its pursuit +or F' is and all I represent. I+ the )hur)h really pursued F' in inti,a)y- then none o+ F( 2arnings .ould )o,e to the, as a surprise and they .ould *e .hole-heartedly heeded. &his is a great hour o+ dar0ness +or the )hur)hes. Iery +e. are sitting up and ta0ing noti)e. Iery +e. are .al0ing in F( ?re)epts and 2ays. ;ra)e is not eAtended to those .ho .ill+ully live re*elliously- unrepentantly. (ou )an /uen)h and grieve F( =%3( S?I4I& and then .hat do you do %< )hur)hQ 'phesians $ 30. And grieve not the =%3( S?I4I& o+ ;%D- .here*y ye are sealed unto the day o+ rede,ption. 2hen you drive F( S?I4I& out o+ your *eauti+ul *uildings *e)ause =' is too eAtre,e +or your tasteRI and F( S?I4I& are %N'. 2ho are you .orshipping i+ you have eA)used F( S?I4I& and the ,ove o+ F( S?I4I& +ro, your presen)eQ @ust .ho are you .orshippingQ (ou are idol .orshippingG A)ts " B1. (e sti++ ne)0ed and un)ir)u,)ised in heart and ears- ye do al.ays resist the =%3( ;=%S& as your +athers did- so do ye.

(ou have )reated a god o+ your o.n ,a0ing- a god .ho suits your .orldly li0es and desires- *ut it is not the %N' &rue 3iving ;%D. It is ,erely an idol. (ou thin0 the people in the past .ho .orshipped golden statues .ere s)andalous - you are no di++erentG Co,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e )hur)hes and I .ill )leanse your souls. I .ill +orgive you +or your pursuit o+ ,a,,on and +or getting a.ay +ro, F'. I long to *ring you *a)0 to F(S'39. 3et F' revive you and *ring you pea)e and ,a0e you right .ith your ;%D. Far0 # 3O. 9or .hat shall it pro+it a ,an- i+ he shall gain the .hole .orld- and lose his o.n soulQ As it stands- you are +ar +ro, F' and F( 2ays. &his I .ill not *less. ?lease turn *a)0 to F' %< lost )hur)hG I a, still .aiting yet a little longer. Delay is not an option. Stand alert and heed this .arning. &a0e a)tionG Fany lives are at sta0eG 2 &i,othy $ 3-$. 9or the ti,e .ill )o,e .hen they .ill not endure sound do)trine *ut a+ter their o.n lusts shall they heap to the,selves tea)hers- having it)hing ears. And they shall turn a.ay their ears +ro, the truth- and shall *e turned unto +a*les.


3et JS *egin. &his 2ord- I .ant to tal0 a*out F( lost )hur)h- those .ho *elieve they are se)ure in F' *ut are +ar +ro, F'. I a, addressing you no. Fany are in )hur)hes they *elieve are giving the, the +ull &ruth a*out F' and .hat I stand +or - *ut the &ruth is there are .atered do.n versions o+ .hat I stand +or in ,ost o+ the )hur)hes around the .orld. &his ,eans they are )arrying hal+ truths to the people *e)ause the people .ill not tolerate the .hole truth. &hey do not .ant to 0no. F( 9ull ;ospel. &hey .ant to hear .hat ti)0les their ears and pla)ates their desires to *e in the .orld and live .orldly lives. &he hour is )o,ing +or F( 4eturn and I )annot ta0e F( hal+hearted-, *elievers. &hey .ill *e le+t *ehind. &hey .ill 0no. then .hat their se,i- interested +aith has done +or the,. 4evelation 3 1B-1O. I 0no. thy .or0s- that thou art neither )old nor hot I .ould thou .ert )old or hot. So then *e)ause thou art,- and neither )old nor hot- I .ill spue thee out o+ F( Fouth. No. )hildren- you )annot rely on your )hur)h leaders to present you .ith all the &ruth. (ou ,ust see0 F' yoursel+ +or all the &ruth. (ou ,ust read F( Boo0- surrender to F' .hole-heartedly and as0 to *e +illed .ith F( S?I4I& +ro, a repentant- hu,*le heart. &here is no other .ay. I .ant a +ull )o,,it,ent. I .ill eA)hange your li+e .ith a li+e that is +ull and a*undant and you and your eyes .ill *e opened to &ruth- F( &ruth. &hen you .ill understand .hat I re/uire to *e re)eived into F( Lingdo,. F( )hur)h has lost sight to .hat it ,eans to *e F( &hey do not +ollo. F( ?re)epts and 2ays. &hey loo0 +or loopholes to do eAa)tly .hat they .ant and still +eel good a*out the,selves. &his has *een going on no. +or a very long ti,e *ut no. it is ra,pant and very +e. .ant the .hole &ruth- very +e. .ant to understand

.hat F( 2ord really says. &hey .ant little stories that ,a0e the, +eel good as they )o,e and go *ut never really .ant to 0no. F' or 2=% I a,. &hey only thin0 they 0no. F'. I a, not truly 0no.n *y ,ost o+ F( +ollo.ers. Fost only da**le in a relationship .ith F'. &hey do not +ully understand .hat it ,eans to ,a0e F' their ;%D. I a, Hust a *ystander loo0ing in on their li+e- never really ta0ing part in their li+enever really sharing an inti,ate relationship. Fatthe. " 21-23. Not everyone that saith unto ,e- 3%4D- 3%4Dshall enter into the 0ingdo, o+ heavenE *ut he that doeth the .ill o+ F( 9A&='4 .hi)h is in heaven. Fany .ill say to ,e in that day3%4D- 3%4D- have .e not prophesied in &=( Na,eQ And in &=( Na,e have )ast out devilsQ And in &=( Na,e done ,any .onder+ul .or0sQ And then .ill I pro+ess unto the,- I never 0ne. you depart +ro, F'- ye that .or0 ini/uity. &his saddens F' greatly as this is the true reason I )reated F( )hildren- +or inti,a)y .ith F'- to .al0 this li+e<s path together. (et the .orld so enti)es the, that they have )hosen the in+erior .ay than to )o,e and 0no. their FAL'4. =o. sad to *e so intrigued .ith the )reation and to reHe)t the C4'A&%4E FAL'4 o+ all they are intrigued .ith. =o. very sad indeedG F( )hildren- you do not see that I re/uire holiness and +idelity. Children- I .ant to *e your 9I4S& &=%J;=&- your 9I4S& 3%I'your 9I4S& - A33 in all. &his is .hy you .ere )reatedRto *e F( )o,panion eternal. I+ you )hoose not to .al0 this road .ith F' no.ho. )an I eApe)t 2' )an *e eternal )o,panionsQ 2ho do you eApe)t to *e eternally tied toPF' or F( ene,yQ (ou need to as0 yoursel+ this /uestion.

F( 3ove is deeper than any love ,an 0no.s. Do not sell yoursel+ short see0ing in+erior satis+a)tion. (ou .ill never 0no. a greater love than FIN'. Children- you need to sear)h your heart and eAa,ine your soul. 2here do 2' stand- you and IQ 2here do I +it in your li+eQ A, I on the outside loo0ing in or do 2' really have a relationshipQ A, I the )ore o+ your li+eQ 2here do you .ant F' to *eQ (ou ,ust as0 yoursel+. I .ait on you. F( Ar,s are .ide open to *ring you into a +ull +ledge relationship .ith your FAL'4- your ;%D. &he hour approa)hes +or i,portant de)isions to *e ,ade. Do you .ant to *e a,ong F( *rideQ She is F( all in all. She .aits on F' and .at)hes +or F'. I a, ,ore than a +leeting +an)y +or her. I a, not so,eone she )alls on inter,ittently or .hen she is in need o+ so,ething. She and I are interlo)0ed. I ,ove- she ,oves. 2' *lend- 2' are %N'. She is in F( 2ill and she ,oves do.n F( Narro. ?ath. %J4 Course is aligned. So F( )hildren- I leave the )hoi)e to you. Although I .ant you to )hoose +or F'- you still have a +ree .ill. So I invite you to )o,e into the ?er+e)t 4elationship and ?urpose you .ere designed +or. &he )hoi)e is yours. Don<t .ait too long to )hoose. &he o++er .ill not last +orever.


(es daughter- 2' )an *egin. Susan- this is .hat I .ant to tal0 a*out today &he sin that rises up in the hearts o+ ,en - it is the sin o+ lust +or the .orld. All the .ays o+ the .orld are evil- evil ,en inspiring evil a)ts. All that the .orld does is apart +ro, ;%D. &he .orld is not in F( 2ill- so it is not o+ F( 2ill. &he .orld o+ten pro+esses to 0no. F'- *ut it is +ar +ro, F' and F( &ruth. It runs +ull +or)e in the dire)tion that it .ill+ully .ants to go in .ithout ever )onsulting F'- its FAL'4. &his is evil. &o run outside o+ F( 2ill is evil. &he only .ill that is not evil is F( 2ill. Do you not see this F( )hildrenQ =o. )an this .orld ,ove in the dire)tion o+ ;%D no. .hen it has gotten so +ar +ro, 2=% I a, and .hat I stand +orQ I stand +or holiness- purity o+ heart- la. and order- truth and ,orality. &his .orld )hallenges all F( 2ays and doesn<t even )o,e )lose to .hat F( Boo0 sets out as &ruth and F( 'verlasting 2ay. &he .orld ,aligns F' and F( 2ays every )han)e it gets and those .ho +ollo. F'. F( 2ays are not respe)ted or revered. I+ they .erethis .orld .ould not eAperien)e the .oes- hardships- disease- and sadness that over.hel,s it. F( 2ay *rings *lessings. &he .orld<s .ay *rings )ursings and )ursings a*ound. %nly those .ho really .al0 )lose to F( 2ord and F' re)eive the pea)e and )al, that I deliver even in the .orst )ir)u,stan)es. &his is F( *ride .ho +ollo.s F' .ithout +lin)hing. She 0no.s F'. She loves F'. She does not get +ar +ro, F'. She 0no.s I a, her li+e sour)e- her her love- her strength. 2here else )an she go to re)eive this )o,+ortQ She 0no.s *etter than to leave F( Side +or other lovers. I have *een tried- tested- and true to her. I a, her A33 in all. No one )an ta0e F( ?la)e in her eyes.

&he .orld does not 0no. F( 3ove. It has settled +or an in+erior version o+ satis+a)tion. =o. sad +or those .ho +ollo. a+ter the .orld and its .ays- *elieving this .orld syste, holds all the ans.ers. Soon- this .orld .ill lose its last re,aining light .hen I re,ove F( *ride +ro, its ,idst. %n)e she is out o+ the pi)ture- the .orld .ill then *e a very dar0- desolate pla)e. &here .ill *e nothing to loo0 +or that rese,*les a guiding light o+ &ruth and Beauty- only gross ugliness and evil .ill ensue. &his is the .orld soon-)o,ing. &his is .hat is a*out to ta0e pla)e. 2 &hessalonians 2 3-$. 3et no ,an de)eive you *y any ,eans +or that day shall not )o,e- eA)ept there )o,e a +alling a.ay +irst- and that ,an o+ sin *e revealed- the son o+ perditionE .ho opposeth and eAalteth hi,sel+ a*ove all that is )alled ;%D- or that is .orshippedE so that he as ;%D sitteth in the te,ple o+ ;%D- hi,sel+ that he is ;%D. 2 &hessalonians 2 O-". And no. ye 0no. .hat .ithholdeth that he ,ight *e revealed in his ti,e. 9or the ,ystery o+ ini/uity doth already .or0 only he .ho no. letteth .ill let- until he *e ta0en out o+ the .ay. A .orld that does not live *y F( 3a.s and ?re)epts is li0e a ship .ithout a rudder. &his is a ship that is dead and dying- a sin0ing ship. Soon )hildren- you .ill see death and destru)tion li0e never *e+ore. Be)ause this .orld has )hosen to turn a.ay +ro, its ;%D- its C4'A&%4. Don<t *e +ooled. &he .orld )annot )ontinue to eAist apart +ro, F( &ruth and F( 2ays. She is a sin0ing ship. It is ti,e to get o++ this ship. Are you )o,ing .hen I )all out F( +aith+ul onesQ 2ill you )o,e a+ter F' or .ill you stay *ehind )linging to the +alse hope that this .orld holds all your ans.ersQ Are you still listening to .olves in sheep<s )lothing that nothing is .rong and all is .ellQ &hese .olves .ho do not really 0no. F'- .ho have a +or, o+ godliness *ut deny the

thereo+Q Are you going to )ontinue to *e ,isled and *linded *e)ause you enHoy the .orld too ,u)hQ 2 &i,othy 3 B. =aving a +or, o+ godliness- *ut denying the thereo+ +ro, su)h turn a.ay. Co,e parta0e o+ ;%D and dis)over there is a ;reater &ruth- there is a ;reater ?ea)e- there is a ;reater 3ove. I a, ='G Chase a+ter F'- )hildrenG ;et to 0no. F'. I a, .orth pursuing. I a, .orth devoting ti,e to. I a, the %N' 2=% *rought you into *eing. Do you not .ant to spend eternity .ith F'Q &here is an alternative. It is a pla)e that all the good o+ this li+e that )o,es +ro, F' is ,issing. (es- all that is good in this .orld )o,es +ro, F'. I Created it all. 2ithout F'- none o+ the good things that you enHoy so and ta0e +or granted- that spring +ro, the =eart o+ ;%D- .ill you ever eAperien)e again. So give this so,e serious thought. (ou de)ide your eternity .ith or .ithout ;%D. (ou )hoose- you de)ide. A, I ta0ing you .hen I )o,e to res)ue F( *rideQ &his is your )hoi)e. But there are pri)es to *e paid. (ou ,ust step a.ay +ro, your love and pursuit o+ the .orld *e)ause the .orld<s .ay is not F( 2ay. I .ill let you )o,e to a de)ision a*out the dire)tion you )hoose. Iery +e. are )hoosing F( 2ay- very +e.P 1 @ohn 2 1B. 3ove not the .orld- neither the things that are in the .orld. I+ any ,an loves the .orld- the love o+ the 9A&='4 is not in hi,.


3et JS *egin- F( daughter. No. I .ant to tal0 a*out the events a*out to ta0e pla)e. &he .orld is heading +or trou*le. &here are great dar0 )louds all around. Soon- very soon- this .orld .ill )hange. All o+ it .ill )hange overnight on)e the *ride is re,oved. &he .orld .ill *e *e)o,e dar0 as it<s ever *een .ith no hope o+ re)overy. Soon F( )hildren- this .ill ta0e pla)e. Begin to prepare +or this reality. I a, not an eAaggerator o+ &ruth. F( 2ords )an *e trusted. &he hour o+ these )hanges are )o,ing no. s.i+tly. &he )ourse has *een laid out and it )annot *e stopped. &he .orld has *e)o,e .i)0ed and no ,an- govern,ent- or )an stop .hat is )o,ing. &his is the un+olding o+ 4evelations and the last days. &he hour o+ F( S%N<s 4eturn arises. Soon the .orld .ill 0no. .hat has transpired li0e a thie+ in the night. &here is no stopping this event. It has *een +oretold and it is no. )o,ing to pass- Hust as F( 2ords said it .ould. 1 &hessalonians B 2. 9or yourselves 0no. per+e)tly that the day o+ the 3%4D so )o,eth as a thie+ in the night. Children- you need to ,a0e preparations. Fa0e yourselves ready. Be ready +or F( Soon Co,ing and F( S%N<s Approa)h. =' Co,es .ith =IS angel ar,ies riding a)ross the s0y to retrieve =IS *eloved. &his hour is nearly here. Arise %< +aith+ul ones. Fa0e ready. ?repare +or the ;reatest 'vent in all history- the B4ID';4%%F Co,ing +or =IS *ride. Co,e and ,a0e ready. All ,ust *e prepared. Co,e and *e readied *y the Blood o+ the 3AFB. Cover yourselves in =IS Blood. It is availa*le.

Surrender to =IS ;reat 3ove. Fa0e =IF your B';INNIN; and 'ND. 2' are %N' 9A&='4- S%N- and =%3( S?I4I&. No. )hildren- the ene,y is ,a0ing his plans. =e is preparing to laun)h his atta)0 against hu,anity. All )ivili5ation is a*out to )hange to *e )o,pletely undone. I do not .ant you to *e )aught una.are. But this great upheaval is a*out to ta0e pla)e. (ou need to ,a0e yourselves ready. =u,anity is a*out to de)line into a state o+ irrepara*le ,adness and evil. %nly .hen F( S%N 4eturns to earth .ill all o+ it )o,e to a )lose - only then .ill the evil *e van/uished. 2 &hessalonians 2 #. And then shall that 2i)0ed *e revealed- .ho, the 3%4D shall )onsu,e .ith the S?I4I& o+ =IS Fouth- and shall destroy .ith the *rightness o+ =IS )o,ing Soon )hildren- you ,ust )o,e to a )on)lusion 2hat .ill you *elieveQ 2hat .ill you hold onto A vanishing earth or F( 2ill and F( 2aysQ I o++er an 'verlasting Lingdo,. Don<t *elieve this earth holds any +uture +or you. All is a*out to +old up very soon. &he lands)ape .ill +orever )hange. Don<t *e greedy- )linging to a +uture that doesn<t eAist. (ou are .asting your ti,e. Co,e to ter,s .ith this &ruth and .a0e up to it. I a, giving you &ruth. 4ead F( Boo0 and ,at)h it to .hat is un+olding no.. &he si,ilarities are sea,less *e)ause it is all )o,ing to pass Hust as I said it .ould so long ago. &his is not )oin)iden)e. &his is the Fighty 2ord o+ ;%D )o,ing to pass. F( 2ord does not +alter or +ail. F( 2ords are solid. I a, ;%D A3FI;=&(- 'I'4?4'S'N& &4J&=- JN4'3'N&IN;- A33 ?%2'49J3- JNC=AN;IN; LIN; o+ Lings- 3%4D o+ 3ords. F( 2ords are un)hangingP 1 ?eter 1 2$-2B. 9or all +lesh is as grass- and all the glory o+ ,an as the o+ grass. &he grass .ithereth- and thereo+ +alleth a.ay But the 2ord o+ the 3%4D endureth +or ever. And this is the 2ord .hi)h *y the gospel is prea)hed unto you.

Co,e a.a0e %< you sleepers. No. is the hour to a.a0en. Be alert. No. is the ti,e. 4e,ove your *linders. ?ut do.n the things o+ the .orld and pay attention. Fidnight approa)hes. Children- I i,plore you. Don<t *e )aught o++ guard. Be ready. Fa0e ready. &he hour o+ the S%N<s 4eturn is at handP


3et JS *egin. No. daughter- today I .ant to address )on)erns o+ the .orld regarding F( Soon Co,ing. &he .orld is a*out to eAperien)e an eAplosion o+ )hange. Change is )o,ing +ro, all sides the s.i+t re,oval o+ F( *ride - those .ho have ,ade the,selves ready puri+ied the,selves in F( Blood and through the .ashing o+ F( 2ord. Also the dra,ati) result o+ the re,oval o+ the *ride +ollo.ed *y sudden destru)tion and the rise o+ the anti)hrist syste,. 'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the .ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. &his .ill *e overnight )ata)lys,i) )hange. Nothing .ill ever *e greater- than this )hange- in .orld history. &hose le+t .ill +eel it and those ta0en .ill 0no. it. Fany .ill die during this )hange as destru)tion is )o,ing to this earth. &here .ill *e )ontinual destru)tion as F( 2rath .ill *e poured out. 2hat the earth has .itnessed so +ar is only a +oretaste o+ .hat is )o,ing. &his is .hy I )ontinue to pour out F( 2arnings through these signs and F( ,any servants young and old ali0e. F( 2arnings have *een )lear and )onsistent- *oth through F( 2ord and through the .arnings I give through others. I do not shi+t or )hange - I a, 'I'43AS&IN; &4J&=. F( &ruth does not )hange - F( 2ord does not )hange. Children- as this hour )loses in- the ti,e has )o,e to *e vo)al and to .arn those around you o+ the pending doo, )o,ing to the earth.

So ,any thin0 F( Boo0 is a +a*le or great tale- *ut every 2ord is &ruth and it is all )o,ing to pass. Soon- 4evelation .ill play out in )lo)0 .or0 order. (ou .ill see it all )o,e together *e+ore your very eyes. It already is i+ you .ould Hust ta0e ti,e to read and noti)e. 'verything that is happening .as +oretold so long ago. So put your dou*ting aside. Stop listening to others .ho do not 0no. F'. 4ead F( Boo0 +or yoursel+. See0 F( =%3( S?I4I& +or guidan)e. =' is al.ays availa*le to reveal &ruthto render eye salve - .hat you need to see this &ruth. 4evelation 3 1#. I )ounsel thee to *uy o+ ,e gold tried in +ire- that thou ,ayest *e ri)hE and .hite rai,ent- that thou ,ayest *e )lothed- and that the sha,e o+ thy na0edness do not appearE and anoint thine eyes .ith eyesalve- that thou ,ayest see. I do not .ant you to *e )aught una.are. I .ant you to .a0e to the &ruth and to *e ready and so*er. I .ant F( )hildren to )o,e into the 3ight and see the &ruth. &ruth is availa*le- readily availa*le. &here is no reason no. to re,ain in the dar0 and not *e ready +or .hat is )o,ing. I )an guide you- lead you. 3et F' do it- I long to do it. I long to hold you and assure you that you )an avoid the trou*les )o,ing to the earth- all is not lost. Children- )o,e into F( 9aith+ul Ar,s. I a, a Caring- 3oving ;%D ready to )are +or you- no ,atter .hat you have done or .here you have *een. Co,e- Co,eG &his is the hour o+ your res)ue. Don<t get )aught into a .orld spiraling out o+ )ontrol *e)ause it reHe)ts the %N' &rue 3iving ;%D and F( ?er+e)t 2ays. Fany .ill .ait too long and regret their de)isions. Don<t let this happen to you. I a, ready to share F( =eart .ith youP open up to youP *ring you into F(S'39 and share inti,ate ,o,ents. &his is F( 3onging to upli+t you and *ring you through di++i)ult )ir)u,stan)es.

