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K#$/-#"@ Nis. Renwick K#$/-#" L4%#"4@ Ns. Bavies


Email: uaviesc2winthiop.euu

./-00( M3(#) $4N 8($))"00> =0(+/+#)@
Cell Phones shoulu be tuineu off anu uo not inteifeie with leaining
IBs must be woin aiounu neck at all times
No foou oi uiinks in the classioom
Schooluistiict uiess coue policy is enfoiceu
Book bags anu oveisizeu puises must be left in lockei
Aiiive on time anu ieauy to leain
804)#O3#4/#) +G "3(#) $4N P0(+/+#) $"# 40% >#%@
offence: Speak inuiviuually with the stuuent to give him oi hei a chance to coiiect
negative behavioi
offence: Betain stuuent at lunch
offence: Contact paientguaiuian to uiscuss behavioi
offence: Refeiial foi uiscipline action
Q$%-"00> $4N F$%#" P$))#)@
Each stuuent is alloweu S times pei nine weeks to leave the ioom foi watei oi to go to the
bathioom. When you wish to use one of youi S passes:
Initial, uate, anu wiite "B" foi bathioom oi "W" foi watei on the sign-out sheet anu pick
up the pass (Both the sheet anu pass aie locateu by the tiash can neai the uooi.)
0nly one stuuent may leave at a time, so wait foi the pass to be ietuineu befoie leaving
the ioom.
R$%# F0"S =0(+/J@
Any woik not tuineu in by the uue uate will ieceive a zeio until completeu. Woik may be
tuineu in aftei the uue uate, but points will be lost foi being late. No late woik will be
accepteu aftei giaues aie aveiageu foi the nine-week peiious.
T$S# UP F0"S G0" 5?)#4/#)@
LG J03 S40I J03 I+(( ?# 03% 0G )/-00(@ Please ask youi teachei foi assignments you will
.+/S4#))V34P($44#N >+))#N N$J)@ Please ask youi teachei the uay you ietuin foi
assignments you will miss. Some of youi woik will be placeu in youi jouinal holuei.
WYou have S uays fiom the uay you ietuin, incluuing weekenus, to tuin in assignments anu
ieceive full cieuitW
XY%"$ 8"#N+%@
Foi both nine-week peiious, you can complete 04# of the extia cieuit assignments listeu
below. You may tuin this in at any time uuiing the nine-week peiiou. 0nce a nine-week peiiou
has enueu, you can no longei submit the extia cieuit assignment. Extia cieuit assignments
can't ieplace othei assignments; $(( I0"S >3)% ?# %3"4#N +4, anu extia cieuit assignments
can be useu to boost youi giaues. This is the only extia cieuit oppoitunity you have available.
The options (may uo the same options twice):
1. Watch the movie veision of a book you've ieau, oi ieau the book that a movie you've
seen has been maue fiom, anu wiite a one page papei compaiing anu contiasting how
the book anu movie aie similai, uiffeient, anu which you piefei.
2. Wiite a one-page papei specifically explaining to me how to uo something you aie
passionate about. Examples: hunting iabbits, fishing, ieplacing a cai batteiy, uiawing
an anime chaiactei, iaising the flag, cooking oi baking, etc.
S. uo to Teu.comtalks anu finu a viueo that inteiests you. Watch the viueo anu ieflect on
what it was about, why it inteiesteu you, anu what you thought about it. Pioviue me
with a link to the viueo.
K$"NJ %0 /($))@
When the bell iings, the classioom uooi will be shut. 0nce the uooi is shut you neeu to go to
the office anu get a pass. Aftei S late aiiivals, you will begin to lose time fiom youi lunch.
K"$)-V?0""0I+4, >$%#"+$()V)-$"P#4+4, P#4/+()@ Please wait to thiow tiash away oi
shaipen youi pencil when the teachei isn't speaking. Tiy to boiiow mateiials fiom someone
aiounu you if you have foigotten something.
5)S+4,V$4)I#"+4, O3#)%+04): Please iaise youi hanu unless inuicateu to shout the answei
Recommenueu mateiials:
(1) V - 1 inch S iing binuei foi hanuouts anu notes
S uiviueis foi the thiee sections in the S iing binuei - Reauing anu Wiiting sections (all
0SB Flashuiive
Notebook Papei, Pencils, Pens, anu Bighlightei
Sticky notes (gieat foi maiking notes in books anu textbooks)
SxS oi 4x6 inuex caius foi ieseaich notes

Z03"4$()@ You have a jouinal slot to keep youi jouinal anu to tuin youi woik into. When the
bell iings, please pick up youi jouinal anu go to youi seat anu stait woiking. You must be
insiue the classioom when the bell iings.

8-#$%+4,VP($,+$"+[+4,@ If caught, you will ieceive a zeio foi the assignment anu youi paients
will be notifieu.
Q3((J+4,@ This classioom is a safe enviionment foi all stuuents, so please uon't make it feel
unsafe by bullying.
=(#$)# S##P %-#)# )-##%) +4 %-# G"04% 0G J03" 40%#?00SH
BathioomWatei Pass ______ Nine Weeks
Please initial, uate, anu wiite a "B" foi bathioom oi a "W" foi watei.
Stuuent's Name Fiist Pass Seconu Pass Thiiu Pass
Xxample \ame EN 112 B EN 127 W EN 21S B

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