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Chessa Louise L.

Belandres BMLS-2E

I am positive and it is bad, although not all positive is bad because mostly it is good. I acquired it you see, because of my stupidity. I got involved in something risky and now I regret it. I just learned the other day About that thing that causes my distress. And I felt doom looming in Because it is positive! I am sick you see, Because of my stupidity I got involved in something risky And now I have HIV! These past three years is hell. And I look and feel like a wreck And I felt another doom looming in, Because it is another positive! I am really sick you see, Because of my stupidity. I got involved in something risky And now I have AIDS All because of HIV! I accept whatever it may be The consequences of my stupidity. Six months have passed And I am confused, because I am now with the Almighty. He ticks his tongue Because I came unprepared. He is now in a blind alley, He showed me my friends And I tried making amends. But they walked through me And then I realize my stupidity. I am dead. And it is positive! So I learned that it is bad To be involved in something risky. But it is too late For I am dead And it is absolutely positive! Ah, dear reader how lucky you are For you know why I died. And you can be a star To guide those people whos becoming like me And be positively negative in AIDS and HIV!

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