?lease let F' share .ith you in li+e<s ,ost di++i)ult ,o,ents. I .ant you to let F' )o,+ort you. I long +or this relationship .ith you - %< ho. I long +or it. Don<t push F'- your FAL'4- a.ay. ',*ra)e F( %++er to *e )lose to you- )loser than anyone has ever *een to you. &hat is .hat I %++er F( )hildren- a relationship that is unli0e any other hu,an relationshipRone .ith your ;%D 2=% 0no.s you *etter than any otherP I %++er this )loseness. I *ring you F( =eart. It is FIN' to give and I give it to you. It is yours +or the as0ing. So +e. as0 +or it- *ut it is availa*le. Children- I lay open F( =eart- invite you to )o,e in- parta0e- enHoy F( ?resen)e. Co,e to 0no. F' as ,ore than Hust a distant- +ar o++ ;%D. I )an *e approa)hed. I )an share your deepest thoughts and )on)erns .ith you. I )an )o,+ort you- ta0e you through the .orst ti,es- and en)ourage you during your ,ost di++i)ult ,o,ents. I a, a 3oving ;%D- .illing to *e open and share inti,a)y .ith you- to .al0 this li+e together. (ou never have to .al0 this road alone again. I a, al.ays at your side. I a, there to )o,+ort- support- and en)ourage. Co,e to 0no. F' in the relationship I al.ays ,eant +or JS to share together. &his is .hy you .ere )reated - to *e inti,ate .ith F'. &hat is your purpose in this li+e. (ou ,ay *elieve other.ise- *ut I a, your FAL'4 and I say it is so. I .ant to *e there +or your lo.s and your highs- +or the hard ti,es and the glad ti,es sharing li+e together.al0ing the straight path together. &his is the li+e I had planned +or you F( ?er+e)t ?lan and 2ill +or your li+e. ?sal,s 13! 3. &=%J )o,passest ,y path and ,y lying do.n- and art a)/uainted .ith all ,y .ays. So )o,e to F'. Surrender your li+e to F'. 3ay it *e+ore F' in hu,*le su*,ission- and I .ill ta0e it and )lean you up and ,a0e you ready +or F( Lingdo, and you ,ay parta0e o+ F( Farriage Supper as F( *ride. (ou have *ut to as0 and I .ill give you all this I long to *ring you into F( 2orld.

I- ;%D a, ready and .aiting. Stop living your li+e apart +ro, your FAL'4.


So 3et JS Begin. Children- I a, addressing F( Children &he hour hastens F( )hildren. I )o,e s.i+tly on .ings o+ .hite doves- on a gallant steed +lan0ed *y ,illions and ,illions o+ angels. &his day approa)hes. (ou need to *e ready- .aiting- .at)hing- loo0ing +or F'. 2 &hessalonians 3 B. And the 3%4D dire)t your hearts into the 3ove o+ ;%D- and into the patient .aiting +or C=4IS&. I a, ra5or sharp- al.ays on ti,e. F( 2ord is ;ood. I do .hat I say and I do it on ti,e. &his hour is )o,ing to a )lose. So do not *e)o,e dis)ouraged +or those .ho a.ait F' .ith great eApe)tan)y- +or you .ill not *e disappointed. I a, a ;%D 2=% Delivers on =IS 2ord. F( 2ord is good- solid- I a, the 4%CLG No one .ho pla)es his +aith in F' .ill *e disappointedRNo oneG I )hange not. I a, the sa,e yesterdaytoday- and +orever. I a, the A3?=A and the %F';AG Children- you ,ust prepare. ?ut aside your .orldly )ares and ,a0e preparation. =o. do you prepareQ I .ant hu,*le su*,ission. I .ant sin)ere repentan)e and your a)0no.ledge,ent o+ your sin *e+ore a =%3( ;%D you are a))ounta*le to. I .ant +ull surrender - leaving nothing out. I .ant you to put all your +aith in F'. I .ant you to +ill yoursel+ .ith F( =%3( S?I4I&. Co,e and re)eive a +ull oil la,p. I .ant you to .ash yoursel+ in F( 2ord I .ant you to )lean yoursel+ in F( ?re)ious BloodRBlood I gave +or your ranso,.

I .ant you to see0 F' in all your .ays and to get to 0no. F' in the se)ret pla)e. I .ant you to .al0 .ith F' day *y day- leaning on F' every ,o,ent. I .ant you to pray to F' and tal0 to F' all through the day. &his is your 3%4D Spea0ing. Children- I .ant you to *e alert- *righteyed and .at)hing +or F'. I .ant you to see the signs- 0no. the ti,es- and read F( Boo0. Don<t *e in the dar0 a*out the &ruth. &his is a dar0 hour and it .ill not get *righter. &here is not *rightness )o,ing +or this .orld- only horror- sheer horror a.aits it. 3isten )losely F( &ruth is al.ays relia*le. (ou )an al.ays depend on it. I have said this hour o+ dar0ness .as )o,ing and here it is no. upon you. Children- this is not the ti,e to *e )o,pla)ent)aught sleeping. Arise- )o,e to F( &ruth. Fa0e your a,ends .ith F'. I a, .aiting on you. 4elease your grip on the .orld. &hat you *elieve so .hole-heartedly in. Don<t )ling to a )ru,*ling .orld as i+ it holds all the ans.ers +or you. Stop .a++ling *et.een the .orld and F'. I )annot re)eive your hal+-hearted )o,,it,ent. &his .ill never *e a))epted. (ou ,ust )o,e to F' in +ull su*,ission or 2' )an never *e together +or eternity. &hese are F( re/uire,ents to )o,e into F( Lingdo,. &his is .hat F( *ride is ready to do to *e part o+ F( 2orld )o,pletely. She is ready to give F' her all in all. I .ant )o,plete su*,ission. Nothing less .ill do. Children- I died +or you a )o,plete and hu,*ling death - nothing .as le+t undone. &here .ere no loose ends - I too0 it all A33 o+ F' - that is .hat I gave. Never did I .al0 +ro, F( Desire to re)eive your due punish,ent. I re)eived it in +ull ,easure. 'very ,o,ent .as grueling and

torturous. I .as li0e a 3AFB to the dogs. Nothing o+ F' .as le+t .hen it .as over. &he pri)e .as paid in +ull. ?sal,s 22 1O. 9or dogs have )o,passed F' the asse,*ly o+ the .i)0ed have en)losed F' they pier)ed F( =ands and F( 9eet. Do not reHe)t this great pri)e I paid +or your penalties. I+ you reHe)t this o++er you .ill not re)eive another re,ission +or your sins. &here is no other re,ission +or sins. Although people loo0 +or itRit does not eAist. I a, the only pay,ent F( Spilt Blood- F( Su++ering on the Cross- F( Bro0en Body- F( Bro0en =eart. I paid your pri)eyour penalty- and I did it +reely o+ F( %2N 2ill so that you )ould enHoy +ello.ship in +ull .ith F( 9A&='4- I- and F( S?I4I&. &his is .hat I endured and .hy. =e*re.s 13 12. 2here+ore @'SJS also- that =' ,ight san)ti+y the people .ith =IS %.n Blood- su++ered .ithout the gate. &his is a ?re)ious ;i+t- F( )hildren. ?ri)e )annot *e put on it - no pri)e .ould su++i)e. Don<t )ount it .orthless or triviali5e it. &reat this gi+t .ith respe)t. &here is no greater gi+t than this one a++orded you *y your ;%D. No. )hildren- I do not as0 +or pay,ent +or this gi+t. &here is no pay,ent you )ould ,a0e that )ould even tou)h its value. It is +ree given +reely and availa*le +or your ta0ing. Do not shun or reHe)t su)h an 'nor,ous ;i+t +ro, su)h a =u,*le and ;enerous ;%D. 4eHe)ting su)h a ;reat ;i+t .ill *ring eternal penalties. &o reHe)t su)h a ;i+t .ill *ring eternal hell. Do you understand F( )hildrenQ So do not handle this ;i+t lightly. Care +or it *e)ause it is a Fost ?re)ious %++ering *y your ;%D +or your salvation and everlasting +reedo, +ro, hell da,nation. =e*re.s 10 2!. %+ ho. ,u)h sorer punish,ent- suppose ye- shall he *e thought .orthy- .ho hath trodden under+oot the S%N o+ ;%Dand hath )ounted the Blood o+ the )ovenant- .here.ith he .as san)ti+ied- an unholy thing- and hath done despite unto the S?I4I& o+ gra)eQ &his is a 4are ;i+t indeed. So +e. in this .orld loo0 upon

it and value it. So +e. .ill .al0 F( Streets o+ ;old- *e)ause o+ their )avalier attitude to.ard F( ;reat and ;ra)ious ;i+t to ,an0ind. Do not *e +ooled. &o ,ishandle su)h a ;reat ;i+t is very dangerous. So hold it )lose- )herish- and revere F( ;i+t and *e glad +or it *e)ause through it is eternal salvation- hope- and li+e everlasting in the ;reat Lingdo, o+ ;%D. F( ;i+t to ,an0ind only I )ould have paid and only I a))o,plished .hat no other living soul )ould have a)hieved. I give +reely F( 3ove undone- F( 3ove- ;reater than any other 0no.n love. Co,e sup .ith F' at F( &a*le o+ 3ove and eAperien)e love li0e no other. I give +reely. &his is a on)e in a li+eti,e o++er. &a0ePta0e +reely. It .on<t al.ays *e availa*le. &his is F( 3ove %++ering ?oured %ut. Co,e .hosoever .illP 3%4D (A=JS=JA FI;=&( LIN; =JFB3' 3AFB %99'4IN; ?%J4'D %J&.


3et JS *egin- F( )hild. Children- I .ant to address the .orld that has turned against F' &his .orld has turned against F' and the things I stand +or. It has *e)o,e gross and uninha*ita*le. @a,es $ $. (e adulterers and adulteresses 0no. ye not that the +riendship o+ the .orld is en,ity .ith ;%DQ 2hosoever there+ore .ill *e a +riend o+ the .orld is an ene,y o+ ;%D. F( )hildren- this .orld is +illed .ith sin. &here is to turn +or holiness and truth. 'ven F( )hur)hes are distant +ro, F'. 'ven those .ho )lai, to 0no. F' are distant. &hey 0eep F' at ar,<s length. I a, not even )onsulted *y F( %2N leaders. &hey see0 F' not. &hey do not 0no. F'. &heir )hur)hes have *e)o,e dens o+ ini/uity *e)ause they prea)h +alse ,essages. &hey neither 0no. F' nor )are to 0no. F'. I a, an un0no.n ;%D. &he .orld has no ti,e +or its ;%D. It rea)hes out to F' only in spee)h *ut not in &ruth. &his .orld is +ull o+ liars and thieves- ,en .ho are *oasters and idolaters pursuing the .orld and the .ays o+ the .orld- *ut never its ;%D. =o. sad +or those .ho do not 0no. F'- *ut say they do and thin0 they do. I a, a ;%D 2=% )an *e 0no.n. I a, not hidden to those .ho pursue F'. I a, not un0no.n to those .ho )o,e )lose to F' in hu,*le su*,ission. I a, 0no.n. Dra. near to F' and I .ill dra. near to you. ?sal,s "3 2#. But it is good +or ,e to dra. near to ;%D I have put ,y trust in the 3%4D ;%D- that I ,ay de)lare all &=( 2or0s. Children you turn- evil lur0s. &here is nothing in the .orld that isn<t prepared *y the ene,y to thro. you o++ the tra)0 to *eing )lose to F'- ;%D.

&he .orld syste, is set up to derail F( )hildren and to 0eep the, apart +ro, F'. I+ F( ene,y )an 0eep you o))upied .ith lesser gods and idols then you )annot see0 F' and +ind your true path to F( Salvation- F( San)ti+i)ation- and F( 9reedo,. &his is the ene,y<s plan to see you +ail- to )ause you to ,iss F( 4es)ue- and to lose your pla)e in F( Lingdo,. &his .orld syste, is tied to the plans o+ F( ene,y. 'verything is oriented to sel+see0ing and sel+-+ul+ill,ent and not ;%D- see0ing- ;%D-pursuing;%D-+inding. =e does not .ant you to )o,e loo0ing +or F'. =e .ants you to *e lo)0ed into a syste, that tea)hes 8sel+: is ,ost i,portant- rely on 8sel+-: plan your o.n +uture- trust no one *ut yoursel+. &his is not F( 2ay )hildren. F( 2ay- F( 2ill says +ollo. a+ter ;%D- rely on ;%D- see0 ;%D<s 2ill- ;%D<s 2ay. 2hen you see0 your o.n .ill- plans- you are outside F( 2ill and that is sin. (ou are living in sin i+ you are outside F( 2ill. =o. )an you 0no. F( 2ill +or your li+e i+ you do not see0 a+ter F' and surrender your all to F'Q (ou ,ust lay do.n your o.n plansyour o.n .ays- and allo. ,e to dire)t your li+e. %nly *y .al0ing in F( 2ill +or your li+e )an you really eAperien)e +reedo, and pea)ethe pea)e I give. your o.n .ay apart +ro, F'- .ill lead to destru)tion. (ou .ill never *e a*le to *rea0 +ree +ro, sin. F( 2ill is the +ullness o+ the =%3( S?I4I& and having a +ull la,p. &his is the only .ay to *e ready +or F( Soon Co,ing- to *e saved and res)ued. Children- you ,ust a.a0en. &his is &ruthG &here is no other &ruthG Fatthe. 2B $. But the .ise too0 oil in their vessels .ith their la,ps.


3et JS *egin- again. F( )hildren- I a, agoni5ing over this .orld that holds ,e in su)h little estee,. I a, not held in high regard at all. I a, very seldo, )alled on *y F( %2N people - those .ho lead F( +lo)0s. &hey ,a0e their o.n plans )o,pletely apart +ro, F'. I )annot rely on the,. &hey do not tell their people the &ruth- only .hat they *elieve they .ant the, to hear. &here is +or F( people to go +or &ruth. &hey ,ust )o,e to F'G &hey .ill *e ,isled in their o.n )hur)hes. &hey .ill *e )on+used *y .hat loo0s nor,al and right- only +alling into divisive traps laid +or the, *y F( ene,y. =e .ants the, to *elieve they )an rely on the .ords o+ their leaders and that see0ing F' apart +ro, that is not ne)essary. %nly &ruth )an *e +ound *y the regular .ashing o+ F( 2ord. &his re/uires dis)ipline. F( )hildren- you are F( dis)iples and dis)ipleship re/uires dis)ipline. I+ you are too )aught up in the distra)tions o+ the .orld- ho. )an you hope to *e in F( 2ill )hildrenQ &his )annot *e. I a, not a ;%D 2=% )an *e disrespe)ted or diso.ned. &his .orld is *eginning to see the a++e)ts o+ diso.ning its ;%D. &here are )onse/uen)es to .al0ing a.ay +ro, ;%D- grave )onse/uen)es. I do not ta0e 0indly to those .ho )o,e )lose to F' and then see0 the .orld as .hat they *elieve is a *etter alternative to F'. &his is not a .ise thing to do at all. (et- this is .hat the .orld is doing a*andoning any hope *y serving itsel+ and see0ing its o.n .ays. &he hour has )o,e +or F( Soon 4eturn. 2here are you at F( )hildrenQ Are you .ith F' or are you dri+ting a.ay +ro, F' *a)0 to the .orldQ &he .orld o++ers you no hope. It is a +ailing- )ru,*linglost .orld- lost *e)ause it no longer see0s ;%D +or its ans.ers.

De,ons are no. ruling the .orld through all types o+ ,eans through the ,essages you re)eiveE through the .orld syste, that is in pla)eE through )hur)hes that are ,isled. %nly F( 2ord )an *e relied upon - it is un)hanging. 9o)us on F( 2ord. Dig deep in its pages. 9ind ti,e to read F( 2ords. Spend ti,e .ith it. ?ray +or F( S?I4I& to reveal all &ruth to you. =e .ill- i+ you as0 =IF sin)erely. =e longs to lead you to &ruth. &his is =IS ;reatest Desire +or you to *e led to &ruth and )leaned up *y F( 2ord. 1 Corinthians 2 13. 2hi)h things also spea0 not in the .ords .hi)h ,an<s .isdo, tea)heth- *ut .hi)h the =%3( ;=%S& tea)heth )o,paring Spiritual things .ith Spiritual. Children- do not let this .orld pull the .ool over your eyes. Do not allo. the ene,y to lead you astray as so ,any are led. Be alert. Co,e into F( 3ight. Be +ed *y F( &ruth .ith F( =oly =and. I long to +eed you .ith &ruth to nourish you .ith the tea)hings +ro, F( 2ord. 3et F' *ring you into F( 3ight. 3et F' sho. you .hat you have never understood *e+ore. I have ,any things to share .ith you. I .ant to pull you out o+ dar0ness. &his is the ti,e +or the &ruth to *e 0no.n and not .atered do.n truth or hal+- hearted truths and lies. (ou do not .ant to ta0e a ris0 .ith your o.n salvation. So )o,e to F'. Cry out +or &ruth. I .ill give you &ruth- un)hanging &ruth. No. )hildren- no. is the hour. I a, (A=JS=JA- FAL'4 o+ All.


3et JS *egin- daughter. &he hour- F( )hildren- is )o,ing +or F( 4eturn. &his hour approa)hes as sure as night turns into day. I a, )o,ing and there is no stopping this event. (ou ,ust )onsider the i,portan)e o+ this event. It .ill have ra,i+i)ations +or everyone Not a living- *reathing soul .ill not *e a++e)ted in so,e .ay on earth. &here .ill *e those es)aping .ith F' to *liss and those +a)ing utter destru)tion and tre,endous loss. &he .ay you +a)e this event is your )hoi)e - ho. .ill you eAperien)e this event .ill *e your de)ision. 2ill you )o,e a.ay .ith F' .hen I *ring F( *ride out to sa+ety or .ill you )hoose to stay *ehind and +a)e the .orst F( 2rath poured out and F( ene,y in +ull +or)eQ No. this see,s li0e su)h a si,ple )hoi)e - *ut +e. are )hoosing to )o,e out .ith F' to sa+ety. 9e. are loo0ing +or F' or *elieving that the ti,e +or F( Co,ing is nigh. 2hy do you thin0 this is F( )hildrenQ It is *e)ause sin has got the *est o+ the,. &hey have *e)o,e too adapted and a))usto,ed to this sin-+illed .orld- loving its .ays and .anting to parta0e in it too readily. &hey do not read and trust F( 2ord. &hey do not sear)h F' out +or F( Ans.ers. &he .orld and ,en hold ,ore .eight in their ,inds. Children- I )annot save those .ho .on<t turn to F' in hu,*le)hildli0e su*,ission. 2ithout +ull surrender to F'- I )annot res)ue you .hen it )o,es ti,e to +or F' to re,ove F( )hur)h. She .ill *e ta0en and you .ill *e le+t. &hen F( )hildren .ho are le+t .ill have to )ontend .ith F( ene,y. It .ill *e a great hour o+ dar0ness. 4elie+ .ill not *e +ound. Far0 10 1B. Ierily I say unto you- 2hosoever shall not re)eive the Lingdo, o+ ;%D as a little )hild- he shall not enter therein.

Still you have an opportunity to )o,e *a)0 to F' in the )losing days *e+ore F( Soon Co,ing. I+ you surrender yoursel+ to F'- su*,it your .ill to F'- and I .ill ,a0e you into a ne. person and prepare you +or F( Lingdo,. I see very +e. .illing to ,a0e these steps- only a portion o+ the population is truly see0ing F' on a level o+ inti,a)y that I re/uire. 9e. are entrusting their lives over to F'. Fost are trusting their lives to the .orld and the s0e.ed thin0ing o+ ,en. Children you ,ust )o,e to your senses. I a, the only %N' 2=% )an help you. &here is else to turn. (es- you )an turn to the .orld- *ut it is no. in a hopeless )ondition- es)alating do.n.ard daily. (ou ,ust )o,e alive. Co,e to F'. Don<t *e +ooled *y .hat no. loo0s nor,al. 3oo0s )an *e de)eiving. &he .orld )annot go on apart +ro, F'. I a, the F%4A3 C%F?ASS - .ithout F' and F( Jn+ailing 2aysthis .orld )annot *e sustained .ith )o,pro,ised ,orals. F( )hildren soon- very soon all this .ill happen F( Soon Co,ing. I do not .ant you to *e lost or le+t. I .ant you to )o,e to F'. &his is F( Invitation to you. I .ant you to )o,e along side F'. 2al0 the Narro. ?ath.ay .ith F'. 3et F' ;uide you. 3et F' 3ead youP ta0e F( hand. Don<t ,iss the great )han)e to *e)o,e the *ride. She is *eauti+ul and prepared. I love her dearly. She is F( s.eet )hur)h .ho loves F' a*ove all else. She *ears .itness o+ F'. I a, her 8A33 in all.: I a, )o,ing to save her +ro, the horrors to )o,e. She .ill *e spared all o+ .hat is )o,ing- s.ept a.ay in F( 2aiting Ar,s.


