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Ai Tong School Primary 4 English Composition (Term 4) Name: Ca Date: Class: Pr. 4__ ituational Writing During recess time, you returned to the classroom to get your wallet. As you were walking along the corridor, you heard laughter in one the classrooms. Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the following points: © What happened next © What you did How itall ended You may reorder the points. You may also include other relevant points. Vocabulary List for this huestion Hoppy situation Focus is on words to do with astonishment, joy or surprise stunned simply stood and stared —_squeals of delight Shaked ) dumbfounded absolute silence jaw dropped speechless shrieks of laughter tears of joy spellbound stared open-mouthed resounding cheers hayes > srining from ear to car Angry situation roared saw red snapped at white with anger lost his cool/temper through gritted teeth face flushed with rage eyes glinted maliciously _white-faced and furious, blew his top hissed at purple with rage saw red steam was blowing out glowered at me menacingly fists clenched rammed punches intomy confront stomach Other words to do with the situation subdued laughter drawn towards the source caught sight of some movement curiosity was immediately stood there in disbelief ‘excruciating pain aroused Ai Tong School Primary 4 English Composition Package Model Composition for Question 8 It was finally recess time, Having skipped breakfast this moming as I had woken up late, I was parehed and famished. I made a beeline for the canteen the minute my teacher released us. However, when I got to the food stall, I realised that { had forgotten to take my wallet with me. Extremely upset with myself, [ tumed around and hurried back to my classroom, Just as I walking along the corridor of classrooms, my ears caught the sounds of subdued laughter coming from one of the classrooms. My curiosity was immediately aroused and I was drawn towards the source of the sounds. No one was supposed to be in the classroom during recess time. As I walked closer to the classroom next to mine, I caught sight of some movement. I stood by the doorway and was astonished at what I saw. Two boys with disheveled hair and uniforms were squirting transparent glue onto several chairs in the classroom. I decided that I should confront them, after all I was a prefect. “Hey! How can you do this? Itis an offence to vandalise school property! Stop it immediately!” ‘The boys appeared a litle stunned to hear my voice but very quickly they snapped back, “Back off! You puny little thing! Don’t forget that we are bigger than you!” A little taken aback, I, however, did not show it and threatened to report them to the Discipline Master. ‘They glowered at me menacingly but I decided not to be fearful of them. I tumed around and headed in the direction of the Discipline Master's office. Before I could break into a run, they caught up with me and grabbed me by my collar. “How dare you!” one of them bellowed. With their fists clenched, they then rammed punches into my stomach. Excruciating pain shot through my body. Thankfully, a teacher appeared round the comer. He had heard the commotion and had come to investigate. The boys stopped attacking me instantly. The teacher quickly helped me up and I reported to him what had happened. Beads of perspiration were now dripping down the two boys” foreheads. They knew that they had been caught red-handed. ‘The teacher ordered them to help me to the sick bay and then they proceeded to the Principal’s office. I was given medical attention and was feeling a little dazed. Five minutes ater, the Principal came by to check on me and also commended me for doing the right thing. Al the pain that I had suffered dispersed when he patted me on my back. I was glad that I had the bravery to stop the wrongdoers. ** Worksheet 8.2 (see attached)

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