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Sylvester Kabombo @ Makerere University Dept of Performing Arts & Film I was recommended and invited as a guest lecturer

by Anita Asaasira, one of the lectures at the Makerere Dept of Performing Arts & Film, to share my knowledge with the Bachelor of Arts in Music students. Today Monday 30th April 13 is when I have set my feet there. They started learning Popular Music in the 1st Semester of their 2nd Year, then in the 2nd Semester they started learning a course unit of Creating and Performing Rap Music and thats where I came in for a few hours. There are audio producers within the students themselves and they were previously given assignments to record 5 Rap songs using the knowledge given by Anita Asaasira, with each song having 3 to 5 artists. I wasnt able to listen to the songs but we have made arrangements for that. In my session I talked about: My experiencing as a rapper. The work I do with Bayimba as the Hip-Hop Coordinator. Ugandan Hip-Hop journey from early 90s to date. Branding & promotion. Writing a rap song. Research etc.

I carried out my session by giving rap verses as examples and these were excerpts from some of my new and old songs. It was an interactive session with Q & As in between. I was honored being part of this because it had never been done before inviting a rapper as a guest lecturer. Now its on record that I am the 1st in Uganda to have such a special invitation and at the same time a victory for the Hip-Hop Community, people who have supported us for years and years. There are more achievements along the way we just have to keep on moving.

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