3et JS *egin. Children- I .ant to address so,ething ne. today I .ant to tal0 a*out the anti)hrist and his rule and reign on earth. Soon he .ill *e )o,ing into the earth to rule and reign - all .ill )hange. &he earth has never 0no.n su)h a tyrant as this. =e .ill 0eep no prisoners. =e .ill *e *ent on destru)tion. Anyone .ho stands in his .ay .ill 0no. destru)tion. It .ill *e a ,ost dar0 and *lea0 ti,e. 1 @ohn 2 22. 2ho is a liar *ut he that denieth that @'SJS is the C=4IS&Q =e is the anti)hrist- that denieth the 9A&='4 and the S%N. &hose .ho spea0 F( Na,e out .ill *e +ound in )onte,pt. F( Na,e .ill ,ean death. Fany o+ F( %.n .ill ) in +ear to use F( Na,e. &his .ill happen .orld.ide. It .ill *e .orld.ide terrordestru)tion .idespread. &he .orld has never 0no.n su)h destru)tion. 4evelation 20 $. And I sa. thrones- and they sat upon the,- and Hudg,ent .as given unto the, and I sa. the souls o+ the, that .ere *eheaded +or the 2itness o+ @'SJS- and +or the 2ord o+ ;%D- and .hi)h had not .orshipped the *east- neither his i,ageneither had re)eived his ,ar0 upon +oreheads- or in their handsE and they lived and reigned .ith C=4IS& a thousand years. &he anti)hrist .ill )o,e at a ti,e .hen the .orld is loo0ing +or ans.ers and solutions to the .a0e o+ destru)tion le+t the rapture o+ F( *ride. &his event is rising soon. &he .orld is going to 0no. trou*le li0e it has never 0no.n *e+ore. 1 @ohn $ 3. And every spirit that )on+esseth not that @'SJS C=4IS& is )o,e in the +lesh is not o+ ;%D and this is that spirit o+

anti)hrist- .hereo+ ye have heard that it should )o,eE and even no. already is it in the .orld. &he anti)hrist .ill try to eli,inate all .ho stand +or F( 2ays- F( &esti,ony. &he anti)hrist .ill *ring a*out the ,ar0 o+ the *east as the +irst order o+ *usiness to )ontrol the people. &hose .ho don<t *u)0le under his de,ands to ta0e the ,ar0 .ill *e eli,inated as dissidents against the syste,. &hose .ho ta0e the ,ar0 .ill ridi)ule and perse)ute those .ho re+use the ,ar0. It .ill *e a ,ost dar0 hour. &hose .ho .illingly ta0e the ,ar0 .ill *e +orever lost. It is o.nership o+ the anti)hrist syste,. 4evelation 1$ 11. And the s,o0e o+ their tor,ent as)endeth up +or ever and ever and they have no rest day or night- .ho .orship the *east and his i,age- and .hosoever re)eiveth the ,ar0 o+ his na,e. Children you ,ust thin0 )learly a*out your desire to ignore these .arnings and .hat is )o,ing over the earth in short order. &he hour approa)hes +or F( Co,ing +or the *ride those .ho .ill *e res)ued - F( true )hur)h. &his hour is hastening and )o,ing nearer as the anti)hrist syste, is a*out to )o,e into e++e)t. &he anti)hrist .ill *e ruthless and *lood thirsty. =e .ill allo. nothing to get in his .ay. =is is +ull o+ anger and lust +or ?eople ,atter to hi, not. =e has no )o,passion at all - he only lives to see hi,sel+ rule and reign over the earth. =e .ill *e *ent on destru)tion to *ring his +or)es into Nothing .ill stop hi, until I )o,e *a)0 to earth to put a stop to it all. &his is .hen- and only .hen- he .ill *e stopped. &here .ill *e no stopping hi, other.ise. No hu,an- no organi5ation )an stop hi,. =e .ill *e unrelenting in his evil. 2 &hessalonians 2 #. And then shall that 2i)0ed *e revealed- .ho, the 3%4D shall )onsu,e .ith the S?I4I& o+ =IS Fouth- and shall destroy .ith the *rightness o+ =IS Co,ing &here are evil ti,es

rising. Behind the s)enes- the plans are *eing laid out +or this syste, to )o,e into play. &he .ay is *eing ,ade )lear +or the rise o+ this evil. Soon the population .ho re,ains a+ter the )hur)h is raptured .ill reali5e the anti)hrist syste, o+ destru)tion and )ontrol that they are *eing ruled *y. &he,- le+t *ehind Christians .ill then +ully )o,prehend .hat has ta0en pla)e *e+ore their eyes. &he regrets .ill *e enor,ous. Fany .ill +all a.ay +ro, the pressure o+ the anti)hrist. &he .ay o+ the anti)hrist .ill see, too easy )o,pared to not it. It .ill truly *e an hour o+ hard de)isions. Fany .ill 0no. in their hearts .hat they ,ust do and *y )ourage and desire to see F( Lingdo, .ill +ollo. through .ith the di++i)ult de)isions they ,ust ,a0e. &heir +aith .ill )arry the, +aith in reHe)ting the anti)hrist syste, as the right de)ision and )hoosing +or F'- ;%D. Fany .ill not have this 0ind o+ +aith and )ourage. It .ill *e a dar0 hour. 4evelation 1! 20. And the *east .as ta0en- and .ith hi, the +alse prophet that .rought ,ira)les *e+ore hi,- .ith .hi)h he de)eived the, that had re)eived the ,ar0 o+ the *east- and the, that .orshipped his i,age. &hese *oth .ere )ast alive into a la0e o+ +ire *urning .ith *ri,stone. &ruly )hildren- you .ant to *e)o,e so*er /ui)0ly and prepare yoursel+ to *e res)uedRto *e prepared to *e ,ade ready. &his hour is )losing in. (ou need to *e readyP .aiting P .at)hingP loo0ing and eyes +iAed and ready +or F'. I a, the only D%%4 - I a, the 'SI& - I a, the 'SCA?'G I .ill soon *e holding the door open and then it .ill shut. &his .ill *e the one and only es)ape to .hat is )o,ing. &his is )o,ing. &he hour approa)hes. F( )hur)h needs to ,a0e ready. Fatthe. 2B 10. And .hile they .ent to *uy- the *ridegroo, )a,eE and they that .ere ready .ent in .ith hi, to the ,arriage and the door .as shut.

&he anti)hrist is in the .ings. =e is ,a0ing preparations to rise to =e is loo0ing +or earthly do,ination. =e .ill stop at nothing. &error is his ,oni0er. =e .ill reign in terror and no one on earth )an stop hi,. =is )o,es through F( ene,y. &his is the one truly *ehind the terror. Do not do.nplay this reality. Nothing loo0s as it truly is. &hings loo0 relatively nor,al- *ut loo0s are de)eiving. And this is devised *y F( ene,y. =e .ants to thro. you o++ )ourse. =e doesn<t .ant you to .al0 the straight and narro. path to.ard F' and F( Soon 4es)ue. De)eption is running high no.. &oo ,any are deluded into thin0ing all is .ell. All is not .ell )hildrenG All is not .ellG &he .orld is )o,ing apart at the sea,s- +lying apart. Children open your eyes .ide. Co,e to ter,s .ith .hat is a*out to happen. Co,e a.a0e- loo0 around. Dig deep into F( 2ord then loo0 at .hat is going on in the .orld. &his .orld is reHe)ting its ;%D on all +our )orners unilaterally. I )an no longer tolerate it. I a, li+ting F( =and o+ ?rote)tion over the earth and it to have its desire- a .orld .ithout its ;%D- its FAL'4- C4'A&%4. I a, a 4easona*le ;%D- *ut .hen the .orld as0s F' to step asideI .ill do Hust that. &hen you )an +ind out .hat things loo0 li0e .ithout F( ?rote)tionG I a, a ?atient ;%D- *ut F( ?atien)e has run out +or these people .ho reHe)t F' soG Children- I a, pleadingP please )o,e to your sensesG Co,e to F' in surrender. ;ive F' your li+e. I .ill a))ept it. I .ill )over you in F( ?re)ious Blood. I .ill )lean you up in F( 2ord. &he hour approa)hes. (ou need to *e )leaned up so that you )an )o,e .ith F' up hither .hen I )all out F( *ride to +ollo. a+ter F' to sa+ety. (ou )an still )o,e. ?repare yoursel+ though- ,a0e ready /ui)0ly. &his hour .aits on no one. Nothing .ill stop F( 4eturn.

I a, (A=JS=JAP;4'A& LIN;P=JFB3' ;%D. @ohn 1B 3. No. ye are )lean through the 2ord .hi)h I have spo0en unto you.


3et JS *egin again. No. it is ti,e +or F' to tal0 a*out a ne. topi) Children- the hour approa)hes +or the ti,e o+ F( Soon Des)ent. &his )o,es /ui)0ly. Fany- so ,any are not ready- so ,any are +alling a.ayP so ,any have never *een ready. &here are ,any )hanges a*out to ta0e pla)e in the .orld. I .ant you to )o,e to ter,s .ith this &ruth. Children- the hour approa)hes o+ F( Soon 4eturn- I see that very ,any are not ready. Fany *elieve they are ready *ut are not. Fany are still )avorting .ith the .orld. &his )annot *e- F( )hildren. (ou ,ust *rea0 your ties .ith the .orld. She is a sin0ing ship and she .ill ta0e you do.n .ith her. F( )hildren- I do not value the ti,e you spend apart +ro, F' )hasing the things o+ the .orld. (ou see0 ans.ers through the .orld. It )annot *e F( )hildren. (ou are loo0ing at e,pty hopeP e,pty pro,isesP and e,pty truth. (our loss .ill *e great i+ you )ontinue do.n this e,pty ra**it hole. It is leading to disaster. 2hy do you persist in *elieving that the .orld holds any truth +or you apart +ro, F( &ruthQ I AF &4J&=G 1 @ohn 2 1B. 3ove not the .orld- neither the things that are in the .orld. I+ any ,an loves the .orld- the love o+ the 9A&='4 is not in hi,. Children- listen )losely- your ti,e is running out. (ou have little ti,e to pull yoursel+ together. It is no. ti,e to prepare. I+ you plan to )o,e .ith F'- you ,ust +o)us on F( Co,ing. F( ene,y is preparing to ,a0e his ,ove very soon. =is plans .ill only *e altered so,e *y F( Co,ing.

Do you not see- F( )hildren that you should *e .ide-eyed and ready +or the events that are a*out to ta0e pla)eQ Soon- no one .ill not *e a++e)ted *y the )hanges )o,ing over the earth. 'ither you are )o,ing .ith F' out to sa+ety or you .ill stay and deal .ith F( ene,y and the .rath to )o,e. &his day is )o,ing- F( )hildren. It is )o,ing and no one )an stop it. (ou need to ,a0e yourselves ready as the hour is nearing. It is )o,ing s.i+tly. Co,e to 0no. F'. &here is no other .ay. I+ you don<t ,a0e ti,e to get to 0no. F'- you )annot )o,e out .ith F' to sa+ety. (ou ,ust surrender your all to F'. I a, .aiting on you- )hildren. 2ho .ill )o,e to F' in +ull surrenderQ 2ho .ill )o,e to 0no. F'really 0no. F'Q &his is .hat I re/uire. I ,ade a .ay +or you. I have prepared a .ay. I have paid a large pri)e +or your ranso, unto +reedo, so that you ,ight *e a*le to Hoin F' .hen I )o,e +or F( *ride. She is ready and I a, )o,ing +or her. &he pri)e I paid .as huge. No one else )ould have done .hat I did. %nly I )ould have a))o,plished .hat I did. %nly I )ould have paid su)h a great pri)e - ;%D 2=% )o,es to the level o+ *eing )rushed +or ,an0ind. &his pri)e )annot *e )al)ulated. No value )an *e pla)ed on su)h an a)t. &here is no a,ount that .ould ever )over the pri)e that .as paid. Isaiah B2 1$. As ,any .ere astonished at &=''E =IS Iisage .as so ,arred ,ore than any ,an- and =IS 9or, ,ore than the sons o+ ,en Children- do not reHe)t su)h a ;i+t. Co,e- I give it +reely to you. ?lease )onsider this o++er. It .aits +or you to ta0e it and *e)o,e +ree- +ree to )o,e out .ith F' .hen I pull F( )hildren to +reedo,. It is all yours - you ,ust )o,e and surrender. ;ive F' your all in all. &his is .hat I as0 o+ you. I+ you do not ,a0e yourselves FIN'- you

are still F( ene,y<s. (ou are not your o.n. (ou either *elong to F' or F( ene,y. Choose to *e FIN'. I a.ait your &his is your 3%4D and SAII%4- (A=JS=JA- ;4'A& F'SSIA=.


3et JS *egin 69e*ruary 1!- 20127. Children- I have ,any 2ords &he hour approa)hes +or F( 4eturn. (ou need to ,a0e preparations. I .ant to ta0e you .ith F' .hen I )o,e +or F( *eauti+ul *ride- *ut i+ you are not ready- I )annot ta0e you. (ou ,ust ,a0e yoursel+ ready. Sho. F' you are ready. I need you to *e .at)hing +or F'. I need all eyes to *e +iAed on F'. I+ you are not .at)hing- you )annot *e ready. %nly those .at)hing .ill *e ready. =e*re.s ! 2#. So C=4IS& .as on)e o++ered to *ear the sins o+ ,anyE and unto the, that loo0 +or =IF shall =' appear the se)ond ti,e .ithout sin unto salvation. So,e say they don<t need to .at)h to *e ready. &his is a lie +ro, the ene,y. =e is )ra+ty and +illed .ith de)eit. =e .ants to lead all F( )hildren astray and o++ the narro. path. (ou ,ust stay ready at all ti,es. (ou ,ust *e .at)hing and ready +or you do not 0no. the hour I )o,eth. I .ill )o,e as a thie+ in the night. Does F( 2ord not say thisQ F( 2ord is )lear a*out this. Fany .ill *e ta0en a*a)0unprepared- and )aught o++ guard *e)ause they +ailed to .at)h and stand ready. Do not *e a,ong this group .ho re+uses to heed F( 2arnings to .at)h and re,ain ready. &his group .ill *e saddened and devastated to dis)over they have *een le+t *ehind to +a)e the .orst hu,an upheaval and earthly disaster. Don<t *e reti)ent and nonresponsive to F( ,any .arnings. Be readyP )o,e aliveP a.a0enG 2 &i,othy $ #. =en)e+orth there is laid up +or ,e a )ro.n o+ righteousness- .hi)h the 3%4D- the 4ighteous @JD;'- shall give ,e at that day and not to ,e only- *ut unto all the, also that love =IS Appearing.

F( )hildren- you even allo. your ,inistry .or0 to stand in the .ay o+ *eing ready +or this ,ost i,portant event. Fany )hur)hes and ,any o+ F( leaders .ill *e le+t. Don<t get )aught in this trap. Be on guard. Be prepared. Be .ary. Don<t let your house *e *urgled. Don<t stand *y and let your house *e *ro0en into. &he .at)h,an .ho isn<t prepared is )aught o++ guard .hen the thie+ )o,es uneApe)tedly >sa+eguard yoursel+,a0e ready. As you don<t 0no. the hour I )o,e to snat)h F( )hur)h a.ay. Fatthe. 2$ $2-$$. 2at)h there+ore +or ye 0no. not .hat hour your 3%4D doth )o,e. But 0no. this- that i+ the good,an o+ the house had 0no.n in .hat .at)h the thie+ .ould )o,e- he .ould have .at)hed- and .ould not have su++ered his house *e *ro0en up. &here+ore *e ye also ready +or in su)h an hour as ye thin0 not the S%N o+ ,an )o,eth. %n)e I )o,e and ta0e F( )hur)h- F( *ride- I .ill not return that .ay again. &he door .ill *e shut and no ,an .ill *e a*le to open it. 3u0e 13 2$-2B. Strive to enter in at the strait gate +or ,any- I say unto you- .ill see0 to enter in- and shall not *e a*le. 2hen on)e the ,aster o+ the house is risen up- and hath shut to the door- and ye *egin to stand .ithout- and to 0no)0 at the door- saying- 3%4D3%4D- open unto usE and =' shall and say unto you- I 0no. you not .hen)e ye are F( Co,ing is sure and s.i+t. I .ill not delay this event +or anyone or anything. It is )o,ing- surely it is )o,ing. &o,orro. ,ay *e too late- that is ho. )lose F( Co,ing is. Do not delay in your de)ision-,a0ing- and in ,a0ing preparations +or F( Soon 4eturn. 2ait too long and you .ill ,iss F'. No. is not the ti,e to *e loa+ing and .ondering o++ in the .ays o+ the .orldly. Children- do not tarry in your de)ision-,a0ing +or F'. I .ill not .ait +orever on F(, )hur)h to a.a0en.

?lease )onsider these 2ords seriously. I a, not going to hold *a)0 +orever .aiting on a )hur)h .ho re+uses to e,*ra)e F' and loo0 +or F'. &his )annot *e. F( ?lans .ill go +orth and I .ill ta0e F( ready ones those .ho see0 F' diligently and eApe)tantly. &hose are the ones .ho I .ill ta0e out .ith F' - all others .ill *e le+t. I a, sorry i+ these 2ords see, harsh- *ut F( 2arnings have *een )lear and )onsistent. 2hy do people *elieve I .ill not +ollo. through on F( 2ords and F(- %< so ,any- .arningsQ =ave I- ;%D not *een )onsistent eternallyQ I )hangeth not. =e*re.s 13 #. @'SJS C=4IS& the sa,e yesterday- and to dayand +or ever. Be prepared- as I a, ready to )lai, F( *eloved. I a, ready to get her. I+ you .ant to *e a,ong her- than ,a0e yoursel+ ready. &he hour is 8no.: to prepare. &i,e is .asting. 2at)h and *e ready. &hese are F( 2ords. I a, &rue to F( 2ords. (our 3%4D- (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin 69e*ruary 20- 20127. I a, ready to give you 2ords Children- it is I- your 3%4D and I a, here to give you ne. dire)tions. &he .orld is a.ay /ui)0ly. &he ti,e is )o,ing +or the .orld to soon +a)e F( 2rath. &his hour is )o,ing very /ui)0ly )hildren- at a rapid pa)e. &here is little ti,e le+t on the )lo)0. &he .orld<s trou*les are )losing in. Soon all .ill *e a.are o+ it- very soon. 4evelation 1$ 10. &he sa,e shall drin0 o+ the .ine o+ the .rath o+ ;%D- .hi)h is poured out .ithout ,iAture into the )up o+ =IS indignationE and he shall *e tor,ented .ith +ire and *ri,stone in the presen)e o+ the holy angels- and in the presen)e o+ the 3AFB Children- you need to sit up and pay attention. Do not negle)t- %< so i,portant- .arnings. Be vigilant in ,a0ing preparations. F( Co,ing is )lose. &here is little ti,e to .aste. (ou ,ust a.a0en. I )annot .ait +orever on you- )hildren. I )annot. I ,ust *ring F( *ride out and leave. She is ready. She has ,ade hersel+ ready. I .ant you to *e ready also- F( )hildren. Co,e to F' in hu,*le su*,ission. &his is the hour o+ F( Soon Approa)h. Don<t .ait +orever. (ou do not have 8+orever.: (our ti,e is al,ost up. I 0no. this )o,es to you as a sho)0 or hard to *elieve- *ut the truth is- ti,e is nearing to a )lose *e+ore I re,ove F( *ride. She is ready. I a, ready and the .orld has turned its *a)0 to F' in unison. Iery soon- F( .aiting *ride .ill *e .aiting no longer and I .ill not allo. her to stay *ehind to +a)e .hat is soon )o,ing to all those on earth .ho have turned against F'. She has ,ade hersel+ ready and the hour approa)hes +or her eva)uation into sa+e0eeping.

4evelation 1! ". 3et us *e glad and reHoi)e- and give honour to =IF+or the Farriage o+ the 3AFB is )o,e- and =IS .i+e hath ,ade hersel+ ready. &his .ill *e a grand event on a s)ale never 0no.n in the history o+ ,an0ind ever *e+ore. Children ,a0e preparations to )o,e out .ith F'. @oin F' in the air. I .ant to ta0e you out .ith F'. I .ill 0eep you sa+e +ro, .hat<s )o,ing. Soon- very soon- it is all approa)hing. Don<t *e de)eived *y .hat loo0s nor,al and right. &oo ,any .ill )ling to the .orld- as i+ she holds all the ans.ers. She holds only terror and grie+ very soon. Do not *e dis,ayed *y these .arnings. ',*ra)e the, as &ruth. &urn to F( Boo0. Study the ?ages. 3et &ruth un+old *e+ore you- F( &ruth. ?ursue F'- pursue F( S?I4I&. 3et F( S?I4I& sho. you &ruth. Allo. =IF to )o,e into your li+e and give you +resh- insight+ul understanding o+ F( 2ord. Fen )annot sho. you the &ruth- only F( S?I4I&. 1 Corinthians 2 11-1$. 9or .hat ,an 0no.eth the things o+ a ,ansave the spirit o+ ,an .hi)h is in hi,Q 'ven so the things o+ ;%D 0no.eth no ,an- *ut the S?I4I& o+ ;%D. No. .e have re)eivednot the spirit o+ the .orld- *ut the S?I4I& .hi)h is o+ ;%DE that .e ,ight 0no. the things that are +reely given to us o+ ;%D. 2hi)h things also .e spea0- not in the .ords .hi)h ,an<s .isdo, tea)heth- *ut .hi)h the =%3( ;=%S& tea)hethE )o,paring Spiritual things .ith Spiritual. But the natural ,an re)eiveth not the things o+ the S?I4I& o+ ;%D +or they are +oolishness unto hi, neither )an he 0no. the,*e)ause they are Spiritually dis)erned.

Children- this hour is )losing in. 3et F' .or0 on your heart. 3et F' )lean you up in F( 4ede,ptive Blood. 3et F' )over your sins .ith F( ?er+e)t Blood 4anso, paid in +ull *y F' on the )ross- the sha,e+ul )ross- .here I *led to death +or your sin. I did this +or youF( )hildren. All o+ you - I *led +or all - all .ho .ould re)eive this ;i+t. ?hilippians 2 #. And *eing +ound in +ashion as a ,an- =' hu,*led =IFS'39- and *e)a,e o*edient unto death- even the death o+ a )ross. (es it .as F( 3ove and 2illingness to save ,an0ind +ro, their .rongs under the )ursings o+ this .orld. No. this ;i+t is yours i+ you )hoose to ta0e it and re)eive a +ull pardon +or your sin+ul .ays. (ou ,ust .ant it though. (ou ,ust )o,e to F' in +ull su*,ission. I .ant to see you .al0 a.ay +ro, your ties and love o+ the .orld. I )annot have you in F( Lingdo, i+ you are still in love .ith this .orld. So you have a )hoi)e to ,a0e F( 2ays or do you )hoose to go your o.n .ay .ith F( ene,yQ &here is no ,iddle ground - it is either one or the other your .ill or F( ?er+e)t 2ill +or your li+e. &his is the )hoi)e you ,ust ,a0e. I+ you )o,e into F( ?er+e)t 2ill- you ,ust )o,e to F' in hu,*le su*,ission and deep repentan)e +or your sin. I .ill )over you in F( Blood and ta0e a.ay your sin past. All re)ords .ill *e destroyed and your li+e .ill *e as ne.. =e*re.s 13 12. 2here+ore @'SJS also- that =' ,ight san)ti+y the people .ith =IS %.n Blood- su++ered .ithout the gate. &his is .hat a.aits you i+ you )o,e to F' in hu,*le surrender and repentan)e over past sin. No. is the hour +or this de)ision. Do not .ait. &his hour is )o,ing +or F( 4eturn. No ,an )an stop it. (ou need to *e ready. Fa0e yoursel+ ready. I .ait on your &his is your ?atient- 3oving ;%D- (A=JS=JA

3et JS *egin- F( daughter. Children I .ant to spea0 to you a*out a ne. topi). Iery soon- F( )hildren- I .ill arrive to re,ove F( )hur)h. So +e. are readyP .aitingP .at)hing- so +e. .ill *e ta0en. &his is serious- F( )hildren- very serious. Iery +e. o+ F( )hildren are really paying attention- so +e. even )are. Fany are not reading F( Boo0 or pra)ti)ing F( 2ords and F( 4ules that I have set *e+ore the,. Fany Hust do as they please .ith no )are +or .hat I thin0 at all. &hey are )o,pletely out o+ F( 2ill and ,a0ing their o.n .ill+ul )hoi)es apart +ro, F'. 2hen you run apart +ro, F( 2ill you are running against F'. &his is sad )hildren- that so ,any do not *elieve F( 2ord and )hoose to +ollo. the .orld instead. Children- the .orld is an en,ity to F'. (ou )annot have the .orld and F' *oth. @a,es $ $. (e adulterers and adulteresses 0no. ye not that the +riendship o+ the .orld is en,ity .ith ;%DQ 2hosoever there+ore .ill *e a +riend o+ the .orld is an ene,y o+ ;%D. 2hat does this ,ean to *e part o+ the .orldQ It ,eans turning to the .orld +or all your ans.ers a+ter the .orld +or your +uture se)urity- thin0ing it holds all the ans.ers +or you. &his is +alse se)urity - loo0ing to ,en +or ans.ers - ,en .ho 0no. nothing really a*out the +uture. %nly I- ;%D 0no.s .hat the +uture holds. &he .orld see0s a+ter ,en and de,ons +or ans.ers. &he .orld syste, is F( ene,y<s syste,. =e .ants to 0eep F( )hildren distra)ted *y all types o+ things so that they never see0 F' +or ans.ers- so they never see0 to 0no. F' in a )lose- inti,ate .ay. &his is dangerousF( )hildren.

?sal,s 20 ". So,e trust in )hariots- and so,e in horses *ut .e .ill re,e,*er the Na,e o+ the 3%4D our ;%D. =e .ants you to stay +ar a.ay +ro, F' .here he )an entrap you and destroy you. =e .ill use all 0inds o+ ,ethods to enti)e you a.ay. =e .ill use your ,inistry .or0- your +a,ily- your pursuit o+ ,oney and .ealthentertain,ent- and every distra)tion you )an i,agine. &his is his strategy to get your attention a.ay +ro, F' and to 0eep it +o)used on everything else. &hese are his plans to destroy you and he is su))ess+ul .ith ,ost people. %nly a re,nant truly +ollo.s )losely a+ter F'- pursues F'and )o,es a+ter F'. &his is F( true )hur)h. &hese are F( true dis)iples- .ho lay do.n their li+e to +ollo. F'. 2hy do you persist in a+ter the .orld- .hen I a, the %N'&rue ?er+e)t 3I;=&Q I a, 3I9' 'I'43AS&IN;. I give you li+e- I sustain you. I a, the %N' 2=% guards your li+e. I a, the %N' 2=% gives li+e and ta0es li+e - no other. @o* 12 10. In 2=%S' =and is the soul o+ every living thing- and the *reath o+ all ,an0ind. 2hy do you persist in disregarding F' and pursuing other loverse,pty loversQ (ou are digging a hole +or yourselves - one you .on<t *e a*le to get out o+. Co,e to F'. 4epent and surrender your .hole li+e over to F'. %nly I hold all the ans.ers. %nly I )an ,a0e things right +or you. %nly I hold the 0ey to your +uture. ;et to 0no. F' in an inti,ate .ay. 9ollo. hard a+ter F' and I .ill give you the 0ey to the Lingdo,. &his .orld holds nothing +or you- only hardship- disappoint,ent- and soon death and destru)tion are )o,ing to this earth. Stop pinning your hopes on a dead and dying .orld - dead *e)ause it no longer a)0no.ledges F' as 3%4D and FAS&'4 *y any govern,ent in the .orld.

All .orld leaders pursue other *elie+s than F' as the undisputed 3%4D and C4'A&%4. &his is an a*o,ination and I .ill not ta0e this lightly. &he .orld does not tre,*le in +ear *e+ore F'- there+ore I ,ust soon re-edu)ate the, as to 2=% I a,. I a, ta0ing F( s,all re,nant o+ true *elievers out to sa+ety and then the .orld .ill reali5e I a, a ;%D to *e re)0oned .ith and not %N' to *e disregarded. Soon then- I .ill li+t F( =and o+ ?rote)tion and F( ene,y .ill *e operating in +ull +or)e upon the earth - he and his ar,y o+ devils. It .ill *e a dar0 ti,e +or the inha*itants o+ earth. ?sal,s 111 10. &he +ear o+ the 3%4D is the *eginning o+ .isdo, a good understanding have all they that do =IS )o,,and,ents =IS praise endureth +or ever. 2hat )an I do to get these &ruths a)ross to youQ It is all .ritten in F( Boo0- *ut very +e. desire to 0no. the &ruth. &hey run to and +ro a)ross the land see0ing 0no.ledge and .isdo,- *ut never )o,ing to the &ruth. Daniel 12 $. But thou- %< Daniel- shut up the .ords- and seal the *oo0- even to the ti,e o+ the end ,any shall run to and +ro- and 0no.ledge shall *e in)reased. It is a sad hour +or ,an0ind ,en .ho )hase a+ter the .orld *ut desire to have no 0no.ledge o+ their o.n C4'A&%4. &his is a sad ti,e +or ,an0ind. And the e++e)ts o+ disregarding F'- ;%D are o*vious ra,pant evil - )ri,e- disease- death- e)ono,i) disasters.ars- and ru,ors o+ .ars. &his is the trou*le ,en *ring on the,selves .hen they .al0 a.ay +ro, their ;%D and pursue the .orld. Children- )o,e *a)0 to F'. It is yet not too late. I .ill ta0e you *a)0. I a, .aiting on you. 4un into F( Ar,s. Co,e and +ollo. F'. 2' )an still *e together +or eternity. I )an ,a0e you F( o.n. (ou )an )o,e into F( Lingdo, and enHoy everlasting li+e .ith F' there.

(es )hildren- you )an pursue F'- your FAL'4 or the .orld apart +ro, F'. &his is your )hoi)e to ,a0e. I a, )o,ing soon +or those .ho )hoose F' as their %N' and %N3( 3%I' apart +ro, the .orld. Fa0e your )hoi)e *et.een F' and this .orld- *e)ause I ,ust )o,e soon to res)ue F( o.n- those .ho )hoose against this .orld +or F'- their ;%D. 2hat .ill you doQ I a, .aiting patiently*ut not +or long. Soon I .ill have no )hoi)e *ut to re,ove the *ride to sa+ety. &his is your 3%4D and FAS&'4 C4'A&%4 o+ the .orld (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin again. Children- this is your 9A&='4 Spea0ing. I have ,ore 2ords to give out today. &here .ill *e a large stor, +ront )o,ing over the .orld - it is )alled 8evil.: It is )o,ing to destroy the .orld and those .ho inha*it the .orld. It is )o,ing a+ter I re,ove F( *ride to sa+ety. She .ill )o,e out +irst. She .ill not .itness the horrors to )o,e. &he plague )o,ing a)ross the land .ill drive the people to ,adness. =orrors unspea0a*le .ill )o,e over the,. It .ill *e an hour o+ pure terror. =u,ans .ill *e in desolation and pani). No one .ill *e trusted- .hat an hour o+ horror a.aits. &he anti)hrist .ill ,a0e the s)ene. =e .ill )o,e into +ull vie. and his po.ers .ill *e o+ .orld.ide do,inion. No one .ill *e a*le to stop hi,. ?ast tyranni)al leaders pale in )o,parison to his po.erdo,ination- and lust +or *lood. =e .ill *e un,at)hed in the terror he *rings to the earth. No one .ill *e a*le to hide. &here .ill *e no relie+- no es)ape +ro, his tyranni)al )ontrol. &here .ill *e only one es)ape during his reign and rule death and dying. &his .ill *e a dar0 ti,e +or hu,an history. 4evelation 1# $-B. And I heard another voi)e +ro, heaven- sayingCo,e out o+ her- F( people- that ye *e not parta0ers o+ her sinsand that ye re)eive not o+ her plagues. 9or her sins have rea)hed unto heaven- and ;%D hath re,e,*ered her ini/uities. Children- .a0en to this &ruth. 4ead F( Boo0. 4ead the des)ription o+ .hat<s to )o,e. Don<t *e )aught o++ guard. Bring yoursel+ relie+ )o,e into F( 2aiting Ar,s. I stand ready to save you. I a, ready to re)eive you- to *less you- and *ring you into F( 2onder+ul Lingdo,- .here there is everlasting love and *eauty. I .ill *ring you

to F( Farriage Supper .here 2' .ill unite and share %J4 3ove +orever ,ore. (ou don<t need to +ear the +uture. (ou don<t have to .orry a*out .hat to,orro. holds. (ou only have to surrender to F'. Fa0e a +ull )o,,it,ent to F'. ;ive F' your all your li+e- your soul- your heartyour +uture plans. Fa0e F' +ully 3%4D and FAS&'4. I .ill guide you out to sa+ety. So +e. are )o,ing- so +e. .ant to *e part o+ F( ;reat 4es)ue Fission- .hen I *ring F( )hildren out to sa+ety and )arry the, to F( =eavenlies. (ou .ill re)eive a ne. glori+ied *ody. It .ill *e a *ody +ull o+ lightF( =eavenly 3ight. It .ill *e radiant- eternal- un)hanging- glorious. F( )hildren- F( *ride .ill *e *eauti+ul- lovely to *ehold. (es- this trans+or,ation o+ F( )hur)h is a*out to ta0e pla)e. She .ill never loo0 the sa,e again. She .ill *e spe)ta)ular. &his trans+or,ation .ill ta0e pla)e in the t.in0ling o+ an eye. In one ,o,ent- F( )hur)h .ill *e )hanged- ready +or her B4ID';4%%F,ade ready +or F( ?resen)e in ulti,ate purity and holiness a spe)ta)ular sight. 1 Corinthians 1B B1-B$. B1Behold- I she. you a ,ysteryE 2e shall not all sleep- *ut .e shall *e )hanged- B2In a ,o,ent- in the t.in0ling o+ an eye- at the last tru,p +or the tru,pet shall soundand the dead shall *e raised in)orrupti*le- and .e shall *e )hanged. 9or this )orrupti*le ,ust put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal ,ust put on i,,orality. So .hen this )orrupti*le shall have put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal shall have put on i,,orality- then shall *e *rought to pass the saying that is .ritten- Death is s.allo.ed up in vi)tory. She .ill *e ,ade *eauti+ul in all her rai,ent. I 0no. F( *ride- I 0no. that she .at)hes F' and loo0s +or F'. =er +aith is unrelenting and )onsistent. She is the one I died +or. She is the one .ho re)eives F( ;i+t- F( 9ree ;i+t to ,an0ind +or salvation. Iery +e. a)tually .ant this ;i+t and pursue it. &his ,a0es F' sad- )hildren. I

*led and died a horri*le death to save all ,en. Iery +e. .ant this salvation. Iery +e. ta0e this salvation and )o,,it to F' +ully. Co,e F( )hildren- don<t *e a,ong the ones le+t and lost. Co,e to your senses. ?ursue F' .ith *oth ar,s opened .ide. 4un into F( 2aiting Ar,s. &his hour is )ollapsing /ui)0ly. (ou are a*out to see the *eginning o+ the age o+ evil and great tri*ulation. 2a0en /ui)0ly. 9ill your oil la,p. I+ it is not +illed- you )annot )o,e. Fatthe. 2B $. But the .ise too0 oil in their vessels .ith their la,ps. Co,e and re)eive F( =%3( S?I4I& in all =IS 9ullness. =' .ill *ring you into a +ull relationship .ith F'. I )an then .ash you in F( Blood and )lean the stains o++ o+ your gar,ent and ,a0e you ready +or F( Lingdo,. &his is so you )an *e .rin0le- and spot-+ree F( *eauti+ul *ride. 'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the 2ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. I .ant to *ring you to this pla)e- this pla)e o+ +reedo, and everlasting li+e. @ust )o,e to F' in +ull surrender and I )an *egin to ,a0e you ready. &i,e is .asting. Fa0e your )hoi)e. Are you staying *ehind or are you )o,ing out to +reedo, and sa+ety. No. )hildren- de)ide. I .ant you to *e readyreally ready. F( 3ove A.aits (ou- (our LIN;- (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin again. Children- this is your 3%4D Spea0ing. I have ,any 2ords to share. &he hour is late- F( )hildren. It is running so late. &he )lo)0 is running out. It is a*out to stri0e ,idnight. &.o ,inutes le+t re,aining on the )lo)0. &his ,eans you have little ti,e le+t to prepare- I ,ean really prepare your hearts- to ,a0e yourselves ready. It is the hour to .hi)h F( Co,ing is *earing do.n- F( Co,ing to pull F( *ride +ree +ro, the tyranny and .rath to +ollo.. She .ill not *e )aught up in the .orst o+ .hat is to )o,e. I .ill release her +ro, the dar0 hour ahead. She .ill not *e a++e)ted *y .hat is )o,ing. F( *ride is *eauti+ul and prepared +or F'- her LIN; and 4%(A3 B4ID';4%%F. F( 'yes are only +or her. =er *eauty stuns F'. She ravishes F' .ith her radian)e. She is a prepared people - ready to re)eive their B4ID';4%%F. Song o+ Solo,on $ !. &hou hast ravished F( =eart- F( sister- F( spouseE thou hast ravished F( =eart .ith one o+ thine eyes- .ith one )hain o+ thy ne)0. &hey have prepared- ,ade the,selves ready. &hey are .ashed in F( Blood. &hey are )leaned in F( 2ord. &hey are .at)hing eApe)tantly +or F'. &hey are loo0ing +or F' daily. &hey are +o)used and +iAed on F'. 2' share inti,a)y .ith ea)h other. 2' 0no. ea)h other. F( people have laid their lives do.n *e+ore F' and have .al0ed a.ay +ro, their desires +or the .orld. &hey are sold out to F' only. &hey see0 F( 9a)e and F( Ioi)e. &hey 0no. F( Ioi)e. I spea0 and they +ollo.. &hey run a+ter F'.

@ohn 1B 1!. I+ ye .ere o+ the .orld- the .orld .ould love his o.n *ut *e)ause ye are not o+ the .orld- *ut I have )hosen you out o+ the .orld- there+ore the .orld hateth you. &hey are pre)ious in F( Sight. I lead the, and they +ollo.. &heir lives re+le)t F( 3ight to the .orld. &hey are the i,age o+ F' to the .orld- the lost- +ading .orld. Soon this *eauti+ul light .ill *e li+ted out o+ the .orld and the only thing le+t .ill *e dar0ness. &he shado.s .ill ,ove in and ta0e over. Dar0ness .ill )onsu,e the earth - all +our )orners. It .ill *e a dar0 day indeed. (ou needn<t *e here +or that hour. (ou )an +ollo. a+ter F' in +ull surrender. I .ill *ring you to F(S'39- prote)t you- lead you out to sa+ety- .hen I )o,e +or F( )hur)h- F( s.eet )hur)h. She is ready and I .ill 0eep her +ro, the dar0 hour ahead. Children- it is al,ost ti,e +or F( approa)h. &here is little ti,e le+t. (ou ,ust ,a0e ready. &here is yet a little ti,e re,aining. Don<t .aste a.ay this ,o,ent pursuing +rivolous- .orldly things. ;ive yoursel+ ti,e to ,a0e preparations. ?ursue F' .ith all your heart. 4epent o+ all your sin. I .ant to hear true repentan)e o+ your sin-+illed heart. &he heart o+ a ,an de)eives hi,. %nly I )an see the inner .or0ings o+ a ,an<s heart. I )an see inside the )ha,*ers o+ a heart all the sin tu)0ed a.ay- hidden +ro, sight. @ere,iah 1" !. &he heart is de)eit+ul a*ove all things- and desperately .i)0ed .ho )an 0no. itQ 3et F' )lean your heart.ash it )lean. 3et F' puri+y your soul. 3et F' ,a0e you ready to stand *e+ore F'. %nly I )an do this- F( )hildren. %nly I a, )apa*le. %nly I have the to *ring you to )o,pletion through F( BloodBought 4anso, +or your sins. &his I long to give to you- ,a0e you .hite and .ash you )lean.

A)ts 22 1O. And no. .hy tarriest thouQ Arise and *e *apti5ed- and .ash a.ay thy sins- )alling on the Na,e o+ the 3%4D. Children- F( )hildren- I .ait upon you to )o,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e- heart-+elt repentan)e. 2al0 to.ards F( 3ight re)eive F( Salvation- F( Blood- Bought Salvation. 3et F' )lean youprepare you. %nly I )an do this +or you. 3ay do.n your li+e at F( 9eet. 3et F' have it in +ull. Don<t *e a+raid. &he .orld is )ollapsing. It holds no ans.ers +or you- no &ruth. It is not relia*le. %nly I a, the 4%CL. %nly I )an *e trusted .ith your li+e. ;ive F' your li+e in +ull. Surrender it all to F'- not .hat this ,ay ,ean. ;ive it up to F' and I .ill ta0e it +ro, you- )are +or you. I .ill ,a0e you F( %2N pri5e possession and +ill you .ith F( 3ove- F( S?I4I&- and F( ?ea)e. (ou .ill not +ear the evil )o,ing *e)ause F( ?ea)e surpasses all your understanding. I *ring ?ea)e you )an<t )o,prehend. It is a supernatural ?ea)e. It is *eing ,ade right *e+ore ;%D- a =%3( ;%D. &his is .orth all o+ eternity to you. I )an *ring you to thisPthis insur,ounta*le ?ea)e. No. is the hour to de)lare your +aith +or F'- to )hoose +or F'. I+ you do not )hoose +or F'- you )hoose +or F( ene,y. &here are only t.o )hoi)es - only t.o. (ou are either +or F' or against F'. &here is no third position. Don<t *e de)eived. I+ you ride the +en)eyou are not FIN'. I .ant a +ull )o,,it,ent. Co,e *e+ore F' in )o,plete- hu,*le repentan)e and I .ill re,ove your sins as +ar as the east is +ro, the .est. I .ill never loo0 upon the, again. I .ill *ring you to .holeness in F'. 2' .ill share inti,a)y and you .ill 0no. your ;%D- truly 0no. F'. I long +or this *et.een JS. ?sal,s 103 12. As +ar as the east is +ro, the .est- so +ar hath =' re,oved our transgressions +ro, us. So )o,e- )o,e get to 0no. F'. I a, truly .orth I .ill *ring you to a pla)e o+ pea)e and understanding. F( S?I4I& .ill

guide you and open your eyes to &ruth- li+e saving &ruth. =' .ill sho. you the hour you are living in. (ou .ill *e eAposed to &ruth li0e never *e+ore and then you )an *e saved and assured o+ a pla)e in F( Lingdo,. &his is .hat I long to *ring to you. Co,e get to 0no. your ;%D. 3et JS .al0 hand in hand. I .ill lead you out. &i,e is .asting. &he hour is at hand. Choose +or F'. I a, your 3%4D and SAII%4 ;4'A& F'SSIA= =JFB3' LIN; (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin. F( )hildren- I have ne. 2ords +or you. All is not as it appears. &hings are )o,ing to a )lose the .ay you have 0no.n the,. F( )hildren- it is turning dar0. All is turning dar0. 3i+e as you 0no. it is )hanging dra,ati)ally. Soon- there .ill *e no turning *a)0- no )han)e +or reprisal. &his is F( 2arning. I a, giving stern .arnings and very +e. are heeding the,- very +e. are paying attention- even listening. 2hy are F( )hildren not listeningQ &hey are )aught up in their o.n .orlds - not F( 2orld- not F( &houghts- not F( 2arnings. &his is serious- F( )hildren. I a, not putting out F( 2arnings +or F( good- *ut +or your good. I 0no. .hat is a*out to happen. I .ant you to 0no. too. Fatthe. O 2$. No ,an )an serve t.o ,asters +or either he .ill hate the one- and love the otherE or else he .ill hold to the one- and despise the other. (e )annot serve ;%D and ,a,,on. Children- I do not .ant you to re,ain in the dar0. I .ant you to a.a0en to &ruth. I .ant you to )o,e alive to the reality o+ .hat is a*out to happen. ?lease a.a0enG S,ell the evil - it is .ithin your very senses. All has turned evil. No one e,*ra)es holiness. 'veryone has turned astray. Isaiah B3 O. All .e li0e sheep have gone astrayE .e have turned everyone to his o.n .ayE and the 3%4D hath laid on =IF the ini/uity o+ us all. %nly F( s.eet *ride re,ains +aith+ul. %nly she has eyes +or F'. %nly she loo0s +ondly +or F'- pursues F' at every turn. &his is F( *ride- F( )hur)h- F( true )hur)h. Children- stop s/ua**ling .ith ea)h other. (ou are destroying ea)h other. Stop arguing over F( 2ords. &his is not the hour to *e angry

to.ard your +ello. *rothers and sisters. &he ene,y has )o,e in and de)eived you. =e .ants to *ring you do.n to his level. ?lease stop the petty *i)0ering a,ong ea)h other and love ea)h other. @ohn 13 3$. A ne. )o,,and,ent I give unto you- &hat ye love one anotherE as I have loved you- that ye also love one another. 4epent +or your sin to.ard ea)h other. Bring *lessings- not )ursings to ea)h other. &his is not the hour to *e +ighting. 3ay do.n your stri+e and )o,e to F'. I .ill sho. you ho. to get along .ith ea)h other. F( )hildren have +allen a.ay *e)ause they +ight .ith ea)h other. &his is not the 2ay. &his is not F( 2ay. 9a)e F' )hildren and repent. &hen go to ea)h other and ,a0e a,ends. 9orgive one another. &i,e is .asting. Don<t let these issues you have *et.een you- *ring you a.ay +ro, F( 'ternal Salvation. I .ant to res)ue you F( )hildren- *ut I )an<t save F( )hildren .ho +ight a,ong ea)h other. &his )annot *e. (ou are *lo)0ing your inti,a)y .ith F' .hen you .ithdra. your +orgiveness +or ea)h other. Fatthe. O 1$. But i+ ye +orgive ,en their trespasses- your =eavenly 9A&='4 .ill also +orgive you So +orgive and +orgive )o,pletely0eeping no re)ord o+ ea)h other<s har,s and trespasses. &his is F( 2ay )hildren- the 2ay o+ a =%3( ;%D. ?ut your grievan)es aside that you hold +or ea)h other and )o,e to F' in repentan)e. Fatthe. O 1B. But i+ ye +orgive not ,en their trespasses- neither .ill your 9A&='4 +orgive your trespasses. I .ant to +ree you o+ this sin. &here is no sin on this earth that is .orth losing your eternal salvation over. ?lease re,e,*er this. Children- F( 3ove is great- *ut I )annot overloo0 sin. So repent today and +orgive ea)h other. 4un to do this. 3eave nothing undone. 9orgive all- so that I- your 9A&='4 in =eaven )an +orgive you. &his

is so si,ple- yet so +e. grasp the i,portan)e o+ +orgiveness and releasing past hurts. 3et F' )are +or your past pain. ?ut your sorro.s on F( Shoulders and let F' *ring you to healing. %nly I )an do this. Co,e to F' and let F' *ear these *urdens. I .ill do it. I a, .illing. 3et F' re*uild your li+e and repair your pain. Bring your pain to F'. 9orgive those .ho have hurt you and turn to F' +or relie+ +ro, your pain. I a, .illing to *ring you to )o,pletion and .holeness o+ heart. &hese are F( ?ro,ises. 4ead F( 2ord. I a, a ;%D o+ restoration. 3et F' 4estore you to .holeness and gladness. I a, the %N' 2=% 4estores and ,a0es 2holeRno other. 3et F' sho. you &rue 3ove. %nly I o++er &rue 3ove. @oel 2 2B. And I .ill restore to you the years that the lo)ust hath eaten- the )an0er.or,- and the )aterpillar- and the pal,er.or,F( great ar,y .hi)h I sent a,ong you. (es- this hour is )losing in +or F( 4eturn. 3et F' )lean you up and restore you to ne. li+e in F'. 3et F' prepare you +or F( Co,ing. I a, ready and .illing. I a, your =%?'- only =%?'. Co,e to F'. No. is the ti,e. Don<t .ait too long. %nly I a, .orthy. 2orthy is the 3AFB. 4un into F( Ar,s- /ui)0ly. &his is your 3%4D- (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin. I a, ready to give you ,ore 2ords Children- the hour is nearing +or F( Soon 4eturn. It )o,es right on s)hedule. Fany thin0 I a, not )o,ing ever. Fany thin0 I .ill not )o,e +or ,any years. F( )hildren- I a, )o,ing very soon. F( Approa)h is near. 'ven at the door. It .ill )at)h ,any o++ guard. Fany .ill *e asleep .hen I )o,e- spiritually asleep. 1 &hessalonians B O. &here+ore let us not sleepE as do othersE *ut let us .at)h and *e so*er. Soon- this ti,e is )o,ing. %nly those .ho are .at)hing and .aiting .ill *e ready. All those .ho are not paying attention .ill *e le+t to +a)e .hat is )o,ing. &he ti,e is very )lose. Children- you need to *e ready. Don<t *e )aught una.ares. I do not .ant to leave anyone *ehind- *ut sadly ,any .ill *e le+t. 2hat a sad hour is )o,ing. I .ant you to a.a0en. Co,e to ter,s .ith this reality. I a, approa)hing and I a, even at the door. Soon- no one .ill *e surprised any,ore as reality .ill set in as to .hat has happened. &he .orld .ill 0no. that )hange has )o,e to it- great )hanges. It .ill not *e the sa,e pla)e very soon. F( )hildren- listen to F' )losely- I .ill not ta0e you i+ you have unrepentant sin. I )annot ta0e you .ith F'. It )annot *e- F( )hildren. So )o,e *e+ore F' and repent o+ your sin. ?lease ,a0e this a priority. 3u0e 13 B. I tell you- Nay *ut eA)ept ye repent- ye shall all li0e.ise perish.

Co,e ,a0e things right .ith F'. I desire to *ring you into F( Lingdo,. I .ant to res)ue you +ro, .hat is )o,ing. I )annot ta0e you- i+ you are not FIN'. I+ you have not )o,e *e+ore F'- and given your li+e to F'- you are not FIN'. &his is very i,portant )hildren. (ou need to give your li+e over to F'. 3ay it do.n at F( 9eet- holding nothing *a)0. &his is the ti,e to )o,e *e+ore F' in hu,*le repentan)e. Bring your )ares and .orries to F'P I .ant your li+e. I .ill eA)hange your li+e .ith all its i,per+e)tions and trou*les- +or a li+e o+ love- Hoy- and )o,pletion. Soon- very soon- I a, )o,ing and you .ant to *e ready. &his hour is )losing in. 3et F' *ring you to F( Co,pletion and restore you to .holeness. F( 3ove )an )over all o+ your sins. Co,e to F'- I a, .aiting .ith open Ar,s- Ar,s that long to hold you and to love you. 3u0e B 31. And @'SJS ans.ering said unto the,- &hey that are .hole need not a physi)ianE *ut they that are si)0. Don<t delay. &his is an i,portant hour. I .ill not *e late to re,ove F( *ride. I a, ready to ta0e her ho,e to the ,ansions I have prepared +or her. &his is .here she .ill go +or sa+e0eeping. So F( )hildren- ,a0e yourselves ready- as F( Co,ing is nearly nigh. I a, spea0ing to you as a 9A&='4 2=% 3oves and Cares +or you. I .ant to save you- to res)ue you +ro, a .orld soon to go ,ad. 3et F' sho. you the door to sa+ety. It is opening soon. But then it .ill )lose. So *e ready- as I a, ready to re)eive you. &his is your 3%4D ;%D +ro, =eaven- (A=JS=JA.


3u0e 13 2$-2B. Strive to enter in at the strait gate +or ,any- I say unto you- .ill see0 to enter in- and shall not *e a*le. 2hen on)e the ,aster o+ the house is risen up- and hath shut to the door- and ye *egin to stand .ithout- and to 0no)0 at the door- saying- 3%4D3%4D- open unto usE and he shall and say unto- I 0no. you not .hen)e ye are 3et JS *egin again Children- this is your 3%4D Spea0ing. I .ant you to stay +o)used on F'- eyes +iAed on F'. No. is not the ti,e to *e running to and +ro and +o)used on the .orld. &his is the hour o+ dis)ern,ent and +o)us. &his is the hour to *e paying attention and .at)hing +or F' and F( Soon 4eturn. 'a)h day it dra.s nearer. Do not dis)ount F( 2arnings. &hese 2arnings are )o,ing +ro, all sides. I a, sending ,essages +ro, ,any dire)tions. &hey are )o,ing through disasters- through .ars and ru,ors o+ .arsthrough F( prophets and ,essengers- through signs and .onders in the s0ies- through the ,ouths o+ *a*es. (ou .ill *e .ithout eA)use i+ you are le+t *ehind. (ou .ill have no one to *la,e *ut yoursel+ i+ you are le+t to +a)e the .orst. F( Boo0 has *een )lear a*out the ti,es you are living in and .hat is a*out to ta0e pla)e on this earth. Children- you ,ust a.a0en to these &ruths. Don<t stand e,pty-handed *elieving I gave you nothing to go *y and no .arnings. I gave you F( Boo0- *ut i+ you re+use and ignore F( 2ords and 2arnings- I )an<t help you. I have *een )lear and proli+i) in F( Fessages given out. (ou .ill stand *e+ore F' .ithout eA)use i+ you re+use to re)eive these ,essages. I )an plead- )aHole- re/uest +or you to pay attention- *ut I .ill never +or)e you in ,a0ing this de)ision. &he )hoi)e is stri)tly yours.

2 ?eter 3 3-$. this +irst- that there shall )o,e in the last days s)o++ers- .al0ing a+ter their o.n lusts- And saying- 2here is the pro,ise o+ =IS )o,ingQ 9or sin)e the +athers +ell asleep- all things )ontinue as they .ere +ro, the *eginning o+ )reation. So +e. .ill ,a0e the right )hoi)e or even )hoose at all. No )hoi)e is still a )hoi)e +or F( ene,y. Sadly ,any .ill not )hoose and still re,ain under his and )ontrol. &his saddens F' deeply as I paid a large pri)e on the =ill o+ Calvary so that F( )hildren )an eAperien)e +reedo,- true +reedo, +ro, the )lut)hes o+ F( ene,y and theirs. It is not ne)essary +or F( )hildren to su++er needlessly in this li+e or the neAt .ithout hope and love everlasting. Fatthe. 2$ 3"-3!. But as the days o+ Noah .ere- so shall also the )o,ing o+ the S%N o+ ,an *e. 9or as in the days that .ere *e+ore the +lood they .ere eating and drin0ing- ,arrying and giving in ,arriage- until the day that Noah entered into the ar0- And 0ne. not until the +lood )a,e- and too0 the, all a.ayE so shall also the )o,ing o+ the S%N o+ ,an *e. So )hildren- a.a0enG &a0e this- %< so ?re)ious ;i+t- I o++er and let F' pur)hase your +reedo,. I )an do it. I a, .illing. It is FIN' to give and I give it +reely to you. It is F( ?leasure to *ring you into .holeness- pea)e- and a sound ,ind. All these are yours i+ you turn to F'- ,a0e a +ull surrender- lay your li+e do.n at F( 9eet. 3et F' *e your 3%4D and FAS&'4. 3et F' +ill you .ith F( S?I4I& and )over you .ith F( Blood so that I )an .ipe out your sin re)ord. 3u0e 1" 1O. And +ell do.n on his +a)e at =IS 9eet- giving =IF than0s and he .as a Sa,aritan. 3et F' sho. you the 2ay to .al0 in and release you +ro, the .ays o+ the ene,y. Co,e to F' and re)eive a heart that is puri+ied and re+ined in F( 9ire and .ashed in the .ater o+ F( 2ord. &his is yours +or the ta0ing.

@ohn 1B 3. No. ye are )lean through the 2ord .hi)h I have spo0en unto you. 2al0 a.ay +ro, all your plans and give F' your li+e- even all your plans. 3et F' have your li+e. I .ill repla)e your li+e and plans .ith F( ?er+e)t ?lans and 2ill +or your li+e - the plans that .ere ,eant +or your li+e that I purposed +or you- .hen I )reated you. 2al0 in F( 2ill- sin no ,ore *y .al0ing in your o.n .ill. Co,e into F( 2ill and *e per+e)t *e+ore F'. &his is F( Desire +or your li+e. I a, your C4'A&%4. I 0no. .hat is *est +or you. Co,e and re)eive this ;reat ;i+t - ?ea)e .ith your C4'A&%4. Children- the hour is hastening. Do not .aste a lot o+ ti,e in ,oving on this de)ision. &i,e is o+ the essen)e. I do not .ant you to +a)e the .orst. See0 F' and I .ill sho. you this &ruth and open your eyes. I .ill pull the s)ales o++ and ,a0e you +ree- prepare you to )o,e ho,e .ith F' to sa+ety. A)ts ! 1"-1#. And Ananias .ent his .ay- and entered into the houseE and putting his hands on hi, said- Brother Saul- the 3%4Deven @'SJS- that appeared unto thee in the .ay as thou )a,esthath sent ,e- that thou ,ightiest re)eive thy sight- and *e +illed .ith the =%3( ;=%S&. And i,,ediately there +ell +ro, his eyes as it had *een s)ales and he re)eived sight +orth.ith- and arose- and .as *apti5ed. I .ant you to a.a0en. &his is F( Desire- +or you to )o,e into F( 2aiting Ar,s. Don<t hesitate. =esitation )an *e dangerous and ,ay )ost you your eternal salvation. &hese 2ords )o,e +ro, (our 9A&='4 2=% Cares- 3oving (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin. Children I a, your 3%4D and I have 2ords +or you. &i,e is .inding do.n. Soon I .ill *e )o,ing to get F( *ride to *ring her out to sa+ety- sa+e0eeping. She .ill rise out o+ the earth in triu,ph and glory. She is F( over)o,er. I .ill *ring her to F(S'39raise her up to ,eet F' in the air. &his 'vent is )alled 8&he 4apture-: *ut .hatever you )hoose to )all it - this 'vent is happening soon. I .ill pull F( *ride +ree +ro, the )hains o+ a .orld a*out to go a.ry - )o,pletely out o+ )ontrol- a .orld living apart +ro, ;%D. 1 Corinthians 1B B1-B2. B1Behold- I she. you a ,ysteryE 2e shall not all sleep- *ut .e shall *e )hanged- B2In a ,o,ent- in the t.in0ling o+ an eye- at the last tru,p +or the tru,pet shall soundand the dead shall *e raised in)orrupti*le- and .e shall *e )hanged. I a, a ;%D o+ )ontrol and no. the .orld .ill eAperien)e li+e .ithout F( ;reat =and o+ ?rote)tion over it. Soon- this .ill ta0e pla)e. Fany .ill .itness this 'vent as those le+t *ehind. .ill .itness it as those .ho are ta0en out o+ the earth. I .ant you to *e one o+ those .ho are res)ued- *ut you ,ust *e ,ade ready i+ you .ant to )o,e out .ith F'. %nly those .ho have .ashed the,selves .hite in F( Blood and .ho are avidly .at)hing +or F( Soon 4eturn .ill *e )o,ing .ith F'- .hen I )all F( *ride up hither. %nly a +e. .ill *e )o,ing. &his is serious- F( )hildren- all others .ill stay *ehind. 1 @ohn 1 ". But i+ .e .al0 in the light- as =' is in the light- .e have +ello.ship .ith one another- and the Blood o+ @'SJS C=4IS& =IS S%N )leanseth us +ro, all sin. 2hat sadness a.aits the,- those .ho are le+t. Don<t *e one o+ the,. (ou do not have to *e. I have ,ade a 2ay +or you. I have

)leared a passage. It is .ith F( Blood that I have ,ade a .ay. (our .ay is )lear and +ree through F'. &here is no other .ay. No one else .ill save you. &here are no other ans.ers. %nly this turn to F'- surrender to F'. Don<t hesitate. Do this /ui)0ly- as F( Co,ing is near. Fa0e ti,e to get to 0no. F'. I a, ready and .aiting +or you. F( 3ove .aits on you. Co,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e. I .ill ,a0e you ready through F( Blood Covering and F( 2ord - the .ashing o+ F( 2ord. 'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the 2ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. Co,e to F'. Don<t .aste any ti,e. &his is the hour to get serious .ith ;%D. Don<t .ait too long. I a, your 3%4D ;%D (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin again. &he ti,e is at hand )hildren- +or F( Near 4eturn. It is )losing in. &here is ,u)h to do to *e prepared. I have ,u)h +or you to do. I need you to su*,it your li+e over to F' in )o,plete su*,issiontotal surrender. I .ant it all- )hildren. A hal+-.ay )o,,it,ent is no )o,,it,ent. ?lease )onsider this seriously. (our eternity is in the *alan)e. 2ithout this +ull surrender- you are not truly FIN'- no ,atter .hat you say or thin0E only *y a +ull surrender are you truly FIN'. Children- I .ant you to stay +o)used on F'- all eyes on F'. I 0no. the .ay out. I 0no. the dire)tions to the es)ape route %nly F'. I a, the %N' 2=% holds the 0ey to your res)ue- your retrieval +ro, .hat is to )o,e. I+ you loo0 to the le+t or the right- you .ill *e distra)ted. Don<t let it happen. &he hour is .aning. F( )hildren you ,ust a.a0en. Co,e to your senses. Stay alertG Fatthe. " 1$. Be)ause strait is the gate- and narro. is the .ay.hi)h leadeth unto li+e- and +e. there *e that +ind it. &he ti,e is )o,ing +or F' to retrieve F( *ride- to *ring her ho,e .ith F'- to es)ort her to her ne. ho,es- .here she .ill reside +or eternity .ith F'- her B4ID';4%%F. I long to ta0e her into F( Ar,s- hold her )lose and pour F( 3ove over her- to adore her- and sho. her F( 3ove. Soon this .ill ta0e pla)e. I a, ready and F( *ride has ,ade hersel+ ready. She .aits patiently. F( *ride is the light o+ this .orld. She shines *right in a dar0- ugly .orld. She is the last re,aining light. =er light is intense and re+le)ts F( 3ight. &his 3ight is &ruth - F( &ruth everlasting. 'verything else

is lies +ro, the ene,y. =e has deluded the .orld .ith his lies and hal+-truths. &he .orld is de)eived and the people )annot see the &ruth. @ere,iah 1" B-O. B&hus saith the 3%4DE Cursed *e the ,an that trusteth in ,an- and ,a0eth +lesh his ar,- and .hose heart departeth +ro, the 3%4D. O9or he shall *e li0e the heath in the desert- and shall not see .hen good )o,ethE *ut shall inha*it the par)hed pla)es in the .ilderness- in a salt land and not inha*ited. &he ti,e has )o,e +or F( )hildren to .a0e up- +a)e the &ruth. &he .orld is )o,ing to a )lose as it has *een. A ne. age is da.ning the age o+ the anti)hrist and the hostile )hanges that .ill +ollo.. No one .ill *e sa+e- only F( true +ollo.ers .ho I ta0e ho,e .ith F'- .hen I pull the, out to sa+ety. &hese are the only ones .ho are eAe,pt +ro, .hat is )o,ing - .hat the .orld .ill +a)e on)e F( ene,y )o,es into and is allo.ed to rule and reign. 2hat a dar0 day lies ahead. 4evelation 1" 1O-1". And the ten horns .hi)h thou sa.est upon the *east- these shall hate the .hore- and shall ,a0e her desolate and na0ed- and shall eat her +lesh- and *urn her .ith +ire. 9or ;%D hath put in their hearts to +ul+ill =IS 2ill- and to agree- and give their 0ingdo, unto the *east- until the 2ords o+ ;%D shall *e +ul+illed. &his .ill *e a gravely dar0 ti,e +or ,an0ind- deep dar0ness and trou*le is )o,ing. &his hour that is )o,ing is )o,ing at a rapid rate. Soon nothing .ill *e the sa,e. I .ant you )hildren to *e ready to as)end out o+ the earth .ith F'. I .ant you to )o,e .ith F'. (ou )an avoid all that is )o,ing to the earth i+ you re,ove your *linders and )o,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e and )ertain surrender. I long to ta0e you into F( Ar,s and save you +ro, all the grie+ that lies ahead- it is F( ;reatest Desire to save you +ro, the )o,ing hour o+ trou*le.

I a, giving out ,any 2ords and signs to *ring you to this &ruth. 9e. are paying attention. &oo ,any are still ,arried to this harlot .orld and all its evil. (es- )hildren as long as you )ling to the .orld and its .ays you are )o,,itting adultery against F' and I )annot have you in F( Lingdo,. So )o,e a.ay F( )hildren. 2al0 a.ay +ro, the .orld and all she stands +or. She is vile and i,,oral- anti;%D- and I )annot tolerate this .orld any,ore. '5e0iel 1O 3B-3O. 2here+ore- %< harlot- hear the 2ord o+ the 3%4D &hus saith the 3%4D ;%DE Be)ause thy +ilthiness .as poured outand they na0edness dis)overed through thy .horedo,s .ith thy lovers- and .ith all the idols o+ thy a*o,inations- and *y the *lood o+ thy )hildren- .hi)h thou didst give unto the,E &i,e is .asting. Co,e to your senses. %pen your eyes. See the ti,es you are living in. Don<t *e +ooled *y .hat loo0s nor,al and right. I .ill *ring you into F( Lingdo, +or eternity. Fa0e a +ull surrender to F'. Fa0e F' your 3%4D and FAS&'4. &he ti,e is no. +or this de)ision. No delaysG &his is your 3%4D and FAS&'4- (A=JS=JA. 3u0e 21 31-32. So li0e.ise ye- .hen ye see these things )o,e to pass- 0no. ye that the Lingdo, o+ ;%D is nigh at hand. Ierily I say unto you- &his generation shall not pass a.ay- till all *e +ul+illed.


(es daughter- 3et JS *egin. F( )hildren- this is your 3%4D Spea0ing. I .ant you to 0no. that I a, )o,ing very soon. &he hour is right at the door. Soon I .ill ,a0e F( 2ay to )o,e and get F( *ride. She is lovely and her *eauty is radiant. I loo0 on her .ith great desire and I a, anAious to *ring her ho,e .ith F' to her *eauti+ul heavenlies and the ho,e I have prepared +or her. &his hour approa)hes- F( )hildren. (ou need to ,a0e ready. (ou need to hasten to preparations. &here is a dar0 day loo,ing. Soon I .ill )arry o++ F( *ride. I .ill pull her aside to sa+ety. &his is ,o,ents a.ay. F( 4eturn is nearly at the door. So )o,e into F( 2aiting Ar,s F( )hildren- very soon. (ou ,ust run- not .al0 to F' no.. Don<t *e )o,pla)ent )hildren. Don<t treat this .ith disdain as F( 2arnings are real. I a, *ringing you to this pla)e- F( )hildrenE I .ant you to a.a0en- to )o,e to li+eto +a)e the &ruth. Iery soon this hour is even at the door. 3isten to F' )hildren- I .ant you to a.a0en. &here is trou*le )o,ing to the earth. It is )o,ing li0e a lo)o,otive. It is *arreling do.n. Nothing )an stop it. No ,an- no .o,an- no )hild )an stop .hat is )o,ing. &here .ill *e stern )onse/uen)es +or those .ho disregard F( 2arnings. I have put out ,any .arnings in ,any .ays- %< so ,any .arnings. (ou .ill *e .ithout eA)use i+ you say you never 0ne.. 'veryone is a))ounta*le +or their o.n sin - as I have *een )lear in F( Boo0. It is all spelled out in F( Boo0 i+ F( )hildren .ould *other to read it. It ta0es ti,e to read F( Boo0. So,ething you do

K+or the .orld and pursuit o+ the .orld ,ust *e put aside to +ind ti,e +or F( Boo0. But you .ill not put aside your .orldly pursuits to ,a0e ti,e +or F( 2ord. 4o,ans 1$ 12. So then every one o+ us shall give a))ount o+ hi,sel+ to ;%D. (ou .ould rather play .ith the .orld. But all that glitters is not goldF( )hildren. &he .orld loo0s all shiny and ne.- *ut it is pure poison and it only o++ers death. ?ut the .orld aside and +a)e your ;%D. A, I not .orth pursuingQ @ohn 12 2B. =e that loveth his li+e shall lose itE and he that hateth his li+e in this .orld shall 0eep it unto li+e eternal. (es- I died +or you a grievous death on a horri*le .ooden )ross. It .as eA)ru)iating. (es- I released F( 3i+e over to F( 9A&='4 a+ter hours o+ tor,ent at the hands o+ evil- i,,oral- hate+ul ,en .ho .ere doing the .ill o+ their +ather- F( ene,y. &his .as the pri)e I paid +or you and your li+e. A, I not .orth your ti,e- your love- and attentionQ ?sal,s 22 12-1#. Fany *ulls have )o,passed F' strong *ulls o+ Bashan have *eset F' round. &hey gaped upon F' .ith their ,ouths- as a ravening and a roaring lion. I a, poured out li0e .aterand all F( Bones are out o+ Hoint F( =eart is li0e .aAE it is ,elted in the ,idst o+ F( Bo.els. F( Strength is dried up li0e a potsherdE and F( &ongue )leaveth to F( @a.sE and thou hast *rought F' into the dust o+ death. 9or dogs have )o,passed F' the asse,*ly o+ the .i)0ed have en)losed F' they pier)ed F( =ands and F( 9eet. I ,ay tell all F( Bones they loo0 and stare upon F'. &hey part F( ;ar,ents a,ong the,- and )ast lots upon F( Iesture. Co,e to F'. I as0 you to )o,e to F'. 3et F' ta0e you in F( Ar,s to hold you- )aress you as F( o.n. I a, your 9A&='4 2=% 3oves you. No greater love is there than FIN' - no higher a++e)tion than

FIN' +or you. Do not deny F' your love. Co,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e. 3et F' Clean you up- ,a0e you right *e+ore F'. 3et F' +ill your heart .ith Hoy and gladness. I )an do it. I a, .illing. No. is the ti,e. Do not .ait or hesitate. &his is the day o+ F( 4eturn. I a, )o,ing to *ring you out. 3et F' +ill you .ith F( S?I4I&. 3et ,e ,a0e you .hole ,a0e you )o,plete in F'. &i,e is .asting- )hildren. Soon there .ill *e no ti,e le+t. So don<t dis)ount this .ondrous o++er o+ F( S.eet Salvation and the Blood I shed +or your rede,ption so that you ,ight *e .hole and )o,plete in F' perpetually- +or all eternity. Fatthe. 2B $O. And these shall go a.ay into everlasting punish,ent *ut the righteous into li+e eternal. I long to 0no. you inti,ately- 2' )an have this )loseness. It is yours +or the ta0ing. As0 F' and I .ill give it to you. I long to share inti,a)y .ith you- to have a )loseness- it is F( Desire to *e near you al.ays in a deep and personal .ay. I+ you )o,e to F' in this .ay I .ill )o,e to you also. F( 2ord sets out that I re/uire this inti,a)y o+ you. I .ant you to see0 F' in a /uiet pla)e .here 2' )an share ea)h other<s )o,pany. F( )hildren- this is .here I )an give you instru)tions on ho. I .ant you to live out your li+e. 2hen you )o,e to F' in inti,a)y then 2' )an *egin to 0no. ea)h other and I )an lay out F( ?lans *e+ore you o+ ho. I .ant you to lead your li+e. But +irst- you ,ust *e in F( 2ill and to *e in F( 2ill you ,ust surrender your li+e to F' - give F' your all in all. &urn your li+e over to F' and hold nothing *a)0 - ,a0e your li+e +ully FIN'. I .ant it in )o,plete surrender. &his ,eans +orsa0ing all others and the .orld. I .ant you to .al0 a.ay +ro, your )o,,it,ent to the .orld and *e .illing to +ollo. F' .herever I lead you. &his is not so,ething ,ost people .ant to do. So ,any .ant to )ling to so,ething that they re+use to let go o+. F( )hildren- .hat are you putting *et.een JSQ Is it your .or0- your .ealthQ Is it your

,inistryQ Is it your )hildrenQ 2hat are you putting *et.een JSQ 2hat eA)ites you ,ore than F'Q Fatthe. 10 3"-3!. 3"=e that loveth +ather or ,other ,ore than F' is not .orthy o+ F' and he that loveth son or daughter ,ore than F' is not .orthy o+ F'. 3#And he that ta0eth not his )ross- and +ollo.eth a+ter F'- is not .orthy o+ F'. 3!=e that +indeth his li+e shall lose it and he that loseth his li+e +or F( sa0e shall +ind it. Children- i+ you do not put F' +irst- you .ill lose .hatever eA)ites you ,ore than F' and F' also. &hese are serious 2ords F( )hildren- *ut ne)essary to say. I .ant you to hear the, and )onsider .here you are in F'. A, I +irst pla)e or a, I a rung in your li+eQ F( )hildren- you need to evaluate your position in F'. 2hat pla)e do I hold in your heartQ Children- stand near F' - I long to hold you )lose to F( =eart. &he hour is )o,ing +or F( Soon 4eturn. I don<t .ant you to *e le+t *ehind to +a)e the .orst. Co,e and +ind F'. I a, al.ays near- .aiting on you to pursue F'. F( 3ove is ;reatG Don<t ,iss the enHoy,ent o+ F( 3ove +or eternity. &his is your 4%(A3 B4ID';4%%F- (A=JS=JA.


(es daughter- 3et JS *egin again. F( )hildren it is I- your 3%4D. I greet you in the Na,e o+ the F( 9A&='4- your 9A&='4. Children- the hour is hastening +or the des)ent +or F( 4etrieval o+ the *ride. She is lovely in all her .ays. I a, pleased to )all her F( o.n. She is F( *eloved. I .ill ta0e her into F( A.aiting Ar,s very soon. She .ill *e .ith F' +or all eternity. 2' .ill *e li0e shooting stars- she and I. %J4 3ove .ill never 0no. an end- endless- eternal love. &he pea)e I *ring her .ill last +orever. She is F( s.eet *ride. She is o*edient and loves F( 2ays. She is F( love and +ollo.s F'. She .al0s in F( Narro. ?ath. She .at)hes +or F'. =er .ays are lovely. She is the last re,aining light to the .orld. She sho.s the .orld F( 2ays. &he .orld sees F' in her. She re+le)ts F( I,age to the .orld. =er .ays are hu,*le and re+le)ting )hildli0e +aith. &hese are the /ualities o+ those in heaven. &he hour approa)hes +or F' to .ithdra. her +ro, the earth. I a, ta0ing her to F(S'39. I a, putting her a.ay in sa+ety. Soon- she .ill )o,e .ith F' to sa+ety .here I .ill 0eep her a.ay +ro, things to )o,e. &his hour approa)hes- do not dou*t. Fatthe. 1# 3. And said- Ierily I say unto you- 'A)ept ye *e )onverted- and *e)o,e as little )hildren- ye shall not enter into the Lingdo, o+ =eaven. I .ant you to prepare and ,a0e ready as F( *ride is ready. She has ,ade hersel+ ready- .ashing hersel+ in F( Blood. She has )leaned hersel+ and is spot and .rin0le-+ree. She is ready to )o,e to F( =eavenlies- to )o,,une .ith F' and enHoy F( ?resen)e.

'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the 2ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. I a, ready +or her to )o,e to F' in the s0ies- to )o,e up hither. &his is a ,ystery- a great ,ystery- as she .ill *e )hanged to per+e)tion. She .ill *e ,ade li0e F( I,age in a glorious ne. *ody. =er *ody .ill *e )hanged no +la.s- i,perisha*le- eternal light- F( 3ight. She .ill shine in the =eavenlies. She .ill *e glorious and radiant as 2' share the sa,e /ualities. &his *ody .ill never die or ever 0no. death. It is an eternal +ountain o+ youth. &his *ody .ill 0no. no li,itations. F( )hildren .ill enHoy their ne. *odies. &hey .ill never eAperien)e pain. &hese *odies .ill )hange .ith the )ir)u,stan)e re/uired *y it. &hey .ill navigate throughout heaven e++ortlessly. &hese *odies .ill +ly or .al0. &hey .ill do everything the hu,an *ody does and so ,u)h ,ore. &hey are *odies o+ light. &hese *odies .ill never *e hindered the .ay hu,an *odies are. &here is nothing these *odies )an<t do. &here are no li,itations li0e that o+ a hu,an *ody. F( )hildren .ill eat and enHoy +ood Hust as they do no.. 'verything a*out these ne. glori+ied *odies .ill startle and a,a5e those re)eiving the,. All .ill )hange in a *reath- in a ,o,ent. F( )hildren .ill )hange in a ,o,ent. It .ill happen /ui)0ly +or the,. &hey .ill *e astounded. Children this is an eternal )hange. 'ye has not seen or ear has not heard .hat I have prepared +or F( )hildrenF( +aith+ul )hildren. 1 Corinthians 1B B1-B$. B1Behold- I she. you a ,ysteryE 2e shall not all sleep- *ut .e shall all *e )hanged- B2In a ,o,ent- in the t.in0ling o+ an eye- at the last tru,p +or the tru,pet shall soundand the dead shall *e raised in)orrupti*le- and .e shall *e )hanged.

B39or this )orrupti*le ,ust put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal ,ust put on i,,ortality. B$So .hen this )orrupti*le shall have put on in)orruption- and this ,ortal shall have put on i,,ortality- then shall *e *rought to pass the saying that is .ritten- Death is s.allo.ed up in vi)tory. &urn and +a)e F'. (ou do not .ant to ,iss this event and all F( ;lory- .hen I )o,e to re)eive F( *ride unto F(S'39. &his event is )o,ing. Children prepare - ,a0e preparations. Be vigilant- pursue F'. Iery +e. are .at)hing +or F'. &hey are )aught in the )lut)hes o+ the .orld. It all loo0s so nor,al and right- *ut she is de)eptive. &he .orld is a liar. She is +ull o+ evil and e,*ra)es her o.n truth. She )lings to the lies she deals in and passes it o++ as truth. &here is no &ruth in her ,outh. &he .orld .ould have you *elieve all is .ell *ut all is not .ell. Soon- the .orld .ill understand this very .ell. Fa0e yourselves ready. I .ill not .ait long no.. F( Co,ing is right at the door. I stand at the door and 0no)0. 3et F' into your heart. &he hour is shi+ting. &he sand in the glass is .aning. ;et out o+ your )o,+ort 5one and get on your 0nees. 4epent o+ your sin. &urn your li+e over to F' and I .ill )lean you- ,a0e you ready- I long to do this. Set yourselves apart +ro, the .orld. Co,e apart)o,e a.ay. She is death. She .ill not )ontinue on apart +ro, F'. =er do.n+all is turning her *a)0 to F' and see0ing her o.n evil .ay. 1 &hessalonians B 23. And the very ;%D o+ pea)e san)ti+y you .hollyE and I pray ;%D your .hole spirit and soul and *ody *e preserved *la,eless unto the )o,ing o+ our 3%4D @'SJS C=4IS&. No )hildren- you ,ust )hoose. Do you go .ith her or )o,e out .ith F'Q &his is your )hoi)e to ,a0e. I )annot ,a0e it +or you. I )an only re/uest that you )o,e .ith F'.

I .ant you to *e *y F( Side +or eternity. I long +or you to Hoin F' in F( =eavenlies. But this is your )hoi)e to ,a0e. Surrender to F' or stay *ehind. I a.ait your de)ision. F( 3ove is patient- *ut soon I ,ust res)ue F( *ride. &hese 2ords are sure. I a, a ;%D 2=% does not lie. Co,e to F' *e+ore it is too late. &he ;reat 8I AF: (A=JS=JA.


So 3et JS *egin again 69e*ruary 2#- 20127. F( )hildren .ho I )herish- the hour approa)hes +or F( 4eturn. (ou .ill need to ,a0e preparations. (ou .ill need to *e ready. 4eady yoursel+. I .ant you to )over yoursel+ in F( Blood. &he .orld is )losing do.n. It is rea)hing its de,ise. It is )o,ing to a )lose o+ its +or,er sel+. It is es)alating into ,oral de)ay. It is rising up into pure evil. It is turning its *a)0 solidly against its ;%D. Iery +e. see0 F' on the level I desire *y F( )hildren. Iery +e. thro. the,selves at F( 9eet and .orship F' and repent to F'. Iery +e. are .illing to +ollo. F' .herever I .ant the, to go .ithout reservation. Far0 # 3$. And .hen =' had )alled the people unto =IF .ith his dis)iples also- =' said unto the,- 2hosoever .ill )o,e a+ter F'let hi, deny hi,sel+- and ta0e up his )ross- and +ollo. F'. &oo ,any are )aught up in the .orld and their .orldly pursuits. Don<t you 0no. this .orld is an en,ity to F'Q I a, not going to tolerate this .orld ,u)h longer. I .ill not allo. it to )arry on. Soon I .ill re,ove F( *ride and pull F( )hildren a.ay to sa+ety. She is *eauti+ul and I a, ready +or her to )o,e to the ho,e I have prepared +or her in the =eavenlies. &his is surely going to happen soon- F( )hildren. (ou need to *e a.are. (ou need to a.a0en to this &ruth. So ,any are do5ing- sound asleep. &hey are dri+ting a.ay +ro, F'. &hey are +alling into ene,y hands and soon li0e *irds )aught o++ guard they .ill +all into the +o.ler<s net. ?sal, 12$ ". %ur soul is es)aped as a *ird out o+ the snare o+ the +o.lers the snare is *ro0en- and .e are es)aped.

A.a0en to these &ruths- F( )hildren. 2a0e and *ehold- I a, )o,ingG A.a0en *e+ore you are )aught )o,pletely o++ guard and +all a.ay )o,pletely. &he hour approa)hes +or F( 4eturn and so ,any are still sleeping - sound asleep. &his is not the hour to *e )aught una.ares. (ou ,ust .a0eG Soon the ene,y .ill have you right .here he .ants you i+ you don<t )o,e to F' in a +ull surrender. &his is the ti,e to *e serious .ith your ;%D. I a, a ?atient ;%D- *ut F( ?atien)e .ill soon run out. I .ill no longer tolerate this dying .orld- dying *e)ause it resoundly reHe)ts its ;%D. 'very )orner o+ the .orld has reHe)ted F'. It is unilateral reHe)tion. &he .orld no. e,*ra)es evil. It hugs evil- it sleeps .ith evil. It rises to do evilE it lies do.n to do evil. %nly F( *ride truly +ollo.s F'. %nly she is +aith+ul. %nly she has 0ept her hands )lean. %nly she pursues F' and has )o,e apart +ro, the .orld. %nly she has not sullied her )lothes *y parta0ing in the things o+ the .orld. She is F( 3ight in a dar0 .orld. She shines *right in the dar0ness. =er light )asts a glea, out into a dar0 .orld- a .orld ever dar0er daily. Soon this light .ill *e eAtinguished as I ,ust re,ove her to sa+ety. &hen the .orld .ill gro. ever dar0er and *lea0. &his is a dar0 hourF( )hildren. (ou ,ust step into F( 3ight .hile you still have a )han)e. &here is little ti,e re,aining. &he hour is al,ost up. &he ,inute hand is a*out to stri0e ,idnight. Don<t ta0e these 2ords )asually. &hey are +or your *ene+it to save you +ro, the .orstE to save you +ro, .hat is )o,ing. @ohn # 12. &hen spa0e @'SJS again unto the,- saying- I a, the 3I;=& o+ the .orld he that +ollo.eth F' shall not .al0 in dar0ness*ut shall have the 3I;=& o+ 3i+e.

F( )hildren- I love you as only a loving +ather .ould. I .ant you to )o,e into F( Ar,s .here you .ill *e sa+e. It is only through F' that you .ill +ind sa+ety only in and through F' .ill you *e saved. &here is no other .ay. I+ you turn to the .orld +or ans.ers you .ill *e ,isled *y turning only *y the leadings o+ ,en- ,en .ho 0no. nothing o+ F' or F( &ruth. &his hour is nearing F( )hildren. Co,e apart +ro, the .orld. 2ash your hands o+ the +ilth she *rings you to. She is leading you a.ay +ro, F'. Co,e in )lose to F'. Leep your eyes +iAed on F'. I a, the 3ast 4es)ue )o,ing *e+ore the .orld totally )o,es apart. Don<t ,iss this %N' Sure 4es)ue to sa+ety. @a,es $ #. Dra. nigh to ;%D- and =' .ill dra. nigh to you. Cleanse your hands- ye sinnersE and puri+y your hearts- ye dou*le ,inded. ;et ready to *e a,ong F( *ride. Co,e to F' in +ull surrender. 3ay your li+e do.n at F( 9eet. ;ive F' your allegian)e- your all. I .ill guide you out sa+ely. &his is F( ?ro,ise to you - sa+e passage- +reedo, +ro, .hat<s soon )o,ing to the earth. Don<t turn F( %++er do.n. Don<t live to regret your de)isions. I a, true to F( 2ord. I )an deliver you to sa+ety. I a, a Strong ;%D+aith+ul to deliver. 3et not your heart *e trou*led. 4un into F( Saving Ar,s. (our 9aith+ul ;%D- (A=JS=JA.


F( daughter- 3et JS *egin 69e*ruary 2#- 20127. Children- I a, your ;%D. I a, a ;%D 2=% )ares deeply +or you. I only .ant the *est +or you. No. F( )hildren- I .ant you to hear F( 2ords. 3isten )losely- the .orld is a*out to turn upside do.n. Soon the .orld .ill *e turning inside out. &here .ill *e ,u)h that .ill happen in and around the .orld and very little o+ it .ill *e good. I a, li+ting F( ?rote)tive =and +ro, the .orld- *e)ause she has revolted against F'. She .al0s in the opposite dire)tion o+ F( =eart- F( 2ays- F( &ruth. She is an a*o,ination to F'. I a, a*out to allo. the dogs o+ satan to ta0e over the .orld. ?sal, 22 1O. 9or dogs have )o,passed F' the asse,*ly o+ the .i)0ed have en)losed F' they pier)ed F( =ands and F( 9eet. &his event has nearly arrived. F( )hildren- these are dar0 days )o,ing. I .ill not tolerate ,u)h ,ore evil +ro, this .orld. I a, a*out to re,ove F( *ride to sa+ety. She is )o,ing out very soon. I .ill not put up .ith this .orld ,u)h longer. I a, a*out to spue this .orld out. &he evil that has ta0en over this .orld is putrid in F( 9a)e. I )an no longer loo0 upon it. I .ill not allo. F( dear ones to tolerate ,u)h o+ it any longer either. F( )hur)h is a*out to *e re,oved out to sa+ety. &his hour is )o,ing /ui)0ly. 2hy do you )hildren dou*t soQ 2here is your +aithQ 2hy are you so dou*t+ulQ 2hether you *elieve or not has no *earing on .hat is a*out to happen. It .ill happen- F( )hildren Hust as F( Boo0 sets out that it .ill. I have *een truth+ul in all F( 2ords. I have des)ri*ed the end ti,es in F( Boo0. 4ead F( 2ords- +a,iliari5e yoursel+ .ith F( Boo0. 4ead these 2ords )are+ully. (ou .ill see that these arein +a)t- the end ti,es and F( Co,ing is near.

Children stop listening to ea)h other and )o,e see0 F'. Co,e to F' .ith sin)ereness o+ heart and I .ill sho. you the &ruth- I long to reveal &ruth to you. I do not ,islead F( )hildren. But i+ they )hoose not to see0 F' then I )annot reveal &ruth to the,. &hey .ill )ontinue to go do.n *lind alley.ays and paths o+ destru)tion. Co,e .ith F' and +ind your .ay. I .ill lead you to F(- %< so narro.- path. 9e. +ind it- F( )hildren +e. loo0 +or it. Don<t *e a,ong the ,any .ho never +ind this path. &here are so ,any lost on the .ayside- so ,any on the *road road paved .ith destru)tion. Fatthe. " 13. 'nter ye in at the strait gate +or .ide is the gate- and *road is the .ay- that leadeth to destru)tion- and ,any there *e .hi)h go in thereat Co,e to your senses- F( )hildren- )o,e alive. See0 F' hard. &his is the hour to )o,e to li+e- to )o,e to li+e in F'. &here are no other routes to +reedo, and li+e everlasting. No. is the hour- no.G 4un into F( 2aiting Ar,s. Don<t hesitate. =esitation .ill *e your ending and sure de,ise. I .ant to save you. Surrender your all to F'. ;ive F' every *it o+ you. I .ant it all. ?artial surrender is not su++i)ient. Co,e to F' and lay your li+e do.n. I .ill re)eive it and glori+y you +or F( %.n purposes to serve F' and enHoy =eaven +or eternity. @ere,iah 30 1!. And out o+ the, shall pro)eed than0sgiving and the voi)e o+ the, that ,a0e ,erry and I .ill ,ultiply the,- and they shall not *e +e.E I .ill also glori+y the,- and they shall not *e s,all. &his hour is running out. F( ene,y is ,a0ing his .ay to the s)ene. Soon there .ill *e no denying the hour you live in- *ut then it ,ay *e too late +or your res)ue and you .ill have ,issed your opportunity to *e saved. F( )hildren- I a, trying to .a0e you up and *ring you to the &ruth. 2hat ,ust I do to get your attentionQ I+ you .ait too long to )o,e to F'- you .ill *e le+t *ehind. I .ill *e +or)ed to leave you. Don<t let this happen.

4epentan)e- surrender- and inti,a)y this is .hat I desireE this is .hat I re/uire o+ you. &hese are the re/uire,ents to *e ad,itted into F( Lingdo,. Does F( Boo0 not say thisQ Co,e no. *e+ore it is too late. Co,e and I .ill )lean you in F( Blood and you .ill *e ready to stand *e+ore F' and *e re)eived into F( Lingdo,- F( 'verlasting Lingdo, o+ *eauty. 4evelation 1 B. And +ro, @'SJS C=4IS&- 2=% is the 9AI&=9J3 2I&N'SS- and the 9I4S& B';%&&'N o+ the dead- and the ?4INC' o+ the 0ings o+ the earth. Jnto =IF that loved us- and .ashed us +ro, our sins in =IS %2N *lood- &i,e is .asting. Do not .aste another ,inute on this .orld. &his is your 3%4D and LIN; Spea0ing- =I;= and FI;=&( '&'4NA3 AJ&=%4I&( 3%4D (A=JS=JA.


3et JS *egin 6Far)h 1- 20127. Children this is your 3%4D. I have ne. 2ords to *ring to your attention F( )hildren- there is a ne. age a*out to da.n over this earth. It is one ,ar0ed *y evil evil ,enevil ti,es. (ou ,ust prepare to ,a0e your departure .ith F'. I .ant you to ,a0e ready. I .ill need to pull F( *ride out o+ this evil .orld and put her a.ay to sa+ety. I )annot 0eep her in this .orld ,u)h longer- *e)ause soon this .orld .ill *e)o,e very ugly and +ore*oding. She ,ust *e put aside to sa+ety. &hen the .orld .ill unleash its evil to those .ho re,ain *ehind. Soon- this event .ill ta0e pla)e. 'ven no.- all the stor, +ronts are )o,ing together to )reate a per+e)t stor, o+ destru)tion- a .ave o+ terror that .ill soon over.hel, all o+ ,an0ind .ho )hoose against F'. I ,ust *e ,ade +irst in your li+e. I ,ust have +irst pla)e so that you )an avoid this horror. I a, not a ;%D 2=% .ishes to see F( )hildren su++er- *ut i+ you re+use to put F' a*ove the idols you pla)e in your hearts a*ove F'- then you .ill soon learn .hat it ,eans to reHe)t your ;%D- your C4'A&%4. I a, not a ;%D 2=% )an *e toyed .ith. I .ant +irst pla)e or no pla)e. I do not )are to *e se)ond pla)e or third pla)e on your list o+ priorities. I )reated you +or F( Bene+it to 2orship- to ;lori+y- and to Lno. F'- I long to relate .ith you in an inti,ate .ay to have )lose relationship .ith F'. I+ you )hoose not to 0no. F' in this .ay- then you )an have your .ay- then 2' )an part )o,pany and you )an have )o,pany .ith F( ene,y in his eternal destination. I a, a @ealous ;%D. I did not )reate you to share you .ith F( ene,y.

Deuterono,y 32 1O. &hey provo0ed =IF to Healousy .ith strange gods- .ith a*o,inations provo0ed they =IF to anger. (ou either .ant to *e FIN' eA)lusively or you )an +ollo. the *road path to destru)tion .here so ,any others have already gone. Iery +e. .ant to get to 0no. F' a*ove all their .orldly pursuits. 2here do I stand in your li+eQ A, I not .orthy o+ a +irst pla)e position in your heartQ I died +or you F( )hildren- a horri*le- pain+ul death. I )reated you and give you li+e. I sustain you every day. F( )hildren- soon you .ill need to de)ide. Do you .ant F( ?ea)e- Cal,- and 3oveQ Do you .ant F( Assuran)e o+ sa+e passage out o+ a .orld soon to )o,e apartQ &hen no. is the hour to de)ide .hat you .ill )hoose to do. =o. .ill you e,*ra)e your ;%DP .ith love and devotion or .ith tepid indi++eren)eQ ?hilippians 2 #. And *eing +ound in +ashion as a ,an- =' hu,*led =IFS'39- and *e)a,e o*edient unto death- even the death o+ the )ross. I need you to de)ide. Are you .illing to die to yoursel+ +or F' and surrender your all to F'Q I a, .aiting +or you to respond to F( %++er to )o,e to F' in hu,*le repentan)e to as0 F' to +orgive your sins and to )over you in F( Blood. It is only *y F( Blood that you )an *e saved- only *y the sa)ri+i)es I ,ade on the )ross. I+ you a))ept this ;i+t o+ F( Blood 4anso,- repent o+ your sins .ith sin)erity o+ heart. 3ay your li+e do.n *e+ore F'. 9ollo. F' .ithout hesitation. I )an turn your li+e around- )lean you up and prepare you +or F( Lingdo,. Fa0e you ready to )o,e .ith F'. Consider this o++er seriously. Children you )an only .ait so long. 2aiting to see .hat .ill happen and avoiding this de)ision )ould )ause you to lose all that I have +or you in the neAt li+e. Don<t *e +oolish- )o,e to your senses. Fa0e ready- *e ready. I .ant you to *e saved +ro, the horrors ahead.

I a, praying +or you. I a, praying to F( 9A&='4 on your *ehal+. Children this hour is d.indling. I .ant you to de)ide. I 2I33 C%F' 9%4 F( B4ID'G Don<t ,iss this great ,ove o+ ;%D. Don<t ,iss everything I have +or you. I a, true to F( 2ord. I 2I33 ?4'IAI3 AND F( C=J4C= 2I33 ?4'IAI3G So you FJS& heed F( 2ords. I a, the ;reat 8I AF: I a, the 3%4D (A=JS=JA 9AI&=9J3 &% D'3II'4.


3et JS *egin 6Far)h 2- 20127. F( )hildren- it is I- your 3%4D. I have ne. 2ords to give you Children- this is a serious hour. &here is ,u)h grie+ )o,ing to the .orld. &here .ill *e ,u)h peril and sadness. &hese trou*les have already *egun. Sin is ra,pant a,ong the people. Do not despair though- I have over)o,e the .orld. I a, )o,ing to re,ove F( *ride to sa+ety. She is *eauti+ul and lovely to *ehold. She .at)hes +or F( 4eturn- F( Soon 4eturn. She 0eeps her eyes +iAed on F'. I love her .ith all F( =eart. I e,*ra)e her .ith F( 'yes. I .at)h her every ,ove. She never leaves F( Sight. Soon she .ill *e .ith F' in F( =eavenlies tu)0ed a.ay sa+ely .hile the .orld she leaves )o,es apart at the sea,s. @ohn 1O 33. &hese things I have spo0en unto you- that in F' ye ,ight have pea)e. In the .orld ye shall have tri*ulation *ut *e o+ good )heerE I have over)o,e the .orld. &his event is un+olding no. )hildren. &here is tri*ulation )o,ing great tri*ulation. Nothing li0e the .orld has ever .itnessed *e+ore. (ou all see, to *e so )o,pla)ent a*out F( 2arnings- F( SignsF( Boo0. Do you not understand that trou*le is )o,ing to the earthQ It is )o,ing and no ,an )an stop it. &his ste,s +ro, a .orld that is a*andoning its ;%D- reHe)ting its ;%D. &his .orld has no regard +or F' and F( 2ays. So I ,ust pull a.ay F( ?rote)tive =and and retreat .ith F( *ride. Soon the .orld .ill understand .hat real terror ,eans. 1 @ohn $ 1-#. 1Beloved- *elieve not every spirit- *ut try the spirits .hether they are o+ ;%D *e)ause ,any +alse prophets are gone out into the .orld. 2=ere*y 0no. ye the S?I4I& o+ ;%D 'very spirit that )on+esseth that @'SJS C=4IS& is )o,e in the +lesh is o+ ;%D

3And every spirit that )on+esseth not that @'SJS C=4IS& is )o,e in the +lesh is not o+ ;%D and this is that spirit o+ anti)hrist- .hereo+ ye have heard that it should )o,eE and even no. already is it in the .orld. $(e are o+ ;%D- little )hildren- and have over)o,e the, *e)ause greater is =' that is in you- than he that is in the .orld. B&hey are o+ the .orld there+ore spea0 they o+ the .orld- and the .orld heareth the,. O2e are o+ ;%D he that 0no.eth ;%D heareth usE he that is not o+ ;%D heareth not us. =ere*y 0no. the S?I4I& o+ &ruth- and the spirit o+ error. "Beloved- let us love one another +or love is o+ ;%DE and every one that loveth is *orn o+ ;%D- and 0no.eth ;%D. #=e that loveth not 0no.eth not ;%DE +or ;%D is 3%I'. I .ill not lie to you )hildren- I a, ;%D. &his .orld .ill not *e a pla)e that you .ill .ant to re,ain *ehind in to see the out)o,e o+ this event. (ou .ill not survive .hat is )o,ing i+ you .ant to re,ain .ith F'. All those .ho pro+ess F' a+ter F( *ride is re,oved .ill die +or their +aith. It .ill *e a hard ti,e +or F( )hildren. Do not *e +oolish thin0ing other.ise. 2 &i,othy 3 12. (ea- and all that .ill live godly in C=4IS& @'SJS shall su++er perse)ution. I .ill not *e ,o)0ed. &his .orld )annot )ontinue on in the sa,e vein and *elieve there are no )onse/uen)es. I a, tired o+ prote)ting and )aring +or a .orld that hates F' so and ,o)0s F'. &his era is a*out to )o,e to a )lose. Soon- I .ill allo. the .orld to have its .ay- a .orld .ithout its ;%D holding *a)0 the evil that .ill soon )o,e upon it. &he .orld does not value F' as its ;%D- so I .ill let it have its greatest desire- to run itsel+ apart +ro, a =%3( ;%D- its DIIIN' C%F?ASS. &hen the .orld .ill +ind out the i,portan)e o+ a*iding in F( 4ules and 3a.s and F( 2ays 'verlasting. A .orld .ithout restraint- that is .hat F( le+t *ehind )hildren .ill .itness. It .ill *e a horri*le ti,e +or ,an0ind. Do not stay *ehind. Co,e to F' no.. Do not .ait.

Clean yoursel+ in F( Blood and F( 2ord. Dig deep into the ?ages o+ F( 2ord. 4epent and surrender your li+e to F'. 3et F' save you +ro, .hat is )o,ing. I a, .illing. &i,e is short. Fa0e haste. &his is the hour to run into F( Ar,s. F( 3ove .aits on you. 3et F' save you +ro, the .orst. Co,e under F( Blood Covering to sa+ety. I a, anAious to save. &hese 2ords are &rue and ?ure. &his is your 3%4D- (A=JS=JA FI;=&( &% SAI'.


3et JS *egin again. Children it is your 3%4D Spea0ing to you F( )hildren- I a, )o,ing in short order- so do not *e)o,e dis)ouraged. &his .orld is running out o+ ti,e to set things right .ith F'. Soon those .ho re+use to ,a0e things right .ith F' through repentan)e and +ull surrender .ill su++er the )onse/uen)es. F( opponent is *lood thirsty and ruthless. &he .orld .ill 0no. terror li0e it has never eAperien)ed *e+ore. &his hour approa)hes s.i+tly. I .ill not .ithstand ,u)h ,ore +ro, this evil- )allous .orld. I have seen and heard enough. It is a .orld that reHe)ts its ;%D and turns its *a)0 to F( 2ays and F( &ruth. @a,es $ $. (e adulterers and adulteresses 0no. ye not that the +riendship o+ the .orld is en,ity .ith ;%DQ 2hosoever there+ore .ill *e a +riend o+ the .orld is the ene,y o+ ;%D. Children you are *eing led *y the *lind i+ you )ontinue to run ai,lessly a+ter the .orld. &here is a*solutely no *ene+it in )hasing a+ter a dying .orld that la)0s a ,oral )o,pass. (ou ,ust *e reali5ing this *y no.. Co,e to grips .ith the &ruth. &here is no hope +or this dead- dying .orld that reHe)ts its FAL'4. (ou ,ust )o,e to attention. %pen your eyes. (ou are *eing led astray o++ F( Narro. ?ath. Children- +e. +ind this path. So*er upG Clean the ,atter out o+ your eyes and pull the s)ales o++ o+ the,. Co,e to F' +or S?I4I&JA3 eyes. 3et F' open you up to the &ruth. Stop playing .ith the ene,y as i+ it is all har,less play. =e is deadly- ready to stri0e you .hen you least suspe)t it. (ou are no ,at)h +or hi, apart +ro, F'.

(ou ,ust )o,e )lose to F' to *e prote)ted. It is only *y *eing near F' that you are sa+e. It is only *y staying in F( Boo0 and +orging a )lose relationship .ith F' that you .ill survive. Do you understand thisQ I+ you go it alone- you .ill not ,a0e it. Don<t delude yoursel+. Don<t *e +oolish. A ,an<s heart is a*ove all else is de)eived. F( ene,y is too )unning +or you. &hat is .hy you )an only ,a0e it *y having a )lose relationship .ith F'. I+ you are )lose to F'- really )lose- the ene,y does not .ant to )o,e near F'. Dar0ness )an<t stand the 3ight. So lay do.n your plans and your li+e- and render the, over to F'. 3et F' ta0e the, and ,a0e your ashes into *eauty. 3et F' sho. you F( ?er+e)t 2ill +or your li+e. I )an do it. I a, .illing. It is F( Desire +or you to *e in F( 2ill +or your li+e. &his is F( Desire- to )lean you up in F( Blood and *ring you )lose to F'- even as a ,other loves her )hild- I long to )are +or you. Isaiah OO 13. As one .ho, his ,other )o,+orteth- so .ill I )o,+ort youE and ye shall *e )o,+orted in @erusale,. Fatthe. 23 3". % @erusale,- @erusale,- thou that 0illest the prophets- and stonest the, .hi)h are sent unto thee- ho. o+ten .ould I have gathered thy )hildren together- even as a hen gathereth her )hi)0ens under her .ings- and ye .ould notG Children this hour approa)hes o+ F( Soon 4eturn. (ou are not .at)hing. (ou .ill *e le+t. I a, only )o,ing +or F( )hildren .ho )are to .at)h- .ho desire to see0 F' in an inti,ate .ay. &hese are the ones .ho are )o,ing. All others- sadly- .ill *e le+t. Fany a,ong the, .ill even *e lost in sudden destru)tion. &his is a serious hour and these are serious .arnings. 4ead F( Boo0- open its pages. ?ray +or F( S?I4I& to lead you to all &ruth. &i,e is .asting. Don<t spend one ,ore ,inute )hasing a+ter a .orld that hates F'- your ;%D. (ou are ,oving in a +atal dire)tion. Co,e to your senses. See0 F'- see0 F( S?I4I&- see0 F( 9A&='4see0 JS. 2' are %N' and 2' long to save you.

&he hour has )o,e +or F( Soon Arrival. Don<t ,iss F( 4es)ue. &his is your 3%4D (A=JS=JA- 2=% 3oves you dearly.


3et JS *egin- F( daughter 6Far)h $- 20127. 3isten )are+ully as I give you ne. 2ords. F( )hild- it is your 3%4D. ?lease .rite these 2ords do.n &he hour is approa)hing +or F( 4eturn- so ,any are still not .at)hing- so ,any have their *linders on and re+use to listen to reason. &he hour o+ F( 4eturn is )o,ing s.i+tly. (ou ,ust *e ready )hildren. (ou ,ust ,a0e ready. Be alert and .at)hing. &his is essential to *eing prepared. %nly those .at)hing .ill *e ta0en. %nly those .ho )are to 0no. a*out F( 4eturn )an *e ,ade ready. &hose .ho )are not and do not a*ide in F( S?I4I& .ill re,ain to +a)e the .orst. Fany .ill *e surprised that they .ere le+t. Fany .ill *e sho)0ed that they .ere not ta0en- so ,any .ho thin0 the,selves ready are +ooling the,selves. &hey are +ar +ro, *eing ready. &hey are tied up in the things o+ the .orld. &hey have their ,inds on other things. &hey do not )are to .at)h +or F( Co,ing. &hey are preo))upied .ith the,selves and the things o+ the .orld. &hey do not spend ti,e .ith F'. &hey are not .at)hing +or F'. &hey ,o)0 and perse)ute those .ho do- yet they .ill *e du,*+ounded .hen they are le+t *ehind- thin0ing that they 0no. F'. &hey do not 0no. F' at all. &hey only thin0 they 0no. F'. &heir hearts are +ar +ro, F'. &hey never )o,e to F' in the se)ret pla)e. &hey run to the things o+ the .orld. &heir eyes are not interested in .at)hing +or F'. &hey love to handle and tou)h the things o+ the .orld. &hey plan +ar into the +uture. &hey ,a0e plans that .ill never )o,e to pass. &hey never in/uire o+ F' a*out these plans- i+ they did I .ould tell the, to +o)us on F'- to )o,e near F'- to lay do.n their

plans and surrender the, to F'. &his is .hat I .antPa +ull surrender- to lay your plans at F( 9eet- to give F' all o+ you- even your li+e- and the plans +or your +uture. %nly I 0no. .hat the +uture holds. All the plans that anyone ,a0es )an )ru,*le in a ,o,ent. 2hy not let F' put F( ?lans +or your li+e in pla)eQ I 0no. .hat<s *est +or you- F( )hildren. I 0no. the *eginning +ro, the end. I a, the A3?=A and %F';A. 4evelation 22 13. I a, the A3?=A and %F';A- the B';INNIN; and the 'ND- the 9I4S& and the 3AS&. I a, the C4'A&%4 o+ the sun- ,oon- and stars. Do you not thin0 I )an )are +or you and your +uture plansQ I )an usher you into F( Lingdo, i+ you .ould Hust give F' your li+e. I )an *ring you to pea)e and sa+etyE )arry you out .ith F' to sa+ety. (ou )an live in pea)e that F( ?lans +or your li+e are per+e)t and I a, strong to deliver. (ou )an have this se)urity i+ you are in F( ?er+e)t 2ill +or your li+e. (ou do not have to .orry another day i+ you are in F( 2ill. 4elease the grip you have on your o.n .ays and plans. &hey .ill only lead you to destru)tion. Surrender your A33 to F' and step into F( 2ill- F( ?er+e)t 2ill. 3et the %N' 2=% 0no.s the *eginning +ro, the end to )are +or you. I a, your ;%D 'verlasting. I .ill *ring you into F( 'verlasting Lingdo,. It is yours +or the as0ing. 4evelation 21 O. And =' said unto ,e- It is done. I a, the A3?=A and %F';A- the B';INNIN; and the 'ND. I .ill give unto hi, that is athirst o+ the +ountain o+ the .ater o+ li+e +reely. Surrender- repent- and ,a0e F' your o.n. ;et to 0no. F'. I .ill share F( =eart .ith you. I long to .al0 .ith youE you .ill never *e alone. So the ti,e is no. to surrender. &his is the hour. &his is the ti,e. Choose .isely.

&here are so ,any roads. %nly one is the right one- only one is the straight path. ;et to 0no. F' and I .ill lead you on the straight path. &his is F( Desire- to guide you and lead you. =e*re.s 12 13. And ,a0e straight paths +or your +eet- lest that .hi)h is la,e *e turned out o+ the .ayE *ut let it rather *e healed. Soon the )lo)0 .ill stri0e ,idnight. 4un into F( Ar,s- Sa+e Ar,s. 3et F' save you. Choose /ui)0ly. It ,a0es F' sad to leave anyone- *ut the )hoi)e is theirs. Don<t hesitate to re)eive F( 3ove. (A=JS=JA ;%D o+ %utrageous 3ove. 1 @ohn $ 1O. And .e have 0no.n and *elieved the love that ;%D hath to us. ;%D is 3%I'E and he that d.elleth in 3%I' d.elleth in ;%D- and ;%D in hi,.


3et JS *egin. I .ill give you ,ore 2ords Children- it is I- your 3%4D and I have 2ords to give you. &he hour gro.s late. &here is little light le+t in the day. (ou need to ,a0e ready- *e ready as F( Co,ing is )lose. It is )losing in. 9e. are ready and .at)hing. 9e. )are to *e ready. Fany )hoose to ignore F( 2arnings. Fost are )o,pla)ent a*out .hat is )o,ing. &his hour is )losing in. I .ant you to *e alert and on your toes. I+ you are not- you .ill *e )aught o++ guard. I+ you are not .at)hing- you )annot see .hat is )o,ing. %nly those .at)hing .ill *e on the alert. %nly those .ill have then prepared the,selves *e)ause they are .at)hing. =o. )an you *e prepared i+ you are not .at)hingQ %nly those prepared and ready .ill *e going. All others .ill )o,e up short .ith their oil la,ps hal+ +ull. Fatthe. 2B "-10. "&hen all those virgins arose- and tri,,ed their la,ps. #And the +oolish said unto the .ise- ;ive us o+ your oilE +or our la,ps are gone out. !But the .ise ans.ered- saying- Not soE lest there *e not enough +or us and you *ut go ye rather to the, that sell- and *uy +or yourselves. 10And .hile they .ent to *uy- the *ridegroo, )a,eE and they that .ere ready .ent in .ith hi, to the ,arriage and the door .as shut. &his is not the ti,e to *e do5ing- F( )hildren. &his is not the hour to *e sleeping. I a, not )o,ing to get those .ho .ill not even stay a.a0e long enough to .at)h +or F'. &hose .ho are asleep .hen I )o,e .ill a.a0en to a living night,are o+ .hat is )o,ing to the earth. 2hat a sad ti,e indeed +or F( sleeping )hur)h.

=e*re.s ! 2#. So C=4IS& .as on)e o++ered to *ear the sins o+ ,anyE and unto the, that loo0 +or =IF shall =' appear the se)ond ti,e .ithout sin unto salvation. F( )hildren are sound asleep and i+ they don<t a.a0en soon they .ill +ind the,selves in the hands o+ F( ene,y. =e<s ruthless and .ithout )o,passion or )on)ern +or anyone. =e only has one thing in ,ind and )ontrol. =e .ill reign .ith an iron +ist. I )annot i,press on you enough the gravity o+ .hat<s )o,ing. &his is a serious hour- and there are serious things )o,ing to the earth. I do not delight in telling you these things. I only .ant to .arn you o+ .hat is )o,ing *e)ause I don<t .ant you to su++er through the devastation that is a*out to *e+all the earth. Co,e to your senses F( )hildren. A.a0en +ro, your slu,*erre,ove your *linders. Co,e to F' /ui)0ly. (ou have pre)ious little ti,e re,aining. (ou ,ust run to F' /ui)0ly. I .ish to save you +ro, the .orst. Don<t get )aught in the stor, approa)hing. Iery +e. are )o,ing out .ith F' .hen I re,ove the *ride. Iery +e. have )hosen to .at)h +or F' and to prepare the,selves *y the .ashing o+ F( 2ord and the )leansing o+ F( Blood. &here are no other ans.ers. &here is no other .ay. 'phesians B 2B-2". 2B=us*ands- love your .ives- even as C=4IS& also loved the )hur)h- and gave =IFS'39 +or itE 2O&hat =' ,ight san)ti+y and )leanse it .ith the .ashing o+ .ater *y the 2ord2"&hat =' ,ight present it to =IFS'39 a glorious )hur)h- not having spot- or .rin0le- or any su)h thingE *ut that it should *e holy and .ithout *le,ish. Surrender this hour. I a, ready to re)eive you. I .ant you to )o,e to F' and *e sa+e. I .ill )over you and prote)t you +ro, the horrors to )o,e. Save yoursel+ and )o,e to F'. I a, the only es)apeRno other eAists. 4ender your heart and your li+e to F' in a +ull surrender. (ou .ill *e ,ade ready- ready *y the 2or0 o+ F( =%3( S?I4I&. 3et =IF +ill you and you .ill see the &ruth- F( &ruth.

I a, ready to *ring you to F( Lingdo,. Are you )o,ingQ &his is your 3%4D (A=JS=JA. I A, ?atient and 3ongsu++ering 2aiting +or you to de)ide. Choose +or F' and *e savedG


Daughter 3et JS *egin. F( daughter- I a, ready to give you ne. 2ords Children- it is your 3%4D Spea0ing. &he hour approa)hes +or F( 4eturn and F( )hildren are asleep- they sleep soundly. &hey are do5ing a.ay totally o*livious to .hat is going on around the,. &hey are not even .at)hing. Clearly they are *lind and do not have their eyes on F'. I .ill )o,e as a thie+ in the night. Fany .ill *e )aught o++ guard. Doesn<t F( 2ord say it is soQ I+ this is so- .hy are so ,any ignoring this .arningQ 2hy do they re+use to .at)h and pay attentionQ I .ant their *est and they give ,e their last. I+ F( )hildren +ollo.ed F' )losely- they .ould 0no. to *e .at)hingloo0ing- and .aiting +or F'. &hey .ould *e )ogni5ant o+ the .orld around the, and the .ay the .orld is resoundly reHe)ting F' on all +our )orners. F( true +ollo.ers are .at)hing. &hey are on guard. &hey have their ears to the ground and listening +or F( 9oot Steps. &hey are .at)hing F( 'very Fove and they hear F( Ioi)e. I a, )o,ing and this is not a ,ystery to those .ho are .at)hing +or F' eApe)tantly. &hese )hildren are patient- yet anAious. &his is F( true )hur)h- F( *ride. She is stunning and her enthusias, +or F( 4eturn is )aptivating F'. I love her eagerness as she .aits +or F'. &his is .ho I died +or- F( +aith+ul +ollo.ers .ho die to the,selves +or F'. 3u0e 12 3". Blessed are those servants- .ho, the 3%4D .hen =' )o,eth shall +ind .at)hing verily I say unto you- that =' shall gird =IFS'39- and ,a0e the, to sit do.n to ,eat- and .ill )o,e +orth and serve the,.

&hey lay do.n their lives at F( 9eet and .al0 a.ay +ro, the .orld and the things o+ the .orld +or their 3%4D. 9or this I a, ,ost grate+ul and the re.ards .ill never end +or this *eauti+ul )hur)h o+ FIN'. (ou )an *e part o+ this )hur)h- F( *ride. (ou )an *e ready to go.hen 2' leave together- to the ,ansions in F( heavenlies I have prepared. &here is ho.ever pre)ious little ti,e re,aining- so *e vigilant in your pursuit o+ F'. I a, loo0ing +or a +ull surrender. I a, as0ing +or a +ull )o,,it,ent. 3ay your li+e do.n +or F' in all its +ullness leaving nothing *a)0. I .ant your entire li+e. I .ill eA)hange it +or a ne. li+e in F'. I .ant to *ring you ne. li+e. I .ant to .ash you )lean in F( BloodE esta*lish you in F( Lingdo,E give you a pla)e a,ong F( )hildren .ho .ill serve F' +or eternityE and rule and reign +orever .ith F'- along aside F'. &his is F( *ride. She is *eauti+ul- a prepared people .ho are ready.aiting- .at)hing +or their LIN;. I a, )o,ing to res)ue these )hildren- ta0e the, out to +reedo, and sa+ety a.ay +ro, the evils a*out to over.hel, the earth. &hey are F( over)o,ers. (ou )an *e a,ong the,. I a, .aiting on you- F( )hildren- to Hoin F( 2edding ?arty- to *e part o+ F( Lingdo,. I a, holding a pla)e +or you at F( Farriage Supper &a*le. &here is a pla)e setting +or you*ut you ,ust )o,e and )lai, it as yours +irst. I .ill not hold the door open +orever. Soon- I .ill *ring F( )hildren .ho are ready through this sa+e passage.ay and then it .ill )lose leaving those- .ho re+use F( Invitation to )o,e- *ehind to +a)e the .orst. 2hat a sad day +or those .ho reHe)t F( %++er o+ sa+ety and res)ue. &heir reali5ation on that day o+ .hat has happened and .hat they have ,issed .ill *e devastating. &hen reality .ill set in as to .hat they have lost and .hat they ,ust +a)e. &here .ill *e large regrets. &here .ill *e ,u)h .eeping and .ailing as F(, )hur)h

)o,es to ter,s over their sad )hoi)es o+ reHe)ting and ignoring F( Fany 2arnings. (es- their loss .ill *e enor,ous and their grie+ great. Children- this does not have to *e you. (ou do not have to *e le+t to see the dar0ness en+old around the earth. Co,e to F' in a +ull surrender+ull repentan)e- and sin)ere regret +or your sins- and an earnest desire to +ollo. F' .ith all your heart. I .ill )hange your heart and .ash your sin stains .hite .ith F( Blood. (ou .ill stand *e+ore F' prepared and ,ade ready to Hoin F( ;reat Farriage Supper. &his is the longing o+ F( =eart +or you to )o,e *a)0 to F'. I a, your 9A&='4- your C4'A&%4. I long +or you to )o,e to F'- so I )an ,a0e you F( %2N son and daughter. &his is your )han)e to ,a0e things right .ith F'. 3et JS live together +or eternity. I .ait +or your de)ision. I a, your 3%4D I a, your LIN; I a, your ;%D @'=%IA=.


&he 3%4D )alled +or ,e to go to a se)luded lo)ation +or prayer and a +orty-day .ater +ast. A+ter t.o .ee0s- I too0 )o,,union ea)h dayand a little .hile later- I too0 +our-+our o5. glasses o+ Hui)e daily. &his +ast .as the ,ost di++i)ult thing I thin0 I have ever done in ,y li+e. &he 3%4D *rought ,e to this +ast to die to ,ysel+- .hi)h I did. =' also gave ,e ,any 2ords .hi)h I tried +aith+ully to re)ord +or others to read. &he do)u,ent .as di)tated to ,e *y the 3%4D during the days o+ ,y +ast +ro, @anuary 2"- 2012 to Far)h O- 2012. 6?lease note that ,ost o+ the individual 3etters di)tated to ,e *y the 3%4D .ere not individually dated *e)ause the +ast .as so di++i)ult +or ,ethat I did not li0e to +o)us on .hat the dates .ere or ho. slo. the ti,e o+ the +ast see,ed to *e going.7 During this +ast- the 3%4D told ,e to as0 +or 8='AI'N3( B4'AD: anyti,e I .anted it to help ,e .ith ,y hunger pains. So I did as0 +or it .henever I +elt hunger pains or any pains asso)iated .ith +asting. 'very ti,e I as0ed +or the 8='AI'N3( B4'AD: +ro, the 3%4D- the pains .ould Hust si,ply disappear. It .as a,a5ing and ,ira)ulous. &he 3%4D is the 8='AI'N3( B4'AD: 6see the s)ripture *elo.7. A*out hal+.ay into the +ast- I .as reading a *oo0 that really ,ade ,e sit up and ta0e noti)e. It .as a*out a .o,an .ho had *een sho.n heaven and hell. She reported that in hell- those there are eternally hungry and thirsty. &his .as a de+ining ,o,ent +or ,e during this +ast *e)ause I .as only +asting +ro, +ood +or +orty days 6and I- o+ )ourse- .as not thirsty *e)ause I dran0 .ater during this +ast7 *ut I )ould not i,agine spending eternity *eing hungry 6.hen +orty-days .as an in)redi*le struggle7 and thirsty and so I .ant others to thin0 a*out this pro+ound truth and to )onsider seriously a*out their eternal out)o,es.

I a, than0+ul to the 3%4D +or getting ,e through this +orty-day +ast. 4egarding these 2ords given to ,e- the 3%4D used ,any .ords that I didn<t even 0no. the ,eanings o+ and I had to loo0 the, up and they al.ays .ere the per+e)t .ords. I also a, a .riter and .hen I .rite so,ething as lengthy as this 100-plus page do)u,entthen had I .ritten it ,ysel+- it .ould have re/uired ,e to ,a0e ,any re.rites- edits- deletions- additions and this do)u,ent .as never on)e altered or )hangedRI .as literally ta0ing do.n the 3%4D<s Di)tation as it .as told to ,e. I .rote the 3%4D<s 2ords in a Hournal and retyped it in its entirety .ithout one single re.rite or alterationR per+e)t 'nglish. &o ;%D *e A33 the ;3%4(G &han0 you 3%4D +or your patien)e .ith this in+erior vessel- Susan Davis. @'SJS IS &he ='AI'N3( B4'AD @ohn O 2!-B#. 2!@'SJS ans.ered and said unto the,- &his is the 2or0 o+ ;%D- that ye *elieve on =IF .ho, =' hath sent. 30&hey said there+ore unto =IF- 2hat sign she.est &=%J then- that .e ,ay see- and *elieve &=''Q 2hat dost &=%J 2or0Q 31%ur +athers did eat ,anna in the desertE as it is .ritten- =' gave the, *read +ro, =eaven to eat. 32&hen @'SJS said unto the,- Ierilyverily- I say unto you- Foses gave you not that *read +ro, =eavenE *ut F( 9A&='4 giveth you the &rue B4'AD +ro, =eaven. 339or the B4'AD o+ ;%D is =' .hi)h )o,eth do.n +ro, =eaven- and giveth li+e unto the .orld. 3$&hen said they unto =IF- 3%4Dever,ore give us this B4'AD. 3BAnd @'SJS said unto the,- I a, the B4'AD o+ 3I9' he that )o,eth to F' shall never hungerE and he that *elieveth on F' shall never thirst. 3OBut 3"All I said unto you- &hat ye also have seen F'- and *elieve not. &hat the 9A&='4 giveth F' shall )o,e to F'E and hi, that )o,eth to F' I .ill in no .ise )ast out. 3#9or I )a,e do.n +ro, =eaven- not to do FIN' %2N 2ill- *ut the 2ill o+ =IF that sent F'. 3!And this is the 9A&='4Cs 2ill .hi)h hath sent F'- that o+ all .hi)h =' hath given F' I should lose nothing- *ut should raise it up again at the last day. $0And this is the 2ill o+ =IF that sent F'- that every one .hi)h seeth the S%N- and *elieveth on

=IF- ,ay have everlasting li+e and I .ill raise hi, up at the last day. $1&he @e.s then ,ur,ured at =IF- *e)ause =' said- I a, the B4'AD .hi)h )a,e do.n +ro, =eaven. $2And they said- Is not this @'SJS- the S%N o+ @oseph- .hose +ather and ,other .e 0no.Q =o. is it then that =' saith- I )a,e do.n +ro, =eavenQ $3@'SJS there+ore ans.ered and said unto the,- Fur,ur not a,ong yourselves. $$No ,an )an )o,e to F'- eA)ept the 9A&='4 .hi)h hath sent F' dra. hi, and I .ill raise hi, up at the last day. $BIt is .ritten in the prophets- And they shall *e all taught o+ ;%D. 'very ,an there+ore that hath heard- and hath learned o+ the 9A&='4- )o,eth unto F'. $ONot that any ,an hath seen the 9A&='4- save =' .hi)h is o+ ;%D- =' hath seen the 9A&='4. $"Ierily- verily- I say unto you- =e that *elieveth on F' hath everlasting li+e. $#I a, that B4'AD o+ 3I9'. (our +athers did eat ,anna in the .ilderness- and are dead. B0&his is the B4'AD .hi)h )o,eth do.n +ro, =eaven- that a ,an ,ay eat thereo+- and not die. B1I a, the 3IIIN; B4'AD .hi)h )a,e do.n +ro, =eaven i+ any ,an eat o+ this B4'AD- he shall live +or ever and the B4'AD that I .ill give is F( 9lesh- .hi)h I .ill give +or the li+e o+ the .orld. B2&he @e.s there+ore strove a,ong the,selves- saying- =o. )an this FAN give us =IS 9lesh to eatQ B3&hen @'SJS said unto the,- Ierily- verily- I say unto you- 'A)ept ye eat the 9lesh o+ the S%N o+ ,an- and drin0 =IS Blood- ye have no li+e in you. B$2hoso eateth F( 9lesh- and drin0eth F( Blood- hath eternal li+eE and I .ill raise hi, up at the last day. BB9or F( 9lesh is ,eat indeed- and F( Blood is drin0 indeed. BO=e that eateth F( 9lesh- and drin0eth F( Bloodd.elleth in F'- and I in hi,. B"As the 3iving 9A&='4 hath sent F'- and I $!(our live *y the 9A&='4 so he that eateth F'- even he shall live *y F'. B#&his is that B4'AD .hi)h )a,e do.n +ro, =eaven not as your +athers did eat ,anna- and are dead he that eateth o+ this B4'AD shall live +or ever.

As .ell as this *oo0 you are no. reading- Susan has also )oauthored other *oo0s a*out the end-ti,es > also in propheti) +or, 6as re)eived +ro, the 3ord7 in the 8I A, Co,ing: letters in e-*oo0 and printed +or,. &he 3%4D @'SJS< 8I A, Co,ing: letters are availa*le in siA volu,es I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e 1- ?arts 1 to 32- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1l+yg$u5en+n+Ouu1IA,Co,ing1.pd+ I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e 2- ?arts 33 to B2- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1ay./0e1g0)r$r.a1IA,Co,ing2.pd+ I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e 3- ?arts B3 to "3- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1,d,aBBH5).*.p/y1IA,Co,ing3.pd+ I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e $- ?arts "$ to !O- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1!2y1O2B#.03H0t$1IA,Co,ing$.pd+ I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e B- ?arts !" to 122- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1""n"ynrOOoO/lr/1IA,Co,ingB.pd+ I AF C%FIN;G Iolu,e O- ?arts 123 to 13!- '-*oo0 http 11....,edia+ire.)o,1+ile1#vh.tOl$+rgh2Ba1IA,Co,ingO.pd+ 9ree e-*oo0s are also at Sear)h +or http 11....S,ash2ords.)o,

I A, Co,ing *y Susan Davis

&he 3etters< .e*lin0 http 11end-ti,es-prophe)y.)o, is no. posted at http 11....spiritlessons.)o, &hese urgent propheti) ,essages- prior ,essages- and ,ore re)ent ,essages are re)orded at the .e*site http 11end-ti,es-prophe)y.)o, Also availa*le at http 11....A,a5on.)o, are the *oo0s I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e 1I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e 2I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e 3I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e $I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e B. I A, Co,ing- Iolu,e O. As Lindle T0.!! e-*oo0s at http 11....0indle.)o, As +ree e-*oo0s at http 11....S,ash2ords.)o, And as +ree e-*oo0s at http 11....3u3u.)o, Sear)h +or I A, Co,ing *y Susan Davis SusanCs e,ail is 0ids,0tgUs*)glo*

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